Табл Англ Digestive
Табл Англ Digestive
Табл Англ Digestive
Definition Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor arising from the
lining of the stomach. It is classified according to the
type of tissue where they originate, such as
adenocarcinoma, lymphomas, sarcomas.
Etiology (causes) It occurs when the mucus layer of stomach is The number of factors can increase the risk of the
damaged or weal. Gastritis may be caused by bacteria disease are:
Helicobacter Pillory. Other causes can be: • long-term inflammation of stomach,
• excessive alcohol consumption, • H. pylori infection,
• prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory • family history,
drugs; • poor diet, salted/pickled food
• sometimes develops after major surgery, traumatic • lack of physical activity, obesity,
injury, burns and severe infections, • smoking, high consumption of alcohol.
• chronic bile reflux, autoimmune disorders.
Pathogenesis Weaknesses in the mucus-lined barrier, that Tumors in the stomach can be benign or malignant.
protects your stomach wall, allow digestive juices to Stomach cancer usually begins the build-up of extra cells
damage and inflame the stomach lining. H. pylori in the inner layer of the stomach. Over the time, the
penetrates the gastric mucosa and multiples close to cancer may invade more deeply into the stomach wall.
surface epithelial cells. Then they release endotoxins A stomach tumor can grow through the gastric
and chemotactic mediators, which go through the outer layer into nearby organs, such as the liver,
epithelium cells. pancreas, esophagus, intestine or lymph nodes near the
stomach. The spread of cancer is called metastasis.
Gastritis can develop suddenly (acute gastritis) or
gradually and last for an extended period (chronic
Clinical pattern The most common symptom is upper central SC in the early stages (stages 1 and 2) may not be
(symptoms) abdominal pain which can be dull, vague, burning, accompanied by any alarming symptoms.
gnawing or sharp. In the advanced stages (stages 3 and 4 malignancy) SC is
The other symptoms are: indigestion, heartburn, accompanied by metastasis.
belching, abdominal bloating, loss of appetite, nausea,All symptoms: general weakness, increased fatigue,
vomiting (vomit mass can be clear, green or yellow, nausea, periodic bloating, pale skin, a rise in body
with blood), a full feeling in the upper abdomen temperature.
during eating. As the tumor grows, new symptoms appear: feeling of
heaviness in the stomach after eating, nausea and
vomiting, possible development of gastrointestinal
Methods of • Take anamnesis; physical examination; • Take anamnesis; physical examination;
diagnostics • A complete blood count (check overall health) • Radiography or X-ray (detect any changes that
• A blood, breath, or saliva test (check for H. signal the presence of tumor)
pylori) • Endoscopic examination (assess the condition of the
• A fecal test (check for blood in your stool) esophagus, stomach and the initial duodenum);
• An endoscopy (look at the lining of stomach with a • Tissue biopsy
small camera) • MRT and CT for determining the prevalence of
• A gastric tissue biopsy (involves removing a small metastasis.
piece of stomach tissue for analysis) • laparoscopy, barium swallowing, blood test.
• An X-ray (look for structural problems)
Treatment Non-medical treatment includes bland diet, healthy Treatment depends mainly on the size and location of the
lifestyle, regular sports exercise, reducing stress, spicy tumor, the stage of the disease and general health.
and fried food. Treatment for stomach cancer may includes
Medications: ➢ Surgery
✓ Antacids can be used to neutralize stomach acid; ➢ Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells.
✓ H2 antagonists reduce the production of stomach ➢ Radiation therapy uses high energy rays to kill
acid; cancer cells.
✓ Proton pump inhibitors inhibit the production of ➢ Nutrition is an important part of treatment. The
stomach acid; patient needs the right amount of calories, protein,
✓ Cytoprotective agents help protect the tissues; vitamins and minerals to maintain his strength and to
✓ A combination of 2 antibiotics used to treat H. heal.
pylori infection. ➢ Supportive (palliative) care to relief from pain
Alternative treatments include some of the herbs and other symptoms of a serious illness
that used to treat gastritis.
Complications The most common complications are stomach ulcers, The most common complications are gastrointestinal
atrophic gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric polyps or bleeding, perforation and penetration which lead to
tumors. peritonitis, obstruction of pylorus, germination in
neighboring organs.
Prevention You can help control the complications of gastritis by You can avoid the risk factors, such as stop smoking,
monitoring your diet and stress levels, limiting avoiding smoked food, weight control, exercising
alcohol, cessation of smoking and the using of regularly, treating H. pylori infection in time.
NSAIDs. Well balanced diet avoiding hot or spicy