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The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No.

1 | JUNE 2021

Teaching Non-Major Subjects: A Challenged to Senior High School Teachers

Morena SM. Raymundo

Morong National High School – Senior High School

Abstract: The study aimed to determine the real-life experiences of selective senior high school teachers of Morong
National High School who are teaching outside the area of their specialization. The feelings while teaching unfamiliar
subjects, the support they got upon teaching, the challenges their encountered and, the coping solutions they applied.
The study employed a descriptive- narrative method of research. Respondents of the study were the selected
eight (8) senior high school teachers of Morong National High School in the district of Morong province of Rizal.
Intending to get the most appropriate result of the study, subjects of the study were the teachers who are currently
teaching non-major subjects for the first quarter of S.Y. 2019 – 2020.
Furthermore, the result of the study shows that challenges are part of the development and changes that
happened. Through challenges, different problems and difficulties arises were overcome. It enhances the capabilities
and skills in every aspect once it was surpassed. Through this, the teacher must be equipped with different strategies
and techniques to address the problem that arises in the field of teaching.

Keywords: Teaching Non-major Subject, Senior High School Teacher, Challenges, Support, Coping Solution
b.) Broaden the goals of high school
Introduction – Teaching is a profession that requires education for college preparation, vocational and
love, passion and, dedication. It is considered the noblest technical career opportunities as well as creative
profession of all. Teachers should exhibit a jack of all arts, sports, and entrepreneurial employment in a
trade attitudes to perform their duties and rapidly changing and increasingly globalized
responsibilities. Different methods and strategies were environment; and
applied to attain the learning and cope with the c.) Make education learner-oriented and
educational system. The implementation of the K to 12 responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural
Program of the Department of Education (DepEd) opens capacity, circumstances, and diversity of
lots of opportunities for educators and learners as well. learners, schools, and communities through the
Despite it, different problems and challenges arise to appropriate languages of teaching and learning,
devise the program. Few of it is the out-of-field teaching including mother tongue as a learning resource.
and teaching non-major subjects. In Morong National High School, there are
Under Section 2 of the Republic Act no. 10533 unequal numbers of teachers to the number of subjects
also known as An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic taught and students, wherein some teachers were
Education System by Strengthening its Curriculum and assigned to teach a subject outside the area of their
Increasing the Number of Years for basic education, expertise. In the end, the study sought to determine the
appropriating funds therefor and other purpose states; feelings, challenges, support, and coping solutions dealt
The state shall establish, maintain and with by the teachers.
support a complete, adequate, and integrated This reveals that teachers played a big part in the
system of education relevant to the needs of the academic achievements of the students. The experiences
people, the country, and society-at-large. of teachers while teaching non-major subjects is one of
a.) Allow every student to receive a contributing factors to be considered in the achievement
quality education that is globally competitive ranking of the schools. Questioning the efficiency and
based on a pedagogically sound curriculum that effectiveness of the impart knowledge and skills of
is at par with international standards;
| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

teachers while teaching outside the area of their profession. Not only does teaching out-of-field disrupt
specialization gave stress to the said teachers. the integrity of a subject, it inevitably results in
As included in Section 16 of the Education Act heightened levels of student disengagement, lower than
of 1982, every teacher shall; anticipated achievement of student learning outcomes,
1.) Perform his duties to the school by and an increasing lack of confidence amongst teachers
discharging his responsibilities following the about their ability to teach effectively.
philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school. Viewing student achievement as evidence of
2.) Be accountable for the efficient and learning, and linking students learning to the effective or
effective attainment of specified learning successful teacher, is one way of defining quality
objectives in the pursuance of national education. This approach differs from that which
development goals within the limits of available identifies the quality teacher with the so-called “good
school resources. teacher”- one who upholds the standards and norms of
In this regard, teachers as the giver of learning to the profession. Good teaching means that the content
the students should be competitive in every task assigned taught accords with disciplinary standards of adequacy
to them. Enhance the performance of the learners in and completeness and the methods employed are age-
different areas and aspects of life. With the following appropriate, morally defensible, and undertaken to
factors to be considered teachers who teach non-major or enhance the learner’s competence concerning content.
out-of-field find ways or solutions to the difficulties that (Zuzovsky 2009).
might be encountered or arises.
LITERATURE REVIEW 1. What are the real-life experiences of teachers
In education, teaching is one of the pillars to the in teaching the non-major subjects in terms of;
learning of the student, not only in academics but also in 1.1 feelings
moral, spiritual, and psychological aspects of self. It is 1.2 support
one of the aspects of education that is a very humanistic 1.3 challenges and;
profession and professional activity constructed by 1.4 coping solutions?
qualifications, standards, and accountability in the 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
utmost feeling of understanding. teaching a non-major subject?
Also, teachers are responsible for their students' 3. What are the strength and weaknesses of
learning. They need to fill out what students need to teaching the non-major subject as perceived by the
know. However, some of them teach a subject that is respondents?
outside the area of their expertise/ mastery. In the present
situation, some of the teachers are handling a subject that METHODOLOGY
is not their specialization. This phenomenon considered A. Research Design/ Method
as out-of-field teaching, where teachers are placed in The study employed a Descriptive- narrative
teaching positions in which they have to teach subjects method of research. This design describes the lives of
outside their field of qualification or expertise, appears individuals, the collection of individual stories of their
in public schools as well as independent schools. This experiences, and a discussion of the meaning of those
happens either because of the managerial decision by the experiences.
principal and the school management team or because of
governmental recruitment and placement procedures as B. Participants and Sampling
stated by Du Plessis (2015). The respondents of the study were the selected
Further studies by Caldis (2017), teaching out- eight (8) senior high school teachers of Morong National
of-field is a situation many teachers experienced High School in the district of Morong province of Rizal
throughout their career; particularly those entering the For School Year 2019-2020. Each respondent was
| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

chosen using random sampling techniques among the response on the practice of teaching non-major gives a
teachers who were teaching non-major subjects. The sense of excitement to some teachers. Killion, J., &
subjects of the study were teachers who were teaching Harrison, C. (2007) said that system leaders may use
different subjects beyond their expertise and taking leads to advocate a teaching program focused on
specialization. school. Giving personal support and team planning will
The study administered a 15-30 minutes help co-teachers to build an effective learning agreement.
interview with the concerned teachers. The common On the contrary, many respondents’ responded
theme of the responses was collected, interpreted, and negatively upon giving teaching loadout from their
discussed through narratives. In the end, lived specialization.
experiences, challenges encountered, coping solutions, Teacher D, “Hesitant and sad, but it's part of the
as well as the advantages and disadvantages of teaching job so I need to take the risk.”
non-major subjects, were revealed. Teacher F, “Sad and a little bit of
disappointment, because the subject is too far from my
C. Data Collection and Tools major.”
To collect data on the above-mentioned details, Teacher G, “I felt sad upon receiving my
qualitative interviews were conducted. Open-ended teaching load, only to find out that I need to teach other
questions were formulated and used to ensure the smooth subjects.”
flow of the study. The data during the interview were It implies from the responses of the respondents
recorded and analyzed, looking for repeated themes that their feeling toward the practice of teaching non-
using the constant comparison method and conceptual major created different emotions on what they felt.
categories derived from the discussion. The results of the
focus group discussion were used to support the findings B. Support/ Assistance get by the Teachers Teaching
of the study and to draw a conclusion from it. Non-major
It reveals that teachers are given personal-
D. Data Analysis emotional support by their co-teachers. The respondents
For the analysis and interpretation of the lived also said that receiving this kind of support helps them in
experiences of teachers teaching Non-major, a challenge reducing their stress and worries about teaching what
encountered by the senior high school teachers, revealed they do not have enough knowledge of.
the advantages and disadvantages of the said educational Teacher A, “Our key teacher in the department
practice as well as the strength and weaknesses of the always provide me PowerPoint presentations, DLLs is
said practice, the qualitative discussion was already prepared and we never I find the topic difficult
administered. they are willing to assist me.”
Teacher F, “Key teachers assist me in my lesson
RESULTS, DISCUSSION, AND IMPLICATION and they provide me ready-made quizzes and activities.”
1. Real-life Experiences of the Teacher Respondents Sympathy is not only good in it, but also
on; motivates us to comfort those who suffer, then, and
another person sympathizes, it is good for all the parties
A. Feelings of Teachers Teaching Non-major involved. It shows that the support provided to them is
Different feelings were felt by the respondents acceptable and a helpful way of building confidence in
when they are teaching non-major subjects. Some felt doing tasks.
bad and sad, while the others are disappointed and Willis, J., & Willis, D. (2013) said that giving
nervous yet some felt excited. task support to the new teachers help them to have
According to Teacher B, “I’m excited at first, enough confidence in doing their lesson plans,
knowing that they give me a major subject and I feel that assignments, etc. one of the reasons why this kind of
the administration trust me that much.” A positive support is important because it surely assists the teachers
| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

o what to do when encountering such problems and if I gave my 100% on the lesson proper, I feel challenged
difficulties in doing tasks. and anxious at the same time.”

C. Challenges Encountered by the Respondents while Several studies show a positive relationship
Teaching Non-major Subject(s) between teachers’ preparation in the subject matter they
It is said that challenges are part of the later teach and student achievement, while others have
development and changes that happened. Through less unequivocal results (Darling- Hammond, 2000). It
challenges, different problems and difficulties arises insinuates that preparation on the part of the teacher was
were overcome. It enhances the capabilities and skills in a contributing factor in delivering the lesson.
every aspect once it was surpassed.
According to Teacher A, “The greatest
challenges that I encountered when teaching non-major D. Coping Solution Established by the Teacher
subjects are those times that I am not familiar with the The teacher provides a platform for every learner
topic or content of the lesson, especially when the to acquire the required knowledge and skills. Teachers
learners asked me some questioned and I doubt myself if should know the various needs of students and their
I gave the precise answer. I approached my department educational institutions. Through this, the teacher must
chairman and asked for assistance.” be equipped with different strategies and techniques to
As revealed in the data of Schools and Staffing address the problem that arises in the field of teaching.
Surveys (SASS), indicate that out-of-field teaching in According to Teacher A, “I plan ahead of time
core subjects is common in both public and private high and I make sure that I studied the lessons or topic a week
schools in the United States. But out-of-field teaching is before. I also used new technologies to assist me and help
not due to a lack of basic training on the part of the me while delivering the lessons.”
teachers. The educational process experiences a
tremendous impact due to the proliferation of
It shows that teachers should be equipped with technology. Through this teaching, non-major find its
different strategies and techniques in teaching. Teachers partner in assisting the needs and demands of the
should portray as facilitators of learning in every aspect. teachers.
On the other hand, the assistant coming from the
Teacher B, “Honestly, I was challenged and co-teacher is one of the coping solutions that best help
sometimes questioned my teaching methodologies if I the respondents. Good relationships and communication
delivered my lessons effectively and efficiently. One of were established among the parties. As Teacher G
the hardest parts for me is when almost 75% of my mentioned, “Well I asked for the help of my co-teachers
students failed on our first quiz. Is it negligence on my and I study the lesson ahead of time.” Also, Teacher C,
teaching strategies applied or is the deliberation of the “I used lots of references for imparting and expressing
teacher of the lesson itself?” the lesson easier. I also asked for the assistance of the co-
With the increased demands for accountability in teachers.”
Based on the journal article published by
line with performance standards and with the growing
demand for evidence-based policymaking, students' Arkansas State University (2017), research suggests that
achievements are considered an accurate measure of today’s teachers and school administrators are more
effectiveness and have become a basis for a value-added interested in teacher collaboration than the previous
generation. The proponents of teacher collaboration
teacher assessment system (Braun, 2005).
believed that teachers working together have a positive
Teacher E, “being ready or prepared for your impact on each other and contribute naturally to school
lesson is not enough, sometimes I still feel lost and numb improvement.

| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

understanding of the subject they teach. They value both

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching the subject and students engaging with the subject at a
Non-major Subject deep level. out-of-field teachers can be concerned about
Teaching Non-major has lots of advantages and the negative impact their teaching might have on student
disadvantages. According to Linda Hobbs (2015), learning, such as lower achievement scores. They have
despite no consistent relationship between student also shown concern that they are unable to demonstrate
achievement and teacher qualification, research has content is relevant to everyday life.
shown that highly effective teachers have a deep
Table 1
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Non-major Subject as Perceived By the Respondents

Respondents Advantages Disadvantages

Maybe the difficulties on the part of
One of the advantages that I see, maybe
Teacher A teachers especially teaching which is
it helps us to grow and learn more.
too far from our specialization.
Additional learning and experiences can You need to exert extra efforts and be
Teacher B
help me grow professionally. creative and prepared at all times
One of the disadvantages of this
The advantage of teaching non-major
practice is, maybe the insufficient
Teacher C subject is helping us to grow more as a
learning materials from the department
Maybe learning new ideas and Maybe the academic performance of the
Teacher D
knowledge. students might be affected.
Learning new things and go beyond I aged faster than usual because of
Teacher E
your comfort zone. stress and expectations.
Teaching non-major is enjoyable if you Time-consuming, and extra effort to
Teacher F
just look for its positive side. achieve the target lessons.
So many to mention, but if it is the
Teacher G It helps me to grow as a teacher
stress that it brought to me.
I think it helps us grow and explore our Time-consuming, especially during the
Teacher H
capabilities as a teacher. preparation of the lessons.

It can gleam on the table the different responses have to exert double effort time in teaching our teachers
of the respondents in the disadvantages and the content, competencies, innovative teaching
disadvantages of teaching the non-major subject. It strategies, assessment, and everything there is to learn in
includes their perception based on the personal a particular subject especially for out-of-field teachers.
experiences of the respondents while doing the practice.
On the statement given by one of the school 3. The Strength and Weaknesses of Teaching Non-
principals in San Fernando, Pampanga Fe Rosalinda R. major Subject as Perceived by the Respondents
Caylao (2015), “as a public secondary principal for Every teacher has their strength and weaknesses
almost five years, it pains me to see that teachers are to consider even in teaching their specialized subject or
being hired to teach not their subject of specialization.” not. From every weakness that arises strength should be
double, though the teaching capabilities were tested. One
Besides “while it is true that principals are supposed to of the great strengths of a teacher was a good manager of
be instructional leaders, we cannot deny the fact that we skills and learning in the classroom. While weaknesses

| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

of a teacher vary in the behavior of the students and their

ability to imply the knowledge.
Table 2
The Strength and Weaknesses of Teaching Non-major Subject as Perceived by the Respondents
Respondents Strengths Weaknesses
Teachers gain more experiences and Maybe it developed trauma on the part of
Teacher A knowledge that might help them to grow teachers especially if you are teaching
professionally. different subjects every semester.
One of the strengths of teaching non-major
I lost my focus and neglected to give my
Teacher B subjects it opens new opportunities to learn
best in teaching.
and improve yourself.
Not enough learning resources and
It broadens our capabilities and skill as we
Teacher C teaching force for specific areas especially
grow professionally.
in Filipino Department.
It requires time and effort in preparing the
It opens opportunities for educators to try
Teacher D lessons, and I found it as one of the
new things.
burdens on the part of the teachers.
Unlocked difficulties and helps to grow It takes lots of time and effort especially in
Teacher E
professionally. mastering the lessons and topic.
Teachers were afraid to take new
Broaden the skills and develop our
Teacher F challenges for it requires more time and
capabilities to teach more subjects.
effort than usual.
Teacher G It helps us to grow professionally. Time-consuming.
Teacher H It helps us to be decisive and creative. Time-consuming also.

The table revealed the different perceptions of cope with the challenge in teaching the subjects that are
the respondents on the strength and weaknesses that they not their area of specialization, thus they are flexible in
experienced in teaching the non-major subject. Through teaching the mismatched subjects.
their experiences, and identified weaknesses the
respondent find their ways to address their weaknesses It implies that even a teacher is qualified to teach
and convert them into their strength. Those challenges but the subject is not suited to its specialty, problems
and trials help them to become a better teacher. might arise and can affect teachers, mentally, physically,
and emotionally.
Ingersoll (2000) implies in his article in ERIC
Digest that the phenomenon of out-of-field teaching – CONCLUSION
teachers teaching subjects for which have little education
From the data gathered the following conclusion
or training – has long been a crucial but relatively
was drawn;
unrecognized problem in schools. It is a crucial issue
because highly qualified teachers may in actuality 1. Teaching a Non-major subject is one of the
become highly unqualified if they are assigned to teach unaddressed problems in the educational system. It needs
subjects for which they have little training or education. support and assistance from the school administration
and other faculty members to adjust to the teaching
Fulgado (2020) in her paper reiterates that
situation they encountered. It challenged the capabilities,
there are problems encountered by the non-specialists
skills, and determination of the teacher to perform their
in delivering their lessons and they make adjustments to
| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

duties and responsibilities. The role of modern Caldis, Susan (2017). Teachers Having to Know What
technologies plays a vital part in the coping solution of They do not Know. Retrieve from
the teachers to address certain problems that arise upon https://www.gtansw.org.au/files/geog_bulletin/20
teaching outside their specialization.
2. Teaching Non-major subject opens opportunities to
grow professionally as one of its advantages, and exert Caylao, Fe Rosalinda R. (2015). My Thought on Out-of-
field Teaching. Retrieve from
more time and effort to deliver the lesson based on the
needs of the learners indicated in the curriculum as its pampanga/20150408/281655368589774
Darling-Hammond, Linda (2000) Education Policy
3. Teacher broaden their capabilities and exposed to new Analysis Archives. Retrieve from
skills in the teaching profession as one of the strengths of https://epaa.asu.edu.
teaching Non-major, while it affects the physical, mental
and emotional aspect of a teacher teaching the non-major Du Plsessis, Anna Elizabeth (2015). Synopsis of Thesis:
subject as its weaknesses. Understanding the out-of-field Teaching
Experience. British Journal of Sociology of
RECOMMENDATION Education Vol. 36(5).
The following recommendations were identified
for the future purposes and development of the study. Fulgado, Juliet Instructional flexibility in Out of Field
Teaching, The URSP Research Journal, June
1. Educators need to strengthen their identities as 2020. Retrieved from http://www.urs.edu.ph/wp-
professionals. Provide quality instructions and prepared
teachers in different aspects as integral to teaching
quality and student learning Republic Act No. 10533. (2013). An Act Enhancing the
2. Empowered teachers through seminars and training for Philippine Basic EducationSystem by
out-of-field teachers on the content and pedagogy to Strengthening its Curriculum and Increasing the
broaden skills and capabilities. Number of Years for Basic Education. Official
Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
3. Clear policies and guidelines for professional
development opportunities that promote collaboration in Killion, Joellen & Harrison Cindy (2007). Ten Roles for
both public and private schools. Teacher Leaders.Educational Leadership. Vol. 65,
No. 1 pp. 74-77
Ingersoll, R (2000). Measuring Out-of-field Teaching.
Arkansas State University (2017). The Importance of
Teacher collaboration. Retrieve from Forthcoming Manuscript. NCES publication
Batas Pambansa BLG. 232 (1982). An Act Providing for
the Establishment and Maintenance of an
Integrated System of Education. The Lawphil

| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com
The URSP Research Journal | Volume VII, No. 1 | JUNE 2021

Willis J & Willis D (2013). Challenge and Change in

Language Teaching. Retrieve from

Zuzovsky, Ruth (2009). Teachers qualification and their

Impact on Student Achievement Findings from
TIMSS-2003 Data in Israel. Retrieve from

| ISSN: 2094-0556 | ursprj@gmail.com

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