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Terminal Report for Work Immersion

Name of Student: Aldovino, Leanne Joyce R.

School: Alangilan Senior High School
Work Immersion Placement: Office of the Provincial Government (Scholarship Services
Period of Work Immersion: February 21-23, 26-29 & March 1 and March 4-5, 2024
Supervisor/ Mentor at the Placement: Ma’am Merlita Pasatiempo

In fulfillment of the requirements of the Work Immersion Program under the Office of the
Governor’s Scholarship Services Division, I hereby present my terminal report detailing the
experiences, learnings, and challenges encountered. The Work Immersion Program serves as a
vital bridge between academic learning and practical application, aiming to equip participants
with firsthand knowledge and skills essential for their future careers. This report contains my
journey and the invaluable insights gained and learned.

During the 10 days work immersion, I was exposed to a wide range of activities aimed at
enhancing my understanding of the division's operations and responsibilities. I was involved in
assisting with the processing of scholarship applications and conducting research on potential
scholarship opportunities. Through these experiences, I gained a deeper understanding of the
division's role in facilitating access to education, ensuring fairness and transparency in the
scholarship application process, and fostering partnerships with educational institutions and
community organizations.

Throughout the immersion period, I endeavored to contribute to the division's goals and
objectives to the best of my abilities. I actively sought out opportunities to take on additional
responsibilities and volunteered to assist colleagues with their tasks whenever possible. I
learned how to do it and I learned to interact with professinal people. I have met many
employees here who are kind and they are really used to this kind of work.

My work immersion experience at the Office of the Governor, Scholarship Services Division
has been immensely rewarding and enriching. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply my
academic knowledge in a real-world setting and to learn from the expertise of dedicated
professionals. The skills and insights gained during this period will undoubtedly serve as a solid
foundation for my future endeavors in the field. I am confident that the lessons learned and
experiences gained will be instrumental in shaping my career path and contributing positively to
the society at large. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported and guided me
throughout this journey.


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