21bce5309 Ai Final-Report
21bce5309 Ai Final-Report
21bce5309 Ai Final-Report
Submitted by
21BCE5309 - Divyanshu
April - 2024
This work explains the implementation of a model which recognizes an action of a human in a video by
pose estimation of Articulated Human in static 2-D image. In our project the video is segmented into
frames and then features are extracted from each frames. And finally using Modified LCS approach we
output the action performed by the individual.
Introduction :
Human pose recovery and action recognition is one of the most fascinating topic in Computer vision. Several methods
have been proposed for human pose recovery which uses pictorial structural framework[1] which revolutionized this
area of research. For human pose recovery we used local part based models[2] and constrained are imposed on the
joints geometrically. This model help us deal with the problems of foreshortening and rotation of limbs.
So Where is action recognition required ?
Action recognition is one of the important topic in computer vision. It is important for the applications such as video
surveillance, content-based video search. There are lots of other fields as well.
Why it is challenging?
In real time tracking or just in a static image action recognition is a non-trivial job because of high
variability in appearance produced by changes in the point of view, lighting conditions, and number of
articulations of the human body.
The project has two parts, first part is labelling of the different body parts of human in given image or frame.
Second part is to determine the action done by human in a given video. For the second part I used the result
obtained in first part.
Related Work:
Pose estimation is very much interesting area in the field of computer vision. Most recent and popular work on pose
estimation is by Deva Ramanan and Yi Yang.
Articulated pose Estimation With Flexible Mixtures of parts (By - Yi Yang, Deva Ramanan)[1] :
This paper describes a method for pose estimation in stationary images based on part models. In this method they
have used a spring model as a human model and calculated a contextual correlation between the model parts. One
way to visualize the model is a configuration of body parts interconnected by springs. The spring like connections
allow for the variations in relative positions of parts with respect to each other. The amount of deformation in the
springs acts as penalty (Cost of deformation).
Most of the work done on action recognition from video requires RGB as well as Depth data to recognize the
action. An Approach to Pose based Action Recognition (Chunyu Wang, Yizhou Wang and Alan L. Yuille) [2] :
For representing human actions, it first group the estimated joints into five body parts namely Head, L/R Arm, L/R
Leg. A dictionary of possible pose templates for each body parts is formed by clustering the poses of training data.
For every Action class we distinguish some part sets ( Temporal and Spatial ) for representing the given action and
then find the maximum intersection out of it.
For this part we used code provided by D. Ramanan[3]. The code basically gives the 26 rectangular
boxes which means there is one body part in each of the box. Deva Ramanan model represents the
human body as a deformable configuration (like spring is attached between parts) of individual parts
which are in turn are modelled separately in a recursive manner. Then for all the configurations of human
body parts, score is calculated as follows:
Informally we can think of this equation as having two parts, one its local score (the 1st part of rhs) which
means how much this part fits in the given position. And a pair-wise score which finds its score when their
kids are at a fixed position. Now this score is propagated till its root (head) and the configuration which
achieves the highest score is being selected.
So, from this we get 26 parts of human body. But our main goal is to recognize actions based on above
data, so all the 26 parts individually doesn’t make much sense and increases the computation overhead
as well. So to minimize the cost we clustered the 26 body parts into 11 parts which are : Left
Hand/Arm/Torso/Thigh/Leg, Right Hand/Arm/Torso/Thigh/Leg and Head. For clustering this part we first
normalized the skeleton w.r.t Head-Neck length. This method helps us deal with the cases of difference in
height, length of detected skeleton caused by the different shapes and sizes of individuals. After
normalization we used ‘Linear Regression’ method to estimate the 11 body parts described above. r
After this we get a model which shows labels for each part of human body. Results obtained on some of
the input images is as shown in the following figure:
Fig 3 : Labelled 26 body parts Fig 4 : After clustering Labelled 11 body part.
Feature Extraction: From above 11 parts, we use the set of 8 angles as the feature vector of one
image/frame. These angles are:
Angles between: Left Hand and Arm, Left Arm and Torso, Left Torso and Left Thigh, Left Thigh and Left leg
and similarly for Right body parts. For training we used ‘i3DPost Multi-view Human Action Datasets
This provides a dataset of HD image sequences of 8 person (different camera view) doing 13 actions
namely Walk, Run, Jump, Bend, Hand-wave, Jump-in-place, Sit-Stand Up, Run-fall, Walk-sit, Run-
jumpwalk, Handshake, Pull, Facial-expressions.
Currently we have trained our model for actions Walk, Jump, Bend, Hand-wave, and Walk-sit. For training
we used idea very similar to codebook, extracted feature vector for each frame of a every training video
and stored it.Now when new video(input) comes, we take some frames of that video at some interval and
apply modified LCS algorithm to check which action it belongs to. The flowchart given below is a highlevel
overview of what the whole algorithm is:
Modified LCS Algorithm: In this algorithm it calculates the maximum number of frames in subsequence
matching with that on training sets. This is implemented as a dynamic programming fashion.
Now this modified algorithm will give number of frame-sequences which are matched (within a particular
threshold) with trained videos for each action. The more the matched number more the probability of that
action. For finding when two frames matches we have used the concept of star distance [5] which is the
similarity between two feature vector and is defined as the Euclidean distance between 8 sub-vector as
follows :
Star-Distance = Σ (Si - Ti) for all i = 1 to 8
We used two kind of threshold to deal with the problem of occlusion and noise in human skeleton
detection. The first one is local threshold which takes care of small changes on local level on every
subvector of feature vector and one penalty which deals with high changes in one or two sub-vector in
feature vector and ignores them. So if they satisfies the local and global threshold then they are
considered to be equivalent.
Feedback System: At the end of test video we will ask the user whether the result is consistent with the
provided video or not, if not we ask user the correct action of that video and train our model on this new
video accordingly.
Fig5 : Sit
Results :
Some of the screenshots are shown above for results and there was high accuracy in actions like wave,
walk and jump but some action classes like bend and sit were not much accurate. The reason behind this
was that, in bend and sit the skeleton was distorted and hence the extracted feature vector was not
always correct and there were lots of occlusions which lead to high penalty and lesser countLCS in our
Bend 5 0 2 0 1
Jump 1 7 1 0 1
Walk 0 2 9 0 1
Wave 0 0 2 9 0
Sit 2 1 1 0 4
Accuracy we obtained:
References :