Beck 2010
Beck 2010
Beck 2010
Neurofilaments (NF)—the principal cytoskeletal constituent of there were no direct measurements of forces and interactions in
myelinated axons in vertebrates—consist of three molecular- neurofilament network gels.
weight subunit proteins NF-L (low), NF-M (medium) and Here, we address the underlying role of distinct side arms,
NF-H (high), assembled to form mature filaments with and the effects of altered subunit composition and salinity in
protruding unstructured C-terminus side arms1–5 . Liquid- modulating the forces between neurofilaments in their isotropic
crystal gel networks of side-arm-mediated neurofilament and liquid-crystal gel phases. Neurofilament subunit proteins
assemblies have a key role in the mechanical stability of NF-L (62 kDa), NF-M (103 kDa) and NF-H (117 kDa) have a
neuronal processes. Disruptions of the neurofilament network, common structure comprising a short unstructured N-terminus
owing to neurofilament over-accumulation or incorrect side- head domain followed by a hydrophobic α-helical body region
arm interactions, are a hallmark of motor-neuron diseases and an unstructured C-terminus side-arm tail domain (Fig. 1a).
including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis3–9 . Using synchrotron The subunit proteins share a conserved core (residues 93–412)
X-ray scattering, we report on a direct measurement of forces in with more than 65% sequence homology. The largest source of
reconstituted neurofilament gels under osmotic pressure (P). sequence variation occurs in the side arms. In this region, they
With increasing pressure near physiological salt and average differ in total protein length, net charge and charge distribution
phosphorylation conditions, NF-LMH, comprising the three (Supplementary Table S1 and Fig. S1). The side arms are overall
subunits near in vivo composition, or NF-LH gels, undergo negatively charged polyampholytes. In addition, NF-M and NF-H
for P > Pc ≈ 10 kPa, an abrupt non-reversible gel-expanded to have 26 and 49 residues respectively, which on phosphorylation
gel-condensed transition. The transition indicates side-arm- add −1.8 e charge to the neutral residues near physiological pH
mediated attractions between neurofilaments consistent with (Supplementary Table S1).
an electrostatic model of interpenetrating chains. In contrast, The assembly into mature neurofilaments begins with the
NF-LM gels remain in a collapsed state for P < Pc and transition formation of coiled-coil dimers of the hydrophobic α-helical
to the gel-condensed state at P > Pc . These findings, which regions of the subunits, which pair, in a half-staggered manner,
delineate the distinct roles of NF-M and NF-H in regulating to form tetramers (Fig. 1b). In cross-section, the neurofilament
neurofilament interactions, shed light on possible mechanisms is composed on average of four paired tetramers. Whereas NF-L
for disruptions of optimal mechanical network properties. will dimerize with another NF-L, the other subunits NF-M
The cell mechanical stability and elastic properties are primarily and NF-H require NF-L to form dimers1,2,10,13,21 . The assembled
determined by hierarchical cytoskeletal structures resulting from neurofilament consists of a 10 nm semiflexible backbone with
interactions among the constituent proteins. In long myelinated the unstructured C-terminus side arms sprouting radially from
neuronal axons, the highly abundant neurofilaments form an the core fibre1,4,17,18,21–23 . Representative atomic force microscopy
aligned nematic liquid-crystal gel with an open-network struc- (AFM) images of neurofilaments are shown in Fig. 1c–e, where
ture, which acts as a structural scaffold. In addition to rigidity the typical flexible necklace-like structure is clearly shown1,10,13,16,24 .
under external pressures, it is clear that transport of organelles Whereas the side arms are invisible by the AFM technique, each
along microtubules immersed within the neurofilament gel will bead is associated with the α-helical-rich region spaced by the
require a flexible and well-dispersed network9–11 . Indeed, aber- linker heads1,10,13,24 .
rations in neurofilament network structure, including incorrect To explore the nature of the interaction between neurofilaments
phosphorylation and deviations in subunit composition leading to and determine the role of the different neurofilament subunits in
abnormal accumulation of neurofilament aggregates, are hallmarks stabilizing the neurofilament network, we carried out a synchrotron
of motor-neuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) study of neurofilament gels
Lewy-body-based dementia and Parkinson’s3–9,12 . subjected to osmotic pressure (P) at different subunit compositions
Experiments involving electron microscopy imaging9,10,13,14 and and salt concentrations (see the Methods section and refs 25–27).
rheology15–19 have focused on the nature of crossbridging be- This technique allowed us to directly measure the interactions
tween side arms and its effect on the network properties. between neurofilaments and their subunit proteins and to provide
In addition, a recent phase-behaviour study is consistent with direct experimental evidence for pressure-induced attractions (that
interactions that are dependent on salinity and side-arm com- is, crowding) in neurofilament gels. The proteins were purified from
position in neurofilament gels20 . Nevertheless, before this study bovine spinal cord and reassembled in the desired composition.
1 Materials,
Physics, and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Departments, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA,
2 Chemistry
and Biochemistry Department, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA. *e-mail:;
c d h
250 nm 500 nm
1.5 mm
1 µm
Figure 1 | Hierarchical neurofilament self-assembly. a, Neurofilament subunit protein schematics. The three subunits share a similar N-terminus globular
head domain and an α-helical body. The main difference between the proteins is found in the intrinsically unstructured C-terminus side-arm domain.
b, Single-filament self-assembly hierarchy. Composed of 32 subunit proteins in cross-section, neurofilaments self-assemble and form a flexible backbone,
10 nm in diameter (D), with radiating unstructured side arms. The side arms are half staggered, with 16 side arms every 22.5 nm (h) along the
neurofilament backbone. For NF-LM filaments (NF-L assembled with increasing amounts of NF-M), the maximum side-arm density is achieved at
(NF-L/NF-M 52:48 wt%) and corresponds to 11 NF-M and 21 NF-L subunits in cross-section. This results in protruding NF-M side arms separated by
≈5.7 nm around the circumference20 . Likewise, for NF-LH filaments, the maximum side-arm density (NF-L/NF-H 60:40 wt%) corresponds to eight NF-H
and 24 NF-L subunits in cross-section, with an NF-H side-arm separation of ≈7.8 nm around the circumference20 . c–e, AFM images show a necklace
structure and a preferred parallel configuration even at a low protein concentration. f, Cross-polarized microscopy image of a neurofilament network in a
quartz capillary. The nematic domain boundaries are a clear indication of the extended length scale of the ordered phase. The non-spherical bubble (yellow
arrow) reveals the yield stress resisting surface tension, as expected for a gel. The inset illustrates the possible configurations and microscopic interactions,
such as physical entanglement or intrafilament and interfilament interactions, leading to the nematic order.
Neurofilament gels consisted of homopolymers of NF-L, or NF-L The alignment of the neurofilament hydrogel is well
plus NF-M (NF-LM), NF-L plus NF-H (NF-LH) or all three demonstrated in cross-polarized microscopy, where millimetre-
NF-LMH mixtures near physiological composition. In all cases, sized domains are observed (Fig. 1f). Gelation of the neurofilament
neurofilament gel pellets phase-separate from the excess buffer network is confirmed by the appearance of rough surfaces at
after an initial swelling, demonstrating an inherent attractive the gel–buffer interface and by the occasional appearance of
interaction at low pressure20 . non-spherical bubbles inside the pellet (see the arrow in Fig. 1f).
a b
(10, 107)
Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)
100 (15, 267)
(5, 26) (12.5, 175)
(2.5, 8) 101
(10, 107)
10¬1 (1.25, 3)
(2.5, 8)
(0.75, 1.6)
(1.25, 3)
10¬2 (0, 0.1)
(0, 0.1)
0.01 0.10 0.01 0.10
q (Ŭ1) q (Ŭ1)
c d
104 102
(17.5, 385)
Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)
(15, 267)
(12.5, 175)
(5, 26)
(10, 107)
101 (7.5, 59) (2.5, 8)
Figure 2 | SAXS for different osmotic pressures and subunit compositions. Profiles of azimuthally averaged SAXS data of neurofilament networks under
different osmotic pressures and subunit protein compositions in 150 mM monovalent-salt buffer. a, SAXS profiles of neurofilaments reconstituted at an
NF-LMH 7:3:2 mol ratio, the physiological subunit ratio. b, SAXS profiles of NF-L homopolymer, representing the simplest system with identical
158-amino-acid-long side arms extending from the filament backbone. The contribution of each of the longer side arms has been explored through the
NF-LM and NF-LH binary systems, NF-L being a ubiquitous component as both NF-M and NF-H are NF-L-obligated heterodimers. c,d, SAXS profiles of
NF-LM (65:35 wt% ≈ 4:1 mol:mol) (c) and NF-LH (70:30 wt% ≈ 6:1 mol:mol) (d) copolymers. The weight percentage of PEO and its corresponding
osmotic pressure is noted. Lorenzian line-shape fits to the SAXS profiles (dotted line) were used to determine the peak positions. A power-law background
(dashed line) was added to the Lorenzian fit.
SAXS–osmotic pressure data were taken for a range of salt Figure 3 summarizes the pressure versus interfilament distance,
concentrations both near (90–240 mM) and far (40, 70 mM) d, obtained from the SAXS profiles for the neurofilament gels
from physiological ionic strengths. Figure 2 shows SAXS data studied for different subunit compositions and salt concentrations.
of NF-L, NF-LM, NF-LH and NF-LMH gels with increasing Filled (open) symbols represent nematic (isotropic) gels. Neurofil-
pressure in 150 mM salt buffer. The broad correlation peaks of aments comprising the NF-L homopolymer represent the minimal
the nematic structure factor (Fig. 2) are centred about wavevector system of a flexible backbone with 158 residue side arms decorating
q1 inversely proportional to the average interfilament distance it in a bottlebrush fashion. Interfilament spacing between NF-L
between neighbouring filaments d(= 2π/q1 ). As expected, the filaments is seen to vary slightly over four decades of pressure with
correlation peak positions, q1 , shift to higher values as the pressure d ranging between 36 and 46 nm at low pressure for monovalent-
is elevated and the gel network is compressed. salt concentrations between 40 and 240 mM (Fig. 3a). The weak
106 106
105 105
P (Pa)
P (Pa)
104 IG, salt (mM) 104
103 90 103
102 102
200 400 600 800 200 400 600 600
d (Å) d (Å)
c d
107 107
106 106
105 105
P (Pa)
P (Pa)
104 104
103 103
102 102
200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800
d (Å) d (Å)
e P < Pc f P > Pc g
Figure 3 | Osmotic pressure–distance curves for neurofilaments of different subunit protein compositions and buffer salinities. a, NF-L homopolymer
is a basal system having the shortest negatively charged side arms. The pressure profiles of these homopolymers are weakly salt dependent and exemplify
a strong repulsive interaction between neighbouring side-arm coronas. b, NF-LMH (7:3:2 molar ratio) polymer represents a recombined neurofilament of
physiological subunit ratio. The network is expanded at low osmotic pressures and undergoes a transition at high pressure to a condensed state.
c, Filaments recombined with NF-L and NF-H (NF-LH, 70:30 wt% ≈ 6:1 mol:mol) show similar trends to those of NF-LMH (7:3:2 molar ratio), including the
high-osmotic-pressure transition. d, NF-LM (65:35 wt% ≈ 4:1 mol/mol) copolymer is in an expanded state at low monovalent-salt concentrations (40,
70 mM), and a collapsed state (g) at physiological salt concentrations. The X symbols in b,c represent a second, salt-independent, correlation peak that
follows the NF-L curve trend (dashed line). The lines drawn to the physiological salt pressure profiles are simply a guide to the eye. The filled and open
symbols in a–d represent the nematic gel (NG ) and isotropic gel (IG ) conditions respectively (information deduced from crossed-polarized microscopy on
the hydrogel samples). e–g, Cross-section schematics for expected side-arm interaction at expanded (e) condensed (f) and collapsed (g) gel states.
Whereas the condensed state will have abundant ionic bonds of interpenetrating chains, the collapsed state should have some transient interpenetration.
salt dependence and large interfilament spacing suggests that the the pressure is increased, the weakly aligned expanded-gel state
charged NF-L side arms and counter-ions form a nearly neutral is found to be highly incompressible, with d decreasing only
corona with stretched side-arm chains owing to the pressure of slightly with increasing pressure over nearly two decades before
the counter ions. the onset of an abrupt transition for P > Pc ≈ 10 kPa from large
The P–d profile is qualitatively different for neurofilament gels to small interfilament spacing, indicative of a gel-expanded to
comprising NF-LMH filaments near physiological composition gel-condensed transition (Fig. 3b,c,e,f). The P–d profile is weakly
(7:3:2 mol ratio for NF-L/NF-M/NF-H) (Fig. 3b) or NF-LH salt dependent and the transition at high pressure can be noted even
gels (Fig. 3c). We find that the average interfilament spacings at a monovalent-salt concentration of 240 mM (Fig. 3b,c).
at P < 10 kPa are nearly twice (≈70–80 nm) that of NF-L This abrupt transition signals the onset of an attractive
(≈36–45 nm) and the gels are in an expanded state (Fig. 3e). As interaction overcoming a repulsive one. The repulsion, which
a d
N2 (residue number)
500 2 1
10 0
450 0
400 ¬20
400 450 500 550 535 540 545 550 555
N1 (residue number) N1 (residue number)
b e
N2 (residue number)
2 1
c f
2 1
N2 (residue number)
600 800 1,000 800 850 900 950 1,000 1,050
N1 (residue number) N1 (residue number)
Figure 4 | Handshake analysis of complementary side-arm interactions. Two side arms aligned in an antiparallel configuration, showing the side-arm
interaction between neighbouring filaments. The colours in the 1E(N1 ,N2 ,w = 10,m = 10) handshake matrices, given by equation (1), represent the
Coulomb interaction energetics surrounding residues N1 and N2 from opposing side arms. The black markers represent potential sites for hydrophobic
interactions between the pair of opposite side arms using the Kyte and Doolittle method30 (see Supplementary Methods). a, The NF-L–NF-L handshake
matrix shows only a weak possible attraction that arises in the tip–tip and tip–body configurations. b, The NF-M–NF-M handshake matrix reveals
complementary charged regions at tip–body and configurations beyond full overlap. In addition, the matrix shows hydrophobic regions capable of
interaction in the tip–tip and tip–body configurations. c, The NF-H–NF-H handshake matrix lacks any hydrophobic regions but contains many potential
attractive electrostatic regions along the body of the side arms. d–f, The dashed lines in a–c represent the corresponding configurations (shown in d–f),
where the magnitude of these interactions is found to be of the order of a few kB T.
dominates in the gel-expanded state, is most likely due to transitions26 . Moreover, we find that the attractive interaction
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