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Acute Toxicity of Detergent On Juveniles of African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2020; 8(5): 38-43

E-ISSN: 2347-5129
P-ISSN: 2394-0506
(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62 Acute toxicity of detergent on juveniles of African
(GIF) Impact Factor: 0.549
IJFAS 2020; 8(5): 38-43 catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
© 2020 IJFAS
Received: 22-06-2020 Adadu MO and Ochogwu J
Accepted: 24-08-2020

Adadu MO Abstract
Federal College of Freshwater The acute toxicity of commercial detergent, (Good mama) containing linear alkyl benzene sulphonate
Fisheries Technology Baga, PMB (LABS) was determined using juveniles of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus in 96 hours bioassay.
1060 Maiduguri, Borno State After acclimatization, the fish were exposed to concentrations of 0mg/l, 20mg/l, 30mg/l, 40mg/l, 50mg/l
Nigeria and 60mg/l respectively. The mean lethal concentration, LC50 values for the detergent was 37.65mg/l.
With increase in concentration of the toxicant, respiratory disturbances, loss of balance, erratic swimming
Ochogwu J before death, were observed in the exposed fish. This varied greatly with difference in concentration of
Federal College of Freshwater the toxicant and these showed that mortality increases with increase in concentration. The differences
Fisheries Technology Baga, PMB observed in the mortalities of C. gariepinus juveniles were significant (p<0.05), an indication that
1060 Maiduguri, Borno State
mortality could be a function of concentration and time of exposure. Therefore, indiscriminate discharge
of detergent into aquatic ecosystem should be discouraged.

Keywords: Toxicity, LC50, good mama detergent, Clarias gariepinus and water body

Human and ecological disorder experienced in industrial settlements as a result of improper
disposal of chemicals such as detergent calls for careful surveillance on the state of the
Environmental contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides are the most important toxic
compounds of aquatic habitats. Consequently, fish larvae and fingerlings are the most
vulnerable life stages of fish which could be severely affected by pesticides and detergents as
non-target organisms as well as by heavy metal pollution. Histopathological alterations of the
fish gill, kidney and liver could affect the survival rate, biological activities, osmoregulation,
reproduction, buoyancy etc., which could finally lead to failures in stock recruitment and
population changes.
Pollution of water resources has become a serious problem in Nigeria and other developing
nations in recent times largely due to the rapid increase in human population and the
proliferation of industries which have resulted in the discharge of large amounts of effluents
and wastes into aquatic environments where they degrade the normal flora and fauna of the
ecosystem (Adewoye et al., 2005) [5].
Presently, the Federal Government of Nigeria is emphasizing the need for adequate
environmental protection in all technological and socio-economic development projects by
strictly directing industrial operators to sustainably manage the disposal of chemicals such as
detergents in the natural environment (DPR 2002) [15]. Indiscriminate discharge of such
compounds that contain mixtures of heavy metals such as herbicide, pesticides, detergent etc.,
their careless handling, accidental spillage or discharge of untreated effluents into natural
waterways have harmful effects on the fish population and other forms of aquatic life and may
contribute to long term effects in the environment (Olojo et al., 2005 [31] and Ayoola a and b,
2008 [9&10]). All detergents can destroy the external mucus layers that protect the fish from
bacteria and parasites and they can as well cause severe damage to the gills. Most fish will die
when exposed to detergent concentrations of about 15 parts per million (ppm) and
Corresponding Author:
concentrations as low as 5ppm can kill fish eggs.
Adadu MO
Federal College of Freshwater Common detergents used in Nigeria include Omo produced by Unilever Nigeria Plc, Ariel
Fisheries Technology Baga, PMB produced by Procter & Gamble Nigeria Limited, others include Good Mama, Viva plus,
1060 Maiduguri, Borno State Bonus, Waw, Klin, Sunlight etc; and they are composed of surface-active agents or
Nigeria surfactants, bleach, builders, foam stabilizers, perfumes, enzymes, optical brighteners etc.
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Surfactants are the components mainly responsible for the histopathological changes, depends on the following: additive
cleaning action of detergents. In commercial detergents, the effects of the reacting metals in such an effluent, metal
surfactant component is between 10 and 20%. The other concentration, fish species, physiological status of the fish,
components include bleach, filler, foam stabilizer, builders, length of exposure and other factors (Paris-Palacious et al.,
perfume, soil-suspending agents, enzymes, dyes, optical 2000) [34]. Contamination of aquatic ecosystems by detergent
brighteners and other materials designed to enhance the has been reported in aquatic organisms such as fishes (Adham
cleaning action of the surfactant (Okpokwasili and Nwabuzor, et al., 2002 [7]; Adewoye and Fawole, 2002 [4]; Adewoye et
1988) [30]. Detergent surfactants are complex organic al., 2005 [5]; Ogundiran et al., 2007 [29] and Ogundiran et al.,
chemicals where hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups are 2009 [28]). These pollutants build up in the food chain and are
joined together in the same molecules (Huang et al., 2000) responsible for the adverse effects and death in aquatic
. Detergents are widely used in both industrial and organisms (Farkas et al., 2002) [18]. Acute toxicity test
domestic premises to wash equipment, installations, heavy describes the adverse effects of a substance that result either
duty machines, vehicles and oil soiled materials. Detergent is from a single exposure in a short period of time (usually less
a persistent environmental contaminant probably due to its than 24hours). In acute exposures, organism comes in contact
use in the formulation of cleaning agents, pesticides and for with doses of the toxicant. Acute toxicity tests are generally
dispersing oil spills at seas; so the production, use and conducted on organism during the early stage of the
exposure of detergents is unavoidable. Xenobiotic compounds organism’s life cycle, and are considered ‘partial life cycle
usually concentrate in the tissues of aquatic biotas and are tests’. Acute toxicity test is not valid if mortality in the control
known to produce cumulative deleterious effects (Abbas, sample is greater than 10%. Results are reported in LC50, or
1998 [1]; Abbas and Mahmood, 2003, 2004 [3,2]). concentration that will affect 50% of the sample size (EPA,
There are various types of surfactants used in detergents 2001) [17]. While chronic toxicity tests on the other hand, are
formulations; the linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS)-ionic long-term tests (conducted for either weeks, months or years),
surfactants is the most widely used (Ogundiran et al., 2009) relative to the test organism’s life span (>10% of organism’s
. It was introduced as biodegradable alternatives to the non- life span), and generally use sub-lethal endpoints. In chronic
biodegradable branched-chained alkylbenzene sulfonates. exposures, organisms tend to have contact with low,
LAS have been reported by WHO (1996) [39], to have a high continuous doses of the toxicant. Chronic exposures may
solid adsorption coefficient, which is attributed to the induce effects as acute exposures, but can also result in effect
physicochemical properties of the surfactants. The LAS that develops slowly. Chronic tests are not considered valid if
molecules adsorb to the suspended solid in water bodies and mortality in the control sample is greater than 20%.
hence end up in sediments along the water course or sludge in Therefore, the application of environmental toxicology
treatmente plants (Cavalli et al., 2000) [13]. The recommended studies on non-mammalian vertebrates is rapidly expanding
LAS that was claimed by some researchers to biodegrade for the evaluation of the effects of noxious compounds
perfectly (Gledhill, 1974 [20]; WHO, 1996 [39] and McAvoy et (Ayoola a and b, 2008) [9&10]. Fishes are widely used to
al., 1997 [25]) have also been reported to poorly degrade in evaluate the health of aquatic ecosystems and the
rivers, lakes, ponds and even in soils and this may be toxic to physiological changes serve as biomarkers of environmental
aquatic faunas and floras and can also induce severe damage pollution (Kock et al 1996) [23]. Clarias gariepinus is most
to vital organs and even haematological, hormonal and widely used fish species because it is hardy and able to
enzyme disturbances (Lightowlers, 2004 [24]; Ogundiran et al., tolerate both well and poorly oxygenated waters. It is a
2007 [29] and Ogundiran et al., 2009 [28]). It has also been prominent culture species because of its fast growth rate and
discovered that detergent surfactant increases microbial resistance to diseases and stress factors like over-stocking and
populations especially those that are able to use the surfactant poor water quality (Olojo et al., 2005) [31]. Clarias gariepinus
as their basic source of carbon or phosphate or both, some of is distributed mainly in fresh waters of Africa hence the name
these microorganisms stand as ectoparasites or endoparasites African catfish, although it is also seen in Asia. It is named
that cause histological degradation in fish species (Eniola and ‘catfish’ because they possess prominent barbels which
Olayemi, 2002 [16], and Adewoye and Lateef, 2004 [6]). resemble cat’s whiskers. Clarias gariepinus has a slender
Toxicity is the degree to which a chemical substance or a body, flat bony head and broad terminal mouth with four
particular mixture of substances (toxin or poison) can damage barbels. The pectoral fins have spines and its dendritic organ
organisms, either humans or animals. Toxic chemicals can is an accessory breathing organ which is a modification of the
cause tissues damage and histopathological degradations as gill arches (Ahmed et al., 2008) [11]. Clarias gariepinus is
the fish show haematological responses to toxicants. widely cultivated in Nigeria water bodies, hence used as
Generally, such degradation of histological origin occurs in biological indicators of ecotoxicological studies. Thus, the
the gills, livers, heart, kidney and epidermis of animals. Van aim of this study is to investigate the acute toxicity of the
Dyk et al. (2005) [38] reported sublethal levels of metal detergent (good mama) on the African catfish (Clarias
mixtures of cadmium and zinc which have influence on the gariepinus). This study was conducted to assess the potential
histological responses in exposed specimens with the most toxic effects of ‘good mama’ on fishes and other aquatic life,
histological characteristics identified to be hyalinization of by determining the LC50, as well as the manifestation,
hepatocyte, increased vacuolation associated with lipids overturning and survival times of the fingerlings when
accumulation, congestion of blood vessels and cellular exposed to various concentrations of the detergent.
swelling. The liver of fish can be considered a target organ to
pollutants, therefore alterations in its structure can be Materials and Methods
significant in the evaluation of fish health (Myers et al., 1998) Description of Study Area
, and exhibit the effects of a variety of environmental The study was carried out in the indoor hatchery of the
pollutants (Hinton et al., 1992) [21]. The extent to which department of fisheries technology, Federal College of
metals in effluents can either increase or decrease Freshwater Fisheries Technology Baga. Federal College of

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies http://www.fisheriesjournal.com

Freshwater Fisheries Technology Baga is location at Kukawa introduced at different concentrations (0mg/l, 20mg/l, 30mg/l,
Local Government Area of Borno State but was relocated to 40mg/l, 50mg/l and 60mg/l). Twenty Clarias gariepinus
Maiduguri, the state capital because of the insurgency in the juveniles were weighed using a sensitive weighing scale with
Northeastern part of Nigeria. mean weight, 10.00g and mean length of 12.25cm and
It is located at latitude 11º 15N and longitude 13º 15E. The distributed randomly, twenty in each plastic bowl containing
state occupied a land area of 70,898 Km2 (27, 37459 mile) 20litres of water. The behavior and mortality of the test fish in
making it the second largest state in Nigeria in terms of land each plastic bowls was monitored and recorded for every
area after Niger state with a population of 4,151,193 (Census 24hours within the 96hours period.
2006) and with high ambient temperature. The sahelial
climate is characterized with their distinct seasons: rainy and Measurement of physio-chemical parameters of Water
dry seasons. The rainy season starts from June to October, The physio-chemicals parameters of water determined were
with mean annual rainfall ranging from 200mm to 500mm; Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Electrical
dry season starts from November to April/May which is a Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solid.
period of very low temperature and dry harmattan wind. The The dissolved oxygen of each treatment was determined using
dry hot season starts from March to June with temperature the DO meter, while pH, Temperature, Electrical
ranging from 27ºC to 40ºC making it the driest period with Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solid were determined
intense heat (CBDA 1981). The state is mainly dominated by using a multi-parameter water checker.
the Kanuri, Babur, other minority tribes are Shuwa Arabs
ethnic groups, Margi and Gwoza. Borno is a habitable state Data Analysis
with many other tribes living for businesses and other The 96hours LC50 was determined as a probit analysis using
proposes. the arithmetic method of percentage mortality data. The lower
and upper confidence limits of the LC50 were determined as
Specimen collection described by UNEP (1989) [37]. The data collected was
300 healthy juveniles of Clarias gariepinus of the same subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
parent were obtained from Federal College of Freshwater differences between levels of treatment (P>0.05).
Fisheries Technology Baga hatchery. The fish were
acclimatized for two weeks in plastics bowls filled with de The formula used in determining LC50
chlorinated water in the hatchery, during which they were fed
with dried commercial fish feed (BlueCrown) containing 45%
crude protein twice daily at 5% body weight. Clarias
gariepinus as specie was selected based on availability,
adaptability to laboratory conditions, convenience, handling Where:
size, In-depth knowledge of species biology and ecology, Dm = the largest dose which killed all animals
biological significance and economic values. There was 5% Z = Mean of dead fish between 2 successive groups.
mortality recorded during the period of acclimatization. Also, d = the constant factor between 2 successive dose.
water was changed frequently to avoid accumulation of faecal n = Number of animals in each group.
matter and uneaten feed. ∑ = the sum of (z x d).

Experimental detergent Results

Locally made detergent, “GOOD MAMA” manufactured by The results of the mean mortality rates of the C.gariepinus
Eko Supreme Resource Nigeria Limited which has the juvenile exposed to detergent (Good mama) are presented in
following ingredients: Linear Alkyl Benzene sulfonate Table 1. This shows the logarithmic probability curves of the
(LABS), Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP), Sodium mean mortality rates. It was observed during the exposure that
Carbonate Na2CO3, Sodium sulphate Na2SO4, and perfume; the juveniles placed in media devoid of the toxicant survived
was tested for its toxicity. Different concentrations of the the 96hours period. The 96hours LC50 of C.gariepinus
detergent were weighed using a sensitive weighing balance in juveniles exposed to various concentrations of the toxicant
the laboratory. (Good mama detergent) was 37.65mg/l with upper and lower
confident limits of 45.24mg/l and 31.33mg/l respectively. The
Bioassay experimental setup regression equation of the relationship was calculated to be
The bioassay for the acute toxicity test was carried out in Probit = 3.828log of Conc-1.032 on X and Y square value (r2)
twelve plastic bowls of about 70litres. The fishes were not fed of 0.993. The regression equation (r2) valued indicates that
for 24hours before the experiment and during the exposure mortality rate of the experimental fish and concentration of
which lasted for 96hours. Five different concentrations for the the toxicant are positively correlated. This shows that the
range test and a control were used for this investigation and mortality rate of the fish increased with increase in the
each concentration was replicated. The aqueous solution was concentration of the toxicant (Detergent).

Table 1: Mortality of Clarias gariepinus juveniles exposed to different concentration of Good mama detergent (linear alkyl Benzene sulphanate)
Concentration (Mg/L) No of Fish Total Mortality % Mortality Log. Of Conc Probit Value
0 20 0 0 0 0
20 20 2 10 1.3005 3.95
30 20 6 30 1.4760 4.60
40 20 12 60 1.6023 5.14
50 20 14 70 1.6992 5.40
60 20 16 80 1.7782 5.84

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Fig 1: Linear relationship between mean probit mortality and log concentration of Clarias gariepinus juveniles exposed to acute concentrations
of Good mama detergent (linear alkyl benzene sulphanate) for 96 hours.

Results of the physico chemical parameters of the test water toxicant compare to the control. The temperature and pH
are presented in Table 2. The water quality parameters in the values did not show much variation. Generally, the water
various treatments and replicates fluctuate slightly. The quality parameters determined did not show significant
dissolved oxygen (DO) values decreases slightly with differences (P<0.05) between the various concentrations of
increase in the concentration of the toxicant. Total dissolved the toxicant (Detergent) and the control.
solid (TDS) and Electrical conductivity (EC) values increase
slightly with higher increase in the concentration of the

Table 2: The water quality parameters of experimental units during the acute toxicity test of Good mama detergent (linear alkyl benzene
sulphanate) on Clarias gariepinus juveniles.
Treatments (mg/L) pH Temp (oC) TDS (ppm) Cond. (µS) DO (mg/L)
0.0 8.20± 0.01f 24.34± 0.05 355.0±1.00f 712.0±2.00f 4.24± 0.01a
20 8.62± 0.01e 24.41± 0.00 364.5± 0.50e 729.0±1.00e 4.20± 0.00b
30 8.71± 0.01d 24.34 ± 0.05 368.5±0.50d 738.5±0.50d 4.10± 0.00bc
40 8.75± 0.01c 24.31± 0.00 375.0±0.50c 745.0±0.00c 4.09± 0.01c
b b
50 8.83± 0.01 24.36± 0.05 374.0±0.00 755.5±0.50b 4.07± 0.01d
60 8.86± 0.00a 24.34± 0.15 380.5±0.50a 763.0±1.00a 4.05± 0.01e
P-value 0.000 0.951 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mean in the same column with different superscripts differ significantly (P˂0.05).

Discussion. opinion of Ogundiran et al. (2009) [28]. Behavioral response of

The results of C.gariepinus juveniles exposed to Detergent the fish to most toxicants and differences in reaction times,
show that C. gariepinus juveniles of mean weight 10g and are due to the effects of chemicals, their concentrations,
12.20cm mean length were generally sensitive to the species, size and specific environmental conditions
detergent aqueous solution. At a concentration of 60mg/l, (Bobmanuel et al. 2006) [12]. Results obtained from this
there was 80% mortality. Mean mortalities of 10, 30, 60, 70 research revealed that the 96hours LC50 for the African catfish
and 80% were recorded in the treatments containing 20, 30, (C. gariepinus) juveniles exposed to detergent (Good mama)
40, 50, and 60mg/l of the toxicant. No mortality was recorded was 37.65mg/l. The result obtained from this research is
in the control (0 mg/l). From the results, the 96hours LC50 greater than the 96hours LC50 earlier reported for C.
value for C. gariepinus juveniles was calculated to be gariepinus by Ogundiran et al. (2009) [28] which was
37.65mg/l. there was a significant positive correlation 0.018mg/l for detergent effluents, and Nkpondion et al.
between LC50 values and the exposure time. Hence LC50 of (2016) [27] who also recorded LC50 values’ for 96hours acute
the toxicant increased in concentration per time. bioassay test to be 0.11mg/l for toxicity effects of detergent
Physical changes observed in C. gariepinus juveniles exposed on enzymatic and protein activities of African catfish
to acute toxicity of detergent include stress, restlessness, loss C.gariepinus. while the result is similar to that of Christopher
of balance, gasping for breath, erratic swimming before death; et al. (2013) [14] who have reported the median lethal
this is in line with the findings of Tawari-Fufeyin et al. (2008) concentration LC50 96hours for C.gariepinus (female) and H.
; Ololade and Oginni (2010) [33]; Okomoda et al. (2010) [32] longifilis (male) fingerlings exposed to Omo and Ariel
who made similar observations when they exposed C. detergents values range between 33.03-35.19ppm and 37.43-
gariepinus to different toxicants. The stressful and erratic 39.79ppm for Omo and Ariel respectively. However, the
behaviours of the fish in this investigation may signal 96hours LC50 value of 37.65mg/l obtained from this study is
respiratory impairment and this may be as a result of the different from most of the reported literatures which could be
effect of the detergent on the gills. This is consistent with the attributed to the type of detergent, their concentrations, age
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