Project 101128281
Project 101128281
Project 101128281
Project Title
Project Coordinator
Project Information
Identifier 101128281
The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
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101128281 Generated on: Apr 15, 2024
Project Summary
Although the trend is already clear in current communication networks, future developments such as 6G will
necessarily rely its operation on data collection, analysis and actions, in order to adapt to the changing conditions
of the environment. Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is becoming a need for network
engineering, computer science and telecommunications graduates, and although some programs are starting to
introduce these concepts in the curriculum, few programs tackle both areas in an integrated way. Hence, this
proposal of a M.Sc. degree in Communications Engineering and Data Science is timely, and capable of attracting
students not only from Europe but also from broader international regions, namely from Asia, Africa, and Latin
We propose an EMJM programme backed by five well-known technical European Universities that tackles the
aforementioned need of an integrated Communications and Data Science (CoDaS) approach. The proposal
builds on the experience of three of the partners in the current CoDaS scheme of double-degree agreements, and
we plan to expand it with two more partners, the collaboration of industrial partners and research centres, and
boost it with the Erasmus Mundus seal, and an increased level of cooperation (summer schools, exchange of
teaching staff, workshops to name a couple of examples).
In the four editions of the program, we expect to attract a total of up to 159 students (of which 56 are from
European countries) with a technical readiness which will allow them to quickly integrate in a company or pursue
a research career. Such workforce will definitely improve the competitiveness of European industry. We also
firmly believe that after these four editions the degree will have reached a level of maturity and prestige that will
allow it to self-sustain and become the first truly European-wide master’s program in Communications and Data
The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 2 of 2