FAQ 6 Siege The Board Game FINAL 2024
FAQ 6 Siege The Board Game FINAL 2024
FAQ 6 Siege The Board Game FINAL 2024
Introduction ■ Destroy action from an upper floor area (p. 23) - Erratum (design)
For us, who are sincerely proud of our work on this game, this FAQ ultima- ■ Smoke Grenade (p. 29) - Erratum (design)
tely has an incredible role to play, a role we never imagined: that of being
a close link with the entire gaming community! This community is vibrant
and strong, and it’s exciting to see so many of you enjoying the game
(especially now that it’s arriving at your doorsteps)! We truly look forward
to continuing to work on this FAQ with you, the community, in making this
game the best it can possibly be.
■ Gameplay Sequence (p. 14) - Erratum (proofreading - EN version only) Rulebook - Reminders
■ Line of sight
A line of sight is an imaginary straight line linking the central dots in two
spaces. Therefore Operators cannot target their own space when performing
Change the beginning of the sentence to the following: ‘If a player with a actions on the main floor.
squad of 3 or fewer Operators [...]’.
■ Riposte
Rulebook - Questions & Answers An Overwatch action may lead to a Riposte, which can only be triggered du-
ring the opposing player’s activation phase.
Q: If a defender Operator triggers a Claymore by entering a space which is
overwatched by an attacker Operator who is also adjacent to the Claymore, Maps - Errata
which comes first, the Claymore being tripped or the Attacker’s Riposte?
A: They will happen simultaneously, as they both are triggered ‘when an Ope- ■ Concrete City Mappack, Bank - Erratum (print issue)
rator enters a space’.
Q: When Pulse, Caveira, or Jackal use their Special Gadget’s action to per-
form a free Shoot action, does the targeted Operator receive additional light Change the sentence of the first reaction to the following: ‘Iana does not re-
protection if they have a shield? ceive a Located marker, and cannot receive a Located marker for the rest of
A: No. The effect of the gadget prevails and states the condition of the shot, this round.’’
as written on page 29 of the Rulebook in the ‘Effects and rules’ paragraph.
Each of those Operators are performing ‘a Shoot action (short range, light
protection) targeting a Located Operator’. Operators - Clarifications
■ On Castle’s Armor Panels
Q: How are multiple effects of a gadget applied? Q: When using Mira’s or Maverick’s special gadgets, is it possible to place a
A: While resolving a gadget’s effects, always resolve as many of the effects Holed Wall token on an Armor Panel?
as you can, and ignore any effects that cannot be resolved. For example, when A: Yes. Remove the Armor Panel standee and place a Holed Wall token of
Nøkk’s, Iana’s, or Vigil’s special gadget prevent them from receiving a Located the matching size instead. If the holed wall is then destroyed, do not place a
marker, they still sustain damage when triggering Maestro’s Evil Eye or Zero’s Breach standee on the door or window section.
Argus Cameras.
■ On Doc’s Stim Pistol
Q: Can Doc heal himself with his Special Gadget Action?
A: No. You must target another Operator in Doc’s line of sight. The Rule-
book states about line of sight on page 6 that ‘A line of sight is an imaginary
straight line linking the central dots in two spaces’, therefore the Operator
cannot target their own space.
■ On Glaz’s Flip Sight ■ On Finka’s Adrenaline Shots
Q: Can you target a Hostage token with his Special Gadget Action? Q: Can Finka heal herself with her Special Gadget Action?
A: No. It is clearly specified that you can only target a hidden Operator with A: No. This action must be performed from the upper floor area and can only
this special gadget. target an Operator present in a Vertical room on the main floor.
■ On Sledge’s Tactical Breaching Hammer and its interactions with Gas/ ■ On Ace’s S.E.L.M.A. Charges
Fire overlays Q: Is it possible to place a Rubble standee in the targeted entryway space if
• Sledge sustains damage when he enters a space covered by a Gas/Fire there is an Operator or a gadget on it?
overlay with his “free” movement; A: No. The targeted space must be a free entryway space and must not
• Sledge sustains damage when his Special Gadget Action ends. contain a gadget.
■ On Sledge’s Tactical Breaching Hammer and its interactions with special ■ On Iana’s Gemini Replicator
gadgets Q: How long do the second and third effects of the Gemini Replicator last?
• Sledge sustains a Wound and receives a Stunned marker when he A: Those two effects are not permanent effects. Both effects are reactions to
enters a space covered by the area of effect of Bandit’s CED-1 Shock a precise event and only react to a single instance.
Wires and Kaid’s Rtila Electroclaws with his “free” movement;
• Sledge sustains damage and receives a Located marker when he en- ■ On Oryx’s Remah Tactical Gear
ters a space in a room containing a Maestro’s Evil Eye with his “free” Q: When activating Oryx’s Special Gadget Action, what does ‘Oryx [...] can
movement; use blue entryway spaces’ mean?
• Sledge’s “free” movement ignores the effect of Melusi’s Banshee Sonic A: It means while this ability is active, Oryx may treat blue entryway spaces
Defences; as if they were gray entryway spaces. If Oryx has performed the Overwatch
• Sledge’s “free” movement is affected by Kapkan’s Entry Denial Devices, action on a blue entryway space, his Overwatch token will be returned to your
Frost’s Welcome Mats, Lesion’s Gu Mines, Ela’s Grzmot Mines, Goyo’s supply during the upkeep phase as you reset his Activatable Gadget token to
Volcán Shields, and Aruni’s Surya Lasers. its ‘Ready’ side.