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CLX - 2.4kV MC Okonite

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® UL

C-L-X Type MV-90 or MC-HL R

3 Okopact® (Compact Stranded) Copper Conductors/90°C Rating

100% and 133% Insulation Level

physical requirements of ICEA

S-96-659/NEMA WC71 and UL 1072.
Okoguard is Okonite's registered trade name
for its exclusive ethylene-propylene rubber Okoguard meets or exceeds the
(EPR) base, thermosetting compound, whose electrical and physical requirements of
optimum balance of electrical and physical ICEA S-96-659/NEMA WC71 and UL 1072.
properties is unequaled in other solid dielec- Print color code
trics. Okoguard insulation, with the distinctive (black, red and blue).
red color and a totally integrated EPR system, Three uncoated
provides the optimum balance of electrical and copper Class B in accordance with UL 1072.
physical properties for long, problem free serv- Cabled with fillers and ground
ice. wires, in the interstices, binder tape overall.
Close fitting, impervious, continu-
The Type MV-90 conductors are assembled ous, corrugated aluminum C-L-X per UL
with fillers and a binder tape into a round core. 1072. C-L-X is recognized as a grounding
Three bare stranded copper grounding conduc- conductor by NEC.
tors, located in the outer interstices, is provided A low temperature sunlight resis-
for grounding. A continuously corrugated tant, yellow PVC jacket in accordance with
welded aluminum sheath C-L-X encases the UL 1072. Other color jackets are available.
cable core. The C-L-X sheath is protected with UL Listed as type MV-90 or MC-HL, sunlight
a low temperature yellow Okoseal (PVC) resistant, for use in cable tray, and for direct
jacket. The impervious, continuous, corrugated burial in accordance with UL 1072 and
aluminum C-L-X sheath provides complete pro- 2225.
tection against moisture, liquids and gases in
addition to its excellent mechanical strength.
Also, the aluminum C-L-X sheath has adequate • Tandem extruded, all EPR system.
ampacity capability to be used as a grounding
conductor. The overall Okoseal (PVC) jacket al- • Complete prepackaged, color coded, fac-
lows the cable to be direct buried in the ground, tory tested wiring system.
embedded in concrete or areas subjected to a • Okoguard C-L-X cables meet or exceed
corrosive atmosphere. electrical and physical requirements of all
recognized industry standards (UL, AEIC,
C-L-X power cables are recommended as an NEMA/ICEA, IEEE).
economical alternate to a wire in conduit sys- • Passes the vertical tray flame test re-
tem. They are designed specifically for use on quirements of IEEE 383 and 1202, UL
feeders and branch circuits in industrial power 1072, ICEA T-29-520(210,000 BTU/hr.)
distribution systems. C-L-X power cables may
be installed in both exposed and concealed • Complies with NEC Sections 310-7 and
work, wet and dry locations, direct burial in the 300-50 for direct burial.
earth, or embedded in concrete. They may be • Complies with NEC Articles 501, 502, 503
installed on metal racks, troughs, in cable trays and 505 for hazardous locations.
or secured to supports not greater than 6 feet
apart. C-L-X power cables are also approved • Continuous sheath provides grounding
for Classes I, II and III. Divisions 1 and 2 and safety.

Uncoated, Okopact (Compact

Class I, Zones 1 and 2 hazardous locations - • Excellent corona resistance.
NEC Articles 501, 502, 503 and 505.
Stranded) Copper Conductor • Exceptional resistance to “treeing.”
Extruded Semiconducting EPR Medium voltage Non-Shielded cables dis-
Strand Screen charge normally in service when spacing • Stress cones not required.
Okoguard (EPR) Insulation between phases is non-uniform or when • Minimum installation temperature of
Three Copper Grounding phases are in close proximity to a grounded -40°C.
Conductors surface.
Phase Identification
• Three symmetrical grounding conductors
Fillers and Binder Tape for PWM/VFD and other modern AC
Impervious, Continuous, Annealed uncoated copper com- drive/motor applications.
Corrugated Aluminum C-L-X pact stranded per ASTM B-496. • ABS listed as CWCMC Type MC-HL.
Sheath Extruded semiconducting EPR
Jacket- Low Temperature Yellow strand screen meets or exceeds electrical and • CSA listed as RA90, FT4, SR, HL, -40°C
Okoseal and 5000V.
C-L-X Type MV-90 or MC-HL UL

3 Okopact® (Compact Stranded) Copper Conductors/90°C Rating

100% and 133% Insulation Level

571-21-3193 8 8.4 0.36 3x12 0.77 19.6 0.97 50 1.27 1.08 27.4 565 630 59 52 85
571-21-3196 6 13.3 0.39 3x10 0.85 21.6 1.06 50 1.27 1.17 29.7 740 820 79 69 105
s 571-21-3200 4 21.2 0.44 3x10 0.97 24.6 1.19 50 1.27 1.30 33.0 960 1050 105 91 135

s 571-21-3204 2 33.6 0.50 3x10 1.10 27.9 1.34 50 1.27 1.45 36.8 1270 1470 140 125 180
571-21-3208 1 42.4 0.52 3x8 1.16 29.4 1.42 50 1.27 1.53 38.9 1520 1660 160 140 200
571-21-3212 1/0 53.5 0.56 3x8 1.23 31.2 1.51 60 1.52 1.65 41.9 1835 1980 185 165 230
s 571-21-3217 2/0 67.4 0.60 3x8 1.33 33.8 1.60 60 1.52 1.73 43.9 2160 2325 215 190 260
s 571-21-3224 4/0 107.0 0.70 3x7 1.53 38.9 1.83 60 1.52 1.96 49.8 3075 3340 285 255 335
571-21-3228 250 127.0 0.75 3x6 1.64 41.7 1.96 60 1.52 2.09 53.1 3470 3725 320 280 365
s 571-21-3236 350 177.0 0.85 3x6 1.86 47.2 2.19 60 1.52 2.32 58.9 4705 5265 395 350 440
s 571-21-3244 500 253.0 0.96 3x5 2.10 53.3 2.45 75 1.91 2.61 66.3 6405 6965 485 425 530
571-21-3248 750 380.0 1.14 3x4 2.51 63.8 2.93 75 1.91 3.10 78.7 9220 9980 615 525 650
571-21-3252 1000 507.0 1.29 3x4 2.90 73.7 3.41 85 2.16 3.59 91.2 12075 13155 705 590 730
Visit Okonite's web site, www.okonite.com for the most up to date dimensions.

s Available from our Customer Service Centers. Ampacities are in accordance with Table 310.83 of the NEC for an insulated
three conductor cable directly buried in the earth with a conductor operating
temperature of 90°C, ambient earth temperature of 20°C, 100% load factor and
thermal resistance (RHO) of 90.
Optional jacket types available - consult local sales office.
Refer to the NEC, IEEE/ICEA S-135 Power Cable Ampacity Tables, or the
Okonite Engineering Data Bulletin for installation in duct banks, other ambient
Aluminum conductors are available on special order. temperatures, circuit configurations or installation requirements.
C-L-X® The Okonite Company
Ampacities are in accordance with Table 310.71 of the NEC for an insulated
three conductor cable, isolated in air, with a conductor operating temperature of
90°C and an ambient air temperature of 40°C.
Ampacities are in accordance with Table 310.75 of the NEC for a three con-
ductor Type MV-90 or MC cable installed in uncovered cable tray in accordance
with Section 392.13 of the NEC with a conductor operating temperature of 90°C
and ambient air temperature of 40°C. Where the cable tray is covered for more
than six feet with solid unventilated covers, the ampacities shall not be more
than 95% of the values shown above.


Ramsey, New Jersey 07446

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