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Model-Based Cyber-Security Framework for

Nuclear Power Plant


Junjie Guo

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
(Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences)
in The University of Michigan

Doctoral Committee:
Professor John C. Lee, Chair
Professor William R. Martin
Doctor Athi Varuttamaseni, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Professor Nickolas Vlahopoulos
Junjie Guo


ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4447-1333

c Junjie Guo 2020

To my family


First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor John C. Lee.
Thank you for your consistent patience in mentoring me throughout the six years.
I really appreciate and look up to your dedication and professionalism in nuclear
engineering. I have learned so much from you in not only the knowledge itself but
also your attitude towards scientific research.
Second, I would like to thank my committee members, Prof. Marin, Dr. Varutta-
maseni, and Prof. Vlahopoulos. They provided invaluable suggestions to me during
my thesis formation and studies.
This thesis is a result of a series of collaborations. I especially thank Dr. Young-
blood at Idaho National Laboratory and Dr. Varuttamaseni at Brookhaven National
Laboratory. Thank you for all the insightful conversations with your extensive expe-
riences in the area and reviewing this work with helpful suggestion. I am also very
thankful to my colleagues Steven Wacker and Rafael Pires Barbosa. I was pleased to
have worked with you on the cyber-security project.
This dissertation would not have been possible without funding from the Nuclear
Energy University Program (NEUP) award number DE-NE0008783.
I want to thank all my friends everywhere in this world who have brought so much
pleasure and joy to my Ph.D. journey. Some of you were here in Ann Arbor with
me while the others were thousands of miles away. You are always there whenever I
needed a friend.
Finally, I would never get here without the support of my family. I can’t say

thank you enough to my parents Yaode Guo and Jiamin Wang, who taught me how
to be a good person, provided invaluable guidance, and always supported me.


DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Overview of Cyber-Security for Nuclear Power Plant . . . . . 1

1.1.1 General Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Review of Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 Statement of Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Instrumentation and Control System in Nulcear Power Plant 8

2.1 AP1000 I&C System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1.1 Protection and Safety Monitoring System . . . . . . 12
2.1.2 Plant Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Generic Pressurized Water Reactor I&C System . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.1 Steam Generator Water Level Control System . . . 19
2.2.2 Reactor Protection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3 Comparison Between GPWR and AP1000 I&C Systems . . . 27

3. Cyber Attack Scenario Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.1 Analysis of Attack Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.1.1 SAPHIRE Code Introduction for Attack Scenario Study 32
3.1.2 Attack Tree Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.3 Attack Tree Generation for AP1000 . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2 Multi-Path Event Tree Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2.1 Generation of MPET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2.2 MPET Representation for Low-Order Trip Scenarios 43
3.3 Susceptibility Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.1 Methodology Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.2 Parametric Analysis on Attack Possibility . . . . . . 49

4. RELAP5 Simulation for AP1000 Power Plant . . . . . . . . . 51

4.1 RELAP5 Intrduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.2 AP1000 Reactor Model Development and Simulation . . . . . 56

5. Application Programming Interface Development . . . . . . . 63

5.1 API for the RELAP5 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.1.1 Operation of API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.1.2 API Framework Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.1.3 API Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.1.4 Testing of Control Functions via API . . . . . . . . 67
5.2 API for the GPWR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.1 Data Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

6. Reduced Order Steam Geneator Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6.1 Model Order Reduction Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

6.2 Development of SG Reduced Order Model . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.3 Validation of ROM with RELAP5 Simulation . . . . . . . . . 75

7. Kalman Filter Algorithm for Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

7.1 Kalman Filter Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

7.2 Application for Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

8. Attack Scenario Simulation Using GPWR . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8.1 GPWR Simulator Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8.1.1 GPWR Operation and Features . . . . . . . . . . . 88
8.2 Simulation of Cyber Attack on Sensor and Controller . . . . . 94
8.2.1 Direct Low SG Water Level Trip . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.2.2 Direct High SG Water Level Trip . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.2.3 Controller Feedback SG Water Level Trip . . . . . . 96

9. Cyber-attack Mitigation with Controller feedback . . . . . . . 99

9.1 PI Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

9.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
9.1.2 PI Controller Model Development for Water Level
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
9.2 Optimal Signal Insertion Mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
9.2.1 Attack Signal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
9.2.2 Optimal Mitigation Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.2.3 Mitigation Approach Demonstration . . . . . . . . . 110

10. Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

10.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

10.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119



1.1 Overview of cyber-security framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 AP1000 I&C architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Protection and safety monitoring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Loss of heat sink functional diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Cross section detailing the main SG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5 Main FW control system control diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6 Reactor protection system layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.7 Low-low SG level trip circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.8 Low SG level with a feedwater flow mismatch trip . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1 Example of attack tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 Top-level control logic structure for the PLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3 Attack tree for reactor trip due to low SG level. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.4 Top-level logic for trip generation in PMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.5 Example of MPET structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6 MP-ET for attacks on the PLS causing low SG water level end state. 44
3.7 MP-ET for attacks on the PLS causing high SG water level end state. 44
4.1 NSSS nodalization diagram for PWR plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2 PHTS and passive safety systems of AP1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 Reactor vessel nodalization diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.4 SG nodalization diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.5 Temperature distribution along the core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.1 Framework architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2 API operations with RELAP5 as the Simulation Module. . . . . . . 66
5.3 Dynamic changes in the RELAP5 simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.1 Water-level comparison between RELAP5 and ROM. . . . . . . . . 76
6.2 Static water level comparison between RELAP5 and ROM. . . . . . 77
7.1 Flow of information for the Kalman filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.2 Kalman filter demonstration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.3 Illustration of Kalman filtering for SG parameter space. . . . . . . . 85
7.4 2-D projection of SG parameter space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.1 GPWR flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.2 Control room overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8.3 C1 panel example 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.4 C1 panel example 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.5 Low SG water level trip example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.6 High SG water level trip example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.7 Controller Feedback on high SG Water Level Trip. . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.8 Controller Feedback on low SG Water Level Trip. . . . . . . . . . . 97
9.1 PI controller flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
9.2 P controller performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
9.3 PI controller performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
9.4 PI controller performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
9.5 Step function attack signal: Case A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
9.6 Step function attack signal: Case B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
9.7 Ramp function attack signal: Case C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.8 Controller input - channel 3 water level sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.9 Controller output feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.10 Different mitigation implementation time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113



2.1 Primary AP1000 I&C systems capable of executing reactor trip. . . 11

2.2 Primary AP1000 reactor trip functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Primary PLS control systems and responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Sensors in SGWLC system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5 GPWR reactor trip functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1 Logic symbols in fault tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 List of components in PLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3 Attack Possibility For FI trip signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, reference case. . . . 48
3.5 Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, parametric case 1. . 49
3.6 Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, parametric case 2. . 50
4.1 AP1000 nodalization details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 AP1000 RELAP5 Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.1 Setup and operational function descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.2 Step operation function descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3 Breakdown of API run times for the RELAP5 SG model. . . . . . . 67
6.1 Parameters for the reference case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2 Comparison of RELAP5 results and ROM calculations. . . . . . . . 77


API Application Programming Interface

CDA Critical Digital Assets

CMA Common Mode Attack

CMT Core Makeup Tank

CPS Cyber-Physical System

CRDMs Control Rod Drive Mechanisms

DAS Diverse Actuation System

DDS Data Display and Processing System

DoS Denial-of-Service

ESF Engineered Safety Feature

ESFAS Engineered Safety Features Actuation System

FCS Feedwater Control System

FDI Fault Detection and Isolation

FI Feedwater Isolation

FW Feedwater

GPWR Generic Pressurized Water Reactor

HAGs Hybrid Attack Graphs

I&C Instrumentation and Control

LOHS Loss of Heat Sink

NIS Nuclear Instrument System

MOR Model Order Reduction

MPET Multi-Path Event Tree

NR Narrow Range

NPPs Nuclear Power Plants

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

OCS Operation and Control Centers System

P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

PI Proportional Integral

PIC Process Instrumentation Cabinet

PLS Plant Control System

PMS Protection and Safety Monitoring System

PRHR Passive Residual Heat Removal

PWR Pressurized Water Reactor

PZRLC Pressurizer Level Control

PZRPC Pressurizer Pressure Control

RCS Reactor Coolant System

ROM Reduced Order Model

RPS Reactor Protection System

RODCS Rod Control System

SA Single Attack

SDCS Steam Dump Control

SG Steam Generator

SGWLC Steam Generator Water Level Control

SSPS Solid State Protection System

UV Under-Voltage

WR Wide Range


A model-based cyber-security framework has been developed to address the new chal-
lenges of cyber threats due to the increasing implementation of digital components
in the instrumentation and control (I&C) system of modern nuclear power plants.
The framework is developed to detect intrusions to pressurized water reactor (PWR)
systems that could result in unnecessary reactor shutdown events due to out-of-range
water levels of steam generators.
The generation of potential attack scenarios demonstrated a process for identi-
fying the most susceptible attack pathways and components in the I&C system. It
starts with identifying two key I&C divisions of the modern AP1000 design related to
the reactor trip functions, protection and safety monitoring system, and plant control
system. The attack tree analysis is performed on the steam generator (SG) water
level control system using the SAPHIRE 8.0.9 code. To quantify the system suscepti-
bility to cyber-attack events, causing reactor trips, we propose sensitivity metrics to
identify the low-order sets of components that may be compromised and the degree of
perturbations needed for each component. The multi-path event tree (MPET) struc-
tures are developed to efficiently and intuitively display a large number of dominant
or risk-significant attack scenarios instead of the traditional event trees representing
minimal cut sets.
A reduced order model (ROM) has been developed to efficiently represent the
SG dynamics and facilitate the detection of potential cyber-attacks. The dynamic
ROM is built on the energy balance equation for a single vertical boiling channel

approximating a U-tube steam generator. The ROM provides an essential relationship
connecting the reactor power, water level, and feedwater flow rate. An application
programming interface (API) for the I&C systems serving as the interface between
the RELAP5 system code and the ROM has been developed.
A Kalman filtering based detection method has been proposed, providing opti-
mal tracking of SG water level combining the uncertain simulation results with the
observation data subject to statistical fluctuations. An observed plant state with sig-
nificant deviation from the optimal system projection could then indicate potential
intrusions into the system. Finally, a mitigation strategy considering the controller
feedback is proposed to avoid the reactor trip due to attack on SG water level sensors.
The worst-case attack within this issue space is defined, and the maximum delay time
allowed for the mitigation is obtained.



1.1 Overview of Cyber-Security for Nuclear Power Plant

1.1.1 General Background

Many of the existing nuclear power plants (NPPs) in the world are nearing or at the
midpoint of their design life. At the same time, there have been significant advances in
electronics, computers, and networks, which have been incorporated into the currently
available digital instrumentation and control (I&C) hardware and software. Advanced
digital I&C systems have been used extensively in many other industries. In recent
years, digital I&C systems have been developed and installed in new and operating
NPPs to address obsolescence issues with analog components. The digital technologies
can provide far more functionality than their analog counterparts, but the potential
of cyber-attacks has escalated into a severe threat for NPPs.
In fact, several cases of cyber-attacks on critical controlled plants have already
been reported [1]. In 2003, the Microsoft SQL Slammer worm infected the com-
puter network server of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Ohio. This infection
increased data traffic in the site network, preventing the availability of the safety
parameter display system and plant process computers for 5 hours [2]. A repre-
sentative cyber-attack on a nuclear facility is Stuxnet, which physically destroyed

the centrifuges of Iran’s uranium enrichment facility in 2010. Stuxnet is a purpose-
built, technologically sophisticated, precisely engineered, and complex piece of cyber
weaponry [3]. In Korea, the computer network of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power
(KHNP) was attacked, and the attacker took the design and manual of a NPP, and
personal information of the employees in 2014 [4].
In response, the NRC developed Regulatory Guide 5.71 [2], the Cyber Security
Program for Nuclear Facilities, which provides an approach satisfying the require-
ments of 10CFR73.54. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides
technical guidelines for addressing computer security issues and implementing cyber-
security programs used to protect nuclear facilities against possible malicious cyber-
threats. The IAEA Nuclear Security Series (NSS) 17 addresses the establishment and
improvement of programs to protect computer systems, networks, and other digital
systems critical for the safe and secure operation of facilities and the prevention of
theft sabotage and other malicious acts [5].

1.1.2 Review of Previous Work

More and more research has been conducted on the cyber-security issues for nu-
clear power plants. All the research could be classified into three categories. The first
category is cyber-security assessment and analysis. Lassell [6] developed a method-
ology for assessing the cyber-security robustness and vulnerability of critical digital
assets (CDA) to identify cyber vulnerabilities. A relative risk index is proposed for
the attacker capability, attacker intent, and attack opportunity. The methodology is
also tested at university research reactors. Song [7] introduced a practical approach
for the cyber-security risk assessment of NPP I&C systems by considering the char-
acteristics and lifecycle of these systems, and by focusing on detailed matters that
can be considered when NPP I&C system designers and equipment suppliers per-
form cyber-security risk assessment activities. Yadav [8] presents the application of

traditional probabilistic risk assessment methods for performing prevention analysis
of cyber-attack scenarios. The method is demonstrated by using a fault-tree based
formulation for a cyber-attack scenario in a water flow-loop comprised of flow con-
trollers and pumps, and controlled via manual controls, wired signals and wireless
signals that are susceptible to a cyber-attack. The demonstration successfully illus-
trates the powerful capabilities of fault-tree-based prevention analysis as a robust,
scalable, and efficient technique to achieve acceptable system reliability, based on
preventing only a subset of cyber-attacks.
The second one is the attack scenario generation and simulation. Nichols [9]
presents a methodology by which the attack graphs can be used to generate attack
scenarios for a given system in an automated manner. These scenarios can then
be applied to simulations of systems or testbeds to determine how a system will
respond to that attack, extract key components for counter-measures, or evaluate the
quality of counter-measures built into the system. Hill [10] presents a new approach
that combines cyber-physical system (CPS) simulations with an existing tool known
as hybrid attack graphs (HAGs) to help measure and validate the security of CPS.
Three different attacks, sensor miscalibration, spoofed sensor data, and a denial-of-
service (DoS) attack, are analyzed. Hill [11] describes the use of a framework for the
simulation of a nuclear reactor control system deployed within a honey-net to capture
abnormal network traffic and attacks. It can be used not only to explore different
control strategies for a particular system but also to investigate cyber-attacks and
their potential impact.
Finally, a great deal of research focus on the detection and mitigation methods
for cyber-attacks [12]. Hwang [13] divided the fault detection, isolation, and recon-
figuration (FDIR) methods into the fault detection and isolation (FDI) step, and the
controller reconfiguration step. For FDI, various model-based techniques to gener-
ate residuals and statistical techniques of testing the residuals are discussed. This

is followed by various techniques to implemente a reconfigurable control strategy in
response to faults. Rosich [14] presents a worst-case attack scenario analysis utilizing
optimization techniques and a novel approach for detecting attacks on the controller,
considering the second derivative of prediction into the model. The significance of
this detecting technique is that no specific controller knowledge is necessary. Hence,
the vulnerability of the detector can be reduced since no reconfiguration is required.
Chamanbaz [15] proposed a novel approach to co-design controller and attack detec-
tor using elements from model predictive control for nonlinear cyber-physical systems
affected by false data injection attack. He augments the predictive model controller
with an additional constraint requiring the system’s future trajectory to remain in
some time-invariant neighborhood of a properly designed reference trajectory.
Game theory has been introduced into the nuclear security topic. Kim [16] ex-
plores a game-theoretic modeling approach examining how physical protection system
functions when attacked by an intelligent adversary in league with an insider at a hy-
pothetical nuclear facility. The game-theoretic approach has the advantage of mod-
eling an adversary who has an intention and complete knowledge of the facility. The
game-theoretic model efficiently finds optimal equilibrium in the hypothetical game
played by the defender and adversary. Do [17] reviews the existing game-theoretic
approaches for cyber-security and privacy issues. The research regarding three main
applications, cyber-physical security, communication security, and privacy, is selected
to demonstrate the utilization of game theory. The authors present the game mod-
els, features, and solutions of the selected works and describe the advantages and
limitations from design to implementation of the defense mechanisms.

1.1.3 Statement of Problem

With the investigation of the cyber-attack cases and the review of the research
papers, we decided to concentrate on potential cyber-attacks resulting in unscheduled

reactor trips. Cyber-attack in a nuclear power plant is not likely to cause very severe
damage to the power plant, such as the large break loss of coolant accident we usually
study in NPP risk analysis. Reactor trips are part of the reactor protection system,
which protects the reactor from design basis accidents. However, it provides a weak
point for cyber-attacks to trip a reactor through a number of available pathways.
Unscheduled reactor trips could make the power plant unavailable for a period of
time and increase the operation and maintenance cost of a nuclear power plant. If
we can avoid unnecessary reactor trips, the nuclear power plant economy can be
The AP1000 and Generic Pressurized Water Reactor (GPWR) designs have been
selected as the reactor models for this study. Since most of the NPPs built in the
U.S. are PWR plant, this type of reactor should be our focus for the cyber-security
study. The GPWR is a generic model that can represent most of the PWRs currently
in operation. The AP1000 reactor is a generation III+ reactor that includes a large
scale use of digital I&C components, and represents the most recent Westinghouse
design certified by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
To narrow down the scope of the investigation, we decided to place our emphasis
on attack scenarios that could result in an automated reactor trip initiated by SG
levels being out-of-range. Among all 11 reactor trip signals in the AP1000 design,
there are four directly related to the SG. An SG is also the connection between the
primary and secondary loop, maintaining effective heat removal for nuclear power
plants. Hence, SG level-focused attack scenarios for SGs form a distinct point of
focus for our cyber-security study.
The overall framework comprising (a) attack scenario generation, (b) system mod-
eling, (3) attack detection, and (d) mitigation action that we have developed is sum-
marized in Figure. 1.1. Various components in the framework will be described in
detail in subsequent chapters.

Figure 1.1: Overview of cyber-security framework

1.2 Thesis Outline

Chapter 2 starts with a review of the I&C system in a nuclear power plant, es-
pecially for the AP1000 [18] and GPWR [19] reactor models. The two main systems
related to the unscheduled reactor trip resulting from cyber-attacks are plant con-
trol system and plant protection and monitoring system. The characteristics and
functions of these two systems are introduced and discussed.
Chapter 3 deals with the cyber-attack scenarios generation for the SG water level
control system. The attack tree analysis has been completed through the SAPHIRE
code [20]. The minimal cut sets are obtained and represented in the MPET structure.
A new susceptibility analysis is proposed, which can simplify the possible attack sce-
narios by identifying low-order sets. A parametric study on different attack possibility
combinations is discussed.
Chapter 4 introduces the RELAP5 thermal-hydraulic simulation software [21],
developed for the NRC for simulation of hydraulic and thermal transients in both
nuclear and non-nuclear systems. Details on the RELAP5 software are discussed,
together with an AP1000 reactor model.
Chapter 5 discusses the application programming interface (API) developed for the

whole cyber-security framework, which served as the platform for modeling, detection,
and mitigation of potential cyber-attack incidents. Details on the operation and
function of the API are explained. Test cases are performed, which validates the
functionality of the API.
Chapter 6 introduces a reduced-order model for the steam generator in the nuclear
power plant. It provides a critical relationship between reactor power, SG water
level, and feedwater flow rate. The derivation of the model based on the energy
balance equation is presented. Several cases comparing with the results from RELAP5
simulation are also performed validating the correctness and accuracy of the model.
Chapter 7 presents a diagnosis approach based on the Kalman filter algorithm,
which takes both the measurement fluctuation and simulation uncertainty into con-
sideration, providing an optimal estimate. The diagnosis approach can be used to
detect significant deviation on key parameters resulting from the cyber-attack.
Chapter 8 analyzes various attack scenarios simulated using the GPWR Simula-
tor. The function, feature, and operation of GPWR are introduced. Various attack
scenarios on the steam generator control system are simulated, which provide a better
understanding on how the system responds to specific attack scenarios.
Chapter 9 provides a new optimal mitigation approach to avoid reactor trips con-
sidering the controller feedback in the SG water level control system. The mitigation
method inserts a signal in the opposite direction into the system, which can coun-
teract the attack signal’s influence. The maximum delay time allowed for the attack
detection and mitigation action is presented.
The final chapter summarizes the whole cyber-attack framework and proposes
various possible directions for future work.


Instrumentation and Control System in Nulcear

Power Plant

It is important to study the I&C system of a typical PWR system and model
the detail for analysis of cyber-attack events. In probabilistic risk analysis, random
failure studies are performed focusing on the physical component and system in the
nuclear power plant, such as pump failure or pipe break. However, the target of
cyber-attacks will likely be the I&C system, which has digital devices or connections
to the network. With the goal of avoiding unscheduled reactor trips due to potential
intrusions into the SG operation, this chapter addresses the I&C system involved
in SG operation and reactor trip events. The study of the I&C system could not
only identify the plant parameters of interest that can lead to a specific reactor trip
function but also recognize the components associated with SG operation and reactor
trip. Two reactor designs have been studied, AP1000 and GPWR, representing the
advanced Generation III+ PWR design and the current Generation II PWR design,
respectively. The investigation of the I&C system in this chapter provides us the
knowledge of the I&C system functions in the nuclear power plant, which has laid a
solid foundation for the cyber-attack scenario generation later.

2.1 AP1000 I&C System

AP1000 [22, 18] is two-loop PWR nuclear power plant designed by Westinghouse
Electric Company. The AP1000 plant builds and improves upon the established
technology of major components used in current Westinghouse-designed plants. These
components include:

• Steam generators

• Digital instrumentation and controls

• Fuel

• Pressurizers

• Reactor vessels

The established design of the AP1000 plant offers three distinct advantages over
other designs: unequaled safety, economic competitiveness and improved and more
efficient operations. It is recognized as one of the most advanced nuclear power plants
design currently operating around the world. Hence, the design of the I&C system for
AP1000 can represent the newest in class, which is a good demonstration for modern
PWR I&C systems.
The I&C systems presented in this chapter provide protection against unsafe re-
actor operation during steady-state and transient power operations. They initiate
selected protective functions to mitigate the consequences of design basis events. The
AP1000 I&C architecture is illustrated in Figure 2.1 [23]. The figure shows two major
sections separated by the real-time data network.
The lower portion of the figure includes plant protection, control, and monitoring
functions. It performs the reactor trip functions, the engineered safety features (ESF)
actuation functions, and the qualified data processing (QDPS) functions. The I&C

Figure 2.1: AP1000 I&C architecture. Source: [18].
equipment performing reactor trip and ESF actuation functions, their related sensors,
and the reactor trip switchgear are, for the most part, fourfold redundant. The non-
safety-related real-time data network, which horizontally divides Figure 2.1, is a high-
speed, redundant communications network that links systems of importance to the
operator. The upper portion of the figure depicts the control rooms and data display
and processing system.
With many systems of the AP1000 I&C architecture [23] focusing on preventing
unscheduled reactor trips, we note that five systems can generate a reactor trip signal.
Table 2.1 describes the systems and the role that they play in reactor control and

Table 2.1: Primary AP1000 I&C systems capable of executing reactor trip.
System Description
Protection and Safety Initiates reactor trip and actuation of ESFs in response to plant conditions
Monitoring System (PMS) by monitoring process instrumentation and provides safety-related displays.
Plant Control Provides automated and manual plant control of nonsafety-related plant
System (PLS) components during normal and emergency plant operations.
Diverse Actuation Performs secondary nonsafety-related operations separate and independent
System (DAS) to the PMS, initiates reactor trips, actuates select ESFs, provides secondary
interfaces for manual reactor trip, and displays for select plant parameters.
Data Display and Provides nonsafety-related alarms and displays, performs analysis of plant
Processing System (DDS) data, logging of plant data including storage and retrieval, and operational
support for plant personnel.
Operation and Control Developed and implemented based upon a human factors engineering (HFE)
Centers System (OCS) program. Includes the main control room, remote shutdown workstation,
the local control stations, and the associated workstations for each
of these centers.

These five systems can contribute to the generation of the majority of trip signals
for the AP1000 plants. Our research focuses on the attacks that may result in auto-
matic reactor trip initiation. The Operation and Control Centers System (OCS), the
Diverse Actuation System (DAS) and the Data Display and Processing System (DDS)
usually require some form of human interaction for a trip to occur. These systems
are therefore not the focus of this study, which leaves the Protection and Safety Mon-
itoring System (PMS) and Plant Control System (PLS) as the primary I&C systems
capable of actuating the reactor trip.

2.1.1 Protection and Safety Monitoring System

The protection and safety monitoring system provides the detection of off-nominal
conditions and the actuation of appropriate safety-related functions necessary to
achieve and maintain the plant in a safe shutdown condition. The PMS has four
reactor trip and engineered safety feature (ESF) actuation divisions, and two divi-
sions of safety-related post-accident parameter displays. The functional arrangement
of the PMS is depicted in Figure 2.2.
The reactor trip system keeps the reactor within the safe region by shutting down
the reactor whenever safety limits are approached. The reactor trip is a protective
function performed by the protection and safety monitoring system when it antic-
ipates a parameter’s approach to its safety limit. Reactor shutdown occurs when
electrical power is removed from the rod drive mechanism coils, allowing the rods
to fall by gravity into the reactor core. The plant protection subsystems maintain
surveillance of key process variables directly related to equipment mechanical limita-
tions (such as pressure) and variables that directly affect the reactor’s heat transfer
capability (such as flow and temperature).

Figure 2.2: Protection and safety monitoring system. Source: [23].

Four redundant measurements, using four separate sensors, are provided for each
variable used for the reactor trip. Analog signals are converted to digital form by
analog-to-digital converters within the PMS. Signal conditioning is applied to se-
lected inputs following the conversion to digital form. Following necessary calcula-
tions and processing, the measurements are compared against the applicable setpoint
for that variable. A partial trip signal for a parameter is generated if one channel in-
dicates measurement exceeding its predetermined or calculated limit. The processing
of variables for the reactor trip is identical in each of the four redundant divisions
of the protection system. Each division sends its partial trip status to each of the
other three divisions over isolated data links. Each division is capable of generating
a reactor trip signal if two or more redundant channels of a single variable are in a

partial trip state.
The reactor trip signal from each of the four divisions of the PMS is sent to the
corresponding reactor trip switchgear breakers. Each of the four reactor trip actuation
divisions consists of two reactor trip circuit breakers. The reactor is tripped when two
or more actuation divisions output a reactor trip signal. This automatic trip demand
initiates the following two actions. It de-energizes the under-voltage trip attachments
on the reactor trip breakers, and it energizes the shunt trip devices on the reactor
trip breakers. Either action causes the breakers to trip. Opening the appropriate
trip breakers removes power to the rod drive mechanism coils, allowing the rods to
fall into the core. This rapid negative reactivity insertion causes the reactor to shut
The main reactor trip functions in the AP1000 can be grouped around certain
operational protections. These groupings form eleven main reactor trip functions of
interest, summarized in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Primary AP1000 reactor trip functions.

Nuclear startup Automatic depressurization system actuation

Nuclear overpower Passive residual heat removal actuation
Core heat removal Core makeup tank injection
Primary overpressure Safeguards actuation
Loss of heat sink Manual reactor trip
Feedwater isolation −

There are four reactor trips related to the steam generator water level among these
eleven trip functions:

• Loss of Heat Sink Trip

• Feedwater Isolation Trip

• Core Makeup Tank Injection Trip

• Reactor Trip on Passive Residual Heat Removal System Actuation

Loss of heat sink trip protects the reactor from loss of heat sink in the event of a
loss of feedwater to the steam generators. The reactor is tripped when two out of the
four water level sensors in any steam generator produce signals below the setpoint
value as shown in Figure. 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Loss of heat sink functional diagram. Source: [18].

A feedwater isolation trip is an anticipatory trip based on the expectation that

a reactor trip would occur after steam generator feedwater is isolated. The trip is
initiated if any steam generator water level exceeds the High-2 setpoint. Core Makeup
Tank injection trip is initiated if core makeup injection occurs either automatically
or manually. Low wide-range steam generator level coincident with high hot-leg
temperature is one condition that can generate signals to align the core makeup
tanks for injection, which involves the steam generator water level. The passive
residual heat removal (PRHR) system actuation trip is initiated when the PRHR

system’s discharge valves come off their fully shut seat, allowing flow through the
PRHR heat exchanger. Low narrow-range steam generator level coincident with low
startup feedwater flow is one of the conditions to generate a signal to align the PRHR
heat exchanger to passively remove core heat.

2.1.2 Plant Control System

The PLS provides the functions necessary for the plant’s normal operation from
cold shutdown through full power, by controlling non-safety-related components in the
plant operated from the main control room or remote shutdown workstation. The PLS
contains non-safety-related control and instrumentation equipment to change reactor
power, control pressurizer pressure and level, control feedwater flow, and perform
other plant functions associated with power generation. The PLS accomplishes these
functions by using the following: rod control, pressurizer pressure and level control,
steam generator water level control, steam dump (turbine bypass) control, and rapid
power reduction. The PLS provides automatic regulation of reactor and other key
system parameters in response to changes in operating limits (load changes) and
acts to maximize margins to plant safety limits and maximize the plant transient
The PLS includes the equipment from the process sensor input circuitry to the
modulating and non modulating control outputs and the digital signals to other
plant systems. Modulating control devices include valve positioners, pump speed
controllers, and the control rod equipment. Non-modulating devices include motor
starters for motor-operated valves and pumps, breakers for heaters, and solenoids for
actuation of air-operated valves. The PLS cabinets contain the process sensor inputs
and the modulating and non-modulating outputs, and also includes equipment to
monitor and control the control rods. The functions performed by the plant control
system are listed in Table 2.3 [18].

Table 2.3: Primary PLS control systems and responsibilities.
System Functional Description
Reactor Power Control System Coordinates the responses of various reactivity control mechanisms, load
follow operations, load regulation/frequency control, and axial nuclear
power distribution control.
Rod Control System Maintains power and reactor coolant temperature, without challenges to
protection systems, during normal operating transients in conjunction with
the reactor power control system.
Pressurizer Pressure Control Maintains or restores the pressurizer pressure to the nominal operating
value following normal transients. Reacts to avoid challenges to the
protection systems during transients.
Pressurizer Water Level Control Establishes, and maintains pressurizer water level to its operating region
as a function of reactor coolant system temperature to minimize charging
and letdown requirements. No challenges to the protection system result
from normal operational transients.
Feedwater Control System Maintains the steam generator water level at a predetermined setpoint
during steady-state operation. It also maintains the water level within
operating limits during normal transient operation. The feedwater control
system restores normal water level following a unit trip.
Steam Dump Control Reacts to prevent a reactor trip following a sudden loss of electrical
load. Removes stored energy and residual heat following a trip so that the
plant can be brought to equilibrium no-load conditions without actuation
of the steam generator safety valves. Also provides for maintaining the
plant at no- or low-load conditions to facilitate controlled cooldown.
Rapid Power Reduction For large, rapid load rejections (turbine trip or grid disconnect from
50-percent power or greater) a rapid nuclear power cutback is implemented.
Results in a reduction of thermal power to a level that can be handled
by the steam dump system.
Defense-In-Depth Control Provides control of systems performing defense-in-depth functions.

The AP1000 control systems share a common hardware design and implemen-
tation philosophy. They are also functionally integrated to enhance responsiveness
during plant transients. Specific design requirements have been imposed that limit
the impact of individual equipment failures. The function of the plant control system
is performed by several major system assemblies, including distributed controllers,
signal selector algorithms, and real-time data network.
The distributed controller performs system-level and component-level control cal-
culations, provides the capability for an operator interface to the controlled compo-
nents, transmits control signals to discrete, modulating, and networked interfaced
control components, and provides plant status and plant parameter information to
the real-time data network. The distributed controllers receive process inputs and
implement the system-level logic and control algorithms appropriate for the plant

operating mode. Control functions are distributed across multiple distributed con-
trollers so that single failures within a controller do not degrade the performance of
control functions performed by other controllers. The major control functions imple-
mented in different distributed controllers include reactor power control, feedwater
control, pressurizer control, and turbine control.
Signal selector algorithms provide the plant control system with the ability to
obtain inputs from the PMS. The signal selector algorithms select those PMS signals
representing the actual status of the plant and reject erroneous signals. Therefore,
the control system does not cause an unsafe control action to occur even if one of
four redundant protection channels is degraded by random failure simultaneous with
another of the four channels bypassed for test or maintenance. Each signal selector
algorithm receives data from each of the redundant divisions of the PMS. The data
are received from each division through an isolation device and the signal selector
algorithms provide validated process values to the PLS. They also provide the val-
idation status, the average of the valid process values, the number of valid process
values, and alarms. For the logic values received from the PMS, such as permissives,
two-out-of-four (2/4) voting is used to provide a valid logic value to the PLS. The
signal selection algorithm is executed in the PLS, and the results are not available
to PMS or DAS. Therefore, PMS and DAS performance, controls, and displays are
independent of the signal selector algorithm.
The real-time data network is a redundant data highway supporting both periodic
and aperiodic data transfers of non-safety-related signals and data. Periodic transfers
consist of process data that are broadcast over the network at fixed intervals and are
available to all destinations. Aperiodic data transfer is generally used for messages
or file transfers. The real-time data network provides communications among the
distributed controllers, the PMS gateways, the incore instrumentation, and the special
monitoring system.

2.2 Generic Pressurized Water Reactor I&C System

The Generic Pressurized Water Reactor (GPWR) [19] is the generic reactor model
in the GPWR nuclear plant simulator newly installed at the University of Michigan.
It represents a three-loop Westinghouse PWR system. Similar to the AP1000 design,
there are two systems mainly related to our cyber-attack study: the nuclear control
I&C system and the reactor protection system (RPS).
There are five major control systems relating to the reactor and steam generation.
These control systems are (1) rod control system (RODCS), (2) pressurizer level con-
trol (PZRLC), (3)pressurizer pressure control (PZRPC), (4) steam generator water
level control (SGWLC), and (5) steam dump control (SDCS). Each system uses a
predetermined program to perform its control function. For a control system to oper-
ate, it must rely on inputs for various parameters that have been or may be affected
by the control process.The SGWLC system, involving both primary and secondary
components, is introduced next with our three-category classification method on I&C
system components.

2.2.1 Steam Generator Water Level Control System

The SGWLC system provides automatic control of the steam generator water level
over the entire range of power operation, which is a focus of our study. Stable and
reliable control is achieved through the use of two subsystems: the Feedwater (FW)
Control System, which controls the main feedwater valves during power operation,
and the Feedwater Bypass Control System, which controls the FW bypass valves
at low power levels. The SGWLC is designed to adjust the FW flow to maintain
a programmed level of 57 % in the SGs during normal plant operation and plant
transients. The SGWLC system components are categorized as either sensor, control
logic processor, or actuation system.

19 Sensors

In order for the SGs to maintain the proper heat sink, the secondary-side feedwa-
ter to the SGs is automatically adjusted through continuous control based on three
physical parameters: (a) narrow range (NR) and wide range (WR) water level, (b)
FW flow rate, and (c) steam flow rate. For a Generation II Westinghouse PWR plant
which is represented in the GPWR, Table 2.4 lists the specific sensors, and their phys-
ical location illustrated Figure 2.4 [24]. The locations for the NR and WR gauges
and steam flow gauges are highlighted together with the feedwater inlet nozzle and
steam separation equipment.
Among the sensors, the level sensor is the most important one. Five water level
sensors are used on each SG. Four sensors are protection grade, narrow-range level
transmitters. The four narrow-range level channels are used for protection, control,
and indication.

Table 2.4: Sensors in SGWLC system.

Sensor Description Location

NR Level Differential pressure cell Upper 240 inch of SG head
WL Level Differential pressure cell Total 610 inch from tube to mid-deck
FW Flow Venturi FW inlet line
Steam Flow Venturi SG outlet steam flow restrictor

Figure 2.4: Cross section detailing the main SG.Source: [25].

21 PI Controller for SG water level

Automatic SG water level control is the result of either the FW Control System of
the FW Bypass Control System acting to maintain programmed SG level from 0 to
100 percent power. This control is accomplished through a proportional integral (PI)
controller that senses steam flow, feed flow, and SG level. Details for the main FW
control and corresponding data flow are illustrated in Figure 2.5 [25].
The steam flow is sensed and corrected for density by a steam pressure detector.
The resulting steam flow signal is fed to a summer. A flow error signal is produced
by subtracting the feed flow signal from the steam flow signal. The flow error signal
goes to a PI controller.
The actual SG level is sent through a lag circuit to dampen out natural oscillations
in the level signal. A level error signal is produced by subtracting the actual level
from the program level. The level error signal is sent to the PI controller. The level
and flow error signals are added to produce a total error signal. This total error signal
is the output of the PI controller when it is in AUTO. The operator can manually
control the output of the controller. The output then goes to the I/P converter to
position the FW control valve.

Figure 2.5: Main FW control system control diagram.Source: [25]. Actuators

As shown in Figure 2.5, the SG water level is controlled via the feedwater regu-
lating valve (FRV) located between feedwater pump and SG. The FW control valves
are sized to operate in automatic in the range of 8 to 100 percent reactor power. In
this range, the FW control valves are designed to have a nearly linear relationship
between valve position and FW flow rate. The FW control valve is sized at 12 inches
to support feed flow in the range of 8 to 100 percent power. The FW bypass control
valve is a 3-inch valve that permits automatic operation at a low power level from 0
to 8 percent reactor power, which is not a focus of our research.

2.2.2 Reactor Protection System

The purpose of the Reactor Protection System (RPS) is to process input signals
from selected plant parameters and send a reactor trip signal to the reactor trip
breakers when abnormal plant conditions exist. The purpose of the Engineered Safety
Features Actuation System (ESFAS) is to process input signals from selected plant
parameters and send an actuation signal to the ESF equipment when abnormal plant
conditions exist. When a reactor trip signal is generated, the RPS shuts down the
reactor by opening the reactor trip breakers. The trip and actuation signals for both
the RPS and ESFAS are processed through the Solid State Protection System (SSPS)
cabinets. SSPS Cabinets

The SSPS is a dual train redundant system, consisting of two four-bay cabinets,
one single bay control board demultiplexer cabinet, and a computer mounted demul-
tiplexer assembly. Each of the four-bay cabinets is composed of an input relay bay,
a logic bay, and two output relay bays. Figure 2.6 shows the simplified interface
diagram of the SSPS.
The SSPS input relays receive inputs from Process Instrumentation Cabinet (PIC)
bistables, Nuclear Instrument System (NIS) bistables, and field contacts. When a trip
or actuation signal is received from one of the bistable or field contact inputs, the
associated input relay de-energizes, closing a contact to provide the trip or actuation
signal to the logic cabinet. The SSPS logic bay receives input from the input relays
and determines if the required actuations logic (coincidence) is met for a reactor trip
or ESF signal. If the required coincidence is met, the logic bay initiates the reactor
trip or ESF signal. The reactor trip breakers and bypass breakers are designed to
open on an automatic or manual trip signal, which will interrupt power from the rod
control system to the control rod drive mechanisms (CRDMs), causing the rods to

Figure 2.6: Reactor protection system layout.Source: [25].
fall to the bottom of the core. Reactor trip breakers A and B are normally shut and
are in series such that opening either breaker will cause the rods to drop into the core.
Each reactor trip and bypass breaker has redundant trip coils: under-voltage (UV)
trip coil and shunt trip coil. The UV coil is maintained energized by the output of the
SSPS logic bay when a trip signal is not active. When SSPS initiates a reactor trip,
the power to the UV coil is removed, causing the reactor trip breaker to open. The
shunt trip coil, normally de-energized, is energized when a reactor trip is initiated. GPWR reactor trip functions

The RPS automatically keeps reactor operation within a safe region by shutting
down the reactor whenever the limits of the region are exceeded. The safe operating
region is defined by several considerations, such as mechanical/hydraulic limitations
on equipment and heat transfer phenomena. For the GPWR system, reactor trips
will be initiated for the 18 events listed in Table 2.5. Included in the list are two SG
related trip functions featuring low-low water level and low SG level-low feedwater
flow events.
Table 2.5: GPWR reactor trip functions.

Manual Source range high flux

Intermediate range high flux Power range high flux
Power range high neutron flux rate Overtemperature ∆T
Overpower ∆T Low primary coolant flow
RCP bus undervoltage RCP bus underfrequency
Pressurizer high pressure Pressurizer low pressure
Pressurizer high water level SG low-low water level
Low SG level/low feedwater flow Safety Injection signal
Turbine trip SSPS General warning alarm

The purpose of the SG low-low water level trip is to protect the reactor by pre-
venting operation without adequate heat removal capability. A loss of SG heat sink
will lead to a reactor coolant system (RCS) overtemperature and overpressure excur-
sion, and could eventually lead to a loss of core cooling capability. This circuit trips

the reactor if two out of three level indicators of any SG indicate below the low-low
trip setpoint of 25 percent NR SG level. The trip logic is shown in Figure 2.7 with
three level sensors for each SG.
A low SG level with feedwater flow mismatch trip is included to enhance the
reactor trip system’s overall reliability. It is redundant to the SG low-low level trip.
The trip is actuated when the steam flow from one SG exceeds the feedwater flow to
the same SG by 40% of rated steam flow coincident with a low level (25% NR) in the
same SG level. For each SG, there are two SG level circuits, and two feedwater flow
mismatch circuits. One of two of the circuits at the setpoint in any SG will generate
a reactor trip. The actual circuity is illustrated in Figure 2.8.
In summary, there is a four-channel sensor system used in the I&C system of
GPWR to monitor each SG’s water level. One of them (channel three) serves as the
controller input for the SG water level control system. Three of them (channels one,
two, and three) serve as monitors to initiate the low water level reactor trip. All four
channels supply the signal to initiate a high steam generator level trip.

2.3 Comparison Between GPWR and AP1000 I&C Systems

The I&C system of a nuclear power plant functions as the ”nerve system” of the
plant. We have made a considerable effort to study the I&C systems in both the
GPWR and AP1000 designs. There are many similarities, as well as some differences
between the GPWR and AP1000 I&C systems. Both systems provide operators with
critical safety information on plant operation, allowing operators to control various
plant safety systems during routine operations, and automatically protect the reactor
core during potential accident events.
AP1000 is, however, a newer design, which has highly integrated digital I&C
designs for safe and efficient operation. The overall architecture is clear, and the
subsystem modules are well divided and classified. AP1000 also introduced several

Figure 2.7: Low-low SG level trip circuitry.Source: [25].
Figure 2.8: Low SG level with a feedwater flow mismatch trip.Source: [25].
new passive safety cooling systems, including Passive Safety Injection, PRHR and
Passive Containment Cooling Systems. These new systems also brought new reactor
trip functions for the protection and monitoring system, such as PRHR actuation
and core makeup tank injection trips as summarized in Table. 2.2.


Cyber Attack Scenario Generation

With the knowledge gained of the I&C system in AP1000, we now begin the
task to find out how a cyber-attack can sabotage the I&C system. We develop a
methodology to quantify the most susceptible attack pathways and identify at-risk
components that may result in an unscheduled shutdown due to a cyber-attack on
the I&C system. Through our investigation, we note that four reactor trips originate
from automatic control of SG water level outside an acceptable range in a total of 11
reactor trip functions. Thus, SG water-level focused attacks serve as a distinct point
of focus for our cyber-attack scenario study.
An attack tree analysis has been performed in our attack tree generation and
logic representation using SAPHIRE software. A multi-path event tree (MPET)
structure is developed to display the dominant attack scenarios obtained from the
analysis result. A new sensitivity metric is proposed to identify the low-order sets of
components that may be compromised, and the degree of perturbations needed for
each component. This approach allows us to rank all potential attack scenarios and
identify the most significant ones with high levels of susceptibility.

3.1 Analysis of Attack Scenarios

In our study of the I&C system in Chapter 2, we recall that there are two primary
I&C system responses for the generation of automatic reactor trips for the AP1000
plant. All the trip signals originate in the PMS, which contains the local coincidence
logic that decides whether a trip is needed. This logic takes the real-time sensor values
for all kinds of reactor state parameters, which are a part of PLS. The cyber-attack
on PMS can result in a reactor trip directly. However, the digital components in PMS
have a higher security level and are not accessible to the attacker. The components in
PLS operating on the real-time network do not have a security level as high as PMS.
These components could be more accessible for the attacker. Hence, in this study, we
focus on attacks originating in the PLS.
For attack scenarios generation and analysis, we further classify and define the
components in the I&C system into three modules: a sensor module, a controller
module, an actuator module. The sensor module is defined as the detector, sensor,
or indicator measuring system parameters or indicating system state. The controller
module is defined as the components that process the signals from the sensor module,
e.g. PI controller, bistable processor station, and local coincidence logic. The actuator
module is defined as the components receiving signals from the controller module and
interact directly with the physical process, e.g. a regulating valve or pump. Cyber-
attack scenarios can initiate at any of these modules; hence, our cyber-attack scenarios
are generated in these three modules.

3.1.1 SAPHIRE Code Introduction for Attack Scenario Study

The SAPHIRE code [20] is developed for performing a complete probabilistic

risk assessment (PRA) for complex engineering systems. SAPHIRE can be used to
model a complex system’s response to initiating events and follow through the system
evolution, and obtain outcome frequencies (or probabilities). Specifically, for nuclear

power plant applications, SAPHIRE 8 can identify important contributors to core
damage (Level 1 PRA) and containment failure during a severe accident, which leads
to releases (Level 2 PRA). It can be used for a PRA where the reactor is at full power,
low power, or at shutdown conditions.
SAPHIRE contains editors or options for creating event trees and fault trees,
defining accident sequences and basic event failure data, solving system fault trees
and accident sequence event trees, quantifying cut sets, performing sensitivity and
uncertainty analyses, documenting the results, and generating reports. Fault Tree Analysis

A fault tree [26] model consists of a top event (usually defined by a heading
in an event tree) and a connecting logic structure that models the combinations of
events that take place to result in the undesired top event. In SAPHIRE, a fault tree
generally represents a failure model. The fault tree logic structure can consist of any
combination of the logic symbols, listed in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1: Logic symbols in fault tree.

Symbol Description
Basic event A simple failure or fault. It may be a hardware failure,
a human error, or an adverse condition.
AND gate The logic operation for this gate requires all inputs into
the AND gate must occur for failure to occur.
OR gate The logic operation for this gate requires only one of the
total number of inputs into the OR gate to occur for
failure to occur.
N/M gate The logic operation for this gate requires that N of the
M inputs into the gate must occur for failure to occur.
TRANSFER gate The transfer gate indicates that logic is continued from
some other location.

33 Determination of Minimal Cut Sets

Once we have built a fault tree, we could determine the minimal cut sets of this
fault tree [27]. The fault tree consists of many levels of basic events and sub-events
linked together by AND gates and OR gates. Certain optimization functions are
performed on the fault tree logic before it is processed. Next, we need to identify
the cut sets based on the fault tree structure. The cut-set identification algorithm
will locate the uppermost gate, the top gate, and perform a top-down analysis. Each
gate’s logic is recursively replaced with its input events until the resulting logic is in
terms of basic events only. This results in a list of conjunctions of basic events. Each
event intersection is a cut set of the fault tree and identifies a set of events that will
cause the function modeled by the fault tree to occur. The list of cut sets identifies
the logical combinations of events that will cause the top event to occur. The cut
sets may need further reduction, which is applied to obtain a simpler collection of cut
sets. In particular, the cut sets generated should be minimal, the list should not be
simplifiable, and the cut set has no other cut sets as a subset.
For example, if A ∩ B ∩ C causes the top event to occur, then A ∩ B ∩ C is a cut
set. If A ∩ B is also a cut set, then A ∩ B ∩ C is not minimal, and it is discarded
from the list. If neither A alone nor B alone cause the top event to occur, A ∩ B is a
minimal cut set, and it is retained in the list. Quantification for Probabilities and Frequencies

Probability is the only satisfactory way to quantify our uncertainty about an

uncertain event E. Some basic probability relationships are described here [28, 29].
The probability of the union of n events is

P (A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ...An ) = P (Ai ) − P (Ai Aj ) + ... + (−1)n P (A1 A2 ...An ). (3.1)

The probability of the intersection of n events is

P (A1 A2 ...An ) = P (An |A1 A2 ...An−1 )P (A2 |A1 )P (A1 ). (3.2)

The probability of the intersection of n events when the events are statistically inde-
pendent is
P (A1 A2 ...An ) = P (A1 )P (A2 )...P (An ). (3.3)

These basic rules for the probability can be used for quantifying minimal cut
sets and fault trees [30, 31]. The individual cut set probabilities are determined by
multiplying the probabilities of the applicable basic events, e.g. for the probability
Ci of cut set i is given by
Ci = q1 q2 ...qn (3.4)


qi = probability of the k-th basic event in the i-th cut set.

The fault tree quantification process is performed in two steps: (1) calculation of
individual cut set probabilities and (2) combining the cut set probabilities. The exact
probability of the union of the cut sets can be found, in principle, by Eq.(3.1), where
each Ai is a cut set.
Considering the comprehensive functionality of SAPHIRE, we have used the code
to build the attack trees and generate minimal cuts for potential cyber-attack sce-
narios. The SAPHIRE analysis focusing on unscheduled reactor trips due to the
perturbation in the steam generator system is discussed in Section 3.1.2.

3.1.2 Attack Tree Analysis

Attack trees are conceptual diagrams showing how an asset, or target, might be
attacked [32]. They have been used in a variety of applications. Especially in the
field of information technology, they have been used to describe threats to computer
systems and possible attacks to realize those threats. For our study, we use the attack
tree to analyze the possible attack targets and scenarios for cyber-attack events.
Attack trees are hierarchical, graphical diagrams. Like fault trees, the diagrams
are usually drawn inverted, with the root node at the top of the tree and branches
descending from the root. The top or root node represents the attacker’s overall
goal. The nodes at the lowest levels of the tree represent the activities performed by
the attacker. Nodes between the leaf nodes and the root node depict intermediate
states or attacker sub-goals. The gate structure is similar to the OR and AND gate
we introduced in Section The cut sets generated from the tree are known
as attack scenarios. Attack trees can become large and complex, especially when
dealing with specific attacks. A full attack tree may contain hundreds or thousands
of different scenarios, all leading to the attack’s completion.
An example of a tree describing attacks on a hypothetical nuclear plant’s cooling
systems is shown in Figure 3.1. The target of the attack is damage to cooling pumps.
There are two AND nodes and three OR nodes. For example, the sabotage pump
node is an OR node. There are two leaf nodes under this node. This means that we
could either cause electrical damage or blow up the pumps to sabotage pumps.

Figure 3.1: Example of attack tree.

Once we have completed the structure of the attack tree, we can assign values to
the various leaf nodes, then make calculations about the nodes. There are several
ways to assign values. Assigning measures to represent ”possible” and ”impossible”
steps to the nodes is one way to look at the tree. Any Boolean value can be assigned
to the leaf nodes and then propagated up the tree structure in the same manner. It
is also possible to assign continuous values to nodes. There are many other possible
continuous node values, including the probability of success of a given attack and the
likelihood that an attacker will try a given attack.
To create an attack tree, we need to identify the attack goals first. Each goal forms

a separate tree, although they might share subtrees and nodes. Then, we should think
of all attacks against each goal and add them to the tree. Once we have the attack
tree and have evaluated all node values, the attack tree can be used to make security
decisions. Attack trees provide a formal methodology for analyzing the security of
systems and subsystems [33, 34].

3.1.3 Attack Tree Generation for AP1000

With the observation that all attacks could originate in the PLS, attack tree and
minimal cut sets are generated with the logic structure and knowledge of the SGWLC
system. An attack on a single module or some combinations of the three modules
could lead to the unintended generation of reactor trip signals in the PMS. A list of
all the components in PLS is summarized in Tabel 3.2. Figure 3.2 illustrates the logic
structure for PLS control components and their relationship to the PMS structure for
a trip signal generation due to an out-of-range SG water level caused by an attack on
the PLS in terms of sensors, controllers, and actuators.

Table 3.2: List of components in PLS.

Component Number Component Number

Narrow range level sensor 4 Wide range level sensor 4
Steam pressure sensor 4 Steam flow sensor 2
FW flow sensor 2 Hot leg temperature sensor 4
SG level control program 1 FW flow PI controller 1
FW Regulating valve 1 Pump 2

Figure 3.2: Top-level control logic structure for the PLS.

From these structures, we can construct an event tree using the SAPHIRE code.
A part of the PLS attack tree built using the SAPHIRE code is shown in Figure. 3.3.
We may then generate minimal cut sets with SAPHIRE for the attack tree. An
attack probability must be assigned to each component to calculate the minimal cut
set probability and rank them. Since the probability of an attack on a single compo-
nent is difficult to quantify, we start by creating two main groups of components. The
first is comprised of primary control components, including NR level sensors, steam
pressure sensors, all control logic structures, and the MFW regulating valve, all of
which are assigned the attack possibility metric λj = 0.1. The second group is made
up of secondary control components, including FW flow sensors, steam flow sensors,
and the MFW pump, all of which are assigned λj = 0.05. This metric is mostly a
placeholder at this stage; it does not mean an attack will occur at these sites or that
they are the most accessible sites to attack, but it does focus the discussion at this

Figure 3.3: Attack tree for reactor trip due to low SG level.

There are several hundreds cut sets. After reduction, we obtain 54 minimal cut
sets. The minimal cut-set list can be very long, especially when there are many com-
binations of basic events. With a properly developed Multi-Path Event Tree (MPET)
representation, we may visually display the combination of attacks on components
that could result in top events.
For an attack focused on causing reactor trip due to out-of-range SG water level,
the resulting trip signal will come from one of two main trip signal classes: (a) the
generic trip signals feedwater isolation (FI) and Loss of Heat Sink (LOHS) on high
and low SG water level, respectively, or (b) the ESF-related trip signals for PRHR
actuation and Core Makeup Tank (CMT) injection. In this structure, the generic
trip signals are the primary mechanisms for protecting the reactor from any number

of issues related to improper interaction between the primary and secondary sides.
Alternately, ESFs can function as either a redundancy feature, in case of failure in
the generic trip signals, or as a safeguard against unanticipated plant conditions.
Because ESF actuation usually results in a more drastic response, e.g., the CMT
injecting borated coolant into the core, they typically carry more logical checks than
their generic trip signal counterparts.

Figure 3.4: Top-level logic for trip generation in PMS.

From the PLS logic structure for automated and manual SG level control, we are
able to relate the control functions and mechanisms to the sensors of interest to the
PMS. Building on this understanding, a logic-tree structure can be constructed for
pathways to trip signal generation in the PMS due to the out-of-range SG level, as
illustrated in Figure 3.4.

3.2 Multi-Path Event Tree Representation

Identification of cut sets and minimal cut sets is one of the most important qual-
itative analyses of an event\fault tree. A cut set is a set of basic events whose
occurrence ensures that the top event occurs. A minimal cut set is a cut set that
cannot be reduced without losing its status as a cut set, which can also be defined
as a group of sets consisting of the smallest combinations of basic events that result
in the occurrence of the top event. For a complex system or network, the analysis
results invariably result in a large number of minimal cut sets, which is not intuitive
and hard to interpret. Hence, an MPET structure is developed to efficiently and intu-
itively display a large number of dominant or risk-significant attack scenarios instead
of the traditional event trees representing minimal cut sets.

3.2.1 Generation of MPET

The MPET formulation uses a Boolean logic structure to graphically represent

the minimal cut sets in terms of basic events in a succinct manner [35, 36]. With the
experience of complex system analysis, we discover that some of the minimal cut sets
will contribute to the majority of the result. These dominant minimal cut sets are
always sharing similar basic events. Hence, we proposed a methodology to graphically
representing the minimal cut sets based on the characteristics we discovered.
To generate the MPET, we developed a methodology to follow, and a simple
example is presented to demonstrate the methodology. In this simple example, there
are three components or stages of system evolution, X1 , X2 , and X3 . Under X1 ,
there are three basic events X11 , X12 , and X13 . Under X2 , there are two basic events
X21 and X22 . Under X3 , there are three basic events X31 , X32 , and X33 . The basic
events or states {Xij } have an associated quantification {Pij }. Hence, for a complex
system, we first need to divide the system into subgroups or cluster the basic events
into functional groups from the minimal cut set results. A Boolean logic notation is

introduced into graphically connecting these basic events and generating the MPET
diagram. The MPET structure for our example is illustrated in Figure 3.5. The
MPET graphically represents a total of 18 minimal cut sets into a simple structure
for rapid analysis and evaluation of end states.

Figure 3.5: Example of MPET structure.

Our MPET representation and associated end-state frequency offer several advan-
tages compared to the traditional event tree method. In particular, we can identify
the state and time evolution of each component, resulting in either success, degrada-
tion, or failure end-states. We are also able to distinguish the end states for different
scenarios. With a properly developed MPET, reactor operators can determine the
end state of each scenario more efficiently than conventional ETs. Hence, the opera-
tors can take proper actions faster for safely managing attack events, thereby avoiding
reactor trips. This MPET structure would also allow convenient modifications to the
cut sets and represent suspected cyber-threats for system analysis, evaluation, and

3.2.2 MPET Representation for Low-Order Trip Scenarios

We have created two main groupings of attacks: the first aiming to attack com-
ponents in such a manner that SG water level is decreased to the point at which a
LOHS-, PRHR-, or CMT-based trip is actuated, and the second where the SG water
level is increased to the point that the logic for an FI trip is met.

Figure 3.6: MP-ET for attacks on the PLS causing low SG water level end state.

Figure 3.7: MP-ET for attacks on the PLS causing high SG water level end state.

Under the structure we have defined, two main methods of attack arise (1) common
mode attack (CMA) on multiple sensors that immediately meets a condition for
a trip in the PMS without the need for changes to occur in the physical system,
or (2) single attack (SA) or CMA that is below the trip setpoint and uses normal
feedwater control system (FCS) control behavior to drive the physical system outside
the normal operating envelope, eventually causing reactor trip due to out-of-range

values. Figures 3.6 and 3.7 show MPET representations of the potential minimal cut
sets for the failure of SG water-level control, resulting in low or high SG water levels,
respectively, that lead to a spurious reactor trip. In these figures, the first method
for the attack is bordered in red, and the second is bordered in blue.
The MPETs summarized in Figures 3.6 and 3.7 represent all possible attack sce-
narios that can result in spurious reactor trips brought about by improper control of
the SG water level. Under this structure, the power of the MPET can be seen through
the representation of the hundreds of potential cut sets in a half-page graphic.

3.3 Susceptibility Analysis

Further analysis can simplify the possible attack scenarios by identifying low-order
sets requiring the lowest number of distinct actions, and the smallest system deviation
needed. To accomplish this, metrics bound by system architecture are introduced to
analyze system susceptibility to a given attack, rather than relying on assumptions
about the attacker or attack feasibility. From these metrics, calculations and analyses
are performed using the SAPHIRE 8.0.9 code.

3.3.1 Methodology Development

An attack tree structure is used to determine an estimate for the susceptibility to

a given attack. To relate attacks on the PLS to the required system change needed
for the PMS to actuate a trip, the sensitivity metric ηi for sensor i used in the PMS
trip logic is defined as
|Ni − Ti |
ηi = 1 − , (3.5)

where Ni is the average (or setpoint) value for the sensor at full-power operation, and
Ti is the value at which the sensor meets the condition(s) for reactor trip. Thus, attack
pathways that require the least deviation from their normal operating values are

considered more likely to initiate a trip. The attack possibility λj is also raised to the
power of the number n of components compromised by the attack, thus favoring sets
that require fewer components to determine the susceptibility χij to attack scenario
j causing a trip via sensor i, as in

χij = ηi × λnj . (3.6)

The formulation of Eqs. 3.5 and 3.6 may be illustrated for a spurious trip on a high
SG water level end state, as outlined in Figure 3.7. An attack targeting the sensor
group could compromise NR level sensor feedback, λj = 0.1, by injecting a false low
value into the feedback division, n = 1, so that the system increases FW flow for a
long enough time period and the remaining NR level sensors meet the conditions for
FI, ηi = 0.63, resulting in an attack susceptibility χij = 0.063. The attack possibility
for FI trip signal is summarized in Table 3.3. The table lists the attack possibility
for each scenario. An analysis of low-order PLS-PMS attack scenarios is summarized
in Table 3.4, with attacks grouped according to the fundamental control structure
they target, and χi = j χij covering all potential attack scenarios j = 1, . . . , G.
Preliminary investigations showed that the large number of components required for
an attack obtaining trip via CMT significantly lowered the susceptibility contribution
compared to other sets, and are therefore not included in the tabulation.

Table 3.3: Attack Possibility For FI trip signal.

Trip PMS Trip Attack

Attack Description
Signal Logic Sensor Possibility
Inject false low value in NR level sensor
feedback division to increase SG level
Inject false low value in steam pressure
5.000E-02 sensor feedback division to increase SG
Inject false low value in two of four NR
level sensors to increase SG Level
Inject false low value in two of four steam
pressure sensors to increase SG Level
Attack increases position of MFW
regulating valve to increase SG level
Attack substitutes false SG level control
5.000E-02 program which overestimates flow to
increase SG level
Attack tampers with PI level controller
to overestimate flow and increase SG level
Inject false low value in steam flow
1.000E-01 feedback division sensor to increase SG
n/4 NR
Inject false low value in FW flow
FI 1.000E-01 feedback division sensor to increase SG
Attack increases MFW pump speed to
increase SG level
Inject false low value in three of four
NR level sensors to increase SG Level
Inject false low value in three of four
1.250E-04 steam pressure sensors to increase SG
Inject false low value in two of two FW
flow sensors to increase SG level
Inject false low value in two of two
steam flow sensors to increase SG level
Inject false low value in four of four
NR level sensors to increase SG level
Inject false low value in four of four
6.250E-06 steam pressure sensors to increase SG
Common mode attack on 2/4 NR level
sensors cause trip on high level
Common mode attack on 3/4 NR level
sensors cause trip on high level
4/4 NR level sensors cause trip on high
level due to common mode attack

Table 3.4: Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, reference case.

System Trip Attack

PG n
State Signal PMS Trip Logic (End State) ηi Group (G) j λj χi (%)
SG Sensor 0.34 17.5
High Level Reading
Level FI 0.63 Control 0.20 10.4
High in NR Level Sensors
Actuator 0.15 7.8
Sensor 0.34 12.2
Low Level Reading
LOHS in NR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.20 7.2
SG Actuator 0.15 5.4
Level Sensor 0.34 12.2
Low Low Revel Reading
in WR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.20 7.2
Actuator 0.15 5.4
Low Level Reading in NR Sensor 0.33 7.2
Level & Low Flow Reading 0.27 Control 0.20 4.4
in FW Flow Sensor(s) Actuator 0.15 3.3

The attack scenario analysis showed that most high-susceptibility pathways con-
sist of attacks on primary control components and sensor feedback divisions, and
require that only one 2/4 bypass condition be met. The differences between the nom-
inal value for sensors and the corresponding trip value has a relatively large impact on
the susceptibility rankings, as demonstrated by the proximity between the nominal
SG NR water level, Ni = 57 %, and the trip pathway through FI for high NR water
level, Ti = 78%, compared to the LOHS path for low NR water level, Ti = 25%.
Except for the WR level trip path in PRHR, the large number of components re-
quired for most ESF trip pathways had significantly lower susceptibilities than their
generic counterparts. While this is reassuring from a broad prevention standpoint, as
ESF actuation is typically a more severe response than normal trips, these scenarios
should probably be weighted heavier due to potentially being more desirable targets.
We have developed an approach that highlights susceptible pathways for spurious
reactor trip comprising the least number of components and the least deviation from
the nominal system state. We note that groups with large numbers of components
and high redundancy, e.g., sensors, are more susceptible to increased opportunity
for attacks capable of causing a spurious reactor trip. These findings suggest that

sensors and control logic structures are a distinct focus for further inquiries into attack
detection and mitigation methods for NPP I&C systems.

3.3.2 Parametric Analysis on Attack Possibility

As discussed in Section 3.3.1, the probability of an attack on a single component

is very difficult to quantify. In the demonstration, we arbitrarily assumed the primary
control components have the attack possibility metric λj = 0.1, and the secondary
control components have the attack possibility metric λj = 0.05. In this subsection,
we will discuss how the attack possibility metric will influence the attack scenario
susceptibility analysis. During the analysis, the sensitivity metric of different reactor
trip functions remains the same since the system itself defines it.
For parametric case 1, we use the same attack possibility metric λj = 0.1 for both
primary and secondary control components. The result of the susceptibility analysis
of this situation is summarized in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5: Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, parametric case 1.

System Trip Attack

PG n
State Signal PMS Trip Logic (End State) ηi Group (G) j λj χi (%)
SG Sensor 0.45 18.9
High Level Reading
Level FI 0.63 Control 0.20 8.4
High in NR Level Sensors
Actuator 0.20 8.4
Sensor 0.45 13.1
Low Level Reading
LOHS in NR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.20 5.8
SG Actuator 0.20 5.8
Level Sensor 0.25 13.1
Low Low Revel Reading
in WR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.20 5.8
Actuator 0.20 5.8
Low Level Reading in NR Sensor 0.44 7.8
Level & Low Flow Reading 0.27 Control 0.20 3.5
in FW Flow Sensor(s) Actuator 0.20 3.5

The total attack possibility increases due to the increase in the attack possibility
of secondary control components. The possibility and the distribution for each group
had changed as well. The sensor and actuator group has a higher share in the overall

susceptibility. This could result from the sensor and actuator are mostly being located
on the secondary side. The overall distribution does not change too much, compared
to the last demonstration. Hence, the qualitative conclusions for the initial analysis
still remain for this case.
If the attacker thinks that secondary control components are easier to attack, the
secondary control possibility could be higher than the primary ones. For parametric
case 2, we assign the attack possibility metric λj = 0.05 for the primary control
components, and λj = 0.1 for the secondary control components. The result of the
susceptibility analysis for the parametric case 2 is summarized in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Susceptibility for low-order reactor trip attacks, parametric case 2.

System Trip Attack

PG n
State Signal PMS Trip Logic (End State) ηi Group (G) j λj χi (%)
SG Sensor 0.33 20.2
High Level Reading
Level FI 0.63 Control 0.10 6.2
High in NR Level Sensors
Actuator 0.15 9.2
Sensor 0.33 14.0
Low Level Reading
LOHS in NR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.10 4.3
SG Actuator 0.15 6.4
Level Sensor 0.33 14.0
Low Low Revel Reading
in WR Level Sensors 0.44 Control 0.10 4.3
Actuator 0.15 6.4
Low Level Reading in NR Sensor 0.33 8.5
Level & Low Flow Reading 0.27 Control 0.10 2.6
in FW Flow Sensor(s) Actuator 0.15 3.9

The total attack possibility decreases a little bit. It is because there are more
control components on the primary side. Compared to the reference case, the overall
distribution for attack possibility among groups and trip logic does not change too
much. Hence, the qualitative conclusion still holds for this case as well.


RELAP5 Simulation for AP1000 Power Plant

After the generation of the cyber-attack scenarios, we turn to the development

of the capability to simulate the dominant scenarios. For this kind of simulation,
we need simulation capable of both the thermal-hydraulic transients and the I&C
components, e.g. sensor and controller. The RELAP5 code has been chosen for
the thermal-hydraulic transient simulation. The RELAP5 code has been developed
for best-estimate transient simulations of light water reactor coolant systems during
postulated accidents. The code models the coupled behavior of the reactor coolant
system and the core for loss-of-coolant accidents and operational transients, such as
anticipated transients without scram, loss of offsite power, loss of feedwater, and loss
of flow. A generic modeling approach is used that permits simulating a variety of
thermal-hydraulic systems. Control system and secondary system components are
included to permit modeling of plant controls, turbines, condensers, and secondary
feedwater systems. Based on these advantages of RELAP5, we have used RELAP5 as
the simulation software for our initial cyber-attack study. The transient simulation
capability can be extended to the cyber-attack simulation as well. We begin with
a basic introduction to RELAP5. An AP1000 nuclear power plant model has been
developed in RELAP5 for the reduced-order model development and cyber-attack
analysis. The simulation results and validation cases are also presented in this chapter.

4.1 RELAP5 Intrduction

The RELAP5/MOD3 code is based on a nonhomogeneous and nonequilibrium

model for the two-phase system. It is solved by a fast, partially implicit numerical
scheme to permit the economic calculation of system transients [21]. The RELAP5
code can provide important first-order effects for accurate prediction of system tran-
sients, but that is sufficiently simple and cost-effective so that parametric or sensitivity
studies are also possible.
The RELAP5 thermal-hydraulic model solves eight field equations for eight pri-
mary dependent variables. The primary dependent variables are pressure p, phasic
specific internal energies Ug , Uf , vapor volume fraction (void fraction) αg , phasic ve-
locities vg , vf , noncondensable quality Xn , and boron density ρb . The independent
variables are time t and distance x. The basic two-fluid differential equations that
form the basis for the hydrodynamic model are presented.
Let us start with the single-phase fluid mass conservation equation [37] with den-
sity ρ and fluid velocity v
= −∇ · (ρv) , (4.1)

the momentum conservation equation in terms of hydrostatic pressure p and acceler-

ation of gravity g, and the viscous momentum transport represented through shear
stress tensor τ

ρv = −∇ · (ρvv) − ∇ · τ − ∇p + ρg, (4.2)

and the energy conservation equation with internal energy density U, heat flux q and
source term S

ρU + ∇ · (ρU v) = −∇ · q − p∇ · v + v · (∇ · τ ) − ∇ · (τ · v) + S. (4.3)

The phasic equations for the two-fluid model may be formally derived by averaging
fluid conservation equations over a differential volume associated with each phase
along the flow channel, as well as over time. The channel total cross-sectional area is
A. The fractional cross-sectional area occupied by the vapor and liquid phase with
the vapor fraction αg and liquid fraction αf

Ag = αg A, Af = αf A. (4.4)

The basic field equations for the two-fluid nonequilibrium model consist of two
phasic continuity equations, two phasic momentum equations, and two phasic energy
equations [38]. With ρg and ρf for the vapor and liquid densities, respectively, we
obtain the phasic continuity equations

∂ ∂
(αg ρg ) + (αg ρg vg ) = Γ, (4.5)
∂t ∂x

∂ ∂
(αf ρf ) + (αf ρf vf ) = −Γ, (4.6)
∂t ∂x

where Γ represents the vapor generation rate comprising mass transfer at the vapor-
liquid interface in the bulk fluid and near the channel wall.
The phasic conservation of momentum equations are presented in terms of mo-
menta per unit volume using the phasic primitive variables vg and vf . The momen-
tum effects are secondary to mass and energy conservation in reactor safety analysis
and a less exact formulation (compared to mass and energy conservation) is accept-
able. Hence, the momentum equation comes with the following simplifications: the
Reynolds stresses, covariance terms, phasic viscous stresses, and interfacial momen-
tum storage are neglected, the phasic pressures are assumed equal, and the interfacial
pressures are assumed equal to the phasic pressures. The momentum equations for
both the vapor phase and liquid phases are combined with the corresponding conti-

nuity equations, respectively, to yield

∂vg 1 ∂vg2 ∂p
αg ρg + αg ρg = −αg + αg ρg g − Fwg − Fig + Γ(vi − vg ) (4.7)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x

∂vf 1 ∂vf2 ∂p
αf ρ f + αf ρ f = − αf + αf ρf g − Fwf − Fif + Γ(vi − vf ) (4.8)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x

where the force terms on the RHS of Equations are

Fwg , Fwf = wall friction forces on vapor and liquid, respectively,

Fig , Fif = interface friction forces on vapor and liquid, respectively,

and the interfacial momentum transfers associated with vapor generation are explic-
itly written in terms of the interface speed vi and vapor generation rate Γ. The
RELAP5 formulation includes additional terms associated virtual mass effects repre-
senting bubble motions in the channel, which are not included in here [39].
The energy equations are written in terms of the internal energy U ,

∂ ∂ ∂αg ∂
(αg ρg Ug ) + (αg ρg Ug vg ) = −p − p (αg vg ) + +Qwg + Qig + Qf g − Γhg ,
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x

∂ ∂ ∂αf ∂
(αf ρf Uf ) + (αf ρf Uf vf ) = −p − p (αf vf ) + Qwf + Qif + Qf f − Γhf ,
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x

where the energy source terms on the RHS represent

Qwg , Qwf = wall heat fluxes for vapor and liquid, respectively,

Qf g , Qf f = wall friction and pump effects for vapor and liquid, respectively,

Qig , Qif = interface heat fluxes for vapor and liquid, respectively,

and the bulk energy transfers associated with the vapor generation are explicitly
represented with the vapor enthalpy hg , liquid enthalpy hf , and Γ. The RELAP5
formulation includes additional terms associated with bulk interface mass transfer
and thermal boundary layer.
The interface between the phases is assumed to have no volume, the sum of the
transfer rates of mass, momentum, and energy should vanish at the interface. The
interface condition for the mass transfer rate Γ has already been accounted for explic-
itly in deriving the continuity equations. For the momentum equations and energy
equations the interface condition yields

Fig + Fif Qig + Qif

Γ=− =− . (4.11)
vg − vl vg − vl

It is also noted that

Fwg + FW f = Fw , (4.12)

Qwg + Qwf = Qw . (4.13)

The difference equations are based on the concept of a control volume (or mesh
cell) in which mass and energy are conserved by equating accumulation to the rate
of influx through the cell boundaries. A semi-implicit numerical solution scheme is
used to solve the finite-difference equations [40, 41]. The equation of state ρ = f (h, p)
connecting water density ρ to enthalpy h and pressure p is obtained with the ASME

steam table to evaluate phasic densities ρg and ρf and other properties of water.
The constitutive relations are defined through flow regimes and flow-regime-related
models. Four flow regime maps are used: a horizontal map for flow in pipes, a
vertical map for flow in pipes and bundles, a high mixing map for flow in pumps, and
an engineered cementitious composite (ECC) mixer map [42, 43]. A point reactor
kinetics equation represents the reactor core power.
The code includes many generic component models from which general systems
can be simulated. The component models include pumps, valves, pipes, heat-releasing
or absorbing structures, reactor point kinetics, electric heaters, jet pumps, turbines,
separators, accumulators, and control system components. Thus, the code provides
the ability to model the details of the entire nuclear steam supply system (NSSS)
illustrated by the nodalization diagram for a PWR plant in Fig. 4.1. The diagram
illustrates a reactor core with coolant channels, two steam generators with two cold
legs and one hot leg, and a pressurizer, together with various emergency core cooling
systems. The designation and connection of control volumes and junctions are also
illustrated in the diagram.

4.2 AP1000 Reactor Model Development and Simulation

The AP1000 is a 2-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) with a power rating of
3415 MWt [18]. Its core design is very similar to a 3-loop PWR containing 157 fuel
assemblies and a 14-ft active core length. Two hundred sixty-four fuel rods in a 17 ×
17 square array constitute a fuel assembly. The remaining 25 positions contain the
guide tubes and a central instrument tube. The AP1000 design has two Delta 125
type steam generators [24], each rated at 1707.5 MWt. Each pump has a height of
6.73 m and a power input of 6.6 MW and a rated speed of 188.5 rad/s and a flow
rate of 4.97 m3 /s. The pressurizer in the AP1000 is larger than in earlier PWRs
with a vessel volume of 59.46 m3 (47.6% water and 52.4% steam) and length of 12.77

Figure 4.1: NSSS nodalization diagram for PWR plant.
m [44]. The most advantage AP1000 has is that all safety systems are based on
natural circulation. Figure. 4.2 shows a schematic of the primary heat transport
system (PHTS) and the passive safety systems for this design [22].

Figure 4.2: PHTS and passive safety systems of AP1000. Source: [22]

An input deck has been created to simulate the system state of AP1000. This
AP1000 model is used to develop a reduced-order SG model and provide the measure-
ments in the implementation of the Kalman filter algorithm for attack detection. The
input deck is modified from that for a PWR with an AP1000 passive core cooling sys-
tem input deck used for analyzing small-break loss-of-coolant accidents (SBLOCAs).
An AP1000 model nodalization details are summrized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: AP1000 nodalization details.

Component Volumes Type Description

335 6 Pipe Core channel
315 8 Annulus Downcomer
320 6 Pipe Downcomer bypass
350 4 Pipe Upper plenum
356 3 Pipe Upper head
100, 104, 200, 204 2 Pipe Hot legs
118, 114, 210, 214 1 Pipe Cold legs
107, 109, 207, 209 1 Single volume Hot and cold plenum of SG
108, 208 8 Pipe U-tubes of SG
113, 209 1 Pump Pumps
176, 276 6 Pipe Downcomers of SG secondary
170, 270 6 Pipe Boiler plus riser
171, 271 1 Separator Separator
150 6 Pipe Pressurizer
196, 191, 296, 291 1 Pipe Core Makeup Tank
290, 190 1 Accumulator Accumulator
167 6 Pipe IRWST
166 8 Pipe PRHR Heat Exchanger

RELAP5 pipe components with equivalent flow areas have been used to model
the reactor core, divided into six nodes. The fuel is modeled as a 1D RELAP5 heat
structure. The fuel rod is discretized into 17 nodes. The first six nodes represent
the fuel, the next two nodes are the fuel gap, and the rest is the fuel cladding. The
temperature-dependent thermal conductivity data and volumetric heat capacity data
are defined for these compositions. The axial power profile is input for the fuel model.
The downcomer region is modeled as an annulus with eight nodes. The two hot legs
are represented using pipe components. The nodalization diagram for reactor vessel
is presented in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Reactor vessel nodalization diagram.

Since the SG is the focus of our study, Figure. 4.4 presents a nodalization diagram
for the AP1000 SG. The SG primary side is modeled as a single U-tube with eight
volumes with an equivalent flow area and volume for AP1000. The secondary side
is modeled using a RELAP5 pipe component with six vertical volumes. The specific
steam separator model in RELAP5 has been selected for the separator. The dryer
and dome are modeled as a branch and a single volume, respectively. The main
feedwater and auxiliary feedwater are modeled using a time-dependent junction and
time-dependent volume, controlled through the input deck. A valve is used as the
main steam isolation valve (MSIV), which separates the SG from the steam line to the
turbine. The turbine is not modeled here. Instead, a time-dependent volume is used.
All the passive core cooling system (PCCS) including the core make-up tanks, the
accumulators, the automatic depressurization system, the in-containment refueling
water storage tank, and the PRHR heat exchanger are all modeled. However, it is
not the focus of our cyber-attack simulation study. We will not discuss the details of
these components.

Figure 4.4: SG nodalization diagram.

Some simulation results are presented below. The steady-state conditions after
running a null transient for 2000 s are reported in Table‘4.2. They closely match the
design data. Figure. 4.5 presents the temperature rise across the core.

Table 4.2: AP1000 RELAP5 Simulation.

Parameter RELAP5 Design

Core thermal power (MWt) 3415 3415
Core inlet flow rate (Mg/s) 14.778 15.17
Core outlet flow rate (Mg/s) (loop 1/2) 7.38/7.41 7.59
Vessel inlet temperature (K) 549.8 553.8
Vessel outlet temperature (K) 591.8 594.2
SG secondary feedwater temperature (K) 499.7 499.7
SG secondary steam flow (kg/s) 942.6 943.0

Figure 4.5: Temperature distribution along the core.

We note that there are small discrepancies between our RELAP5 calculation and
the AP1000 design values for various parameters. However, it still satisfies the re-
quirement for our demonstration of the reduced-order model and Kalman filtering
based detection approach.


Application Programming Interface Development

As stated in Chapter 4, the cyber-attack scenario simulation requires more than

the capability of thermal-hydraulic simulation software. The cyber-attack scenarios
involve the I&C system component and the evolution of the I&C system component
status should be presented. Hence, an API for the I&C systems is developed as a
platform to handle the cyber-attack scenario modeling, detection, and mitigation.
The API is programmed in Python [45], which is an interpreted, high-level, general-
purpose scripting language. The API can be divided into two separate parts: the
first part deals with the RELAP5 software and ROM; the second part deals with the
GPWR simulator. The API RELAP5 part can implement the control model of the
system and allow the application of Kalman filter, providing optimal estimates of the
system parameters. It relies on a ROM to provide simulation results for the system
evolution, while observed surrogate data are extracted from RELAP5. The GPWR
part can deal with the automatic control into the simulation and the selection and
plotting of output data. More functions for GPWR are still underdevelopment.

5.1 API for the RELAP5 Code

To work with RELAP5 in the overall framework, an API has been developed to
handle the interface with the evaluation module (EM), extract the physical quantities

simulated by RELAP5, and convert them into the appropriate format for the EM.
The EM receives RELAP5 data representing the system, the ROM-simulated data,
and control the RELAP5 simulation, providing it with control-related information
generated by the EM, as illustrated in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Framework architecture.

The EM evaluates the observed data and the simulated data generated by the
ROM in a Kalman filter, providing the optimal estimate for the system parameters.
It also houses the implementation of the control system model and manages both
the RELAP5 and ROM simulations. This architecture allows the use of methods not
implemented in RELAP5, e.g., Kalman filter or other such methods that the designer
or analyst might implement in the future.

5.1.1 Operation of API

The API extracts all control-related information from the RELAP5 simulation
and delivers it to the EM in a convenient form; it also takes all the control-related
information generated or modified by the control model implemented in the EM and
converts it to the RELAP5 input format. This is performed via two operations: setup
and step. The approach to connect the API to RELAP5 is to act upon its input and
output files. This approach has the advantage of not requiring access or modification

to the RELAP5 source code, guaranteeing full modularity and transferability between
systems. The API is written in Python 3.7 to allow cross-systems portability, making
use of its standard library and other open-source libraries.
The first operation executed by the API is the setup operation, which reads the
original RELAP5 input file for the simulation and generates all the control objects
used in the simulation, e.g., options controls, trip functions, and hydrodynamic com-
ponents. It makes all the control objects available to the EM and sets up the simula-
tion’s initial environment. This operation is not mandatory, as all the relevant setup
information can be directly entered into the EM, but it enables the use of preexisting
RELAP5 input decks in the overall toolkit.
In the step operation, the EM sends a modified RELAP5 input file accounting
for any changes in the state of the simulation. At every timestep, the EM directly
inputs the value of the control variables used in RELAP5 by changing the input file
to be used for that timestep. Then, the API will read the RELAP5 output file for
that timestep, extract the physical quantities of the system, and present them to the
EM, which then uses that information in its control model to generate new values of
the control variables for the next timestep, until the simulation ends.

5.1.2 API Framework Functions

The two API operations, setup and step, are summarized in Figure 5.2. The setup
operation is implemented using the functions read r5 input and build objects,
described in Table 5.1. The step operation is implemented using the functions
write r5 input and read r5 output, described in Table 5.2.

Figure 5.2: API operations with RELAP5 as the Simulation Module.

Table 5.1: Setup and operational function descriptions.

Function Description
read r5 input Reads the input file, parses its lines, and creates a dictionary with a list
of strings containing the arguments of each RELAP5 card, indexed by
the card numbers.
build objects Takes each entry of the dictionary created by read r5 input, assigns
it to a class, and creates a components dictionary with all the control-
related objects built, indexed by the cards numbers.
build trip signals Returns a dictionary of trip signals used in RELAP5 implementation of
the control model.
build trip variables Returns a dictionary relating each trip signal to the variables used in
its definition.
build minor edits Reads the trip variable dictionary and appends the components dictionary
with the necessary minor edits to retrieve information on trip variables.

Table 5.2: Step operation function descriptions.

Function Description
write r5 input Writes a RELAP5 input file based on the components dictionary updated
by the EM. Each component class has a specific method
implemented for writing a list of strings with its features according to
RELAP5 input syntax.
read r5 output Retrieves in the RELAP5 output file the relevant information about the
objects in the components dictionary and updates the control objects.

The API models the control objects in classes, one for each type of control-related
components that RELAP5 uses, such as timestep controls, trips, single junctions,

valves, and heat structures. This process occurs at every timestep of the simulation,
allowing the EM to fully control the simulation run by RELAP5 and implement the
intended control model.

5.1.3 API Testing

The preliminary API testing protocol was built over functioning PWR input files
for RELAP5, representing both steady-state and transient conditions. Input files
generated via the setup operation of the API, based on the original functioning input
files, were executed by RELAP5, producing output identical to the original input
An additional API verification was also performed. The FW mass flow rate was
perturbed through the API and compared to the same perturbation accomplished by
manually changing the input file, yielding identical results. Table 5.3 compares the
API operation time with the RELAP5 CPU time, indicating that, for this simple
problem, the API operation time is less than 1.0 s for two simple cases with different
FW flowrates Ws .

Table 5.3: Breakdown of API run times for the RELAP5 SG model.

CPU Time (s)

Simulation Ws = 802.6 kg·s−1 Ws = 700.0 kg·s−1
Time (s) RELAP5 API Total RELAP5 API Total
25 11.033 0.859 11.892 14.206 0.878 15.084
50 21.144 0.924 22.068 20.838 0.868 21.706
75 31.186 0.949 32.135 31.267 0.866 32.133
100 39.984 0.836 40.784 41.492 0.843 42.335
125 52.276 0.850 53.126 52.272 0.895 53.167
150 62.283 0.848 63.131 64.441 0.864 65.305

5.1.4 Testing of Control Functions via API

One of the main functionalities of the API is to allow dynamic changes in RELAP5
simulations. In the first dynamic test case, the simulation started with Ws = 802.6

kg·s−1 for SG unit 1, followed by an abrupt change to 700 kg·s−1 when the simulation
reached 100 s, then changed back to the initial value at 250 s. In the second scenario,
the simulation started with Ws = 700 kg·s−1 for SG unit 1, and at 250 s was linearly
increased to 802.6 kg·s−1 until 350 s, and then extends until the simulation reaches
400 s.
With enough time for the system to enter a steady state after the changes, the SG
water level should approximate that calculated without dynamic interference from the
API. Figure 5.3 indicates that the initial results are identical to the ones previously
calculated. However, the transient converges to the same state after the changes are
made, provided sufficient time is allowed to achieve an equilibrium.

Figure 5.3: Dynamic changes in the RELAP5 simulation.

5.2 API for the GPWR

The GPWR simulator is a comprehensive simulator software with lots of useful

functions already built in it. To simulate our cyber-attack scenarios automatically
with GPWR and extract data for analysis, the API could be used effectively, although
the API for GPWR is at an early stage of development. The design framework should
be able to embed the API into the software, which can control the simulator and
interact with the detection and mitigation approaches during the simulation.

5.2.1 Data Extraction

GPWR can save the trend data into a CSV format file. However, we need to
import the data into a Python script with a well-organized data structure for future
detection and mitigation studies. The API can read the output file from GPWR and
let the user select and save the required data into the data frame in Python. Since
the API does not connect directly to the source code at this point in our study, there
is some limitation for it. It cannot provide real-time data extraction capability while
the simulation is running.
The data analysis library pandas [46] is used. First, the API reads the CSV file
from the GPWR simulator. Then, delete the irrelevant part of the output and put the
relevant data into the pandas data frame. The API will use the console to present the
name of each column. The user can type the parameters to be plotted in the console.
Finally, the API will print out the plot and save the data file into a new data frame
structure file for use with detection and mitigation studies.


Reduced Order Steam Geneator Model

RELAP5 simulation can provide us with accurate results for various thermal hy-
draulic transient simulations. However, the run time could be an issue when we want
to have online or real-time detection and mitigation. Hence, we have developed a
reduced-order model (ROM) to resolve this problem. ROMs are simplifications of
high-fidelity, complex models and capture the behavior of these source models so
that engineers or analysts can quickly study a system’s dominant effects using min-
imal computational resources. There are various complex mathematics models for
the SG [47, 48]. In order to provide the system state and facilitate the detection of
potential cyber-attacks, we developed a quantitative reduced-order model for the SG,
which can represent the SG dynamics and provide the water level of SG given time-
dependent data for the reactor power and feedwater flow rate. The model is built on
the first-principle energy balance equation. It integrates through a boiling channel,
which is coupled to the primary coolant channel by representing the heat flux via the
average temperature of the primary coolant flow. To simplify the geometry, a single
vertical boiling channel is considered to approximately represent the combination of
co- and counter-current heat transfer processes inherent in a U-tube SG. All geomet-
ric and physical characteristics of the SG are obtained from the RELAP5 simulation
of an AP1000 reactor model.

6.1 Model Order Reduction Techniques

There are several definitions of Model Order Reduction (MOR). Originally, MOR
was developed in the area of systems and control theory, which studies properties of
dynamical systems in the application for reducing their complexity, while preserving
their input-output behavior as much as possible [49, 50]. Numerical mathematicians
have also taken up the field. Nowadays, model order reduction is a flourishing field
of research, both in systems and control theory and in numerical analysis. This sim-
plification is needed in order to perform simulations within an acceptable amount of
time and limited storage capacity, but with a reliable outcome. Model order reduc-
tion finds applications within all fields involving mathematical modeling, and many
reviews exist for the topics relevant to electronics, fluid and structural mechanics.
In our case, we would like to have online predictions of the system behavior with
acceptable computational speed to be able to perform detection or mitigation related
to cyber-attack scenarios.
The reduced-order model tries to capture the essential features of a structure
quickly. Contemporary model order reduction techniques can be broadly classified
into four classes: orthogonal decomposition methods [51], balancing method, and
simplified physics [52] or operation-based reduction methods [53]. The first three
methods fall into the category of projection-based reduction approaches. Projection-
based reduction relies on the projection of either the model equations or the solution
onto a basis of reduced dimensionality.
The simplified physics approach is used here for our steam generator problem. It
can be described as analogous to the traditional mathematical modeling approach, in
which a less complicated description of a system is constructed based on assumptions
and simplifications using physical insights or otherwise derived information.

6.2 Development of SG Reduced Order Model

The first-principle energy balance equation is the basis of the reduced-order SG

model. Recall the single-phase energy conservation equation Eq. (4.3). If fluid en-
thalpy h = U + pV is introduced, and assume further that the kinetic energy, viscous
heating, and gravitational potential energy are negligibly small, we obtain

∂ ∂p
(ρh) = −∇ · (ρhv) − ∇ · q + + S. (6.1)
∂t ∂t

For a vertical channel in our model, we average over the channel with cross-section
area A, wetted perimeter M , and mass velocity G, which yields

∂ ∂ M qs ∂p
(ρh) = − (Gh) + + + S, (6.2)
∂t ∂t A ∂t

where the wall heat flux qs is defined to be positive for heat flux into the secondary
For a SG of length H, cross-sectional area A, and FW mass flowrate Ws (t), the
flow is divided into single- and two-phase regions separated by the water level at z0 (t).
The heat flux qs (z, t) is represented in terms of the fluid temperature Ts (z, t), primary
coolant temperature Tp , and effective heat transfer coefficient U1 as

qs (z, t) = U1 [Tp − Ts (z, t)]. (6.3)

The primary side temperature is represented as the average of the primary inlet
temperature Tp,in and outlet temperature Tp,out

Tp,in + Tp,out
Tp = , (6.4)

assumed to be either constant or slowly varying for the relatively slow SG transients

of interest. For the single-phase region z(t) < z0 (t), the energy balance can be derived
from Eq. (6.2) with fluid density ρs and heat capacity Cs ,

∂Ts (z, t) ∂Ts (z, t)

Aρs Cs = −Ws (t)Cs + M U1 [Tp − Ts (z, t)]. (6.5)
∂t ∂z

The partial differential equation involving both time t and channel length z can
not be solved analytically. Hence, we need to discretize Eq. (6.5) in t and z, then
numerically solve for Ts (z, t). For the purpose of discretizing the equation in time
with the notation Ts (z, tn ) and time step ∆t = tn − tn−1 , we can obtain

Ts (z, tn ) − Ts (z, tn−1 ) ∂Ts (z, tn )

Aρs Cs = −Ws (tn )Cs + M U1 [Tp − Ts (z, tn )]. (6.6)
∆t ∂z

Then, we can further diecretize the equation in vertical direction z with ∆z = zm −

zm−1 . The equation becomes

Ts (zm , tn ) − Ts (zm , tn−1 ) Ts (zm , tn ) − Ts (zm−1 , tn )

Aρs Cs = − Ws (tn )Cs
∆t ∆z
+ M U1 [Tp − Ts (zm , tn )]. (6.7)

To solve this finite-difference equation, we can first solve it along the vertical
direction at each time step, then using Crank-Nicholson [54] scheme updates Ts (z, tn )
at each time step. Since the time step ∆t for the time-dependent feedwater flow
rate simulated with RELAP5 is 1.0 second, we use the same time step here for our
differential equation. Since the water level changes as a function of time, we use
a dynamic spatial mesh. We divided the vertical length from the bottom to the
water level z0 (tn ) into 10 equal intervals. We use Ts (zm , tn ) to calculate Ts (zm , tn+1 )
through Eq. (6.7). Then, compare the temperature at Ts (z0 , tn+1 ) with the saturated
temperature Tsat . If it is higher than the saturated temperature

Ts (z0 , tn+1 ) > Tsat , (6.8)

we decrease the mesh size at tn , and get a new temperature distribution Ts (zm , tn ).
Ts (z0 , tn+1 ) < Tsat , (6.9)

we increase the mesh size at tn , and get a new temperature distribution Ts (zm , tn ).
Repeat these steps until Ts (z0 , tn+1 ) converges to Tsat .
For a steady-state flow, Eq. (6.5) reduces to

dTs (z)
W s Cs = M qs (z) = M U1 [Tp − Ts (z)], (6.10)

which can be readily solved for Ts (z) in terms of the secondary inlet temperature
Ts,in . We integrate Eq. (6.10) over [0, z], and obtain

Ts (z) = Tp + (Ts,in − Tp ) exp − z , γ1 = M U1 . (6.11)
W s Cs

The water level z0 may be determined by setting Ts (z0 ) to the saturation temperature
Tsat via a homogeneous equilibrium model [37]

Ws Cs Tp − Ts,in
z0 = ln . (6.12)
γ1 Tp − Tsat

The effective heat transfer coefficient of U1 and wetted perimeter M is obtained via
the reference case of RELAP5 simulation. Then, the water level could be quickly
calculated through the model. For the single-phase heat transfer coefficient U1 , we
assume that the Dittus-Boelter correlation [37] for the Nusselt number is applicable,
indicating a 0.8th -power dependence on the mass flow rate Ws of feedwater.
For the two-phase region z > z0 with Ts (z) remaining at the saturation tempera-
ture Tsat , the steady-state energy balance is represented in terms of the FW enthalpy

hs (z) with effective two-phase heat transfer coefficient U2

dhs (z)
Ws = M U2 [Tp − Tsat ], (6.13)

yielding an expression for the exit quality xe in terms of the latent heat of vaporization
hf g
1 γ2
xe = (Tp − Tsat )(H − z0 ), γ2 = M U2 . (6.14)
hf g Ws

The two-phase coefficient γ2 should conceptually include the effects of steam sepa-
ration equipment in the SG and the exit quality xe is assumed to be 100% in our
approximate model.
The overall energy balance between the primary and secondary sides of the SG
requires integration of the heat flux over the whole length H of the SG, which includes
the single-phase heat transfer rate together with the two-phase region. The total heat
transfer rate into the SG is equal to the total power produced in the core

PSG = Ws [Cs (Tsat − Ts,in ) + xe hf g ]. (6.15)

6.3 Validation of ROM with RELAP5 Simulation

To set up the reduced order SG model, we performed a RELAP5 simulation for

AP1000 reactor as the reference case. The relevant system parameters are summarized
in Table 6.1 at full power P = 3.42 GWt and the FW flowrate Ws = 942.6 kg·s−1 .

Table 6.1: Parameters for the reference case.

Parameter Parameter
H (m) 13.78 Tsat (K) 535.7
Ws (kg·s−1 ) 942.6 Cs (kJ·kg−1 K−1 ) 4.99
Tp,in (K) 549.8 zo (m) 4.81
Tp,out (K) 591.8 hf g (MJ·kg−1 ) 1.65
Ts,in (K) 499.7 - -

The ROM is validated by running the same scenario as RELAP5 and comparing
the water level variation over time. A disturbance is introduced at the beginning
of the simulation, resulting in variations of the water level. A new equilibrium level
is reached without a significant time delay. Results from RELAP5 and the static
and dynamic ROMs are compared in Figure 6.1. The blue line is the RELAP5
result, compared with the orange and green lines representing the static and dynamic
ROM results, respectively. We observe that the time-dependent ROM follows the
RELAP5 variations reasonably well, apart from a small discrepancy in the asymptotic
or equilibrium water level. This difference is primarily due to approximations in the
heat transfer coefficient model. The water level obtained from the static ROM result
of Eq. (6.12) agrees well with the asymptotic dynamic ROM result, as it should.

Figure 6.1: Water-level comparison between RELAP5 and ROM.

Three additional cases are simulated, with the FW flowrate varied at the be-
ginning of the transient to represent different disturbances to the SG. Figure 6.2
illustrates the comparison of the water level between the RELAP5 simulations and
static ROM estimates. Numerical data corresponding to the comparison in Figure 6.2
are summarized in Table 6.2.

Figure 6.2: Static water level comparison between RELAP5 and ROM.

Table 6.2: Comparison of RELAP5 results and ROM calculations.

Ws Power(GWt) γ1 (MW·m−1 K−1 ) γ2 (MW·m−1 K−1 ) z0 (m)

1 942.6 3.42 3.44 0.681 0.681 4.90 4.90 4.81 4.81
2 857.3 3.20 3.16 0.630 0.632 4.41 4.46 4.72 4.71
3 784.7 3.00 2.92 0.593 0.588 4.00 4.10 4.60 4.63
4 721.2 2.80 2.70 0.552 0.550 3.59 3.72 4.51 4.52

The validation cases indicate that the ROM provides sufficiently accurate predic-
tions of the total thermal power and water level as a function of the feedwater flow
rate Ws . Hence, we expect the ROM to be used effectively in the future development
of the detection algorithms.


Kalman Filter Algorithm for Detection

Simulation of the cyber-attack scenarios is not the end of the research. We want
to go further to detect the occurrence of cyber-attacks in the I&C system. The direct
measurement from the system will suffer from noise, which cannot be effectively used
for detection. Kalman filter [55] is an algorithm that uses a series of measurements,
containing statistical noise and other inaccuracies. It produces estimates of unknown
variables that tend to be more accurate than those based on a single measurement
alone. Hence, we would like to use this characteristic of the Kalman filter to develop
a detection approach for cyber-attack problems. We can combine the measurement
from the nuclear power plant with our real-time ROM to provide an optimal estimate
of a dynamical system subject to modeling uncertainties and inherent observation
errors. Any observation of the plant parameters indicating a significant deviation
from the optimal Kalman filter estimates can signal a potential cyber-attack in the

7.1 Kalman Filter Algorithm

Kalman filtering is an algorithm that provides estimates of some unknown vari-

ables given the measurements observed over time. Kalman filtering has demonstrated
its usefulness in various applications, such as guidance, navigation, and control [56].

There is various research discussing applications of Kalman filter in the detection
problems in other areas [57, 58]. Kalman filters have relatively simple forms and re-
quire small computational power, which can satisfy the real-time requirement in our
cyber-attack detection.
The Kalman filter is a minimum-variance parameter estimation algorithm that
generates an optimal estimate of system state vector x(t) given observation vector
y(t), accounting for modeling uncertainties for x(t) and statistical fluctuations in y(t).
The optimal estimate x̂(t) is obtained so that the covariance of the system estimation
is minimized. Consider a dynamical system represented by x(t) subject to white
Gaussian noise vector w(t) with covariance Q,

= F (t)x(t) + w(t), hw(t)i = 0, w(t)wT (t0 ) = Qδ(t − t0 ), (7.1)

where x(t) is determined indirectly through observation y(t) subject to white Gaussian
noise vector v(t) with covariance R,

= M (t)x(t) + v(t), hv(t)i = 0, v(t)v T (t0 ) = Rδ(t − t0 ), (7.2)

The optimal system estimate x̂(t)may be considered a statistical expectation of

the exact system state x(t) given observation y(t),

x̂(t) = hx(t)|y(t)i , (7.3)

such that the covariance matrix

P (t) = [x(t) − x̂(t)] [y(t) − x̂(t)]T (7.4)

is minimized. For system diagnosis application, the basic formualation for a dis-
cretized linear Kalman filter is summarized. The state transition matrix is defined

over the time interval [tk−1 , tk ],

 

Φ(k|K − 1) = exp  F (t)dt , (7.5)


so that Eq. (7.1) can be discretized as

x(k) = Φ(k|k − 1)x(k − 1) + w(k) = Φx(k − 1) + w, (7.6)

and the measurement equation Eq. (7.2) is similarly discretized,

y(k) = M (k)x(k) + v(k) = M x(k) + v. (7.7)

The covariance matrix of Eq. (7.4) may be written for time steps k − 1 and k as

P (k − 1) = [x(k − 1) − x̂(k − 1)] [y(k − 1) − x̂(k − 1)] , (7.8)

P (k) = [x(k) − x̂(k)] [y(k) − x̂(k)]T . (7.9)

The Kalman filter is a recursive estimator, which means the estimate for the
current state needs the estimated state from the previous time step and the current
measurement. We can also conceptualize it as two steps: predict and update. Before
the measurement at time step k is taken, the prior state and variance are estimated

x̂− (k) = x̂− (k|k − 1) = Φx̂(k − 1), (7.10)

P − (k) = ΦP − (k − 1)ΦT + Q(k). (7.11)

In the update step of the Kalman filter, after a new measurement is taken at step
k, the objective is to add to the prior estimate of Eq. 7.10 a term proportional to the
measurement residual,

ξ(k) = y(k) − M x̂− (k), (7.12)

so that the resulting posterior estimate

x̂(k) = x̂+ (k) = x̂− (k) + K y(k) − M x̂− (k)


minimizes the estimation error

(k) = x(k) − x̂( k) (7.14)

or equivalently the covariance P (k) of Eq. (7.9). An alternate form of measurement

residual ξ(k) can be obrained via Eq. (7.6) and Eq. (7.7),

ξ(k) = M x(k) + v(k) − M x̂− (k) = M [Φx(k − 1) + w] + v(k) − M x̂− (k), (7.15)

which can be rewritten with (k) at time step k − 1:

ξ(k) = M [Φ(k − 1) + w] + v. (7.16)

Substituting the terms in Eq. 7.14 provides a more useful form:

(k) = (I − KM )[Φ(k − 1) + w] − Kv. (7.17)

The posterior estimate of the covariance matrix becomes

P (k) = P + (k) = (I − KM )P − (k)(I − KM )T + KRK T (7.18)

Minimization of the posterior covariance matrix P (k) may be accomplished by taking

a derivative of the trace of P (k) with respect to K and setting it to zero, which finally

provide the Kalman gain matrix at time step k:

K(k) = P − (k)M T M P − (k)M T + R

. (7.19)

Then, we can yield an simpler form of the posterior covariance matrix,

P (k) = P + (k) = (I − KM )P − (k). (7.20)

The flow of information for the Kalman filter algorithm is illustrated in Figure. 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Flow of information for the Kalman filter.

7.2 Application for Diagnosis

We now build a diagnosis approach based on Kalman filtering, with the measure-
ment data and simulation results to obtain an optimal estimation of the system state.
An observed plant state having a significant deviation from the optimal system esti-
mate could then indicate potential intrusion into the system. In our demonstration,
using the ROM presented in Chpater 6, we obtain an optimal estimate of the water
level z0 in the SG. In this case, we treat the RELAP5 result as the observation data
subject to some statistical fluctuations and the ROM as the simulation subject to un-
certainties. RELAP5 is a deterministic model, so a normal distribution noise is added
to the RELAP5 results to represent realistic observation data for our demonstration

A transient case involving a SG water level variation is simulated to demonstrate
the applicability of Kalman filtering. The system state x(k) is the water level from
ROM calculation, which is divided into a constant term and a dynamic term

 
z0,ROM (k)
x(k) =  , (7.21)
 
z0,RELAP5 (k) − z0,ROM (k)

and the measurement y(k) is the simulation data from RELAP5. The state transition
matrix and the measurement matrix are

 
1 0 
Φ= , (7.22)
0 e−∆t

M= 1 1 . (7.23)

The result is shown in Figure 7.2, where both the ROM and RELAP5 data are
assumed subject to 1% uncertainty or noise. The feedwater flow rate is modified at
the beginning of the simulation, resulting in the SG water level change. The solid
line in the figure represents the optimal estimate obtained through the process. The
noise from both the measurement and the simulator data are taken into consideration.
Hence, we can use Kalman filtering as a diagnosis method regardless of the noise issue.

Figure 7.2: Kalman filter demonstration.

With the unique relationship connecting water level z0 , FW flow rate Ws , and re-
actor power level P , a 3-D plot with these three SG parameters is shown in Figure 7.3.
The best estimate from the Kalman filter and the combined error from observation
and simulation are plotted in the figure. Any observation of the plant parameters
indicating a significant deviation from the Kalman filter estimates in the 3-D space
could signal a potential cyber-attack on the SG system. This Kalman filter approach
can be expanded to other key parameters as well for the cyber-security diagnosis in

Figure 7.3: Illustration of Kalman filtering for SG parameter space.

Figure 7.4: 2-D projection of SG parameter space.

A 2-D projection to the SG water level and feedwater flow rate phase has a clear
visualization of the relationship between the optimal estimate and the contaminated
data. In Figure 7.4, we can observe that the contaminated data falls out of the
optimal estimate error range.


Attack Scenario Simulation Using GPWR

The GPWR simulator is newly installed at the University of Michigan, which pro-
vides a comprehensive simulation capability, including the control room panel and
some I&C system. It has been applied in various research areas related to human
factors [59, 60] and cyber threats [61]. We use GPWR to perform more detailed
simulations on attack scenarios. The GPWR simulator is introduced in this chapter
primarily related to its operation and function. The dominant cyber-attack scenarios
we identified in Chapter 3 are also simulated though the GPWR simulator. The re-
sults are presented and analyzed, providing us new insight into the controller involved

8.1 GPWR Simulator Introduction

Generic Pressurized Water Reactor (GPWR) is a full-scope nuclear power plant

simulator acceptable for U.S. NRC licensed operator training and requalification. It
includes high fidelity models that allow full plant operation, including Normal Op-
erations, Abnormal Operations, and Emergency Operations as required by ANS-3.5.
The simulator response has been validated against actual operating plant data. It is
a comprehensive package with several components handling different tasks. The core
platform is SimExec with the real-time executive environment for all other compo-

GPWR includes the RETACT model, a thermal-hydraulic engineering analysis
tool in real-time representing the primary system. The nuclear reactor kinetics is
calculated by the REMARK model, a real-time multi-group advanced reactor kinetics
software, with the JTOPMERET model representing the balance of plant (BOP).
It provides real-time execution of nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) and BOP
simulations with real-time plant response, audible alarms, switch positioning, and
relay activation. There is also a control panel for the operator to manipulate. We can
access all relevant models, including gauges, recorders, controllers, actuators, and the
built-in piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) provides dynamic interaction
during a simulation. The simulator also comes with the source code in Fortran,
which allows system modifications in the future.

8.1.1 GPWR Operation and Features

An overview of GPWR operation flowchart is shown in Figure 8.1. There are two
routes to manage the GPWR operation. One is to monitor and control through JADE
operator station (JOS), the other is to simulate through JADE Graphical Simulator.
The JOS is for displaying soft panel drawings. Using JOS, we can manipulate
the devices, and monitor the responses through the graphical models. Figure 8.2 is
a control room panel overview. There are nine primary panels at the front of the
control room and a couple of accessory panels on the side, which is the typical design
for the NPP control room.

Figure 8.1: GPWR flowchart.
Figure 8.2: Control room overview.

The nine main control panels can be divided into four sections. Section A covers
primary loop control and ESF actuation. Section B covers secondary loop control.
Section C is the main panel for the overall control of the reactor. Section D covers
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.
Parts of panel C1 are captured in Figures 8.3 and 8.4. Panel C1 is the main
panel, including most of the important parameters and control. Figure 8.3 shows the
alarm system. We observe the status of reactor trip functions from this section. The
block at the top left corner is the alarm board for the reactor coolant system (RCS).
There are various RCS alarms, such as the RCS loop A/B/C low flow alert, the RCS
loop A/B/C low average temperature alert. The gauges at the bottom left corner
are the temperature indicators for all three loops. More gauges displaying critical
components statuses, such as the reactor coolant pump, neutron detector, appear in
this panel. Figure 8.4 shows the control rod step counters and reactor trip switch.

The control rod can be inserted or withdrawn manually from this panel, as well as the
manual reactor trip. The control rod and shut down rod indicators show the positions
of control rod banks and shut down rod banks. Any rod bank can be maneuvered
through the rod motion switch with the rod bank selector. All instrumentation gauges
and control devices are accessible from JOS, allowing for control and monitoring of
the simulation process from the operator perspective.
Another path is to manage the reactor operation from the JStation platform.
Among the important features in JStation are three functions mostly related to
cyber-attack simulations: (a) the action index function (b) the dynamic piping and
instrument diagram (P&ID), and (c) the trend function. The action index function
activates malfunctions, remote functions, I/O overrides, global component failures,
external parameters, fixed-parameter overrides, and annunciator overrides to manip-
ulate the simulator.
The P&IDs are dynamic, displaying current parameter values and status of equip-
ment. They can also provide access to actions associated with the components and
equipment. There are hundreds of P&ID diagrams covering multiple systems in the
GPWR simulator. For the steam generator low-level trip system, the P&ID can dis-
play each SG water level sensor’s status during the simulation and the logic of how
the SG sensor will initiate the reactor trip. The status of the SG water level sensor
can also be manipulated through this dynamic P&ID, which is a useful tool for our
cyber-attack simulations.
The trend function can plot, collect, and save the values from the simulation for
performance analysis. We can set up a list of parameters for monitoring and collect
from more than 1200 parameters in the nuclear plant model. With the powerful
simulator in hand, we could do cyber-attack scenarios simulation based on our analysis

Figure 8.3: C1 panel example 1.
Figure 8.4: C1 panel example 2.
8.2 Simulation of Cyber Attack on Sensor and Controller

As discussed in Chapter 2, there is a four-channel sensor system used in the I&C

system of GPWR to monitor each SG water level. One of them (Channel 3) serves as
the controller input for the SG water level control system. Three of them (Channel
1, 2, and 3) function as monitors to initiate the low water level reactor trip. All four
channels supply the signal to initiate a high steam generator level trip. Based on
this design, we may consider a couple of different attack modes that can result in a
reactor trip.

8.2.1 Direct Low SG Water Level Trip

Figure 8.5 demonstrates a direct low SG water level trip, which illustrates a cor-
ruption of channel 2 at 15 s. It is set to a lower value of 20%, which is below the
set point for the reactor trip. However, a single channel corruption will not initiate
a reactor trip or result in any change in the system. Following that, channel 4 is
corrupted at 35 s and set to the same value as channel 2. Since channel 4 is not in
the logic of a low-level steam generator trip, the corruption of these two channels will
not result in a reactor trip. Eventually, channel 1 is corrupted at 50 s, which satisfies
the low-level SG trip condition. If two out of three channels among channels 1, 2,
and 3 are below the set point, the reactor is tripped. Finally, the reactor is tripped
immediately right after the channel 1 suffers corruption as expected.

Figure 8.5: Low SG water level trip example.

8.2.2 Direct High SG Water Level Trip

Unlike the condition for low SG water level trip, high SG water level trip requires
that any two out of all four channels are above the set point. Figure 8.6 demonstrates
a direct high SG water level trip. We observe that a single channel corruption will
not result in a reactor trip, but any additional channel corruption will trip the reactor
as shown.

Figure 8.6: High SG water level trip example.

In the two cases considered involving direct low SG and high SG level trips, the
SG state is not actually perturbed from normal operation state. The cyber-attack
would cause corruption and perturbation only in the I&C system control logic, which
nonetheless results in a reactor trip.

8.2.3 Controller Feedback SG Water Level Trip

We now turn our attention to the perturbation that would involve the SG con-
troller. Channel 3 supplies the water level signal to the water level control system.
Hence, the disturbance on channel 3, which will not trip the reactor immediately, but
will feed the wrong signal to the feedback control loop. In time as the PI controller
comes into action, the system output could be perturbed, which results in the change
of other water level channels and a reactor trip.

Figure 8.7: Controller Feedback on high SG Water Level Trip.

Figure 8.8: Controller Feedback on low SG Water Level Trip.

Figures 8.7 and 8.8 demonstrate the phenomenon we described above. In Fig-
ure 8.7, the attacker spoofs the channel 3 water level sensor and sets it to a different

value, which does not reflect the system state for the SG. The controller will take
this information to adjust the regulating valve to compensate for this low-level sensor
value. This results in a change in the system state and the increase of the output
water level, shown in the other three channels level sensor. This process takes some
time until the un-attacked channels reach the high level set point. Finally, it will ini-
tiate a reactor trip. Figure 8.8 illustrates a similar situation, but with a perturbation
introduced to channel 3 sensor, causing the controller to reduce the actual water level
in the remaining three channels and eventually resulting actually in a low SG level
and a reactor trip.
In this kind of controller feedback trip, the spoofed value does not need to deviate
significantly from the true system. A small deviation can still result in a reactor trip.
However, the larger the perturbation on the controller input is, the faster the reactor
will trip. Since this type of attack can change the actual system state, which is more
severe than the scenarios considered for Figure 8.5 and 8.6, we would like to study
the controller mechanism and propose an approach to mitigate this kind of attack in
Chapter 9.


Cyber-attack Mitigation with Controller feedback

Once the deviation from normal operating state due to cyber-attack is detected,
we need to consider a mitigation method that can prevent the unnecessary reactor trip
resulting from the attack. As we discussed in Chapter 8, some of the SG sensor attacks
do not result in a reactor trip directly. Only a small deviation for the controller input
from the spoofed sensor will be fed into the controller resulting in a compensation
in the opposite direction for the water level. Rather than directly setting the water
level to trip the reactor immediately in PMS, this type of attack requires only a small
deviation and a period of time to trip the reactor. This period provides the defender
some time to mitigate the reactor trip. Hence, this type of attack is our focus on the
mitigation method. In this type of scenario, the PI controller plays an essential role
in the steam generator water level control system. Hence, we start this chapter with
a study on the PI controller. Then, several possible attack signals are examined, and
the worst-case attack scenarios under this particular circumstance are considered.
Finally, an optimal mitigation method is introduced. The mechanism behind the
formulation is derived and the maximum delay time allowing for mitigation response
is obtained.

9.1 PI Controller

9.1.1 Introduction

PI Control is one of the most popular control algorithms used in the industry,
given its simplicity and effectiveness [62]. It can regulate flow, temperature, pressure,
level, and many other industrial process variables [63, 64].
Its output is made up of the sum of the proportional and integral control actions.
The proportional term is the main driving force in the controller. It changes the
controller output which is proportional to the error or difference between the desired
point and actual state, with the proportional gain providing a fast response. For
example, if the error is large and positive, the control output will be proportionately
large and positive, taking into account the gain factor Kc . The integral term is to
increment or decrement the controller output over time to reduce the error. Given
enough time, the integral action will drive the controller output until the error is zero.
For example, suppose there is a residual error after the application of proportional
control. In that case, the integral term seeks to eliminate the residual error by adding
a control effect due to the historic cumulative value of the error. When the error is
eliminated, the integral term will cease to grow. This will result in the proportional
effect diminishing as the error decreases, but this is compensated for by the growing
integral effect.
The setpoint (SP) is the target value, and process variable (PV) is the measured
value that may deviate from the desired value. The error from the setpoint is the
difference between the SP and P V is defined as

e(t) = SP − P V. (9.1)

The value of the controller output u(t) is fed into the system as the manipulated

variable input,
u(t) = ubias + Kc e(t) + e(t)dt. (9.2)

The ubias term is a constant that is typically set to the value of u(t) when the con-
troller is first switched from manual to automatic mode. The two tuning values for
a PI controller are the controller gain Kc and the integral time constant τ . The FI
controller logic is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 9.1: PI controller flowchart.

Digital controllers are implemented with discrete sampling periods, and a discrete
form of the PI equation is needed to approximate the integral of the error. This
modification replaces the continuous integration with a summation of the error and
uses ∆t as the time between sampling intervals and nt as the number of sampling

Kc X
u(t) = ubias + Kc e(t) + ei (t)∆t. (9.3)
τ i=0

9.1.2 PI Controller Model Development for Water Level Control

An only proportional controller model is developed first to control the water level
in the steam generator. The result is shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2: P controller performance.

The reactor is operating at full power. The initial water level is 57%, and the
valve position is 0.65. We adjust the setpoint for the controller from 57% to 60%. The
measurement noise of the water level sensor has also been taken into consideration.
The proportional controller cannot control the water level as desired. There is always
an offset error between the setpoint and the present value, which cannot be eliminated
by proportional only control.
Then, a PI controller model is developed in Python to represent the controller
behavior in the SGWLC system. The PI controller takes the water level as the
control value and the regulating valve position as the controller action. The action
of the combined proportional and integral maneuvers drives the water level to the
designed setpoint as illustrated in Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3: PI controller performance.

The parameters and the relationship between the SG level and the regulating valve
opening are obtained from the GPWR simulation. The reactor is operating at full
power. The initial water level is 57%, and the valve position is 0.65. We adjust the
set point for the controller from 57% to 60%. The measurement noise of the water
level sensor has also been taken into consideration. The controller parameters are
tuned through multiple experiments [65, 66]. We can observe that the SG water level
has a small overshoot initially and finally arrives at the setpoint without any error in
about 60 s of simulation, which validates the function of the PI controller.
The second validation case accounts for the controller model and the GPWR
simulation result as illustrated in Figure 9.4. In this case, we tried out several different
combinations of the tuning parameters to fit the GPWR simulation result. From the
figure, the controller model behavior is fairly close to the GPWR simulation result.

Figure 9.4: PI controller performance.

9.2 Optimal Signal Insertion Mitigation

As our cyber-attack simulation from the Chapter 8 illustrates, the cyber-attack

on the feedback controller has a severer effect than the other types of attack. This ob-
servation leads us to propose a mitigation strategy that could counter-act the spoofed

9.2.1 Attack Signal Analysis

Under regular operation, the water level should be maintained constant and stable
at the setpoint. Two types of attack signals have been tested with the PI controller,
the step function, and the ramp function. It is assumed that the attacker has spoofed
the signal into the controller by setting a higher water level. Hence, this would
eventually result in a low-level SG trip.

Figure 9.5: Step function attack signal: Case A.

Case A: We consider a step function perturbation, shown in Figure 9.5. The

controller input is set to be higher than the actual water level at 75%, so the controller
will adjust the feedwater flow rate to compensate for this high water level, which
results in the decrease of the water level. After a while, it will trip the reactor
through a low steam generator water level. Without mitigation, the water level will
reach the low water level trip point around 68 s after the attack.

Figure 9.6: Step function attack signal: Case B.

Case B: Another step function insertion similar to case A is considered but with
the controller input is set to 65%. The controller will still adjust the feedwater flow
rate to compensate for this high water level value. Since the deviation between the
spoofed value and the setpoint is smaller than case A, it takes longer to trip the
reactor than case A. Without mitigation, the water level will reach the low water
level trip point of 20% in 140 s.

Figure 9.7: Ramp function attack signal: Case C.

Case C: A ramp function perturbation is considered as illustrated in Figure 9.7

where the attacker gradually increases the controller input. The time to trip depends
on the slope of the ramp function. In this case, the reactor gets tripped in around 70

9.2.2 Optimal Mitigation Formulation

Some sensor corruptions can most easily be mitigated by selecting an uncorrupted

sensor as the controller input from the control room by the operator. However,
sometimes the attacker may take over the controller resulting in the unavailability of
this switch mitigation. Under the circumstance, the attack signals are discussed in
Section 9.2.1 can be mitigated by inserting signal into the controller in the opposite
direction, which can cancel out the attacker’s spoof and bring the system back to
normal. There are four channels of water level sensors. One of the four signals is fed

into the controller as the input zin (t). The other three measuring the actual water
level can be collapsed into one parameter equaling the controller output zout (t). The
setpoint of the water level is set as z0 . For regular operation, the relationship between
the parameters is

zout (t) = zin (t) = z0 . (9.4)

The attacker inserts a spoofed value a(t) into the controller input at time t,

zc,in (t) = z0 + a(t) (9.5)

The difference a(t) between the setpoint and spoofed value feeds into the controller
to adjust the feedwater flow to compensate for it. In an ideal world, assume that we
can detect the cyber-attack immediately after it happens. Then, we can insert a
mitigation signal m(t) = −a(t) into the controller input to cancel a(t) and restore
the channel to normal setpoint z0 . For a practical mitigation approach, we assume a
time delay of ∆t between the attack and the implementation of the mitigation. Our
objective for the optimal mitigation algorithm is to maintain the SG water level not
+ −
to exceed the trip setpoints ztrip and ztrip . Hence, we would like to find the maximum
time allowed for the implementation of the mitigation action.
We assume that the attacker inserts only a step function into the water level
data to the controller. Other functions can be extended with similar derivation.
The worst attack scenario under this assumption is that the attacker inserts the
+ −
maximum possible signal zm or the minimum possible signal zm into the controller.
The controller will then drive the regulating valve and compensate for this error
with the maximum speed, which would be the worst attack scenario. The maximum
possible attack scenario for zm would lead to the controller input


a(t) = zm − z0 u(t), (9.6)

where u(t) is the Heaviside step function representing the attack initiated at t = 0.
This will be fed into the controller, and the output of the controller will be
 
za,out =Kc (zm − z0 )u(t) + (zm+
− z0 )u(t0 )dt0 
+ t
=Kc (zm − z0 ) 1 + u(t). (9.7)

We now insert the mitigation signal m(t) into the controller input


m(t) = z0 − zm u(t − ∆t), (9.8)

where ∆t is the time delay. We can calculate the output of the controller from this
mitigation signal:
 
z0 − zm u(t0 − ∆t)dt0 
zm,out =Kc  z0 − zm u(t − ∆t) +
+ t − ∆t
=Kc (z0 − zm ) 1+ u(t − ∆t). (9.9)

The sum of these two signals a(t) and m(t) is the signal the controller now receives:

+ +
zin (t) = a(t) + m(t) = zm − z0 u(t) + z0 − zm u(t − ∆t),
= (zm − z0 t) [u(t) − u(t − ∆t)] . (9.10)

The controller output is

zout (t) = za,out (t) + zm,out (t)

+ t t − ∆t
= Kc (zm − z0 ) 1 + u(t) − 1 + u(t − ∆t)
τ τ
+ t ∆t
= Kc (zm − z0 ) 1 + [u(t) − u(t − ∆t)] + u(t − ∆t) . (9.11)
τ τ

The output zout (t) should not exceed the reactor trip set point ztrip , which results in

+ t ∆t −
Kc (zm − z0 ) 1 + [u(t) − u(t − ∆t)] + u(t − ∆t) < (z0 − ztrip ), (9.12)
τ τ

for t ≥ 0. We may simplify Eq. (9.12) to derive the maximum delay time allowed

τ z0 − ztrip
∆tm < + −z
for t ≥ ∆tm . (9.13)
Kc zm 0

Similarly, we could derive the inequality for the minimum possible signal

τ ztrip − z0
∆tm < −
for t ≥ ∆tm . (9.14)
Kc z0 − zm

The smaller of the two time dealys from Eqs. (9.13) and (9.14) can be set as the
maximum time delay to be allowed, which is also the latest time for the operator to
mitigate the worst-case attack.

9.2.3 Mitigation Approach Demonstration

An example illustrates the effectiveness of the mitigation method. A comparison

has been performed between attack trajectory and mitigation trajectory. The attacker
spoofed the controller input signal to 70%, as shown in Figure. 9.8. The orange line is
the attack trajectory. Suppose we do not respond to the attack with some mitigation
approaches. The controller will adjust the feedwater flow rate to compensate for the

incorrect water level signal. The actual SG water level will decrease and reach the
trip setpoint and trip the reactor at 130 s after the attack.

Figure 9.8: Controller input - channel 3 water level sensor.

Figure 9.9: Controller output feedback.

If the mitigation is applied to the system, the trajectory will evolve like the blue
line in Figures 9.8 and 9.9. The mitigation is implemented after 10 s of the attack
initiation. We note that the controller input and the actual water level will quickly
adjust to normal and avoid the reactor trip.
For the maximum delay time allowed, the worst-case attack for a low SG water
level trip is shown to set the controller input as 100%. With the PI controller paramter
Kc = 0.26 and τ = 25s, the maximum delay time ∆tm can be calculated through
Eq. (9.13)

τ z0 − ztrip 25 0.57 − 0.20
∆tm = +
= · = 82.7 s. (9.15)
Kc zm − z0 0.26 1.00 − 0.57

Two different implementation times of mitigation are shown in Figure. 9.10. The
blue line is the mitigation applied within the maximum time delay allowed. The
orange line is the mitigation applied out of the maximum time delay allowed.

Figure 9.10: Different mitigation implementation time.

Figure. 9.10 shows the result for different mitigation time. We observe that if the
mitigation is applied within the maximum delay time allowed, i.e. ∆t < ∆tm , the
reactor will not be tripped. The mitigation will finally drive the reactor back into
the set point. If the mitigation is applied later than the maximum delay time, i.e.
∆t > ∆tm , it will no longer be useful. The reactor will still be tripped.


Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work

10.1 Summary

The study in this thesis focuses on the investigation and development of a cyber-
security framework for the I&C system in nuclear power plants. The research is mo-
tivated by the ongoing effort to respond to the cyber-security issues emerging from
the increasing implementation of digital components in the I&C system of modern
nuclear power plants. The model-based cyber-security framework provides a systemic
approach covering the analysis of the I&C system in nuclear power plants and po-
tential cyber-attack scenarios as well as modeling and simulation of the potential
cyber-attack scenarios. The detection and mitigation methods are also included in
the framework for potential cyber-intrusions.
The model-based cyber-security framework is developed to detect and cope with
the intrusions and disruptions to the steam generator water level control system,
which could result in unnecessary reactor shutdown events. Five modules are con-
tained in the framework. The framework starts with an investigation on the I&C
system for the operating and advanced PWR plant. We have placed our emphasis on
the steam generator water level control system and the trips from the SG water level
being out-of-range. PMS and PLS are the two systems most related to the operation
control and reactor trip function of the AP1000 design. Similar studies have been

performed for the GPWR system.
The SAPHIRE code is used to build the attack trees for both systems. Based on
the attack trees, we are able to generate the minimal cut sets representing the attack
scenarios. The MP-ET structure is proved to be a powerful tool for visually repre-
senting a large number of attack scenarios in an easily digestible manner, especially
for common cause failure or common mode attack. To quantify the susceptibility of
cyber-attack scenarios causing reactor trips, we propose sensitivity metrics to identify
the low-order sets of components that may be compromised and the degree of per-
turbations needed for each component. This approach allows us to rank all potential
attack scenarios and identify the most significant ones. Various attack possibility
combinations are performed using these metrics. The high-susceptibility pathways
for cyber-attack scenarios consist of primary control components, sensor feedback
divisions, and trip logic paths with minimal inter-component dependencies.
For the modeling and simulation tasks in the framework, we first developed an
API serving as the platform for RELAP5, GPWR, and the reduced order model
we built. It is developed in Python with two primary operations, setup, and step.
The API can execute the RELAP5 code, accurately transfer data between coupled
codes, and perform calculations in a reasonable time frame. Moreover, the API can
accommodate the application of the Kalman filter and associated detection methods.
A reduced-order model for the steam generator has been developed, representing the
dynamics of the steam generator. The ROM provides sufficiently accurate predictions
of the water level and obtains the unique key relationship among the reactor power,
SG water level, and FW flow rate. A possible cyber-attack scenario on the I&C system
has been simulated through the newly-installed GPWR simulator. We also analyzed
a new attack scenario involving controller feedback through the GPWR simulation,
which requires only a small deviation to trip the reactor.
New detection and mitigation methods have also been developed. The Kalman

filter algorithm provides optimal tracking of SG water level combining the uncertain
simulation results with the observation data subject to statistical fluctuations. An
observed plant state with significant deviation from the optimal system projection
could then indicate potential intrusions. Unlike traditional detection methods, this
method avoids the issue associated with uncertain observation by using the Kalman
filter algorithm to combine the simulation and the measurement. The mitigation
method proposed can avoid reactor trip by inserting a counter-acting signal to cancel
out the attack signal, especially for the case with controller feedback. The worst-case
attack under a particular circumstance is analyzed, which could influence the most on
the water level control system. The maximum delay time allowed for the defender’s
action time is also determined through an optimization formulation.

10.2 Future Work

This thesis discusses a model-based cyber-security framework developed to avoid

intrusions and disruptions to steam generator systems that could result in unnecessary
reactor trip events. The framework could extend to other systems thereby providing
us with more insights for cyber-attack on other I&C systems in nuclear power plants.
There are a total of 11 reactor trip functions in the AP1000 system. We can perform
a similar analysis on other reactor trip functions and plant control systems generating
attack scenarios. Our analysis can be extended to other types of reactors as well.
The susceptibility quantification method of the cyber-attack causing reactor trips
can rank all the attack scenarios and identify the dominant ones. It combines the
sensitivity metrics of the reactor trip signal with the attack possibility of each com-
ponent. Since we cannot quantify the probability of attack, we have ranked attacks
on the basis of how many corruptions are needed to accomplish them, and the mag-
nitude of the spoof required. More effort can be made to obtain more realistic and
meaningful values for the estimated possibility. In addition, we could substitute the

attack possibility by attack difficulty or other measures for various components.
The API has mainly focused on the interface between RELAP5 and ROM. It only
contains limited GPWR simulator connection to date. With more in-depth research
on the source code of GPWR, we could make better use of the API with GPWR.
Finally, we could build a uniform platform to extend the GPWR to test and verify
the detection and mitigation approaches for cyber-attacks.
We also note a significant potential for alternate mitigation techniques. However,
there are still challenges that need to be resolved before the use of the mitigation
signal can be advocated for actual use. When is it better to trip the reactor than
to continue operation? Does continuing to operate have any implications on safety?
Will it exacerbate potential consequences of undetected attacks? A figure of merit can
be proposed to compare alternative responses of the operator. Furthermore, a series
of dynamic response and mitigation should be implemented instead of one action.
Further research is required to definitely answer these questions.
As we discussed, more interaction between attacker and defender could be rep-
resented in the response and mitigation strategy. Game theory is the study of
mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. Cyber-
attackers should have some knowledge of the nuclear system to make smart decisions
on the attack components and approach. We could define the payoff and constraint
for both players and explore the equilibrium condition between them. If we could in-
corporate game theory into the cyber-attack mitigation, it could make the mitigation
more effective and useful.
Cyber-security has recieved increasing attention even on the design and construc-
tion stage recently [67, 68]. Roh [69] proposes a cybersecurity system that can be used
in control networks of nuclear power plants that require high reliability. The proposed
system consists of Detection on Attacking Control System (DACS), DACS Manage-
ment Program (DMP) to centrally manage multiple DACS, and Central Monitoring

Server (CMS) to store system logs meeting the requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Reg-
ulatory Commission and the Korea Nuclear Cyber Security Regulations. Guo [70]
recommends building an active defense system based on trusted computing tech-
nology and boundary protection technology to make the Industrial Control System
(ICS) in NPP more secure and explore an ICS test platform allowing us to monitor
the running state of ICS and to verify any security measures .
Through the cyber-security project, there has been a long standing question in
our study: what is the difference between a cyber-attack and a random failure, and
how can we differentiate them? It is not an easy question to answer. Maybe a perfect
cyber-attack could not be differentiated from a random failure. Alternatively, the
difference between them is unimportant, so we could perhaps treat them in the same
way. With increased research and study on cyber-security, we hope to develop a
better answer to this question.


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