Eco-Tourism Climate Change
Eco-Tourism Climate Change
Eco-Tourism Climate Change OPEN
1 School of Hospitality Administration, Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Zhejiang, China. 2 School of Economics, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, China. 3 School of
Global Studies, Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan. 4 TOKAI Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability (TRIES), Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan. 5 Faculty of
World Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. ✉email:;;
he challenge of climate change has become a primary is a green economy, an environmentally friendly economy, a zero
threat to living on the Earth in the last centuries (Rasou- carbon economy, or a sustainable economy. Lee et al. (2022)
linzhad and Taghizadeh-Hesary, 2022). Many meetings of define the green economy as a broad concept comprising green
the countries at the regional and international level are held on industry, agriculture, and services. Centobelli et al. (2022) express
the topics of environment and climate change. Regardless of that environmental sustainability should be more attention in the
environmental issues, population growth, and the lack of control service sector owing to its penetration into social life and
of greenhouse gas emissions, industrialization has been the most interactions.
crucial cause of the climate change crisis. Chao and Feng (2018) Tourism and travel-related services are among countries’ main
address human activity as the leading cause of climate change and parts of the service sector. By creating the flow of tourists, tourism
express that this challenge is a potential threat to living on Earth. services can lead to capital transfer, job creation, cultural
Woodward (2019) argued that climate change threats include the exchange (globalization), and increasing welfare in the country
rise in global temperature, the melting of polar ice caps, and hosting the tours. According to the Yearbook of Tourism Sta-
unprecedented disease outbreaks. Therefore, urgent policies and tistics published by the World Tourism Organization, interna-
solutions are essential to control and lower the risk of global tional tourism has increased from 522.2 billion US dollars in 1995
change. One of the signs of climate change is the increase in the to nearly 1.86 trillion US dollars in 2019. This increase shows the
average temperature of the Earth’s surface. Figure 1 shows the importance of tourism services in generating income for coun-
temperature data from 1910 to 2021 for the four continents of tries, especially in the era of Corona and post-corona. Casado-
Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. Aranda et al. (2021) express that tourism services can be a central
The data in Fig. 1 shows that the air temperature has increased driver of economic growth recovery in post COVID era. Jeya-
significantly over the past century, which has been more promi- cheya and Hampton (2022) argue that tourism can make high
nent in Asia and Europe. In 2021, we saw a decrease in tem- incomes for host countries leading to job creation and economic
perature changes due to the spread of the Corona disease and a flourishing in destination cities for tourists.
decrease in the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the An important issue mentioned in the corona era and relies on
role of the Asian continent in increasing the global temperature the post-corona era is the revitalizing of green economic growth.
has been more than other continents due to its large population An important issue mentioned in the corona era and relying on
and excessive consumption of fossil fuels. the post-corona era is the revitalizing green economic growth (Bai
During the past decades, the world’s countries have tried to et al., 2022; Werikhe, 2022), an opportunity that countries should
formulate and implement various environmental policies collec- pay more attention to in order to rebuild their economic activ-
tively in the form of agreements or separately to fight environ- ities. In other words, countries should plan their return to eco-
mental threats. Regarding international agreements, such things nomic prosperity with environmental issues in mind. To this end,
as the Paris Agreement of 2015, the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, the the issue of tourism finds a branch called Ecotourism or sus-
Montreal Protocol of 1987, and the Vienna Convention on tainable tourism which has environmental concerns and tries to
the Protection of the Ozone Layer in 1985 can be addressed help countries to improve environmental protection policies.
whose primary purpose is to integrate the goals and motivation of Ecotourism is an approach based on environmental criteria,
the international community to the world’s environmental which is opposed to over-tourism (a type of tourism that disrupts
threats. However, a group of earlier studies, such as Zheng et al. the protection of the environment and destroys natural resour-
(2017), Takashima (2018), and Roelfsema et al. (2022), empha- ces). The International Ecotourism Society defines Ecotourism as
sized the inefficiency of these global agreements, especially after an efficient way to conserve the environment and improve local
the left the USA from the Paris Agreement on 1 June 2017. The people’s well-being. It can be said that Ecotourism, along with
most important cause of this inefficiency has been the need for various economic advantages (income generation, job creation,
more motivation of countries to fulfill their international obli- globalization, poverty alleviation), will bring environmental pro-
gations towards environmental issues. However, many govern- tection to the world’s countries, achieving the goals of green
ments consider the threat of climate change only within their economic growth recovery and sustainable development. Xu et al.
geographical boundaries and have tried to formulate and imple- (2022) consider Ecotourism as one of the essential components of
ment green policies to advance their environmental protection achieving sustainable development in the post-corona era.
goals. These policies include green financial policies (green taxes, Ecotourism in developing countries has more priorities com-
green subsidies), monetary policies (such as green loans and pared to developed economies. Firstly, developing countries are
green financing), and cultural and social policies in line with often countries with financial problems of the government, and
sustainable development. The ultimate goal of these green policies the governments in these countries need more capital to advance
Fig. 1 Surface temperature, °C, 1910–2021. Source: Authors from NOAA (
sustainable development goals. Therefore, developing ecotourism and structured way. The importance of tourism in economic
services can be a suitable solution to help these countries improve growth and development has been discussed in previous studies.
the status of sustainable development indicators and protect their However, the study of the effect of tourism on climate change has
environment. Second, due to the spread of the Corona disease, received little attention. Especially the relationship between sus-
developing countries have experienced numerous bankruptcy in tainable tourism, climate change, and environmental policies is a
the tourism services sector. Therefore, promoting ecotourism in problem that has yet to receive the attention of academic experts.
these countries is of great importance in the post-corona era. A group of previous studies has focused on the place of tourism
Third, developing countries have a high share in the emission of in economic development and growth. Holzner (2011) focused on
greenhouse gases in the world due to their high dependence on the consequences of tourism development on the economic
fossil fuels and the lack of advanced green technologies. Fourth, performance of 134 countries from 1970 to 2007. They found out
due to bureaucratic processes, high cost, and lack of market that excessive dependence on tourism income leads to Dutch
transparency, greenwashing may happen in developing econo- disease in the economy, and other economic sectors need to
mies’ ecotourism industry, meaning that a company serving develop to the extent of the tourism sector. In another study,
ecotourism services makes its activities seem more sustainable Sokhanvar et al. (2018) investigated the causal link between
and ethical than they are. The term “greenwashing” can harshly tourism and economic growth in emerging economies from 1995
impact the future development path of the ecotourism industry in to 2014. The main results confirmed that the linkage is country-
developing economies. According to the reasons mentioned dependent. Brida et al. (2020) studied 80 economies from 1995 to
above, developing ecotourism in developing countries can be an 2016 to determine how tourism and economic development are
essential factor in controlling and reducing greenhouse gas related. The paper’s conclusions highlighted tourism’s-positive
emissions in these countries. role in economic activities.
This paper tries to contribute to the existing literature from the Another group of previous studies has linked tourism to sus-
following aspects: tainability targets. Sorensen and Grindsted (2021) expressed that
nature tourism development has a positive and direct impact on
1. Calculating the ecotourism index for selected countries achieving sustainable development goals of countries. In a new
based on the criteria for measuring sustainable tourism study, Li et al. (2022) studied the impacts of tourism development
stated by the World Tourism Organization in the United on life quality (as one of the sustainable development goals
Nations. Considering that there is no specific index for defined by the UN in 2015) in the case of Japan. They found that
ecotourism, the calculation of ecotourism in this article will tourism development positively impacts the quality of life of age
be innovative. groups in the country. Ahmad et al. (2022) explored the role of
2. Measuring the green governance index as a proxy for tourism in the sustainability of G7 economies from 2000–2019.
environmental policies for selected countries based on the The primary findings revealed the positive impact of tourism
Environment Social and Governance (ESG) data. arrivals on sustainable economic development. Zekan et al. (2022)
3. Selecting a sample of 40 developing countries from different investigated the impact of tourism on regional sustainability in
geographical regions to calculate the interconnections Europe. They concluded that tourism development increases
between ecotourism, green governance, and climate change transport, leading to increased carbon dioxide emissions. There-
4. Making a further discussion to address the role of fore, tourism development causes environmental pollution.
uncertainty and the developing level of countries in the Tourism that can pay attention to environmental issues is
relationship between ecotourism and explanatory variables. called “ecotourism.” Many new studies have studied different
The main results confirm the existence of a uni-directional dimensions of ecotourism. Lu et al. (2021) expanded the concept
causal relationship running from the green governance indicator of the ecotourism industry. The significant results expressed that
and inflation rate to the ecotourism indicator. In addition, with a smart tourist cities are essential for efficient ecotourism in
1% improvement in the green governance index of developing countries. Thompson (2022) expressed the characteristics of
countries, the ecotourism of these countries will increase by ecotourism development through survey methodology. The
0.43%. A 1% increase in the globalization index of these countries results confirmed the importance of transparent regulations,
accelerates ecotourism by 0.32%. government support, and social intention to promote ecotourism.
Moreover, ecotourism in developing countries is more sensitive In another study, Heshmati et al. (2022) employed the SWOT
to macroeconomic variables changes than in developed econo- analysis method to explore the critical success factors of eco-
mies. Geopolitical risk is an influential factor in the developing tourism development in Iran. They found that legal doc-
process of ecotourism. The practical policies recommended by umentation and private participation are major influential factors
this research are developing the green financing market, estab- in promoting ecotourism in Iran. In line with the previous
lishing virtual tourism, granting green loans to small and medium research, Hosseini et al. (2021) tried to explore the influential
enterprises, and government incentives to motivate active factors in promoting ecotourism in Iran by employing a SWOT
businesses. analysis. They depicted that attracting investors is essential to
The paper in continue is organized as follows: section “Lit- enhance ecotourism projects in Iran. Hasana et al. (2022)
erature review” provides a short literature review to determine the reviewed research to analyze the earlier studies about ecotourism.
gaps this research seeks to fill. Section “Data and model specifi- The conclusions expressed that ecotourism is necessary for
cation” argues data and model specification. The following sec- environmental protection. However, it is a challenging plan for
tion represents empirical results. Section “Discussion” expresses the government, and they should carry out various policies
discussion, whereas the last section provides conclusions, policy toward ecotourism development. Kunjuraman et al. (2022) stu-
implications, research limitations, and recommendations to died the role of ecotourism on rural community development in
research further. Malaysia. The significant results confirmed that ecotourism could
transfer-positive impacts.
Several earlier studies have concentrated on the characteristics
Literature review of ecotourism in different developed and developing economies.
This part of the article analyzes and classifies the previous lit- For example, Ruhanen (2019) investigated the ecotourism status
erature on ecotourism and sustainable development in a rational in Australia. The paper concluded that the country could
potentially make a larger share of ecotourism to the entire local Organization proposed some measurements of sustainable
tourism industry. Jin et al. (2022) studied the role of local com- tourism, and also following Yusef et al. (2014), the entropy
munity power on green tourism in Japan. They concluded that weight method is employed to calculate a multi-dimensional
the concept of agricultural village activity and regional support ecotourism indicator comprising per capita green park area
positively influences the development of green tourism in Japan (square meters), gross domestic tourism revenue (US dollars), the
as a developed economy. Choi et al. (2022) sought to find aspects ratio of good air quality (%), green transport, renewable water
of ecotourism development in South Korea. The preliminary resources (km3) and deforestation rate (%). It is a novel
results confirmed the importance of green governance and effi- ecotourism indicator that can show the ecotourism status in
cient regulation to promote a sustainable tourism industry. countries.
Baloch et al. (2022) explored the ecotourism specifications in the In addition, the green governance index is calculated as a proxy
developing economy of Pakistan. They found that Pakistan’s for environmental policy. Principally, the Environment, Social,
ecotourism needs government support and the social well-being and Governance (ESG) data from World Bank are gathered to
of the visited cities. Sun et al. (2022) studied ecotourism in China. calculate this variable. With the improvement of the Green
They concluded that there is imbalanced development of eco- Governance Index, the quality of environmental policies will also
tourism among Chinese provinces due to the need for more increase, and vice versa. With the adverseness of the Green
capital to invest in all ecotourism projects throughout the Chinese Governance Index, the efficiency of environmental policies will
cities. Tajer and Demir (2022) analyzed the ecotourism strategy in decrease.
Iran. They concluded that despite various potentials in the Regarding control variables, the inflation rate as an influential
country, insufficient capital, lack of social awareness, and political factor in tourism flows is selected. The importance of this variable
tension are the major obstacles to promoting a sustainable to promoting/declining tourism flows has been drawn to
tourism industry in Iran. attention by some earlier studies, such as Liu et al. (2022). The
Another group of earlier studies has drawn attention to pro- inflation rate can raise the total cost of travel, causing a reduction
moting eco-tourism in the post COVID era. They believe that the in tourism flows, while any reduction in the inflation rate can
corona disease has created an excellent opportunity to pay more increase the intention of tourists to travel. In addition, the KOF
attention to environmental issues and that countries should move globalization index provided by the KOF Swiss Economic
towards sustainable development concepts such as sustainable Institute is another control variable. A country with a higher
(eco) tourism in the post-corona era. Soliku et al. (2021) studied degree of globalization means more readiness to accept tourists
eco-tourism in Ghana during the pandemic. The findings from countries with different cultures and religions.
depicted the vague impacts of a pandemic on eco-tourism.
Despite the short-term negative consequence of the pandemic on Model specification. According to the variables mentioned
eco-tourism, it provides various opportunities for developing this above, 40 examined developing countries from 2010 to 2021, the
sector in Ghana. Hosseini et al. (2021) employed the Fuzzy panel co-integration model can be written as Eq. 1:
Dematel technique to find solutions for promoting eco-tourism
during COVID-19. They found out that planning to increase the ETORi;t ¼ α0 þ β1 CO2i;t þ β2 GGIi;t þ β3 INFi;t þ β4 GLOBi;t þ ei;t
capacity of eco-tourism and incentive policies by governments ð1Þ
can help promote the eco-tourism aspect under the pandemic’s
consequences. Abedin et al. (2022) studied the consequence of ETOR indicates the ecotourism index, while CO2, GGI, INF, and
COVID-19 on coastal eco-tourism development. The primary GLOB denote Carbon dioxide emissions per capita, green gov-
findings confirmed the negative impacts of a pandemic on the ernance index, inflation rate, and globalization index, respectively.
development of eco-tourism. i is 1,2,…,40 and shows examined developing economies, while t
A review of previous studies shows that tourism can positively is time and contains 2010, 2011,..,2021.
impact green growth and sustainable development. Sustainable Prior to the estimation of coefficients of Eq. 1, the panel unit
tourism can be used as a policy to deal with the threat of climate root tests are employed to find out whether the series is
change. This issue needs more attention in the corona and post- stationary. To this end, three tests of LLC (Levin et al., 2002),
corona eras. Because in the post-corona era, many countries have Breitung’s test (2000), and the PP-Fisher test (Philips and Perron,
sought to revive green economic growth, and ecotourism can be 1988). If all the variables are stationary at the first level of
one of the tools to achieve it. As observed, a detailed study of the difference (I(1)), a panel co-integration test can be conducted to
relationship between climate change, ecotourism, and environ- explore whether the model is spurious. To this end, Kao’s co-
mental policies has yet to be done. Therefore, this research will integration test (1999) and Pedroni’s residual co-integration test
address and fill this literature gap. (2004) are conducted. If the co-integration relationship exists
among variables, the panel causality test can be run to determine
the causal linkages among variables. In this paper, the two steps of
Data and model specification Engle and Granger (1987)‘s test, which is based on the error
Data description. The paper seeks to find the relationship correction model (ECM) is used as Eqs. 2–6:
between climate change, ecotourism, and environmental policy ΔETORi;t ¼ θ1;i þ ∑m m
k¼1 θ 1:1:i;k ΔETORi;tk þ ∑k¼1 θ1:2:i;k
for the panel of 40 developing economies from different regions m m
from 2010 to 2021 (480 observations). The sample size could have ΔCO2i;tk þ ∑k¼1 θ1:3:i;k ΔGGIi;tk þ ∑k¼1 θ1:4;i;k ΔINFi;tk
been more extensive due to the lack of information on some þ ∑m
k¼1 θ 1:5:i;k ΔGLOBi;tk þ λ1;i ECTi;t1 þ μ1;i;t
variables. However, there are 480 observations in the data analysis
of the data panel; therefore, the number of samples selected is
To determine the proxies for main variables, CO2 emissions ΔCO2i;t ¼ θ2;i þ ∑m m
k¼1 θ 2:1:i;k ΔETORi;tk þ ∑k¼1 θ2:2:i;k
per capita are selected as the proxy for climate change. Many ΔCO2i;tk þ ∑m m
k¼1 θ2:3:i;k ΔGGIi;tk þ ∑k¼1 θ 2:4;i;k ΔINFi;tk
earlier studies (e.g., Espoir et al., 2022) have employed this þ ∑m
k¼1 θ 2:5:i;k ΔGLOBi;tk þ λ2;i ECTi;t1 þ μ2;i;t
variable as an appropriate variable representing the status of
climate change. Regarding ecotourism, the World Tourism ð3Þ
ETOR, CO2, GGI, INF, and GLOB are eco-tourism indicator, carbon dioxide emissions per capita, green governance indicator, inflation rate and globalization index, respectively.
Source: Authors.
Short-term Long-term
ΔETOR – −0.239 (0.00) 0.501 (0.042) −0.113 (0.031) 0.429 (0.533) 9.832 (0.00)
ΔCO2 −0.39 (0.03) – −0.392 (0.00) 0.192 (0.443) 0.103 (0.23) 0.403 (0.45)
ΔGGI 0.45 (0.594) 0.223 (0.49) – −0.23 (0.001) 0.553 (0.684) 2.845 (0.013)
ΔINF 0.32 (0.119) 0.342 (0.64) −0.21 (0.00) – −0.32 (0.053) 10.449 (0.32)
ΔGLOB 0.13 (0.023) 0.943 (0.32) 0.192 (0.04) −0.13 (0.024) – 6.443 (0.075)
ETOR, CO2, GGI, INF, and GLOB are eco-tourism indicator, carbon dioxide emissions per capita, green governance indicator, inflation rate and globalization index, respectively.
Source: Authors.
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Additional information
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Dayang Jiang or Ehsan Rasoulinezhad.
Tajer E, Demir S (2022) Ecotourism strategy of UNESCO city in Iran: applying a
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new quantitative method integrated with BWM. J Clean Prod 376:134284.
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