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iSAM2 - Incremental Smoothing and Mapping Using The Bayes Tree (Kaess2011)

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iSAM2: Incremental smoothing and mapping using the Bayes tree

Michael Kaess, Hordur Johannsson, Richard Roberts, Viorela Ila, John J Leonard and Frank Dellaert
The International Journal of Robotics Research 2012 31: 216 originally published online 20 December 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0278364911430419

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The International Journal of
Robotics Research
iSAM2: Incremental smoothing and 31(2) 216–235
© The Author(s) 2011
mapping using the Bayes tree Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0278364911430419

Michael Kaess1 , Hordur Johannsson1 , Richard Roberts2 , Viorela Ila2 , John J Leonard1
and Frank Dellaert2

We present a novel data structure, the Bayes tree, that provides an algorithmic foundation enabling a better understanding
of existing graphical model inference algorithms and their connection to sparse matrix factorization methods. Similar to
a clique tree, a Bayes tree encodes a factored probability density, but unlike the clique tree it is directed and maps more
naturally to the square root information matrix of the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. In this
paper, we highlight three insights provided by our new data structure. First, the Bayes tree provides a better understanding
of the matrix factorization in terms of probability densities. Second, we show how the fairly abstract updates to a matrix
factorization translate to a simple editing of the Bayes tree and its conditional densities. Third, we apply the Bayes tree
to obtain a completely novel algorithm for sparse nonlinear incremental optimization, named iSAM2, which achieves
improvements in efficiency through incremental variable re-ordering and fluid relinearization, eliminating the need for
periodic batch steps. We analyze various properties of iSAM2 in detail, and show on a range of real and simulated datasets
that our algorithm compares favorably with other recent mapping algorithms in both quality and efficiency.

clique tree, graphical models, junction tree, nonlinear optimization, probabilistic inference, SLAM, smoothing and
mapping, sparse linear algebra

1. Introduction Paskin (2003) proposed the thin junction tree filter (TJTF),
which provides an incremental solution directly based on
Probabilistic inference algorithms are important in robotics
graphical models. However, filtering is applied, which is
for a number of applications, ranging from simultaneous
known to be inconsistent when applied to the inherently
localization and mapping (SLAM) for building geometric
nonlinear SLAM problem (Julier and Uhlmann 2001),
models of the world, to tracking people for human–robot
i.e. the average taken over a large number of experiments
interaction. Our research is mainly in large-scale SLAM
diverges from the true solution. In contrast, full SLAM
and hence we use this as an example throughout the paper.
(Thrun et al. 2005) retains all robot poses and can provide
SLAM is a core competency for autonomous robots, as
an exact solution, which does not suffer from inconsistency.
it provides the necessary data for many other important
Folkesson and Christensen (2004) presented Graphical
tasks such as planning and manipulation, in addition to
SLAM, a graph-based full SLAM solution that includes
direct applications such as navigation, exploration, and 3D
mechanisms for reducing the complexity by locally reduc-
modeling. The uncertainty inherent in sensor measurements
ing the number of variables. More closely related, Treemap
makes probabilistic inference algorithms the favorite choice
for SLAM. Online operation is essential for most real appli- 1 Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Mas-
cations, therefore our work focuses on efficient incremental sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA
online algorithms. 2 School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Taking a graphical model perspective to probabilistic Atlanta, GA, USA

inference in SLAM has a rich history (Brooks 1985)
and has especially led to several novel and exciting Corresponding author:
Michael Kaess, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
developments in recent years (Paskin 2003; Folkesson
(CSAIL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
and Christensen 2004; Frese et al. 2005; Frese 2006; 02139, USA.
Folkesson and Christensen 2007; Ranganathan et al. 2007). Email: kaess@mit.edu

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Kaess et al. 217

by Frese (2006) performs QR factorization within nodes standard nonlinear optimization methods repeatedly solve a
of a tree. Loopy SAM (Ranganathan et al. 2007) applies linear batch problem to update the linearization point, our
loopy belief propagation directly to the SLAM graph. Bayes tree-based algorithm allows fluid relinearization of a
The sparse linear algebra perspective has been explored reduced set of variables, which translates into higher effi-
in smoothing and mapping (SAM) (Dellaert 2005; Dellaert ciency, while retaining sparseness and full accuracy. Figure
and Kaess 2006; Kaess et al. 2007, 2008). The matrices 1 shows an example of the Bayes tree for a small SLAM
associated with smoothing are typically very sparse, and sequence. As a robot explores the environment, new mea-
one can do much better than the cubic complexity asso- surements only affect parts of the tree, and only those parts
ciated with factorizing a dense matrix (Krauthausen et al. are re-calculated.
2006). Kaess et al. (2008) proposed incremental smooth- A detailed evaluation of iSAM2 and comparison with
ing and mapping (iSAM), which performs fast incremental other state-of-the-art SLAM algorithms is provided. We
updates of the square root information matrix, yet is able to explore the impact of different variable ordering strategies
compute the full map and trajectory at any time. New mea- on the performance of iSAM2. Furthermore, we evaluate
surements are added using matrix update equations (Gill the effect of the relinearization and update thresholds as a
et al. 1974; Gentleman 1973; Golub and Loan 1996), so trade-off between speed and accuracy, showing that large
that previously calculated components of the square root savings in computation can be achieved while still obtaining
information matrix are reused. However, to remain efficient an almost exact solution. Finally, we present a detailed com-
and consistent, iSAM requires periodic batch steps to allow parison with other SLAM algorithms in terms of computa-
for variable reordering and relinearization, which is expen- tion and accuracy, using a range of 2D and 3D, simulated
sive and detracts from the intended online nature of the and real-world, pose-only and landmark-based datasets.
To combine the advantages of the graphical model and 2. Problem statement
sparse linear algebra perspectives, we propose a novel data
structure, the Bayes tree, first presented in Kaess et al. This work focuses on how to efficiently solve a nonlin-
(2010). Our approach is based on viewing matrix factoriza- ear estimation problem in an incremental and real-time
tion as eliminating a factor graph into a Bayes net, which is approach. Incremental means that an updated estimate has
the graphical model equivalent of the square root informa- to be obtained whenever new measurements are added, to
tion matrix. Performing marginalization and optimization reflect the most accurate model of the environment that can
in Bayes nets is not easy in general. However, a Bayes net be derived from all measurements gathered so far. Online
resulting from elimination/factorization is chordal, and it means that the estimate has to become available during
is well known that a chordal Bayes net can be converted robot operation, and not from a batch computation after the
into a tree-structured graphical model in which these oper- robot’s task is finished, as the estimate is needed by the robot
ations are easy. This data structure is similar to the clique for navigation and planning to achieve a given goal.
tree (Pothen and Sun 1992; Blair and Peyton 1993; Koller We use a factor graph (Kschischang et al. 2001) to rep-
and Friedman 2009), also known as the junction tree in the resent a given estimation problem in terms of graphical
artificial intelligence (AI) literature (Cowell et al. 1999), models. Formally, a factor graph is a bipartite graph G =
which has already been exploited for distributed inference ( F, , E) with two node types: factor nodes fi ∈ F and
in SLAM (Paskin 2003; Dellaert et al. 2005). However, variable nodes θj ∈ . Edges eij ∈ E are always between
the new data structure we propose here, the Bayes tree, is factor nodes and variables nodes. A factor graph G defines
directed and corresponds more naturally to the result of QR the factorization of a function f () as
and Cholesky factorization in linear algebra, allowing us to 
analyze it in terms of conditional probability densities in f () = fi (i ) , (1)
the tree. We further show that incremental inference corre- i

sponds to a simple editing of this tree, and present a novel where i is the set of variables θj adjacent to the factor fi ,
incremental variable ordering strategy. and independence relationships are encoded by the edges
Exploiting this new data structure and the insights gained, eij : each factor fi is a function of the variables in i . Our
we propose iSAM2, a novel incremental exact inference goal is to find the variable assignment ∗ that maximizes
method that allows for incremental reordering and just-in- (1)
time relinearization. iSAM2, first presented in Kaess et al. ∗ = arg max f () . (2)
(2011), extends our original iSAM algorithm by leverag- 

ing these insights about the connections between graphi- The general factor graph formulation of the SLAM
cal model and sparse linear algebra perspectives. To the problem is shown in Figure 2, where the landmark measure-
best of the authors’ knowledge this is a completely novel ments m, loop-closing constraint c and odometry measure-
approach to providing an efficient and exact solution to ments u are examples of factors. Note that this formulation
a sparse nonlinear optimization problem in an incremen- allows our work to support general probability distributions
tal setting, with general applications beyond SLAM. While or cost functions of any number of variables, allowing the

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218 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

Fig. 1. An example of the Bayes tree data structure, showing step 400 of the Manhattan sequence (see Extension 1 for an animation
of the full sequence together with the map). Our incremental nonlinear least-squares estimation algorithm iSAM2 is based on viewing
incremental factorization as editing the graphical model corresponding to the posterior probability of the solution, the Bayes tree. As a
robot explores the environment, new measurements often only affect small parts of the tree, and only those parts are re-calculated.

inclusion of calibration parameters or spatial separators as

used in T-SAM (Ni et al. 2007) and cooperative mapping
(Kim et al. 2010).
Gaussian case
When assuming Gaussian measurement models
fi (i ) ∝ exp − hi (i ) −zi i ,
2 Fig. 2. Factor graph (Kschischang et al. 2001) formulation of the
SLAM problem, where variable nodes are shown as large circles,
as is standard in the SLAM literature (Smith et al. 1987;
and factor nodes (measurements) as small solid circles. The fac-
Castellanos et al. 1999; Dissanayake et al. 2001), the fac-
tors shown are odometry measurements u, a prior p, loop-closing
tored objective function to maximize (2) corresponds to the
constraints c and landmark measurements m. Special cases include
nonlinear least-squares criterion
the pose-graph formulation (without l and m) and landmark-
1 based SLAM (without c). Note that the factor graph can repre-
arg min (− log f () ) = arg min hi (i ) −zi 2i , sent any cost function, involving one, two or more variables (e.g.
  2 i
where hi (i ) is a measurement function and zi a mea-

surement, and e2 = eT  −1 e is defined as the squared solver, we linearize around a linearization point  to get a
Mahalanobis distance with covariance matrix . new, linear least-squares problem in 
In practice one typically considers a linearized version
of problem (4). For nonlinear measurement functions hi arg min (− log f () ) = arg min A − b2 , (5)
in (3), nonlinear optimization methods such as Gauss–
Newton iterations or the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm where A ∈ Rm×n is the measurement Jacobian consisting
solve a succession of linear approximations to (4) in order of m measurement rows, and  is an n-dimensional vector.
to approach the minimum. At each iteration of the nonlinear Note that the covariances i have been absorbed into the
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Kaess et al. 219

Algorithm 1 General structure of the smoothing solution to SLAM with a Algorithm 2 Eliminating a variable θj from the factor graph.
direct equation solver (Cholesky, QR). Steps 3–6 can optionally be iterated 1. Remove from the factor graph all factors fi (i ) that are adjacent to
and/or modified to implement the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. θj . Define the separator Sj as all variables involved in those factors,
Repeat for new measurements in each step: excluding θj .
1. Add new measurements. 2. Form the (unnormalized) joint density fjoint (θj , Sj ) = i fi (i ) as the
2. Add and initialize any new variables. product of those factors.
3. Linearize at current estimate . 3. Using the chain rule, factorize the joint density fjoint (θj , Sj ) =
4. Factorize with QR or Cholesky. P(θj |Sj ) fnew ( Sj ). Add the conditional P(θj |Sj ) to the Bayes net and
5. Solve by backsubstitution to obtain . the factor fnew ( Sj ) back into the factor graph.
6. Obtain new estimate  =  ⊕ .

part of the matrix, therefore being much cheaper than batch

corresponding block rows of A, making use of factorization. However, as new variables are appended, the
 1 2 variable ordering is far from optimal, and fill-in may occur.
T 1  
2 = T  −1  = T  − 2  − 2  =  − 2  . (6) iSAM performs periodic batch steps, in which the variables
are reordered, requiring a batch factorization. That solu-
Once  is found, the new estimate is given by ⊕, which tion is not optimal as linearization is only performed during
is then used as a linearization point in the next iteration of batch steps, and because the frequency of the periodic batch
the nonlinear optimization. The operator ⊕ is often simple steps is determined heuristically.
addition, but for over-parameterized representations such as
quaternions for 3D orientations or homogeneous point rep- 3. The Bayes tree
resentations in computer vision, an exponential map based
on Lie group theory (Hall 2000) is used instead. In this section we describe how the estimation problem can
The matrix A above is a sparse block matrix, and its be solved by directly operating on the graphical models,
graphical model counterpart is a Gaussian factor graph (i.e. without converting the factor graph to a sparse matrix and
the original factor graph linearized at ) with exactly the then applying sparse linear algebra methods.
same structure as the nonlinear factor graph, see the small
SLAM example in Figure 3(a). The probability density on 3.1. Inference and elimination
 defined by this factor graph is the Gaussian density
A crucial insight is that inference can be understood as
  converting the factor graph to a Bayes net using the elim-
P() ∝ e− log f () = exp − A − b2 . (7) ination algorithm. Variable elimination (Blair and Peyton
1993; Cowell et al. 1999) originated in order to solve sys-
The minimum of the linear system A − b can be tems of linear equations, and was first applied in modern
obtained directly either by Cholesky or QR matrix factor- times by Gauss in the early 1800s (Gauss 1809).
ization. By setting the derivative in  to zero we obtain In factor graphs, elimination is done via a bipartite elim-
the normal equations AT A = AT b. Cholesky factoriza- ination game, as described by Heggernes and Matstoms
tion yields AT A = RT R, and a forward and backsubstitution (1996). This can be understood as taking apart the factor
on RT y = AT b and R = y first recovers y, then the actual graph and transforming it into a Bayes net (Pearl 1988). One
solution, the update . Alternatively we can skip the normal proceeds by eliminating one variable at a time, and con-
equations and apply QR factorization, yielding R = d, verting it into a node of the Bayes net, which is gradually
which can directly be solved by backsubstitution. Note that built up. After eliminating each variable, the reduced fac-
Q is not explicitly formed; instead b is modified during fac- tor graph defines a density on the remaining variables. The
torization to obtain d, see Kaess et al. (2008) for details. pseudo-code for eliminating a variable θj is given in Algo-
Algorithm 1 shows a summary of the necessary steps to rithm 2. After eliminating all variables, the Bayes net den-
solve the smoothing formulation of the SLAM problem sity is defined by the product of the conditionals produced
with direct methods. at each step: 
Incremental and online smoothing can be achieved by P() = P(θj |Sj ) , (8)
our original iSAM algorithm (Kaess et al. 2008), but relin- j
earization is only performed during periodic batch reorder- where Sj is the separator of θj , that is the set of variables
ing steps. A batch solution, as proposed above, performs that are directly connected to θj by a factor. Figure 3 shows
unnecessary calculations, because it solves the complete both the factor graph and the Bayes net resulting from
problem at every step, including all previous measurements. elimination for a small SLAM example.
New measurements often have only a local effect, leav- For illustration, the intermediate steps of the elimination
ing remote parts of the map untouched. iSAM exploits that process are shown in Figure 4, and we explain the first step
fact by incrementally updating the square root information here in detail. The factor graph in Figure 4(a) contains the
matrix R with new measurements. The updates are per- following six factors: f ( x1 ), f ( x1 , x2 ), f ( x2 , x3 ), f ( l1 , x1 ),
formed with Givens rotations and often only affect a small f ( l1 , x2 ), f ( l2 , x3 ). The first variable to be eliminated is the
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220 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

Fig. 3. (a) The factor graph and the associated Jacobian matrix A for a small SLAM example, where a robot located at successive
poses x1 , x2 , and x3 makes observations on landmarks l1 and l2 . In addition there is an absolute measurement on the pose x1 . (b) The
chordal Bayes net and the associated square root information matrix R resulting from eliminating the factor graph using the elimination
ordering l1 , l2 , x1 , x2 , x3 . The last variable to be eliminated, here x3 , is called the root. (c) The Bayes tree and the associated square root
information matrix R describing the clique structure in the chordal Bayes net. A Bayes tree is similar to a junction tree, but is better at
capturing the formal equivalence between sparse linear algebra and inference in graphical models. The association of cliques and their
conditional densities with rows in the R factor is indicated by color.

first landmark l1 . Following Algorithm 2, first we remove Gaussian case

all factors involving this landmark (f ( l1 , x1 ), f ( l1 , x2 )), and In Gaussian factor graphs, elimination is equivalent
define the separator S = {x1 , x2 }. Second, we combine the to sparse QR factorization of the measurement Jaco-
removed factors into a joint factor fjoint ( l1 , x1 , x2 ). Third, we bian. The chain-rule-based factorization fjoint (θj , Sj ) =
apply the chain rule to split the joint factor into two parts: P(θj |Sj ) fnew ( Sj ) in step 3 of Algorithm 2 can be imple-
the first part is a conditional density P( l1 |x1 , x2 ) over the mented using Householder reflections or a Gram–Schmidt
eliminated variable given the separator, which shows up as orthogonalization, in which case the entire elimination
two new arrows in Figure 4(b); the second part created by algorithm is equivalent to QR factorization of the entire
the chain rule is a new factor f ( x1 , x2 ) on the separator as measurement matrix A. To see this, note that, for j ∈ R
shown in the figure. Note that this factor can also be unary and sj ∈ Rnj (the set of variables Sj combined in a vector of
as is the case in the next step when the second landmark length nj ), the factor fjoint ( j , sj ) defines a Gaussian density
l2 is eliminated and the separator is a single variable, x3 .  
In all intermediate steps we have both an incomplete factor 1 

fjoint ( j , sj ) ∝ exp − aj + AS sj − b , (9)
graph and an incomplete Bayes net. The elimination is com- 2
plete after the last variable is eliminated and only a Bayes where the dense, but small matrix Aj = [a|AS ] is obtained
net remains. Speaking in terms of probabilities, the factors by concatenating the vectors of partial derivatives of all fac-
i fi (i ) have been converted into an equivalent product of tors connected to variable j . Note that a ∈ Rmj , AS ∈
conditionals j P(θj |Sj ). Rmj ×nj and b ∈ Rmj , with mj the number of measurement
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Kaess et al. 221

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 4. Steps in the variable elimination process starting with the factor graph of Figure 3(a) and ending with the chordal Bayes net of
Figure 3(b). Following Algorithm 2, in each step one variable is eliminated (dashed red circle), and all adjacent factors are combined
into a joint distribution. By applying the chain rule, this joint density is transformed into conditionals (dashed red arrows) and a new
factor on the separator (dashed red factor). This new factor represents a prior that summarizes the effect of the eliminated variables on
the separator.

rows of all factors connected to j . The desired conditional Solving the least-squares problem is finally achieved by
P( j |sj ) is obtained by evaluating the joint density (9) for a calculating the optimal assignment ∗ in one pass from the
given value of sj , yielding leaves up to the root of the tree to define all functions, and
  then one pass down to retrieve the optimal assignment for
1 2 all frontal variables, which together make up the variables
P( j |sj ) ∝ exp − j + rsj − d , (10)
2 . The first pass is already performed during construction
of the Bayes tree, and is represented by the conditional den-
with r = a† AS and d = a† b, where a† = aT a aT is the sities associated with each clique. The second pass recovers
pseudo-inverse of a. The new factor fnew ( sj ) is obtained by the optimal assignment starting from the root based on (10)
substituting j = d − rsj back into (9): by solving
  j = d − rsj (12)

fnew ( sj ) = exp − A sj − b , (11)
2 for every variable j , which is known as backsubstitution
in sparse linear algebra.
where A = AS − ar and b = b − ad.
The above is one step of Gram–Schmidt, interpreted in
terms of densities, and the sparse vector r and scalar d can
3.2. Creating the Bayes tree
be recognized as specifying a single joint conditional den- In this section we introduce a new data structure, the Bayes
sity in the Bayes net, or alternatively a single row in the tree, derived from the Bayes net resulting from elimination,
sparse square root information matrix. The chordal Bayes to better capture the equivalence with linear algebra and
net resulting from variable elimination is therefore equiv- enable new algorithms in recursive estimation. The Bayes
alent to the square root information matrix obtained by net resulting from elimination/factorization is chordal, and
matrix factorization, as indicated in Figure 3(b). Note that it can be converted into a tree-structured graphical model, in
alternatively an incomplete Cholesky factorization can be which optimization and marginalization are easy. A Bayes
performed, starting from the information matrix AT A. tree is a directed tree where the nodes represent cliques Ck
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222 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

Algorithm 3 Creating a Bayes tree from the chordal Bayes net resulting Algorithm 4 Updating the Bayes tree with new factors F  .
from elimination (Algorithm 2). In: Bayes tree T , new linear factors F 
For each conditional density P(θj |Sj ) of the Bayes net, in reverse elimina- Out: modified Bayes tree T ’
tion order: 1. Remove top of Bayes tree and re-interpret it as a factor graph:
If no parent (Sj = {})
start a new root clique Fr containing θj (a) For each variable affected by new factors, remove the
else corresponding clique and all parents up to the root.
identify parent clique Cp that contains the first eliminated variable of Sj (b) Store orphaned sub-trees Torph of removed cliques.
as a frontal variable
if nodes Fp ∪ Sp of parent clique Cp are equal to separator nodes Sj of 2. Add the new factors F  into the resulting factor graph.
conditional 3. Re-order variables of factor graph.
insert conditional into clique Cp 4. Eliminate the factor graph (Algorithm 2) and create a new Bayes
else tree (Algorithm 3).
start new clique C  as child of Cp containing θj 5. Insert the orphans Torph back into the new Bayes tree.

of the underlying chordal Bayes net. Bayes trees are similar 3.3. Incremental inference
to junction trees (Cowell et al. 1999), but a Bayes tree is
We show that incremental inference corresponds to a sim-
directed and is closer to a Bayes net in the way it encodes
ple editing of the Bayes tree, which also provides a better
a factored probability density. In particular, we define one
explanation and understanding of the otherwise abstract
conditional density P( Fk |Sk ) per node, with the separator
incremental matrix factorization process. In particular, we
Sk as the intersection Ck ∩ k of the clique Ck and its par-
now store and compute the square root information matrix
ent clique k , and the frontal variables Fk as the remaining

R in the form of a Bayes tree T . When a new measure-
variables, i.e. Fk = Ck \ Sk . We write Ck = Fk : Sk . This ment is added, for example a factor f  ( xj , xj ), only the paths
leads to the following expression for the joint density P() between the cliques containing xj and xj (respectively) and
on the variables  defined by a Bayes tree, the root are affected. The sub-trees below these cliques are
 unaffected, as are any other sub-trees not containing xj or
P() = P( Fk |Sk ) , (13) xj . The affected part of the Bayes tree is turned into a fac-
k tor graph and the new factors are added to it. Using a new
where for the root Fr the separator is empty, i.e. it is a simple elimination ordering, a new Bayes tree is formed and the
prior P( Fr ) on the root variables. The way Bayes trees are unaffected sub-trees are reattached. Figure 6 shows how
defined, the separator Sk for a clique Ck is always a subset these incremental factorization/inference steps are applied
of the parent clique k , and hence the directed edges in the to our small SLAM example in Figure 3 for adding a new
graph have the same semantic meaning as in a Bayes net: factor between x1 and x3 , affecting only the left branch of
conditioning. the tree. The entire process of updating the Bayes tree with
Every chordal Bayes net can be transformed into a tree a new factor is described in Algorithm 4.
by discovering its cliques. Discovering cliques in chordal In order to understand why only the top part of the
graphs is done using the maximum cardinality search algo- tree is affected, we look at two important properties of the
rithm by Tarjan and Yannakakis (1984), which proceeds in Bayes tree. These directly arise from the fact that it encodes
reverse elimination order to discover cliques in the Bayes the information flow during elimination. The Bayes tree is
net. The algorithm for converting a Bayes net into a Bayes formed from the chordal Bayes net following the inverse
tree is summarized in Algorithm 3. elimination order. In this way, variables in each clique col-
lect information from their child cliques via the elimination
Gaussian case of these children. Thus, information in any clique prop-
In the Gaussian case the Bayes tree is closely related to agates only upwards to the root. Second, the information
the square root information factor. The Bayes tree for the from a factor enters elimination only when the first variable
small SLAM example in Figure 3(a) is shown in Figure of that factor is eliminated. Combining these two properties,
3(c). Each clique of the Bayes tree contains a conditional we see that a new factor cannot influence any other variables
density over the variables of the clique, given the separa- that are not successors of the factor’s variables. However, a
tor variables. All conditional densities together form the factor on variables having different (i.e. independent) paths
square root information matrix shown on the right-hand to the root means that these paths must now be re-eliminated
side of Figure 3(c), where the assignment between cliques to express the new dependency between them.
and rows in the matrix are shown by color. Note that one
Bayes tree can correspond to several different square root
information factors, because the children of any node can
3.4. Incremental variable ordering
be ordered arbitrarily. The resulting change in the overall Choosing a good variable ordering is essential for the
variable ordering neither changes the fill-in of the factoriza- efficiency of the sparse matrix solution, and this also holds
tion nor any numerical values, but just their position within for the Bayes tree approach. An optimal ordering of the
the matrix. variables minimizes the fill-in, which refers to additional
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Kaess et al. 223

Fig. 5. Evolution of the Bayes tree: The columns represent five time steps for a small SLAM example. The top row shows the map
with individual robot poses, with loop closures indicated in dashed blue. The bottom row depicts the Bayes tree, with modified cliques
shown in red. Note the loop closure in the center that affects a subset of the variables, while two sub-trees remain unchanged. See also
Extension 1 for an animation for the full Manhattan sequence.

entries in the square root information matrix that are eliminating the need for periodic batch reordering. This
created during the elimination process. In the Bayes tree, was not understood in Kaess et al. (2008), because this
fill-in translates to larger clique sizes, and consequently is only obvious within the graphical model framework,
slower computations. Fill-in can usually not be completely but not for matrices. The affected part of the Bayes
avoided, unless the original Bayes net already is chordal. tree, for which variables have to be reordered, is typi-
While finding the variable ordering that leads to the cally small, as new measurements usually only affect a
minimal fill-in is NP-hard (Arnborg et al. 1987) for general small subset of the overall state space represented by
problems, one typically uses heuristics such as the column the variables of the estimation problem. Finding an opti-
approximate minimum degree (COLAMD) algorithm mal ordering for this subset of variables does not nec-
by Davis et al. (2004), which provide close to optimal essarily provide an optimal overall ordering. However,
orderings for many batch problems. we have observed that some incremental orderings pro-
While performing incremental inference in the Bayes vide good solutions, comparable to batch application of
tree, variables can be reordered at every incremental update, COLAMD.

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224 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

Fig. 6. Updating a Bayes tree with a new factor, based on the example in Figure 3(c). The affected part of the Bayes tree is highlighted
for the case of adding a new factor between x1 and x3 . Note that the right branch is not affected by the change. (Top right) The factor
graph generated from the affected part of the Bayes tree with the new factor (dashed blue) inserted. (Bottom right) The chordal Bayes
net resulting from eliminating the factor graph. (Bottom left) The Bayes tree created from the chordal Bayes net, with the unmodified
right ‘orphan’ sub-tree from the original Bayes tree added back in.

Fig. 7. For a trajectory with loop closing, two different optimal variable orderings based on nested dissection are shown on the left-hand
side, with the variables to be eliminated marked in blue. For incremental updates the strategies are not equivalent as can be seen from
the corresponding Bayes tree on the right-hand side. Adding factors connected to t6 will affect (a) the left sub-tree and the root and (b)
only the root. In the latter case incremental updates are therefore expected to be faster.

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To understand how the local variable ordering affects the Algorithm 5 Fluid relinearization: the linearization points of select
variables are updated based on the current delta .
cost of subsequent updates, consider a simple loop example
In: linearization point , delta 
in Figure 7. In the case of a simple loop, nested dissection
Out: updated linearization point , marked cliques M
(Lipton and Tarjan 1979) provides the optimal ordering.
1. Mark variables in  above threshold β: J = {j ∈ | j ≥ β}.
The first cut can either (a) not include the loop closing, or 2. Update linearization point for marked variables: J := J ⊕ J .
(b) include the loop closing, and both solutions are equiv- 3. Mark all cliques M that involve marked variables J and all of their
alent in terms of fill-in. However, there is a significant dif- ancestors.
ference in the incremental case: For the vertical cut in (a),
which does not include the most recent variable t6 , that vari- Algorithm 6 Updating the Bayes tree inclusive of fluid relinearization
able will end up further down in the tree, requiring larger by recalculating all affected cliques. Note that the algorithm differs from
parts of the tree to change in the next update step. The hori- Algorithm 4 as it also includes the fluid relinearization; combining both
steps is more efficient.
zontal cut in (b), on the other hand, includes the most recent
In: Bayes tree T , nonlinear factors F , affected variables J
variable, pushing it into the root, and therefore leading to Out: modified Bayes tree T ’
smaller, more efficient changes in the next step. 1. Remove top of Bayes tree:
A similar problem occurs with applying COLAMD
(a) For each affected variable in J remove the corresponding
locally to the subset of the tree that is being recalculated. In
clique and all parents up to the root.
the SLAM setting we can expect that a new set of measure- (b) Store orphaned sub-trees Torph of removed cliques.
ments connects to some of the recently observed variables,
2. Relinearize all factors required to recreate top.
be it landmarks that are still in range of the sensors, or the 3. Add cached linear factors from orphans Torph .
previous robot pose connected by an odometry measure- 4. Re-order variables, see Section 3.4.
ment. The expected cost of incorporating the new measure- 5. Eliminate the factor graph (Algorithm 2) and create a new Bayes
ments, i.e. the size of the affected sub-tree in the update, tree (Algorithm 3).
6. Insert the orphans Torph back into the new Bayes tree.
will be lower if these variables are closer to the root. Apply-
ing COLAMD locally does not take this consideration into
account, but only minimizes fill-in for the current step.
To allow for faster updates in subsequent steps, we there- 4. The iSAM2 algorithm
fore propose an incremental variable ordering strategy that
forces the most recently accessed variables to the end of In this section we use the Bayes tree in a novel algorithm
the ordering. We use the constrained COLAMD (CCO- called iSAM2 for online mapping in robotic applications.
LAMD) algorithm (Davis et al. 2004) to both, force the Assuming Gaussian noise, the algorithm incrementally esti-
most recently accessed variables to the end and still provide mates a set of variables (robot positions and/or landmarks
a good overall ordering. Subsequent updates will then only in the environment) given a set of nonlinear factors, both
affect a small part of the tree, and can therefore be expected sets growing over time. We have already shown how the
to be efficient in most cases, except for large loop closures. Bayes tree is updated with new linear factors. That leaves
We evaluate the merit of our proposed constrained order- the question of how to deal with nonlinear factors and
ing strategy in Figure 8, by comparing it with the naive how to perform this process efficiently by only relinearizing
way of simply applying COLAMD. The top row of Figure where needed, a process that we call fluid relinearization. To
8 shows a color coded trajectory of the Manhattan simu- further improve efficiency we restrict the state recovery to
lated dataset (Olson et al. 2006). The robot starts in the the variables that actually change, resulting in partial state
center, traverses the loop counter clockwise, and finally updates.
ends at the bottom left. The number of affected variables
significantly drops from the naive approach (left) to the con-
strained approach (right), as red parts of the trajectory (high
4.1. Fluid relinearization
cost) are replaced by green (low cost). Particularly for the The idea behind just-in-time or fluid relinearization is to
left part of the trajectory the number of affected variables keep track of the validity of the linearization point for each
is much smaller than before, which one would expect from variable, and only relinearize when needed. This represents
a good ordering, as no large loops are being closed in that a departure from the conventional linearize/solve approach
area. The remaining red segments coincide with the clos- that currently represents the state-of-the-art for direct equa-
ing of the large loop in the right part of the trajectory. The tion solvers. For a variable that is chosen to be relinearized,
second row of Figure 8 shows that the constrained order- all relevant information has to be removed from the Bayes
ing causes a small increase in fill-in compared with the tree and replaced by relinearizing the corresponding origi-
naive approach, which itself is close to the fill-in caused nal nonlinear factors. For cliques that are re-eliminated we
by the batch ordering. The bottom figure shows that the also have to take into account any marginal factors that are
number of affected variables steadily increases for the naive passed up from their sub-trees. Caching those marginal fac-
approach, but often remains low for the constrained version, tors during elimination allows restarting of the elimination
though the spikes indicate that a better incremental ordering process from the middle of the tree, rather than having to
strategy can likely be found for this problem. re-eliminate the complete system.
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226 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

(a) (b)

250000 400
constrained batch
naive 350 naive

Num. variables affected

Num. non-zero entries

200000 batch constrained

150000 250
100000 150
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time step Time step
(c) (d)

Fig. 8. Comparison of variable ordering strategies using the Manhattan world simulated environment (Olson et al. 2006). By color
coding, the top row shows the number of variables that are updated for every step along the trajectory. Green corresponds to a low
number of variables, red to a high number. (a) The naive approach of applying COLAMD to the affected variables in each step shows a
high overall cost. (b) Forcing the most recently accessed variables to the end of the ordering using constrained COLAMD (Davis et al.
2004) yields a significant improvement in efficiency. (c) Fill-in over time for both strategies as well as the batch ordering and iSAM1.
(d) Comparing the number of affected variables in each step clearly shows the improvement in efficiency achieved by the constrained

Our fluid relinearization algorithm is shown in Algorithm Algorithm 7 Partial state update: solving the Bayes tree in the nonlinear
case returns an update  to the current linearization point .
5. The decision to relinearize a given variable is based on
In: Bayes tree T
the deviation of its current estimate from the linearization Out: update 
point being larger than a threshold β. To be exact, the differ- Starting from the root clique Cr = Fr :
ent units of variables have to be taken into account, but one 1. For current clique Ck = Fk : Sk
simple solution is to take the minimum over all thresholds. compute update k of frontal variables Fk from the local conditional
For the Manhattan dataset, a nearly exact solution is pro- density P( Fk |Sk ).
2. For all variables kj in k that change by more than threshold α:
vided for a threshold of 0.1, while the computational cost is
recursively process each descendant containing such a variable.
significantly reduced, as can be seen from Figure 9. Note
that because we combine the relinearization and update
steps for efficiency, the actual changes in the Bayes tree are
performed later, which differs from the original algorithm taken inside a room usually do not affect the estimates pre-
in Kaess et al. (2010). The modified update algorithm is viously obtained for other rooms. Solving only for variables
presented in Algorithm 6. that actually change should therefore significantly reduce
computational cost.
How do we update only variables that actually change,
i.e. perform a partial state update? Full backsubstitution
4.2. Partial state updates starts at the root and continues to all leaves, obtaining a
Computational cost can be reduced significantly by real- delta vector  that is used to update the linearization point
izing that recovering a nearly exact solution in every step . The partial state update starts by solving for all vari-
does not require solving for all variables. Updates to the ables contained in the modified top of the tree. As shown in
Bayes tree from new factors and from relinearization only Algorithm 7, we continue processing all sub-trees, stopping
affect the top of the tree, however, changes in variable esti- when a clique is encountered that does not refer to any vari-
mates occurring here can still propagate further down to able for which  changed by more than a small threshold
all sub-trees. But the effect of changes in the top is often α. The running intersection property guarantees that none
limited, as new measurements have only a local effect if of the variables that changed significantly can occur in any
no large loops are being closed, leaving spatially remote sub-tree of that clique. Note that the threshold refers to a
parts of the estimate unchanged. Consider the example of change in the delta vector , not the absolute value of the
mapping a large building with many rooms: measurements recovered delta  itself. The absolute values of the entries
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Kaess et al. 227

0.8 1
0.7 beta=0.25
beta=0.1 0.8
0.6 beta=0.05
Diff. norm. chi-square

Diff. norm. chi-square


0.3 0.4
0.2 alpha=0.01
0.2 alpha=0.005
0.1 alpha=0.001
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time step Time step
250000 3500
full relin full backsub
beta=0.1 alpha=0.005
beta=0.25 3000 alpha=0.05

Num affected variables

Num. aff. matrix entries





0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time step Time step

Fig. 9. How the relinearization threshold β affects accuracy (top) Fig. 10. How the backsubstitution threshold α affects accuracy
and computational cost (bottom) for the Manhattan dataset. For (top) and computational cost (bottom) for the Manhattan dataset.
readability of the top figure, the normalized χ 2 value of the least- For readability of the top figure, the normalized χ 2 value of the
squares solution was subtracted. A threshold of 0.1 has no notable least-squares solution was subtracted. A small threshold such as
effect on the accuracy, while the cost savings are significant as can 0.005 yields a significant increase in speed, while the accuracy is
be seen in the number of affected non-zero matrix entries. Note nearly unaffected.
that the spikes extend beyond the curve for full relinearization,
because there is a small increase in fill-in over the batch variable
ordering (compare with Figure 8).
scheme. The linearized system is represented by the Bayes
tree T .
in  can be quite large, because, as described above, the lin- Here we provide some general complexity bounds for
earization point is only updated when a larger threshold β is iSAM2. The number of iterations needed to converge is
reached. For simplicity we again use the same threshold for typically fairly small, in particular because of the quadratic
all variables, although that could be refined. For variables convergence properties of Gauss–Newton iterations near
that are not reached by this process, the previous estimate  the minimum. We assume here that the initialization of
is kept. A nearly exact solution is obtained with significant variables is close enough to the global minimum to allow
savings in computation time, as can be seen from Figure 10. convergence, which is a general requirement of any direct
solver method. For exploration tasks with a constant
number of constraints per pose, the complexity is O(1) as
only a constant number of variables at the top of the tree are
4.3. Algorithm and complexity affected and have to be re-eliminated, and only a constant
The iSAM2 algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 8. The number of variables are solved for. In the case of loop
goal of our algorithm is to obtain an estimate  for the closures the situation becomes more difficult, and the most
variables (map and trajectory), given a set of nonlinear con- general bound is that for full factorization, O(n3 ), where n
straints that expands over time, represented by nonlinear is the number of variables (poses and landmarks if present).
factors F. New factors F  can arrive at any time and may Under certain assumptions that hold for many SLAM
add new variables  to the estimation problem. Based on problems, batch matrix factorization and backsubstitution
the current linearization point  we solve a linearized sys- can be performed in O(n1.5 ) (Krauthausen et al. 2006). It
tem as a subroutine in an iterative nonlinear optimization is important to note that this bound does not depend on
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228 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

(a) City20000 (b) W10000

(c) Intel (d) Killian Court

Fig. 11. 2D pose-graph datasets, including simulated data (City20000, W10000), and laser range data (Killian Court, Intel). See Figure
8 for the Manhattan sequence.

Algorithm 8 One step of the iSAM2 algorithm, following the general and constraint densities, both pose-only and with land-
structure of a smoothing solution given in Algorithm 1.
marks. All timing results are obtained on a laptop with
In/out: Bayes tree T , nonlinear factors F , linearization point , update 
Intel 1.6 GHz i7-720 processor. For iSAM1 we use ver-
In: new nonlinear factors F  , new variables 
Initialization: T = ∅,  = ∅, F = ∅ sion 1.6 of the open-source implementation available at
1. Add any new factors F := F ∪ F  . http://people.csail.mit.edu/kaess/isam with standard param-
2. Initialize any new variables  and add  :=  ∪  . eters, i.e. solving in every step. For HOG-Man, we use
3. Fluid relinearization with Algorithm 5 yields marked variables M, svn revision 14 available at http://openslam.org/ with com-
see Section 4.1.
mand line option ‘-update 1’ to force solving in every
4. Redo top of Bayes tree with Algorithm 6 with J the union of M and
all variables affected by new factors. step. For SPA, we use svn revision 36438 of ROS at
5. Solve for delta  with Algorithm 7, see Section 4.2. http://www.ros.org/ with standard parameters.
6. Current estimate given by  ⊕ . For iSAM2 we use a research C++ implementation
running single-threaded, using the CCOLAMD algo-
rithm by Davis et al. (2004), with parameters α =
the number of loop closings. Empirically, complexity is 0.001 and β = 0.1. For improved efficiency, relin-
usually much lower than these upper bounds because most earization is performed every 10 steps. Source code
of the time only a small portion of the matrix has to be for iSAM2 is available as part of the gtsam library at
refactorized in each step, as we show below. https://collab.cc.gatech.edu/borg/gtsam/. For efficiency we
use incomplete Cholesky instead of QR factorization within
each node of the tree. For optimization over 3D orientations,
5. Comparison with other methods the ⊕ operator is implemented using exponential maps
We compare iSAM2 to other state-of-the-art SLAM algo- based on the theory of Lie groups (Hall 2000). Our original
rithms, in particular the iSAM1 algorithm (Kaess et al. SAM work (Dellaert and Kaess 2006) used local updates
2008), HOG-Man (Grisetti et al. 2010) and Sparse Pose of Euler angles for visual SLAM. Here, as a representa-
Adjustment (SPA) (Konolige et al. 2010). We use a tion, we use rotation matrices in iSAM2 and quaternions in
wide variety of simulated and real-world datasets shown iSAM1 (Grassia 1998). We have found that, depending on
in Figures 11, 12, and 13 that feature different sizes the application, each representation has its own advantages.
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Kaess et al. 229

Comparing the computational cost of different algo-

rithms is not a simple task. Tight complexity bounds for
SLAM algorithms are often not available. Even if com-
plexity bounds are available, they are not necessarily suit-
able for comparison because the involved constants can
make a large difference in practical applications. On the
other hand, speed comparison for the implementations of
the algorithms depend on the implementation itself and any
potential inefficiencies or wrong choice of data structures.
We therefore discuss not only the timing results obtained
from the different implementations, but also compare some
measure of the underlying cost, such as how many entries
of the sparse matrix have to be recalculated. That again on
its own is also not a perfect measure, as recalculating only
parts of a matrix might occur some overhead that cannot be (a) Trees10000

5.1. Timing
We compare execution speed of implementations of the var-
ious algorithms on all datasets in Figure 14, with detailed
results in Table 1. The results show that a batch solution
using sparse matrix factorization (SPA, SAM) quickly gets
expensive, emphasizing the need for incremental solutions.
iSAM1 performs very well on sparse datasets, such as Man-
hattan, Killian Court and City20000, while performance
degrades on datasets with denser constraints (number of
constraints at least 5 times the number of poses), such
as W10000 and Intel, because of local fill-in between the
periodic batch reordering steps (see Figure 8 center). Note
that the spikes in the iteration time plots are caused by
the periodic variable reordering every 100 steps, which is
equivalent to a batch Cholesky factorization as performed 27
in SPA, but with some overhead for the incremental data
structures. The performance of HOG-Man is between SPA (b) Victoria Park
and iSAM1 and iSAM2 for most of the datasets, but per-
forms better on W10000 than any other algorithm. Per- Fig. 12. 2D datasets with landmarks, both simulated (Trees-
formance is generally better on denser datasets, where 10000), and laser range data (Victoria Park).
the advantages of hierarchical operations dominate their
iSAM2 consistently performs better than SPA, and sim- spent in iSAM2, with elimination being the dominating
ilarly to iSAM1. While iSAM2 saves computation over part.
iSAM1 by only performing partial backsubstitution, the
fluid relinearization adds complexity. Relinearization typ-
ically affects many more variables than a linear update
(compare Figures 8 and 9), resulting in larger parts of
5.2. Number of affected entries
the Bayes tree having to be recalculated. Interesting is the We also provide a computation cost measure that is more
fact that the spikes in iSAM2 timing follow SPA, but are independent of specific implementations, based on the num-
higher by almost an order of magnitude, which becomes ber of variables affected, and the number of entries of the
evident in the per iteration time plots for City20000 and sparse square root information matrix that are being recal-
W10000 in Figure 14. That difference can partially be culated in each step. The bottom plots in Figures 10 and 9
explained by the fact that SPA uses the well-optimized show the number of affected variables in backsubstitution
CHOLMOD library (Chen et al. 2008) for batch Cholesky and the number of affected non-zero entries during matrix
factorization, while for the algorithms underlying iSAM2 factorization. The red curve shows the cost of iSAM2 for
no such library is available yet and we are using our own thresholds that achieve an almost exact solution. When
research implementation. Figure 15 shows how time is compared with the batch solution shown in black, the data
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230 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

(a) Sphere2500

(b) Torus10000

Fig. 13. Simulated 3D datasets (sphere2500 and torus10000, included in iSAM1 distribution). The left column shows the data based
on noisy odometry, the right column the estimate obtained from iSAM2. Note that a large range of orientations is traversed, as the robot
is simulated to drive along the surface of the sphere and torus, respectively.

Table 1. Runtime comparison for the different approaches (P: number of poses, M: number of measurements, L: number of landmarks).
Listed are the average time per step together with standard deviation and maximum in milliseconds, as well as the overall time in seconds
(fastest result shown in bold).

Algorithm iSAM2 iSAM1 HOG-Man SPA

Dataset P M L avg/std/max [ms] time [s] avg/std/max [ms] time [s] avg/std/max [ms] time [s] avg/std/max [ms] [s]

City20000 20,000 26,770 — 16.1 / 65.6 / 1125 323 7.05 / 14.5 / 308 141 27.4 / 27.8 / 146 548 48.7 / 32.6 / 140 977
W10000 10,000 64,311 — 22.4 / 64.6 / 901 224 35.7 / 58.8 / 683 357 16.4 / 14.9 / 147 164 108 / 75.6 / 287 1081
Manhattan 3,500 5,598 — 2.44 / 7.71 / 133 8.54 1.81 / 3.69 / 57.6 6.35 7.71 / 6.91 / 33.8 27.0 11.8 / 8.46 / 28.9 41.1
Intel 910 4,453 — 1.74 / 1.76 / 9.13 1.59 5.80 / 8.03 / 48.4 5.28 9.40 / 12.5 / 79.3 8.55 4.89 / 3.77 / 14.9 4.44
Killian Court 1,941 2,190 — 0.59 / 0.80 / 12.5 1.15 0.51 / 1.13 / 16.6 0.99 2.00 / 2.41 / 11.8 3.88 3.13 / 1.89 / 7.98 6.07
Victoria Park 6,969 10,608 151 2.34 / 7.75 / 316 16.3 2.35 / 4.82 / 80.4 16.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Trees10000 10,000 14,442 100 4.24 / 6.52 / 124 42.4 2.98 / 6.70 / 114 29.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sphere2500 2,500 4,950 — 30.4 / 25.5 / 158 76.0 21.7 / 31.3 / 679 54.3 56.7 / 40.8 / 159 142 N/A N/A
Torus10000 10,000 22,281 — 35.2 / 45.7 / 487 352 86.4 / 119 / 1824 864 99.0 / 82.9 / 404 990 N/A N/A

clearly shows significant savings in computation of iSAM2 shows that for iSAM1 the fill-in increases significantly
over Square Root SAM and SPA. between the periodic batch steps, because variables are only
In iSAM2 the fill-in of the corresponding square root reordered every 100 steps. This local fill-in explains the
information factor remains close to that of the batch higher computational cost on datasets with denser con-
solution as shown in Figure 8. The same figure also straints, such as W10000. iSAM2 shows no significant

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Kaess et al. 231

10 0.5 1000
iSAM1 0 900 iSAM1

Cumulative time (s)

10 -0.5
Iteration time (s)
iSAM2 800 iSAM2
-1 SPA -1 700 SPA
10 -1.5
HOG-Man 600 HOG-Man

-2 -2 500
10 -2.5
-3 400
10-3 300
10-4 -4 200
-4.5 100
-5 -5 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Time step Time step

(a) City20000

10 0 1200
iSAM1 -0.5 iSAM1

Cumulative time (s)

-1 1000
Iteration time (s)

10 iSAM2 -1 iSAM2
SPA -1.5 800 SPA
-2 HOG-Man HOG-Man

-2.5 600
10 -3
-3.5 400
10 -4 200
10 -5 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time step Time step

(b) W10000
9 7 25
Cumulative time (s)

Cumulative time (s)

Cumulative time (s)

8 iSAM1 6 iSAM1 iSAM1
7 iSAM2 iSAM2 20 iSAM2
6 5
5 HOG-Man 4 HOG-Man
4 3 10
3 2
2 5
1 1
0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 500 1000 1500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time step Time step Time step

(c) Intel (d) Killian Court (e) Victoria Park

45 160 1000
Cumulative time (s)

Cumulative time (s)

Cumulative time (s)

40 iSAM1 140 iSAM1 900 iSAM1

35 iSAM2 120 iSAM2 800 iSAM2
30 SPA HOG-Man 700 HOG-Man
100 600
25 HOG-Man 80 500
20 400
15 60
40 300
10 200
5 20 100
0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time step Time step Time step

(f) Manhattan (g) Sphere2500 (h) Torus10000

Fig. 14. Timing comparison between the different algorithms for all datasets, see Figure 11. The left column shows per iteration time
and the right column cumulative time. The bottom rows show cumulative time for the remaining datasets.

χ 2 is defined as m−n i hi (i ) −zi  i , where the numer-

1 2
local variations of fill-in owing to the incremental variable
ordering. ator is the weighted sum of squared errors of (4), m is
the number of measurements and n the number of degrees
of freedom. Normalized χ 2 measures how well the con-
straints are satisfied, approaching 1 for a large number of
5.3. Accuracy measurements sampled from a normal distribution.
We now focus on the accuracy of the solution of each The results in Figure 16 show that the iSAM2 solution
SLAM algorithm. There are a variety of different ways to is very close to the ground truth. The ground truth is the
evaluate accuracy. We choose the normalized χ 2 measure least-squares estimate obtained by iterating until conver-
that quantifies the quality of a least-squares fit. Normalized gence in each step. Small spikes are caused by relinearizing
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232 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

of improved and numerically more stable algorithms have

since been developed, based on well-known iterative
techniques such as relaxation (Duckett et al. 2002; Bosse
et al. 2004; Thrun et al. 2005), gradient descent (Folkesson
and Christensen 2004, 2007), preconditioned conjugate
gradient (Konolige 2004; Dellaert et al. 2010), multi-level
relaxation (Frese et al. 2005), and belief propagation
(Ranganathan et al. 2007).
Direct methods, such as QR and Cholesky matrix fac-
Fig. 15. How time is spent in iSAM2: percentage of time spent in torization, provide the advantage of faster convergence, at
various components of the algorithm for the W10000 dataset. least if a good initialization is available. They have initially
been ignored, because a naive dense implementation is too
expensive. An efficient sparse factorization for SLAM has
first been proposed by Dellaert (2005), but is now widely
3.50 used (Dellaert and Kaess 2006; Frese 2006; Folkesson
2.50 et al. 2007; Kaess et al. 2008; Mahon et al. 2008; Grisetti
Diff. norm. chi-square

0.50 et al. 2010; Konolige et al. 2010; Strasdat et al. 2010).

Square Root SAM (Dellaert 2005; Dellaert and Kaess
SPA 2006) performs smoothing by Cholesky factorization of
0.10 HOG-Man
the complete, naturally sparse information matrix in every
step using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Kono-
lige et al. (2010) recently presented SPA using Cholesky
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
factorization, that introduces a continuable Levenberg–
Time step
Marquardt algorithm and focuses on a fast setup of the
2.00 iSAM1 information matrix, often the most costly part in batch
1.50 SPA factorization.
1.00 HOG-Man
Smoothing is closely related to structure from motion
Diff. norm. chi-square

(Hartley and Zisserman 2000) and bundle adjustment
(Triggs et al. 1999) in computer vision. Both bundle adjust-
0.10 ment and the smoothing formulation of SLAM keep all
0.05 poses and landmarks in the estimation problem (pose-graph
0.00 SLAM is a special case that omits landmarks). The key
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 difference between bundle adjustment and SLAM is that
Time step bundle adjustment is typically solving the batch problem,
Fig. 16. Step-wise quality comparison of the different algorithms while for robotics applications online solutions are required
for the Manhattan world (top) and W10000 dataset (bottom). For because data is continuously collected. Our iSAM2 algo-
improved readability, the difference in normalized χ 2 to the least- rithm achieves online bundle adjustment, at least up to
squares solution is shown (i.e. ground truth given by y = 0). some reasonable size of datasets. The question of creat-
ing a ‘perpetual SLAM engine’ to run indefinitely remains
open. Note that the number of landmarks per frame is typ-
only every 10 steps, which is a trade-off with computational ically much lower for laser range-based applications than
speed. iSAM1 shows larger spikes in error that are caused for visual SLAM applications (Eade and Drummond 2007;
by relinearization only being done every 100 steps. HOG- Konolige and Agrawal 2008; Paz et al. 2008; Strasdat et al.
Man is an approximate algorithm exhibiting consistently 2010). However, smoothing has recently also been shown
larger errors, even though visual inspection of the result- to be the method of choice for visual SLAM in many
ing map showed only minor distortions. Accuracy improves situations (Strasdat et al. 2010).
for more dense datasets, such as W10000, but is still not as In an incremental setting, the cost of batch optimiza-
good as iSAM2. tion can be sidestepped by applying matrix factorization
updates, with the first SLAM applications in Kaess et al.
(2007), Folkesson et al. (2007), Wang (2007), and Mahon
6. Related work et al. (2008). The iSAM algorithm (Kaess et al. 2007)
The first smoothing approach to the SLAM problem was performs incremental updates using Givens rotations,
presented by Lu and Milios (1997), where the estimation with periodic batch factorization and relinearization steps.
problem is formulated as a network of constraints between Folkesson et al. (2007) only keeps a short history of robot
robot poses. The first solution was implemented using poses, avoiding the reordering problem. Wang (2007)
matrix inversion (Gutmann and Nebel 1997). A number mentions Cholesky updates as an option for the D-SLAM

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Kaess et al. 233

information matrix that only contains landmarks. iSAM2 manageable. iSAM2 in contrast solves the full SLAM
is similar to these methods, but has the advantage that both problem, and does not omit any information. Furthermore,
reordering and relinearization can be performed incremen- construction of the Bayes tree differs from the junction
tally in every step. Note that iSAM2 does not simply apply tree, which first forms a clique graph and then finds a
existing methods such as matrix factorization updates, but spanning tree. The Bayes tree, in contrast, is based on a
introduces a completely novel algorithm for solving sparse given variable ordering, similar to the matrix factorization.
nonlinear least-squares problems that grow over time. Though it gains some flexibility because the order of the
The relative formulation in Olson et al. (2006) expresses sub-trees of a clique can be changed comparing to the fixed
poses relative to previous ones, replacing the traditional variable ordering of the square root information matrix.
global formulation. The resulting Jacobian has significantly Treemap by Frese (2006) performs QR factorization
more entries, but is solved efficiently by stochastic gra- within nodes of a tree, which is balanced over time. Spar-
dient descent. The relative formulation avoids local min- sification prevents the nodes from becoming too large,
ima in poorly initialized problems. A hierarchical exten- which introduces approximations by duplication of vari-
sion by Grisetti et al. (2007) called TORO provides faster ables. Treemap is also closely related to the junction
convergence by significantly reducing the maximum path tree, although the author approached the subject ‘from a
length between two arbitrary nodes. However, the separa- hierarchy-of-regions and linear-equation-solving perspec-
tion of translation and rotation leads to inaccurate solutions tive’ (Frese, 2006). Our work formalizes this connection
(Grisetti et al. 2010) that are particularly problematic for 3D in a more comprehensive way through the Bayes tree data
applications. structure.
Relative formulations have also been used on a different
level, to split the problem into submaps, for example Atlas
(Bosse et al. 2004) or Tectonic SAM (Ni et al. 2007; Ni 7. Conclusion
and Dellaert 2010). In some way, iSAM2 provides a sepa- We have presented a novel data structure, the Bayes tree,
ration into submaps represented by different sub-trees, even which provides an algorithmic foundation that enables new
though they are not completely separated, as new measure- insights into existing graphical model inference algorithms
ments can change that topology at any time, so that the and sparse matrix factorization methods. These insights
complexity is not explicitly bounded. have led us to iSAM2, a fully incremental algorithm for
Sibley et al. (2009) couples the relative formulation with nonlinear least-squares problems as they occur in mobile
locally restricted optimization, operating on a manifold robotics. Our new algorithm is completely different from
similar to Howard et al. (2006). Restricting optimization the original iSAM algorithm as both variable reordering
to a local region allows updates in constant time. The pro- and relinearization are now done incrementally. In contrast,
duced maps are locally accurate, but a globally metric map iSAM can only update linear systems incrementally, requir-
can only be obtained offline. While such maps are sufficient ing periodic batch steps for reordering and relinearization.
for some applications, we argue that tasks such as planning We have used SLAM as an example application, even
require an accurate globally metric map to be available at though the algorithm is also suitable for other incremen-
every step: for example, to detect/decide if an unexplored tal inference problems, such as object tracking and sensor
direct path (such as a door) might exist between places A fusion. We performed a systematic evaluation of iSAM2
and B requires globally metric information. In iSAM2 we and a comparison with three other state-of-the-art SLAM
therefore focus on making online recovery of globally met- algorithms. We expect our novel graph-based algorithm to
ric maps more efficient; however, our update steps are not also allow for better insights into the recovery of marginal
constant time, and for large loop closings can become as covariances, as we believe that simple recursive algorithms
expensive as a batch solution. in terms of the Bayes tree are formally equivalent to the
Grisetti et al. (2010) recently presented HOG-Man, a dynamic programming methods described by Kaess and
hierarchical pose graph formulation using Cholesky fac- Dellaert (2009). The graph-based structure is also suitable
torization that represents the estimation problem at dif- for exploiting parallelization that is becoming available in
ferent levels of detail. Computational effort is focused on newer processors.
affected areas at the most detailed level, while any global
effects are propagated to the coarser levels. In particular
for dense sequences, HOG-Man fares well when compared Acknowledgements
with iSAM2, but only provides an approximate solution. We thank E Olson for the Manhattan dataset, E Nebot and H
The thin junction tree filter (TJTF) by Paskin (2003) Durrant-Whyte for the Victoria Park dataset, D Haehnel for
provides an incremental solution directly based on graph- the Intel dataset and G Grisetti for the W10000 dataset. This
ical models. A junction tree is maintained incrementally work was presented in part at the International Workshop
for the filtering version of the SLAM problem, and data is on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, Singapore,
selectively omitted in order to keep the data structure sparse December 2010, and in part at the International Conference
(filtering leads to fill-in) and the complexity of solving on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, May 2011.
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234 The International Journal of Robotics Research 31(2)

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MK, HJ, and JL were partially supported by the ONR (grant puter Vision (ICCV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007, pp.
numbers N00014-06-1-0043 and N00014-10-1-0936). FD 1–8
and RR were partially supported by the NSF (award number Folkesson J and Christensen H (2004) Graphical SLAM—a self-
0713162), ‘RI: Inference in large-scale graphical models’. correcting map. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics
VI has been partially supported by the Spanish MICINN and Automation (ICRA), vol. 1, pp. 383–390.
under the Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Folkesson J and Christensen H (2007) Closing the loop with
Humanos de Investigación. Graphical SLAM. IEEE Trans Robotics 23: 731–741.
Folkesson J, Leonard J, Leederkerken J and Williams R (2007)
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Extension Type Description
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