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PuBlIcAtIoN 8238


Forest Wildlife
gRegoRy A. gIustI, UCCE Forest & Wildland Ecology Advisor, Mendocino County; lAuRIe
lItmAN, InfoWright, Stockton, CA; gARy NAKAmuRA, UCCE Forestry Specialist, Department
of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley

uNIveRsIty oF
The term “wildlife” means different things to different people. A common definition
of wildlife is “living things that are neither human nor domesticated,” a definition
Division of Agriculture that can include plants as well as animals. In the past, “wildlife” was generally limited
and Natural Resources to game species (e.g., deer, bear, quail), but more recently it has come to include all
http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu undomesticated animals, including insects. This discussion of wildlife will include the
major animal groups found in the forest.
Wildlife is an integral part of any forest. In addition to intrinsic
value, wildlife perform numerous functions that are necessary to sustain
objectives the forest ecosystem. These include energy and nutrient cycling, pol-
Understand forest wildlife relationships lination, seed dispersal, decomposition, control of pest populations, and
and functions, habitat structures, and much more. In addition, most people enjoy observing wildlife, and many
elements and how to maintain or participate in recreational activities such as bird watching, insect collect-
enhance them. ing, photography, hunting, and fishing, to name a few.
It is important to recognize that there is a wide diversity of wildlife
in the forest. Each species has its own niche, or ecological role, in the
• Know the basic needs of wildlife for cover,
food, water, and living space. forest ecosystem. Some of these are well understood, others less so. Not
• Ability to identify common forest wildlife and only does each species have its own unique roles and needs, but there
their habitat requirements. are equally important relationships between and among the various spe-
• Ability to predict the effects of human and cies, the plant community, and the physical environment. All of these
natural disturbances on wildlife. together form the complex forest ecosystem.
• Understand the effects of human residential
living in the forest with wildlife. mammals
• Ability to promote wildlife use and presence Mammals are the group most people think of as wildlife. They are a highly
in the forest.
diverse group of animals, with some living below ground and others flying
• Understand the legal status and special
overhead. Forest mammals include carnivores such as bears, mountain
needs of endangered wildlife species.
lions, skunks, and otters; herbivores such as deer, rodents, and rabbits;
Related Forest stewardship and insectivores such as bats, moles, and shrews. Rodents such as voles
Publications turn over the soil and cycle nutrients, while others such as mice provide a
• Forest Ecology, ANR Publication 8233 prey base for many other species (fig. 1).
• Forest Vegetation Management, ANR
Publication 8236 Birds
• Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part I: Birds add color, movement, and sound to the forest. They play crucial
Timber Harvesting, ANR Publication 8249 roles in the forest ecosystem by dispersing seeds, pollinating plants,
and by eating insects and rodents. They are as diverse in their feeding
behaviors as the mammals, with nectar feeders (hummingbirds), seed
eaters (sparrows and finches), and carnivorous predators (hawks and owls). Some
nest in fragile straw and grass cup nests (warblers), while others build huge platforms
made of sticks weighing hundreds of pounds (ospreys and eagles). Some nest on the
ground, others in trees and shrubs.
 ANR Publication 8238

These cold-blooded animals (ectotherms) regulate their
body temperature by behavioral means. That is, when
too cold, they move to warm places, and when too warm,
they move to cooler places. Though not as appealing to
people as birds and mammals, these animals play impor-
tant roles in the ecosystem. Reptiles are both preda­tors
and prey, keeping populations of rodents and insects
in check and serving as food for many other animals.
Figure 1. The red-backed vole is known to disperse the mycorrhizal Recently it was learned that western fence lizards cleanse
fungal spores important for the productivity of Douglas fir. Source: ticks’ blood of Lyme disease, reducing the level of the
Illustration by Ellen Blonder, from J. Verner and A. Boss, eds., California potential inoculum in the environment.
wildlife and their Habitats: Western Sierra Nevada (Berkeley: Southwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report Amphibians
PSW-37, 1980).
Frogs and salaman­ders are another largely over­looked
group in the forest. These are an important food source
for a number of other animals, and they also help control
insect populations. Their migrations across the forest
floor may play a role in fungal dispersal and movement.

Fish are a major component of many food chains. In
addition, it is now recognized that anadromous fish,
those that move from freshwater to the ocean and back
(e.g., salmon or steelhead), play a major role in bring-
ing nutrients from the ocean to the terrestrial ecosystem
when they return to spawn and be eaten or die on the

Figure 2. Mollusks, like this banana slug, are important because
they recycle many nutrients found in various plant materials. Photo: This is likely the least appreciated wildlife group in the
Gerald and Buff Corsi, © 1999 California Academy of Sciences. forest. Invertebrates are animals that lack backbones,
including worms, slugs, spiders, and insects. Besides pro-
viding food for many other species, invertebrates perform
a great number of func­tions in the forest. Many are
decompos­ers, having the essential job of recycling nutri-
ents through the ecosystem (fig. 2). Others are predators
that keep populations of pests under control. Soil-dwelling
invertebrates help aerate and build the soil. Some inverte-
brates are also pollinators, without which many plants
could not reproduce. Invertebrates are probably the most
interesting and important group of animals in the forest,
containing the greatest total animal biomass and perform-
ing some of the most important services.

B iological Dive rsity

Biological diversity is the variety of life over a spatial
unit. It can be measured at several different levels, from
ecosystem diversity (the variety of habitats and com-
Figure 3. Diversity can be expressed by analyzing the number munities within an ecosystem), to species diversity (the
of animals that partition various resources found in a forest
number and mix of species within an ecosystem), to
freshwater aquatic setting. Source: Courtesy Water on the Web,
http://WaterOntheWeb.org, University of Minnesota-Duluth. genetic diversity within a species (fig. 3).
3 ANR Publication 8238

Groups of individuals of a species make up populations,

and these populations in aggregate with other species A forest contains a great variety of plant and animal
populations make up communities. Communities across species. Groups of individuals of a species make up popu-
large geographic regions make up a landscape. lations, and these populations in aggregate with other
species populations make up communities. Communities
across large geographic regions make up a landscape.
Across this landscape, there are genetic differences
between individuals and populations of the same species,
which is collectively called genetic variation. The variety
of species in a community (species diversity) and the
genetic variation within them (genetic diversity) is called
biological diversity, or biodiversity. The biological diver-
sity and variation within a forest system includes plants,
mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, soil and aerial
invertebrates, fungi, and bacteria.
Maintaining biodiversity is essential for supporting a
number of processes in the forest. It is important because
biological diversity within a forest ensures that energy and
nutrient cycles will function properly. These cycles ensure
Figure 4. The differences among forest relationships can be subtle
and can be affected by easily overlooked resources like the mosses
that the biological integrity of a forest will be maintained.
growing on the bark of California black oak. Photo: Gary Nakamura. Aspects of biological integrity include natural regeneration,
insect and disease resilience, and resistance or resilience in
response to natural disturbances such as fire.


The animals and plants that coexist in a forest depend on
the physical environment (climate, soils, topography).
These conditions largely determine what plant species
can exist in an area. This in turn defines the plant
community (the association of plants that live together).
California includes a great range of physical conditions—
different elevations, soil types, precipitation levels, prox-
imity to the ocean, and other parameters. Because of this,
the state has a wide diversity of forest types and wildlife
habitats (fig. 4).
Animal species are often found in association with
Figure 5. The diversity and overlap of specific plant communities. However, while forests of
wildlife species found in different oak pine, redwood, fir, and oak are generally sharply defined
woodlands across the state. geographically, wildlife patterns tend to be less clearly
defined (fig. 5). Many species are mobile and can readily
exploit many forest types. For example, sharp-shinned
hawks can be found in redwood forests, pine forests, and
in mixed forests of conifers and hardwoods throughout
the state.
Often, the composition of the forest (the actual
species of plants found there) is not as important as the
structure of the forest (the size, condition, and distribu-
tion of plants) in determining the occurrence of animal
species. For example, the sharp-shinned hawk needs suit-
able nesting sites combined with adequate prey and nec-
essary resting places and could conceivably be found in
4 ANR Publication 8238

many forest types within its range. Many wildlife species depend on par-
ticular structural components such as snags, rock piles, fallen trees, and
perching branches. A forest setting with a representative assemblage of
trees of various sizes and ages, as well as snags, fallen logs, some ground
cover plants, and stumps, will meet the basic ecological needs of most
of the species found in that forest type (fig. 6).
A few species have more specific needs. For example, a species that
requires acorns for a portion of its diet must live in a forest with oaks
(although it is generally not important which species of oak), and cer-
tain insects are completely dependent on one type (or group) of plant.
These specialist species will more easily be at risk if that limited habitat
element or plant species is lost. Many of the animals that are threatened
or endangered belong to this specialist group. Species with very specific
needs may require special management consideration.

com PoNeNts oF HABItAt

Generally, wildlife management does not involve managing the animals
themselves, but rather managing the habitat in which they live. The idea
is that if appropriate habitat is available, animals will utilize it. Wildlife
Figure 6. Snags (standing dead trees) provide requires four basic elements to successfully complete their life cycles:
important nesting, roosting, and foraging sites food, water, cover, and space. These elements are collectively known
for many species of vertebrates and inverte- as habitat, and each animal species has its own unique habitat require-
brates. Photo: Gary Nakamura. ments. Suitable habitat provides these basic elements to sustain both
individuals and populations of individuals over time.

Food is an obvious requirement for life. Some wildlife species eat only
plants (herbivores), others only animals (carnivores), while still others
eat both (omnivores). Animals may have very specific food requirements

t H R e At e N e D AND eNDANgeReD WIlDlIFe sPecIes

California is home to nearly 800 species of vertebrates, thousands of plants, and an uncounted number of invertebrates. This vast bio-
logical diversity is directly related to the great variety of habitat types found throughout the state. The combination of different forest
types plus deserts, valleys, mountains, coastal, and marine environs have resulted in a proliferation of species and communities over
evolutionary time. Because of this, many species evolved to exploit extremely limited ecological niches. These species, some of which
are naturally rare, are more susceptible to extinction through habitat alterations. Other historically common species, such as salmon,
have suffered from extreme alterations to their natural habitats over time.
The rapid increases in human population and concurrent habitat destruction of the twentieth century put many species in harm’s
way throughout California, and more generally, throughout the United States. The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973
was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Richard Nixon. It was designed to slow or stop the human-caused extinc-
tion of plants and animals in the United States. The ESA is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and, in the case
of anadromous fishes, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). A comparable state law, the California Endangered Species Act
(CESA), is administered by the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and may have jurisdiction over some species not iden-
tified in the federal law.
The ESA can have direct impacts over forest management on private property if a federally listed species (such as northern spotted
owl, Coho salmon, red-legged frog, or marbled murrelet) occurs or is thought to occur there. It comes into play only when an activity is
proposed that requires a permit. In California, a timber harvest plan (THP) is required to commercially harvest timber, thereby neces-
sitating an ESA consultation if a listed species is thought to occur within the impact area of the activity.
As of January 2006, 69 animal species were listed under the ESA, 31 species were listed under CESA, and 54 species appeared
on both lists. Current information about the species on these lists is found under Threatened and Endangered Species on the DFG
Web site at http://www.dfg.ca.gov.
 ANR Publication 8238

or may eat a variety of foods depending on availability. Common plant foods are cate-
gorized as soft mast (berries and other fruit), hard mast (nuts and acorns), forbs
(grasses and herbs), and browse (shrubs). Many of these items such as hard and soft
mast are seasonally available and must be supplemented with other food sources
throughout the year.
The movement of energy through the forest ecosystem can be characterized as a
food chain, or food web. Plants convert light from the sun into biomass (their stems,
leaves, and fruit) which can be eaten by herbivores. Herbivores, in turn, are eaten by
carnivores. By tracing these connections it is easier to see relationships and interdepen-
dence among living things in the forest (fig. 7).

Water is essential for all animals. While a few can get the water they need from their
food, most require a surface water source. This means that water in all forms is an
extremely important forest element. Besides access to a water source (creek, spring,
pond, or droplets of morning dew on grasses), animals need the ability to reach the
water safely, which often involves corridors of vegetation or other cover leading to the
water. If water is a limiting factor for a desired species, artificial sources of water such
as ponds or troughs can be provided.

The cover elements of a habitat are not as obvious as food and water. Shrubs, brush
piles, tree cavities, fallen logs, and stumps and bur­rows in the ground can all serve as
cover. Cover requirements depend on the species and are essential for addressing vari-
ous needs throughout the year. At any time, cover is necessary for protection from
predators and adverse weather conditions. Cover for travel, escape, and feeding is
also needed in varying degrees. During the spring, suitable cover is needed for nesting
sites and protection for the young. During summer months, cover such as large trees,
rock piles, and fallen logs may provide shade from the sun or daytime roost sites for
nocturnal species. During winter, elements that provide cover may include evergreen

River Otter
Prey Predator
Common Merganser
Great Blue Heron Competitors
American Osprey
Belted Kingfisher

Spotted Sandpiper
W. Aquatic Garter Snake
American Dipper

Pacific Giant Salamander


Steelhead Trout Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog

Cutthroat Trout (Tadpoles and Adults)
Chinook Salmon

Figure 7. Relationships among groups of species in a forest can be quite complex, as illustrated
by this food web developed for a perennial creek in the coast redwood region in Del Norte County.
 ANR Publication 8238

trees that offer escape from a storm or a communal roost

dur­ing cold nights. When animals are dis­placed from their
homes (cover), they become particu­larly vulnerable until
an appropriate unoccupied place is found (fig. 8).
Cover is essential for wildlife. Natural elements suit-
able for providing cover include:
• Snags. Dead standing trees provide potential nesting,
roosting, and perching sites for rep­tiles (mostly lizards),
mammals (bats, flying squirrels, raccoons), birds (swal-
lows, bluebirds, chickadees), and invertebrates. Snag
characteristics change over the years as the snag decays.
A forest should have numerous snags at various stages of
decay since each stage is used by different species in dif-
ferent ways (fig. 9).
• Fallen logs. Along with other large downed wood, fallen
logs provide cover for salamanders, chipmunks, and
nesting or courtship sites for birds (grouse, juncos).
These are also important sites for invertebrates (fig. 10).
• Rock piles and brush piles. The spaces among the rocks
B provide cover for reptiles, ground squirrels, and spe-
cies such as pika and marmots in high-elevation forests.
Figure 8. A deer browsing in the open (A) is quite visible and Brush piles are used by a number of bird species as well
vulnerable to predators. Stepping into the forest just a few
as reptiles and invertebrates.
feet (B), the deer’s coloration and form give it hiding cover and
make it difficult to see. Photos: Gary Nakamura. • Grasses and forbs­. Many birds nest in grasses and forbs,
and snakes, lizards, and small rodents may use them for
• Leaf litter and small wood. Species such as shrews and
salamanders use leaf litter and small wood for protective
cover and foraging cover (fig. 11).
• Evergreen plants. Evergreen trees and shrubs provide
sheltered areas during winter storms. Even mistletoe
clumps can provide cover and food during the winter for
many birds, such as cedar waxwings.
• Vernal pools. Seasonal ponds are important for amphib-
ian and invertebrate reproduction and support a number
of unique species of plants and associated pollinators.
• Shrubs. Low-growing plants such as poison oak and
Figure 9. Snags can come in many shapes, sizes, and species.
huckle­berry can provide cover for wildlife. It is impor-
They offer nesting and roosting sites to a variety of species such
as this red-tailed hawk in a blue oak. Photo: Gary Nakamura. tant to recognize that it is the structural properties of
the plant rather than the particular species that provide
the protection. This becomes important when plants are
slated for removal, as in the removal of exotic species for
a restoration project. Simply removing the exotic plant
may remove a key habitat element for a particular spe-
cies. Such removal must be followed up by replanting a
more desirable species to replace the lost habitat.

Space requirements are more difficult to define and visual-
Figure 10. Over time, downed logs acquire many unique habitat ize than the more tangible requirements for food, water,
attributes. They supply food for termites and ants, which in turn and cover, but they are just as important. Space refers to
become food for lizards and birds. Photo: Gary Nakamura. the area an animal needs to secure the food, water, and
 ANR Publication 8238

cover needed over its entire life cycle. This area is called
an animal’s home range. If an animal actively defends its
space, that space is called a territory. The home range
of any particular species is determined by the animal’s
mobility and its habitat needs. Commonly, unrelated spe-
cies have overlapping home ranges and share space and
resources, or use different elements of the habitat at dif-
ferent times and in different ways (fig. 12).
The size of a given wildlife species alone cannot be
used to determine their space requirements. Consider the
movement patterns of the California newt, a common forest
Figure 11. Salamanders and newts take advantage of the cover
provided by leaf litter and small wood. Photo: Jo-Ann Ordano, © amphibian. This diminutive creature spends most of its life,
2004 California Academy of Sciences. and most of the year, in upland areas, often in the protective
niche of a pocket gopher burrow system or under a fallen
log. In the winter when the rains begin, newts move from
their summer residence to a water source (pond, lake, or
other still body of water). There they mate and deposit their
eggs, then return to their summer cover, leaving the eggs
and larvae to hatch and develop on their own. For this spe-
cies to successfully reproduce, it must have enough space to
secure suitable cover to persist through the summer
months, and it must also have free access to reproduction
sites. Any disturbance that prevents this movement can
have serious consequences to a local newt population.
Some species, such as deer mice and salamanders,
have a small home range; they travel very little and their
populations are easily influenced by the actions of a sin-
gle landowner. Others, such as mountain lions, salmon,
and migratory bird species, have very large home ranges
that can extend far beyond individual property boundar-
ies. When large, forested areas are subjected to habitat
changes by timber harvesting, subdivision, or other uses,
species with large home ranges may be adversely affected.
That is why it is important for adjoining landowners to
consider landscape-scale conservation goals as a way to
maintain contiguous acres of suitable habitat by estab-
lishing and maintaining corri­dors and functionally larger
habitats that go beyond a single property.


Some species have complex or multiple habitat require­ments.
Quail, for example, feed on grasses, forbs, seeds, and insects
Figure 12. The “space” used regularly by animals is referred to in forest clear­ings in the spring and summer; in the fall they
as their home range. Home ranges for different individuals can feed on hard mast such as acorns. Other species live on the
readily overlap across many habitat elements. This is an example
boundaries (ecotones) of two or more habitat types; for
of individual deer mice (Peromyscus spp.) home ranges. A creek
is denoted by a dashed line. Microphones and the direction they example, Wilson warblers often nest in the riparian zone
were facing are indicated by directional microphone symbols. between the stream and upland sites. A species may require
Peromyscus boylii ranges are shown in green; P. californicus a dense for­est for reproduction or nesting but a more open
ranges are shown in yellow. Horizontal line is 10 meters. Source: forest or brush field for foraging and food. Northern spotted
Courtesy M.C. Kalcounis-Rueppell, J. Metheney, and M. Vonhoff, owls behave in this way, roosting and nesting in dense forests
“Production of ultrasonic vocalizations by Peromyscus mice in
the wild,” Frontiers in Zoology 3:3 (February 2006), http://www
and foraging for rodents in adjacent young forests, brush
.frontiersinzoology.com/content/3/1/3. fields, or meadows.
 ANR Publication 8238

When an essential habitat element is scarce, it becomes a limiting factor for a spe-
cies. To increase the abundance of a desired species, it is often necessary to determine
the limiting factor and find a way to increase it. Keep in mind that manipulating the
environment in favor of one species may adversely affect another.
The overall quality of the habitat determines its carrying capacity, a measure of
the number of individuals of a particular species that the habitat can support. Thus,
if an area has ample amounts of food, water, and cover it can conceivably sustain a
larger population of a species than if one of the habitat elements is in short supply.
No matter how suitable the habitat, however, there is a limit to how many individuals
can be supported. If the popula­tion exceeds this level, there will usually be a crash in
numbers due to disease, starvation, or an increase in predator populations in response
to the increased supply of prey. Some populations of animals exhibit periodic cycles of
increased population followed by a sharp decline when the carrying capacity is exceed-
ed and one or more habitat elements becomes overtaxed. For example, when deer
browse is limiting, many deer are underfed and weak. Mountain lions usually prey
on the large number of young or weak deer, returning deer populations to the habitat
carrying capacity. The carrying capacity of any given area can also be affected by the
behavioral traits being exhibited by individuals defending a territory. As an example,
during the nesting season, there may be a number of suitable nesting sites for a bird
species, but a resident dominant male may exclude all rivals, limiting the number of
individuals within his sphere of influence. The same can be said for many large carni-
vores such as bears, coyotes, and mountain lions.

Resource Partitioning
As many as 311 different vertebrate species use mixed-conifer forests throughout the
year. To avoid intense competition, species have evolved ways to partition the environ-
mental resources in space and time.
Some species utilize different resources throughout the year. For example, when
California ground squir­rels emerge from hibernation in early spring, they feed exten-
sively on grass and forb leaves. As the season progresses and grasses begin to set seed,
the squirrels slowly switch their diet to include seeds. By the time they are ready to
reenter their winter sleep, their diet consists almost entirely of seeds. This change in
feeding behavior allows the animals to take advantage of the most readily available and
most nutritious food source by season.
Similar species often evolve traits that decrease interspecies competition and
allow them to coexist. For example, throughout the forests of the Sierra Nevada,
three different species of tree squirrel can be found in the same general habitat: the
chickaree, the western gray squirrel, and the northern flying squirrel. These animals
could conceivably be fierce competitors if not for having evolved behaviors that allow
them to share the area. The most obvious partitioning is the separation of activity
times between the diurnal chickaree and gray squirrel and the nocturnal flying squir-
rel. Simply being active at different times of day allows for less direct interaction.
Additionally, the larger gray squirrel can access food from larger seed cones (sugar
pines), while the smaller chickaree feeds on seeds from smaller Douglas-fir or white
pine cones. A primary food source for the flying squirrel is fungi (mushrooms and
truffles), not seed. Thus, because their activity patterns and food resources are par-
titioned, these animals can exploit different components of their shared habitats.
Resource partitioning can also be seen in other similar species: chipmunks and ground
squirrels, rabbits and hares, and species of birds.
 ANR Publication 8238

Fo rest T y p es a s H abitats
There is no one-size-fits-all management prescription or condition that will serve all
wildlife all the time for all forest types. Forest habitat conditions change over time as
the plants and trees grow, die, and are affected by drought, insects, disease, wind, and
flood. Each forest type has its own unique character­istics and can support a broad
assemblage of wildlife species. Because of this, it is important to understand your forest
and tailor your wildlife management plans to it. For example, in a pine forest one
would expect to find animals that rely heavily on pine nuts as a food source (Clark’s
nutcracker, chickarees, chipmunks). Given the presence of these animals, one would
expect predator species that prey on rodents and small birds (Cooper’s hawk, pine marten).
To a large extent, the character of a forest and the wildlife it supports is determined
by climate. In California, the forests of the Klamath Range and the Sierra-Cascades
region receive most of their moisture in the form of snow during winter months.
Because of the dry summers and extremely cold winters, there are relatively few
amphibians in those forests.
Coastal redwood forests have winter and spring rains and summer fog that greatly
influence the forest vegetation and moisture regimes. The summer fog, coupled with
the presence of large logs and thick leaf litter on the forest floor, provides suitable year-
round moist conditions to sustain high numbers and diversity of amphibians.
Understanding the differences between forest types can assist in the development
of management regimes aimed at protecting or encouraging wildlife species. For exam-
ple, the redwood forest is a long-lived, relatively stable environment that is not subject
to catastrophic fires or pest and disease outbreaks; the natural disturbance regime of
low-intensity, frequent fires coupled with long-lived trees does not lead to the rapid
recruitment of habitat elements such as tree hollows or dead tops. Being scarce, these
habitat elements deserve a higher level of consideration when managing coastal red-
wood forests.
The mixed-conifer forests of the Klamath Range and Sierra Nevada, with their
component of white fir, are subject to pests, diseases, and drought that, in the absence
of fire or timber harvest, result in the rapid and continual recruitment of snags.
Therefore, compared to the assemblage of wildlife species of the coastal redwood forest,
the mixed-conifer forest has a higher diversity of snag-dependent organisms such as
woodpeckers, songbirds, and small mammals.
Historically, forests of pine, fir, and oak were subjected to more intensive fire
regimes than coastal redwoods, resulting in a patchy forested landscape of various ages
and species composition. This mosaic of stand ages and sizes over a landscape provides
a broad spectrum of habitat elements that can support a relatively large number of
wildlife species.

D istu rban ce and Successi on

Disturbance is a natural and necessary part of any ecosystem. Fire, wind storms, insect
and disease outbreaks, drought, landslides, and even earthquakes or floods make their
mark on the forest, transforming habitat in various ways depending on severity of the
Wildlife conservation requires that forest management actions mimic conditions
that sustain wildlife species that have evolved within a particular forest type. Therefore,
you should understand the natural disturbance regime of your forest.
Wildlife habitat is constantly changing, although the changes may not always be
dramatic. Components of habitat grow, die, and decay and disturbances occur, changing
the habitat conditions over time. Habitat changes may have a positive, negative, or
1 0 ANR Publication 8238

neutral effects on wildlife, depending upon the species. Remember, no one-size-fits-all

management prescription or condition will serve all wildlife all the time for all forest types.
Succession is the somewhat predictable sequence or pattern of vegetation change
that occurs in a forest after disturbance. A clearing in the forest is first colonized by
plants that are able to germinate quickly and live under direct sunlight (generally grass-
es and forbs). As time passes, slower-growing species of shrubs become dominant and
shade out the herbs. Eventually, trees grow up above the shrubs, shading them out in
turn. These stages in succession occur throughout the forest at various scales, some-
times in a very small area (as when a tree falls), other times over a much larger area
(such as after a forest fire or timber harvest). Smaller disturbances throughout a forest
over time can create a mosaic of habitats at different stages of succession.
Immediately after a severe fire kills most of the trees in a stand, the forest enters
the early successional stage. Surface vegetation is gone, as is the forest can­opy. Animals
that need these habitat elements can no longer live on the site. However, fire-killed
trees become food for millions of insects, which in turn provide food for a number
of insect-eating species. The stand­ing dead trees (snags) provide per­ches for raptors.
Decayed trees pro­vide nest sites for cavity nesters (birds and mammals) and, as these
fall, other fire-killed trees decay and provide habitat. In time early-successional stages
of vegetation come to dominate the site: grasses and forbs, then shrubs and tree sap-
lings. These provide forage and dense cover for small mammals, nesting sites for birds,
and a high-quality food source for ungulates such as deer and elk. In 30 to 50 years,
trees replace the early-succes­sional plants and the forest can again provide the habitat
needed by animals that use the forest interior. The number of nesting sites for cavity-
nesting birds and mam­mals decreases as the remaining fire-killed snags decay and fall,
but these become dead wood on the forest floor. The fallen wood serves as cover for
small mammals, amphibians, ground-nesting birds, and a host of invertebrates. Fungi
and invertebrates living in the dead wood provide food for birds and small mammals.
Valuable habitat is also produced when dead trees and wood fall into streams, creating
structure and cover for fish and other aquatic wildlife.
Animals have evolved to coexist with disturbance and exhibit similar patterns
of response. Some animals require habitat found at a specific successional stage. For
example, after a stand-replacing fire, certain species are favored while others are
excluded. As the plant community (and thus the habitat) changes over time, so does
the animal community, the species favored, and the carrying capacity.

Old-Gr ow t h Forest
While some species of animals, such as deer, quail, and many
small songbirds, thrive in early-successional vegetation stages,
others require the more complex habitats found only in older for-
ests. Characteristics of old forests often include multiple canopy
layers, many cavities, and trunk hollows and broken tops that
can serve a large variety of species.
An example of a forest species that requires old forest
characteristics is the marbled murrelet (fig. 13). The murrelet
is a robin-sized ocean-going bird that nests on large, moss-
covered trees in the coastal redwood forest while spending the
bulk of the year off-shore feeding on small fish. Its suitable
Figure 13. Marbled murrelets spend most of their time at nesting habitat requires tree branches that are 8 inches or
sea, coming to land only to nest and raise young. Photo: greater in diameter. This habitat ele­ment is usually found only
Rich MacIntosh, courtesy USGS. on very old, large trees.
1 1 ANR Publication 8238

Hum an D i sturban ce
While disturbance is a natural process, humans have greatly accelerated the speed and
extent of disturbance, making it harder for many natural systems to recover.

For more than 100 years, fire has been successfully suppressed in many California
forests. The historical fire regime in most forests was one of frequent fires every 25
years or less, low-intensity surface fires that did not kill all the trees. Lack of fire has
changed forest characteristics and habitat. Sierra Nevada forests, once dominated by
widely spaced, large ponderosa pine trees, now have increasingly dense undergrowth
and shade-tolerant white fir that frequent surface fires used to remove. These changes
in plant composition and structure have resulted in associated changes in the animal
community that uses this habitat.

Exotic Species and Invasive Species

The introduction of exotic (nonnative) species, both intentionally and accidentally, is
responsible for widespread disruption of natural ecosystems. Often, the quality of the
habitat changes when exotic plants become established. While this can be bene­ficial for
some animal species, it is disastrous for others. Exotic animals can also wreak havoc, in
many cases outcompeting natives. Nonnative species, both plant and animal, have
evolved in a different community with its own checks and balances (e.g., competi­tors,
disease, predators, etc.). When nonnative species suc­cessfully establish in a new envi-
ronment, the animals and plants living there may have no defenses against them. Most
problematic are exotic species that become invasive. They are aggressive in becoming
established, spread quickly, and are highly competitive with native species. Only a
handful of exotic species are invasive, and these are the most important to control.

Land uses have tended to break up large tracts of forest into smaller acerage ownerships
that are often managed differently, creating different forest habitats. This can be a prob-
lem, especially for wildlife species that require continuous, undisturbed home ranges of
relatively uniform habitat. Large highways or other impassable areas can disrupt vital
migration or mating paths. Depending on the species, some fragmentation effects can
be mitigated. Travel corridors from one intact tract of forestland to another allow some
mobile animals to use larger areas.

Generally, when habitats are transformed, the wildlife living there will not persist. This
can be seen in many places in California where forests are increasingly converted to
uses such as vineyards and urban areas. These practices also contribute to habitat frag-
mentation, the potential introduction of exotic pests, and increased challenges related
to fire and fuels management.

Pesticide Use
A number of pesticides are used in forest management, including herbicides (for
plants), insecti­cides (insects), fungicides (fungal diseases), and rodenticides (rodents).
All of these chemicals are toxic to wildlife to some extent. Some are very specific, affect-
ing only the target species, while others are more general poisons. All pesticides should
be used judiciously and only when necessary. Questions regarding the application of
pesticides should be addressed to either the local county agricultural commissioner’s
office or the county office of the University of California Cooperative Extension.
1 2 ANR Publication 8238

Timber Harvest
Logging is another human disturbance in the forest. Depending
on the logging practice, it can be a small or large disturbance.
Single-tree selection creates small openings in the forest and min-
imizes the change to existing vegetation structure and composi-
tion. Clear-cutting creates relatively large openings and greatly
alters the structure and species composition of the forest. This
dramatic change in forest structure and composition can cause a
change in wildlife species from those that inhabit a mature forest
to those adapted to an earlier successional stage. Timber harvest
can be planned to minimize disturbance to wildlife by retaining
important habitat elements, protecting wetlands and associated
riparian vegetation, leaving corridors of habitat to allow animals
to move from one forested tract to another, timing harvest to
avoid sensitive wildlife periods, replanting harvested areas, and
other measures. Many of these considerations are incorporated
Figure 14. Development can dramatically alter the habitat into the approval of timber harvest plans by the state.
elements found in a forest. Roads break up wildlife corri-
dors, and vehicles are a threat to crossing wildlife. Houses
and people bring pets that may prey upon wildlife or be
Li ving in t he fo rest
preyed upon; deer eat flowers and garden vegetables; People who live in the forest have a unique opportunity to inter-
ground squirrels and gophers tunnel in lawns. The red trees act with the animals and plants living there. This carries with it
shown here are dead ponderosa pines due to drought- some special challenges and the responsibility to minimize their
induced bark beetle infestation. Source: CAL FIRE.
impact on the forest ecosystem.

Some of the attributes of civilization can be detrimental to the forest environment (fig. 14).
People living in the forest increase the potential for forest fire; roads can impact tree
roots, streams, and water quality, and can fragment habitats; landscaping can increase
the risk of exotic plants becoming released and established; and pets can kill forest
wildlife. It is essential to understand our roles in and impacts on a forest.

Poorly designed and maintained roads impair the quality of streams and waterways,
which can have severe impacts on wildlife. Road problems must be evaluated, and roads
must be well maintained. Some road rights-of-way provide light to the forest floor,
allowing grass and shrubs to grow, which attract deer that pose a danger to traffic.
Roads also create canopy openings, providing light and bare soil for exotic or invasive
plants to become established. In addition, roads can be impassable barriers to small ani-
mals and dangerous places for all animals. To the extent possible, identify sensitive
areas (migration routes, foraging areas, travel corridors) on your property. Wildlife
crossing signs can help alert drivers to these areas. Drive cautiously, especially at night.
Limiting access should be considered as part of your wildlife management approach.

Unwanted Animals
Even people who value wildlife may look upon some species as undesirable neighbors,
especially if they feed on gardens or your pets, carry diseases, or bite. Identify what is
attracting the unwanted animal and determine if the problem can be alleviated. Remove
any food sources or other attractants (compost piles, chicken coops, pet food left out-
doors). Many repellents are available for protecting plants, but they require frequent
applications to be effective. Fencing is an good way to exclude animals from small
areas. Trapping and relocating persistent pests may sometimes solve the problem, but
mobile animals may return. In many cases, it is illegal to trap animals and relocate them
1 3 ANR Publication 8238

to another location, since you are simply relocating your problem to someone else.
Some animals bite. Insect repellent containing DEET (20 percent) is effective for mos-
quitoes and small biting flies. Avoid bees and wasps and their nests, which are often in
the ground, am­ong rocks, or in snags and downed logs. At cer­tain times of the year,
snakes or ticks may be a problem. Be aware of the habitats and seasons in which these
animals are found, wear appropri­­ate clothing, and be familiar with first-aid recommen-
dations in case of a problem.

Wild animals do not respect owner­ship and property boundaries, nor do they rec-
ognize the difference between culti­vated gardens or tree seedlings and natural forest
habitat. The best way to protect your private garden is to fence it in. Seedlings can
be pro­tected with special plastic netting or tubes. Animal repellents are available, but
these have limitations and may not provide the protection desired.

Pets and Feral Animals

Domesticated animals are not a natural part of the forest community and can cause a
great deal of damage or be damaged themselves in the forest. Cats and dogs are hunters
that will kill and injure small mammals and birds. Young wildlife is especially at risk.
By the same token, your pets are at risk of injury by mountain lions, coyotes, raccoons,
skunks, and porcupines. Domesticated animals may also carry diseases that can be
transferred to the wild population. Pets should be vaccinated for diseases they can catch
from or pass on to wildlife, such as rabies and distemper. Pets should never be allowed
to roam free. Never abandon unwanted animals in the forest (fig. 15).

Feeding Animals
It is essential to the health and well-being of wild animals that they not be fed by
humans. Reasons for this include the following.
• Human food does not contain the nutrients or moisture that wild animals need.
• Animals may die after consuming food packaging.
• Animals become habituated to human-provided food and alter their foraging behavior.
• Birds that are fed cluster unnaturally and are vulnerable to density-dependent diseases.
• As populations of raccoons, skunks, and other animals grow unnaturally large and
dense from being fed, the potential for rabies, distemper, and other
diseases increases.
• Populations of some species can become unnaturally large, putting undue predation
pressure on other species (e.g., raccoons, skunks, and jays
can reduce or eliminate local songbird and amphibian popu-
• Large predators who become habituated to human food may
become a threat to humans, such as black bears accustomed
to eating from trash cans.

Wildlife Management Pl annin g

Since habitat alterations can attract one species and exclude
another, you should recognize that your management deci-
sions will impact forest wildlife. Your management goals
should aim to maintain as many of the naturally occurring
species for your forest type as feasible. To achieve this, it will
be important to retain and enhance as many of the forest
Figure 15. Abandoned animals, particularly house cats, habitat elements as possible. For example, if your property
can become fierce predators in a forest setting. Photo:
Gary Nakamura.
1 4 ANR Publication 8238

lacks large snags, you should identify dead and dying trees (of different spe-
cies) that can be left indefinitely to fulfill their ecological roles for roosting,
nesting, and foraging. Similar decisions can be made for selecting and main-
taining good acorn-producing trees, trees with obvious nesting cavities, fallen
logs, and trees with broken tops.
Obviously, the location of your property, its size, shape, and the animals
native to the area will determine what you can do. Be realistic. If your goal
is species richness you will need a diversity of habitat types and elements.
Some desirable attributes are a function of parcel size. If you have a small
property, it may be best to focus on adding appropriate elements to attract
and hold species; examples of these elements include brush piles and leaving
mistletoe growth in trees away from structures to provide winter berries. You
may choose to work with neighbors to develop a multiple-owner approach to
wildlife habitat enhancement at the community and landscape level.

Rare and Essential Elements

Every forest type in California includes a rich mix of wildlife species that
Figure 16. Trunk hollows, commonly require specific habitat elements in order to survive. If a particular forest type
called goose pens, are the result of a suc-
does not lend itself to ready recruitment of certain habitat elements, care must
cession of fires that scar the trunk. They
provide important roosting and resting be taken to inventory and retain those already present. For example, “goose
sites for many species of wildlife. Photo: pens” (burned-out hollows) in old-growth coastal redwood forests are an
Gary Nakamura. important habitat for bat roosting (fig. 16). However, forestry practices that
include even-aged, short-term rotations are not conducive to recruiting this
relatively scarce habitat element, and it may be extremely difficult to mimic the
recurring, low-intensity fires that created them originally. In this case, if snags
or partial snags (goose pens) are present, attention should be given to
keeping them. The prudent management strategy would be to retain
all goose pen trees.
In the Sierra Nevada, where white fir is very common and offers
ready snag recruitment, you might want to survey your property to
identify other “hard” snags that may be rare or absent. White fir snags
are readily available but they don’t last as long as “hard” snags created
by ponderosa pine. Identifying and leaving a represen-
tative sample of this missing habitat element could
A enhance the diversity of wildlife on your property.
Water sources are essential to most animals
and should always be protected. Not only is the
water body itself important, but the associated
riparian vegetation and corridors are critical for a
number of forest animals.

A Balancing Act
B Proper forest management is always
a balancing act. In some cases
it requires weighing short-term
Figure 17. Management decisions can financial gain against long-term
have long- and short-term impacts, ecological values, or short-term
both positive and negative. A: Salvage
ecological impact against long-term
harvesting and planting after the
Fountain Fire, 1992. B: The Fountain Fire ecological benefit. All management
ten years after replanting, 2002. C: The decisions affect habitat and, thus,
Show Plantation at 85 years of age, the wildlife of the forest (fig. 17).
2005. Photos: Gary Nakamura. C
1 5 ANR Publication 8238

What is important is that forest landowners and managers take the needs
of wildlife into consideration when making management decisions. By under-
standing the habitat requirements of various species, it is possible to find cre-
ative ways to achieve your goals while doing the best for the wildlife.

Get to Know Your Forest

Before undertaking a wildlife pro­ject, spend some time considering your goals
and your property’s potential. You may want to consult a qualified wildlife biol-
ogist who can help answer some of these questions.
• Decide on your goals: Do you want to encourage particular species or increase
all species (the overall diversity of wildlife in your forest)?
• Consult a species list to determine which species may be found on your property.
A • What species are commonly found in your area or were found there historically?
• What are the habitat requirements of the species you’re interested in?
• What habitat elements are easily recognizable on your property? What is their
relative abundance and distribution on your property?
• What habitat elements are obviously missing, scarce, or rare? These may include
snags, logs, stumps and mast-producing trees and shrubs.
• What management techniques can you employ to enhance or restore the habitat?
• Are there any sensitive species? If so, you may want to provide habitat to help
recover or even prevent the species from being lost on your site.
B • What are the limiting factors in your forest? What tech­niques are available to
address those limita­tions? What times of year are best to do the work?
Figure 18. A: Sugar pines (center
tree) are a prominent component California Forest Habitat Types
of a Sierra mixed conifer forest and A mandatory first step in wildlife management planning is to identify the forest
provide an important food source
for many seed-eating species Photo:
type you are working with. The most common forest types in California are
Gary Nakamura. B: Cones, which can described below in terms of their predominant trees. Also important and associ-
grow to 18 inches long as shown ated with most of these forest types are shrub species of Ceanothus, manzanita
here, hang from the tips of the (Arctostaphylos), cherry (Prunus), and tanoak (Lithocarpus).
branches. Photo: Richard Sniezko,
courtesy US Forest Service. Sierra mixed conifer
Five conifers and one hardwood typify the Sierra mixed conifer forest: white
fir, Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, sugar pine, incense cedar, and California black
oak (fig. 18). This mixed conifer forest types supports some 355 species of
wildlife species.
White fir
Mature white fir stands tend to be monotypic, more than
80 percent pure white fir (fig. 19). They are found at the
higher elevations of the mixed conifer forest throughout
California from the Klamath Mountains to the south Coast
Range and Transverse Range. White fir habitats represent
the coolest, moistest nonriparian habitat with a high per-
centage of defective trees. It is preferred habitat for many
insect-gleaning birds, including warblers and tanagers.

Figure 19. Mature white fir stand composed almost exclusively

of white fir. Photo: Gary Nakamura.
1 6 ANR Publication 8238

Klamath mixed conifer

Found in interior northwestern California and very similar to the Sierra
mixed conifer forest, the overstory layer of Klamath mixed conifer
is characterized by a mixture of white fir, Douglas-fir, ponderosa
pine, sugar pine, and incense cedar. Other species include Shasta red
fir, lodgepole pine, mountain hemlock, western white pine, knobcone
pine, Jeffrey pine, and Brewer spruce. The mix of plants in combina-
tion with the complex geology of the region has created a rich habitat
that includes many rare, threatened, and endangered plant and
A animal species (fig. 20).
Found in northwestern California east of the Coast redwood for-
ests, the Douglas-fir forest’s overstory composition depends on the
soil parent materials (fig. 21). Associates can include ponderosa
pine, canyon live oak, tanoak, and Pacific yew. This forest type
supports a high abundance of wildlife species. It has been reported
B to support more bird species that any other type of conifer forest
habitat in North America.
Ponderosa pine
In Northern California, ponderosa pine stands occur in a narrow
elevational band above oak woodland habitats and below mixed
conifer habitats (fig. 22). Montane hardwood stands may be inter-
spersed with ponderosa pines. In Southern California, ponderosa
pines can occur in mixed chaparral, oak woodlands, and bigcone
Figure 20. A: The mix of plants found in Klamath
Douglas fir and mixed hardwood-conifer sites. Ponderosa pine
mixed conifer forests. Photo: Gary Nakamura. forests can often be migratory pathways for deer and are generally
B: Snowshoe hare. Photo: Robert Potts, © 2002, considered extremely important for deer feeding and holding areas.
California Academy of Sciences. C: Siskiyou Mountain
salamander. Photo: © Stuart Farber, Timber Products Eastside pine
Company. Found in northeastern California, in the rain shadow and east of
the crest of the Cascades and northern Sierra Nevada, eastside pine
habitats exist on coarse, well-drained volcanic soils in dry, cold set-
tings. The dominant species are Jeffrey pine and ponderosa pine
with associates including lodgepole pine, white fir, incense cedar,
and Douglas-fir. Pine types typically have good structural
diversity supporting a large number of species (fig. 23).
Lodgepole pine
Found at the higher elevations of the Cascade Range and
Sierra Nevada, above the mixed conifer habitat, lodgepole
pine forms open stands of even-aged, similarly sized trees in
association with few other species with a sparse understory
(fig. 24). Lodgepole pine stands tend to have low structural
diversity and support relatively few animal species.

Figure 21. Douglas-fir forest type. Photo: Gary Nakamura.

1 7 ANR Publication 8238

Coast redwood
Coastal redwood forests are found along the north and cen-
tral coast, within the fog belt, and inland along major river
drainages. Most privately owned coast redwood is second- or
third-growth forest habitat characterized by even-aged struc-
ture with dense crown closure. Associates include Douglas-
fir, western hemlock, grand fir, Sitka spruce, tanoak, and red
alder. Redwood habitats provide food, cover, or special ele-
ments for 193 wildlife species (fig. 25).
Blue oak–foothill pine
Found in a ring around the Central Valley, above the valley
Figure 22. Ponderosa pine stand in Northern grassland and agriculture and below the ponderosa pine belt,
California. Photo: Gary Nakamura. this forest type is typically diverse in structure both vertically
and horizontally, with a mix of hardwoods, conifers, and
understory shrubs. It may be dominated entirely by blue oak,
especially on soils of marginal quality. Blue oak–foothill pine
forests provide breeding habitats for a large variety of wildlife
species. Many migratory fish spawn in areas dominated by
oaks (fig. 26).
Montane hardwood conifer
Found on the harsher, drier, rockier sites within the coast
range, Klamath, Cascade, and Sierra Nevada mountain forests,
this forest type contains variable proportions of broadleaved
trees and conifers. Common associates include California
black oak, Oregon white oak, white fir, Douglas-fir, and pon-
derosa pine. This widely distributed forest type with its hard
and soft mast food sources provides habitat for many wildlife
species (fig. 27).

What Is the Age of Your Forest?

You can directly estimate the age of your forest by counting
Figure 23. A: Eastside pine forests are dominated by Jeffrey the rings on stumps or by boring live trees. Note that tree
pine and ponderosa pine. Photo: Gary Nakamura. B: The diameter does not always correlate well with tree age (fig. 28).
diversity of plants and soils support a broad array of wildlife You may also infer the age by asking the following questions.
species such as this anglewing butterfly. Photo: Charles • When did the last major disturbance occur? Disturbance
Webber, © 2002 California Academy of Sciences.
may be natural, such as fire or human-caused, such as log-
ging. Disturbances at different times create stands of differ-
ent ages.
• Do some parts of your forest have different structural
or compositional characteristics? If so, what are they?
Different structures, especially the presence of multiple can-
opies, are a good indication of age and time since the last
The age class distribution of forest stands on your prop-
erty is a good surrogate for wildlife habitat values. Younger
stands of shrubs, grasses, forbs and small trees support some
species, while older ones dominated by the trees with little
Figure 24. Lodgepole pine is commonly found at the higher
understory vegetation support others. Having a diversity of age
elevations of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains. It
tolerates cold temperatures and high water tables better than classes generally means that a property has relatively high hab-
other conifers. This stand at the edge of a meadow will probably itat values for many species.
encroach on the meadow over time. Photo: Gary Nakamura.
1 8 ANR Publication 8238

Figure 25. A: The coast redwood forest supports a number of insectivorous species. Photo: Gary Nakamura B: The broad-footed
mole commonly inhabits coastal redwood forests. Photo: Jerry P. Clark.


Figure 26. A: Blue oak–foothill pine forests provide breeding habitats for a large variety of wildlife species, including migratory
fish such as the steelhead trout. Photo: Gary Nakamura. B: Adult steelhead trout in Parson’s Creek. Photo: © Robert J. Keiffer.


Figure 27. A: The widely distributed montane hardwood forest type provides both hard and soft mast food sources as well
as habitat for many wildlife species. Photo: Gary Nakamura. B: The black-headed grosbeak, common in montane hardwoods.
Photo: Glenn and Martha Vargas, © California Academy of Sciences.
1 9 ANR Publication 8238


Figure 28. The size of a tree is not a good indicator of tree age because the growing conditions (light, water, nutrients) control
growth. A: Ponderosa pine, 100 years old. The blue increment borer is 12 inches long (shown for scale). Photo: Gary Nakamura.
B: This ponderosa pine, also 100 years old, was growing within 30 feet of the tree in figure A. The same blue increment borer is
shown for scale. Though the same age, the tree in A is four times the diameter of the tree in B. Photo: Gary Nakamura.

What Important Habitat Elements Are Present or Absent?

Identify and locate unique habitat elements that are present or absent on the property:
• snags (dead or partially dead standing trees)
• fallen logs
• rock piles
• stream corridors
• cliffs
• caves
• acorn-producing trees
• berry-producing trees or shrubs
• slash piles
• ponds
• wetlands
• nesting platforms

What Management Actions Will Improve Habitat Values?

Identify specific management actions that can promote habitat element retention
or recruitment, such as
• snag and downed log retention or recruitment through conservative salvage
harvesting or removal of dead and dying trees
• buffer zones to protect sensitive habitats (stream corridors, wetlands, water
sources, rock piles)
• retention of trees with peculiar shapes or attributes (goose pens, nesting
platforms, broken tops)
• silvicultural techniques that mimic natural disturbance patterns

Write It Down
It is a good idea to incorporate your wildlife management objectives in your written
forest plan to help guide your activities over time. This also allows you to more easily
share your ideas with wildlife professionals or funding agencies. Professional advice
can save you time, energy, and money.
2 0 ANR Publication 8238

Adaptive Management
Before you begin your wildlife management activities, create a system to moni­tor the
results. That way you can determine whether your plans are working as expected and
obtain information you may need to change or adapt your tech­niques. Monitoring
gives you valuable data about your forest and helps you become more familiar with the
wildlife there.

Easy Ways to Enhance W ild life H abitat

It is a good idea to consult with a qualified biologist before implementing wildlife habi-
tat enhancements. Many forestry consulting firms regularly employ qualified biologists
to aid in making these determinations
• Plant native oaks or other mast-producing trees or shrubs. These benefit numerous
animals—over 300 wildlife species use oaks either directly or indirectly.
• Leave snags in place or create new ones. Snags in various stages of decay are neces-
sary habitat for a great number of species in the forest.
• Thin or control-burn patches of the forest to create browse plants for deer or other
• Leave downed wood, such as logs, to decay in place on the forest floor.
• Leave or augment large woody debris in streams.
• Plant native grasses and forbs.
• Remove exotic and particularly invasive pest plants. (http://www.cal-ipc.org,
California Invasive Plant Council)
• Add artificial shelters, such as nesting boxes for birds or bat boxes, especially when
snags or other appropriate cover are limiting. Artificial shelters should be considered
a supplement rather than a substitute for habitat restoration.
• Plant native wildflowers to attract butterflies and other insects. (See the Sunset
Western Garden Book for lists of plants.)
• Use pesticides and herbicides only when absolutely necessary; they may harm non-
target species. Use the least toxic, most specific method of control.
• Create brush or rock piles when this type of cover is limiting.
• Provide water through guzzlers or other structures.
• Leave riparian vegetation and corridors to ensure adequate cover for animals using
water sources.
• Increase the variety of vegetation types. This not only increases the diversity of food
and cover available, it also introduces redundancy into the forest ecosystem. Thus, if
one species of plant does poorly, wildlife may be able to use another.

Resou r ces
Fortunately, there is widespread recognition of the value of wildlife in the forest. Cost-
share programs are available to help private landowners fund activities to restore and
enhance wildlife habitat. In many cases this funding is available for larger areas—streams,
watersheds, or communities—which encourages working together with your neighbors.
The California Forest Stewardship Helpline at 1-800-738-TREE
(see http://www.ceres.ca.gov/foreststeward/) can help you identify programs, agencies,
and private consultants that can help you meet your wildlife management goals.
2 1 ANR Publication 8238

Other sources of information include

• California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), http://www.fire
• California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), http://www.dfg.ca.gov/
• Resource conservation districts (RCDs), http://www.nacdnet.org/resources/CA.htm
• California Native Plant Society, http://www.cnps.org/
• National Audubon Society, http://www.audubon.org/
• Land trusts (see, for example, http://www.lta.org/findlandtrust/CA.htm) and other
conservation organizations (see, for example, http://forest.org/)
Always contact local offices or chapters of these agencies and organizations, as
they will be the most informed about your area.
The Cost Share and Assistance Programs for Individual California Landowners and
Indian Tribes contains informa­tion on numerous cost-share programs. The complete
booklet can be found online at http://ceres.ca.gov/foreststeward/pdf/costshare00.pdf, or
contact the California Forest Stewardship Helpline at 1-800-738-TREE.

Potential Funding Sources

• California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP), administered by CDF, http://www
• Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), administered by the NRCS,
• CalFED Bay-Delta Program (administered by the California Bay-Delta Authority),
• California Department of Fish and Game programs, http://www.dfg.ca.gov/
• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service programs, http://www.fws.gov/

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ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-458-4
© 2007 by the Regents of the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural
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22 ANR Publication 8238

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