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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents

Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

Percentile values of the standing broad jump in children and

adolescents aged 6-18 years old
Ewan Thomas (1), Luca Petrigna (1), Garden Tabacchi (1), Eduardo Teixeira (2),
Simona Pajaujiene (3), David J. Sturm (4), Fatma Nese Sahin (5), Manuel Gómez-
López (6), Jelena Pausic (7), Antonio Paoli (8), Marianna Alesi (9), Antonino Bianco

(1) Sport and Exercise Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and
Human Movement, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; (2) CIEQV, Escola Superior de
Desporto de Rio Maior, IPSantarém, Portugal; (3) Department of Coaching Science, Lithuanian
Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania; (4) Associate Professorship of Educational Science in
Sport and Health, Technical University of Munich, Uptown Munich Campus D, Georg-Brauchle-
Ring 60/62, 80992 Munich, Germany; (5) Faculty of Sport Sciences. Coaching Education
Department, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey; (6) Department of Physical Activity and Sport.
International Campus of Excellence "Mare Nostrum", Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of
Murcia, San Javier, Spain; (7). Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia; (8)
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Padua, Italy; (9) Department of
Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits
any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.

The standing broad jump (SBJ) is a valid, reliable and feasible field-based test, which can
evaluate explosive strength of the lower limbs and physical fitness. This study aimed to provide
normative data for the SBJ for male and female children and adolescents and describe differences
in performance between age groups and genders. A total number of 2140 children and
adolescents, sampled in seven European nations have been included for analysis. The SBJ was
performed to derive percentile values for gender and each age group. In general, males have
greater jumping performance compared to females. Data demonstrate a linear increase in the
jumping distance for both males and females until adolescence. However, such increase is
evident in males up to 16-17 years old, whereas in females a plateau value is met at 12-13 years
old, with a subsequent decrease in the jumping performance. No differences were present in
jumping performance between male and female children, however differences between male and
female adolescents were evinced. The study has provided percentile values useful to monitor the
physical fitness status of children and adolescents.
Key Words: standing broad jump, normative data, children, adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

Muscular fitness is an important health-related aspect,1 Muscular fitness corresponds to the level of muscular
a fundamental component for complex athletic tasks but strength of both the upper and the lower limbs and an
also during the execution of simple everyday life tasks.2 evaluation strongly associated with tests for the upper
The importance of taking care and monitor such system (basketball throw and push-ups) and lower limbs
since a young age is highlighted by the fact that it is (countermovement jump and squat jump) is the standing
positively associated with bone health while it is broad jump (SBJ).7 This test is designed to measures
inversely associated with central adiposity, lower limb muscular fitness and explosive muscular
cardiovascular diseases and metabolic risk factors,3 and strength of children, adolescents and adults.7,8 Moreover,
clustered metabolic risk.4 Furthermore, muscular fitness this test provides the opportunity to monitor gains after
may reduce the risk of insulin sensitivity, important training, to identify sports talent and for pre-recruitment
aspects either in a healthy population or for those who are testing in institutions where other measurement
exposed to metabolic risk factors.5,6 instruments are not applicable.9 Finally, the SBJ is

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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

considered the most valid and reliable field-based and sports centres located in Italy, Lithuania, Germany,
muscular fitness test in children and adolescents,7,10,11 Spain, Portugal and Croatia, with the addition of data
and is also applied to measure anaerobic power of the from Turkey. The locations were those of the partners of
lower limbs.9 the above mentioned projects. A consent form has been
One of the best ways to monitor the muscular fitness signed by the parent or the legal guardian of each
status of children and adolescents is through specific participant and such condition was required to participate
gender and age normative data. Several studies have been in the study. Only children who were able to perform the
performed from different geographical locations such as required motor task were included for investigation.
Australia,12,13 Colombia,14 Colombia-India, 15 China, 16 Children were excluded if presented medical issues that
Hungary,17 Greece,18 Spain,19 or as part of larger could influence the jumping performance; or physical
transnational studies,20,21 however such results are and mental disabilities. A total number of 2140
limited to confined age ranges or national populations. A participants, 1176 males and 964 females were finally
recent study has proposed percentile values for the main included. Further details regarding age and
tests of the Alpha-fit test battery (handgrip strength, anthropometric parameters are shown in Table 1.
standing long jump, and 4x10m shuttle run test),22 one of The local Ethical Committee of the University approved
the most adopted batteries in Europe to assess physical the project and the study is in accordance with the
fitness in children and adolescents.23 Kolimechkov, et Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2013.
al,22 to reach their goal, collected data from different
Standing broad jump
studies,20, 24 filling the gap between ages through linear
interpolation. However, the authors stated that this was a The standing broad jump test was performed on a hard
temporary solution until such gap was filled by surface. The participants stood in a standing position with
experimental research.22 Considering the aforementioned the heels on the starting line and the feet parallel. The
reasons, this study aims to provide normative data participants, after being instructed by the investigator had
regarding male and female children and adolescents aged to jump as far as possible in a horizontal direction. No
6 to 18 years old from seven different European indication had been given on the movement of the legs or
countries. the arms, so, the participants could perform a self-
decided depth countermovement of the legs and perform
Materials and Methods a free-arm amplitude swing. The participants had to land
Participants with both feet together and block the jump without
further advancement. All tests were performed three
The sample recruited was composed of school-children
times with a five-minute rest between each attempt. The
aged between 6 and 18 years old. These were recruited as distance was measured with a tape, in centimetres, from
part of different projects, namely the ASSO project,25 the the starting line to the heel of the closest foot to the
ESA program,26, 27 and Alfabetizzazione Motoria.28 The starting line and the best score of the three attempts was
data were recruited from primary and secondary schools

Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the sample

Total Male Female

Age n Height (cm) Mass (kg) n Height (cm) Mass (kg) n Height (cm) Mass (kg)

6 105 124.2±9.7 528.9±7.3 51 126.8±11.1 31.4±8.6 54 122.1±8.6 26.7±4.9

7 109 130.5±13.3 31.9±9.9 54 132.0 ±14.3 34.3±11.3 55 129.4±12.7 29.9±8.1
8 189 133.9±6.1 32.1±7.9 105 133.7±5.7 34.5±9.3 84 134.8±6.4 30.1±4.7
9 167 142.8±11.6 39.9±11.2 87 140.1±8.6 36.5±8.9 80 138.9±6.4 41.4±13.1
10 223 139.9±7.9 35.5±9.3 122 139.7±8.1 35.1±8.6 101 140.4±7.7 36.2±10.3
11 145 142.6±7.0 36.2±6.1 72 144.1±6.4 37.5±61.2 73 141.9±7.3 31.9±20.7
12 140 145.1±7.7 40.8±7.7 82 148.3±8.4 48.8±10.2 58 141.9±6.9 32.8±5.1
13 109 162.4±6.1 54.9±8.3 56 164.7±5.4 56.6±8.7 53 156.8±3.3 51±6.2
14 200 163.5±7.7 57.0±10.2 112 166.2±8.1 59.7±11.4 88 159.5±4.8 52.9±6.5
15 174 167.0±8.3 64.1±15.4 93 170.8±7.8 68.6±16.8 81 161.0±5.0 56.9±9.2
16 256 168.4±8.1 61.7±12.2 149 172.1±7.4 65.7±12.9 107 162.2±5.7 55.1±7.2
17 199 168.8±7.9 66.1±13.3 128 173.0±5.7 70.5±12.4 71 161.5±5.7 57.9±10.7
18 124 168.5±11.2 66.9±14.7 65 176.1±7.7 73.6±14.1 59 160±7.5 59.6±7.5
Total 2140 156.9±18.2 53.8±18.4 1176 161.6±18.4 58.1±19.4 964 150.9±15.9 47.9±14.9
Data are presented as means ± standard deviation.

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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

Table 2. Percentile values for male children and adolescents for the standing broad jump
Age/Percentile 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
6 101 113 116 119 124 125 128 131 138
7 103.6 116 119.9 122.2 125 127 132.2 135.8 153.2
8 100 109.6 119.8 130 133 137.4 145 150 159.2
9 104.6 116.2 120 127 133 138.6 147.2 159.8 179.4
10 111.1 124.2 129.3 135 142 148 152.7 160 172.9
11 117.4 137.2 143 148 152.5 155.6 164 168 177.7
12 137.4 150 158 161 163.5 169.6 178 182.6 192.8
13 135 149 153.5 160 167.5 175 179.5 183 188
14 130.3 141 153.3 160.4 166 178 183 192.4 205
15 132.2 145 153 164.8 170 176.4 181.8 192 197.8
16 135 149.2 164.4 172.2 180 190 200 210.4 223.2
17 150 165 175 184.8 195 200 210 216.2 228
18 146.2 154.8 160 172.6 178 190.2 196 200.2 219.8
All data are expressed in cm.

retained for investigation. The Standard Operating

Procedures (SOP) can be found elsewhere.11 Results
Tables 2 and 3 report the percentile values of each age
Statistical Analysis group of the sample for males and females, respectively.
Analysis were performed using SPSS (version 25 for For each percentile category there is a linear increase of
Windows; IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). Means and Standard the jumping distance up to the age of 16-17 years. No
deviations were calculated for each age group from 6 to statistical difference has been evinced between
18 years old and stratified by gender. Subsequently, contiguous age groups, despite the significant difference
values from the 10th to the 90th percentiles were derived, (p<0.001) highlighted by the ANOVA on the whole
calculated for each 10th percentile. Data have been tested sample. The same trend is shown for the male
for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Being participants, who show a linear increase in the jumping
that all data presented a normal distribution, comparisons performance up to 16-17 years old for all percentile
between age groups within each gender and between values (Table 2 and Figure 1). No statistical difference
genders have been performed through parametric has been shown between contiguous age groups, despite
evaluation. ANOVA was performed to evaluate the significant difference (p<0.001) highlighted by the
differences between age groups within each gender. ANOVA on the whole sample. Female participants
Welch T-tests for independent samples have been increase the jumping performance up to the age of 12-13
performed between the same age groups across genders. years with a subsequent decrease from 14 years old
α value was set at 0.05. The percentile values were finally onwards (Table 3 and figure 2). No statistical difference
represented through a smoothed percentile chart, which has been found between contiguous age groups, despite
was obtained through a sixth order polynomial the significant difference (p<0.001) highlighted by the
representation for each age group and percentile value ANOVA on the whole sample.
using GraphPad PRISM (Version 8.0.1).

Table 3. Percentile values for female children and adolescents for the standing broad jump
Age/Percentile 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
6 95.1 104.6 108.9 113 115.5 117.8 122 127.4 133.4
7 94.4 105.6 112.6 120 122 123.4 128 134 148.6
8 88 101.2 108 114.6 122 129.8 135.4 147.4 161.8
9 100 112.6 117.7 120 122.5 129.4 135 143.6 154.5
10 109 116 123 130 138 149 154 162 175
11 106.2 122.4 139.6 143.8 152 155 160 165 174.8
12 122.2 131.4 139.1 146.8 150.5 155 160 163.2 174.9
13 121.4 129 130.6 135 142 149.2 154.4 160 178
14 111.4 116.4 125.2 130 137.5 145 150.9 160.6 167.3
15 112 121 127 134 139 145 150 160 176
16 101.6 115 120 127.2 131 140 148.4 156 164.8
17 95 108 112 120 126 134 140 152 169
18 100 110 114.4 120 123 130.6 137 151 157
All data are expressed in cm.

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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

Fig 1. The male participants show an almost linear increase in the jumping performance up to 16-17 years old for
all percentile values

When comparing age groups across genders, no and Alexandrova.22 A distinction between male and
significant difference in jumping performance is present female participants seems evident. As for the
between males and females from 6 to 12 years old. From Colombian,14 Colombian-Indian,15 Chinese,16 and
13 to 18 years of age, significant differences are shown Spanish,19 normative data, girls showed an increase in
for similar age groups between genders with greater SBJ performance up to the age of 12, with a subsequent
performance measures in the male population (p<0.01). decline from 13 years onwards. Male participants do not
The percentile measures highlight differences regarding show such decline in performance, presenting conversely
the jumping performance between male and female a linear increase of the horizontal jump performance, data
participants. comparable with the study by Kolimechkov and
Alexandrova,22 and other studies.14-16,19
Discussion It is known that from 6 years of age until 12 to 13 there
The study has provided normative data for European is a gradual linear increase in muscular explosive
children and adolescents aged between 6 and 18 years for strength,29 therefore such increase in SBJ performance
the SBJ. The results of the present study are partially for both male and female was expected. During this early
comparable with the values of the study of Kolimechkov stage of life, sports practice is less competitive and

Fig 2. Female participants increase the jumping performance up to the age of 12-13 years with a subsequent
decrease from 14 years old onwards

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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

consequently it is more enjoyable than in secondary specific and detailed information could have described
school.30 During adolescence, other factors influence the cultural differences of the sample. Furthermore, other
SBJ performance and consequently the physical fitness methodological issue is related to the study design,
related to physical and psychological characteristics. indeed, normative data should be created from a
From a physical point of view, boys present an longitudinal study when it is evaluated a parameter
association between biological maturity and strength.29 related to growing, and this is a cross-sectional study.
During puberty, boys present a faster increase of steroid One last limitation is that, even if the same standard
hormones, growth hormone and bone mineral content.16. operating procedure has been adopted and an online
Considering that adolescents are influenced by their training has been performed before the study, the data
peers in terms of physical activity and diet,31 it is likely were collected by different teachers, sport science
that boys tend to practice a sport with the purpose of specialists, physical educators.
performance and competition while girls mainly practice In conclusion, the study provides SBJ normative data for
physical activity for aesthetic purposes. In addition, children and adolescents. It has been noted that SBJ
different studies have tried to understand the reasons that presents a linear increase in the jumping performance in
push adolescents to be physically active.32-35 Males tend both male and female until adolescence. In adolescents,
to be positively influenced by friends and peers and have males continued a linear increase of the SBJ performance
higher self-motivation and enjoyment in practicing up to the age of 17 years old while female presented a
physical activities during adolescence. Females, instead, plateau after 13 years old, after which a decrease was
suffer more from the transition from primary to present. This study establish a reference point for further
secondary school, which leads to a change of their investigations in this research area.
environment and this could be a cause of the reduction of
the physical activity practiced,36 a factor that is probably List of acronyms
influenced by the social environment in which they SBJ - standing broad jump
live.30,37 Furthermore, internal and external factors can SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
influence girls’ decision to practice physical activities as Authors contributions
the sensation of not correctly performing the required
sport skills,37 the faulty perceptions of their abilities and ET, LP, and AB developed the study concept and design
self-consciousness,38 the limited sporting activities that as the data analysis and interpretation. ET, GT, ETex, SP,
women can practice due to the limited number of DS, NS, MGL, JP, MA, AB collected the data for the
programs and services available in schools which are present manuscript. ET, LP, GT, AP, MA and AB wrote
specific for girls.39 In the work of Slater and the first draft while ETex, SP, DS, NS, MGL, JP critically
Tiggemann,30 girls expressed different reasons for not reviewed and added their contribution to the second
attending sporting activities, as losing interest, feeling version of the manuscript. All authors approved the final
not competent for the required activity or not having version of the manuscript and agree to be accountable for
enough time. Other factors reported by the authors all aspects of the work.
concerning girls’ withdrawal from sporting activities Acknowledgments
were the feeling that some activities were typically
masculine or had the fear to become too muscular. All Funding
these factors alone or combined may result in a higher The study is part of the Enriched Sport Activities (ESA)
activity engagement in boys compared to girls, which Program, which is an Evidence-based Practice Exercise
may explain the decline in physical performance from 13 Project cofounded by the Erasmus + Programme of the
years old onwards in female participants. This is an European Union (Key action: Sport-579661-EPP-1-
interesting point since muscle weakness,2 but not the 2016-2-IT-SPO-SCP)
decay rate of aging, 41 of the female compared to the male
lasts for the lifetime. Conflict of Interest
The major strength of this study is that the data arise from The authors declare they have no conflict of interest.
seven European countries, which enables the analysis of
Ethical Publication Statement
transnational data, including children and adolescents
over a large age group from different countries. We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on
Furthermore, these data could be used to detect children issues involved in ethical publication and affirm that this
and adolescents that could be in a “warming zone” (e.g. report is consistent with those guidelines.
under 10th percentile) when related to health prevention Corresponding Author
or select athlete in a “interesting zone” (e.g. over 90th
Luca Petrigna, PhD student, Sport and Exercise Sciences
percentile) in a school or public contest. Clearly, the data
Research Unit, University of Palermo, Via Giovanni
doesn’t reflect the European population due to its
Pascoli 6 - 90144, Palermo, Italy.
relatively small sample according to age and country. To
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8106-537X
preserve a larger and more representative sample a
E-mail: luca.petrigna@unipa.it
stratification of data was not performed, although more

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Standing broad jump in children and adolescents
Eur J Transl Myol 30 (2): 240-246, 2020

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