new knowledge and on the use of the existing knowledge in a new and creative way so
synthesis and analysis to previous research to the extent that it leads to new and
knowledge. This knowledge can be new, or it can support an already known fact.
Creatures like us human beings possessed with curiosity and want answers. We
get curious, ask questions, and immerse ourselves in discovering everything there is to
know. What the world is trying to let us know more about. Without curiosity progress
would slow to catch, and our lives as we know would be completely different. Research
allows us to keep going, to pursue our interests, to learn something new, to enhance the
The purposes and goals of research are to assure that the research study is
possible, practical and good. For the researchers, to be able to describe, predicts,
explains and specify the methods that will be used to collect and analyze data of what is
the research is trying to achieve and why pursuing it. Also, the goal of a research is to
bring together different views, evidences, establishing facts about a topic from books,
articles, and interviews, then interpret and analyzed the information and reaching new
conclusions, in order to ensure that the results of the study will be valid and reliable.
Good research contains characteristics which accumulates new knowledge or
realistic objectives. It should be written using clear and concise language, a clear thesis
statement, supports it with reasoning and evidence, and presents a unique perspective
on the topic, checked for grammar and punctuations, and should instruct the reader
about the study topic. It generally focuses on the discovery of general principles. It
entails feasible research methods based upon a research methodology that best suits
the nature of your research question and usually assumed to be reliable and valid.
well-planned that leads to the creation of new knowledge through careful analysis of
data and the researchers needs to gather the information before answering the
research problem. On the other hand, problem-solving seeks to find solutions, to make
the necessary information and to come up with a solution that are applicable in the
current situation.
According to Blogger cited in google, there are many ways to classify research,
purpose has three different kinds of research, namely, predictive, directive and
illuminative. Predictive research has the purpose of determining the future operation of
the variables under investigation with the aim of controlling or redirecting such for the
better. In directive research, it determines what should be done based on the findings of
the research you’re into. Lastly, illuminative research is concerned with the components
of the variable being investigated. 2.Research according to goal, classified as basic or
pure research and applied research. Basic or pure research is done for the
The exploratory research, the researcher studies the variables pertinent to a specific
variables. Lastly, experimental research, studies the effects of the variables on each
other. 4.Research according to the type of analysis, research is classified into analytic
and holistic research. In the analytic approach, the researcher attempts to identify and
isolate the components of the research situation. The holistic approach begins with the
total situation, focusing attention on the system first and then on its internal
limited scope in solving a particular problem which is not so wide the same as problem
research, all possible courses of action are specified and identified and the researcher
tries to find the most advantageous, while in development research, the focus is on
finding or developing a more suitable instrument or process than has been available.
statistics are utilized to determine the results if the study. Non-quantitative research is
the research in which the use of quantity. 8.Research according to time element
classifies research as historical, descriptive and experimental. Historical research
describes what was. Descriptive research describes what is. Experimental research
research topic, finding research funding, convincing others of the value of your
research, overcoming imposter syndrome, building a good research team. These are