SPM Unit 3 Notes
SPM Unit 3 Notes
SPM Unit 3 Notes
Activity-based approach
In the activity-based approach, all the activities are listed and created for the project.
This is achieved by a brainstorming session where the entire project team analysis the
various activities needed a0t different stages with the help of similar projects.
This approach usually generates the list of activities using a work breakdown
structure (WBS).
WBS helps in identifying the lowest level of effort i.e. the task required to complete a
project by breaking down into lower sets of tasks.
Analyze Design Development
Task defined at lower level includes everything that is required to complete the task at
the higher level.
The work breakdown structure provides an in-depth knowledge about the lowest level
of activity that has to be completed.
WBS is a refined structure that clearly defines the milestones that has to be achieved
in accomplishing a specific task.
The ordering of sequence of activities can also be done in this approach by defining
those activities that have to be completed for others to start.
In a purely activity-based approach, activities are identified and defined in five
Level 1 : Project – goals, objectives defined
Level 2: Deliverables – software, manuals, training
Level 3 : Components – work items, modules, tests
Level 4 : Work-packages – major work items, related tasks
Level 5 : Tasks – responsibility of an individual in accomplishing it
Product-based approach
The product-based approach produces a product breakdown structure along with a
product flow diagram.
The approach accepts the products as inputs which is transformed into an ordered list
of activities.
Product Flow Diagram do not leave out any activity from its ordered list and adopts a
methodology which clearly specifies what are the products required and what are the
activities required to produce the product.
Requirement Specification
Hybrid approach
WBS deals with list of final deliverables whereas PBS deals in producing the
products using the product flow diagram.
Hybrid approach combines both the activity-based and product-based approach to
structure both activities and products.
Structuring of product-based or activity-based approach depend on the nature of the
project type.
Deliver the
Scheduling is required for every activity that is planned along with the resources and
can be represented using a bar chart.
The chart describes the nature of the development process and the resources available
for completing the specified activities.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Design Module1
Design Module2
Design Module 3
Code Module1
Code Module2
Code Module 3
System Acceptance
The chart defines two factors: sequencing of tasks and the schedule of the
task.Scheduling includes the staff availability and the activities allocated to them.
Combining sequencing – scheduling approach is suitable only for smaller projects and
needs to be separated for complex projects as individual process.
In case of larger projects, the logical relationship between the activities are grouped
together and then scheduled for resources.
Sample Data
Precedence Network
Flow of activities:Activities are always started from the left most one and
precedes in the forward direction. Usually, networks are drawn from left to right.
Arrows can be drawn to show the flow of direction.
Loop free network: Activity network must not contain any loop and if any loop
exists, it results in error in the network. But certain process can be iterative in the
development and such activities involved in iterative process should not be
visually seen in the network. All network planning applications have the criteria
of finding the loops and generate errors for both small and complex projects.
Preparation of
User manual
Preparation of
User manual
Modified Activity network with Dangle-free
Activity Activity
The logical network model represents the inter-relationships between the activities
and is used in estimating the duration of the activity.
Critical Path Method ensures that the planned project must be completed as quickly
as possible. It also governs those activities that have delay in execution which can
affect the overall project schedule.
The critical path method analyses the precedence of activities to predict the total
project duration.
The focus is based on the slack, free float and path float available between the
activities.The method calculates which sequence of activities has the least amount of
schedule flexibility.
CPM analysis starts with a WBS that has singe point estimates for each activity and
uses the precedence diagramming method to relate the precedence in the network.
With the network drawn, two-pass analysis can be performed through the network of
activities and calculate the node quantities for each activity.
Forward Pass
Forward pass is used to calculate the earliest dates on which each activity may be
started and completed.
The steps involved in forward pass are:
Start at the start node
Compute the top pair of numbers
Always add the duration to the connecting node’s earliest finish time.
For example, given the following data,
Activity : 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-4 4-5
Duration : 8 4 10 2 5 3
The network is drawn below:
8 2 2
1 5
4 3
3 4
Backward Pass 5
Backward pass is used to calculate the latest dates at which each activity may be
started and completed without delaying the end date of the project..
The steps involved in backward pass are:
Start at the end node
Compute the bottom pair of numbers
Always subtract the duration from the connecting node’s earliest start time.
Considering the above example and representing network diagram with both the
The network with the earliest and latest occurrence of events is drawn below:
8 2 2 E=21
1 5
L=0 10
4 3
3 4
5 E=18
The critical path is a single path that defines the duration of the project.
Activity float is a measure which calculates the difference between the activity’s
earliest start date and the latest start date.
An activity with a float value to be zero is called critical because delay in carrying out
the activity will affect the project completion date.
Free float is the delay time taken by single activities that do not affect other activities
where as interfering float represents how much the activity can be delayed without
affecting the end date.
Atleast one path exists in the network joining the critical activities which forms the
critical path of the network.
Critical path must be established because monitoring critical activities have a greater
impact on the completion of the project and it shortens the overall duration of the
For the same example, the critical path and the activity float is calculated as:
Earliest Latest
Duration Start Finish EF Start LS Finish Activity Float /
Days ES EF = ES LS = LF LF Total Float
+ tij - tij
8 0 8 0 8 0
4 0 4 9 13 9
10 8 18 8 18 0
2 8 10 19 21 11
5 4 9 13 18 9
4-5 3 18 21 18 21 0
The critical path is 12 4 5 and all the activities in the critical path are termed as
critical activities.
A Activity
Activity D
Activity Activity
A probability impact grid or summary risk profiles are described in a matrix which indicates the
position of risk. The top right of the matrix denotes the tolerance line with serious risks levels.
3.8.3 Risk Planning
Risk planning involves the following factors:
Risk acceptance: A risk that has already occurred according to he prioritization
process cannot be avoided. Accept the risk that happens and minimizes the
damage and the costs of action.
Risk avoidance: Some risks that happen regularly can be categorized and
avoided before it occurs.
Risk reduction: Precautionary measures are taken to reduce the probability of
risk. Risk reduction attempts to reduce the occurrence of risk whereas risk
mitigation ensures that the risk impact is much lesser when actually occurs.
Risk transfer: Certain complex risks can be transferred to other organizations
where experienced professionals can carry out the possibility of its occurrence.
3.8.4 Risk Monitoring
Risk monitoring is a planned process of assessing whether the predicted risks occur or
not. It also collects information of the future risk analysis and attempts to determine
what has caused the particular risk.
Project manager monitors the following factors:
General attitude of team members
Interpersonal relationship that exists among
History of action
3.9 PERT
A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate
tasks within a project. PERT stands for Program Evaluation ReviewTechnique, a methodology
developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program.
PERT uses time as a variable which represents the planned resource application along
with performance specification. In this technique, first of all, the project is divided into activities
and events. After that proper sequence is ascertained, and a network is constructed. After that
time needed in each activity is calculated and the critical path (longest path connecting all the
events) is determined.
Expected time: Helps to carry out a forward pass through a network similar to CPM
Activity standard deviation: Used as ranking measure of the degree of uncertainty or risk for
each activity
Activity Optimistic Most Pessimistic Expected Standard
(a) likely (m) (b) te deviation
A 5 6 8 6.17 0.5
B 3 4 5 4.00 0.33
C 2 3 3 2.83 0.17
E 1 3 4 2.83 0.5
F 8 10 15 10.50 1.17
G 2 3 4 3.00 0.33
A Monte Carlo method is a technique that involves using random numbers and
probability to solve problems. This method is often used when the model is complex, non linear
or involves more than just a couple uncertain parameters. A simulation can typically involve
over 10,000 evaluations of the model, a task which in the past was only practical using super
computers. The Monte Carlo method is just one of many methods for analyzing uncertainty
propagation, where the goal is to determine how random variation, lack of knowledge, or error
affects the sensitivity, performance, or reliability of the system that is being modeled.
Monte Carlo simulation is categorized as a sampling method because the inputs are
randomly generated from probability distributions to simulate the process of sampling from an
actual population. So, we try to choose a distribution for the inputs that most closely matches
data we already have, or best represents our current state of knowledge. The data generated
from the simulation can be represented as probability distributions (or histograms) or converted
to error bars, reliability predictions, tolerance zones, and confidence intervals.
The main steps involved in carrying out Monte Carlo Simulation for a project consisting of n
activities are as follows.
Step 1: Express the project completion time in terms of the duration of the n activities (xi, i=1
to n) and their dependences as a precedence graph, d = f(x1, x2, …xn).
Step 2: Generate a set of random inputs, xi1, xi2, ..., xin using specified probability distributions.
Step 3: Evaluate the project completion time expression and store the results in di.
Step 5: Analyze the results di using histograms, summary statistics, confidence intervals, etc.
Resource allocationis the assignment of available resources to various uses. In the context
of an entire economy, resources can be allocated by various means, such as markets or central
planning. In project management, resource allocation or resourcemanagement is the scheduling
of activities and the resources required by those activities while taking into consideration both
the resource availability and the project time.
Activities are ordered according to their total float .Those with the smallest float are
assigned the highest priority
Scheduling resources can create new critical paths. Delaying the start of an activity
because of lack of resources will cause that activity become critical if this uses up its float.
Manage the allocation of resources within programmers
The resources of an organization consist of people, materials, equipment, knowledge and
time. Organizations typically have limited resources; therefore, tradeoffs on what project
resources are expended and when are made every day within organizations. A resourceallocation
plan is an important tool in effective management of scarce resources. The timing of the need of
those resources can be and should be determined within the projectschedules. A resource plan,
which describes the type of resource needed and the timing of that need, is critical to effective
resource management. As the project schedule changes, the resource plan must also be flexible
enough to adjust as these changes occur.
Allocating resources is fairly self-explanatory. If allocating stone for building a house,
the project manager must ensure that she procures enough stone to complete the project.
Regarding leveling, if renting equipment, the project manager must ensure it will be used
steadily rather than sporadically rented and returned. If contracting carpenters, the project
manager should aim to strive to keep a set number of carpenters working at a set number of
hours for the duration of the project to ensure consistency. Carpenters may have difficulty
scheduling more sporadic hours into their schedule, meaning the firm might then have to contract
more workers, leading to inconsistent results. Meanwhile, materials don't necessarily need to be
leveled as they have been purchased rather than rented or paid by the hour.
Calculating cost is straightforward where organization has standard cost figures for staff
and other resources. Staff costs includes not just salary, but also social security contributions by
the employer, holiday pay etc. Timesheets are often used to record actual hours spent on each
project by an individual. One issue can be how time when a staff member is allocated and
available to the project, but is not actually working on the project, is dealt with. Overheads e.g.
space rental, service charges etc. Some overheads might be directly attributable to the project, in
other cases a percentage of departmental overheads may be allocated to project costs. Usage
charges are some charges can be on a ‘pay as you go’ basis e.g. telephone charges, postage, car
mileage – at the planning stage an estimate of these may have to be made.
In general, costs are categorized as follows.
Staff Costs
Usage Charges
Cost profile
This shows how much is going to be spent in each week. This could be important where an
organization allocates project budgets by financial year or quarter and the project straddles more
than one of these financial periods
Accumulative costs
The project manager will also be concerned about planned accumulative costs. This chart
can be compared to the actual accumulative costs when controlling the project to assess whether
the project is likely to meet its cost targets.