Contractor Safety Procedures Draft
Contractor Safety Procedures Draft
Contractor Safety Procedures Draft
Facilities Management is the only authorized department who may contract with contractors to perform construction work on university assets. All work carried out at the University of Regina must be in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations and U of R policies, procedures and requirements. To ensure that contractors carry out work in a safe manner and meet these requirements, the University has developed the following guidelines.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act states: General duties of employers 12 The duties of an employer at a place of employment include: (a) the provision and maintenance of plant, systems of work and working environments that ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of the employers workers; (b) arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances in a manner that protects the health and safety of workers; (c) the provision of any information, instruction, training and supervision that is necessary to protect the health and safety of workers at work; and (d) the provision and maintenance of a safe means of entrance to and exit from the place of employment and all worksites and work-related areas in or on the place of employment. General duties of contractors 6 Every contractor shall: (a) ensure, insofar as is reasonably practicable, that every: (i) place of employment or worksite where an employer, employers worker or selfemployed person works pursuant to a contract between the contractor and the employer or self-employed person; or (ii) work process or procedure carried on at every place of employment where an employer, employers worker or self-employed person works pursuant to a contract between the contractor and the employer or self-employed person; that is not in the direct and complete control of an employer or self-employed person under contract with the contractor is safe for, without risk to the health of, and adequate with regard to facilities for the welfare of, all employers, workers or selfemployed persons at the place of employment; (b) post any prescribed notice in a conspicuous location at every place of employment where an employer, employers worker or self-employed person works pursuant to a contract between the contractor and the employer or self-employed person; and (c) comply with this Act and the regulations.
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations state: Duty of contractor to inform 16(1) A contractor shall give notice in writing to every employer, worker or self employed person at the place of employment, setting out: (a) the name of the person who is supervising the work on behalf of the contractor; (b) any emergency facilities provided by the contractor for the use of the employers workers or self-employed persons; and (c) the existence of a committee or representative, if any, at the place of employment and the means to contact the committee or representative. (2) Subsection (1) applies only to contractors at major construction projects and to contractors involved in those activities to which Part XXIX applies. Supervision of work 17(1) An employer or contractor shall ensure that: (a) all work at a place of employment is sufficiently and competently supervised; (b) supervisors have sufficient knowledge of all of the following with respect to matters that are within the scope of the supervisors responsibility: (i) the Act and any regulations made pursuant to the Act that apply to the place of employment; (ii) any occupational health and safety program at the place of employment; (iii) the safe handling, use, storage, production and disposal of chemical and biological substances; (iv) the need for, and safe use of, personal protective equipment; (v) emergency procedures required by these regulations; (vi) any other matters that are necessary to ensure the health and safety of workers under their direction; and (c) supervisors comply with the Act and any regulations made pursuant to the Act that apply to the place of employment and ensure that the workers under their direction comply with the Act and those regulations. (2) A supervisor shall ensure that the workers under the supervisors direction comply with the Act and any regulations made pursuant to the Act that apply to the place of employment.
1. Contractors will: 1.1 be competent in all phases of work to be done. 1.2 ensure the project workers are adequately trained in safe work procedures prior to commencing work. 1.3 exercise proper site health and safety management. 1.4 maintain acceptable housekeeping and material organization around the site. 1.5 communicate and cooperate with the Universitys Project Manager as assigned by Facilities Management. 1.6 submit a written Site Safety Management Plan to the Project Manager that; 1.6.1 describes how Health and Safety will be managed throughout the project; 1.6.2 identifies and provides contact information for the person who will be on site at all times when work is being performed to coordinate work activities ensuring Health and Safety between trades and sub-contractors. 1.7 complete a hazard identification and assessment of the project and work requirements prior to the start of work; 1.7.1 communicate the results of the assessment to all project workers and post at the work site for reference.
ensure that work is planned and carried out in a manner that does not expose other employees, U of R staff, students or the public to any undue risk. report any Incidents within 24 hours of occurrence to Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) using the Incident Reporting Procedure. not begin any work until proper authorizations have been obtained from the U or R Project Manager and building, electrical and other required work permits have been obtained. ensure compliance with the University Construction Site requirements listed here; 1.11. The contracted company name, supervisors name and contact information must be posted on site. 1.11.2 All Federal, Provincial, Municipal and University safety laws, rules and regulations must be complied with while working on a University of Regina site. 1.11.3 No work of any kind can begin until the proper authorization and/or work permits have been obtained. 1.11.4 NO SMOKING within any University building, based on the U of R Smoking Policy. 1.11.5 Appropriate personal protection equipment must be used when any person is on a construction site. At all times all persons must wear protective headwear, footwear and eye protection. As circumstances require, these should be supplemented with safety equipment such as fall, face, hearing, respiratory, skin protection devices and other devices as required. 1.11.6 All contractor equipment brought on site must be maintained in safe operation condition. The University reserves the right to require the contractor to remove from the work site any faulty and unsafe equipment, or equipment not complying with the necessary approval requirements. 1.11.7 Scaffolding must be erected in accordance with OH&S requirements. 1.11.8 Only properly trained workers may operate equipment or tools. Where certification is required, the contractor is responsible to ensure workers are certified. 1.11.9 Ladders may only be used for ascent or descent and light work where the worker can maintain a three-point contact. 1.11.10 Barricades and Hoarding must be provided around all excavations and other construction activities.
2. Project Manager will: 2.1 conduct safety inspections (a sample form is provided in Appendix A; the frequency of the inspections will be determined based on the project. 2.2 forward any unacceptable Health and Safety results of inspections to the HSE, outlining the corrective actions taken. 2.3 take appropriate corrective action for any unacceptable Health and Safety situations observed at any time during the project. 3. Facilities Management will: 3.1 take action on issues of non-compliance. 3.2 non-compliance consequences will be directly addressed with the General Contractor or Sub-Contractor where no General Contractor is contracted. 3.3 inform the Health and Safety Unit of the corrective action(s) taken in regards to issues of non-compliance. 4. HSE will: 4.1 monitor work activities on a periodic basis to determine and ensure compliance with legislated and university requirements.
4.2 4.3
inform the Universitys Project Manager of non-compliance issues and make recommendations for corrective action. non-compliance consequences will be directly addressed with the General Contractor or Sub-Contractor where no General Contractor is contracted.
Appendix 1
Project Location:
U of R Project Manager:
1) Compressed Gases (Dangerous Goods) 2) Electrical Hazards 3) Environmental/Air Quality 4) Excavation/Trenching 5) Fall Protection 6) Fire Protection/Hot Work 7) First Aid 8) Floor/Wall/Roof Openings 9) Hazard Identification 10) Housekeeping
11) Lock-out/Tag-out 12) Material Storage & Handling 13) Mobile Equipment (cranes, etc.) 14) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 15) Safety Meetings/Minutes/Procedures 16) Scaffolds 17) Site Protection (Protection of Public) 18) Tools/Equipment (ladders, etc.) 19) Training 20) General (Other)
Inspectors Name: _________________________________ Inspectors Signature: ___________________________________ **Any inspection resulting in an unacceptable rating must be forwarded to Health, Safety & Environment (Fax-585-5232), indicating the corrective action taken.
Appendix 2
Note: mark Yes where requirements are applicable and details are discussed
Topic Yes No N/A Site Management Contractors site Supervisor(s) identified and contact information provided. A Site Supervisor to be on site at all times while work is being performed to ensure compliance with OHS requirements and coordinate sub-trades OR Safety Management Plan provided to Project Manager. All communication between University, consultants and contractors must be made through the Project Manager unless other specific arrangements are made. Instructions to and communications from sub-trades must be made only through the contractor. Comply with all applicable federal, provincial or municipal safety related legislation and University applicable policies and procedures. The contractors company name, site supervisors name and contact information must be posted at the worksite. Maintain acceptable housekeeping and material organization around the site. Ensure project workers are adequately trained in safe work procedures prior to commencing work and are sufficiently and competently supervised. Appropriate personal protective equipment must be used when any person is on a construction site. At all times all persons must wear protective headwear, footwear and eye protection, and such other personal protective equipment as circumstances require (e.g., noise, respiratory protection). Contractor Requirements:
No No No
N/A Posted Information N/A Housekeeping N/A Worker Competence and Supervision
Contractor Requirements: All equipment on site must be maintained in a safe operating condition. University reserves the right to require the removal from the work site of any faulty, unsafe or substandard equipment. Only competent and where required by law, certified workers, may operate tools and equipment. Adequate barricades and hoarding must be provided around all excavations and other construction activities. Smoking is not permitted within any University building.
N/A Barricades/Hoarding
Yes Yes
No No
Evacuate when building alarms sound. Comply with Universitys Emergency Management Plan.
Permits (where applicable, University policies to be provided to Contractor) Yes Yes Yes No No No N/A Hot Work N/A Lock Out N/A Confined Space Safe Work Procedures Yes Yes Yes No No No N/A Ladders N/A Scaffolds N/A Fall Protection Hazards (Note: mark Yes if Hazard is present) Yes No N/A Asbestos Asbestos within work area to be identified, Asbestos may be present outside work area. Comply with Universitys Asbestos Management Program. Comply with TDG/ WHMIS requirements. Copies of MSDS must be available on site. Required when a worker may fall more than 3 metres from a temporary installation or 1.2 metres from a permanent installation. May only be used for ascent or descent, or light work where the worker can maintain a three point stance. Erected in accordance with legislated requirements. Comply with Universitys Confined Space Procedures. Comply with Universitys Lock-Out Procedures Comply with Universitys Hot Work Policy
N/A Chemicals
The Contractor agrees with and undertakes to comply with the health and safety requirements.
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