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ch6 Folland

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5.) If ⌫1 , ⌫2 are signed measures that both miss 1 or 1, then |⌫1 + ⌫2 |  |⌫1 | + |⌫2 |:
Just write ⌫1 + ⌫2 = (⌫1+ + ⌫2+ ) (⌫1 + ⌫2 ) and then use the previous problem.
8.) Show that ⌫ << µ i↵ |⌫| << µ: Problem 2 gives one direction and the other way is
11.) (a) follows immediately from Corollary 3.6. To get (b), apply Corollary 3.6 to f then
use the convergence to get some > 0 which works for all but finitely many of the fn ’s; use
part (a) to take care of these finitely many.

Folland’s Real Analysis; Chapter 3:

22.) Suppose f 2 L1 (Rn ) and ||f ||L1 6= 0. Show there exist C, R > 0 so (the maxi-
function) Hf (x) C |x| n for |x| > R: Since ||f ||L1 6= 0, we can choose R > 0 so
BR/2 (0) |f | > ↵ > 0 for some ↵. For |x| > R, we get
|f |
BR (0) n n
Hf (x) = sup Ar |f |(x) A2|x| |f |(x) > ↵2 |x| /C1 .
r>0 C1 (2|x|)n
23.) It’s obvious that Hf  H ⇤ f since we are taking the supremum over a larger set of
balls. To get H ⇤ f (x)  2n Hf (x): Note that if x 2 BR (y), then BR (y) ⇢ B2R (x) and the
volume of B2R (x) is 2n times the volume of BR (y).
24.) Suppose f 2 L1 is continuous at x; show that x 2 Lf (the Lebesgue set): Continuity
implies that for ✏ > 0, we get > 0 so that |x y| < implies |f (x) f (y)| < ✏. Hence, if
r < , then
Ar |f f (x)|(x) < ✏ .
It follows that Ar |f f (x)|(x) goes to 0 as r goes to zero; i.e., x 2 Lf .
25.) For (a), just apply 3.22 with f = E.

28.) Just follow the hints!

30.) Construct an increasing function on R which is discontinuous at the rationals: First,
enumerate the rationals as q1 , q2 , . . . and define fj = 2 j [qj ,1) . Then set f = fj (this
exists by the monotone convergence theorem). It’s easy to see that this works.
b 0 R 0
33.) Show that if F is increasing, then F (b) F (a) a F (t) dt: Well, we know that F
exists a.e. and F 0 0. By L-R-N and the Lebesgue di↵erentation theorems, we know that
Z b
F (b) F (a) = µF ([a, b]) = ([a, b]) + F 0 (t) dt ,
where is singular. We just have to show that ([a, b]) 0. This is easy since there is a set
A with m(A) = 0 so that ([a, b]) = ([a, b] \ A) but this implies
([a, b] \ A) = µF ([a, b] \ A) m([a, b] \ A) = µF ([a, b] \ A) 0.

37.) Show that |F (x) F (y)|  M |x y| for all x, y i↵ F is a.c. and |F 0 |  M :

(a) Theorem 3.35(c) gives the “if.”
(b) Suppose now that |F (x) F (y)|  M |x y| for all x, y. It’s obvious that |F 0 |  M
whenever it P
is defined (since all di↵erence
quotients are 
M ). To see that F is a.c., just
note that if (bj aj ) < ✏/M , then |F (bj ) F (aj )|  M (bj aj ) < ✏.

Professor Minicozzi, Fall 2002.


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