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Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe
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Book · March 2015


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4 authors, including:

Ruchi Bansal
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources


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Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

Good Agricultural Practices


Compiled by
R.S. Jat
R. Nagaraja Reddy
Ruchi Bansal
P. Manivel



DMAPR, Boriavi i
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

Published by : Dr. Jitendra Kumar,

Director, ICAR – Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Research, Boriavi, Anand - 387 310, Gujarat, India

Phone : +91-0269-2271602

Fax : +91-0269-2271601

E-mail : director.dmapr@icar.gov.in

Web address : www.dmapr.org.in

Printed : March, 2015

Front Cover :

Aloe plant Aloe leaf

Printed at : Anand Press, Anand 388 001, Gujarat

E-mail : anandpress@gmail.com
DMAPR, Boriavi ii
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

FOREWORD.................................................................................................. v

Name of the plant.......................................................................... 01
Plant parts used for medicinal purpose........................................01
Characteristics of the plant............................................................02
Major production areas..................................................................02
Cultivation methods....................................................................... 03
Post harvest processing.................................................................. 06
Documentation of activities........................................................... 06
Yield and economics...................................................................... 07
Marketing....................................................................................... 07
Market demand..............................................................................07
Crop calendar for aloe cultivation ............................................... 08

DMAPR, Boriavi iii

Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

DMAPR, Boriavi iv
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe


Medicinal plants are mainly collected from forest with destructive

harvesting methods. This resulted into dwindling natural resources,
reduced biodiversity and irregular supply. Cultivation of medicinal
plants ensures sustainability and uniformity of the plant material
thus, ensuring quality of raw drugs. Good agricultural practices
(GAP) are the pre-requisite for the medicinal plants cultivation and
certification to produce good quality raw drugs.

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) is a perennial, shallow rooted and

xerophytic plant. It is grown commercially for its high demand in
cosmetic industries as well as in Indian System of Medicines. Aloe
juice from leaves is used as laxatic, stomachic, aphrodisiac, cathartic,
emmenagogic, astringent, antidotal, anthelmintic and hepatic
stimulant. Aloe gel is used in cosmetic industry for preparation of
shampoo, face creams and moisturising agents. Aloe gel is also given
in fever, enlargement of liver, spleen and other glands, skin diseases
and for the treatment of burns and bruises.

I am happy that ICAR- DMAPR, Anand has taken an initiative in

compiling and publishing this extension bulletin that would serve as
useful guide to the aloe cultivators for the production of better yield
and quality raw material..

(Jitendra Kumar)
Date: 24-11-2014
DMAPR, Boriavi v
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

DMAPR, Boriavi vi
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

Good Agricultural Practices for


1. Name of the plant

1.1 Scientific name: Aloe barbadensis Mill.

1.2 Local name

English: Aloe barbadosaloe, Curacao aloe, Jaffarabad aloe and Indian
Hindi: Kunvar pathu and Gheekanvar
Sanskrit: Ghrit kumari
Kannad: Lolesara
Tamil: Thazhai

2. Plant parts used for medicinal purpose

Aloe leaves are used for medicinal and cosmetic uses.
DMAPR, Boriavi 1
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

3. Uses
In India, it is grown commercially for its high demand in cosmetic
industries as well as in Indian System of Medicines. The succulent
leaves are economic part of this plant. The characteristic bitter
aloe juice from leaves is laxatic, stomachic, aphrodisiac, cathartic,
emmenagogic, astringent, antidotal, anthelmintic and hepatic
stimulant. The gel produced from mature leaves is used in cosmetic
industry for preparation of shampoo, face creams and moisturising
agents. Aloe gel is also given in fever, enlargement of liver, spleen
and other glands, skin diseases, gonorrhoea, constipation, menstrual
suppressions, piles, jaundice, rheumatic diseases, and for the treatment
of burns and bruises.

4. Characteristics of the plant

Aloe barbadensis Mill. popularly known as aloe, is perennial, shallow
rooted and xerophytic plant of 30-60 cm height. The plant has
triangular fleshy leaves with serrated edges, yellow
tubular flowers, and fruits contain numerous seeds.
Each leaf is composed of three layers: An inner clear
layer of gel that contains 99% water and rest is made
of glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols and
vitamins. The middle layer of latex contains bitter
yellow sap and anthraquinones and glycosides. The
outer thick layer called as rind which has protective
function and synthesizes carbohydrates and proteins.
Inside the rind there are vascular bundles which are
responsible for transportation of substances such as
water (xylem) and starch (phloem). Flowers vary
from yellow to rich orange in colour and arranged
in axillary spikes. Flowers have 6 stamens and a
trilocular overy. Mostly flowers are male or sterile with scarcely
fertile pollens.

5. Major production areas

Aloe is originated from warm and dry climate of Africa. However,
because of its wide adaptability as well as its importance as medicinal
plant, it is well distributed throughout the world. History showed
its importance that Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used

DMAPR, Boriavi 2
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

it as part of their regular beauty package and Alexander the Great

and Christopher Columbus used it to treat their soldiers’ wounds.
It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and
America. In 16th century it is reached to India and inspired growers
for commercial cultivation in many parts of the country due to its
multifarious uses as; medicinal plant, vegetable, pickle purposes
etc. In India, it is cultivated in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

6. Cultivation methods

6.1 Climate
It can be grown in almost all parts of India, even under constant
drought conditions. However, the crop grows well in entire tropical
and sub-tropical regions with mean annual rainfall of 35-40 cm. Since
its water requirement is very low, it is best suited for cultivation in
arid and semi-arid regions particularly in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra.

6.2 Soil
It is successfully grown on marginal to sub marginal soils having
low fertility. The plants have tendency to tolerate high pH with high
sodium and potassium salts. However, it is observed that its growth
is faster under medium fertile heavier soils such as black cotton soils
of central India. Though, well drained loam to coarse sandy loam
soils with moderate fertility and pH up to 8.5 are most suitable for
its commercial cultivation.

6.3 Land preparation

The soil should not be disturbed too deep as the root system of aloe
does not penetrate below 20-30 cm. Depending upon the soil type
and agro-climatic condition, 1-2 ploughing followed by levelling
should be done. Field should be divided into suitable size plots of
10-15 m × 3 m considering the slope and source of irrigation water.
Apply farm yard manure at the rate of 10-15 tonne per hectare at the
time of final ploughing and mix with the soil.
DMAPR, Boriavi 3
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

6.4 Planting time

Suckers are planted in the month of July-August during monsoon
season for better field survival and subsequent growth of the plants.
However under irrigated conditions, planting can be done throughout
the year except in winter months (November-February).

6.5 Method of planting

Suckers are planted in about 15 cm deep pits made just at the time
of planting at a spacing of 60 × 60 cm in the field. However, for
obtaining higher leaf yield and monetary returns planting at 60 ×
30 cm row to row and plant to plant spacing is advisable for its
commercial cultivation. After planting the soil around the suckers
are firmly pressed to prevent lodging of the plants. Also, insure the
proper drainage in the field as the crop is sensitive to water logging.

6.6 Propagation material

Aloe is transplanted by suckers. About three to
four months old suckers having 4-5 leaves and
about 20-25 cm in length are used as planting

6.7 Recommended varieties Suckers

Released varieties of aloe are not available in India for commercial
cultivation. However, some high aloin containing (20.7-22.8%)
genotypes such as IC 111267, IC 111269, IC 111271, IC 111273, IC
111279, IC 111280, IC 112521, IC 112532, IC 112531, IC 112527,
IC 112517, INGR 06023, INGR 06024 and INGR 13043 can be used
as source of planting material of aloe.

6.8 Seed rate

About 37,000-56,000 suckers are required for one hectare area
depending upon planting density.

6.9 Crop nutrition:

Use of organic manures (farm yard manure,
compost, vermi-compost, poultry manure,
green manure) is preferred for growing of
medicinal plants. Application of 10-15 tonne
of farm yard manure per hectare at the time of
soil preparation and also in subsequent years is
DMAPR, Boriavi 4
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

recommended to harvest good crop. It is also recommended to apply

vermicompost 2.5-5.0 tonne per hectare for obtaining higher leaf
yield and monetary returns. However, mineral nutrition may also be
supplemented through inorganic sources considering the requirement.

6.10 Irrigation
Aloe crop can withstands stress conditions very well but to get
good crop irrigation at critical stages of growth must be given. First
irrigation is required just after planting of suckers followed by 2-3
irrigations depending on the rains till plant get established. However,
4-6 irrigations except monsoon season per year may be enough for
good crop growth. After each picking of leaves light irrigation should
be given depending upon the availability of water.

6.11 Intercultural operations and weeding

The field should be kept free from weeds throughout the growing
period of the crop. Two to three hand weeding followed by light
hoeing per year promote growth and suckering in aloe. First weeding-
cum-hoeing should be completed within a month after planting.
However, in subsequent years two weeding-cum-light hoeing in
each year found to be sufficient to minimize the weed population in
the field. Unproductive and diseased plants and dried flower stakes
should be removed regularly from the field.

6.12 Intercropping
During the first year of planting, more than 40% land remains
unutilized which can be used for the cultivation of other crops of
the season. Leguminous or less competitive intercrops like cluster
bean, groundnut, sesame, isabgol, coriander, cumin etc. can be grown
successfully in the interspaces available under arid and semi-arid
condition that can improve the soil health and generate additional
income. Second year onwards such crops should not be encouraged
otherwise foliage yield and quality of the produce will be adversely

6.13 Insect pests and diseases management

Not much problems of insect pests and diseases have been observed
in this crop from any part of the country. However, mealy bug,
anthracnose and leaf spots have been reported from some parts of the
country. Sometimes termite problem has also been observed which
can be easily managed by giving a light irrigation.
DMAPR, Boriavi 5
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

6.14 Harvesting
Harvesting is a labour intensive operation in aloe cultivation. The
thick fleshy leaves are ready for harvest after 8 months of planting.
The crop can be harvested up to 5 years after planting. Normally,
three harvests are taken in a year by removing three to four leaves
per plant. Harvesting should be done either in the morning and/ or
evening hours. Harvesting at full flowering produce maximum leaf,
gel dry weight, gel/leaf weight and powder yield. However, highest
leaf aloin content is found at pre-flowering stage. In general, the best
time of harvesting is early flowering to obtain maximum economical
yield of aloe.

7. Post harvest processing

The term ‘Aloe’ used in medicine stands for the dried juice, which
flows from the transversely cut bases of the leaves. Fully developed
mature leaves should be harvested for extraction of aloe juice. For
processing of aloe, the juice is allowed
to drain out from the cut leaves into
vessels and then concentrated by
evaporation either spontaneously or
frequently by boiling. The juice is
colourless or yellow when obtained
fresh from the leaves but becomes dark
brown due to evaporation and boiling.
Besides the dry juice, gel is also very important product of aloe. The
mucilaginous pulp from the leaf is used in cosmetic industries and
also in treatment of many human diseases. The leaves left over after
the removal of their exudates is cut open and mucilage is scraped out
with a blunt edged knife for the isolation of gel. Extracted mucilage
is stirred vigorously in a blender to make it homogeneous mixture
(solution). This mixture is strained with the help of a muslin cloth
and then filtered. Then keep it for overnight and the gel is isolated
by centrifugation. It is dried at a high temperature (below 100°C).

8. Documentation of activities
The documentation of all the activities starting from cultivation to
post harvest processing should be in continuation and maintained
properly. Records should be kept for each activity of cultivation
such as planting, weeding, irrigation, harvesting, and of post-harvest
processing after harvest to sorting, drying, grading, packing and
DMAPR, Boriavi 6
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

storage with details of time and type of activity that refers to a

complete history and ensure traceability of the final product.

9. Yield and economics

An aloe plantation gives commercial yield from second year to fifth
year of planting. Generally 3-4 pickings per year can be taken up
depending upon the growth of plants. On an average 15-20 tonne
per hectare fresh leaves are obtained from second year plantation.
However, well managed irrigated crop can give up to 30-35 tonne
per hectare fresh leaf yield.
A net profit of about `10,000-20,000 can be obtained from one
hectare crop grown on marginal to sub-marginal lands.

10. Marketing
Marketing of leaves of aloe is not well organized in the country.
However, in the recent past, a lot of interest has been showed for its
cultivation as well as marketing looking to its international demand.
Therefore, one should ascertain its demand in the local market or one
must establish contact for its sale, before taking up its commercial

11. Market demand

Aloe is among the few medicinal plants having both medicinal and
cosmetic uses and thus, has extensive market across the globe. The
major markets for aloe and its extracts are Australia, USA and the
entire Europe.

DMAPR, Boriavi 7
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe

12. Crop calendar

Major activity Month Activity details
Land preparation June Prepare the land by 1-2 ploughing
followed by levelling. Divide the
field into plots of 10-15 × 3 m
depending on soil type and slope.
Planting July- August Use 3-4 months old suckers of 20-
Dry land and rain fed 25 cm length. Planting should be
crop done in 15 cm deep pits made at 60
× 30 cm apart in the levelled plots.
Irrigated crop Throughout the year
except November-
Irrigation Summer months First irrigation just after planting of
suckers and subsequent irrigations
depending on the monsoon rains.
4-6 irrigations per year are enough
for proper growth of the plants.
Light irrigation should be given
just after each picking of leaves.
Intercultural operations July-September First weeding-cum-hoeing should
be done within a month after
planting followed by monthly
weeding and hoeing during the
monsoon season.
Spraying Need based As per the occurrence of disease
and pest
Harvesting Throughout the year Start harvesting from second
year onward. Take 3 harvests per
year by removing 3-4 leaves
per plant at pre-flowering stage.
Harvesting should be done in
morning and evening hours.
Post harvest operations Throughout the year Immediately after harvest
transport the leaves to the
processing unit for the extraction
of juice and gel. Remove the dry
and diseased leaves and wash the
Documentation Throughout the year All the activities from sowing
to harvesting and post harvest
processing should be documented

DMAPR, Boriavi 8
Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe


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Good Agricultural Practices for Aloe


DMAPR, Boriavi 10
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