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AgroMAT Sandy Soil (AG-2)

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Providing Innovative Solutions to Analytical Chemists MATRIX REFERENCE MATERIALS


A Family of Matrix Reference Materials

for Agricultural Laboratories
AG-1 and AG-2 are soil standards for the analysis of macro
and micro-nutrients together with pH, organic matter, nitrate
and soluble salt.

AgroMAT™ standards are a cost effective solution for the

validation of your internal standards or for routine quality
control verification.

Soils for AgroMAT™ standards were obtained from experimental farm facilities.
They have been tested using multiple extraction methods for certain parameters
providing flexibility in the choice of analytical methods.
PlasmaPURE Acid
• Manufactured with trace

The Reference Values are based on the results of a round-robin analysis performed metal levels less than
10 ppt (0.01 ppb)
by 33 laboratories located in the United States and Canada. All laboratories involved
in the certification process are involved in agricultural analysis. • Complete with a detailed
Certificate of Analysis

A Cerificate of Analysis (designed as per ISO Guide 31 – “Reference Materials -

contents of certificates, labels, and accompanying documentation”) listing Certified
Values as well as Confidence and Tolerance levels is included with each standard
(Calculations follow protocols outlined in ISO Guide 35 – “Certification of Reference DigiPREP MS
Catalogue No. 010-500-205

Available in 175g, wide mouth bottles.


Soil, Clay AG-1 175 g 140-025-101
• Digest 48 samples

Soil, Sandy AG-2 175 g 140-025-102 • Teflon® coated graphite block

Compost CP-1 100 g 140-025-111 resists corrosive acid attacks

EMAIL: sales@scpscience.com • WEBSITE: www.scpscience.com


Tel.: 1 (800) 361-6820/+1 (514) 457-0701 Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 18 71 17 Tel.: +86 (10) 87583441 Tel.: +49 (0) 8342-89560-61
Fax: 1 (800) 253-5549/+1 (514) 457-4499 Fax: +33 (0) 1 60 92 05 67 Fax: +86 (10) 87583471 Fax.: +49 (0) 8342-89560-69
Certificate of Analysis
Catalogue Number: 140-025-102
Description: Matrix Reference Material
AgroMAT - Sandy soil AG-2-2
Lot Number: S131024029
Date of Initial Certification: April 14th, 2014 (Revised June 30th, 2014)
Date of Last Verification: N/A
Consensus Confidence Tolerance
Parameters Extraction Method Units
Value Interval Interval
Bray 1 ppm (47.3)
Phosphorus Mehlich III ppm 89.9 85.8 - 94.0 64.3 - 115.5
Olsen ppm 45.6 41.1 - 50.2 20.8 - 75.5
Ammonium Acetate pH 7 ppm 364 341 - 387 224 - 504
Mehlich III ppm 398 380 - 416 286 - 511
Ammonium Acetate pH 7 ppm 1370 1305 - 1435 995 - 1746
Mehlich III ppm 1484 1426 - 1543 1110 - 1859
Ammonium Acetate pH 7 ppm 134 124 - 144 72.9 - 195
Mehlich III ppm 186 178 - 194 133 - 238
Ammonium Acetate pH 7 ppm 35.4 32.8 - 38.0 19.7 - 51.2
Mehlich III ppm 37.8 35.2 - 40.4 23.5 - 52.1
DTPA ppm 0.79 0.73 - 0.85 0.47 - 1.11
Mehlich III ppm 2.84 2.72 - 2.95 2.12 - 3.55
DTPA ppm 16.8 14.5 - 19.1 4.17 - 29.5
Mehlich III ppm 156 147 - 164 103 - 209
DTPA ppm 1.26 1.17 - 1.35 0.791 - 1.72
Mehlich III ppm 1.25 1.09 - 1.41 0.270 - 2.23
DTPA ppm 64.4 57.0 - 71.9 23.6 - 105
Mehlich III ppm 700 660 - 740 437 - 963
Hot Water ppm 0.39 0.28 - 0.49 0 - 0.95
Mehlich III ppm 0.45 0.39 - 0.51 0.16 - 0.74
Sulfur Mehlich III ppm 15.2 14.6 - 15.8 11.9 - 18.5
Aluminum Mehlich III ppm 1354 1322 - 1387 1168 - 1541
1 :1 (Soil:Water) ----- 6.89 6.86 - 6.93 6.67 - 7.12
1 :2 (Soil:Water) ----- 7.02 6.98 - 7.07 6.76 - 7.29
Saturated Paste ----- 6.85 6.74 - 6.96 6.33 - 7.37
Buffer SMP ----- 7.06 6.95 - 7.17 6.53 - 7.59
LOI % 3.77 3.57 - 3.97 2.26 - 5.27
Organic Matter
Walkley Black % 2.79 2.63 - 2.94 1.96 - 3.61
Nitrogen as Nitrate KCl ppm 27.3 26.6 - 28.0 22.3 - 32.3
1 :1 Soil :Water uS/cm (334) ---- ----
Soluble Salts 1 :2 Soil :Water uS/cm 199 188 - 211 121 - 277
Saturated Paste uS/cm (551) ---- ----

Note : Values in bracket are not certified. They are listed for i nformation only.

Date of receipt:
Certified by:

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