Genetic Factors
Genetic Factors
Genetic Factors
The process of labor and delivery is divided into three stages. The first stage of labor
begins when you start having contractions, and ends when your cervix is fully dilated
(open). The second stage of labor begins when you're fully dilated and ends with the
birth of your baby. The third stage of labor starts right after the birth of your baby and
ends with the delivery of the placenta.
Stage 1: Early labor contractions, active labor, and full dilation of the cervix
The first stage of labor is the longest. A lot happens in this stage – so much that it's
divided into three phases:
Early labor: Your cervix gradually thins out and opens to about 6 centimeters (cm) by
Active labor: Your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly and opens up further to 10 cm.
Transition: During the last part of active labor, contractions are even longer, stronger,
and closer together. This can be the most difficult part of your entire labor.
First stage of labor
The first stage of labor is the longest stage, especially if you're giving birth for the first
time. Early labor usually takes the longest amount of time and transition the shortest.
Early labor
You may have had signs of early labor – such as more frequent Braxton Hicks
contractions, loss of your mucus plug, bloody show, and even some cervical dilation
and effacement – for days or even weeks now. Or maybe not! Either way, once you
start having regular, persistent contractions, you're in labor.
What to expect:
Contractions start. You'll start having contractions at relatively regular intervals. Early
labor contractions are sometimes hard to distinguish from "false labor" (that is, irregular
Braxton Hicks contractions). True labor contractions get closer together as time goes on
and are more regular than Braxton Hicks contractions. If you aren't sure whether you're
in true labor, see whether you can hold a complete conversation. If you have to stop,
early labor.
Contractions get longer, stronger, and closer together. Eventually they'll be coming
every four to five minutes and lasting 40 to 60 seconds each. (Some women have much
more frequent contractions during this phase, but the contractions will still tend to be
relatively mild and last no more than a minute.) Early labor ends when your cervix is
You may feel some pain. If your labor is typical, your early contractions will be mild
enough for you to talk through them and putter around the house, or even doze off
between them. But as your labor progresses, your contractions will become painful.
You may feel pelvic pressure or back pain as your baby moves down. If you have
lower back pain with your contractions, you may be having back labor.
You may see a mucousy vaginal discharge. This may be tinged with blood – the so-
called bloody show. This is perfectly normal, but if you see more than a tinge of blood,
Your water may break. Call your provider if your water breaks. It may feel like a
What to do:
Time contractions periodically. Don't become a slave to the stopwatch just yet – it's
stressful and exhausting to record every contraction over the many long hours of labor,
and it isn't necessary. Instead, you may want to time your contractionsperiodically to
get a sense of what's going on. In most cases, your contractions will let you know in no
Rest. It's important to do your best to stay rested, since you may have a long day (or
night) ahead of you. If you're tired, try to doze off between contractions.
Relax. If you're feeling anxious, you may want to try some relaxation exercises, take a
you don't feel the urge. A full bladder may make it more difficult for your uterus to
contract efficiently, and an empty bladder leaves more room for your baby to descend.
Active labor
There's no doubt now that your baby is on the way. Your doctor or midwife may have
given you instructions about when to go to the hospital or birth center, but usually once
you have regular, painful contractions (lasting about 60 seconds each) every four to five
minutes for an hour or more, it's time to grab your hospital bag and head out.
What to expect:
Contractions become intense. Active labor is when things really get rolling. Your
contractions become increasingly intense – more regular, longer, and stronger – and
Contractions get more frequent. In most cases, contractions eventually happen every
2 1/2 to 3 minutes, although some women never have them more often than every 5
when the cervix dilates fully from 8 to 10 cm, is called transition, which is described in
Your baby may begin to descend toward the end of active labor, although they might
have started to descend earlier, or might not start until the next stage.
Nausea and vomiting. This is fairly common now, sometimes from epiduralanesthesia
causing the blood pressure to drop, and sometimes from stimulation of nerves that cause
Get pain relief if you need it. Most women opt for pain medication, such as an
in natural childbirth – such as breathing exercises and visualization – can help you
hired doula can be a huge help now. You'll probably appreciate lots of gentle
Move. It may feel good to walk, but you'll probably want to stop and lean against
something (or someone) during each contraction. You should be able to move around
the room freely after your caregiver evaluates you, as long as there are no
Sit or lie down on your side. If you're tired, try sitting in a rocking chair or lying in
Get a massage. This might be a good time to ask your birth partner or doula for a
Even if your water has broken, a shower is probably okay, as the risk of infection is
The last part of active labor is called the transition period because it marks the shift to
the second stage of labor. Your contractions are at their strongest, and your cervix
completely opens up so that your baby can pass through.
What to expect:
Very strong contractions. This is the most intense part of labor. Contractions are
usually very strong, coming every 2 1/2 to 3 minutes or so and lasting a minute or more.
over, your baby has usually descended somewhat into your pelvis. This is when you
might begin to feel rectal pressure, as if you have to move your bowels.
An urge to push. Some babies descend earlier and the mom feels the urge to push
before she's fully dilated. Other babies descend later and the mom reaches full dilation
without feeling pressure. If you've had an epidural, the pressure you'll feel will depend
on the type and amount of medication you're getting and how low your baby is in your
Once your cervix is fully dilated, the second stage of labor begins: pushing and the final
descent and birth of your baby.
The entire second stage can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.
What to expect:
contractions may be a little further apart, giving you the chance for a much-needed rest
between them.
Less intensity as pushing begins. Many women find their contractions in the second
stage easier to handle than the contractions in active labor because bearing down offers
The urge to push. As your uterus contracts, it exerts pressure on your baby, moving
them down the birth canal. If your baby is very low in your pelvis, you may feel an urge
to push early in the second stage (and sometimes even before). But if your baby's still
relatively high, you probably won't have this sensation right away.
You might want to take it slow. If everything's going well, you might want to take it
slowly and let your uterus do the work until you feel the urge to push. Waiting a while
You may be instructed to push. In many hospitals it's routine to coach women to push
with each contraction in an effort to speed up the baby's descent. Let your caregiver
know if you'd prefer to wait until you feel a spontaneous urge to bear down. This
Epidurals can reduce the urge to push. If you have an epidural, the loss of sensation
can blunt the urge to push, so you may not feel it until your baby's head has descended
quite a bit. You may need explicit directions to help you push effectively.
With each contraction, the force of your uterus – combined with the force of your
abdominal muscles if you're actively pushing – exerts pressure on your baby to continue
to move down the birth canal. The descent may be rapid. Or, especially if this is your
first baby, the descent may be gradual.
When a contraction is over and your uterus is relaxed, your baby's head will recede
slightly in a "two steps forward, one step back" kind of progression.
What to expect:
Your baby's scalp will appear. After a time, your perineum (the tissue between your
vagina and anus) will begin to bulge with each push, and before long your baby's scalp
will become visible – a very exciting moment and a sign that the end is in sight. You
can ask for a mirror to get that first glimpse of your baby, or you may want to reach
A powerful pushing urge. Now the urge to push becomes even stronger. With each
contraction, more and more of your baby's head becomes visible. The pressure of their
head on your perineum feels very intense, and you may notice a strong burning or
stinging sensation as your tissue begins to stretch. This is called "the ring of fire," and it
Instructions to slow down or pant. At some point, your caregiver may ask you to
push more gently or to stop pushing altogether so your baby's head has a chance to
gradually stretch out your vaginal opening and perineum. A slow, controlled delivery
can help prevent perineal tearing. By now, the urge to push may be so overwhelming
that you'll be coached to blow or pant during contractions to help counter it. Sometimes,
gently coughing instead of pushing can result in a slower, easier descent of your baby's
The whole head appears. Your baby's head continues to advance with each push until
it crowns – that's when the widest part of their head is finally visible. The excitement in
the room will grow as your baby's face begins to appear: their forehead, their nose, their
your doctor or midwife may suction their mouth and nose and will feel around their
neck for the umbilical cord. If the cord is around your baby's neck, your caregiver will
either slip it over their head or, if need be, clamp and cut it.
The body emerges. Your baby's head then turns to the side as their shoulders rotate
inside your pelvis to get into position for their exit. With the next contraction, you'll be
coached to push as their shoulders emerge, one at a time, followed by their body.
Third stage of labor
Minutes after giving birth, your uterus begins to contract again. The first few
contractions usually separate the placenta from your uterine wall.
When your caregiver sees signs of separation, they may ask you to gently push to help
expel the placenta. This is usually one short push that's not at all difficult or painful. On
average, the third stage of labor lasts just five or six minutes, with 90 percent of
placentas delivered by 15 minutes from the birth of your baby.
If the placenta is still attached 30 minutes after birth (or sooner if there's heavy
bleeding), your provider might need to take action to assist in its delivery. This might
mean giving you a drug to help your uterus contract, massaging the top of the uterus to
encourage placental separation, or gently tugging on the umbilical cord.
In the meantime, nurses and doctors will be caring for your baby:
Your doctor or midwife may quickly suction your baby's mouth and nasal passages if
If there are no complications, they'll be lifted onto your bare belly so you can touch,
kiss, and simply marvel at them. Skin-to-skin contact will keep your baby nice and
toasty, and they'll be covered with a warm blanket – and perhaps given their first hat –
Your caregiver will clamp the umbilical cord in two places and then cut between the
You may feel a wide range of emotions now: euphoria, awe, pride, disbelief, excitement
(to name a few), and, of course, intense relief that it's almost over. Exhausted as you
may be, you'll also probably feel a burst of energy.
Variation is all the differences that exist in a population of the same species. These
differences are caused by:
Genetic variation - these are differences between individuals that are inherited from
parents, such as the colour of your eyes, hair and skin.
Environmental variation - these are differences between individuals that are not
inherited but caused by the environment that the organism lives in, including scars and
Genetic and environmental variation - differences between individuals that are caused
by both genetic and environmental factors, such as height and weight.
Data on variation is collected by surveying the population. This data can be described as
either continuous variation or discontinuous variation. It is important to remember that
these are not the causes of variation, which are described above, but how we analyse the
results of the surveys.
Surveys into variation give data that are continuous, which means to come in a range,
or discontinuous, which means to come in groups.
Continuous variation
Surveys of continuous variation give us results that come in a range. Human height is an
example of continuous variation. It ranges from that of the shortest person in the world to
that of the tallest person. Any height is possible between these values, so this is
continuous variation. For example, you can be 150 cm tall, 151 cm tall, or any height in
between this - if you had a ruler that could measure small enough values.
So, a characteristic that changes gradually over a range of values shows continuous
variation. Examples of such characteristics are:
arm span
Results from surveys of continuous variation are presented in line graphs or bar charts
with a line of best fit drawn through them. If you record the heights of a group of people
and draw a graph of your results, it usually looks something like this:
Discontinuous variation
Surveys of discontinuous variation give us values that come in groups rather than a
range. Human blood groups are an example of discontinuous variation. In the ABO blood
group system, only four blood groups are possible - A, B, AB or O. You cannot have a
blood group in between these four groups, so this is discontinuous variation.
blood group
eye colour
Results from surveys of discontinuous variation are presented in charts. These is no line
of best fit drawn because the values on the x-axis - blood groups in the graph below -
could be placed in any order. If you record the blood groups of a group of people and
draw a graph of your results, it usually looks something like this:
More examples
Continuous variation Discontinuous variation
Height Blood group
Weight Hand used to write with
Arm span Eye colour
Head circumference at birth Ability to roll tongue
Any sperm cell can fuse with any egg cell and share its genetic information, thus
creating genetic variation.
The random fertilisation of gametes explains why heterozygous or fraternal twins do
not look more alike than normal siblings.
eg: An example of this would be directional selection due to climate change. For
instance, a population of polar bears is usually distributed around average body
weight. Individuals with larger body sizes tend to survive better in colder climates,
while individuals in warmer climates are more likely to survive with smaller bodies.
An increase in global temperatures might shift the optimum body mass to the left of
the original optimum, thus creating directional selection towards smaller polar bears.
Directional selection can be seen in peppered moths. The peppered moth has a lighter
morph and a darker melanic morph. Against lichen-covered trees, lighter moths can
blend in well, whereas melanic moths stand out, making them vulnerable to predation
from insectivorous birds. As a result, the population underwent directional selection
favouring lighter moths; thus, melanic moths only made up a small fraction of the
population in the early 1800s.
However, about 50 years later, many more melanic moths were recorded in industrial
areas where trees and buildings were blackened by soot. Here, melanic moths can
blend in and light moths cannot, making the latter much more vulnerable. This time,
the population underwent selection in the opposite direction, favouring darker moths.
By the end of the century, the overwhelming majority of the pepper moth population
was composed of melanic moths.
stabilising selection
selects for the average phenotypes and against more extreme phenotypes. This type of
selection occurs in populations where environmental conditions remain constant for
long periods. Therefore, this selection form keeps allele frequencies relatively steady
over generations and maintains (keeps stable) an intermediate phenotype.
eg: The number of eggs laid by birds also undergoes stabilising selection. When birds
lay too many eggs, they may not be able to feed all of the chicks sufficiently, leading
to malnourished offspring. In addition, laying too many eggs can be a significant
drain on the mother’s resources, reducing the number of eggs she can lay in the
future. On the other hand, laying too few eggs might result in no viable offspring. In
this case, an intermediate value would be selected.
directional selection
Directional selection would lead to one extreme phenotype being selected for rather
than the other.
The evolution of the peppered moth is an evolutionary instance of directional colour
change in the moth population as a consequence of air pollution during the Industrial
Revolution. The frequency of dark-coloured moths increased at that time, an example
of industrial melanism.
After industrialisation, barks got covered by smoke, so the white moths were
selectively picked up by birds. However, the black coloured moths escaped unnoticed
against a dark background and became abundant.
However, in recent year, reduced industrial pollution has led to the growth of lichens
again and thus, the population of light coloured moths is again increasing.
This evolutionary story of moths in England, thus reveals, that 'evolution is apparently
Disruptive selection, also known as diversifying selection, favours several extreme
phenotypes rather than intermediate phenotypes and is the least common form of
selection. This type of selection occurs when the extreme phenotypes are more
successful than intermediate forms within the same habitat, as depicted below.
eg: Disruptive selection is seen in rabbits. In an environment with black and white
rocks, black and white rabbits will be camouflaged, whereas grey rabbits will be
visible and eaten by the predator.
Polymorphism in a population occurs when many genetically distinct forms (morphs)
of a species still interbreed in the same population.
Disruptive selection can lead to polymorphism in a population, wherein many (poly)
genetically distinct forms (morphs) of a species still interbreed and exist in the same