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Week 10

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16 Fibre bundles and structure groups

In Section 1.1.1, we emphasized that a vector v ∈ V is a pairing of a ba-

sis/frame β : Kn → V with numerical components v ∈ Kn , in many equivalent
v = β(v) = (β ◦ g)(g −1 v), ∀g ∈ GL(n). (16.1)
Therefore, we can recover V as a set of equivalence classes,

V = Frames × Kn /(β,v)∼(β·g,g−1 v) . (16.2)

Fixing a choice of β, we get representatives (β, v) for the equivalence classes,

then the right side of (16.2) inherits a vector space structure from Kn . This
vector space structure does not depend on the choice of β.
The construction (16.2) can be generalized to recover a vector bundle E
from the principal frame bundle Fr(E). Let us formalize such constructions in
a general language.

16.1 Associated fibre bundles

Let π : P → X be a principal G-bundle over X. Let ρ be a left G-action on a
manifold F , meaning that

G×F →F
(g, ξ) 7→ ρ(g) · ξ (16.3)

is a smooth map satisfying

ρ(e) · ξ = ξ, ρ(g1 g2 ) · ξ = ρ(g1 ) · ρ(g2 ) · ξ, ∀ g1 , g2 ∈ G, ξ ∈ F.

For convenience, we will usually just write

g · ξ ≡ ρ(g) · ξ.

Given such a ρ, the set P × F is equipped with the right G-action,

(p, ξ) · g := (p · g, g −1 · ξ),

and we may pass to the set of equivalence classes modulo this G-action,

P ×ρ F := (P × F )/(p,ξ)∼(p·g,g−1 ·ξ) .

Notice that the map

πρ : P × ρ F → X
[p, ξ] 7→ π(p)

is well-defined on the equivalence classes, since π(p · g) = π(p) for all g ∈ G.

Give P ×ρ F the quotient topology, then πρ : P ×ρ F → X is a continuous
surjection (Exercise).
Exercise 16.1. For each x ∈ X, check that

πρ−1 (x) = {[p, ξ] : ξ ∈ F }

where p can be chosen to be any point in Px = π −1 (x).

Exercise 16.1 says that each fibre of πρ : (P ×ρ F ) → X is in non-canonical
bijection with the typical fibre F . Below, we sketch how the fibres πρ−1 (x) are
smoothly assembled together.
Let Φ : π −1 (U ) → U × G be a local trivialization of P . This is equivalently
the local gauge
sΦ : U → P, x 7→ Φ−1 (x, e).
“Attach” F -valued “components” to this local gauge,

Φ(ρ) : πρ−1 (U ) → U × F
[sΦ (x), ξ] 7→ (x, ξ), (16.4)

to get a continuous local trivialization of πρ−1 (U ).

Exercise 16.2. Let (Uα , Φα ), (Uβ , Φβ ) be two local trivializations of a principal
(ρ) (ρ)
G-bundle P , with smooth transition function gβα : Uβ ∩Uα → G. Let Φα , Φβ
be the corresponding (continuous) local trivializations of πρ : P ×ρ F → X, as
in (16.4). Verify that
(ρ) −1
Φβ ◦ (Φ(ρ)
α ) : (Uβ ∩ Uα ) × F → (Uβ ∩ Uα ) × F
(x, ξ) 7→ (x, ρ(gβα (x))(ξ)). (16.5)

By smoothness of ρ in the sense of (16.3), the transition map (16.5) is

smooth. So P ×ρ F is a manifold, with smooth projection map πρ , and admits
local trivializations Φα inherited from those of P .

Remark. A local trivialization Φα tell us how to describe a local section of
the vector bundle P ×ρ F in terms of F -valued functions. Sometimes, Φα is
also called a local gauge, and switching to a different local gauge Φβ is called
a local gauge transformation. Formula (16.5) describes how the F -valued
descriptions are related under a local gauge transformation.
Definition 63. The structure πρ : P ×ρ F → X constructed above is called
the fibre bundle associated with the principal G-bundle π : P → X and the
action G-action ρ on the typical fibre F .
More briefly, we just say that P ×ρ F is an associated fibre bundle. In the
special case where ρ is a linear representation of G on a vector space F = V ,
then the associated fibre bundle is called an associated vector bundle.
Example 16.1. Recall that the frame bundle Fr(E) of a vector bundle E is
a principal GL(n)-bundle. Let ρ be the defining action of GL(n) on Kn by
matrix multiplication. Then Fr(E) ×ρ Kn is an associated vector bundle with
transition functions ρ(gβα ) = gβα . Thus Fr(E) ×ρ Kn is isomorphic to E.
This isomorphism is canonical. Each element of the fibre (Fr(E) ×ρ Kn )x is
an equivalence class [p, v], representable by a frame p ∈ Fr(E)x at x together

with components v ∈ Kn with respect to that frame. Note that p : Kn → Ex
is a basis. The equivalence class [p, v] is precisely the vector p(v) ∈ Ex , and
this vector is independent of the choice of basis p.
This is a suitable point to introduce the general notion of fibre bundles:
Definition 64. A fibre bundle with typical fibre F on which the structure
Lie group G acts, is a smooth surjective map π : E → X, such that every
x ∈ X lies in an open neighbourhood U with E|U := π −1 (U ) being locally
trivializable: there is a diffeomorphism

Φ : E|U → U × F such that πU ◦ Φ = π on E|U .

Furthermore, for each pair (Uα , Φα ), (Uβ , Φβ ) of local trivializations, we have

Φβ ◦ Φ−1
α (x, ξ) = (x, gβα (x) · ξ), x ∈ Uβ ∩ Uα , ξ ∈ F,

for smooth G-valued transition functions gβα : Uαβ → G.

For a submanifold U ⊂ X, a smooth map s : U → E such that π ◦ s = idU
is called a (local) section of E over U . The space of sections over U is denoted
Γ(E|U ). If U = X, then s is called a global section of E.

Example 16.2. When we gave up the notion of absolute space, we arrived at
the notion of space-time, Definition 5, as a fibre bundle π : N → T over the
timeline T . Each fibre is identifiable with the model space M but not canon-
ically so. Without further geometric structure on space-time, the structure
group of this fibre bundle is Diff(M ).
Example 16.3. As we saw in (15.7)–(15.8), a principal G-bundle is, in particu-
lar, a fibre bundle with typical fibre G, and structure Lie group G acting on G
itself by left multiplication. Beware that left multiplication only makes sense
locally, after identifying P |U with U × G — there is no global left G-action on
the bundle P itself.
Example 16.4. A rank-n vector bundle is a fibre bundle, with structure group
GL(n) acting on the typical fibre Kn . In Section 16.4, we will put structure
on vector bundles, and “reduce” its structure group to a subgroup of GL(n).
Remark. A fibre bundle may not have any global sections. But it always has
local sections defined around any point x ∈ X, because of the local trivializ-
ability condition.
A vector bundle always has the zero section as a global section. But it may
not admit any global nowhere-vanishing section.

16.2 Operations on vector bundles

On vector spaces E, F , we have algebraic operations,
ˆ Duals E ∗ ;

ˆ Direct sums E ⊕ F ;

ˆ (Symmetrized/antisymmetrized) tensor products E ⊗ F ;

ˆ Hom(E, F ) ∼
= F ⊗ E ∗;
ˆ Complexification/realification;

ˆ Complex conjugate E.

These algebraic operations generalize to operations on vector bundles E, F

over X.
For example, we can take the direct sum E ⊕ F of a rank-m and a rank
n-vector bundle. Use local trivializations E|U ∼
= U × Km and F |U ∼
= U × Kn

to construct (E ⊕ F )|U ∼
= U × (Km ⊕ Km ). The transition functions are valued
GL(m) × GL(n) ⊂ GL(m + n),
so E ⊕ F is a rank-(m + n) vector bundle.
We can construct the contangent bundle T ∗ X as an associated bundle to
the the tangent frame bundle Fr(T X) — take GL(n) to act on Rn in the
contragredient representation g 7→ (g −1 )t .
Similarly for tensor product bundles. We will return to this when we discuss
differential forms.

16.3 Vector bundle metrics and orientation

If E is a real vector bundle, then a Euclidean bundle metric is a section

⟨·, ·⟩E ∈ Γ(E ∗ ⊗ E ∗ )

which restricts to an inner product ⟨·, ·⟩x on each Ex , x ∈ X. Then E is called

a Euclidean vector bundle. The pointwise inner products of two sections give
a real-valued function,

⟨ψ, ψ̃⟩E ∈ C ∞ (X)

⟨ψ, ψ̃⟩E (x) := ⟨ψ(x), ψ̃(x)⟩x .

For example, a Riemannian metric on X is a Euclidean bundle metric on T X.

Similarly, if E is a complex vector bundle, then a Hermitian bundle metric
is a section

⟨·, ·⟩E ∈ Γ(E ⊗ E ∗ )
which restricts at each x ∈ X to a Hermitian inner product on Ex . Then E is
called a Hermitian vector bundle.
Two bases for a real vector space V are said be equivalently oriented if
the change-of-basis matrix has positive determinant. An orientation of V is a
choice of equivalence class of bases. The set OV of orientations is a Z2 -torsor.
Let E be a real vector bundle. Recall that a local trivialization Φα : Uα → Uα × Rn
determines a local frame,

x 7→ (s1 (x), . . . , sn (x)), si (x) = Φ−1

α (x, ei ), x ∈ Uα .

So we have a basis, thus an orientation, for each Ex , x ∈ Uα . For another
local trivialization Φβ : Uα → Uα × Rn , we another another orientation on Ex
for x ∈ Uβ ∩ Uα . The two orientations agree iff the transition function has

sgn(det gβα (x)) = 1.

A bundle atlas is oriented if all the transition functions have positive deter-
minant. In this case, we obtain unambiguous orientations OEx on Ex for all
x ∈ X, by taking the basis furnished by any Φα in the atlas. We say that
E is orientable if it admits an oriented bundle atlas. An orientation on E
is a choice of maximal oriented bundle atlas (which then determines a global
orientation assignment x 7→ OEx ).

16.3.1 Restricted frame bundles

If E is a Euclidean vector bundle, we can restrict attention to local trivializa-
tions which preserve the metric on the fibres (i.e., the Ex are identified with
Rn as inner product spaces). The transition functions will then become O(n)-
valued. The local frames determined by such local trivializations will be local
orthonormal frames. There is an orthonormal frame bundle FrO (E) inside the
full frame bundle Fr(E). In the same way as Fr(E), the subbundle FrO (E) has
a principal O(n)-bundle structure.
We recover E as a Euclidean vector bundle, by taking the associated vector
bundle construction with Rn given the standard inner product, and O(n) acting
in the defining representation on Rn .
Similarly, if E is an oriented vector bundle, its oriented frame bundle is a
principal GL(n, R)+ -bundle. If E is an oriented Euclidean vector bundle, then
its oriented orthonormal frame bundle is a principal SO(n)-bundle.
If E is a Hermitian vector bundle, its orthonormal frame bundle is a prin-
cipal U(n)-bundle, denoted FrU (E).
Remark. For E = T X, the frame bundles are often just called the frame
bundles of the base (oriented, Riemannian) manifold X, with the vector bundle
T X being implicit.

16.4 Gauge transformations of vector bundles with re-
duced structure group
The endomorphism bundle of a vector bundle E is End(E) := E ⊗ E ∗ . The
terminology arises because T ∈ Γ(End(E)) acts on v ∈ Γ(E) in the obvious
pointwise manner,

T : Γ(E) → Γ(E), (T · v)(x) = T (x)(v(x)),

and T · (f v) = f T (v), for all f ∈ C ∞ (X). Elements of Γ(End(E)) are called

bundle endomorphisms, and they can be linearly combined, and composed.
There is an identity bundle endomorphism, and the invertible bundle endo-
morphisms form a group, denoted GL(E).
If E has some extra structure (such as a metric on the fibres), and one
restricts to local trivializations which preserve this structure, then the tran-
sition functions will be valued in a reduced structure group G ⊂ GL(n). For
example, G = U(n), O(n), SO(n) etc. The bundle E is then regarded as a
fibre/vector bundle with reduced structure group G.
We can also restrict attention to those bundle endomorphisms T ∈ GL(E)
for which each T (x) preserves the extra structure on Ex . Such a bundle en-
domorphism T is called a gauge transformation of E as a vector bundle with
structure group G. These restricted bundle endomorphisms form a subgroup,
denoted G(E).
Let F ∈ G(P ) be a gauge transformation of a principal G-bundle P . We
know that F is represented as right-multiplication by an equivariant map σF :
P → G. On any associated vector bundle E = P ×ρ V , there is a corresponding
gauge transformation, as follows. For [p, ξ] ∈ E, define

TF [p, ξ] := [p · σF (p), ξ] ≡ [p, ρ(σF (p)) · ξ], (16.6)

One checks that (Exercise)

ˆ The map TF in Eq. (16.6) defines a bundle endomorphism of E as a

vector bundle with structure group ρ(G).

ˆ If ρ is a faithful representation (i.e. injective), then F 7→ TF is a group

isomorphism G(P ) → G(E).

16.5 Reduction of structure group
The frame bundles FrO (E) ⊂ Fr(E) etc., are examples of a general notion of
reduction of structure group.
Definition 65. Let ϕ : H → G be a Lie group homomorphism, π : P → X
be a principal H-bundle, and π ′ : P ′ → X be a principal G-bundle. A map
F : P → P ′ is called a ϕ-reduction of P ′ if
ˆ π ′ ◦ F = π,

ˆ F (p · h) = F (p) · ϕ(h), h ∈ H, p ∈ P .
In particular, if ϕ is the embedding of a Lie subgroup H ⊂ G, we simply call
P a H-reduction of P ′ .
Remark. The map F restricts to a map Px → Px′ of fibres. Picking p ∈ Px and
F (p) ∈ Px′ gives identifications Px ∼
= H and Px′ ∼
= G. Then F |Px is identified
with the homomorphism ϕ : H → G.

Let P be a principal G-bundle, and consider an associated vector bundle

E = P ×ρ V . Suppose V is equipped with a G-invariant inner product,

⟨ξ, ζ⟩V = ⟨ρ(g)ξ, ρ(g)ζ⟩V , ξ, ζ ∈ V, g ∈ G.

In other words, the representation ρ of G on the typical fibre V is uni-

tary/orthogonal. Then the vector bundle E = P ×ρ V acquires the bundle
⟨[p, ξ], [p, ζ]⟩E := ⟨ξ, ζ⟩V . (16.7)
With this extra metric structure, the structure group of E is reduced from
GL(V ) to ρ(G) ⊂ U(V ) or ρ(G) ⊂ O(V ).

16.6 Scalar fields?

What if the structure group of a fibre bundle E is completely reduced to the
trivial group? This means that E has a bundle atlas with trivial transition
functions. So local trivializations Φα : E|Uα → Uα ×F and Φβ : E|Uβ → Uβ ×F
can be combined into a single local trivialization Uαβ : E|Uα ∪Uβ → (Uα ∪ Uβ ) × F ,
because they are the same map on the overlap. Continuing this process over

an open cover, we get a single global trivialization E → X × F . So sections of

E become canonically identified with F -valued functions, Γ(E) = C ∞ (X; F ).
Why is it useful to think of F -valued functions as sections of a fibre bundle
with trivial transition functions?
In general, the classical differential geometry of X is encoded in its frame
bundle, with structure group G being some subset of GL(n) depending on what
extra geometric structures X has. The tangent vector bundle is obtained as a
bundle associated to the defining representation of G. But other representa-
tions of G could also be considered, e.g., trivial representation, tensor product
representation, contragredient representation, etc. Quantum mechanically, we
would even consider even projective unitary representations of G, the famous
examples being the half-integer “spin” representations of G = SO(3). The
sections of the resulting associated vector bundles are called fields in physics,
and they come in various types — vector, n-forms, spinor, scalar — according
to the representation of G.
The particular case of the trivial representation on V corresponds to V -
valued scalar fields (sometimes called “spin-0” fields in the case of G = SO(n)).
Notice that the adjective “scalar” is used, despite the “vector” values. The
defining characteristic of a “scalar” field is that local frame rotations do not
affect how the field is described as a V -valued function. This is completely
different from the situation of, e.g., tangent vector fields.
In the context of quantum mechanics, a projective representation of G lifts
to a genuine representation of a central extension G̃,

1 → U(1) → G̃ → G → 1,

in which the central subgroup U(1) is represented as scalar multiplication on

a complex inner product space V . So G̃ is not trivially represented, even
when G is trivially represented (or even when G is just the trivial group). As
such, we do not actually have scalar quantum mechanical wavefunctions, but
only sections of associated bundles to G̃. Furthermore, this U(1) has physical
meaning in relation to the electromagnetic force.
In the modern theory of elementary particles and strong/weak nuclear
forces, there are other “internal symmetry groups” G which have nothing to
do with the geometry of X. Then there is a principal G-bundle of abstract
frames for the “internal local degrees of freedom”, which is completely distinct
from the classical frame bundle of X. This gives another motivation to study
general fibre bundle geometry.


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