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Third Semester B.E. Degree
Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022

Unit Operations
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, chousting ONE full question ftom,each module.
1 a. Explain in brief Reyno lds Experiment,with a neat sketch.
(10 Marks)
b. State and prove Pascal's law.
S G (10 Marks)
2 A lubricating oil flows in a j0cm diameter pipe at
Determine whether the flow of oil
is laminar as turbulent FOr lubricating oil, u = 0.Ns/m' and density is 930 kg/m'. Also
calculate the transitionand turbulent velocities.
(08 Marks)
b. Briefly explain Cy¢lones witha neat diagram. (12 Marks)

3 a.
With a neat aketch, derive an expressionfor coefficient of discharge of Venturimeter.
10 Marks)
b. Explain the Construction principleand working of Centrifugal pumps. (10 Marks)
4 a. Water is flowing at a rate of 500cm/s through an orifice of 25mmdiameter installed in a
75mm diameter pipe. What, will be the
connected across the méter?The coefficient
differenoe in the leve-on mercury manometer
b. Derive an expression forthe critical
oforifice meter is 0.65 (10 Marks)
speed of aball mill. (10 Marks)


a Derive an expression for heat conduction througha composit wall- {10-Marks-

b. Derive an expreasion for logarithmic mean
temperatyre difference for a heat exchangers.
(10 Marks)
6 a.
Discuss in detail about shel and tube heat exchanger. (10 Marks)
b. Derive an expression for heat transfer throúgha thick walled hollow cylinder if inside radius
and outside radius rând length Lwitha thermal conductivity K.
(10 Marks)

7 What is
Diusfon? Give thestatement and mathematical expression for Fick's law
explaining eachterm. (08 Marks)
Show that for'equimolar
counter diffusion DAB= DBA- (12 Marks)
8 a. What is Diffusivity?
b. In an
Show that Na= Ja+Xa ((Na +Ns). (08 Marks)
oxygen nitrogen gas mixture of 101.3 KPa and 298K, the concentrations
two phases 2mm apart are 10 and 20% by volume respectively. Calculate oftheoxygen
flux of
diffusion of oxygen for the cases, where
i) Nitrogen is non diffusing-

i) Thereis
equimolar counter diffusion of two gases.
S G-S O Diffusivity
of 02 in Na is 1.81x 10 m/s. (12 Marks)
l of2
9 a. Explain Boiling po int diagram, with a neat sketch.
b. Briefly explain in detail about differential distillatioha (10 Marks
(10 Marks
10 The Picric acid is to be extracted
contains 0.2 mol of picric acid per
with benzene as extraction solvênt.
litér Calculate the quantity Aqueous solution
contacted with 15 litres of aqueous øf berzene required to be
0.02 mol of picric acid per litre. solutiön in order to form a
benzéne solution containing
Alao calculate the percent
extraction of picric acid.
Data: K =Ce/ CR 0.505.

Concentration of picric acid inbenzene mol/Ve.

CR-Concentration of picri acid in water, mol/e.
b. Define the following: (10 Marks)
i) Equibrium moistsreontent.SGSG- SG
ii) Critical moisture content.
i ii) Dew point.
iv) Absolute humidity.
v) Constant rate period. (10 Marks)

pm 18BT33

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examipaion, Jan./Feb.
Unit Operations
Max. Marks: 100
Time: 3 hrs.
FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question fomeach
Note: Answer any


a. Derive the expression for hydrostatic equilibrium.
b. Explain the different types of luidswith
the help of plots fShear
(10 Marks)
stress-strain behavior of
(10 Marks)

part in
andderive an expression for the measurement of pressure
at any
2 a. Define Pascal's law
fluid (10 Marks)
at rest.
State and derivethe Bernouli's equation. (10 Marks)


3 a.
With.apeat sketch, explain the wotking of ball mill menttonr its uses. (10 Marks)
b. A venturimeter is installed in a pipe of diameter 25mm for the measurement of flow rate of
water. Pressure drop acros the throat and upstreamof the meter-is 10cm of mercury.

Diameter of throat in 15mm

Calculate the volumetric flonyrate of water in m s

Density of water 1000 kg/m

Co-efficient of venturimeter (C) = 0.98

Density of meredry 13600 kg/m. (05 Marks)

c. A 30cm x 15curyentruimeter is installed in vertical pipe conveying a fluid of S.G 0.6 and is
flowing upwards. Differences in leyel between thraat ánd inlet section is 60cm. Mercury
manometer shows the reading o10cm calculate thérate of discharge of fluid Cy = 0.8.
2021 (05 Marks)

With a neat sketch,explain the principle'and working of venturimeter. (08 Marks)

b.Explain the factorsconsidered for the selection of filter medium. (07 Marks)
C. A certain crusher accepts a feed material having a volume surface mean diameter of 19mm
and gives aproduct of volume surface mean diameter of 5mm. Power required to crush
15 ton/h
will be power consumption if the is reduced to 12
capacity tons/h.
(05 Marks)

5 a. Derive
expression for steady state heat conductor through composite cylinder. (10
b. It is
necessary to-insulate a flat furnace wall so that rate of heat loss Marks)
unit area or
not exceed 450w/m. Temperature difference across the insulating layerthis1s
Surtace does per
400K. Evaluate the thickness of
insulation if
i) Insulation is made of asbestos cement having K 0.11w/mK

ii) Iasulation is made of fire

clay having K 0.84w/mK.
(10 Marks)
1 of2
6 a. Calculate the inside htc for fluid
diameter tube of heat exchanger.
Viscosity of flowing fluid
Density of flowing fluid = 1.1g/cm*


at a rate
of 300cm'/s through a 20mm


specific heat of fluid= 1.26kJ/kg K

Thermal conductivity of fuid 0.384
Viscosity at wall temperature (j4)=1 Ns/m -SG
length of tube = 5m
SGS (08 Marl
b. For the forced convection in pipe, obtain Q=ui Ai AT, (12 Mark

7 a.
a. Derive the expression for
steady diffusion of A through non-diffusing B.
state (10 Mart
(10 Mark
b. A large tank filled withanikture of gases A and BAT 101KPa and 298K (25°C) is connece
to another large tank iledwith a mixture of A andBof different compositions A and B
101 KPa and 298K. Tanks are connected by a tubeof inner diameter of 50mm and is 150ma
long. Calculate dua steady state rate of tradsport of A through the tube when the
concentration o i n one tank is 90moand other smo%, assuming uniformity in
compositioineach tank and transfer takesplace by molecular diffusion diffusivityof Aand
in B is 4,310m/s. (10 Marks)

8 a. Explain the theories related tothe mechanism omstransfer acrgs phase boundiya
interface. C
(12 Marks
b. Ammonia gas (A) diftuses. through nitrogen» gus (B) under steady state conditions wh
nitrogen non-diffusing prtial pressure of Aaplocation 1 is 1.5 10* Pa and that at
2 is 5x 10°Pa. Loçation 1 and 2 are 0.15 apart. Total pfesture is 1.103
10°Pa and at
10 ms
298K. Calculatethelux of diffusionof Ammonia. Diffusiyity is taken as 2.3

(08 Marks)

100 Kmoh of a feed contafning40mo% hexarteand 60mol% octane is to be distilled m
liquid at its boiling point a
column-consisting ofa stilpot : plate and condenser, feed is a withdrawn and rate of lihquu
is fed into the reboiler from which a residua is continuously McCabe Thieles
eux distilate is 2. Distillate caining 80mol% hexane. Using
flow to
rocedure, calculate je bottom compositionand moles of distillate per
x 1 6 9 |0.40.192 0.045 0
yL0O2 0.780.538 0.1775 0 (14 Marks)

(06 Marks)
b. Explain the different types of distillation.

the factors considéred for the selection of solvent used in extractions process.
(08 Marks)
10 a. Explain
to determine the stages in distillation column using McCa0
b. Explain the steps 09nsidered (12 Marks)

Thiele's methód

2 of2
USN 17BT32

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examinâtion, Dec.2018/Jan.2019

Unit Operations
Time: 3 hrs. CMax. Marks: 100
Note: 1. Answer aFIVE full questions, choosing
ONE fllquestion from each modalg
2. Assmesuitable missing datqriahy.
1 a. Derive the barometric eqiaion. (08 Marks)
b. A pipe line carying waer specific gravity 1 chesin diameter from 20mm diameter at
a position 'A' to 500mm diameter at a position, Bwhich is 4m at a higher level. If the
pressures at A and Bare 9.81 N/cm and 5.886NYcm and Q is 200 lit/s. Determine the loss
of head in the diretion of flow. (08 Marks)
C. Define:
i) Compressible and incompressible fluidk
i) Pascalls law
ii) Newtón's law of viscosity. pm (04 Marks)

2 a. Derive Kozney-Karman eqation for flow in packedbed. (10 Marks)
b. Explain the batch sediméntuon test. (04 Marks)
A pipe through which water is flowing tapersffom 20cm to 10gm. Velocity of water at
section (1) is 4m/sFind the velocity headatsection (2) and (1 and the rate of discharge.
(06 Marks)

3 a. With a nçat sketch, explain the principle and working/ofeentrifugal pump. (08 Marks)
b. A horizohventurimeter wi hot and throat diameer of 30cm and 15cm respectively, is
used thasure the flow ofwat reading of differetial meter connected to inlet and throat
is 20gm ofHg.Determin rate of flow.E0.98. Specific gravity of mercury is 13.6
And of water is 1. (06 Marks)
plain the characteristic curves for centritürgal pump. (06 Marks)

4 a. Define:
i) Crusmg&ficiency
i) Mecharlical efficiency
ii) Laws of crushing.
(10 Marks)
b. What will be the
poweuíred to crush 150 tons/hr of limestone if 80% of feed passes
through 50mm screen and 80% of product through a 3.125mm screen. Work index of
limestone= 12.74
(05 Marks)
Calculate the opefating speed of ball mill
Diameter of balmll = 500mm
using the following data:
Diameter of ball40mm
Operatingspeed is 50% of critical speed of mill1. (05 Marks)
1 of 2
expression for steady stateModule-3
5 a. Derive the 391

b. A
pipe line with 75mm outer conduction thrbugh plane wall.
The diameter, 72mm
pipe is insulated with two layers of inmer diameter carrying steam is at(10120°C.

second layer is 12mm thick

insulation Ffrst layer is 10mm thick (K =4W/m°C),
intermediate wall0.11W/m°C)°Pipethe exposed to atmosphere of 28°C. Find

the heat loss and is

change? If so, what is the percentagetemperaturIf layers were reyetseg will there be any
changc Kripe 40W/m°C. =

(10 Marks)

6 a.
Explain the modes ofheat transf
b. Derive the expression Q (06 Marks)
u,Por forced convection inptpe.

(14 Marks)

7 a.
Explain the construction of-2 shell Module-4
and tube heat
Calculate the inside heat transfer co-efficient for eanger. at a
(10 Marks)
a 20mm inside
fluid flowing rate of 300cm/s through
diametor tube of heat exchanger.
Viscosity of flowing fluid 0.8 Ns/m*

Density of flawing fluid 1.1 g/cm


Specific heâLof fluid= 1.26 kJ/kg K

Thermalconductivity of fluid 0.384 W/mk
Viscosity af wall temperature (H
Length oftube = 5m.
O Ns/m*
37pm m

(10 Marks)

8 a. C
nitrogen non-difiusing. Partial pressureOR
6fA at location ( 1 1 .S
Explain steady state equmoar counter currentditiusion.
5 xG
10" Pa and that at

(10 Marks)
b. Ammonia gas (A) diffuse[ through nitrogengas (B) under steady state conditions with

location (2) iss10° Pa. Locations and (2) are apart. Total pressure is
1.103x 10° Pand temperature is 298K Calculate the
flux of diffusion of ammonia. Also
calculate the lux of diffusion for
qbimolar counterdiftusion assuming nitrogen
is also
diffusing Difusivity is taken ax 10 ms. (10 Marks)
Explain the different typE ordistillation. (12 Marks)
b.Explain the factors affecting the distillatiomrtocess. (08 Marks)

10 a. Explain the Me Cabe-T hiele's methad for obtaining theoretical
b. Explain the dryg rate curve. plates. (10 Marks)
S (10 Marks)



USNSGAB10 1 hird Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015/Jan.2016

Introduction to Unit Operations
Max. Marks: 100
Time: 3 hrs.

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting

atleast 7WO questions from each part.

what is dimensional
a. Define fundamental and derived quantities. Explain with examples, (04 Marks)
homogeneity? Explain. and
the length (L) of the pendulum
b. The time period (t) of a pendulum depends upon
for the time period using Rayleigh's
acceleration due to gravity (g). Derive the expression (06 Marks)
method. of viscosity in
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids with examples. Write the unit
C. Explain (10 Marks)
SI and CGS system.
of inverted U-tube
manometers? Explain working
2 a. What the different types of
(08 Marks)
manometer with neat sketch.
which a fluid of
is connected to a pipe in
b. A simple U-tube manometer containing mercury
is flowing the other end of the
specific gravity 0.8 and having vacuumn pressure of the difference of mercury
is opened to atmosphere. Find the
vacuum the
pressure in pipe
of pipe
of the fluid in the left limb from the
level in the two limbs is 40 cm and height (08 Marks)
is 15 cm below.
velocity. (04 Marks)
c. Derive continuity equation. Explain average velocity and mass

the correction fro kinetic energy and fluid.

3 a. Derive Bernoulli'sequation incorporating (12 Marks)
the characteristic curves of a pump. (08 Marks)
b. Write a note on selection of pumps? Explain
30 cm and 15 cm respectively is
a. A venturimeter with inlet and throat diameters
horizontal of differential manometer connected to the
used to measure the flow of water. The reading 0.98.
Determine the rate of flow. Assume C,

inlet and the throat is 20 cm of mercury. (04 Marks)

b.Write a brief note on filtration equipments [any two]. (08 Marks)
muller mixer. (08 Marks)
c. With a neat sketch explain the working of ribbon and
a. Explain the different modes of heat transfer with examples. (05 Marks)
W in air 25°C. The
3 b. An electrical wire of 10 m length and 1 mm diameter dissipates 200 at
convection heat transfer co-efficient between the wire surface and air is 15 W/m K.

(i) Determine the temperature of the wire

(ii) If the wire is insulated with mica (K =0.5815 W/m K) such that its outer diameter
increase to 3 mm, determine the temperature of the wire. (10 Marks)
(05 Marks)
C. Distinguish between natural and forced convection.
I of 2

6 a. Distinguish between dropwise and filmwise condensation. (06 Mark

neat sketch of 1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger showing major parts and explain t-
b. Draw a

temp profile. (08 Marke

heat transfer calculation
C. Explain briefly about any three dimensionless numbers used in

7 a. Explain briefly equimolar and unimolar diffusional operation. (06 Marks)
bb. Derive an expression for steady state molecular diffusion of component A through
stagnant B. (10 Marks
C. Differentiate between distillation and liquid-liquid extraction. (04 Marks)

8 a.
a. Describe briefly different types of distillation. (10 Marks
b. State the assumptions of McCabe thick method. (04 Marks
C. Explain belt and basket extraction. (06 Marks)

**** *
CBGS Scheme
USNS 6Toe 3
Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2017/Jan.2018

Unit Operations
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer FIVEfullquestions, choosing onefull question from euch module.

With the help of a diagram, explain the Newtonian and Non Newtonian fluids. (04 Marks)
b. Differentiate between: i) ldeal and real fluid ii) Compressible and Incompressible
flow ii) Steady and Unsteady flow iv) Uniform and Non - u'nifom flow. j08 Marks)
C. The right limb of a simple U - tube manometer econtain ing m>rcury is open to the
atmosphere while the left limb is connected to a pipe in which a fluid ofspecific gravity 0
is flowing. The centre of the pipe is 12cm below the level of mercury in the right limb. Find
the pressure of the fluid in the pipe if the difference of mercury level in te two limbs is
20cm. (04 Maks)

2 a. Derive an expression for terminal settling velocity of a spherical particle setling in Sioke's
region. (14, Maks
b. Calculate the pressure drop across the brd of soid: of thickness aem h: t:era.iu
the particle is 75 (micron). Water u . s ai a raie of 60li. 'nin through the bed having a
rositv ct.28 Taci c i iiameter is Scim

. With a nea sketeh, explain the working principle ofa uritice meter. (08 Marks)
kg/hour of certain material is produced by crushing and then screened through
b 150
10 mesh/cm screen constructed of 0.035 cm / wire. From screen analysis shown below.
calculate the effectiveness of the screen. (08 Marks)
Aperture dia, cm|0.47 0.2362 0.117 0.059 0.03 0.0147 PANTOTAL
Feed 14.3 20.0 20.0 28.5 8.6 5.7 2.9 100
Underflow 10.5 29.5 30.0 20.0 10.0 100
Overflow 20 28 28 24 00

4 a. Explain the difierent types of filtration. (04 Marks)
b. In the crushing ofan ore 80% of feed passes through 5mm screen and 80% ot product passes
through 0.5mm screen. Now it is desired to alter the product size such that 80% of the
product passes through 0.2mm sereen. What is the percentage incre ase in power
consumption? 08 Marks)
c. Define Sphcricity and equivalent diameter. (94 Marks)

5 a. Derive an expression for critical thickness of insulation ofa cylindrical surface. (08 Marks)
b. A steam pipe. 40mm outside diameter, is to be insulated by two layers of insulation each
20mm thick. The material M-I has conductivity k and te material M-2 has conductivity 3k.
Assuming that the inner and ouler surtace temperatures of composite insulation to be fixed
find which arrangement would give less heat loss rate, M-I near pipe surface and M-2 as the
outer layer or vice versa'? Iso calculate the percent reduction in heat loss. (08 Marks)
I of2
6 a Differentiate between Natural and Forced convection. (04 Marks
b. Explain the fluid flow pattems in an heat exchanger. (06 Marks
c. Methyl aicohol flowing in the inner pipe of an heat exchanger is cooled with water flowing
in the cuter pipe. The ID and OD of the inner pipe are 26mm and 35mm respectively. The
themal conductivity of the pipe material is 50W/m.K. The individual heat transfer co
efficient and fouling factors are Alcohol co-efficient= 250 W/m".K
Water co-efficient 500 W/m.K; Inside fouling factor, R, =0.86 10 m.K/W
Outside fouling factor, R= 1.7 103m.K/W. Calculate the outside co-efficient based on
the inside arca
inner pipe including dirt factors and excluding the dirt
factors (06 Marks)
7 a. Give the
stepwise procedure for the design of STHE. (08 Marks)
b. Calculate the heat transfer area of 1-2 heat
Ilet and the
exchanger from the following data :
Outlet hot fluid temperature 150 C and 80°C
respectively. Inlet and Outlet
temperature of cold fluid are 30C and 45'C respectively.
Overall heat transfer co-efficient 4100
W/mK. Heat loss
= =
407 kW. LMTD correction
factor= 0.84.
(08 Marks)

Explain the Amod's cel!
experiment used to detemine diffusivity.
b. In an
oxygen- nitrogen gas mixture at i0i.3 kPa and 298K. the (08 Marks)
twe phses 2mm concentrations of oxygen at
apart are 10% and 20% by volume
diffusion of oxygen for the cases where: respectively. Calculate the flux of
i) the nitrogen is non
diffusing ii) there
Diffusivity of oxygen in nitrogen is 1.81 x is equimolár

counter diffusion of the two

10 m/s. (08 Marks)

Explain the common methods used inModule-5
b. 100 kmol of distillation.
mixture containing 50 mole % n (06 Marks)
octane is
differential distillationheptane (mole volatile)
n -

subjected to a and 50 mole %

of liquid distilled.
Compute the atmospheric pressure,
composition of the distillate with 60 mole %
equation. and the residue using Rayleigh
Equilibrium Data (10 Marks)
X 0.5
0.46 0.42 0.38
Y 0.689 0.648 0.608 0.34 0.32
0.567 0.5230497
10 a.
Ditlerentiate between Distillation OR
b. and
Explain the characteristics Extraction. (04 Marks)
c. A i00
kg bath of granular of solvent used for extraction. (04 Marks)

16% moisture solids containing 30%

by passing
the constant rate of a
under of
o moisture 1is to be dried in a tray dryc
air atconditions is 0.7x 10° kg/(m.s
350K acrossss its surface at a velocity
drTI.8m/s. If
moisture content is veo and the erit the eritical

15%, calculate the

drying time. Drying surface
03 kg dry
( 0 8M a r k s

*** * *
2 of2
Pept of B10-Tech
USN 10BT32

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015

Introduction to Unit Operation

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
2. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.

1 a. What are basic units and derived units? Explain. (04 Marks)
b. In case of flow of fluid through long, straight and circular pipe. The pressure drop due to
friction depends upon the following variables. Diameter of pipe (D), length of pipe (L),
velocity of fluid (u), density of fluid(p), viscosity of fluid (4). From dimensional analysis,
obtain the relation between pressure drop (AP) and these variables. (10 Marks)
examples and
c. Give the classification of fluid according to Newton's law of viscosity with
explain with graph. (06 Marks)

Derive the Bernoullis equation stating all the assumption made. (08 Marks)
2 a.
b. Calculate the pressure drop along 170m of Scm diameter horizontal steel pipe through which
oil is at 25°C is flowing at a rate of 0.1 m/min uoil 84x 10" Nsm, poil 910 kg m".
(05 Marks)
c. Explain in brief different types of flow according to Reynold's number. (07 Marks)

3 a. Draw a neat sketch and derive an expression for the discharge through
(10 Marks)
orifice inserted in a 300mm
b. Water flows at the rate of 0.147m/s through a 150mm diameter
downstream of the orificc plate shows
diameter pipe. If a pressure gauge fitted upstream and
Find the coefficient of
the readings of 1 76.58 kN/m* and 88.29 kN/ms respectively.
(05 Marks)
discharge of the orifice meter. (05 Marks)
C. Compare centrifugal pump with reciprocating pump.

(08 Marks)
4 a. Explain differential and cumulative screen analysis.
a sketch of disk flat blade turbine. (05 Marks)
b State the various types of propellers and draw
and frame filter press with neat diagram.
C. Explain construction and working of plate (07 Marks)

variation with tempcrature.
5 a. What do you mean by thermal conductivity? Write in brief on its
(05 Marks)

thick layer of fire brick, a 115mm thick layer of

b. A furnace is constructed with 229mm is
of building brick. The inside temperature
insulation brick and again 229mm thick layer
outermost wall is 323K (50°C). The
1223K (950°C) and the temperature at the and
brick and building brick are 6.05, 0.581
conductivity of fire brick, insulating
unit area and temperature of the interface.
2.33 W/mK respectively. Find the heat lost per (10 Marks)

C. Compare drop-wise condensation with film-wise condensation (any five comparision).

(05 Marks)

of 2
6 a. With neat sketch 10BT32
Calculate the heatexplain the
transfer construction of 1-2 shell and
diameter 40mm at a rate coefficient for a fluid tube heat
fluid at mean bulk of 5500 kg/h. Assume flowing through aexchanger. (10 Marks)
tube having the
that the fluid is inside
K 0.256 W/mk. temperature H 0.004
N-s/m. p 1.07 being heated. Properties of
= 0.004 N-s/m, -

1.07 g/'g/cm',
C, kJ/kg K.
7 a.
Define and (10 Marks)
explain Ficks law of diffusion.
What do you mean by
b. Write a note on mo ditfusivity explain?
c. What is relative lecular diffusion and eddy diffusion. (08 Marks

(x) [a, x and y].

volatility? Derive the relation between relative (06 Marks
volality to the mole fraction
(06 Marks
8 a. What is differential
b. A continuous
distillation? Explain.
(06 Marks)
fractionating column is to be designed to separate 13600 kg/hr of mixture
40% benzene and 60% toluene of
into an overhead product
bottom product containing 98% toluene containing 97% benzene and
(all wt%). A reflux ratio of 3.5 is to be used.
Calculate the moles of overhead
number of ideal plates and
product and bottom product per hour. Determine the
position of the feed plate if the feed is liquid at its boiling point.
Mole fraction of benzeve in liquid 1.0 0.78 0.58 0.41 0.26 0.190.13
Mole fraction of benzene in vapour | 1.0 | 0.90 0.78 | 0.63 | 0.46 0.39 0.26
(14 Marks)

*** * *


LTE oTech

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Introduction to Unit Operation

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from euch part.
2. Missing data, if any, may be suitably asst

. What are basic units and derived units? Explain. (04 Marks)
b. In case of flow of fluid through long, straight and circular pipe. The pressure drop due to
friction depends upon the following variables. Diameter of pipe (D), length of pipe (L).
velocity of fluid (u). density of fluid(p). viscosity of fluid (4). From dimensional analysis,
obtain the relation between pressure drop (AP) and these variables. (10 Marks)
C. Give the classification of fluid according to Newton's law of viscosity with examples and
explain with graph. (06 Marks)

2 a. Derive the Bernoullis equation stating all the assumption made. (08 Marks)
b. Calculate the pressure drop along 170m of Scm diameter horizontal steel pipe through which
oil is at 25°C is flowing at a rate of 0.1 m /min ol 84 x 10 Nsm , Poil- 910 kg m"
(05 Marks)
c. Explain in brief different types of flow according to Reynold's nunmber (07 Marks)

3 a. Draw a neat sketch and derivé an expression for the discharge through venturimeter.
(10 Marks)
b. Water flows at the rate of 0.147m/s through a 150mm diameter orifice inserted in a 300mm
diameter pipe. If a pressure gauge fitted upstream and downstream of the orifice plate shows
the readings of 176.58 kN/m and 88.29 kN/m respectively. Find the coefficient of
discharge of the orifice meter. (05 Marks)
C. Compare centrifugal pump with reciprocating pump. (05 Marks)

4 a. Explain differential and cumulative screen analysis. (O8 Marks)

b. State the various types of propellers and draw a sketch of disk flat blade turbine. (05 Marks)
C. Explain construction and working of plate and frame filter press with neat diagram.
(07 Marks)

5 a. What do you mean by thermal conductivity? Write in brief on its variation with temperature.
(05 Marks)
b. A furnace is constructed with 229mm thick layer of fire brick, a 115mm thick layer of
insulation brick and again 229mm thick layer of building brick. The inside temperature is
1223K (950°C) and the temperature at the outermost wall is 323K (50°C). The thermal
conductivity of fire brick, insulating brick and building brick are 6.05, 0.581 and
2.33 W/mK respectively. Find the heat lost per unit area and temperature of the interface.
(10 Marks)
C. Compare drop-wi1se condensation with film-wise condensation (any five comparision).
(05 Marks)

1 of 2

6 .
a a. With neat sketch explain the
construction of1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger (10 Marks)
b.Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for a fluid
flowing through a tube having the inside
dhameter 40mm at a rate of 5500 kg/h. Assume that the fluid is being heated. Properties of
Tuid at mean bulk temperature = 0.004 N-s/m, p = 1.07 g/cm', C» 2.72 kJ/kg K.
K 0.256 W/mK. (10 Marks)

7 a. Define and explain Ficks law of diffusion. What do you mean by diffusivity explain?
(08 Marks)
b. Write a note on molecular diffusion and eddy diffusion. (06 Marks)
C. What is relative volatility? Derive the relation between relative volality to the mole fraction
(x) [a, x and y). (06 Marks)

88 a. What is differential distillation? Explain. (06 Marks)

b. A continuous fractionating column is to be designed to separate 13600 kg/hr of mixture of
40% benzene and 60% toluene into an overhead product containing 97% benzene and
bottom product containing 98% toluene (all wt%). A reflux ratio of 3.5 is to be used.
Calculate the moles of overhead product and bottom product per hour. Determine the
number of ideal plates and position of the feed plate if the feed is liquid at its boiling point.

Mole fraction of benzeve in liquid 1.0 0.78 0.58 0.41 0.26 0.19 0.13
Mole fraction ofbenzenein vapour 1.0 0.900.78 0.63 0.46 0.39 0.26

(14 Marks)

CBGS Seheme 15BT32

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2016/Jan.2017

Unit Operations
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.

1 (06 Marks)
Define Fluid. Give the Rheological classifications with examples.
Derive Bernoulli's equation stating all the assumption made. (10 Marks)

2 a. Explain with neat sketch Reynold's experiment and its significance. (06 Marks)
b. Water (density 1000 kg/m') flows through the piping system as show in Fig Q2(b). A equal
quantity of water flows through each of the pipes 'C'. The flow through pipe A is 10m'/h.
Calculate: i) Mass flow rate in each ii) Average velocity in each pipe. (10 Marks)

Pipe A: dA= 500mmh Ù

Pipe B : dz= 75mm o
Pipe C dc = 40mm ¢

Fig Q2(b)
3 a. Derive with a neat sketch an expression for discharge through orifice meter. (10 Marks)
b. Compare centrifugal pump with reciprocating pump (06 Marks)

4 a. With a neat sketch explain principle, construction, working of conical ball mill. Centrifuging
is not preferred in ball mill. Justify. (10 Marks)
b. Find out the critical speed ofthe ball mill by using following data:
Diameter of ball mill = 450mm

Diameter of ball 25mmm (06 Marks)

a. Explain three modes of heat transfer with example. (04 Marks)
b. A furnace wall is made up of 230mm fire brick, 75mm insulating brick and 89mm of Red
brick. The temperature at the inner surface of the wall 1073K and that of the outer surface is
333K. Average thermal conductivity values of the three types of bricks i.e., fire brick,
insulating brick and red brick are 1.21, 0.121 and 0.865 W/mk respectively. Calculate the
temperature at the interface between fire brick/insulating brick and insulating brick/red
brick. Comment on your result
(12 Marks)

6 a. Differentiate between film wise and drop wise condensation.
(04 Marks)
b. Explain Fourier's law of heat conduction. Derive an expression for steady state conduction
through multilayer walls. (08 Marks)
C. What is Log Mean Temperature difference? Mention its significance. (04 Marks)
l of2
IOS.TsL\of(0S.29(1 .1oiRoims 15BT3
7 a. A heat 1290.11 T1roimbbudl
exchanger is required to cool Module-4
of water
entering at 20kg/s of
water from 360K to 340K
1 transfers co-efficient is300K. Specific heat of water by means of 25kp/

i) Co-current concentric tube Calculate the surface area K. If the overall heat
.siubon d i ) Counter exchanger required in,
current concentric tube
b. What is Fick's law
of Diffusion? Derive
exchanger. llui 971 130/ (08 Marks)
in gases an
ekpression for steady state
(counter-current equimolar) condition. molecular diffusion
(08 Marks)
8 a.
Explain the a neat sketch construction ofOR 1 2 mob
b. Derive an expression for the mass shell and tube heat exchanger. (08 Marks)
transfer of component A in to
Component B., biliiei l bas Imsmioq9 stagnant layer of
blorTgoM fot (08 Marks)
woft ('my O00

ig sModule-5o1l e
Explain the process involved in
separating two components by distillation. Discuss McCabe
Thiele method.
(10 Marks)
b. Write a note on selection of solvents for extraction operation. (06 Marks)

10 Write short notes on the following processes
a. Drying
b. Extraction
c. Methods of distillation lsboi (16 Marks)
1 da.
. Mass transfer operationsussioeih tol ocroqx r 6on d
USN 10BT32

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2012

Introduction to Unit Operations
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
at least TWO questions from each part

Explain the following with an example
i) Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
ii) Laminar and turbulent flow. (08 Marks)
b. State and explain the Buckingham Pi method of dimensional analysis. (12 Marks)

2 a. Derive Bernoulli's equation stating all the assumptions made. (12 Marks)
b. Explain the working of Dorr thickener with a neat sketo (08 Marks)

3 a Describe the construction and working of the following with neat sketches:
i) Centrifugal pump i) Venturimeter. (12 Marks)
b. Crude oil of density 840 kg/m' is pumped at a rate of 3x10 m/sec through a 600 m inner
dia steel pipe under a pressure drop of 550 KPa. Calculate the Fanning friction factor if the
pipe diameter is 0.052 m. Use the Hagen Poiseuille equation. (08 Marks)

a. Describe two types of filtration. (08 Marks)

b. Write a note filter aids. (06 Marks)
C. Calculate the operating speed of the ball mill from the data given below:
Diameter of the ball mill = 800 mm
Diameter of the ball = 60 mm

Ifi) Operating speed is 55% less than the critical speed.

i) Critical speed is 40% more than the operating speed. (06 Marks)

5 a. Derive an expression for rate of heat flow for critical thickness of insulation lagging on a
solid cylinder. (12 Marks)
b. A furnace wall is made up of 230 mm fire brick, 75 mm insulating brick and 89 mm of red
brick. The temperature at the inner surface of the wall is 1073 K (800°C) and that of the
outer surface is 333 K (60°). Average thermal conductivity values of the three types of
bricks ie. fire brick, insulating brick and the red brick are 1.21, 0.121 and 0.865 WmK
respectively. Calculate the temperatures at the interface between fire brick/ insulating brick
and insulating brick / red brick. (08 Marks)

6 a. Deseribe the working and construction of shell and tube heat exchanger with a neat sketch.
(08 Marks)
b. Differentiate between drop wise and film wise condensation. (04 Marks)
A heat exchanger is required to cool 20 kg/s of water from 360 K to 340 K by means of
25 kg/s of water entering at 300 K. Specific heat of water = 4.187 KJ/kg.K. If the overall
coefficient of heat transfer is constant at 2000 W/m*.K, calculate the surface area required
i) Counter current concentric tube exchanger.
ii) Co-current flow concentric tube exchanger. (08 Marks)
I of 2
a. Define ficks laws of diffusion. Derive an
expression for unicomponent diffusion of gas A
through stragnant gas B under steady state conditions.
b. In (12 Marks
an oxygen-nitrogen gas mixture at 101.3 KPa and 298 K. The concentrations
of oxygen at
two phases 2 mm apart are 10 and 20% by volume
respectively. Calculate the flux of
diffusion of oxygen for the cases where:
i) The nitrogen is non-diffusing.
ii) There is equimolar counter diffusion of the two gases.
Data: Diffusivity of O2 and N2 is 1.81x 10 m/sec. (08 Marks)

8 a. Describe the construction and working of a Fractionating column with a neat sketch.
(08 Marks)
b. Explain a step by step procedure to determine the number of theoretical plates in a
distillation column McCabe Thiele method. (12 Marks)

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