TDS Elf Evolution 900 FTX SP 0W-20
TDS Elf Evolution 900 FTX SP 0W-20
TDS Elf Evolution 900 FTX SP 0W-20
Top performance motor oil using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, particularly well-suited
for use with the latest "Downsized" engines equipped with Stop & Start technologies and
hybrid engines requiring SP/GF-6A standards.
1 Applications_______________________________________
Most recent technology engines Recommended for all high-performance gasoline engine cars
equipped with direct or indirect injection, multi-valve and
turbo-charge technologies
« Vigorous » driving, all times of year Meets needs of the motor manufacturers regarding extended
oil change intervals
Even in very severe conditions Suitable for all types of service (urban, highway or motorway)
Refer to the maintenance book of your vehicle to especially in very severe conditions
know the recommendation of the manufacturer
2 Performances____________________________________________________
International Specifications API SP
Excellent engine protection Excellent start-up performance, prevents sludge build-up and controls
Optimal performance Optimum power and performance under most severe driving conditions
Low emission vehicles Fully compatible with all gasoline emission control devices
4 Characteristics _________________________________ _
TotalEnergies Lubrifiants
562, avenue du Parc de l’île
Updated on 03/2022
92029 Nanterre cedex
This lubricant, used according to our recommendations and for the application for which it is intended, does not present any particular risk.
A safety data sheet in accordance with the legislation in force in the C.E. is available from your sales advisor.