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Baptism in The Name Jesus

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Baptism In The Name Jesus

Whatever was done in the law or in the flesh ( physically ), are all reflections of what has been fulfilled in the spirit, in
Christ Jesus. For He didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfil as He said,

" Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."
[ Matthew 5:17 ]

It was made so, that all, all might be saved and not a selected few just as Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well;

" But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is
seeking such to worship Him."
[ John 4:23 ]

Everything physically done by the Jews were all reflections of what we have been given by grace through Jesus Christ.
Whatever was done, be it; sacrifices on alters, circumcision, the Passover, water baptism, whatever it is, were all
translated spiritually into our hearts in Christ Jesus.

The sacrifices on alters; is a reflection of Jesus using our hearts as substitutes for physical temples and alters. For all
who receives Him, their hearts are being unveiled for Him to come in, just as the curtains at the temple were torn at the
hour of His death. Upon our hearts therefore, sacrifices are made, for we are made to become living sacrifices unto God.
When we ask for forgiveness, when we pray, our hearts becomes that alter, and the blood sacrificed on it, becomes His
spirit in us and the fuel, His word.

The Passover, is a reflection of being sealed in the covenant of blood of Jesus. As a lamb was slain, with it's blood at the
door post, so also, Jesus was slain and those who are willing are sealed in the covenant of His blood, in other to be
broken free from the covenant of sin and death and eternally escape it's judgement. The same goes for some of the
Egyptians who escaped the angel of death by staying at the houses of some of the Israelites. So also, all are called to be

The circumcision, is a reflection of the nature of sin and death in us being cut off when we genuinely accept Jesus.
When we receive Jesus, our hearts are being circumcised, and all that is of no relevance with God, standing as a
hindrance will be removed by the holy spirit who, also is our mark or rather, identification as God's children. Circumcision
really is painful, and so not many do go for it or see it through to the end. You know what I'm talking about.

Don't you see how the Lord Jesus made things easy and brought salvation and the presence of God upon all. We must
glorify Him for all He has done in our stead as a sacrifice. He has brought us all together as children to become sons of
God. Meanwhile, it is written;

" Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves,
even though they do not have the law.

They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their
thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares."
[ Romans 2:14-16 ]

Those who've not heard about Jesus, but still living in darkness, but in accordance to the law, rightfully, doing that which
is right and not wrong, they'll be a judgement unto themselves. We who've known the Lord are called to build in His
kingdom, i.e. those who know Him in spirit and truth are called to be in His government. Not just Heaven, but part of His
government. This is why the gospel is being preached, that upon the restoration of men from death unto life, they might
become lively stones being built into God's kingdom.

We've said before, that everyone on earth has been foreknown and predestined by God. But we live in a fallen world of
death and darkness, and so many being dead cannot perceive that which God has made them for. It's up to us then,
whom have received the gospel to live as functionaries of the kingdom to advance the Kingdom of God in whatever way
God has called and made us fit, so that those in death will know Him who is Life, not for heaven's sake, but for the will of
God " the kingdom."

We who are born of God, it is for us to be restored and enthroned, so we also, can revive the fallen thrones of kings all
over the earth that have been laid wasted by sin, this is the true and main perspective of the gospel, " the kingdom
However, it's unfortunate, not too many preach or fight for the kingdom, their limit is "heaven," heaven a place of rest and
hell a place of unrest. We are at war for the kingdom, Satan isn't necessarily fighting for you to get to hell, he has been
fighting against the Kingdom of God, you just happen to be part of it, because indeed you are that kingdom.

If these men should die in righteousness without knowing Jesus, they'll be in heaven, but because they've never known
the authority in the name " Jesus," and also, sealed in His blood to become a building block of His kingdom, they won't
have an inheritance. In the end it's our fault for failing to live in accordance to the blueprint God has made us.

Do pardon me, seems we've digressed again. Now you see why the gospel is being preached. Meanwhile, not everyone
is predestined and called to preach, there are those who are warlords, war generals ( Intercessors ), if they don't
dethrone the principalities and powers of darkness, those who are called to preach cannot get the word to the hearts of
men, because of the great wall blocking their hearts.

Today there has been a heavy task upon those who are advancing the kingdom, those who are called to proclaim the
word and now also war generals, because of the lack of men rising to their ordination. Well, your Minas has been given
to them, an extra reward. For God is just and He'll fulfil His will completely whether your part of it or not. Those who
haven't heard, but lived right, won't have the grace to become a building stone, because we've failed in wasted years.

Unless you come under the authority of the name Jesus you can't build. And if you're in that government and you don't
build, then, what more should I say?

Being baptized in the name Jesus, is being immersed completely in Him ( The word ) by the authority in the name given "
Jesus." Without one coming under the government of the Christ by the authority in the name " Jesus " he can not be
baptized, immersed in Him.

However, Jesus needs your input in this, because He needs your heart also, to will it. He'll come with His authority,
waiting for you to act in accordance to His government of the Christ by the holy ghost. The holy spirit reveals naturally
the laws and life of the Kingdom when you come under His authority, then He'll require of you to get in the water ( word ).
The "water" which is God's word is already provided, it is your will to get in and become immersed, being infused with the
life of God, then the ceremony has begun. A ceremony of death, to gain life.

When you're immersed in Jesus ( God's word ), then His death at the cross will begin to function in you, to fade away all
darkness, all that is of sin and death, weakness or whatever old nature, so that you can be filled with His life, being
resurrected from the old to become restored and renewed by his spirit. However, this doesn't happen immediately, when
you accept Jesus you're written in the book of life already, but to attain salvation, a firm foundation in Jesus, then you
must remain to attain death at the depths of the water of life.

It is at the end of this baptismal ceremony you then are resurrected in salvation to live a life of holiness naturally by the
holy spirit through the word dominating you. If you come out half way, at consecutive Intervals like a drowning man
struggling to catch his breath, you can't attain salvation and so you begin to falter all the time. This is why many will say
it's not possible to live without sin, because they weren't completely immersed in the word. You and the word must
become one, integrated. It's like frying a chicken with oil, it becomes chicken fries.

The moment you decide, the moment you answer the call, you're in for baptism, it is authorized by the holy spirit. The
holy spirit is that voice crying out which draws you to God, not you, but the voice of the holy ghost. He has been crying
out through God's word, it resonate everywhere in creation, even within you. It is when you decide to harken to His voice
then, you're drawn by a force to make your genuine decision of heart against death or to gain more life in Jesus.

When the name " Jesus " is mentioned genuinely, then the ceremony begins by the authority of that name. Then, you're
being brought under the government of the Christ. it's like taking an oath, when you take an oath under an authority,
you're bond to the government of that authority. So also, the moment you accept Jesus as Lord over your life in the
government of the Christ, your name is written in the book of life as one restored and sealed in God. This is baptism In
the name Jesus.

Still, salvation hasn't come. Unless you're proved faithful, there are chances of falling away, because of a weakened
foundation being built from scratch, this is where baptism in water ( word ) and communion comes in. Before we go
further do take these down;

Jesus is the word, God's word is life and Jesus is the word of life. If you meet the word, you meet Jesus, In other words,
He is the written or spoken word of God. The word of God is the fountain or well of life, and Jesus is the water of life.

If you must be baptized in the name Jesus, then you must be immersed in the water of life which is Jesus ( God's word )
and become one with Him. And for this to be achieved, you must come under His government by the authority in His
name for you to be given key access " faith " and the " holy spirit " to feed on His word until you become completely
immersed in it.
Unless you see God's word this way, as life that is, unless you see it in the vistas of the spirit, then the word will remain
irrelevant to you. This is why many read the Bible, not " feed," but " read," and are not immersed in God's life, they can't
find Jesus in it. Forget the history, it's for spiritual knowledge, you must first see it as life, and take a dive in it, for no
other reason, but to become immersed in it.

Without being baptized in the name " Jesus," in spirit, by genuinely accepting Him as Lord through faith, baptism in water
( word ) and communion can't take place, because the authority of the name Jesus is needed. Just as some churches
won't baptize you until you've become a member and have undergone discipleship classes. Now you see why many get
baptized in actual water and still fall into sin, because in heart they were never under the authority of the name Jesus.

Let's get to the scripture, then you'll know why many do live in the dark even though they're baptized in physical water.

" While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.

And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy
Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also.

For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered,

“Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? ”
[ Acts 10:44-47 ]

Do you want to know one dangerous thing about water baptism? It's can most likely turn out like the seven sons of
sceva, when the evil spirits told them,

" Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”

If you're baptized in water when you're not yet born again in the holy ghost. Since water baptism is a public declaration,
It's like proclaiming to demons you're born again when you're not, because men aren’t the only witness there, there are
devils. They'll come and do a quick check on you and when they can't find any light in you, they'll say,

" We know this Mr. we know that one also, who are you?"

They'll get you so bad and you'll become even worse than you were in sin than you can ever imagine. This is all for
claiming what you're not. Those who are water baptized but not having a firm foundation in Christ in the past or none at
all, they know what I'm talking about. They know how much the pressure of sin became intensified.

Let's look at John, the Baptist. Many don't understand how the spirit worked with John. John was the originator of
baptism as it was given to him by the holy spirit to reveal the Messiah. Upon anyone the holy spirit descended upon as a
dove during baptism, He is the Messiah.

John's baptism wasn't the main thing, John was a preacher, a voice crying out in the wilderness. Men never came to be
baptized, they were drawn by the holy spirit to hear him. And whenever he does baptism, he preached he gospel and
brought life into the hearts of men, breaking the wall is sin and unveiling their hearts to restore God's spirit in them, this
was why John's baptism was effective, because the people received God before or after when they are baptized.
Meanwhile is strategy for baptism was by the holy spirit to reveal the Messiah.

But many has taken this as a doctrine, that one can't get to heaven unless he's baptized. Now this will strike fear in the
hearts of many, through doubts and fear is not of the spirit of God, then you'll be leading them to hell by giving them that
spirit of fear. If you're a pastor in this, I'm talking to you. You can continue with baptismal ceremony, but don't make it the
basis of salvation.

In most churches you get baptized before you can partake in the holy communion. But in Christ Jesus, you do so
simultaneously and when salvation is attained you communion also for the rest of your life, every second of it. When
God's word says we should pray without ceasing, it means also; we should drink wine, the blood, without ceasing to
become filled with the holy spirit.

In communion;
The bread is the flesh of Jesus, God's word while the wine is the blood of Jesus, the holy spirit.

" And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do
this in remembrance of Me.”

Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you."
[ Luke 22:19-20 ]

When you're called and restored to Jesus, you must attain salvation which lies at the end, a firm foundation in Christ.
And so you must remain immersed in the word for it is the delivering power of God unto salvation. You must dwell on
God's word to become completely immersed in Him until death is achieved. Then, you'll be resurrected in life to live in
holiness naturally, by God's spirit acting in you through His word.

When you're saved then, you must do this in remembrance of Jesus " communion," by breaking of bread and drinking of
wine. You must meet and eat with Jesus daily, and the only way we can remember Him is by spending time in His
presence, in His word and in prayers.

A life filled with remembrance you must have, in breaking bread, that is feeding on God's word slowly, attentively and
repeatedly and drinking of the wine "His blood," I.e. in prayers, to become filled with the holy spirit. Without eating the
bread you can't drink the wine, I.e. without being filled with the word you can't pray to become filled with the holy spirit.

This is were our kingdom Journey really begins, when you communion with Him always, every second, then He'll begin to
reveal to you things that are to unfold and also prepare and strengthen you for the Journey to ahead. You must eat and
drink for the Journey ahead is far, only those who have and continues eating and drinking of the bread and wine will be
taken on a path of the kingdom, our eternal purpose.

The reason why many fall to sin is, because they failed in their communion and also, the reason why it seems a selected
few are called by God is, because many failed in their communion after attaining salvation.

I'm not against ceremonial baptism and communion, you can choose to if you want, but in this advent of the spirit which
Jesus has brought unto us by His grace. You must be baptized in His name, through immersion in the word and in
communion, by breaking of bread and drinking of wine ( in the word and prayers ).

In all this, we commune with Him daily, at all times, every second, that we shall remember Him and as we do, He'll
remember and become closer to us more than a brother and a friend and that which has been hidden in creation will be

How much you remember Jesus will determine how much He'll reveal Himself to you. Remember Him.

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