Instrument Mechanic Vol II of II TP
Instrument Mechanic Vol II of II TP
Instrument Mechanic Vol II of II TP
1 Year
1st Year (Volume II of II)
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Electronics and hardware
Duration : 2 Year
Trade : Instrument Mechanic - 1st Year (Volume II of II) - Trade Practical -
NSQF level - 5
Rs. /-
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has now come up with instructional material to
suit the revised curriculum for Instrument Mechanic - 1st Year (Volume II of II) - Trade Practical-
NSQF Level - 5 in Electronics and hardware Sector under Yearly Pattern. The NSQF Level - 5 Trade
Practical will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where their skill proficiency
and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase the scope of
recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote life long
learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level - 5 the trainers and trainees of ITIs,
and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way
in improving the quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabus under the
Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Practical) for the trade of Instrument Mechanic under Electronics & Hardware
Sector for ITIs.
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
The trade practical manual is intended to be used in practical workshop. It consists of a series of practical
exercises to be completed by the trainees during the course. These exercises are designed to ensure that all
the skills in compliance with NSQF LEVEL - 5 syllabus are covered.
The skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical exercises centered around some
practical project. However, there are few instances where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual, a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy to
understand and carry out even by below average trainee. However the development team accept that there is a
scope for further improvement. NIMI looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty for
improving the manual.
The trade theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual on
trade practical. The indications about the corresponding practical exercises are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn trade theory connected to each exercise at least one class before performing
the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each exercise.
The material is not for the purpose of self-learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the Course of the Instrument Mechanic Trade
Practical NSQF Level - 5 in Electronics & Hardware. The contents are sequenced according to the practical
exercise contained in NSQF LEVEL - 5 syllabus on Trade Theory attempt has been made to relate the theoretical
aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the extent possible. This correlation is maintained to help the
trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for performing the skills.
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
2.1.184 Identify UPS transformer and various circuit board 68
2.1.185 Perform load test to measure backup time 2 70
2.1.186 Install and test an inverter 72
2.1.187 Troubleshoot the fault in inverter unit, rectify defects and verify the
output with load 74
2.1.188 Construct and test thyristor based devies 76
2.1.189 Measure and plot input and output characteristics of a transistor
CE amplifier 79
2.1.190 Check for cold continuity of PCB 82
2.1.191 Solder the SMD components in the given PCB 83
2.1.192 Opening, entering & editing of data in a table - part - II 3 84
2.1.193 Identification of different cables and connectors used in networking 86
2.1.194 Repair solder mask and damaged pad 87
2.1.195 Construct and test a CE amplifier and measure the AC & DC load
line 90
Module 2 : Oscillators
2.2.196 Demonstrate Colpitt’s oscillator, Hartley oscillator circuits and
compare the output frequency of the oscillator by CRO 93
2.2.197 Construct and test RC phase-shift oscillator circuits 95
2.2.198 Construct and test a crystal oscillator circuit 96
2.2.199-200 Construct and test a clapp oscillator circuit and IC based
oscillator circuit 97
Module 3 : Operational amplifier
2.3.201 Use analog IC tester to test various analog ICs 98
2.3.202 Construct and test various Op-Amp circuits Inverting, Non-inverting,
and Summing Amplifiers 4 100
2.3.203 Construct and test differentiator and integrator circuits 103
2.3.204 Construct and test a voltage to current and current to voltage
convert using Op-Amp 105
2.3.205 Construct and test instrumentation amplifier 106
2.3.206 Identify the pin configuration and check the output voltage of 555
IC 107
2.3.207 Construct and test astable timer circuit using IC 555 108
2.3.208 Construct and test monostable timber circuit using IC 555 109
2.3.209 Construct and test VCO (V to F converter) using IC 555 111
2.3.210 Construct and test 555 timers as pulse width modulator 113
2.3.211 Construct and test automatic delay on circuit using 555IC and
other discrete component 114
Module 4 : Logic circuits
2.4.212 Identify different logic gates 115
2.4.213 Verify the truth tables of all logic gate ICs by connecting switches
and LEDs 5 116
2.4.214 Construct and verify the truth table of all the gates using NAND and
NOR gates 119
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
2.4.215 Use digital IC tester to test various digital ICs (TTL and CMOS) 125
2.4.216 Construct and verify the truth table of all the gates using DTL circuit 127
2.4.217 Construct half adder circuit using ICs and verify the truth table 130
2.4.218 Construct Full adder with two Half adder circuit using ICs and verify
the truth table 131
2.4.219 Construct and test a Half subtractor & Full subtractor circuits 132
2.4.220 Construct the adder cum subtractor circuit and verify the result 134
2.4.221 Identify different Flip-Flop ICs by the number printed on them 136
2.4.222 Construct and test R-S Flip-flop using IC 7400 with clock and
without clock pulse 137
2.4.223 Verify the truth tables of Flipflop ICs (RS, D, T, JK, MSJK) by
connecting switches and LEDs 139
2.4.224 Construct and test 7493 as a modulus-12 counter 140
2.4.225 Construct and test a four bit synchronous binary counter using
IC 74163 141
2.4.226 Construct and test synchronous Decade counter 143
2.4.227 Construct and test an UP/DOWN synchronous decade counter
using 74190 and monitor the output on LEDs 144
2.4.228 Construct and test a multiplexer and Demultiplexer circuit using ICS 146
2.4.229 Identify and test common anode and common cathode 5 148
2.4.230 Construct and test octal to binary encoder and decoder circuit
using IC 74148 and IC 74132 149
2.4.231 Construct and test decimal to BCD encoder using IC 74147 and
seven segment LED display 151
2.4.232 Construct and test seven segment LED Display decoder with
IC 7447 153
2.4.233 Measure current flowing through a resistor and display it on LED
module 155
2.4.234 Identify different parts, functions of different types of displays 156
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
2.6.246 Measure current flowing through sensor and display it on LED
Module 173
2.6.247 Practice on measuring instruments in single and three phase circuits 5 174
2.6.248 Identify the different capacitors and measure capacitance of
various capacitors using LCR meters 177
2.6.249 Practice on time measuring instrument to measure the time in
different electrical control circuits 178
2.6.250 Identify the different controls on the CRO front panel and observe
the function of each control 179
2.6.251 Measure VDC, VAC, time period using CRO sine wave Parameters 181
2.6.252 Take a print of a signal from DSO by connecting a printer and 6
tally with applied signal 183
2.6.253 Identify different types of CRO probes used to measure the signals 185
Module 7 : Computers
2.7.254 Identify different parts of PC, CPU and familiar with different CPU
operation 186
2.7.255 Practice on windows interface and navigating windows 190
2.7.256 Customize desktop settings and user accounts 195
2.7.257 View system properties and control panel 201
2.7.258 Installing system application software 205
2.7.259 & 265 Familiar with multimedia system of CD ROM, DVD ROM & sound
CARDS, install and replace RAM in mother board 7 213
2.7.260 Burning a data in CD or DVD's using Nero 217
2.7.261 Identify different parts, its function and operation of CPU 218
2.7.262 Familiar with different CPU operations 222
2.7.263 Identify various computer peripherals and connect it to the system 223
2.7.264 Dismantle and assemble the desktop computer system 225
2.7.266 Install driver for printer and print document using different
documents 228
2.7.267-268 Identification, Installation of different types of modems 231
2.7.269 Construct and test DAC and ADC using computer network circuit 233
Module 8 : Microprocessor 8085
2.8.270 Identify various ICs and their function on the given microprocessor
kit 234
2.8.271 Identify the address range of RAM & ROM of 8085 microprocessor 235
2.8.272 Measure the crystal frequency, connect it to the controller 236
2.8.273 Identify the port pins of the microprocessor and configure the ports 8
for input & output operation 237
2.8.274 Use 8085 microprocessor, connect 8 LEDs to the port and blink the
LEDs with switch 238
2.8.275 Familiar with instruction set of 8085 micro processor data transfer
group, Arithmetic group and logic group 239
2.8.276 Perform addition and subtraction of two 8 bit numbers using 8085
microprocessor 241
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
Professional Identify, Test various 145.Identify different types of Semiconductor, Covalent bond,
Skill 100 Hrs. analog and power diodes, diode modules and Doping, Intrinsic and extrinsic
electronics components, their specifications. (03hrs.) semiconductor. PN junction diode,
146.Test the power diode, Zener Forward and Reverse
Knowledge Construct, test and
diode, tunnel diode, photo characteristics. Specification of
28 Hrs. analyze the circuit
diode using multi meter and diodes (data sheets). Applications
determine forward to reverse of diode. Special semiconductor
resistance ratio. (04hrs.) diode-Zener diode, tunnel diode,
Photo diode.
147.Determine V-I characteristics
of semiconductor diode. Transistors. Defining transistors,
(04hrs.) NPN& PNP transistor, Symbol,
operation, Biasing of Transistor &
148.Measure the voltage and
mode of Application. Transistor CB,
current through a diode in a
CC, CE Amplification, current gain,
circuit and verify its forward
voltage gain, and power gain.
characteristic. (04hrs.)
Introduction to FET, MOSFET.
149.Measure the voltage and
Rectifiers: half wave rectifier, full
current through a Zener diode
wave (bridge & center tapped)
in a circuit and verify its
rectifier. Voltage multipliers. Filters:
forward and reverse
Introduction, purpose and use of
characteristic. (02hrs.)
ripple filter. Types of filters.
150.Identify and check different Capacitance filter, inductance
type of transistors their filters, RC filters, LC filters, voltage
package and specification. dividers and bypass filters.
(02 hrs.)
Voltage regulators.
151.Construct and test fixedbias,
Introduction & purpose Zener
emitter-bias and voltage
regulators, shunt regulators, series
divider-bias transistor amplifier.
regulators, IC regulators, variable
(03 hrs.)
regulators. (28 hrs.)
152. Construct and Test a common
emitter amplifier with and
without bypass capacitors
(03 hrs.)
153.Construct and Test common
base amplifier. (03 hrs.)
154.Construct a single stage
amplifier and measure current
gain, voltage gain & power
gain. (02 hrs.)
155.Identify different power
electronic components, their
specification and terminals.
(03 hrs.)
156.Construct and test a FET
Amplifier. (03 hrs.)
157.Identify variousPower
MOSFET by its number and
test by using multimeter.
(02 hrs.)
158.Identify different heat sinks used
with power MOSFET test circuit
with a small load. (01 hr.)
159.Identify different types of
transformers and test. (03 hrs.)
160.Identify the primary and
secondary transformer windings
and test the polarity (02 hrs.)
161.Construct and test a half wave,
full wave and Bridge rectifier
circuit. (05hrs.)
162.Construct and test different filter
circuit used in rectifier and
measure output voltage with load.
163.Measure ripple voltage, ripple
frequency and ripple factor of
rectifiers for different load and
filter capacitors. (04hrs.)
164.Construct and test voltage doubler
and Tripler. (03 hrs.)
165.Construct and test Zener based
voltage regulator circuit. (8hrs.)
166.Construct and test Zener based
shunt regulator. (9hrs.)
167.Construct and test Zener and
transistor-based series regulator.
168.Construct and test a +12V fixed
voltage regulator. (04hrs.)
169.Construct and test a fixed +15ve
and –15ve voltage regulator using
ICs. (04hrs.)
170.Construct and test a 1.2V – 30V
variable output regulated power
supply using IC LM317T and its
characteristics. (05 hrs.)
Professional Detect the faults and 179.Identify the components/devices Power Supply units.
Skill 25 Hrs. troubleshoot SMPS, UPS, and draw their corresponding Introduction, purpose & use. UPS
inverter, converterand symbols. (02 hrs.) and SMPS, inverters and
Thyristor family.
Knowledge 180.List the defect and symptom in converters and their applications.
07 Hrs. the faulty SMPS. (02 hrs.) Thyristor devices: basic
description and applications of
181.Measure / Monitor major test
SCR, TRIAC, DIAC. (07 hrs.)
points of computer SMPS.
(03 hrs.)
182.Troubleshoot the fault in the given
SMPS unit. Rectify the defect and
verify the output with load. Record
your procedure followed for
trouble shooting the defects.
(04 hrs.)
183.Identify front panel control &
indicators of UPS. (02 hrs.)
184.Open top cover of a UPS;
identify its isolator transformers,
the UPS transformer and various
circuit boards in UPS. (03 hrs.)
185.Perform load test to measure
backup time. (02 hrs.)
186.Install and test an inverter.
(03 hrs.)
187.Troubleshoot the fault in the
given inverter unit. Rectify the
defects and verify the output with
load. (02 hrs.)
188.Construct and test
thyristorbased devices and
check SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and
other discrete components.
(02 hrs.)
Professional Identify, place, solder 189.Measure and plot input and General characteristics of an am-
Skill 25 Hrs. and desolder and test output characteristics of a CE plifier, Concept of amplification.
Professional different SMD, discrete amplifier. (05 hrs.) Types of Amplifiers. Effect of
Knowledge components with due 190.Check for cold continuity of PCB. temperature. DC load line and AC
07 Hrs. care and following (03 hrs.) load line. PCB basic construction,
safety norms using applications. Lay outing circuit on
191.Solder the SMD components from
proper tools/setup. PCB. (07 hrs.)
the given PCB. (04 hrs.)
192.De-solder the SMD components
in the same PCB. (04 hrs.)
193.Identify loose /dry solder, broken
tracks on printed wired
assemblies. (04 hrs.)
194.Repair solder mask and damage
pad. (03 hrs.)
195.Construct and test a CE amplifier
and measure the AC & DC load
line. (02 hrs.)
Professional Identify, Test various Oscillators Oscillator’s oscillations, oscillation
Skill 25 Hrs. analog and power 196.Demonstrate Colpitts oscillator, frequency, basic working principle
Professional electronics components, Hartley oscillator circuits and and working of Talk circuit, Crystal
Knowledge Construct, test and compare the output frequency of controlled oscillators, Phase shift
07 Hrs. analyze the circuit the oscillator by CRO. (07 hrs.) oscillators, RC phase shift
functioning. 197.Construct and test a RC phase oscillators, Colpitt, Clapp, Hartley,
shift oscillator circuits. (05 hrs.) and IC oscillators. (07 hrs.)
198.Construct and test a
crystalcontrolled oscillator
circuit. (05 hrs.)
199.Construct and test a clapp
oscillator circuits. (04 hrs.)
200.Construct and test different type
of ICs based Oscillator circuit.
(04 hrs.)
Professional Construct and test 201.Use analog IC tester to test the
Skill 50Hrs.; different circuits using various analog ICs. (03 hrs.)
Professional operational amplifiers 202.Construct and test various Op-
Knowledge circuits and execute the Amp circuits Inverting, Non-
14Hrs. result. inverting and Summing
Amplifiers. (08 hrs.)
203.Construct and test Differentiator Operational Amplifier.
and Integrator circuits. (05 hrs.) Differential amplifier, ideal op-amp.
204.Construct and test a voltage to Op-amp with feedback, advantages
current and current to voltage of feedback. Inverting and Non
converter circuit using Op-amp. inverting and inverting amplifier,
(04 hrs.) Op-amp as summer, differential
205.Construct and test Instrumentation amplifier. V to I converter and I to
amplifier (05 hrs.) V converter, Instrumentation
206.Identify the pin configuration and amplifier Basics of op- amp
check the output voltage of the applications - integrator,
pins. (03 hrs.) differentiator, Introduction of timers
(555) and its applications. (14hrs.)
207.Construct and test Astable timer
circuit using IC 555. (03 hrs.)
208.Construct and test mono stable
timer circuit using IC 555.
(06 hrs.)
209.Construct and test VCO (V to F
Converter) using IC 555. (05 hrs.)
210.Construct and test 555 timers as
pulse width modulator (05 hrs.)
211. Construct and test automatic
delay on circuit using 555 IC and
other discrete components.
(03 hrs.)
Professional Identify, test and Verify 212.Identify different Logic Gates Number systems; binary, octal,
Skill 150 Hrs. all digital ICs. Assemble, (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, decimal and hexadecimal number
Professional test and troubleshoot EX-NOR, NOTICs) by the number system. Conversion of number
Knowledge various digital circuits printed on them. (05hrs.) systems. Boolean algebra, binary
42Hrs. and digital instruments. 213.Verify the truth tables of all Logic addition, subtraction, multiplication
Gate ICs by connecting switches and division. 1's and 2's
and LEDs. (06hrs.) compliment, BCD code, ASCII
code, gray code. Logic Circuits.
214.Construct and verify the truth table
Basic gates-AND, OR and NOT
of all the gates using NAND and
gates. De-Morgan \s Theorem.
NOR gates. (06hrs.)
Universal gates - NAND and NOR
215.Use digital IC tester to test the gates.
various digital ICs (TTL and
Special gates - Ex-OR, Ex -NOR
CMOS). (07hrs.)
gates and Buffer and its
216.Construct and verify the truth table applications. Basic digital ICs,
of all the gates using DTL circuit. function, digital application, logic
(05hrs.) symbols.
217.Construct Half Adder circuit using Adders - Half adder, full adder
ICs and verify the truth table. Subtractor - Half subtractor, full
(03 hrs.) subtractor.
218.Construct Full adder with two Half Flip flops - RS flip flop, clocked RS
adder circuit using ICs and verify flip flop, JK flip flop, Basics of
the truth table. (04hrs.) Counters and registers. Multiplexer
219.Construct Half subtractor and full and de-- multiplexer.
subtractor circuit using ICs and Encoder and decoder. BCD
verify the truth table. (02 hrs.) display, BCD to decimal decoder.
220.Construct the adder cum BCD to 7 segment display circuits.
subtractor circuit and verify the Digital meters: displays: LED, 7
result. (02hrs.) segment display, LCD, CRT,
221.Identify different Flip-Flop (ICs) electro- luminescent displays,
by the number printed on them. electro-phoretic image display,
(03 hrs.) liquid vapor display, dot matrix
display. (28 hrs.)
222.Construct and test R-S flipflop
using IC7400 with clock and
without clock pulse. (03 hrs.)
223.Verify the truth tables of JK Flip-
Flop using ICs by connecting
switches and LEDs. (06 hrs.)
224.Construct and test 7493 as a
modulus-12 counter. (04 hrs.)
225.Construct and test a fourbit
Synchronous binary counter using
74163. (05 hrs.)
226.Construct and test synchronous
Decade counter. (04 hrs.)
227.Construct and test an up/down
synchronous decade counter
using 74190 and monitor the
output on LEDs. (04 hrs.)
228.Construct and test a multiplexer
and demultiplexer circuit using
ICs. (04 hrs.)
229.Identify and test common anode
and common cathode seven
segment LED display using multi
meter. (03 hrs.)
230.Construct and test octal to binary
encoder & decoder circuit using
IC 74148 and IC 74132. (03 hrs.)
231.Construct and test decimal to BCD
encoder using IC 74147 and
seven segment LED display.
(04 hrs.)
232.Construct and test seven segment
LED display decoder with IC
7447. (05 hrs.)
233.Measure current flowing through
a resistor and display it on LED
Module. (07 hrs.)
234.Identify different parts, its function
and operation of LCD, CRT,
Electroluminescent displays,
electro-phoretic image display,
liquid vapour display and dot
metrix display. (05hrs.)
235.Identify different parts, its A/D and D/A converters,
function, operation & specification Introduction, weighted register D
of D/A and A/D circuits. (04 hrs.) / A converter, binary(R-2R) ladder
236.Construct and test Digital to D / A converter, specification for
Analog (D/A) Binary Weighted D / A converter, Ramp or counter
resistor converter by using type A/D converter, GPIB (general
opamps. (04 hrs.) purpose interface bus) IEEE -
237.Construct and test Digital to 488, RS 232. (07hrs.)
Analog (D/A) converter using R-
2R ladder network circuit. (04 hrs.)
238.Construct and test Digital Ramp
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
circuit. (04 hrs.)
239.Perform the interfacing of IEEE
488.2 standard with a single
controller can control up to 15
different instrument connected
startopology. (03 hrs.)
240.Identify different pins, signal and
source of RS232. (02hrs.)
241.Perform the interfacing of RS232
to the PC. (02 hrs.)
242.Convert RS-485 signals to RS-232
signals using RS-485 to RS-232
converter. (02 hrs.)
243.Identify different parts, its function Digital meters: frequency meter,
and operation of frequency meter, phase measuring meter, and time
phase measuring meter, time measuring instruments. Digital
measuring instrument and digital capacitance meter. (07hrs.)
capacitance meter. (04 hrs.)
244.Identify LED Display module and
its decoder/driver ICs. (03 hrs.)
245.Display a word on a twoline LED.
(03 hrs.)
246.Measure/current flowing through
a sensor and display it on a LED
module (DPM). (03 hrs.)
247.Practice on measuring
instruments in single and three
phase circuits e.g. Phase
sequence meter and Frequency
meter etc. (03 hrs.)
248.Identify the different capacitors
and measure capacitance of
various capacitors using digital
capacitance meter. (04 hrs.)
249.Practice on time measuring
instrument to measure the time in
different electrical control circuit.
(05 hrs.)
Professional Measure the various 250.Identify the different front panel CRO:introduction and applications
Skill 25 Hrs. parameters by CRO and control of a CRO. (06 hrs.) of CRO, functional block diagram
Professional execute the result with 251.Measure the Amplitude, of CRO, CRT power supply.
Knowledge standard one. Frequency and time period of Various types of probes.
07 Hrs. typical electronic signals using Applications of various types of
CRO. (07 hrs.) CROs like dual beamCRO, Dual
252.Take a print of a signal from DSO trace CRO, storage oscilloscope.
by connecting it to a printer and (07 hrs.)
tally with applied signal. (07 hrs.)
253.Identify different types of CRO
probes used to measure the
signals. (05 hrs.)
Professional Install and setup operating 254.Identify PC components and Introduction to Computer, Block
Skill 75 Hrs. system and related devices. (02 hrs.) diagram of PC, software
Professional software in a computer & 255.Practice on windows interface familiarization of Multimedia
Knowledge Practice with MSoffice and and navigating windows. System consisting of CD ROMS,
21 Hrs. application software related (04 hrs.) DVD ROMS, Sound Cards.
to instruments. 256.Customize the desktop settings (07hrs.)
and manage user accounts.
(05 hrs.)
257.View system properties and Computer Hardware, Computer
control panel details. (04 hrs.) systems, computer hardware,
258.Install necessary application CPU, CPU operations, ROMs and
software for windows i.e. office RAMs, I/P and O/P and
package and media player. (03 peripheral equipments, terminals,
hrs.) printers, MODEMS, Data
interface, ADC and DAC.
259.Familiar with Multi Media System
(14 hrs.)
consisting of CD ROMS, DVD
ROMS, Sound Cards. (03 hrs.)
260.Burn data, video and audio files
on CD/DVD using application
software. (04 hrs.)
261.Identify different parts, its
function and operation of CPU.
(05 hrs.)
262.Familiar with different CPU
operations. (08 hrs.)
263.Identify various computer
peripherals and connect it to the
system. (07 hrs.)
264.Dismantle and assemble the
desktop computer system.
(05 hrs.)
265.Replace RAM and ROM from
CPU. (04 hrs.)
266.Install driver for printer and print
document using different
commands. (06 hrs.)
267.Identify different parts, its
function and operation of
modem. (05 hrs.)
268.Install a modem to the computer
to send and receive data over a
telephone line or a cable or
satellite connection. (04 hrs.)
269.Construct and test DAC and ADC
using computer network circuit.
(06 hrs.)
Professional Identify various functional 270.Identify various ICs & their Introduction to microprocessor
Skill 50Hrs. blocks of a microprocessor functions on the given microcomputers, Memories Intel
Professional syste m, identify various Microprocessor Kit. (5hrs.) 8085. Architecture Instruction set
Knowledge I/O Ports, write and 271.Identify the address range of RAM of 8085, Microprocessor.
14Hrs. executive simple program & ROM. (2hrs.) 1. Data transfer group.
and Interface a model 2. Arithmetic group.
272.Measure the crystal frequency,
application with the 3. Logic group.
connect it to the processor.
microprocessor kit and run (07hrs.)
the application.
273.Identify the port pins of the
processor & configure the ports
for Input & Output operation.
274.Use 8085 microprocessor,
connect 8 LED to the port, blink
the LED with a switch. (05hrs.)
275.Familiar with instruction set of
8085 microprocessor Data
transfer group, Arithmetic group
and Logic group. (05hrs.)
276.Perform addition and subtraction Basic Programming of 8085 such
of two 8-bit numbers using 8085 as adding, subtraction of two 8-bit
microprocessors. (05 hrs.) numbers, etc. Block diagram and
277.Demonstrate entering of simple pin' diagram 8255 and its
programs, execute &monitor the operation. Microprocessor
results. (08 hrs.) applications. (07 hrs.)
278.Write a programme in assemble
language load accumulator with 8-
bit data and transfer the data
accumulator to B register.
(03 hrs.)
279.Write a programme in a assemble
language data to load two 8-bit
data into two memory location
add them result be store in another
memory location. (04 hrs.)
280.Identify different parts, pins
diagram, function and operation
of 8255. (05 hrs.)
Electronic & Hardware Exercise 2.1.145
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Identity different types of diodes, their specifications
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify the diode polority
• check the diode by means of multimeter
• identify the diode type, module and specification.
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set
• Assorted type of Diodes - 10 Nos
• Semi conductor diode data book/manual - 1 No
The instructor has to label the different types of
Diodes used for this exercise.
1 Pick one of the labelled diode from the given assorted
2 Observe the code number printed on the diode and
record in the Table-1.
3 For chosen diode, refer semiconductor data book/
manual and identify the type of diode, semiconductor
material type of package.
4 Also record the maximum Forward Current, If , peak
Inverse Voltage, PIV, forward Voltage Drop, Vf.
5 Repeat step-2 to 4 for all the remaining diodes, and
record it in Table 1.
6 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
Label Code Type of Semiconductor Type of Maximum Peak Forward
No. No.of Diode Material Package Forward Inverse Voltage
Diode Current If Voltage Drop Vf
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.146
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Test power diode, zener diode and tunnel diode, photo diode
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• test the diode using multimeter observe the voltae
• determine the forward to reverse resistance ratio.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Assorted type of
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No (Tunnel, Zener & Photo) Diodes - 10 Nos
• Semi conductor data manual - 1 No • Red colour Sleeve Wire - 1 No
• Patch Cords - 10 Nos
The instructor has to label the different types 4 Reverse the meter probe connected to the diode as
of diodes used for this exercise. shown in the Fig 1b and record the reading shown by
the meter in Table-1.
1 Pick one of the labelled diode from the given assorted
lot. 5 From the readings noted in step-3 and step-4 calculate
and record the ratio between Forward resistance (RF)
2 Set the multimeter to x100 range. Carry out resistance
to Reverse resistance (RR).
zero setting of the meter.
6 From the recorded information given conclusion of
3 Connect the multimeter probes across the diode
terminals as shown in the Fig 1a. Record the resistance
reading shown by the meter in Table-1. • In good diodes, resistance will be less than 100 in one
direction and very high or almost infinity/open in the
other direction.
• In most cases the ratio between low to high resistance
would be at 1:1000.
• If get zero both ways, the diode is shorted.
• If get INFINITY both ways, the diode is open.
7 Repeat step-3 to step-6 for all the remaining diodes,
and record in Table 1.
8 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
2 Zener diode
3 Tunnel diode
4 Photo diode
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.147
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Determine V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• determine V-I characteristics of semi conducting forward bias and reverse bias.
Reverse bias
The negative terminals of the external battery is connected
to positive terminal is connected to the “N” region.
Fig 4
Forward Bias
Positive terminal of the octernal pattern is connected to
the “P” region and negative terminal is connected to “N”
region as shown in figure No-1 and list the reading in the
Fig 2
S.No Voltage am meted (I) (ma)
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.148
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Measure the voltage and current through a diode
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• find and plot the forward characteristics of a diode.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Lugboard - 1 No
• Regulated DC power supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Semiconductor diode, 1N4007 or
• DC milli-ammeter, 0-500mA - 1 No BY127 - 1 No
• DC milli-Voltmeter, 0-1000mV - 1 No • Resistor, 470 /½ watt CR25 - 1 No
• DMM with probes - 1 No • Hook up Wire -2m
• Patch Cords - 10 Nos
1 Check to confirm the good physical and electrical 5 At each step record the values of If.
working condition of the given diode.
6 Switch OFF the RPSU. From the recorded values of Vf
2 Identify the Anode and Cathode terminals of the diode. and If, calculate and the forward resistance Rf of the
3 Construct the circuit as shown in Fig 1. diode.
7 From the recorded readings in Table-1, plot a graph of
Vf and If.
8 Take the different reading and put in the tabular
9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
• Diode Type Number :
• Forward Resistance of Diode :
• Reverse Resistance of Diode :
4 Switch ON the Regulated Power Supply and increase
• Lamp Resistance :
the output voltage of the RPSU such that the diode drop
Vf varies from 0 to 1V in steps as given in Table-1.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.149
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Measure the voltage and current through a zener diode
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• find the forward characteristics of zener diode
• find the reverse characteristics of a zener diode
• to know how to connect the zener diode.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • 12V, 400mw, Zener diode,
• Trainees kit - 1 No 1Z12 or equivalent - 1 No
• Power supply, 0-30V, 1A - 1 No • Resistor 47 , 1/2 - 1 No
• DC milliammeter, 0-50mA - 1 No • Resistors, 2.2K, 1K, 820 ,
560 , 1/4 W - 1 each
Materials • Patch cords - as reqd
• Assorted types of zener diodes - 20 Nos • Lug board (end product of Unit-2) - 1 No
• Wire sleeve, yellow - 5 cms.
Table - 1
Label Zener Condition Nominal % tolerance Max.power Zener Zener Types of
No. code- from zener Pz curent Iz resistance package
number quick voltage Vz Rz
Table - 2
Types of
Code Condition Zener code Condition Nominal % tolerance Max.power Zener Zener package
No. number from quick zener Pz curent Iz resistance
test voltage Vz Rz
Table - 3 Table - 4
Calculated value of Calculated value of
V in VR Iz Vz Rz Pz V in VR Iz Vz Rz Pz
dc volts volts mA volts dc volts volts mA volts
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Different types of transistor packages
• Transistor databook - as reqd from T0-1, T0-5, T0-18, T0-39, T0-72,
• Multimeter/DMM with probes - 1 No T0-92, T0-3, T0-66, T0-126, T0-202,
T0-220, T0-3P, T0-247 - 15 No
• Different Heat sinks suitable for above
transistors - 10 No
1 The Instructor has to select and label the transistors used for this exercise.
2 A minimum of one number in each type of package has to be arranged.
3 Label the heat sinks also in the similar way
TASK 1 : Identification of transistor by different package type, pin configuration, power rating, type of transistor
& heat sink
1 Pick one of the Labelled transistors from given assorted in the above Table 1 and select the heat sink suitable
lot, identify the code number, and record them in for the transistor in hand.
Table 1.
4 Record the heat sink type in Table 1 and repeat the
2 Refer to the Chart 1 semiconductor data book, identify above step for remaining labelled transistors.
the type of package, all other details as required in
Table 1 and record them. 5 Some metallic transistor have notch on its surface.
Identify the mark or notch available in transistor.
3 Refer to the Chart 2, different types of heat sinks used (Terminal adjacent to the notch or mark will be emitter.)
for transistors, compare, verify the details of a transistor
Table 1
Curent & Voltage
Sl.No. Label No Transistor Transistor Package Current Voltage Power Suitable
code number package diagram with rating rating rating Heatsink
type pin description type
1 2 3 4 5 6
TO-1 TO-5 TO-18 TO-39 TO-3 TO-3P
2 3
C B E 1 3
CB E C B E 2
7 8 9 9a 9b 9c 10
TO-66 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92a TO-92b TO-92c TO-106
2 E E C
E B C C B B C B E` C
11 12 13 13a 14
TO-126 TO-202 TO-220 TO-220AB TO-247
12 3 B
C E 12
BC E 3
Construct fixed bias, emitter bias, and voltage divider bias transistor amplifier
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test fixed bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit
• construct and test emitter bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit
• construct and test voltage divider bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Capacitor
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 1 mF/25V - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 10kpf - 2 Nos
• CRO, 20 MHz, Dual Trace - 1 No 25mF/25V - 2 Nos
• Regulated DC Power Supply, • Resistor/¼ W/CR25
0- 30V/2A - 1 No 220kW - 1 No
• AF signal generator - 1 No 5.1kW - 1 No
• DC micro ammeter 0-500 mA - 1 No 1.5kW - 2 Nos
• DC miliammeter 0-30 mA - 1 No 5.6kW - 1 No
12kW - 1 No
Materials 120W - 1 No
• Breadboard - 1 No 470W - 1 No
• Transistor BC 107, SL100 - 1 No each 1kW - 3 Nos
• Hook up wires - as reqd
TASK 1 : Construction and testing of fixed bias arrangement for transistor amplifier circuit using BJT
1 Collect all the components required and check them 6 Observe and record the values of IB, IC and VCE for
for good working condition using multimeter. the fixed bias amplifier circuit in Table-1.
2 Assemble the circuit as shown in Fig 1. 7 Compare the calculated values with the observed
8 Get the values checked by the Instructor.
1 We assume that the Amplifier operation is in
the active region, and hence VBE= 0.7 V.
2 is the amplification factor of the transistor
by which the base current gets amplified.
3 dc refers to current gain, when DC bias
voltage is applied.
4 Output collector current ‘IC’ = dc x IB.
3 Calculate base current ‘IB’ using the formula. 5 When transistor is in active region, IC
gradually increases towards higher values.
At the same time, VCE decreases from peak
towards lower values.
6 When saturation is attained by amplifier, IC
4 Now switch - ON the DC supply to the circuit and goes to peak but VCE drops to less than 0.7V.
record readings in Table 1 without signal.
7 For calculating IC and VCE , following formulae
5 Prepare CRO for measurement and apply AF signal should be used.
kHz/20mV sine wave from AF signal generator as
input. VCE = VCC - IC.RC Say = 100 &
Table 1
Input condition Base Current Collector VCE Voltage Current gain AV = Vc
IB current IC Ai = IC / IB Vin
Without signal
With input
TASK 2 : Construction and testing of emitter feedback bias amplifier circuit using BJT
1 Modify the circuit as shown in Fig 2. 2 Calculate the values of IB, IC bdc and VCE by using the
formulae given in the note and record the values in
Table 2.
3 Switch ON the 12V DC supply and AF signal generator
input to the circuit assembled and measure base
current IB, collector current IC,VBE (forwad bias of
transistor) and the voltage drops across base resistor
RB the emitter resistor RE, collector resistor RC and
VCE record the observed values in Table 3.
Table 2
Calculated Collector Base VCE Current Volatage
Observed Current IC current IB gain Ai ( dc
) gain AV
4 Prepeare CRO for measurements, connect and 4 If dc increases, the collector current
observe the peak-to-peak AC signal input from AF increases, which in turn increases the voltage
signal generators at CH1 and amplified AC signal at the emitter.
output of the emitter feedback bias amplifier circuit
at CH-2 and record the readings. 5 This increased emitter voltage (plus the
VBE drop of transistor) decreases the
5 Increase the input A/C signal voltage applied to emitter voltage across the base-resistor.
feedback amplifier gradually and repeat the
observations of the parameters given in step 3. 6 There fore base current reduces, and hence
collector current reduces. This prevents IC
6 Note that the collector current ‘IC’ remains stable to from action varying continuosly.
maintain constant ‘Q’ - operating point of the amplifier.
7 Get the values checked by the Instructor. IB =
Vcc − VBE + VE )
8 Calculate and record the IC (sat) of the emitter-bias
circuit 7 It partially offsets the original increase in IC
9 Get the values checked by the Instructor due to increased dc. Due to feedback only
the output ‘IC’ could change the input IB this
Note: maintain stable Q print.
1 Emitter bias is also refered to as emitter 8 In emitter-bias, the current ‘IC’ will be
feedback back bias (i.e) a portion of the
output is given back to the input as feedback. IC - IB
(i.e) IC =
With signal
Table 5
Signal Base Collector dc
Voltage drop Across VBE VCE Voltage gain
Condition current current
Construct and test a CE amplifier with and without emitter bypass capacitors
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test fixed bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit
• construct and test emitter bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit
• construct and test voltage divider bias arrangement to transistor amplifier circuit.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Resistor/¼W/CR25
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 1kW,1.2 kW, 5.6 kW
• CRO, 20 MHz Dual trace - 1 No 120W, 470W - 1 No each
• AF Signal generator - 1 No • Capacitors
• Regulated DC power supply, 30V/2A - 1 No 25 mF/25V - 2 Nos
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 4.7 mF/25V - 1 No
Materials 100 mF/25V - 1 No
470 mF/25V - 1 No
• Hook-up wires - as reqd
• Breadboard - as reqd
2 Get the circuit connections checked by the Instructor. 9 Measure and record the AC and DC levels at various
points of the amplifier without the bypass capacitor
3 Preapare the CRO for measurements and switch ‘ON’ in Fig 3.
12V DC supply to the circuit, adjust the output of the
signal generator at 1kHz such that Vout is large enough 10 Switch-OFF DC supply to the circuit and from the
and undistorted. recorded readings, complete the sentences given in
record sheet.
4 Record the peak to peak values of input Vin and output
Vout in Table 1; Calculate and record the voltage gain 11 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Av of the amplifer.
Table - 1
Condition Vin(peak-to-peak) Vout(peak-to-peak) Av Zin Zout
With bypass capacitor CE
connected across RE
Without bypass capacitor CE
12 Complete the sentences given below with the readings recorded in Table 1.
When the emitter bypass capacitor was removed
a) the voltage gain of the amplifier decreased by ______________%.
b) the input impedance of the amplifier ______________ by ______________%.
Tools/Equipments/Components • Resistors/¼ W/CR25
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 1kW - 1 No
• DC milliammeter, 0-10mA - 1 No 1.2kW - 1 No
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No 2.2kW - 1 No
• CRO, 20 MHz Dual trace - 1 No 3.3kW - 1 No
• AF signal generator - 1 No 6.8kW - 1 No
• Multimeter /DMM with probes - 1 No 10kW - 1 No
• Capacitors
25 mF/25V - 2 Nos
• Breadboard - 1 No 100 mF/25V - 1 No
• Transistor, SL 100 - 1 No
TASK 1: Construction and measurement of Ai, Av, Zin and Zout in CB amplifier
1 Collect all the required components, test and assemble 4 Calculate and record values of, input impedance Zin,
the common base amplifier as shown in Fig 1. output impedance Zout, voltage gain Av in Table 2.
Use the value of Ai found in step 3. Find the
value of r’e using the formula, r’e = 25mV/IE.
5 Modify the circuit as shown in Fig 2 and prepare the
CRO for measurements.
7 Measure and record the input impedance Zin and output 9 Compare the calculated readings at step 4 and the
indepence Zout of the common base amplifier in the actual values measured.
same way as found in common emitter amplifiers
10 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Ex.No. 2.1.107.
8 Calculate and record the power gain of the common
base amplifier using the above readings.
Table 1
Current gain Ai of CB amplifier
VBG VBE VCB VCE Condition IE IC Current gain
of transistor Ai (or) a
Table 2
Calculated values using given circuit component
r’ e Zin Zout Av Ap
Table 3
Frequency set to 1 kHz , sine wave
Vin Vout Voltage gain Input impedance Output Impedance Power gain
AV Zin Zout AP
Construct a single stage amplifier and measure current gain, voltage gain
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure curent gain of a single stage amplifier
• measure voltage gain of a single stage amplifier
• measure the power gain of a single amplifier.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Tag board code no. 110-03-TB - 1 Set • Trainees kit
• Transistor, SL100 or equivalent - 1 No • Oscilloscope, 20 MHz, Dual trace - 1 No
• Diode IN914/OA79 - 1 No • AF Signal generator
• Capacitor, 100 F/25 V, electrolytic, axial- 1 No • Regulated DC power supply
• Potentiometer, 10 K , carbon - 1 No (End product of Ex.9.13) - 1 No
• Resistors 1/4W, carbon • DC microammeter, 0-500μA - 2 Nos
120 - 1 No • DC millammeter, 0-30mA - 2 Nos
470 - 1 No
1K - 1 No
1.2K - 1 No
5.6K - 1 No
• Hook-up wires - 1 No
• Rosin-cored solder, 22 gauge - 1 No
5 From the recorded readings, calculate and record the 6 Get the readings checked by your instructor.
voltage gain Av of the amplifier.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Material
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Assorted types of N-Channel FET - 3 Nos
• Semiconductor data manual for • Assorted types of SCR - 3 Nos
the active devices used for • Assorted types of UJT - 2 Nos
this exercise - as reqd • Assorted types of TRIAC - 2 Nos
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Assorted types of DIAC - 2 Nos
Aids: Chart showing the pin out • Plastic sleeves (2mm dia)-Red,
diagram of active devices used for Green, Yellow, Black - 1 M each
this exercise - as reqd
Note: The instructor has to label the active devices used for this exercise
TASK 1: Identification of leads of given FETs and its specifications using Data manual
1 Collect the components and pick a labelled FET from - Maximum forward gate current, IG.
the assorted lot record the code number of the FET and
- Pinch-off Voltage (at ID =0), VP.
enter against its label number in Table 1.
- Maximum power dissipation, Pmax
2 Draw the pinout package diagram, refer to the chart/
data manual/identify and record the following important 3 Put sleeves of suitable length to the leads following the
specification of the FET based on its type Number, colour scheme given below.
package type, Drain - Red
- Polarity of the device (N-type/P-type) Source - Green
- Maximum drain-source Voltage, VDS Gate - Yellow
- Maximum gate-source Voltage, VGS Shield - Black
- Maximum drain current, ID. 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the remaining labelled FETs.
Table 1
Sl. Label FET No. Type VDS VGS ID IG VP Pmax Package/
No. diagram
TASK 4 : Identification of leads of given TRIAC and its specifications using data manual
1 Pick a labelled TRIAC from the given lot, record the 3 Repeat above steps for the remaining labelled TRIAC
code number of the TRIAC against its label number and record the observations in Table 4.
in Table 4.
2 Draw the pinout/package diagram, refer to the chart/
data manual, identify and record the important
specifications used on the code number in Table 4.
Table 4
Sl. Label No. Code number Votage off Current Voltage gate Current gate Package
No. state on-state (It) trigger (Vgt) trigger (Igt) pinout diagram
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
TASK 5 : Identification of leads of given DIAC and its specifications using data manual
1 Pick a labelled DIAC from the given lot, record the 3 Repeat above steps for the remaining labelled DIACs
code number against its label number in Table 5. and record the observations in Table 5.
2 Draw the package/terminal diagram, refer to the
datasheet, identify and record the important
specifications of the DIAC in Table 5.
Table 5
Sl.No Label No. Code number VBO ITRM Tj Package pinout diagram
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Aids: Semiconductor data manual/
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set data sheet of the FET - as reqd
• Regulated DC power supply • Capacitors
0-30V/2A - 1 No 5.6 nF/25V DC - 1 No
• Function generator - 1 No 270 nF/25V DC - 1 No
• Soldering iron 25W/240VAC - 1 No 6.8 μF/25V - 1 No
• Oscilloscope 0-20 MHz Dual trace - 1 No • Resistors, ¼ W/CR25
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 10 kW - 1 No
12 kW - 1 No
47 kW - 1 No
• Assorted types of N-channel JFET - 4 Nos 1 MW - 1 No
• Plastic sleeves • Solder, flux - as reqd
Red, Green, Yellow, Black - 4 Nos • Hook up wires - as reqd
(each of 10mm length)
3 Switch ON the 12 VDC to the circuit. 8 Calculate gain for each setting of input and record
4 Set the function generator output with sinewave at 10
kHz, 100 mVp-p as the input to the FET amplifier. 9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
TASK 2 : Measurement of gain of FET amplifier at different frequencies
1 Set the function generator output with sinewave at 20 3 Increase the signal frquency from 20 kHz in steps of
kHz- 400 mV, switch ON the FET amplifier 20 kHz, measure the output voltage and record the
2 Measure the output across RL using CRO and record readings in Table 2.
the readings in Table 2. 4 Calculate the gain for each setting of input and record
Table 2 them.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • MOSFET IRF 540 - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No IRF Z44 - 1 No
• MOSFET Data book - 1 No IRF 840 - 1 No
TASK 1: Identification of the given MOSFET by its number and testing with a multimeter
MOSFET is easily destroyed with static Table 1
electricity, always ground yourself before Sl. MOSFET VGD VDS VGS Condition of
working with one. No. No. MOSFET
1 Note down the number, specification & type of given
MOSFET by using MOSFET data book.
2 Identify which pins of the MOSFET are its source, 5 Now move the positve probe to the ‘Drain’. You should
gate and drain leads. Look up the device’s part get a ‘low’ reading. The MOSFET’S internal
number in the MOSFET data book to verify its leads capacitance on the gate has now been charged up
layout. by the meter and the device is ‘turned-ON’.
3 For testing the MOSFET using multimeter, hold the 6 With the meter positive still connected to the drain,
MOSFET by the case or the tab but don’t touch the touch a finger between source and gate (and drain if
metal parts of the test probes with any of the other you like, it does not matter at this stage). The gate will
MOSFET’S terminals until needed. Do not allow a be discharged through your finger and the meter
MOSFET to come in contact with your clothes, plastic reading should go high, indicating a non-conductive
or plastic products, etc. because of the high static device/high resistance condition.
voltages it can generate.
The above test means that, actually testing the
cut-off voltage, which is basically the highest
voltage put on the gate without making it
7 If the meter reading is low on both sides of VGS (or)
VDS, then MOSFET is short circuted/defective.
8 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 2
UJT No. Conclusion
B1 & B2 B1 & G B2&G
Forward Reverse Forward Reverse Forward Reverse
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • MOSFET Data book - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Resistor 100 Ohm/ ¼ W/CR25 - 1 No
• Regulated DC power suply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Resistor 68k /¼ W/CR25 - 1 No
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • ON/OFF Switch - 2 Nos
• Semi conductor data manual - 1 No • Socket for MOSFET - 1 No
• 12V lamp - 1 No
Materials • Hook up wires - as reqd
• MOSFET (assorted number) (TO-3P) - 5 Nos • Solder flux - as reqd
• Resistor 1k , ¼ W/CR25 (TO-220) - 1 No • Connecting wires - as reqd
• Heat sinks for given MOSFET (TO-247) - 5 Nos • PCB/Bread board - 1 No
1 The Instructor has to provide minimum on MOSFET in each package type with label for each one.
2 Label all the heat sinks provided with label numbers.
TASK 1: Identify different shapes and sizes of heat sinks used power MOSFET
1 Pick one of the labelled MOSFET, identify the rating 4 Repeat the above steps for all the labelled items in
current capacity & junction to case thermal resistance Table 1 & 2.
of given MOSFET from data sheet record the
parameters in Table 1. Typically an aluminum heatsink, with fins to
increase the surface area, is used to dissipate
2 Identify the heat sink required for given MOSFET this energy to air. Higher current capacity
according to current capacity of MOSFET with controllers use a fan to force the air to pass
reference to the chart 1. through the fins in order to increase heat
3 Draw the pictorial diagram & note down the dissipation.Water cooled heatsinks are used
specification of heat sink selected in Table 2. on MOSFET with very high current ratings.
5 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
Sl. Label Code no package Voltage Current Junction Remarks
No. No. on MOSFET type rating rating temperature
Table 2
Sl. Heatsink Suitable Package Heatsink 5 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
No. label no. for MOSFET type outline
number number diagram
1 2 3
5 6
12 13
14 15
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Assorted type of Transformers - 10 Nos
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Cotton Waste - ½ kg
• Types of Transformer Chart - 1 No
The instructor has to label the different types of 3 Find the HT and LT winding by measuring resistance
transformers like, Low voltage step-down with the ohm meter/multimeter/DMM.
transformer, EHT transformer of T V, IFT, Auto
transformer. 4 Draw the symbol of the each transformer in Table-1.
Observe the resistance value of windings using
1 Take one of the labelled transformer from the given lot. multimeter record it in Table 1.
Enter its label number in Table-1.
5 Repeat steps-2 to steps-4 for the remaining
2 For the given transformer, from its appearance, shape transformers.
of core, etc., identify the type of the transformer, rated
voltage and record details in the Table-1. 6 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
Label Name of the Voltage rating Measured Type/shape Symbol
No. Transformer Resistance value of core
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.160
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Identify the primary and secondary windings of transformer and test the polarity
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the name plate details of single phase transformer
• find out the polarity of the transformer.
• MI Voltmeter 0-300V - 2 Nos • MI Ammeter 0-100mA - 1 No
• Ohmmeter 0-500W - 1 No • Push button switch - 1 No
• MI Ammeter 0-10A - 1 No • 12 V battery - 1 No
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.161
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Construct and test a Half-wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifier circuit
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test a half-wave rectifier
• construct and test a two diode full-wave rectifier
• construct and test a full-wave bridge rectifier.
• Step-down Transformer,
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 230V/12V/500mA - 1 No
• Oscilloscope 0-30MHz, Dual Trace • Centre tapped Step-down
with probe kit - 1 No Transformer, 230V/12-0-12V/500mA - 1 No
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Main cord with Three Pin Plug - 1 No
Materials • Resistor, 470W/1W CR25 - 1 No
• Hook up Wire -5m
• Lug Board/PCB - 1 No
• Semiconductor diode, 1N4007 or
By127 - 4 Nos
TASK 1: Construction and Testing of a Half-Wave rectifier
1 Check to confirm the good condition of the given 7 Record the difference in the calculated and measured
components. values.
2 Using Lug board/PCB, construct the Half-wave rectifier 8 Connect the two channel input probes of the CRO. Set
as shown in Fig 1. the Volt/div and Time/div of CH-1 and CH-2 such that
3 Connect AC mains to the Transformer and switch ON the two waveforms are seen clearly.
mains. 9 From the displayed waveforms on the screen, measure
4 Measure and record the mains voltage and transformer and record the following parameters;
secondary AC voltage VS(rms) to the rectifier in the a Peak value of Source Voltage VS (Input Volt to
Table-1. Rectifier).
5 Calculate the expected DC voltage Vdc across the load b Frequency of Source Voltage VS.
resistor RL using the formula,
c Peak value of pulsating DC - Vdc.
Vdc = 0.45VS(rms)
10 Frequency of Pulsating DC - Vdc.
Where, VS(rms) is the AC input to the rectifier.
11 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
6 Measure and record the rectifier output DC voltage Vdc
across RL using multimeter/Voltmeter.
Table 1
• Type of Transformer :
• Rated Primary Voltage :
• Rated Secondary Voltage :
Mains Secondary Calculated Measured Difference Peak Frequency Peak Frequency
supply voltage Vdc Vdc between value of VS Value of pulsating
voltage VS(rms) (3) and (4) VS of pulsa Vdc
ting Vdc
TASK 2: Construction and Testing of a two diode Full-Wave rectifier
1 Construct the two diode Full-wave rectifier as shown in 6 Record the difference in the calculated and measured
Fig 2. values.
2 Connect AC mains to the centre tapped Transformer 7 Connect the two channel input probes of the CRO. Set
and switch ON mains. the Volt/div and Time/div of CH-1 and CH-2 such that
3 Measure and record the mains voltage and transformer the two waveforms are seen clearly.
secondary AC voltage VS(rms) to the rectifier in the 8 From the displayed waveforms on the screen, measure
Table-2. and record peak value of Source Voltage VS (Input Volt
4 Calculate the expected DC voltage Vdc across the load to Rectifier), frequency of Source, Voltage VS, peak
resistor RL using the formula, value of pulsating DC - Vdc, frequency of Pulsating DC
- Vdc.
9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Where, VS(rms) is the AC input to the rectifier.
5 Measure and record the rectifier output DC voltage Vdc
across RL using multimeter/Voltmeter.
TASK 3: Construction and Testing of four diode full wave bridge rectifier
1 Construct the Full-wave Bridge rectifier as shown in 6 Record the difference in the calculated and measured
Fig 3. values.
2 Connect AC mains to the Transformer and switch ON 7 Connect the two channel input probes of the CRO. Set
mains. the Volt/div and Time/div of CH-1 and CH-2 such that
3 Measure and record the mains voltage and transformer the two waveforms are seen clearly.
secondary AC voltage VS(rms) to the rectifier in the 8 From the displayed waveforms on the screen, measure
Table-3. and record the following parameters;
4 Calculate the expected DC voltage Vdc across the load - Peak value of Source Voltage VS (Input Volt to
resistor RL using the formula, Rectifier).
Vdc=0.9VS(rms) - Frequency of Source Voltage VS.
Where, VS(rms) is the AC input to the rectifier. - Peak value of pulsating DC - Vdc.
5 Measure and record the rectifier output DC voltage Vdc - Frequency of Pulsating DC - Vdc.
across RL using multi-meter/Voltmeter.
9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 3
• Type of Transformer :
• Rated Primary Voltage :
• Rated Secondary Voltage :
Mains Secondary Calculated Measured Difference Peak Frequency Peak Frequency
supply voltage Vdc Vdc between value of VS Value of pulsating
voltage VS(rms) (3) and (4) VS of pulsa Vdc
ting Vdc
Construct and measure the test different filter circuit used in rectifier
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• explain the measure and construction of different filter circuit.
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s kit - 1 No • Lugboard with wired bridge rectifier
• CRO, dual trace, 20 MHz - 1 No at Ex 1.1.121 - 1 No
• Hook up wire (red, black) - as reqd.
• Resistors, 470W, 5W and 220W, 5W - 1 each.
• Electrolytic capacitor (see note) - as reqd.
1 To the constructed bridge rectifier in Ex.7.14 assuming recalculate and record the peak-to-peak ripple Vr(p-p)
a load current, IL of 80mA, calculate and record the
using the formula, Vr(p-p) <
value of filter capacitor to be connected. Assme 10%
rule for ripple. 6 Using CRO, referring Fig 2, measure and record the
2 Choose a standard value capacitor value close to the following parameters in Table 1;
calculated value of C in step 1. Get it checked and
approved by your instructor. Record the chosen
standard value capacitor.
3 Collect the capacitor and solder it on the tag board as
shown in Fig 1. Connect a DC 0-500mA as shown in
Fig 1.
Vdc = Vout(peak)-
1 Calculated value of 3dB cut-off frequency of the LC low-pass filter (with ferrite rod) :
100 Hz
200 Hz
300 Hz
400 Hz
500 Hz
600 Hz
700 Hz
800 Hz
900 Hz
1000 Hz
1100 Hz
1200 Hz
1300 Hz
1400 Hz
1500 Hz
NOTE: High light or round the frequency at which output of LPF is 70.7% of maximum value.
2 Frequency response of wired LPF 3 Instructors remarks on the overall working of the
wired 1 LPF:
Fig 3
(Trainee) (Instructor)
Measure ripple voltage, ripple frequency and ripple factor of rectifier for different
load and filter capacitors
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test the effect of capacitor filter with different load condition
• determine the ripple voltage, ripple frequency and ripple factor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Lugboard/PCB - 1 No
• Oscilloscope Dual Trace 0-20 MHz - 1 No • Semiconductor diode, 1N4007 or
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No By127 - 4 Nos
• Voltmeter, 0-30V, MC - 1 No • Step-down Transformer, 12V/500mA - 1 No
• Mains cord with Three Pin Plug - 1 No
• Resistor, 5W /½W - 1 No
• Resistor, 470W/1W - 1 No
• Electrolytic Capacitor, 1000μF/25V - 2 Nos
• SPST switch/1A - 5 Nos
• Hook up wire -5m
• Patch cords - 10 Nos
1 Collect and check the required components. 6 Switch “OFF” S2 and switch “ON” S1, S3, S4, the circuit
2 Connect the components as shown in Fig 1. becomes full-wave rectifier with filter. Observe the
output voltage wave shape on CRO and plot it.
3 Energize the input to the transformer with 230V AC.
7 Measure the output voltage (Vr(p-p)) as well as DC.
4 Observe the output waveform on CRO and measure the
output with switch S1, S3 open and S2, S4 closed under 8 Calculate the Ripple factor for all the three conditions.
full-wave rectifier. 9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
5 With switch S1, S2, S4 “ON” and S3 “OFF” the circuit
acts as capacitor input filter. Observe the output
waveform on the CRO and plot it.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.164
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Tools/equipments/ instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Lug board / PCB - 1 No
• Oscilloscope dmal trace 0-20 mhz - 1 No • Transformer 12 – 0 – 12V/ 500 MA - 1 No
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Semi conductor diode, 1 N 400 - 5 Nos
• Volt meter 0-30 VMC - 1 No • Capacitor 100 MF/ 25 V, 22 MF - 3 Nos
• Mainscord - 1 No
• Hookup wire - as required
• Patch cords - 10 nos
Table 1
SI.No. Input voltage in vin Output voltage in V
V0 = 2Vin
• Collect the equipments and components and check the 7
items for its good working condition. 8
• Connect them as in the circuit diagram (Fig 1). 9
• Switch ON the input supply. 10
Table 2
SI.No. Input voltage in vin Output voltage in V
V0 = 2Vin
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Lug Board/PCB - 1 No
• Regulated DC power Supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Zener Diode, 5.6V - 1 No
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Resistor, 470 /½W - 1 No
• Ammeter, 0-300mA MC - 1 No • Hook up wire -3m
• Voltmeter, 0-30V, MC - 2 Nos • Patch cords - 10 Nos
• Voltmeter, 0-10V, MC - 1 No
1 Collect the equipments and components and check the 3 Switch ON the input supply.
items for its good working condition.
4 Measure and record the values of VR, VZ and IZ in the
2 Connect them as in the circuit diagram-1. Table-1.
5 After observing readings, switch “OFF” PSU and from
the recorded readings, calculate the Zener resistance
RZ and power dissipated PZ for each set of readings.
6 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Do not dismantle the circuit board as this is to
be utilized for exercise No.1.8.73
Table 1
Sl. Unregulated Voltage Drop Zener Zener Zener Zener
No. Input voltage, across series voltage current, Resistance, Power,
Vin Resistor VR VZ IZ RZ PZ
• Zener Resistance =
• Zener Power = PZ = VZ.IZ
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.166&167
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Construct and test zener based shunt regulator & zener based series regulator
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test zener based shunt regulator
• construct and test zener transistor based series regulator.
Tools/equipments/instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Lug board / PCB - 2 Nos
• Regulated power supply (0-20) v/ 2A - 1 No • Zener diode 5.6 v - 2 Nos
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Resistor 470&! / 1/2w - 3 Nos
• Volt meter (0-30) VMC - 1 No • Hookup wire - 3m
• Patch cords - 10 nos
TASK 1: Construct and test zener based shunk regulator
• Collect the equipment and components and check
the item for its good condition
• Connect them as in the circuit diagram Fig 1
• Switch ON the input supply
• Measure and record the output values Vin, VZ, VR, IZ,
IL & VO in table 1.
• Switch off the PSU
• Get the work checked by the instructor
• Transistor
Table 1
Sl.No Unregulated Voltage drop across Zener Load current IL Regulated output
input voltage Vin series resistor VR voltage VZ voltage VO
4 Connect an unregulated dc voltage of 17V to the input ripple voltage at the input and output of the regulator.
termi-nals of the wired series regulator board.
10 Switch off mains supply. Replace the 220 W load
5 Get the interconnections made checked by your resistor RL by a 180 W resistor.
With RL = 180W, the load current will increase
6 Switch-on the ac mains supply to the unregulated dc from the earlier 55mA to 66mA. This results in a
supply. total load of 10.3mA through LED, plus, 66mA
through RL (10.3mA + 66mA = 76.3mA). By doing
7 Measure and record the input voltage and output
this, you are still in safe loading the regulator
voltage of the series regulator.
because the regulator was designed for a load of
8 Measure and record the following voltage levels in <100mA. (Refer lesson 1.3.17 step 3, note)
record Sheet.
Do not use RL of value lower than 180W, this
a) Voltage across zener, VZ will load the regu-lator beyond is designed load
b) VCE of the transistor Q1 current which will damage the pass transistor.
c) VBE of the transistor Q1. 11 With increased load current, repeat steps 7, 8 and 9.
9 Using a CRO, measure and record the peak - peak 12 Get your work and recorded readings checked by your
Construct and test a +12V fixed voltage regulator using 3 terminal regulator IC
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test a +12V regulator using IC 7812.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Suitable heat sink for IC 7812 - 1 No
• DC Regulated power supply • Capacitor 270 nF, disc/25V - 1 No
0-30 V/2A - 1 No • 10 mF/25 V, electrolytic - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Red LED/5mm - 1 No
• DC ammeter, 0-1A - 1 No • Resistor 820W, ¼W CR25 - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Hook up wires (red and black colour) - 1 cm each
• Rheostat 100W/1A - 1 No • Wire sleeves (R,Y,G) - 2 cm each
• Rosin cored solder - 10 gm
• Breadboard - 1 No
• Three-pin voltage regulator
IC 7812 or equivalent - 1 No
1 From the type code marked on the given 3 pin
regulator IC. Identify the terminals of IC 7812.
2 Insert sleeves to the termi-nals using colour coding
scheme given below;
Input - Yellow/Orange sleeve.
Common - Green/Black sleeve.
Output - Red sleeve.
3 Get the work done in steps 1 and 2 checked by the
4 Fix the suitable aluminium heat sink for IC 7812 on the
bread board Refer Fig 2 for the position of heat sink on
the breadboard.
5 Construct the voltage regulator circuit referring to the
schematic and layout diagram shown in Fig 1 & Fig 2.
The unregulated dc voltage to the regulator
should not be more than 24 volts; otherwise
the IC may get damaged.
8 Using loading rheostat, load the regulator in steps of
200 mA upto 800mA and at each step measure and
- Regulated dc output voltage
- Input and output ripple.
Loading is limited to 80% of its rated maximum
6 Get the neatness and correctness of your wiring of 1A. This is because the heat sink used with
checked by your instructor. IC 7812 may not be very effective in transferring
away the heat.
7 Apply 16 to 20 volts unregulated dc voltage to the input
9 From the recorded readings, calculate the
of the wired 12V regulator. Record the unregulated
input voltage and no-load output voltage of the regulator – output voltage regulation at each step of loading.
in O & T sheet.
– ripple rejection at each step of loading. 10 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
O & T Sheet
1 Neatness and correctness of wiring: Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Continue Exercise
Load - Current
No-load 200 mA 400 mA 600 mA 800 mA
Output voltage
Input ripple (P-P)
Output ripple
Ripple rejection
Output regulation
Construct and test fixed +15V and -15V Voltage regulator unit ICs
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test a +fixed 15 volts regulator using a 7815 three-pin regulator
• construct and test a fixed 15 volts regulator using 7915 three pin regulator.
• Heat sink for 7812, 7915 - 1 No.
• Trainees kit (use suitable heat sink )
• Rheostat 100W, 50W - 1 No./batch. • Zener diode 6.1 V, 1/4 W - 1 No.
• CRO, 20MHz - 1 No./batch. • Capacitor 270nf, disc, μf - 1 each.
• DC ammeter, 0-1A - 1 No./batch. • 10μf, 25 V, electrolytic - 1 No.
• 12V power supply - 1 No. • Preset/Potentiometer, 470W - 1 No.
• Red LED - 1 No.
• Resistor 820W, 1/4 W and 1KW, 1/4W - 1 each.
Component list for Tag board power supply • Hook up wires (red and black colour) - 1 Mtr.
• Tag board Code No. - 1 No. • Rosin cored solder -10 cms
• Three-pin voltage regulator • Wire sleeve (R,Y,G) each - 2 cm
μA7812 or equivalent, A7915 - 1 No. • Resistors
TASK 1: Construct and test a fixed + 15V regulator using 7815 Three pin regulators
1 From the type code marked on the given 3 pin regulator
IC, identify and record the IC’s specifications in
record sheet.
2 Identify the terminals of 7815 and put sleeves to the
termi-nals using colour coding scheme given below;
Input - Yellow/Orange sleeve.
Common - Green/Black sleeve.
Output - Red sleeve.
3 Get the work done in steps 1 and 2 checked by your
4 Fix the heat sink on IC 7815 as demonstrated by your
instructor. Refer Fig 2 for the position of heat sink on
the tag board.
5 Construct the voltage regulator circuit referring to the
schematic and layout diagram shown in Fig 1 and
Fig 2. 6 Get the neatness and correctness of your wiring
checked by your instructor.
7 Apply 16 to 20 volts unregulated dc voltage to the input
of the wired 15V regulator. Record the unregulated
input voltage and no-load output voltage of the regulator
in record sheet.
The unregulated dc voltage to the regulator
should not be more than 24 volts; otherwise
the IC may get damaged.
The unregulated dc voltage to the regulator should be
atleast 20 volts, otherwise the regulator may not work
8 Using loading rheostat, load the regulator in steps of 9 From the recorded readings, calculate the
200 mA upto 800mA and at each step measure and
– output voltage regulation at each step of loading.
– ripple rejection at each step of loading.
– Regulated dc output voltage
10 Get your work checked by your instructor.
– Input and output ripple.
Loading is limited to 80% of its rated maximum of
1A. This is because the heat sink used with 7812
may not be very effective in taking away the heat.
Type code Manufacturer Type of regulator Output voltage Rated max. load Package type
positive/Negative current
1 Neatness and correctness of wiring: Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Continue Exercise
Load - Current
No-load 200 mA 400 mA 600 mA 800 mA
Output voltage
Input ripple (P-P)
Output ripple
Ripple rejection
Output regulation
TASK 2: Construct and test a fixed -15 volts regulator using a 7915 three pin regulator
1 Identify the terminals of 7915 and put sleeves to the
terminal using colour coding scheme given below.
Input – yellow/ orange sleeve
Common – green / black sleeve
Output – Red sleeve
2 Construct the voltage regulator circuit referring to the
schematic lay out diagram shown in Fig 3.
3 Get the neatness and correctness of your wiring
checked by your instructor.
4 Apply 16 to 18V unregulated dc voltage to the input
of the wired -15v regulator. Record the unregulated
input voltage and no load output voltage of the
regulator in record sheet.
Type code Manufacturer Type of regulator Output voltage Rated max. load Package type
positive/Negative current
1 Neatness and correctness of wiring: Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Continue Exercise
Load - Current
No-load 200 mA 400 mA 600 mA 800 mA
Output voltage
Input ripple (P-P)
Output ripple
Ripple rejection
Output regulation
Construct and test a 1.2V to 30V variable output regulated power supply using
IC LM317T and its characteristics
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test a 1.2 V to 30 V variable output regu-lated power supply.
• plot its characteristics.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments 10 μF/50V, electrolytic - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 100 nF, ceramic disc - 1 No
• Soldering Iron 25W/230V - 1 No • LED, Red, 5mm - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Resistors
• Rheostat 100 /1A - 1 No 4K7, potentiometer, carbon, rotary - 1 No
2K2, carbon, ½W - 1 No
220 , carbon, ¼W - 1 No
• Breadboard/PCB - 1 No • 3-terminal voltage regulator, LM317T,
• Step down transformer, 240V/24V or TO-220 - 1 No each
12-0-12/24V - 1 No • 1A, slow blow fuse with fuse holder - 1 No.
• Diodes, 1N4002 or BY127 or Eqv - 6 Nos • Hook up wires - as reqd
• Capacitors 2200 μF/50V • Rosin cored solder - 20 gm
electrolytic - 1 No • Heat sink for TO-220 package - 1 No
25 μF/50V, electrolytic - 1 No
1 Test all the components to confirm their good working All components except the transformer to be
condi-tion. Record the specifications of IC LM317T in mounted on bread board. Use suitable
O&T sheet, refer with semi conductor data manual. heatsink with IC 317 T.
2 Check the given bread board. 5 Get the correctness and neatness of wiring checked
3 Construct a variable regulated output power supply on by the instructor.
the given bread board referring to the schematic 6 Diagram connect the secondary of (230/24V)
shown in Fig 1. transformer to the assembled circuit. Switch ON mains
7 Measure and record the unregulated dc input and the 11 Get the readings checked by the instructor.
minimum, maximum variable voltage of the regulator
under no-load condi-tion. Lab Assignment: Mount the regulator IC on a
good aluminium heat-sink (available in market).
8 Set the output to +15 volts and load the output using a If a good heat-sink is used with the IC, you can
loading rheostat in steps of 200 mA up to 600 mA. In draw upto 1Amps easily. Mount the transformer
each step measure and record the output voltage and and the wired PCB in a metallic box of suitable
the ripple voltages. size. Mount the POT on the front panel of the
Load current is restricted to 600mA as heat- box made. Mount output terminal sockets (Red
sink is provid-ed to the IC may not be the ideal and black) on the front panel of the box from
one. which DC volt-age can be taken. This will serve
you as a 1.2V to 30V, 1A rating variable power
9 Calculate and record the output regulation and ripple supply for servicing circuits in forthcoming
rejection of the regulator. exercises as well for the hobby gadgets and
10 Using a dc current meter (0-1A range) short the load general servicing.
termi-nals momentarily and record the short circuit fold 12 Plot the VI characteristics using readings.
back protec-tion current level.
Table 1
Type Package Output voltage Max. output
number type current
Min. Max.
Tools/Equipments/Instuments • Chart showing all types of connectors
• ESD wrist band - 1 No. used in SMPS of PC - 1 No.
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set. Materials
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No.
• Aids: Block diagram of SMPS - 1 No. • SMPS unit used in personal computer - 1 No.
Safety precaution
1 Ensure the power cord is removed from the
2 Before opening CPU cabinet, touch the
cabinet outer cover by wearing wrist band
to discharge ESP.
TASK 1: Dismantling the SMPS unit from CPU cabinet and identification of sections
1 Open the computer cabinet cover, by removing the
door screws as shown in Fig 1. Fig 2
Fig 1
Keep the fixing screws seperately for Fig 3
assembling the SMPS after completion of this
Table - 1
SI.No. Name of the No. of wires Type of connector Connected to which Remark
connector section/device
Note : The instructor has to label the major 3 Repeat the steps for all the labelled components/
components /devices in each section of the devices.
SMPS before issuing to trainees for this task
4 Draw the symbol of each component in the respective
1 Refer to the chart, identify the connector/sections and places in Table-2.
major components/devices in each section.
2 Record the name of the component/device in
Table - 2.
Table- 2
SI. Label No. Name of the section Name of the component Circuit symbol Remark
Chart - 1
Chart showing types of connectors used in SMPS unit of personal computer system
Tools / Equipments/ Instruments
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set.
• Spare components - as reqd.
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No.
• Rosincored solder - as reqd.
• Adjustable type table lamp - 1 No.
• Magnifying Lens - 1 No.
• A faulty SMPS kit - 1 No.
• Oscilloscope, 20 MHZ - 1 No.
Safety precautions
4 Do not use screw drivers to short the
1 Disconnect the SMPS unit from the mains capacitor terminals for discharging static
before remvoing from the PC. charge.
2 Do not touch the PCB with bear hand 5 Measure the voltage and make sure it is
without discharging the DC storage zero before proceeding for test.
electroytic capacitor.
3 Discharge the storage capacitor by using
an incandescent-bulb connected with wires
across the capacitor
1 Observe the symptoms noticed on the defective SMPS 2 Ref to the list of symptoms and remedy given in Table-
in ON condition and determine which section or 1 and prepare a list symptoms noticed in your faulty
junction could be faulty. SMPS units.
Probable faults and remedy
1 SMPS dead, fuse Shorted switching transistor or Test the switching transistor
blown semiconductors, power cord or semiconductor switch. If it fails
defective, or switch , open fusible replace it.
resistor, other bad parts. Actual If the semiconductor switch is good,
cause of failure may be power check and replace the primary
surge/brownout/lightning strikes, diodes.
random failure, or primary side Replace the fusible resistor.
electrolytic capacitor (s) with greatly
reduced capacity or entirely open
2 Supply dead, fuse Bad startup circuit - open startup Test the switching transistor or
not blown resistors or open fusible resistors semiconductor switch. If it fails
due to shorted semicondutors, bed replace it.
controller components. Replace the fusible resistor
3 Supply mostly dead Bad electrolytic capacitors. Visually If any one bad capacitors are found
or takes a long time inspect for capacitors with bulging replace all electrolytic capacitors.
to come alive tops or that have leaked.
4 More ripple at the Dried up main filter capacitor(s) on Check the filter capacitor and replace
line frequency rectified AC input it
(50/60 Hz) or twice
the line frequency
(100/120 Hz)
6 SMPS output is low If SMPS givess low voltage output Measure voltages and compare
then the fault is mostly in the error them with normal voltage given the
amplifier, and oscillator stage. Ouput circuit diagram.
loading may also affect the output Probable parts may be faulty
voltage some time zener diode in the error amp,
faulty control circuit parts, transistor,
IC, opto-coupler faulty.
7 SMPS output is high If SMPS output is high first shut Check fauult either in switch off
down set. Fault in the error amplifier, condition or by giving input supply
IC, oscillator section of SMPS. through a variac or low voltage
8 Combusted coil A winding coil is present on the This problem can be identified esaily
board which sometimes gets burnt by the smell or you can identify
due to excessive flow of current. through the burnt marks located on
the external section of the winding
coil. It may be possible that internal
loop is damaged.
Note: In all cases, bad solder connections are a 3 Get the work checked by the instructor.
possibility as well since there are usually large
components in these supplies and soldering to
their pins may not always be perfect. An
excessive load can also result in most of these
symptoms or may be the original cause of the
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Computer SMPS working - 1 No. • AIDS: Chart showing various voltages
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set. of connects in smps unit of PC
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No. • Computer power cord - 1 No.
• Hook-up wire - as reqd.
Safety precatutions
Make sure you conduct this test on a table with yourself standing a rubber that any insulated material
to avoid static electricity destroying the computer components
1 Remove the SMPS from the computer cabinet by 4 Connect the power cord to the SMPS unit and switch
follow the procedure. ON power.
2 Identify the green colour wire (power good signal test 5 Observe the fan is running to confirm the working of
point) from the bunch of wires on the 24 pin molex SMPS unit.
connector as shown in Fig 1.
6 Remove the hook up wire and re-insert if the fan is
3 Use a piece of hookup wire, bend it as ‘U’ shape, not rotating.
connect it across the green and black wire terminals
as shown in Fig 2. 7 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Fig 1 Fig 2
TASK 2: Measurement/monitoring voltages at various test points.
1 Start measurement of AC voltage across the three
terminal mains cord and record the readings in
SI. Parameter to measure Voltage (AC) Remarks
1 Phase to Neutral --------------------
2 Phase to Earth --------------------
3 Neutral to Earth --------------------
2 Switch OFF supply and plug the mains cord into SMPS 3 Switch ON SMPS supply and measure the DC voltage
unit, and select the P-4 power cable connector used across the P-4 cable connector and record the
for CPU cooler fan. readings in Table-2.
Table -2
1 Ground Black
2 Ground Black
3 +12 VDC Yellow
4 +12 VDC Yellow
1 Yellow
2 Black
3 Black
4 Red
6 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.1.181 57
Note: The instructor has to guide the trainees preparation of suitable tables to record
to measure voltage at additional connectors measurements according to the SMPS model
for SATA, Aux power connector etc. with available in the section.
Chart showing voltages at various connectors of SMPS units of personal computer system Fig 3
Pin Name Colour Description/voltage level Measured
4 5V Red +5 VDC
6 5V Red +5 VDC
20 -5 V White Ground
Troubleshoot the fault in SMPS unit, rectify defect and verify output with load
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• discharge the filter capacitor of SMPS unit
• identify the physical faulty component and replace it and test the output with load.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• ESD work bench - 1 No. • 100 watt/230V bulb with holder - 1 No.
• Safety gloves - 1 No. • Wire wound resistor
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set. (1.8kW or 2.2kW/10W) - 1 No.
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 set.
• LCR Meter - 1 No.
Fig 1
B. Discharge using reistor Method Fig 3
1 Take a High wattage Low ohms wire wound resistor with
proper insulated lead.
2 Use the resistor lead to short the capacitor to discharge
as shown in Fig 3.
3 Use either a 1.8 K or a 2.2 K ohm 5 to 10 watt resistor
to discharge the high voltage capacitor.
4 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Fig 7
Fig 5
Fig 8
Observed Condition
Fig 11 Fig 12
Fig 14
Fig 15
Fig 16
Fig 17
Table 4
3 Test the healthyness of diodes and capacitors at Without capacitor With capacitor
secondary section using multimeter.
4 Open the lead of capacitor and measure capacitance
using LCR meter.
5 Apply the supply to board and check the output voltage
with out capacitor.
6 If the output voltage is less (or) no output measured,
then fault may be in capacitor.
7 Switch OFF the supply and replace the capacitor.
Note: To confirm fault with switching transistor
Fig 19 check the charge voltage across big filter
capacitor in the input section. (after switching
OFF the SMPS).
a) If the capacitor shows voltage considerabily
then the fault could be in the switching
b) If the capacitor shows No voltage then the
fault could be in some other components/
10 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Single phase UPS, 6KVA
with manual - 1 No.
Safety precaution
1 Keep the place dry and clean
TASK 2: Identification of different sockets and connectors on the rear panel of UPS
1 Turn the rear panel of the UPS and identify the name
of unit, record its socket and connector available in Table - 2
rear panel with the help of operation/Instruction
manual. SI.No. Name of the Purpose
2 Find out each socket in the UPS, note down in the
3 Repeat the above steps for all sockets and connectors
and note down in Table-2.
Tools/Equipments/ Instruments Material
• Computer UPS(650 VA) - 1 set • Nil
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set.
Note: The instructor has to label the major components/parts and sections of the UPS
Fig 1
Table 1
Sl.No. Major section in UPS
4 Find out the major section in UPS as shown in Fig 2. 5 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Note down your observations in TABLE 1.
Fig 3
Table 2
Sl.No. Name of sections Components/Parts/Devices Remarks
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set. • 100W/240V incandescent
• Computer UPS lamp (Test lamp) - 1 No.
(around 600VA) with operating • 12V/7AH, maintenance
instruction manual - 1 No. free rechargeable battery - 1 No.
• DMM with probes - 1 Set.
• Voltmeter 0-30VDC - 1 No.
• Safety gloves - 1 Pair.
• Stop watch - 1 No.
Safety precaution
2 Ensure that the UPS is kept in switched
1 Before connecting the battery to UPS, in OFF condition
spect the electrode terminals for symbols/
colour codes on the battery. 3 Connect the leads with correct polarity and
tighten them.
1 Use Dc voltmeter measure the terminal voltage and 6 Reset the stop watch at starting point.
verify with the specification on the battery.
7 Start the stop watch and switch ON the UPS
2 Take out the terminals of the battery cable from the simulataneously, with voltmeter probes kept across the
UPS. battery terminals.
3 Observe the colour code of the cables and tightly 8 Observe the readings on the meter and terminals
connect the battery with correct polarity. record in Table-1.
4 Connect the DC voltmeter across the battery, measure 9 Observe the lamp glow with beep sound carefully and
the voltage and record the observation in Table-1 as no stop the clock immediately when the lamp goes off.
load voltage.
10 Note down the readings on the voltmeter and stop watch
5 Connect the lamp load to the UPS output as shown in in Table-1.
Fig 1.
Table - 1
Status of UPS Battery voltage Full load
No load Light load
11 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
5 Use double ended spanners, tighten the bolt & nuts 6 Get the connections checked by the Instructor.
with correct force.
AC input supply AC output supply Battery voltage
Troubleshoot the fault in inverter unit, rectify defects and verify the output
with load
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the faulty components/section in the inverter
• rectify the defects in the inverter unit
• verify the output with load.
Tools / Equipments/ Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Defective inverter with battery - 1 No.
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No. • Test lamp with 230V, 100W bulb - 1 No.
• Line tester - 1 No. • Sketch pen - 1 No.
• Magnifying glass - 1 No.
• Oscilloscope, 100MHz - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Identification of the faulty components/section in the inverter
1 Open the inverter cover and carry out the visual 5 Mark the different test points by using sketch pen.
inspection of the board and connectors with the help
6 Apply supply to the inverter unit and measure voltage
of magnifying glass.
at marked test points.
2 Identify if any damaged components or connectors
7 Observe the waveforms using CRO at switching device
are seen.
3 Remove the damaged component and check the
8 Record the measured readings in the table-1
4 Trace the circuit by referring the circuit diagram
(Fig.1) and identify the sections
Table - 1
Section Test point Description Voltage
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • General purpose PCB - 1 No.
• Trainees kit - 1 No. • Two point terminal strips for mains - 2 Nos.
• Variable DC PSU 0-10V,1A - 1 No. • Flexible wire,5A,240V
each (Red and Black) - 2 mts
Materials • Semiconductors
• General purpose PCB - 1 No. SCRs of 400 volts rating - 2 Nos.
• Semiconductors Diodes, 1N4007 - 4 Nos.
SCR of 50 volts rating - 1 No. Zener, 120V/1W - 1 No.
Transistor 2N 3702 or equivalent - 1 No. • Resistors 22K, 3W - 1 No.
Zener, 4V7, 400mW - 1 No. (or 2 Nos. of 47K, 2W in parallel)
LED, Red colour 5mm - 1 No. • 240V, 3Watts lamp - 1 No.
LED, Green colour 5mm - 1 No. • DIACD3202 - 1 No.
• Resistors • TRIAC BTT36 - 2 Nos.
100 Ohms, 2W - 1 No.
4K7,¼W - 1 No.
1K,¼W - 1 No.
220 Ohms,¼W - 1 No.
For satisfactory performance of circuit given in Fig 2, it is advised to use SCRs whose gate current (min)
is 6mA.
TASK 1: Wire and test a over voltage protection circuit for main AC supply.
1 Wire the circuit shown in Fig 1 on a general purpose 2 Connect a lamp load to the wired circuit.
tag/lug board. Without connecting the mains supply
and the load. get the wired circuit checked by your You may use the mains lamp tester itself as a load.
instructor. 3 Keep AC mains ON/OFF switch to OFF. Connect the
Since 240V mains supply will be on the wired output of variac to the wired circuit input and AC mains
circuit, use insulated multistrand wire for circuit to input of variac.
interconnections. Make sure there is sufficient 4 Set the output control knob on variac to 200 Volts
(5cms) gap between the soldered live and neutral without switching on the mains AC.
wires coming from mains and going to the load.
For safe working you are advised to mount the 5 Switch-ON mains. Measure and record the input
wired strip inside a wooden junction box with voltage, output voltage and status of lamp load.
input and output wire pairs coming out of the 6 Increase the AC input to the wired circuit in steps of
box through two point terminal strips. 5 volts up to 250 volts observing the output voltage and
status of the lamp load.
Once the input rises above 240 Volts the output voltage is
expected to become zero and hence the lamp will turn
off If this does not happen even at 250 volts input,
consult your instructor.
7 Switch- OFF mains supply. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
8 Increase gradually the AC input voltage to the wired
circuit till such point at which the load lamp just turns-
OFF and record the input voltage.
9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 a few more times to identify a 10 Get your work checked by your instructor.
more closer input voltage at which the output voltage
becomes zero.
1 Identify and take any one of the SCR.
2 Select diode mode in multimeter.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit • Tag board - 1 No
• DC milliammeter, 0-100mA - 1 Set • Transistors, SL 100, - 1 No
• DC microammeter, 0-500mA - 1 No • Resistors
• DC millivoltmeter, 0-1000mV - 1 No 120W, ¼ W - 1 No
• Regulated DC dual power supply 10kW, ¼ W - 1 No
0-30V/2A - 1 No 3.3kW, ¼ W - 1 No
• Semiconductor data manual - 1 No 1 kW, POT, linear - 1 No
• Hook up wires and patch cords - as reqd
TASK 1: Measurement and plotting of input characteristics (V versus I ) of given transistor as CE amplifier
1 Collect the transistor, identify the number, refer the
Table - 2
data book and record the details and condition of the
transistor in Table 1. VCE set at 0 volts, constant
Table - 1 VBE 0 200 300 400 500 600 700
in mV mV mV mV mV mV mV
Label Transistor No or hFE Condition
No and type (typical) from quick IB in
tests A
6 Set VBE = 0 volts by adjusting the pot; Set VCE = 6 volts,
repeat step 5 and record readings in Table 3.
recorded in Tables 2,3 and 4 shown in Fig 2. (Mark VBE
in X-axis and IB in Y-axis).
10 Get the plotted graph checked by the Instructor.
Table - 6
IB set at 200 A constant
Table - 7
IB set at 300 A constant
Table - 9
Current gain,
VCE IB Ic dc IB IC dc IB IC dc
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Rosin cored solder and flux - as reqd.
• Magnifier with lamp - 1 No • IPA cleaning solution - as reqd.
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No. • Solder flux pen/liquid flux - as reqd.
• Soldering workstation/hot air • Cleaning brush - 1 No
temperature/flow controller
(with instruction manual) - 1 Set
TASK 1: Identification of any defect/dry solder/short circuit on the given circuit board.
Note: The instructor has to simulate faults 4 Use magnifier and carefully observe for any broken
necessary in the circuit board to be given for tracks on the board.
this exercise/task.
5 Use Ohm meter and check for any short/open circuit
1 Collect the defective circuit board from the Instructor. between tracks.
2 Clean the board using the brush (Use IPA solution if 6 Record the observations in Table 1.
7 Get the work checked by the Instructor
3 Visually inspect for any physical damages like cracks/
burnt/dry soldered leads of all the major components
on the PCB.
Table - 1
Sl.No Details of fault/defect identified Types of defect Remarks
Open/short circuit
Dry Solder Loose connecion
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.191
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Rosin cored solder wire - as reqd.
• Magnifier with lamp - 1 No. • Flux pen/Liquid flux - as reqd.
• SMD soldering work station (hot air • IFA cleaning solution - 1 bottle
temperature/flow controller) with all • Piece of medium density fiber board - 1 No.
accessories ( and instruction manual) - 1 Set • Crocodile clips holder (MDF borad) - 2 Nos.
• Vacuum pick up tool - 1 No.
• Solder paste tube/syringe - 1 No.
• Cleaning brush - 1 No.
1 Choose and fit the appropriate tip for the soldering 8 Hold the component using tweezers and apply the hot
iron suitable to the SMD component onto the PCB. soldering iron tip over the solder pieces to melt.
2 Use crocodile clips to hold the PCB firmly on the work- 9 Remove the soldering iron tip and allow the molten
bench. solder to set on the pin.
3 Select the SMD components and note down the loca- Caution: To avoid thermal buildup, solder the
tion/direction on the PCB to be soldered. terminals alternately with little time interval
4 Switch ON the soldering workstation and adjust the between pins
temperature setting knob around 275°C. 10 Repeat steps to solder the other end of the SMD com-
5 Keep the SMD component over the pads on the printed ponent .
circuit at its position correctly. 11 Use magnifier and inspect the soldered joints are free
6 Use flux pen and apply a little quantity on the places from any solder bridges
where soldering has to be done. 12 Clean the board using IPA solution with brush
7 Cut the solder wire into small pieces and place them 13 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
on SMD component leads.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.192
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set
• Desoldering wick - as reqd.
• Magnifier with lamp - 1 No
• Solder flux pen/Liquid flux - as reqd.
• SMD rework station with hot air
• IPA Cleaning solution - 1 bottle
nozzles/temperature/flow controller
• Piece of Medium Density
with Instruction Manual - 1 Set
Fiberborad (MDF) - 1 No
• DMM with Probes - 1 No.
Fig 1
Fig 2 6 After the molten solder has been extracted from the
joint, remove the wick and the soldering iron tip from
the component lead.
7 Use the unused portion of the wick for removing excess
3 Apply a small quantity of flux and solder to the joints of 8 Repeat the steps 3 to 7 for removing other terminals
the surface mount components to be removed. of the surface mount components.
4 Place one end of solder wicking braid on the 9 Remove the components from the PCB and clean the
component lead side and the tip of the soldering iron surface, using IPA solution.
over it as shown in Fig 2. 10 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
5 Allow time for the solder to melt and the solder wick to
draw the molten solder into the braid by capillary action.
Note: Use the MDF board to avoid damage to 1 Choose the appropriate hot air nozzle tip for the
the Workbench or any surface made of plastic desoldering work attach and tighten it using screw
by the hot air. driver.
2 Power ON the soldering rework station and adjust the Caution:
hot air and temperature knobs to suit the work.
1 Aim the hot air gun at the same point will
Note: It is recommended to set the air flow and melt the board after a certain period of time
temperature knobs at the middle and test on a
2 Make sure to keep the hot air gun moving
small component, then readjust them to the
to prevent any damage to the heat sensitive
required level around 275°C.
component/PCB burning.
3 Aim the hot air nozzle at the SMD component and
5 Adjust the air flow and temperature setting knobs back
move it slightly back and forth until the solder begins
to zero position after finished the SMD component
to melt.
desoldering work.
4 Use tweezers and carefully grab/lift the SMD
6 Switch OFF the soldering rework station and allow it
component from the board.
to cool down.
7 Clean the board using IPA solution with brush.
8 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Rosin cored solder and flux - as reqd.
• Magnifier with lamp - 1 No • IPA cleaning solution - as reqd.
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No. • Solder flux pen/liquid flux - as reqd.
• Soldering workstation/hot air • Cleaning brush - 1 No.
temperature/flow controller (with • jumper wire/multistranded flexible
instruction manual) - 1 Set wire pieces - as reqd.
TASK 1: Identification of any defect/dry solder/short circuit on the given circuit board
Table - 1
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.1.194
Instrument Mechanic - Semi Conductor, Transistors and power supply circuit
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Circuit bond packs (2 gram
prepackaged Epoxy containers)
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set
syringe type - as reqd
• Soldering workstation - 1 Set
• Wipes/Foam swabs - as reqd.
Materials • Glass/plastic bowls to mix the epoxy - 1 No.
• Kapton tape - as reqd.
• IPA cleaning solution - 1 Bottle
• PCB with damage - as reqd.
• Cleaning brushes - 1 No.
• PCB repair Kit - 1 Set
• Copper oil - as reqd.
6 Before trimming out a new pad, carefully scrape the 9 Select a bonding tip to match the shape of the new
adhesive bonding film from the connecting track as pad. (See bonding tip manual provided with the repair
shown in Fig 4. kit).
The tip used for bonding should be as small as
possible but should completely cover the entire
surface of the new pad.
10 Position the circuit board flat and stable. Gently place
the hot bonding tip onto the High Temperature Tape
covering the new pad. Apply pressure as
recommended in the manual of the repair kit for 5
seconds to tack the new pad in place. Carefully peel
off the tape.
8 Place a piece of High Temperature Tape over the top 12 Use minimum flux and solder to ensure a reliable
surface of the new pad. Place the new pad in correct connection. Tape may be placed over the top of the
position on the circuit board surface using the tape to new pad to prevent excess solder.
proper alignment. (Fig 6). Note: The overlap solder joint connection
should be a minimum of 3 mm.
13 Mix Epoxy and coat the overlap solder joint connection.
Cure the Epoxy coating as shown in Fig 7.
14 Get the completed work checked by the Instructor.
Construct and test a CE amplifier and measure the AC & DC load line
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• compute the dc and ac parameters for a common-emitter (CE) amplifier
• build a CE amplifier circuit and measure the dc parameters, the ac input resistance, and the voltage gain.
observe the phase relationship between eh input and the output signals
• Test the effects of certain faults in a CE amplifier.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Capacitors
• Resistors • Two 1 mF
• One 100 • One 47 mF
• One 330 • One 2N3904 NPN silicon transistors
• One 1 k • One 10 k potentiometer
• One 4.7 k • Analog discovery 2
• two 10 k • Jumper wires
1 Input signal is applied between the base and the 2 The transistor’s emitter is common to both the input
emitter and the output signal is developed between and output circuit, hence, the term common-emitter.
the collector and emitter.
3 A CE amplifier is illustrated in Figure 1 this is the be an ac short. Thus, the ac equivalent circuit does
basic circuit that will be tested. not contain R E2 in this example. Using the
4 A amplify ac signals, the base-emitter junction must superposition theorem, VCC is replaced with a short,
be forward-biased and the base-collector junction placing it at ac ground.
must be reverse-biased. – Replace all capacitors with a short and place VCC at
5 The bias establishers and maintains the proper dc ac ground. Compute the ac resistance of the emitter,
operating conditions for the transistor. The dc r’e from the equation:
parameters are analyzed first as described in after r’e = 25mV/IE
analyzing the dc conditions, the ac parameters for
– Compute the amplifiers voltage gain. Voltage gain is
the amplifier can be evaluated. The equivalent ac
the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage. The
circuit is drawn in figure 2 the capacitors appears to
input voltage is across the ac emitter resistance to
ground which, in this example is, r’e+RE1. The output
AV =
voltage is taken across the ac resistance from the
collector to ground. Looking from the transistor’s – Compute the total input resistance seen by the ac
collector, RL, appears to be in parallel with RC. Also, signal:
IC is approximately equal to Ie. For this circuit is Figure
Rin(tot) = R1 l l R2 l l (r’e+RE1)
9-1b, the output voltage divided but the input voltage ac
1 Record the values of the resistors listed in Table 1 as 3 Compute the dc parameters listed in Table 2 for the
per the circuit given in Fig 2. CE amplifier shown in figure 2. Note that VB, VE and
Fig 2
VC are with respect to circuit ground. Use the sum of
RE1 and RE2 time IE to compute the dc emitter voltage,
VE. Compute VC by subtracting VRC from VCC.
Enter your computed values in Table 2.
R1 10k
R2 4.7k
RE1 100k
RE2 300k
RC 1.0K
RL 10k Table 3
AC Parameter Computed Value Measured Value
2 Construct the amplifier shown in figure 2. The signal
generator should be turned off. Measure and record Vin = Vs 300mVpp
the dc voltage listed in Table 2. Vs
Table 2
DC Parameter Computed value Measured value Vout=Vc
VB Rin(tot)
VE 6 Remove the bypass capacitor, C2, from the circuit.
IE Measure the ac signal voltage at the transistor’s base,
emitter, and collector. Measure the voltage gain of
VC the amplifier.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Resistor ¼ W/CR25
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 18kW, 390W, 82kW, 3K9 - 2 Nos
• CRO 20 MHz -Dual trace - 1 No each
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Capacitor
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 0.1 mF - 1 No
• Soldering iron 25W/230V - 1 No 0.01 mF - 2 Nos
• Soldering iron stand - 1 No • 2J gang capacitor - 1 No
• Hook up wires - as reqd
Materials • Rosin cored solder - as reqd
• Transistor BF 195 - 1 No
• MW oscillator coil - 1 No
• Breadboard - 1 No
Table 1 10 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Colpitts oscillator Observation
Gang capacitor at
one extreme end
Gang capacitor at
other extreme end
Gang capacitor at
F= , Where ‘C’ is the capacitance of
2π LC
the capacitor C1 in tank circuit and L = L1 +
L2 the effective series inductances of tank
8 Repeat the above steps by changing the position of
the gang capacitor and record the readings in
Table 2.
9 Draw waveform observed at different settings of
gauged capacitor and note down the frequencies as
given in Table 2.
Table 2
Position of gang Amplitude Frequency
capacitor in volts in Hz
3 Switch on the supply
Gang capacitor at
4 Switch on the CRO and adjust to get horizontal trace.
one extreme end
5 Connect the CRO in the O/P terminal of the circuit.
Gang capacitor at
6 Observe the output of the circuit in the CRO, adjust other extreme end
the time/div, V/div knobs to get stable wave form.
Gang capacitor at
7 Measure the time period & calculate the frequency of approximately mid-
oscillator using the formula F= practically.
T 10 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Resistor ¼ W/CR25
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 10kW, 2k2, 680W, 47kW - 1 No each
• Regulated DC power supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Resistor 4.7kW/¼ W/CR25 - 2 Nos
• CRO, 20 MHz - Dual channel - 1 No • Capacitor 25VDC working
• Digital frequency counter - 1 No 0.01 mF - 3 Nos
• Soldering Iron 25W/230V with stand - 1 No 1mF, 22mF - 1 No each
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Transistor BC 107 - 1 No
• POT 4.7kW - 1 No
Materials • Hookup wire - as reqd
• Breadboard - 1 No
TASK 1: Construction and testing of RC phase shift oscillator circuit using transistor
1 Collect all the components from instructor and test
them. 5 Switch ON the 12VDC supply to the RC phase shift
2 Assemble the RC phase-shift oscillator as shown in oscillator circuit and measure the output waveform
Fig 1 on the breadboard. using CRO.
If there is no output, adjust the value of POT
to get the output; even after adjusting the POT
no output is available consult the instructor.
6 Keep the preset VR1 at maximum resistance position
adjust the preset pot and observe the change in
frequency/waveform on CRO.
7 Measure and record the oscillator output frequency
in Table1.
8 Measure the output using frequency counter also
and record the readings in Table 1.
9 Adjust POT suitably and find the minimum and
maximum frequency of oscillations of the circuit.
Record the observations in Table.
10 Compare the calculated and measured frequency of
the oscillator.
3 Get the assembled circuit checked by the Instructor.
11 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
4 Preapre the CRO for measurements and connect it
across the output terminals.
Table 1
Output frequency at different positions of R3 preset Calculated frequency _____________ Hz
Sl. Position of Frquency Frequency
No. preset VR1 measured measured using
using CRO freq counter
1 Minimum
2 Middle
3 Maximum
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.2.198
Instrument Mechanic - Oscillators
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Breadboard - 1 No
• Oscilloscope, 20 MHz Dual trace - 1 No • Hook up wires - as reqd
• Regulated DC power supply • 8.44 MHz Crystal with holder - 1 No
0-30V/2A - 1 No • Capacitors - 25V DC wkg
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 680pF - 1 No
330pF - 1 No
• Capacitor 0.1mF - 2 Nos
• Transistor BF195 - 1 No
• Resistors ¼ W/CR25
82kW,18kW, 3.9kW, 390W - 1 No each
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.2.199&200
Instrument Mechanic - Oscillators
Construct and test a clapp oscillator circuit and IC based oscillator circuit
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test a clapp oscillator circuit.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.201
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials/Components
• Analog/IC Tester with • Assorted analog ICs such as
operating manual - 1 No Op-Amp and timer ICs (IC 74,
• Semiconductor Data book/manual - as reqd LM 324 IC 555) - Minimum
3 Nos each
Keep a minimum of 10 nos of assorted labeled ICs on a table at two places and instruct the trainees to
pick one IC at a time to carry out the testing work.
Instructor should demonstrate the operation of IC tester available in the laboratary. A typical IC tester
is shown in Fig 1.
TASK 1 : Identification of various Analog ICs with their specifications and pin diagram
1 Pick one of the labeled IC from the assorted lot and – Open-loop gain AVOL
record its product code /label number printed on the
body. – Minimum output current Iout(min)
Table 1
Sl.No. Label No. IC Number Manufacturer Vcc AVOL IOUT Application Pin
name max (min) diagram
TASK 2 : Testing of the given Op- Amp and Timer IC with Analog IC Tester
IC Tester has self test button. On pressing it,
The IC tester performs self Diagnostic test its
own hardware. It has two modes of operations
1 Quick test - To test and give result
2 Stepwise test - To know which portion of 3 Open the level of the ZIF socket and insert the IC into
hardware in IC has failed.In this method, position carefully.
even if one AMP in a dual Op- Amp IC is
GOOD that IC can be used. Note: ZIF socket refers to Zero Insertion Force.It
is a type of socket for mounting electronic
1 Refer to the instruction operation manual of IC tester, devices that is designed not to stress ordamage
familiar with operation of analog/universal IC tester them during Insertion.
available in laboratory.
4 Switch on the power switch of IC tester enter the IC
Fig 1 number on the keypad of the IC tester and press TEST
key and see the result.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Analog/Universal IC Tester with • Op-Amp ICs LM324, UA741 - 2 Nos each
instruction manual - 1 No • Breadboard - 2 Nos each
• CRO, 20 MHz Dual trace - 2 Nos • Resistors 10 kW,¼ W/CR25 - 7 Nos
• Semiconductor Data book - 1 No 100 kW,¼ W/CR25 - 1 No
• Analog/Digital multimeter with probes - • Hook up wires/connecting wires - as reqd
1No • IC base (8 pin), DIP - 2 Nos
• Dual regulated DC power supply • Diodes 1N4001 - 4 Nos
0-30V/2A - 1 No
• Function generator - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set
Observation table
Table 2
S.No. Configuration Output voltage Result
1 When inputs V1, V2 & V3 have been Vo= Is O/P proportional to sum of inputs?
applied on -Ve terminal (Yes / No)
2 When input V1, V2 & V3 have been Vo= Is output proportional to sum of inputs?
applied on +Ve terminal (Yes / No)
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.202 101
Formula to calculate output voltage of summing amplifier
i For Inverting Amplifier
⎛⎛ R ⎞ ⎛R ⎞ ⎛R ⎞⎞ R
Vo = −⎜ ⎜
⎜⎜ R
f × V ⎟ + ⎜ f × V ⎟ + ⎜ f × V ⎟ ⎟ = f V +V + V
1 ⎟ ⎜R 2 ⎟ ⎜R 3 ⎟⎟ R 1 2
⎝ ⎝ in ⎠ ⎝ in ⎠ ⎝ in ⎠⎠ in
⎛⎛ R ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞
Vo = ⎜ ⎜ 1 +
⎜⎜ Rin ⎟⎠ 1 ⎜⎝ Rin ⎟⎠ 2 ⎜⎝ Rin ⎟⎠ 3 ⎟ ⎜⎝ Rin ⎟⎠ 1 2
f ⎟V + ⎜1 + f ⎟V + ⎜1 + f ⎟V ⎟ = ⎜1 + f ⎟ V + V + V
⎝⎝ ⎠
If Rf = R1
Vo = 2 (V1 + V2 + V3)
1 Modify the components values and assemble the 6 Change the input values at V1 and V2 and record the
circuit shown in Fig 4. output readings in Table 3.
2 Get the assembled circuit checked by the instructor. 7 Compare the calculated value with observed.
8 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Note: A Rf1 = Rf2 = Rf and R1 = R2 - Rin
VO Output = (V2 - V1)
Oberservation table
Table 3
Input to Output to Output
Differential (VO) Observed
Amplfier calculated (VO)
V1 V2
0.5V 1V
3 Repeat step 5 of Task 1.
+1V -2V
4 Apply the DC inputs to the differntial amplifier circuit
at pin 2 and pin 3 through 10k resistors as per the -2V +2.5V
Table 3.
5 Measure the output using Multimeter and record in
given table.
102 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.202
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.203
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Tools/Equipments/Instruments / Data Book Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Resistors 1kW, 10kW, 4.7kW
• CRO 20MHz dual trace - 1 No ¼ W/CR25 - each 1
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No No
• Voltmeter 0-10V - 1 No • IC 741 Op-Amp - 1 No
• Regulated dual DC • Capacitor 0.1 mF/25V - 1 No
power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Hook up wire - as reqd
• Function generator - 1 No • Breadboard - 1 No
• Graph sheet (Linear) - 1 No
TASK 2 : Construction and testing of a integrator circuit
1 Check the components for their good working condition 4 Switch ON the dual power supply and set it to +12V, -
and connect the circuit on the bread board as shown 12V and GND connections.
in the Fig 4.
5 Observe the output waveform on the CRO.
6 Vary the frequency to 1/10T and observe the waveform.
7 Vary the frequency to 1/0.1T and observe the waveform.
8 Draw output and input waveform of the circuit as
shown in Fig 5, on a graph sheet for all the 3 steps.
9 Repeat the same procedure for different input signals
viz. square wave, triangular waveform.
10 Get the result checked by the Instructor.
104 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.203
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.204
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Construct and test a voltage to current and current to voltage convert using
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test voltage to current convertor
• construct and test current to voltage convertor.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments / Data Book • Potentiometer 1 k - 1 No
• +15V DC power supply - 1 Set • OP AMP 740 C - 1 No
• -15V DC power supply - 1 No Materials
• Resistors
• 1k - 2 No • VOMs (or digital multimeters to
• 10 k 1/2W - 2 No measure voltage and current) - 1 No
• Graph sheet (Linear) - 1 No
Vin’ V iout’ mA
2 Adjust the potentiometer to get an input voltage of 1V.
3 Read the output current and record the value in the
given Table 1.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments/Data Book Materials
• Function generator - 1 No • Resistors ¼ W/CR25
• CRO dual trace 20MHz - 1 No 1kW - 4 Nos
• Dual regulated DC power supply 100kW - 4 Nos
0-30V/2A - 1 No 1kW POT - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1Set • IC LM324 - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Breadboard - 1 set
• Data sheet of the IC LM324 - as reqd
Sl.No. Applied input voltage Voltage gain Output voltage Result
AV calculated (Vo) Observed
Output ‘Vo’
1 V1= Vo=
V2 =
7 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.206
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Identify the pin configuration and check the output voltage of 555 IC
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• idenitfy the pin configuration of 555IC
• check the output voltage of 555IC.
Table 1
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.207
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Carbon resistors, ¼ W/CR25
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30/2A - 1 No 1kW - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 10k preset - 1 No
• CRO 20MHz, Dual trace - 1 No • Preset, 10kW - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Capacitors
0.01 μF/25V - 1 No
Materials 0.1 μF/25V - 1 No
• Bread board - 1 No 4.7 μF/25V - 1 No
• IC base, 8 pin DIL - 1 No • Speaker, 8W, 2" or any small - 1 No
• IC 555 - 1 No speaker (used in pocket radios)
• LED 5mm, Red - 1 No
• Hook up wires -as reqd
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.208
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
• D = Duty Cycle =
110 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.208
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.209
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
• IC 555 - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Capacitor 0.01μF/25V - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Loud speaker 8W/1W - 1 No
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Hookup wire - as reqd
Materials • 10k Linear potentiometer - 1 No
• Bread board - 1 No
• Resistor 100kW, 1kW, 220W
¼ W/CR25 - 1 No each
Table 1
Sl.No. Input Voltage CRO readings
1 1.5V
2 Assemble the components on breadboard according 2 3V
to the circuit shown in Fig 1.
3 4.5V
3 Get the assembled circuit checked by the Instructor.
4 7.5V
4 Switch ON 9V DC supply to the circuit from the
Regulated DC power supply.
5 Preapare the CRO for measurement, and observe the
waveform at pin no.3.
Table 1 Table 2
S.No. RA C Time Wave form at Wave form at
Trigger Input Output Pin-3
Calculated Measured
Pin -2
T=1.11 x RAC
1 33k 4.7 F
2 1M 4.7 F
112 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.3.209
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.210
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Resistor
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set 15kW, carbon, ¼ W - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No 10kW, carbon, ¼ W - 1 No
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No 5.6kW, carbon, ¼ W - 1 No
• Function generator - 1 No • Capacitors 25V DC
• AF signal generator - 1 No 0.1μF, ceramic disc - 2 Nos
10 μF - 1 No
Materials • LED 5mm, Red - 1 No
• Breadboard - 1 No • Push-button switch (Push-to-ON) - 1 No
• IC 555 - 1 No • Hook up wires - as reqd
• IC Base-8 pin - 1 No
• Diode 1N4001 - 1 No
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.3.211
Instrument Mechanic - Operational Amplifiers
Construct and test automatic delay on circuit using 555IC and other discrete
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• conastruct and test automatic delay on circuit using 555IC.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • LED with holder - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Capacitor - 1 No
• Regulated power supply (0-30)V - 1 No • Resistors - 68K, 10K, 220R
• Bread board
Materials • Potentiometer (optional) - 1 No
• 555IC - 1 No
• Push button switch - 1 No
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.212
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Breadboard - 1 No
• Logic Gates (IC) trainer Kit - 1 No • Connecting Patch Cords - as reqd
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • IC 7400, IC 7408, IC 7432
• Data sheet of ICs used - as reqd IC 74266, IC 7402, IC 7404
IC 7486 - 1 No each
Note: The Instructor has to provide/ensure ICs 1 Pick one of the ICs note down the number in Table -1
with their number printed on them is clearly
2 Refer to the data sheet/semiconductor data
visible and all the ICs are inserted on a bread
manual,find the logic gate function,draw the pin out
board safely.
diagram, mark the input, output and supply pin
Safety precaution: Do not touch the pins of numbers.
the ICs with fingers.
3 Repeat the steps for remaining ICs and record the
observations in Table-1.
Table 1
Sl.No. IC number Logic gate Symbol Pin out
1 IC 7408
2 IC 7432
3 IC 7404
4 IC 7400
5 IC 7402
6 IC 7486
7 IC 74266
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.213
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Verify the truth tables of all logic gate ICs by connecting switches and LEDs
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and EX-OR gates using ICs
• verify truth tables of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and EX-OR gates using switches and LEDs.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • IC-7486 - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • IC-7400 - 1 No
• Regulated DC power supply • SPDT Switches (Miniature Toggle) - 2 Nos
0-30V/2A - 1 No • IC 7404 - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Hook up wire, red and black - as reqd
• Flexible wires - as reqd
Materials • Resistor/¼ W/CR25 - 1 No
• Breadboard - 1 No • 330 - 1 No
• IC 7408 - 1 No • LED 5mm, Red - 1 No
• IC - 7432 - 1 No • Data sheets of ICs used - as reqd
TASK 1 : Construction and AND gate using IC 7408 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the Table 1
data sheet of the IC 7408, assemble the AND gate as
shown in Fig 1 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
A B LED status
TASK 2 : Construction of OR gate using IC 7432 and verification of its Truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data 2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1 and record the
sheet of the IC 7432, assemble the OR gate as shown observations in Table 2.
in Fig 2 on the bread board.
Table 2
Sl.No. Input Output
LED status
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
TASK 3 : Construction of NOT gate using IC 7404 and verification of its Truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data 4 Verify the readings with the truth table of NOT gate.
sheet of the IC 7404, assemble the NOT gate as shown
5 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
in Fig 3 on the bread board.
Table 3
Sl.No. Input Output
LED status
TASK 4 : Construction of NAND gate using IC 7400 and verification of its Truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the
data sheet of the IC 7400, assemble the AND gate as
shown in Fig 4 on the bread board.
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1 and record the
observations in Table 4.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of NAND gate.
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.213 117
Table 4 NAND gate Truth table
Sl.No. Input Output Sl.No. Input Output
LED status Y=A.B
1 1 0 0 1
2 2 0 1 1
3 3 1 0 1
4 4 1 1 0
TASK 5 : Construction of NOR gate using IC 7402 and verification of its Truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the Table 5
data sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the NOR gate as
shown in Fig 5 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
LED status
TASK 6 : Construction of EX-OR gate using IC 7486 and verification of its Truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data Table 5
sheet of the IC 7486, assemble the EX-OR gate as
shown in Fig 6 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
LED status
Construct and verify the truth table of all the gates using NAND and NOR gates
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct AND, OR, NOT, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates using NAND gate
• construct AND, OR, NOT, NAND, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates using NOR gates.
1 The Instructor has to guide the trainees to record 5VDC given to gate input as logic high (1) and GND
(zero volt) as logic low (0)
2 The condition of LED ON as Logic ‘1’ and OFF as logic ‘0’.
TASK 1: Construction of AND gate circuit using NAND gate IC 7400 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data AND gate Truth table
sheet of the IC 7400, assemble the AND gate as shown
in Fig 1 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
A S1 B S2
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 0 0
4 1 1 1
Table 1
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Use toggle switches S1 as input A and switch S2as input LED Condition
A S1 B S2
3 Get the assembled circuit checked by the Instructor.
4 Switch ON 5VDC supply and operate switches S1 & S2
for different logic levels either in 5V position or zero volt
position as shown in Table 1. 3
5 Observe the LED for each step of combinations, 4
record the observations in Table 1. 6 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
TASK 2: Construction of OR gate circuit using NAND gate and verification of its truth table
1 Rearrange the connections and assemble the OR gate OR gate Truth table
circuit using NAND gates as shown in Fig 2 on bread
board. Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1 and record the observations
in Table 2. A B
TASK 3: Construction of NOT gate circuit using NAND gate and verification of its truth table
1 Rearrange the connections and assemble the NOT gate NOT gate Truth table
circuit using NAND gates as shown in Fig 3 on bread
board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 1
2 1 0
Table 3
1 0
2 Use toggle switch S1 as input A.
2 1
3 Repeat steps 3 to 5 of Task 1 and record the
observations in Table 3.
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
TASK 4: Construction of NOR gate circuit using NAND gate and verification of its truth table
1 Rearrange the connections and assemble the NOR
gate circuit using NAND gates as shown in Fig 4 on
bread board.
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1, and record the observations
in Table 4.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of NOR gate.
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
120 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.214
NOR gate Truth table Table 4
Sl.No. Input Output Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 1 2
3 1 0 1 3
4 1 1 1 4
TASK 5: Construction of EX-OR gate circuit using NAND gate and verification of its truth table
1 Rearrange the connections and assemble the EX-OR
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of
gate circuit using NAND gates as shown in Fig 5 on
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
bread board.
EX-OR gate Truth table
Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 5
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1, and record the
observations in Table 5.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of EX-OR gate. 3
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
TASK 6: Construction of EX-NOR gate circuit using NAND gate and verification of its truth table
1 Rearrange the connections and assemble the EX-NOR
EX-NOR gate Truth table
gate circuit using NAND gates as shown in Fig 6 on
bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 6
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1, and record the
observations in Table 6. A B
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.214 121
TASK 7: Construction of AND gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of
data sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the AND gate as
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
shown in Fig 7 on the bread board.
AND gate Truth table
Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 7
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1, and record the A B
observations in Table 7.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of AND gate. 2
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor. 3
TASK 8: Construction of OR gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data OR gate Truth table
sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the OR gate as shown
in Fig 8 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 8
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 1, and record the
observations in Table 8. A B
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of OR gate. 1
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor. 3
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of 4
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
TASK 9: Construction of NOT gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the
data sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the NOT gate as
shown in Fig 9 on the bread board.
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 9, and record the
observations in Table 9.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of NOT gate.
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
122 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.214
NOT gate Truth table Table 9
Sl.No. Input Output Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 1 1
2 1 0 2
TASK 10: Construction of NAND gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data
sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the NAND gate as shown EX-OR gate Truth table
in Fig 10 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 10
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 9, and record the
observations in Table 10.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of NAND gate. 3
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor. 4
TASK 11: Construction of EX-OR gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the
EX-OR gate Truth table
data sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the EX-OR gate as
shown in Fig 11 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 11
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 9, and record the A B
observations in Table 11.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of EX-OR gate. 2
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor. 3
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
TASK 12: Construction of EX-NOR gate using NOR gate IC 7402 and verification of its truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them, refer to the data
sheet of the IC 7402, assemble the EX-NOR gate as EX-OR gate Truth table
shown in Fig 12 on the bread board. Sl.No. Input Output
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 1
Table 12
Sl.No. Input Output
2 Repeat steps 2 to 5 of Task 9, and record the 3
observations in Table 12.
3 Verify the readings with the truth table of EX-NOR gate.
4 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Note: Use logic probe to check the status of
each pin to confirm the functioning of each gate.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.215
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Use digital IC tester to test various digital ICs (TTL and CMOS)
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the IC manufacturers' names from the logo given on the IC and manufacturers data
• identify IC code number printed on the given digital IC
• identify the type of package of the given digital IC (TTL and CMOS)
• identify the logic family of the given digital IC referring databook
• identify the pin numbers of the given Digital IC referring data book
• test the given IC using digital IC tester.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Digital IC databook - 1 No • Assorted Digital ICs
• Digital IC tester with manual - 1 No (both TTL and CMOS types) - 10 Nos
• DMM with probes - 1 No • Breadboard - 1 No
• Hook up wires - as reqd
1 Identify operator controls, switches and IC socket on 5 Count and record the number of pins on the IC.
the digital IC tester as shown in Fig 1 with reference to
the manual. 6 As demonstrated by the instructor, test and record the
condition of the IC using digital IC tester for atleast 10
2 Pick one of the labeled IC from the assorted lot and different ICs both in TTL and CMOS types.
record its label number.
Note: Follow the procedure demonstrated by
3 Refer to the data manual interpret the manufacturer’s the instructor for setting the controls on digital
logo given on the IC or alphabets used for the IC type IC tester while testing the IC.
identify and record the details in Table 1.
7 Get the recorded information checked by the instructor
4 Identify and record the logic family supply voltage and for 10 different ICs.
function of the IC referring the data manual.
Sl. Label No. Code No. of No.of Logic family Function Package Maximum Condion
No. IC IC pins type VCC voltage of IC tested
Fig 1
126 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.215
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.216
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and verify the truth table of all the gates using DTL circuit
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and verify the truth table of NOT gate using DTL circuit
• construct and verify the truth table of AND gate using DTL circuit
• construct and verify truth table of OR gate using DTL circuit
• construct and verify truth table of NAND gate using DTL circuit
• construct and verify truth table of NOR gate using DTL circuit.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments/Data manual • Diode IN 4001 - 10 Nos
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Transistor BC547 - 10 Nos
• DMM with probes - 1 No • Zener Diode Z9V1 - 10 Nos
• Resistors +5k - 8 Nos
Materials/Components • Resistors 3 K9 - 8 Nos
• Breadboard - 1 No • LED Red color - 5 Nos
• Connecting patch cards - as reqd
TASK 1: Construct and verify the truth table of NOT gate using DTL circuit
TASK 2: Construct and verify the truth table of AND gate using DTL circuit
1 Collect the equipments and components and check the
items for its good working condition.
2 Connect them as in the circuit diagram (Fig 2).
3 Switch ON the input supply.
4 Verify the truth table of AND gate and note it in the
table 2.
5 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Truth Table 2
Input Output
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
TASK 3: Construct and verify the truth table of OR gate using DTL circuit
1 Collect the equipments and components and check the Truth Table 3
items for its good working condition. Input Output
2 Connect them as in the circuit diagram (Fig 3). A B Y
3 Switch ON the input supply. 1 0
4 Verify the truth table of OR gate and note it the table 3. 0 1
5 Get the work checked by the instructor. 1 0
1 1
TASK 4: Construct and verify the truth table of NAND gate using DTL circuit
1 Collect the equipments and components and check the
items for its good working condition.
2 Connect them as in the circuit diagram (Fig 4).
3 Switch ON the input supply.
4 Verify the truth table of NAND gate and note it the
table 4.
5 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Truth Table 3
Input Output
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
TASK 4: Construct and verify the truth table of NOR gate using DTL circuit
1 Collect the equipments and components and check the Truth Table 5
items for its good working condition.
2 Connect them as in the circuit diagram (Fig 4).
3 Switch ON the input supply.
1 0
4 Verify the truth table of NOR gate and note it the
table 5. 0 1
128 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.216
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.216 129
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.217
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct half adder circuit using ICs and verify the truth table
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct the half adder circuit and verify the truth table.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Soldering iron 25W/230V - 1 No • IC-7486 with base - 1 No
• Logic probe - 1 No • IC-7400 with base - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Data sheet of ICs used - 1 No each
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • LED 5mm Red, Green - 2 Nos
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 2 Nos
• Miniature toggle switch SPDT - 3 Nos
• Breadboard - 1 No
• Solder, flux - as reqd
• Hook up wires - as reqd
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 1 0
3 1 0 1 0
4 1 1 0 1
5 Observe the LEDs for each step of combinations, 7 Get the work checked by the instructor.
record your observations in Table 1.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.218
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct Full adder with two Half adder circuit using ICs and verify the truth
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test full adder using half adder circuits.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Soldering iron 25W/230V - 1 No • IC-7486 with base - 1 No
• Logic probe - 1 No • IC-7400 with base - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Data sheet of ICs used - as reqd
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • LED 5mm Red, Green - 1 No each
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 2 Nos
• Miniature toggle switch SPDT - 3 Nos
• Breadboard - 1 No
• Solder, flux - as reqd
• Hook up wires - as reqd
TASK 1 : Construction of Full Adder using two Half Adder circuits and verification of truth table
1 Collect all the components, check them and assemble Truth table of Full Adder
the Full adder circuit as shown in Fig 1on breadboard.
Sl.No. Input Output
A B C Sum Carry
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 1 0
4 0 1 1
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 1
7 1 1 0
8 1 1 1
Table 1
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.219
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
1 Construct an full subractor circuit as given in Fig 2 on 4 Turn on power to your experiment circuit.
the given bread board.
5 For each input combination, note the logic state of the
2 Connect the ICs properly to power supply (pin 14) and outputs as indicated by the LEDs (ON=1; OFF=0), and
ground (pin 7) following the schematics for different ICs record the result in the table 2.
as shown in Fig 3.
6 Compare your results with the truth table for operation.
3 Using dip switch and resistors, facilitate all possible
7 When you are done, turn off the power to your
combinations of inputs from the power supply.
experiemental circuit.
Table 1 Table 1
Half Subtractor Full Subtractor
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.219 133
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.220
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct the adder cum subtractor circuit and verify the result
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct a 4 bit binary adder circuit using IC 7483, IC7486 and verify the result
• construct a 4 bit binary subtractor circuit using IC7483, IC7486 and verify the result.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • IC-7486 with base (14 pin) - 1 No
• IC-7483 with base (16 pin) - 1 No
• Soldering iron 25W/230V - 1 No
• Breadboard - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set
• Solder, flux - as reqd
• Regulated DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No
• Connecting wires - as reqd
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No
• Resistor 330W ¼ W/CR25 - 2 Nos
• Logic probe - 1 No
• Hook up wires - as reqd
• Data sheet of ICs used - as reqd
• LED 5mm, Red - 4 Nos
Materials • LED 5mm, Green - 1 No
• Miniature toggle switch SPDT - 3 Nos • Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 5 Nos
5 Switch ON 5VDC supply and operate switches S1 to S8 6 Observe the status of all the five LEDs for each step of
for different logic levels either in 5V position or zero volt combinations record them in Table 1.
(GND) position keeping the switch S9 at END positon to
operate the circuit as 4 bit binary adder as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1
Mode switch=OV Mode switch=5V
7 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.220 135
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.221
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • 74 LS 73
Aids: Data sheet of ICs used for this exercise 74 LS 74
74 LS 76 - 1 No each
74 LS 107
74 LS 109
Note: Instructor has to label the different types of logic gates ICs.
Table 1
Sl.No. IC Number Logic gates function Symbol Pinout diagram
1 74LS73
2 74LS74
3 74LS76
4 74LS107
5 74LS109
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.222
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test R-S Flip-flop using IC 7400 with clock and without clock
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test R-S flip-flop using IC 7400 without clock pulse
• construct and test RD flip-flop with clock pulse.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Breadboard - 1 No
• DC power supply 0-30VDC/2A - 1 No • IC-7400 NAND gate with data sheet - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Miniature toggles switch - 2 Nos
• Hook up wires - as reqd
• LED 5mm, Red, Green - 1 No each
• Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 2 Nos
TASK 1: Construction and testing of R-S Flip-Flop without clock pulse using IC 7400
1 Collect all the components required, check them and
2 Get the assembled RS flipflop circuit checed by the
assemble the RS flipflop circuit on the breadboard as
shown in Fig 1.
3 Switch ON 5DVC supply to the circuit, use switches
S1 and S2 for setting input logic levels as shown in
Fig 1.
4 Operate the switches to apply different logic levels
and observe corresponding output.
5 Record the status of LEDs for each step of logic
Table 1
RS flip-flop using NAND gate
Input Output
0 1 Set
1 1 No Change
1 0 Reset
1 1 No Change
0 0 Forbidden
TASK 2 : Construction and testing of RS flipflop with clock pulse using IC 7400
1 Modify the RS flipflop circuit into clocked RS flipflop 2 Connect switches S1 and S2 at R and S inputs re-
circuit as shown in Fig 2. spectively.
3 Switch ON 5VDC supply to the circuit, operate
switches S1,S2 apply differnt logic levels to the input
keeping clock input at ground/negative.
4 Observe the status of LEDs for the above four steps
and record in Table 2.
5 Connect the clock input to +5VDC and repeat steps 3
and 4 and record the obsevations for next four steps.
Table 2
Input Output
Status Status
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
0 0 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
6 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
138 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.222
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.223
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Verify the truth tables of Flipflop ICs (RS, D, T, JK, MSJK) by connecting
switches and LEDs
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and verify the truth table of RS flip flop by connecting switches and LEDs
• construct and verify the truth table of D flip flop by connecting switches and LEDs
• construct and verify the truth table of T.flip flop by connecting switches and LEDs
• construct and verify the truth table of JK flop by connecting switches and LEDs
• construct and verify the truth table of JK flip flop by connecting switches and LEDs.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • IC MC74HC 73 (Dual/JKFlip-Flop) - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1Set • IC 74LS76 (JK-FF) - 1 No
• DC power supply - 0-30V/2A - 2 Nos • Resistors 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 4 Nos each
• DMM with probes - 1 No • LED (Red,Green) - 1 No each
• Toggle switch - 4 Nos
Materials • Connecting wire - as reqd
• Breadboard - 1 No • Battery (9V) - as reqd
• IC 74 HC00 (Quad Nand Gate) - 2 Nos Aids: • Semicondutor digital IC-Data manual
• IC 74LS10 (3 Input NAND) - 1 No • charts
X 0 0 X X 1 1
X 0 1 X X 1 0
X 1 0 X X 0 1
L 1 1 0 0 0 Q
L 1 1 1 0 1 0
L 1 1 0 1 0 1
L 1 1 1 1 Toggles Toggles
L 1 1 X X Q Q
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.224
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Breadboard - 1 No
• DC power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • IC 7493 - 1 No
• DMM with probes - 1 No • LED 5mm, Red - 5 Nos
• Clock pulse generator - 1 No • Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 5 Nos
• Dual trace CRO-20 MHz - 1 No • Connecting wire (hook - up) - as reqd
• IC 7447 & 7 segment display - 1 Set
The 7493 is a four - bit ripple type binary counter. It consists of four flip-flops which are connected as shown
in Figure below. In order to function as a four-bit counter, CP1 must be externally connected to QA. If both
the master reset pins MR1 and MR2 are raised high, the four-bit flip-flops are reset to zero.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.225
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test a four bit synchronous binary counter using IC 74163
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test synchronous binary counter using IC 74163.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Mulitmeter with probes - 1 No • Breadboard - 1 No
• DC power supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No • I.C 74LS47 - 1 No
• Clock pulse generator 1 Hz - 1 No (BCD-to-7 segment decoder chip)
• Dual trace CRO, 0-20 MHz - 1 No • IC 74LS163 (synchronous binary counter) - 1 No
• IC 7404 - 1 No
• LED 5mm, Red - 4 Nos
• Resistor 270W/¼ W/CR25 - 4 Nos
• Lengths of jumper wire/connecting
wire (hook-up) - as reqd
Table 1
142 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.225
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.226
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • IC 74LS90 (Decade counter) - 1 No
• DC power supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No • IC 7447 (7-seg driver) - 1 No
• Logic with probes - 1 No • 7-seg display - 1 No
• Resistor 330W/¼ W/CR25 - 8 Nos
• LED Red, Green - 4 Nos
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.227
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test an UP/DOWN synchronous decade counter using 74190 and
monitor the output on LEDs
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct an up/down counter using IC 74LS190
• test the counter for counting UP and counting DOWN.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Breadboard - 1 No
• Regulated power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No • IC74LS190 - 1 No
• Logic probe - 1 No (Up/down decade counter)
• Single shot pulser - 1 No • LED 5mm
(Red, Green, Amber, Yellow) - 1 No each
• Resistors 220W, ¼ W/CR25 - 4 Nos
• Switches SPDT - 2 Nos
• Connecting wires/ Hook up wires - as reqd
1 Switch ON the supply and apply +5V regulated DC 5 Record the logic levels at Q3, Q2, Q1, and Q0 using the
supply to the circuit. logic probe in Table 1.
2 Apply logic-0 to the control pin D/ to make the counter 6 From the recorded readings at steps 4 and 5 conclude
count-up through a toggle switch. whether the counter is counting-up or down.
3 Apply logic 0 to the pins D0 to D3. Apply logic-0 to the 7 Get the recorded output and your conclusion checked
control pin momentarily and raise it back to Logic- by the Instructor.
1 state with a toggle switch.
8 Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 to recheck satisfactory
working of the counter.
This sets output Q3, Q2, Q1, Q0 to logic-0 levels.
Table 1 Up counter
Status of LEDs
D/ Clock
Pin No.5 input Pin No.11 D0 D1 D2 D3
Pin No.14
0 x 0 0 0 0
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
0 1 x x x x
Conclusion: _________________________________
9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
1 Feed D3, D2, D1 and D0 with 1001 (binary 9) by applying 4 Refer Table 2 and feed clock pulses at clock input (Pin
suitable voltage levels (logic-1=+5V and logic-0=0V). 14). On feeding each clock pulse record the output Q3,
2 Apply logic-0 to input (pin-11) momentarily and Q2, Q1 and Q0.
raise it back to logic-1 level. 5 From the recorded readings at step 4, conclude
This sets the outputs Q3, Q2, Q1 and Q0 to 1001 whether the counter is counting-up or counting-down.
such that this becomes the starting value for 6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 to recheck satisfactory working of
the down counter. the down-counter.
3 Apply logic-1 to D/U (Down/Up, pin 5) such that the 7 Get the working of the circuit and the recorded output
counter is prepared for count-down operation. checked by the Instructor.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.227 145
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.228
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Safety Precaution: Ensure that the IC pins are not bent while inserting into the bread board IC Base.
Note: If the digital IC trainer kit is not available in the lab,follow the steps given for this exercise
1 Collect the components required, check them and 2 Use toggle switches either in 5V position or in Zero Volt
assemble the multimeter circuit as shown in Fig 1 on position for different logic levels as shown in Table-1.
3 Get the assembled multiplexer circuit checked by the
Use the 16 pin IC base for IC74LS151. Instructor.
4 Switch ON the 5VDC supply to the circuit and operate
switches S1 to S4 for Data inputs and S5 & S6 for
selection Sequence.
5 Observe the LED for each setting and record it in
Table 1.
Table 1
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 D0-LED ON
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 D1-LED ON
3 0 1 0 0 1 0 D2-LED ON
4 1 0 0 0 1 1 D3-LED ON
5 1 1 1 1
1 Collect all the components check them and assemble 4 Switch ON the 5VDC supply to the circuit, Keep S1 at
the demultiplexer as shown in Fig 1 on breadboard. + 5VDC for the data input high. Change the settings of
Use the 16 pin base for IC74LS138. switches S2 and S3 for different combination of Data
select sequence as shown in Table -1.
2 Connect the toggle switch at input as shown in the circuit
5 Observe the LEDs for each setting and record the status
3 Get the assembled circuit checked by the Instructor. in Table -1
Note: When data input is not available,
Demultiplexer does not produce output for that
condition in any of the Data output pins.
6 Verify the output by keeping the Data input switch S1
to ground, Select Switch S2 & S3 randomly.
7 Observe the LED, Change switches S2 & S3 to other
three combinations, for whether any of the LEDs to
8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 by keeping the switch S1 at
+5VDC and confirm the LEDs are glowing independently
as per the selection sequence in Table -1.
9 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
Sl. Selection Output channels(Pin Nos.) LED ON =1 Remarks
No. Sequence LED OFF = 0
A B Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3
pin 15 pin 14 pin 13 pin 12 LED LED LED LED
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.228 147
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.229
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Seven segment LED (common anode) - 1 No
• Seven segment LED (comon cathede) - 1 No
TASK 1 : Testing the seven segment - LED display and identify the type
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.230
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test octal to binary encoder and decoder circuit using IC 74148
and IC 74132
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test octal to binary encoder circuit using IC 74148
• construct and test binary to octal decoder circuit using IC 74132.
• IC 74148 with data sheet - 1 Nos
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • IC 74132 with data sheet - 1 No
• RPS (0-30)V/2A - 1 No • 16 pin IC base - 2 Nos
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 Set • LED 5mm Red, green - 12 Nos
• Soldering iron 25W/230V - 1 No • Resistors Boar/1/4W - 10 Nos
• Digital IC trainer kit with • Hook up wires - as reqd
instruction manuel - 1 No • Bread board - 1 No
• Rosin cored solder - as reqd • Rosin cored solder - as reqd
• IC-74LS151 - 1 No
• IC-74LS138 with data sheet - 1 No
Note : If the digital IC trainer kit is not available in the tab follow the steps given for this exercise.
Table 1
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Y0 Y1 Y2
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Table 1
Inputs Outputs
Enable Select
G1 G1 A0 A1 A2 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
X H X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
L X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1/H D 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1/H D 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1/H D 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1/H D 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1/H D 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1/H D 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1/H D 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1/H D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
X - Toggle state
H - High state
L - Low
150 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.230
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.231
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test decimal to BCD encoder using IC 74147 and seven segment
LED display
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• Construct and test decimal to BCD encoder using IC 74147 and seven segment LED display.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Resistors 330/ 1/4w - 7 Nos
• IC 74147 with date sheet - 1 No • 10k - 10 Nos
• 16 pin IC base - 1 No • Hook up wires - as reqd.
• IC 7447 - 1 No • Bread board - 1 No
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No • Rosin cored solder - as reqd.
• Soldering iron 25w/ 230V - 1 No • LED 5mm Red, green - 4 Nos
• Digital IC trainer kit - 1 No • Switch ( push) - 10 Nos
• IC 7404 - 1 No
Note: if the digital IC trainer kit is not available in the lab follow the steps given for this exercise.
TASK 1: Construct and test decimal to BCD encoder using IC 74147 and seven segment LED display
1 Collect the components required, check them and 4 Observe the decimal to BCD conversion for each
assemble circuit as shown in Fig 1. decimal numbers from 0 to 9 by pressing the switches.
2 Get the assembled circuit checked by the instructor 5 Verify the truth table given in table 1.
3 Switch on the +5v vcc supply to the circuit 6 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Truth table for 74LS147
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 BCD (neg : ogic)
E H H E E H H E E E H H E .... (010)
X X X X X X X X L L H H L .... (910)
X X X X X X X L E L H H E 0..0(8 10)
X X X X X X L E E E L L L 0... (710)
X X X X X L H E E E L L E .00.(6 10)
X X X X L H H E E E L H L .0.0(5 10)
X X X L E H H E E E L H E .0..(4 10)
X X L E E H H E E E H L L ..00(3 10)
X L H E E H H E E E H L E ..0.(2 10)
L H H E L H H E E E H H L ...0(110)
152 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.231
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.232
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Construct and test seven segment LED Display decoder with IC 7447
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construction and testing of seven segment LED display decoder with IC 7447.
Table 1 Testing of decade counter IC7490
0 (reset)
154 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.232
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.233
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Safety precaution
1 Avoid loose connections
SI Value of load resistor Voltage across load Current through the circuit
No. Resistor
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.4.234
Instrument Mechanic - Logic Circuits
Tools/Equipments/Instruments - CRT
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set - Electro luminescent displays
• Multimeter/ DMM with probes - 1 No - Electro - paretic image display
- Liquid vapour display
- Dot matrix display
• Different types of display - each 1 No
Table 1
Name of the display
and its function
Name of the parts 1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
1 Identify the display and its parts (Fig 2). 2 Write the parts name in table 2.
3 Check with the instructor.
Table 2
Name of the display
and its function
Name of the parts 1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
TASK 3: Identify different parts and its functioning of Electro luminescent display
1 Identify the display and its parts (Fig 3)
2 Write the parts name in table 3.
3 Check with the instructor.
Table 3
Name of the display
and its function
Name of the parts
TASK 4: Identify different parts and its functioning of Electro paretic image display
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.234 157
Table 4
Name of the display
and its function
Name of the parts 1
TASK 5: Identify different parts and its functioning of dot matrix display
1 Identify the display and its parts. Table 5
2 Write the parts name in table 5. Name of the display
and its function
Type Fig 5a
Type Fig 5b
TASK 6: Identify different parts and its functioning of liquid vapour display
1 Identify the display and its parts.
2 Write the parts name in table 6.
3 Check with the instructor.
Table 6
158 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.4.234
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.5.235
Instrument Mechanic - A/D and D/A Converters
Identify different A/D and D/A IC’s, its function and specification
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• Identify different A/D and D/A IC’s, its function and specification.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Assorted ADC IC’s - 2 Nos
• ADC data book/ manual • Assorted DAC IC’s - 2 Nos
• DAC data book/ manual
1 Pick one of the IC’s from given assorted lot (Fig 1),
Fig 2
identify the IC number and record them in table 1.
2 Refer to the data book/ manual identify their
specifications and function and record in table 1.
Fig 1
Fig 3
1. Resolution:
2. Accuracy:
3. Linearity:
4. Monotoricity: Fig 4
5. Conversion time:
6. Settling time:
7. Stability:
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.5.236&237
Instrument Mechanic - A/D and D/A Converters
Construct and test a Binary weighted and R-2R Ladder type Digital- to- Analog
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• resister converter by using Op-Amp
• construct and test a digital to analog (D/A) Binary weighted
• assemble and test a digital to analog converter using R-2R ladder network using Op-Amp.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • IC LM741, ICDAC0808 - 1 No
• Regulated dual DC power supply • Data sheet of the ICs used - as reqd
0-30V/2A - 1 No • Resistor, carbon film 1k
• DC power supply 15V/500 mA - 1 No 10 kW/¼ W/CR25 - 16 Nos
• Digital multimeter with probe - 1 No • Breadboard - 1 No
• IC Base 8 pin - 1 No
• Hook up wire - as reqd
• Miniature toggle switch SPDT - 4 Nos
TASK 1: Construct and test a digital to analog (D/A) Binary weighted resistor converter by using Op-Amp
1 Remove the using R-2R ladder network wired in step 5
of Task 1 keeping op-amp circuit intact.
2 Replace the feedback resistor of op-amp circuit with 1K
resistor referring to Fig 2.
3 Adjust the output of op-amp to zero Volts by repeating
steps 2, 3 and 4 of Task 1.
4 Wire the remaining part of circuit using ICDA0808 by
referring to Fig 2.
At this stage, do not make connection between (pin 4)
DAC0808IC and op-amp circuit.
5 Get the work checked by your instructor.
6 Apply 15V to the VCC’-15V to VEE and 2V to Vref pins of
DAC0808IC and op-amp circuit.
9 Calculate the theoretical value of analog output using
7 Set the current through pin 14 to 2mA by adjusting the formula for each set of digital inputs applied at D0 to D7
2.2K Potentiometer. and record the same in Table 2.
8 Apply different logic input levels at data input pins D0 10 Compare the theoretical and practical results of output
to D7 referring to Table 2 of O&T sheet and record the voltage.
corresponding analog output Voltage.
11 Get the work checked by your instructor.
V0 =
Digital Input = logic 0/logic 1
Table 1
Decimal 4-bit Digital Input Vo Vo
Value of
Input D3 D2 D1 D0 Calculated Measured
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0
7 0 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.236&237 161
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.5.238
Instrument Mechanic - A/D and D/A Converters
Construct and test Digital RAMP analog to digital converter (ADC) circuit)
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct an analog to digital converter circuit using IC0809
• test and verify the analog to difital conversion circuit using IC0809.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• IC ADC0809 - 1 No. • Trainees kit - 1 No.
• General purpose IC test board - 1 No. • DC power supply 0-5V/500 mA - 2 Nos.
• Toggle switch (miniature type) - 2 Nos • Pulse generator, 100kHz - 1 No.
• IC Base 28 pin - 1 No. • Voltmeter analog/digital 0-5V - 1 No.
1 Refer Fig 1 and wire the analog to digital converter 3 Apply a 100 KHZ square wave as clock input at pin
circuit on a general purpose IC test board using 28 pin no.10.
IC base.
4 Apply analog input to the input INO, as shown in Table
1 of O&T sheet.
5 Apply logic-1 input to output enable input (OE) using
switch 2.
6 Apply a start pulse using switch SW1 by throwing it from
logic-0 to logic-1 and back to logic-0.
7 Measure and record the digital output levels in the O&T
8 Repeat steps 4 to 7 for different analog inputs referring
to the Table 1 of O&T sheet.
9 Calculate the theoretical value for each set of recorded
digital output using the formula.
Vth = Vref [D7.2-0 + D5.2-2 + D4.2-3 + D3.2-4 + D2.2-5 + D1.2-6 +
D 0. 2-7]
10 Compare both the actual analog input voltage applied
Vin and the calculated theoretical analog voltage
2 Insert the IC and apply +5V to VCC +Vref and OV to
Vref to the circuit constructed. 11 Get the work checked by your instructor.
TASK 2: Select and transmit one bit of data and route the same to a desired output line
1 Apply different data inputs to be transmitted from 4 Check and record the logic level routed to one of the
multiplexer at Data input pins D0 to D7. output lines of the demultiplexer.
2 Select the data input applied at D0 by setting a proper Note that the selected data applied at the input of
address using select input switches connected at C, B multiplexer is transmitted and routed to one of the output
and A of multiplexer IC 74LS151. lines of demultiplexer.
3 Check and record the logic level being transmitted from 5 Repeat the steps 2 to 4 by changing the select input
the output line of the multiplexer. switch positions to select different data inputs for
Note that the selected data input appears at the output transmission and routing to output of demultiplexer.
line of multiplexer.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.5.239
Instrument Mechanic - A/D and D/A Converters
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Personal computer with GPIB • Measuring devices - any Nos
software - 1 No • Recording devices - 5 Nos
• GPIB IEEE - 488 cableWith • Trainees tool kit - 1 set
IEEE - 488.2 protocol - As reqd.
2 Check the GPIB connectivity in measuring recording
Note: if GPIB provision not available use adopter
as shown in Fig 4.
164 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.239
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.5.240-242
Instrument Mechanic - A/D and D/A Converters
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • RS 232 to RS 485 convertor - 1 No
• RS 232 connector (9 pin) - 1 No • RS 485 to RS 232 convertor - 1 No
• RS 232 connector (25 pin) - 1 No • Screw driver set - 1 No
Table 1 Table 2
Pin no RS 232 male RS 232 Female Pin no RS 232 male RS 232 female
Pin 1 Pin 1
Pin 2 Pin 2
Pin 3 Pin 3
Pin 4 Pin 4
Pin 5 Pin 5
Pin 6 Pin 6
Pin 7 Pin 7
Pin 8 Pin 8
Pin 9 Pin 9
Table 3
6 Output to DAQ.
TASK 3: Convert RS232 signals o RS485 signals using RS232 to RS485 converter
Fig 1 Fig
166 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.5.240-242
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.243
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
TASK 1: identify different parts, function and operation of digital frequency meter
1 Take digital frequency meter (Fig 1). 4 Connect measure and the frequency.
5 Fill the block diagram shown in Fig 2.
Fig 1
TASK 2: identify different parts, function and operation of digital phase measuring meter
TASK 3: identify different parts, function and operation of digital time measuring instrument
1 Take digital time measuring instrument (timer)
(Fig 5).
Fig 5
TASK 4: identify different parts, function and operation of digital capacitance meter
1 Take digital capacitance meter (Fig 7).
Fig 7
168 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.243
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.244
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Digital Multimeter with probes - 1 No.
• Digital panel meter with Materials
different driver ICs - as reqd.
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set. • Operating / Instruction manual
Label Name plate details of DPM Display type Display colour Decoder/Driver IC
170 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.244
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.245
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
6 Get the work checked by the instructor.
172 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.245
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.246
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 2 Nos • Shunt resistor 0.1 W - 1 No.
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No. • Shunt resitor 0.01 W - 1 No.
• Regulator power supply 0-30V/2A - 1 No.
• Rectangular battery 9V - 1 No.
1 Connect the shunt resistor to digital panel/meter as 4 Connect the battery to circuit as shown in the dia-
shown in the Fig 1. gram.
5 Connect the Pin No.3 to Pin No.6 of DPM for proper
decimal point display.
6 Note that the current value displayed on the meter
can be fine-tuned by adjusting the trimmer potentiom-
eter on the back of the DPM.
7 Short Pin No.8 and pin No.10 together and connected
to the negative end of the shunt resistor.
8 Connect Rshunt across Pin No.7 and Pin No.8 and will
be connected in series with the load .
9 Note down the actual and indicated current readings
and record in Table-1.
• All digital panel meters, the full scale deflection are
200 mV full- scale.
• For the measurement of 1 Amps current through DPM,
correct power rating of the shunt resistor can be de-
termined by using the Ohm’s Law power formula.
2 The shunt resistor is placed in series with the applied P (Power) = V (Voltage) x I (Current)
current which causes a voltage deop to occur across P = Vmax x Imax = (0.200) x (1.0) = 0.1 Watt
the shunt.
• So we should use a 1/2 watt 1% resistor to be safe.
3 The shunt value depends on the maximum current flow
that will be encountered. For relatively small current
values (below 1 Amp) a 0.1 ohm shunt resistor is ad-
equate. This value will minimise any loading in the
circuit but will procedure a reasonable reading on the
DPM. If higher current levels will be encountered, 0.01
ohm or lower value should be used.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.247
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
TASK 1: Measuring phase sequence of a three phase supply using phase sequences meter
1 Read the marking on the phase sequence indicator 5 If the rotation is opposite, switch off the supply and
and record the direction for - RYB sequence interchange the leads II & III connected to the terminals
- RBY sequence Y and B. Switch on the supply.
PHASE SEQUENCE 6 Now the disc will rotate in the direction of the arrow.
In the direction of arrow on disc:________________ 7 Mark the leads corresponding to the letters on the
phase sequence indicator.
Opposite to the direction of
Do not touch the capacitor terminals with your bare
arrow on disc:_______________________________ hands. Use insulated pliers. The capacitor might hold
2 Switch OFF the supply and connect the 3 phases of the electrical charge and might give a shock.
supply to the sequence indicator. (Fig 1) 8 Switch on the main supply and observe the deflection
Mark the leads as I, II, III. connect them, such that I is of the meters.
connected to R, II to Y, III to B. 9 Record the meter readings in Table 2 for the load
You can connect andy lead (phase) to any conditions as shown in Table 2.
terminal in the sequence indicator. 10 Switch ‘off’ the power supply.
3 Switch ON the supply and observe the direction of the 11 Calculate the power factor in each case applying the
disc movement. following formulae.
4 Record the direction by a tick mark. a) P.F. calculated 1 = Cos = W1 + W2
Rotation 3 X Eph X Iph
Same as the arrow on disc b) P.F. calculated 2 = Cos where the angle is derived
Opposite to the arrow on disc from the formula Tan W1 + W2
W1 + W2
12 Enter the values in the appropriate column Table 2.
13 Determine the percentage error in both cases and
draw the graph.
%error = (Calculated P.F - Measured P.F) X 100
Calculated P.F
14 Write your conclusion summarising the reasons for
the error.
Condition A m m e t e r Voltmeter 3 - p h a s e Wattmeter Wattmeter 3 - p h a s e P.F calculated 1 Cos P.F calculated 2 P.F measured Percentage
reading IPH reading EPH apparent power r e a d i n g reading W2 true power error
in volt amperes 3 W1 watts watts W1 + W2 P.F.
Motor with
out load
Motor with
Motor with
load with
Table 1
9 Change the load connections of the frequency meter 11 Switch ‘ON’ the power read and record the supply
to 250V range. frequency in Table 1.
10 Connect the frequency meter between one phase line 12 Repeat the procedure for measuring frequency between
(i.e.L1) and neutral as in Fig 2. the other phases and neutral and enter values in
Table 1.
176 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.247
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.248
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Assorted types and values of
• DC Regulated Power Supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No different types of capacitors - 10 Nos
• Digital LCR Meter with manual - 1 No • Cotton cloth/cleaning brush - 1/4 kg
• Ohm meter - 1 No
• Electrician Knife - 1 No
The instructor has to label the different types of 4 Prepare LCR meter and connect a capacitor, observe
capacitors used for this exercise. and measure the capacitor value and record in
1 Pick one of the labelled capacitor from the given lot. Table 1.
2 Identify the type name and record it in Table 1. 5 Repeat steps-2 to 4 for remaining capacitors and
record in Table 1.
3 Refer the typographic code chart (Fig 1) for capacitors.
Observe and record the Capacitance value of the 6 Get the work checked by the Instructor
Table 1
Label No. Type of Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor value by measuring
value code value LCR meter
Capacitor Conversion Values
Microfarads ( F) Nanofarads (nF) Picofarads (pF)
0.000001 F 0.001 nF 1 pF
0.00001 F 0.01 nF 10 pF
0.0001 F 0.1 nF 100 pF
0.001 F 1 nF 1,000 pF
0.01 F 10 nF 10,000 pF
0.1 F 100 nF 100,000 pF
1 F 1,000 nF 1,000,000 pF
10 F 10,000 nF 10,000,000 pF
Max.Operating voltage
Tolerance Code Percentage Code Max.Voltage
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees Tool Kit - 1 Set • Hook-up wire -5m
• Regulated DC Power Supply, 0-30V/2A - 1 No • Bulb, 230V/40W - 1 No
• Multimeter with probes - 1 No • Power Cord - 1 No
• Timer Relay 12V DC - 1 No • SPST Switch/1A - 2 Nos
TASK 2: Test, measure and verify the operation of the timer relay
1 Connect the timer relay control and power circuit 3 Set the time of the timer relay to 1 minute.
connection as per the circuit diagram shown in Fig 2.
4 Switch ON the SPST Switch 'S1' and check the control
circuit operation of the relay.
5 Give 230V/50Hz/AC power supply to the power circuit
and Switch ON the SPST switch S2.
6 Note down the delay time in the Table-1 and observe the
bulb condition.
7 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
Table 1
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.250
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
Identify the different controls on the CRO front panel and observe the function
of each control
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify operating controls on the CRO front Panel
• observe the function of each front panel control.
• 0-20 MHz Dual channel CRO-with
probe kit and operating manual - 1 Set
Note: The instructor has to take the xerox copy Provide the operating manual of the CRO to
of front panel of CRO available in the lab; mark refer the function of each control.
serial numbers for each control and issue to
Fig 1
Table I
180 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.250
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.251
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
Measure VDC, VAC, time period using CRO sine wave Parameters
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure D.C. voltage (VDC)
• measure the values of AC voltage (VP-P)
• measure the time period of a sine wave parameters.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Step-down transformer, 230V/12V,
• Oscilloscope, 20MHz - 1 No 200 mA - 1 No
• RPS, 0-30V, 1A - 1 No • Probes for Oscilloscope - 1 No
• Voltmeter/Multimeter - 1 No • Dry cell, 1.5 V - 1 No
• Hook-up wire -1m
Fig 1
TASK 2: Measurement of AC voltage
1 To measure AC voltages, set the AC-DC switch in (out) 6 Observe the wave form that appears on the screen.
AC position.
7 Increase the vertical sensitivity by the Volts/Div switch
2 Set the volt per division to 50V, if the input voltage is such that the wave form display is clearly seen.
unknown and adjust the time base switch to 10
milliseconds. 8 Measure the peak to peak voltage of the displayed
waveform, by counting the number of divisions between
3 Connect a step-down transformer secondary leads one positive and negative peaks. Record the observations
to the common input terminal to the ground side for in Table 2.
signal source and another lead to the input terminal.
9 Determine the RMS value of the voltage by measuring
4 Switch ON the oscilloscope, adjust the trace to center the voltage across the secondary of the transformer
and focus intensity controls for a sharp bright trace. using multimeter.
5 Switch ON and energize the primary of the transformer.
Table 2
Sl No. Attenuator No.of No.of Peak Peak to RMS
switch range divisions divisions voltage peak voltage
Volts/Div counted counted voltage (measured
peak peak to peak by
voltage voltage voltmeter)
Fig 2
182 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.251
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.252
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
Take a print of a signal from DSO by connecting a printer and tally with
applied signal
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect a printer to a DSO and print the screen data
• connect a computer to a DSO and save the screen data
• connect a USB flash device and save the screen data
• recall the saved data from the USB flash drive.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• DSO - 1 No. • IC -555 - 1 No.
• Manual - 1 No. • Resistor W/CR25 - 1 No.
• Analog trainer kit - 1 Set • 47 k - 1 No.
• Signal generator - 1 No. • 68 k - 1 No.
• Power supply 0-30 V/2A - 1 No. • 330 - 1 No.
• Diode 1N 4007 - 1 No.
• Capacitor
• 0.01 F - 2 Nos.
• 10 F - 1 No.
• LED - 1 No.
TASK 3: Save a screen data in a USB flash drive
1 Repeat steps 1 to 3 of task 1. 6 Push <select Folder> to set a different folder as the
2 Connect a USB flash drive to the DSO on the front current folder, if you desire to store at different folder.
panel. The oscilloscope will create a new folder within the
current folder with and automatically generated name.
You can use the PRINT button or the SAVE/RECALL every time you much push the print button.
menu Save Image Action option to save the current
screen image to a file on a USB flash drive, the PRINT 7 Access the screen you want to save.
button is more versatile than the option button , because 8 Push the Print button, the oscilloscope creates screen
it can be used with any menu. image in the new folder, with automatically generates
3 Press SAVE/RECALL menu button. file names.
4 Push the action button to select Save all. 9 To see al list of the files created by Save All To Files,
use < File Utilities>.
5 Push the option button labeled Print button to select
saves all to files. The save LED near the print button lights, to
indicate that pushing the button will save the
data to USB flash drive.
• Push the SAVE/RECALL menu button The oscilloscope has a Help system with topics
that cover all the features of the oscilloscope.
• Push the Action option button to select Recall setup You can use the Help system to display several
• Push the Recall From option button to display the kinds of information:
Recall setup menu General information about understanding and
• Use the multipurpose knob to select a file or folder using the oscilloscope, such as Using the Menu
• If desired, use the Change folder option button to
navigate to a different folder Information about specific menus and controls,
such as the Vertical Position Control.
• Push the Recall option button, This causes the
oscilloscope to recall the selected setup from the USB Advice about problems you may face while
flash drive and change to the recalled settings. using an oscilloscope, such as Reducing Noise.
Note: If the analog trainer kit is not available. Push the Exit option button or any menu button
The above circuit or any amplifier or oscillator to remove the Help text from the screen and
circuit may be constructed using discrete return to displaying waveforms.
components and the waveforms may be printed
or saved.
184 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.6.252
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.6.253
Instrument Mechanic - Digital meters and CRO
• different types of CRO probes - as reqd.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.254
Instrument Mechanic - Computes
Identify different parts of PC, CPU and familiar with different CPU operation
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify PC components & devices
• identify different parts, its fuction and operation
• familiar with different CPU operation.
Among the three identical PC's, one PC will be used for demonstration by the instructor where as the
other two will be used by two groups of trainees.
Table 1
SI. No. Name of the I/P and O/P devices
TASK 2: Dismantle and identify the internal parts of a CPU
The instructor will open the system unit (available in your lab )and show the parts of system unit and
motherboard components as shown in Fig 2 & Fig 3 and the trainees will make a record of the parts in
Table 2 & 3.
Fig 2
Table 2
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.254 187
Fig 3
Table 5
188 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.254
TASK 3: Familiar with different CPU operation
The instructor will demonstrate the uses of the Fig 5
following indicators, switches controls (Fig 2)
and ports external to the processor found on
the system unit shown in (Fig 3) and the
trainees will make a record of it in table and
Fig 4
Table 4
Table 4 3
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
6 10
7 11
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.254 189
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.255
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• different types of CRO probes - as reqd.
Fig 2
7 Move the mouse pointer over the microsoft Office, a While moving the mouse pointer from Microsoft
cascading menu will be appeared as shown in Fig 3. Office to MSOffice work 2007. First move
horizontally up to the next cascading menu and
then move vertically to place the mouse pointer
on MSOffice 2007.
Fig 3
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.255 191
11 Click on the minimize the opened Microsoft work 12 Click on the minimized Microsoft word application
application and check for the presence of Microsoft found at the taskbar to activate and maximize the
word button on the taskbar. application.
Minimized applications reside at the taskbar as This restores the application and spred it on
shown in Fig 5. the desktop.
Fig 5 13 Click on the close button found at the top right corner
(control box) of the spread application to Close/Exit
Microsoft word application.
14 Repeat all the previous steps and practice to open,
maximize, restore, minimize and close a different
executable program (say Microsoft Excel) Instead of
Microsoft word.
TASK 2: Invoke/close application from shortcut icon on the Desktop and close using file menu
1 Move the mouse pointer over Microsoft word shortcut
Fig 6
icon and double click on the icon in the Windows
This invokes the Microsoft word application and the
opened application spread on the screen. This is
another way of invoking an application other than
selecting from the Start menu.
2 Move the mouse pointer over the File menu and click
once in the menu bar.
A pulls down the File menu list will appear as shown in
Fig 6.
3 Move the mouse pointer over the menu item Exit in
the File menu list and click to close and exit the
Microsoft word application.
This is an alternative method of closing an application
in addition to the methods like, using Close button
and choosing close from the system menu.
4 Open Microsoft Excel and close it by choosing Exit
from the file menu as practiced in steps from 1 to 3.
5 Repeat step 1 to 4 for Microsoft PowerPoint
6 Ask the instructor to check your progress before
practicing the next task.
192 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.255
This makes the Word application inactive and Fig 7
places it as button at the taskbar.
6 Minimize Excel application and make the Microsoft
Word as the active application.
7 Right click on the plain area of the title bar of the word
This pulls down a menu referred to as the System
(Control) menu as shown in Fig 7.
8 Select Close from the system menu and click on the
close and exit from Microsoft Word application.
Note that this is another way of closing and exiting
from active applications in addition to closing by
clicking on the buttion practiced earlier in this exercise.
When once the Word is closed, Microsoft Excel which
was till then inactive and residing at the taskbar
becomes active and spreads on the screen.
10 Check and record the application if any, residing at
9 Repeat step 8 and close/exit from Microsoft Excel the taskbar.
Fig 8
Fig 10
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.255 193
The cascading menu lists different ways of Fig 11
arranging icons on the desktop.
6 Click on menu item from the displayed cascading
menu Name and observe the icon arrangement on
the desktop.
This action arranges the icon alphabetically,
and vertically
7 Note the positions of the arranged icons by their names
from the desktop. Verify whether the icons are
arranged by name.
8 Repeat step 4 to 7 by selecting the other options listed
under (such as size, Type and Modified).
9 Drag and place the icons as shown in Fig 11.
10 Repeat step 4 to pop, up display context menu. Choose
Arrange Icons by ‘Auto Arrange. Observe and record
the rearranged icons.
Once Auto Arrange is selected a check mark is
placed in front of Auto arrange as shown
This selection can only be removed if Auto
Arrange option is chosen once again. This
makes the check mark disappears in front of
Auto Arrange. DONO deselect the check mark 12 Repeat step 10 to deselect Auto Arrange option from
now. the Arrange Icons menu.
11 Drag the icons to different positions on the desktop 13 Repeat step 11.
and record the result and icon arrangement. 14 Arrange icons on the desktop as shown in Fig 11,and
get it checked by you instructor.
Fig 12
194 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.255
8 Practice to move the WordPad window to any other
Fig 15
places on the screen. After satisfactory practice, place
the WordPad window at the left edge of the screen.
9 Open Notepad application and repeat steps 2 to 7.
Finally place the reduced Notepad window by the side
of the WordPad window as shown in Fig 14.
Fig 14
Fig 16
196 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.255
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.256
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• PC with MS-Office - 1 No. /trainee
Fig 1
7 To change the background, click on the Personaliza- 10 Select Fill in Choose a fit. (Fig 6)
tion icon of settings window. ( Fig 2)
Fig 6
8 Click on the Background tab in the Personalization
window. (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 5
Fig 8
198 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.256
Close the Window.
Fig 10
14 Type in the date and time. Click Change. (Fig 9)
Fig 9
Fig 11
Fig 14
5 Select your account in Choose an account drop down
menu. Click Close. (Fig 12)
Fig 12
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.256 199
TASK 4: Granting and modify the user rights
1 Open the Settings Window (Fig 2) 6 Click on the Delete account and data tab to remove
2 Click on Accounts in the Settings Window. the selected user account from the system. (Fig 17)
Fig 16
200 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.256
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.257
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• PC with MS-Office - 1 No. /trainee
Fig 1
Fig 2
8 Click Yes in the USB Root Hub. (Fig 5) 13 Insert a Pen drive/ USB in the USB slot
Fig 5 14 Check This PC folder to see if any removable device/
USB is shown. (Fig 7)
Fig 7
Fig 6
202 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.257
Fig 10 Fig 13
Fig 11 Fig 14
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.257 203
TASK 3: Repair, modify and uninstall the applications in control panel
1 Select Programs and Features from the Control panel 2 Select the program from the drop down menu.
(Fig 9). (Fig 15).
Fig 5
Fig 16
204 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.257
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.258
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• PC with MS-Office - 1 No.
• MS-windows 10 Software - 1 No.
5 Enter the 25 character product key on the MSU CD Fig 5
case and then click Continue as shown in Fig 2.
Fig 3
Fig 6
6 Press the Install Now button to begin the installation
as shown in Fig 4.
Fig 4
Fig 8
206 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258
2 Click "Run Program" button as on Fig 9. Serial number look it printed on CD ROM
Fig 9 5 Select the setup type as "Custom" as on Fig 13.
Fig 13
Fig 10
Fig 14
Fig 11
Fig 15
Fig 12
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258 207
8 Click "Install" in the installation wizard as shown in 9 Click "Finish" button in the installation wizard as on
Fig 16. Fig 18.
Fig 16 Fig 18
208 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258
Fig 22 The installation process window will display
as on Fig 25.
Fig 25
Fig 23
8 Click Finish Button as on Fig 26.
Fig 26
TASK 4: download and install the adobe Acrobat Reader DC from the Internet
1 Open the browser 2 Select the corresponding website https:// as shown in
Fig 27.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258 209
Fig 27 Fig 31
Fig 33
Fig 29
Fig 34
Fig 30
210 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258
TASK 5: Installing Avira Free Antivirus software in windows operating system
1 Click "Google Chrome" icon in windows task Bar as 5 After download the file "click the ^ button" and click
shown in Fig 35. "open" menu as shown in Fig 38.
Fig 35
Fig 38
Display the list of related links in the chrome The bellowed screen shows "This will down
web page. load and install the software on your
3 Right click on the related link and click "Open link in computer"
new tab" as shown in Fig-36. 7 Click "Next" to continue the downloading process as
The corresponding software exe file will on Fig 40.
download bottom of the web page Fig 40
4 Click "START NOW" button in the web site as shown
in Fig 37.
Fig 37
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258 211
Fig 41 After complete the "preparing installation"
process the " Choose Installation Type"
window will appear
11 Select the "Express(Recommended)" setup type option
and select the license agreement and privacy policy
option in the bottom of the window as shown in
Fig 45.
Fig 45
Fig 42
Fig 43
Fig 47
Fig 44
212 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.258
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.259&265
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
Familiar with multimedia system of CD ROM, DVD ROM & sound CARDS, install
and replace RAM in mother board
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• install and replace a RAM in mother board
• familier with multimedia system - CD ROM & DVD ROM
• familier with multimedia system - Sound cards.
Fig 7
Fig 10
2 Align the new drive in the bay opening and slide it in 2 Replace a side panel by matching the side panel tabs
until it is even with the front of the computer, aligning with the tab openings in the case as in Fig 14.
the screw holes in the drive with the holes in the
computer. If the drive attaches to the computer with a Fig 14
plastic latch, snap and lock it into place as in Fig 11.
Fig 11
Fig 12
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.259&265 215
Fig 16 Fig 17
TASK 3: Familiar with multimedia system & identify different components or sound cards
1 Open the computer case of side panel with a screw 3 Take the hard drive from where it rested in the tower.
driver or pushing a button to open the case in a Using both hands, carefully slide it outward. (Fig 19)
clamshell fashion. (Fig 17)
2 Locate the hard drive inside the computer case.
(Fig 18)
216 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.259&265
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.260
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• Nero software - 1 No.
• PC with MS-Office - 1 No.
Fig 1
Fig 3
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.261
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• PC with windows 10 OS - 1 No. /trainee
Search Box
Fig 2
Dos Prompt
NOTE: Command Prompt is not case sensitive, meaning that commands can be typed with capital
letters, lowercase or any combination of them. The commands date or DATE will all work in the same
TASK 2: Use basic DOS commands
Note: Each and every DOS command should Fig 6
be typed at Dos Prompt only and Enter key
should be pressed at the end of each DOS
command to execute it.
a Change the working drive from C to D
1 Type D: at DOS prompt as shown below.
7 Enter the TIME command to check the new date is
C:\Users\nimi> D: set. Record the displayed time.
Note: is the symbol for pressing Enter key on d Clears screen
the keyboard. When we enter wrong DOS
CLS command is used to clear the screen.
command, it displays Bad command or
filename or some other error messages (dis- D:\>CLS
cussed in Related Theory 1.5.01). We have to
The displayed contents are cleared and the DOS prompt
correct the Wrong DOS command to get the
appears at the top left corner of the screen.
e Change the prompt
Now the prompt is changed from C:\Users\nimi> to D:\>
and the currently working drive is changed from C to D. PROMPT command is used to change the DOS prompt.
b View/change System date 8 Type the following PROMPT command to change the
DOS prompt from D:\>to copa>. Record the output.
DATE command is used to view/change system date.
D:\>PROPMPT copa$G
Note :$Grepresents>(greater than) sign.
2 It displays the current date as shown below (Fig 3)
9 Type the following PROMPT command to set the
Fig 3
current date as DOS prompt. Record the output.
10 Type the following PROMPT command to change the
DOS prompt back to D:\>and Record the output.
3 If the current date is not displayed, type the Current
date as shown in the box given below. (Fig 4) D:\>PROPMPT $D$G
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.261 219
15 It displays the volume label and volume serial number 19 Type the following command
of D drive as shown below. Record the output.(Fig 8)
Fig 8 20 It displays the complete system information as shown
below. (Fig 10)
Fig 10
Fig 9
Fig 11
220 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.261
Fig 13 Fig 14
Fig 16
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.261 221
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.262
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• PC with MS-Office - 1 No.
Fig 1
• Use DIR command to check that the file ex1.txt is in
the list.
4 REN ex1.txt notes.txt
• It renames the file ex1.txt as notes.txt as shown in
• Use DIR command to check that the file ex1.txt is
renamed as notes.txt (Fig 4)
Fig 4
• ^Z (Ctrl Z) or F6 is used to save the text file.
2 TYPE lesson1.txt
• It displays the content of the text file lesson1.txt as
shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2
5 DEL notes.txt
• It deletes the file notes.txt as shown in Fig 5.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.263
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
• One PC along with one set of I/O devices will be used for demonstrating by the instructor.
• Two PC’s each with one set of I/O devices will be used by two groups of trainees(each group not
exceeding a maximum of ten trainees)
TASK 1: Identify the major components, Controls and Ports seen on the processing unit cabinet
A The instructor has to demonstrate the uses of the While demonstrating, the following points should be
indicators, switches, controls and Ports external to the Highlighted and stressed.
processor unit found on the cabinet of the processor
unit as per the list given below. • Function of each switch
• Floppy Disk Drive, Disk eject button, Disk busy LED • Basic symptoms of healthy processor (fan sound,
power light, any unusual noise/smell etc)
• CD Drive, CD busy/reading LED, controls and
sockets found on the disk drive • Precaution to be taken while using the computer
• Ports for connecting the Mouse and other devices • Precaution to be taken while operating DVD and CD
• Printer port, keyboard connector, monitor connector
• Precaution to be taken while handling DVD and CD
• Speaker socket
• Precaution to be taken while handling and storing
• Universal serial bus port (USB) the processor unit.
• The microphone 1 Record the I/O devices connected to the computer
setup given to you
• The scanner
2 Record the manufacturer, type name and model name/
• The Modem
number of the I/O devices connected
• Any other I/O devices available at the time of
3 Record against each device whether it is an input
conducting this demonstration.
device or an output device
While carrying out the demonstration, the instructor has to
4 Get the recorded details of the devices checked by the
ensure the following points are highlighted,
Precautions to be taken for handling the PC system.
224 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.263
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.264
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
7 Unscrew the motherboard screws, HDD-DVD screws 14 Plug the SMPS connections to Motherboard,CPU
and other removable items and dismantle. PSU,Devices,which are on power required
Warning: Do not remove or misplace any
jumpers placed across the motherboard, as it 15 Screw up the side cover to close the cabinet.
will result malfunctioning or dead - error 16 Connect the devices and external devices using
motherboard operation. connectors into motherboard.
Note: Now the pc totally dismantled.keep a note 17 Connect the power chord finally to the Cabinet.
of all the parts is being dismantled, which will Note: Ensure that all connections are proper
be easier to re-assemble the system. Now switch ON the power and switch-ON the
TASK 2: Connect data cable and power cable to the various devices in the desktop.
The trainees will connect the system with I/O devices as shown in (Fig 1)
Fig 1 4 Connect the monitor Data cable connector to the VGA
connector on the rear side of PC as shown in (Fig 5).
226 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.264
8 Connect printer data cable DB 25 pin male connector
to the parallel port DB 25 pin female connector
provided on the rear side of PC as shown in (Fig 8).
9 Get the work checked by the instructor.
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.264 227
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.266
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
Install driver for printer and print document using different documents
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect a printer to the PC
• install the printer software
• print document using commands.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Printer cable - 1 No.
• Laser jet printer - 1 No. • Printer with Wireless capability - 1 No.
• Inkjet printer - 1 No. • PC - 1 No.
• Dot matrix printer - 1 No. • Router - 1 No.
• Printer Installation Disk - 1 No.
4 Choose the printer port as shown in (Fig 4) and click Fig 7
on next.
Fig 4
5 Click on have disk as shown in (Fig 5). 8 Type the printer name. (Fig 8)
Fig 5 Fig 8
Fig 6
7 Select the printer from the printers displayed in the 10 Print a test page and complete the installation by
screen (Fig 7). clicking on “Print a Test Page”.
11 Click on finish to complete the installation.
12 If the test page does not print, then consult your
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.266 229
TASK 3: Print the document using commands
1 Press office buttion. Fig 10
2 Select print.
3 Print window come as shown in Fig 10.
4 Select printer type page no 4 number of copies.
5 Press print.
230 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.266
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.267
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
Identifying the modems in device manager Idenitifying the modem physically in the computer
1 Go to “start” then click on “control panel”. case
2 Click on “System & Security” then. 1 Turn off the computer and takeoff the power cont.
3 Double click on “Administrative tools”. 2 Open the case by taking out a few screws on the
back of the case.
4 Double click on “Computer management”.
3 Locate the moden installed.
5 Click on “Device manager” and wait for some seconds
to get explore. 4 Remove the modem for inspection.
6 Check a list of devices installed in computer will 5 Pull the modem from the PCI slot, using firm but gentle
appear. force.
7 Search for the “modems” installed in your pc. Click 6 Look at the modems lable to identify it.
on sign (+) to explore modems installed in the PC. 7 Reinstall the modem by reversing the process-push it
8 Right click on specific moden, and select “Properties” firmly and squerly back in the PCI slot.
to bring up more information (Such as Driver version 8 Put the screw back in.
& Data etc.,)
9 Close the case and put the power cord back in.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.268
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
Install a modem to computer to send and receive data over satellite a connection
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify an different parts, its function and operation of modem
• install a modem to the computer to send and receive data over a telephone line or satellite connection.
• Ethernet cable - 1 No.
• PIV based system or above - 1 No. • RJ-45 Pins (Male) - 1 No.
• Modems (different types) - 1 No. • Wifi enabled devices Like
• Phone cable with RJ-11 jacks - 1 No. (Lapops, Mobile phone etc.,) - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Install a modem to the computer to send and receive data over a cable or a satellite connection
1 Unpack the modem and its accessories. It should have
8 Insert the installation diskette or CD (if you do not
the modem, cable, phone cord, power adapter,
receive prompts for installing the modem), click the
installation diskette or CD, and instruction manual.
drive, and click (or double-click) the installation
2 Turn off the computer and any attached devices program on the diskette or CD.
(Fig 1).
9 Run any test program that comes with the installation
software to ensure that the modem is working
Fig 1
Installing an cable modem
1 Buy a cable modem or request one from the internet
service provider.
2 Once it was there (Fig 2).
Fig 2
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.7.269
Instrument Mechanic - Computers
Construct and test DAC and ADC using computer network circuit
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• construct and test DAS using computer network circuit.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • RS 232 or RS 485 connectors - 1 No
• A working PC - 1 No • Screw driver - 1 No
• DAS (Data acquisition system) - 1 No • Cable as required - as reqd.
TASK 1: Construct and test DAS using computers
1 Fill the empty boxes in the block diagram with the
help of instructor.
2 Check the DAS by connecting to the AC supply.
3 Connect RS.485 / RS.232 connector between PC and
4 Connect sensor / Trans devier output to DAQ/DAS
(Fig 2).
5 Get the connections checked by the instructors.
DAS / DAQ - hardware interfaces the signal
and a PC
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.270
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Identify various ICs and their function on the given microprocessor kit
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• note down various ICs on the microcontroller trainer kit
• identify the function of ICs on the microcontroller trainer kit.
• 8051 Microcontroller Trainer kit
• Aids: Layout diagram of ICs on the
with manual - 1 Set
8051 microcontroller kit - as reqd
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set.
• Digital Multimeter with probes - 1 No.
Table - 1
1 IC 1
2 IC2
3 IC3
4 IC4
5 IC5
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.271
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• 8051 microcontroller Trainer kit • Nil
with manual - 1 Set
The Instructor has to refer the Instruction 4 Calculate the memory capacity by subracting the
Manual of the 8085 microprocessor trainer kit starting address from the end address (using
and prepare the memory location of the RAM hexadecimal number) and record in Table - 1.
and ROM address range for the user programs 5 Get the work checked by the instructor
in the trainer kit available in the lab
Table - 1
1 Refer to the instruction manual of the microcontroller
trainer kit, read the RAM address which is used to Memory Starting End Memory
load user program Type Address Address Capacity
2 Refer to the instruction manual of the microcontroller
trainer kit,read the ROM address which is used to
load user program ROM
3 Record the address of RAM and ROM used in the
microcontroller trainer kit in the given tabular form
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.272
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
1 Collect the microprocessor kit from the instructor. 6 Repeat step 5 at pin no. 2.
2 Identify the crystal oscillator in the microprocessor 7 Record the observed readings in the Table 1.
8 Get the work checked by the Instructor.
3 Refer to the operating manual note down the freq and
locate the pin number 1 and 2 of the microcontroller Table - 1
IC 8051 (refer Fig 1). Clock CRO waveform/ Remarks
Note: Use DMM and measure the clock frequency frequency
frquency by selecting the Hz range if available. as per
4 Prepare the CRO for measurements with Ch-1 input.
Pin No. 1 Pin No. 2
5 Switch ON the microcontroller and measure the crystal
signal waveform at pin 1 with respect to ground and
calculate the frequency.
Fig 1
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.273
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Identify the port pins of the microprocessor and configure the ports for input &
output operation
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the port pins in 8085 microcontroller
• enter the program in the microcontroller kit and execute it.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• 8051 microprocessor Trainer kit • Program to operate the I/O port - as reqd.
with manual - 1 Set
• DMM with probes - 1 No.
• Logic probes - 1 No.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.274
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Use 8085 microprocessor, connect 8 LEDs to the port and blink the LEDs with
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• enter the program to blink 8 LEDs using switch and run it on the microprocessor trainer kit
• check the result through the port - 1 and record the observation.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials
• 8085 Microprocessor trainer kit • 8 LEDs interface module
with instructional manual - 1 Set. (available on board) - 1 No.
• Trainees tool kit - 1 Set • Program to blink the 8 LEDs
• Digital multimeter with probes - 1 No. through switch - as reqd.
• Logic probe - 1 No.
1. The instructor has to enter the program,
execute and ensure that the 8051
microprocessor trainer kit is functioning MOV DPTR, #FF13
correctly before given to the trainees for MOV A, #FF
this exercise / task
2. Make necessary modifications in steps /
program according to the microprocessor LCALL DELAY
trainer kit available in the section MOV A, #00
1 Collect the 8085 microprocessor trainer kit from the MOV X @DPTR, A
2 Refer to the instruction manual and identify all the
operating controls / switches SJMP LOOP
3 Configure the port - 1 of 8085 microprocessor kit as DELAY LOOP
input port MOV RO, #FF
The onboard 8 LED interface module LOOP 2 MOV R1, #FF
connected internallly is used for this task.
4 Enter the given program to blink the 8 LEDs through
switch into the microprocessor trainer kit. DJNZ RO, LOOP 2
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.275
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Familiar with instruction set of 8085 micro processor data transfer group,
Arithmetic group and logic group
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• Familiar with instruction set of 8085.
• Microprocessor 8085 manual
MVI Move Immediate DAD Double Register Add; Add content of Register
Pair to H & L Register Pair
LDA Load Accumulator Directly from Memory
STA Store Accumulator Directly in Memory
LHLD load H & L Registers Directly from Memory
SHLD Store H & L Registers Directly in Memory
An ‘X’ in the name of a data transfer instruction implies
that it deals with a register pair (16-bits);
LXI Load Register Pair with Immediate data
LDAX Load Accumulator from Address in Register Pair
STAX Store Accumulator in Address in Register Pair
XCHG Exchange H & L with D & E
XTHL Exchange Top of Stack with H & L
Arithmetic Group:
The arithmetic instructions add, subtract, increment, or
decrement data in registers or memeory.
ADD Add to Accumulator
ADI Add Immediate Data to Accumulator
ADG Add to Accumulator Using Carry Flag
Logical Group: The compare instructions compare the content of an 8-
bit value with the contents of the accumulator;
This group performs logical (Boolean) operations on data
in registers and memory and on condition flags. CMP Compare
The logical AND, OR, and Exclusive OR instructions CPI Compare Using Immediate Data
enable you to set specific bits in the accumulator ON or
The rotate instructions shift the contents of the
accumulator one bit position to the left or right:
ANA Logical And with Accumulator
RLC Rotate Accumulator left
ANI Logical And with Accumulator Using Immediate
RRC Rotate Accumulator Right
RAL Rotate left through carry
ORA Logical OR with Accumulator
RAR Rotate right through carry
OR Logical OR with Accumulator using Immediate
Data CMA Complement accumulator
XRA Exclusive Logical OR with Accumulator CMC Complement carry flag
XRI Exclusive OR Using Immediate Data STC Set carry flag
240 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.8.275
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.276
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
• Screw driver - 1 No
• Micro processor 8085 - 1 No • Multimeter - 1 No
• Instruction manual - 1 No
TASK 1: perform addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8085 micro processor
1 Test the micro processor to confirm the good working 3 Check the result.
2 Enter the following addition of two 8 bits program with
the help of instructor.
LDA 4150 ; (4150) = (A) = 23
MOV B,A ; (A) = (B)
LDA 4151 ; (4150) = (A) = 35
ADD B ; (A) + (B) = (A)
STA 4152 ; (A) = (4152) = 58
Object codes
1 Key in the opcodes from the address specified. 3 Execute the program and check for the result at 4152.
2 Enter data at 4150 and 4151 as specified in the 4 Change data at 4150 and 4151 and execute each
example. time and check for result.
TASK 2: perform addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8085 micro processor
1 Test the micro processor to confirm the good working 3 Check the result.
2 Enter the following addition of two 8 bits program with
the help of instructor. LXI H, 4150 ; Initialise memory pointer to 4150
MOV A, M ; (4150) = (A) = 49
INX H ; Point to next data.
SUB M ; (4151) = (A)
INX H ; Point to next location
MOV M,A ; (A) = (4152)
242 Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.8.276
Object codes
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.8.276 243
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.277
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
TASK: Write a program to control stepper motor using micro processor (8085)
1 Test the micro processor kit for its good condition. 3 Connect stepper motor module with micro processor
via patch card.
2 Enter the following program in micro processor and
execute it. 4 Observe the control of motor speed.
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.278
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Write a programme in assembly language load accumulator with 8 bit data and
transfer the data accumulator to B register
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• Enter the program in 8085 micro processor kit & execute it.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • 8085 Micro processor with manual - 1 No
• Trainees tool kit - 1 set • Logic probe - 1 No
(4000H) = 14H
(4001H) – 89H
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.279
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Write a programme in assembly language data to load two 8 bit data into two
memory location add them result be store in another memory location
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• write a program to load two 8 bit data into two memory location add them and store the result in another
memory location.
Tools/Equipments/Instruments • Manual - 1 No
• 8085 Micro processor - 1 set • Screw driver - 1 No
TASK: Write a program to load two 8 bit data into two memory location add them and store the result in
another memory location
1 Check the micro processor kit for its good condition. 4 Execute the program and check for results.
2 Enter the opcodes from the address specified. 5 Try changing data and check for result each time
3 Enter the data for execution. you execute.
XRA A ; Accumulator = 0; CF = 0
LXI H, 4150 ; Initialise start address of data
MOV B,M ; Get count to B; B=03
LXI D, 4160 ; Start address of second data
INX H ; Point to first data
LOOP: LDAX D ; Get 8-bits of second number
ADC M ; Add with corresponding 8-bits of first number with carry
MOV M,A ; Store corresponding result
INX H ; Point to subsequent data
DCR B ; Check length
JNZ LOOP ; If not equal to zero repeat
Object codes
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.279 247
Electronics & Hardware Exercise 2.8.280
Instrument Mechanic - Microprocessor 8085
Identify the port pins of the processor and 8255 configure the ports for input
and output operations
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the port pins of micro processor 8085
• Identify the port pins of programmable pheripheral interface 8255.
• Screw driver - 1 No
• Microprocessor - 1 No
TASK 1: Write a program to load two 8 bit data into two memory location add them and store the result in
another memory location
1 Write the pin number in fig 1.
Pin No. Pin name Pin Direction
2 Identify the pin detail & direction. or or
3 Fill in the table 1.
Table 1
1 25
2 26
3 27
4 28
5 29
6 30
7 31
Pin No. Pin name Pin Direction
or or
8 37
Electronics & Hardware: Instrument Mechanic (NSQF Level - 5) - Exercise 2.7.280 249