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Implementation of Republic Act 11032 in San Pascual Batangas

Ronalyn M. Caguete a, Lovely E. Mercado b and Arabella Roshean D. Palaca c

Batangas State University

Corresponding Author Email: 20-55071@g.batstate-u.edu.ph


Republic Act 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business is created that aims to streamline the current procedures and
systems of government services. This republic act is created to monitor and efficiently deliver the goods and services. This
act lessens and shortens the processing time when acquiring business permits and licenses and makes it easier for the
people to acquire and have access. This study assessed the implementation of Republic Act 11032 or the Ease of Doing
Business at San Pascual, Batangas specifically on Section 6. Citizen’s Charter, Section 7. Zero Contact Policy and Section
9. Accessing Government Services. This is conducted due to the arousal issue in the issuance of business permits and
licenses, regardless with the implementation of the RA 11032 particularly in the Business Permits and Licensing Office in
the municipality of San Pascual in Batangas. It gathers the researchers’ interest if the implementation of the latter is well
executed and if it is effective.

The researchers used the descriptive research design of having study as it can study one or more variables using a
range of research methods. A researcher- made questionnaire and interview guide was used to observe the implementation
of RA 11032 in BPLO office of San Pascual, Batangas, which was divided into four parts: part one (1) is about the
respondent profile, part two (2) is all about the citizen’s charter, part three (3) will be the zero-contact policy, and part four
(4) is all about accessing government services. Moreover, the data gathered were from the responses of 381 clients and
staffs of BPLO office. The statistical treatments used in the study were frequency and percentage, weighted mean and
average, standard deviation, t test, and ANOVA (f test).

The study found out that most of the respondents are female that belong to the age group of thirty-five to forty-
four (35-44) years old. Majority of the respondents has a sole proprietorship business and operates their business for about
four to six years (4-6) years. In the assessment of the implementation of RA 11032, majority of the respondents which is
the clients of BPLO have agreed that in BPLO office has some problem in terms of the processing of their business permit
and licenses which is composed of Section 6. Citizen’s Charter, Section 7. Zero Contact Policy and Section 9. Accessing
Government Services. This study is a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research. This study assessed the level
of implementation of the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) on the Republic Act 11032. The researchers’
proposed capacity building to further improve the implementation of RA 11032, provide quality and efficient government
service. Lastly, to enhance the skills of the staffs and provide understanding of RA 11032 to staffs and clients.

Keywords: Republic Act 11032, Citizen’s Charter, Zero-Contact Policy, Assessing Government Services and
the government system, it is a burden that the public
continuously face, their role is to give emphasis and
INTRODUCTION knowledge on how to determine the laws and policies,
arrange, manage and supervise the organizations that
A lot of Filipino people started creating businesses in the regulate and control community laws and statutes, also to
country to generate income and to support their daily control, advise and satisfy the interest and needs of the
needs, some may do it as a hobby or passion. In doing public.
business there are certain qualifications and standards that
everyone must meet for them to ensure the legalities of For that reason, the Anti-Red Tape Act is created and
such services or products they would offer. Thus, one of mandated to ensure the ease of doing business in the
its requisites is to acquire such permits and licenses to country. This strengthens the good delivery services and the
avoid penalties or business closure, it also permits a fast transaction in the government offices. It is to ensure the
business owner to perform such services and offer their quick establishment of businesses and to improve the
goods to the public. government offices for the efficient and effective delivery
of services to the people. There’s still a loophole found in
It caught the attention of the Public Administration the ARTA that’s why to further strengthen and give
students wherein they want to raise awareness emphasis the law Republic Act 11032 or the Ease of Doing
because the Red Tape has long been embedded in business is created to changed how the citizens perceived
and will certainly give much and wider approach to the
delivery of government services. specifically, Section 6. Citizen’s Charter, Section 7. Zero-
The Republic Act 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business is Contact Policy, and Section 9. Assessing Government Services
created that aims to streamline the current procedures and in terms of age, sex, type of business and years in operation.
systems of government services. “It is hereby declared the
This study also identified the challenges encountered by the
policy of the State to promote integrity, accountability,
proper management of public affairs and public property staffs of BPLO in the implementation of RA 11032 in San
as well as to establish effective practices, aimed at Pascual, Batangas. Further, it found significant difference on the
efficient turnaround of the delivery of government level of knowledge according to respondents’ profile
services and the prevention of graft and corruption in characteristics and issues and challenges they have experienced.
government.” This republic act is created to monitor and This led to a capacity building that serve as the output to
efficiently deliver the goods and services. This act lessens increase the awareness of BPLO clients and staffs in terms of the
and shortens the processing time when acquiring business
implementation of RA 11032.
permits and licenses and makes it easier for the people to
acquire and have access. The RA 11032 promotes
transparency in government transactions, it also 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS
encompasses a program adoption of simplified
requirements and procedures aimed at the reduction of the This is study is a mixed study of quantitative and qualitative
Anti-Red Tape Act, to further expedite the business and because the researchers created researchers-made questionnaire
non-business transactions in the government. Lastly, it for the survey with the clients or business owners as the
aims to strengthen the Anti Red Tape Act (ARTA), to respondents, and also conducted an interview and focus group
secure the proper implementation of this law; it is discussion in which the staff served as the respondents. To
empowered to promote reforms and initiatives aimed to further gather data to support the study.
improve the economic competitiveness of the country.
A researcher-made questionnaire was chosen as a data collection
The researchers chose San Pascual as the locale of the instrument. The researcher made a questionnaire to gather
study to further investigate and observe the information that provides answers for the given questions listed
implementation of Republic Act no. 11032 or the Ease of in the statement of the problem and the conceptual framework of
doing business and Efficient Government Service the study to give support to the conclusions and further
Delivery Act of 20178. This is conducted due to the recommendation. The total number of respondents for
arousal issue in the issuance of business permits and researcher-made questionnaire is 381. In the interview guide the
licenses, regardless with the implementation of the RA researchers asked ten (10) staff on what are the challenges they
11032. The researchers’ wants to assess the effectivity encountered and if the staff know the Republic Act 11032.
and the understanding of the clients and staff of the
Business Permit and Licensing Office. The researchers’ Frequency-percentage primarily used to identify the profile of
goal is to assess the implementation of the Republic Act the respondents. While weighted mean was used to assessed the
no. 11032 particularly in the Business Permits and respondents’ awareness on the implementation of RA 11032 in
Licensing Office in the municipality of San Pascual in terms of Section 6. Citizen’s Charter, Section 7. Zero-Contact
Batangas. It gathers the researchers’ interest if the Policy, and Section 9. Accessing Government Services.
implementation of the latter is well executed and if it is Moreover, the Standard Deviation was used to determine how
effective. The researchers’ also chose San Pascual spread he assessment of the respondents as regards to the
because it is a huge local government unit that includes a indicated variables. Further, T-test was used to determine
lot of business owners that is involved with the Business significant difference on the respondents’ assessments on the
Permit and Licensing Office. implementation of RA 11032 when the respondents are grouped
according to sex. And last ANOVA (F-Test) was used to
This study will benefit the clients because they will determine significant difference on the respondent’s assessment
identify and be aware about their rights as a client because son the implementation of RA 11032 when the respondents are
it is supported by the Republic Act 11032 or the Ease of grouped according to age, type of business, and years in
Doing Business. This law is applicable to all government operation.
offices and agencies in the Executive Department
including local government units (LGUs), therefore, the
logical response of the public officials would be the
proper execution and careful deliberation of government
services. The researchers’ also wish to identify the 1.1. Age
challenges encountered in the implementation of Presented in Table 1 was the business owner
RA11032 of the clients and staff of Business permits and characteristic in terms of their age. The beginning of the
licensing office (BPLO). age bracket of the respondents started with the youngest
age one can legally acquire business permit as an
2. OBJECTIVES individual (18-24 years old) up-to old-age or (55-and
Table 1
This research assessed the implementation of RA 11032
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age percent who were male. This finding implies that females tend
to be more active in involving themselves in various activities
Age Frequency Percentage
such as participating in a survey like this. But it did not mean
18-24 that the males were not that interested about the
17 4.5
implementation of RA 11032. Majority of the respondents
25-34 67 17.6 were female with a frequency of two hundred thirty-nine (239),
with the percentage of sixty-two point seven
35-44 178 46.7 (62.7), that indicates that majority of the transactions at BPLO
were made by females.
45-54 89 23.4
1.3. Type of Business
55 and above 30 7.9 Presented in Table 3 was the characteristics of
Total respondents with regard to their type of business.
381 100
Table 3
The table shows that ages 35-44 have the highest Distribution of Respondents in terms of Type of Business
frequency on the distributions of respondents with a
percentage of 46.7 percent. Ages 45-54 has a high
frequency with 23.4 percent. The third age which gets
17.6 percent is ages 25-34 with the frequency of 67.
Then it was followed by ages 55 and above which has Type of Business Frequency Percentage
7.9 percent with the frequency of 30. The least ages Sole
who have their own business is ages 18-24 which has a Proprietorships 261 68.5
4.5 percent with a frequency of 17. Most of the
respondents with the age ranging to thirty-five to forty-
four (35-44) with a frequency of one hundred seventy- Partnerships 102 26.8
eight (178), and percentage of forty-six point seven
(46.7) is transacting or having transaction at the BPLO Corporations 18 4.7
or those who has their own business. Most of the time,
ages 35-44 has stable job to generate their own income Total 381 100
that resulted on opening their own business.
Additionally at this age, they have their own family It can be gleaned from the table, that majority of the
that pursue them more to have an extra income by respondents are sole proprietorships in their business with the
having their own business. frequency of 261 or 68.5 percent. Next is partnerships with a
frequency of 102 or 26.8 percent. Corporation gained the lowest
1.2. Sex rank with the frequency of 18 or 4.7 percent. These results
Presented in Table 2 was the characteristics of signify the fact that majority of the clients in San Pascual
respondents with regard to their sex. Batangas is under the sole proprietorships. It implies that in San
Pascual Batangas has a least number of big companies that
Table 2 resulted corporations as the lowest frequency.
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex
1.4. Years in Operation

Sex Frequency Percent Presented in Table 3 was the characteristics of respondents

with regard to their years in operation.

Male 142 37.3 Table 4

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Years in

Type of Business Frequency Percent

Female 239 62.7
Less than 12 months 38 10.0

1 to 3 years 120 31.5

Total 381 100
4 to 6 years 133 34.9

It can be gleaned on the table, that majority of the 7 years or more 90 23.6
respondents were female having the frequency of 239
or 62.7 percent while there were only 142 or 37.3 Total 381 100
As reflected from the table, most of the respondents
were on four (4) or six (6) years in their years in Table 6 shows the assessment of respondents in terms of Zero-
operating having the highest percent of thirty-four- Contact Policy.
point nine (34.9) percent or one hundred thirty-three
(133) out of three hundred eighty-one (381) Table 6
respondents. Next in rank were the respondents who Assessment of Respondents in terms of Zero-Contact Policy
have operation in one (1) to three (3) years with the
respondents of one twenty (120) or thirty-one-point five
Section 7. Zero-Contact Standard
(31.5) percent. It was followed by 7 years or more Mean
Policy Deviation
having a total of 90 respondents or twenty-three-point
1. Zero Contact Policy
six (23.6) percent and the lowest frequency were the 2.93 .66760
respondents from less than 12 months in operation with
38 respondents or 10.0 percent. 2. Evaluation of sufficiency
2.96 .60352
of submitted requirements
Table 5 shows the assessment of respondents in terms 3. No government officer or
of Citizen’s Charter. employee shall have any
2.53 .60459
contact, in any manner
Table 5 4. Greater control on
Assessment of Respondents in terms of Citizen’s functions when performing
2.81 .77205
Charter the service on the clients.
5. Excellent accommodation
Standard of 3.04 .60631
Section 6. Citizen’s Charter Mean employees to the clients.
6. Following what is the
1. has comprehensive and
uniform checklist of requirements
correct procedure and steps in
for each type of application or 3. 43 .57964 acquiring their permits and 3.03 .58582
request; licenses.
2. contains the procedure to 7. The staffs are not tolerating
3.39 .59544
obtain a particular service; the charging of hidden fees
3. has the persons/responsible for
2.87 .69434 just for the
each step; 2.79 .76983
client to easily acquire their
4. has the maximum time to permit and licenses.
conclude the process; 3.22 .69107
8. Clients to follow the zero-
5. has representatives who check 2.79 .75747
contact Policy.
the documents presented by the
3.24 .63414 9. Employees to follow the
applicant or requesting party; 2.71 .78369
6. disseminates in public
zero-contact policy.
knowledge regarding the amount 10. Reduce graft and
.70036 2.82 .72885
of fees and other particulars on 3.18 corruption in the office.
the process; Overall Mean 2.84 .49338
7. has the procedure for filling Table 6 shows the assessment on Section 7. Zero-Contact
3.14 .67735
complaints; Policy. Generally, Zero-Contact Policy in BPLO San Pascual
8. is located at the information was often practiced with a composite mean of 2.84. It shows
billboards and posted at the main .64079 that it has a good implementation of Zero-Contact Policy with
entrance of the office;
the highest mean of 3.04 that has an excellent accommodation
9. is respective most current and
3.18 .71292 of employees to the clients and lowest mean of 2.53 that shows
updated service standards;
10. posted in the respective some government officer or employees of BPLO has any
websites and in the form of contact, in any manner.
published materials written in .77291
English, Filipino, or in the local Table 7 shows the assessment of respondents in terms of
dialect Assessing Government Service
Overall Mean 3.19 .46676
Table 7
Table 5 shows the assessment on Section 6. Citizen’s Assessment of Respondents in terms of Assessing
Charter. Generally, Citizen’s Charter in BPLO San Government Service
Pascual was often practices with a composite means of
3.19. It shows that it has a good implementation of
Citizen’s Charter with a highest mean of 3.43 in BPLO
San Pascual that has comprehensive and uniform
checklist of requirements for each type of application
or request and has a lowest mean of 2.87 that shows
BPLO has the persons/responsible for each step.
Section 9. Accessing Standard
Government Services Deviation schedules to ensure that all applicants or requesting parties who
1. has offices and staffs to accept are within their premises prior to the end of official working
written requests, applications, 3.13 .56575 hours are and has the lowest number of staffs transacting with
and/or papers from the applicants. the public with official identification card.
2. has staffs transacting with the
public with official identification
3.12 .68672 Differences on the Responses when Grouped According to
card which is visibly worn during
office hours. Profile
3. has staffs measuring progress
and takes the necessary steps to Table 8 presents the differences on the responses of the
accomplish the goals rather than 3.27 .76445 respondents when grouped according to age.
just imagining the result.
4.has staffs who are able to Table 8. Differences on Respondents’ Response When
anticipate problems that are likely Grouped according to Age.
to occur and devises a plan to 3.26 .64528
handle them effectively.
5. ensures that applications or
requests are submitted upon by t- p- Decisi
the assigned officer or employee 3.32 .67849 Age valu valu on on Interpretation
within the prescribed processing e e Ho
time stated.
6. ensures that no application or Failed
request is returned to the applicant Citizens to Not
.803 .524
or requesting party without 3.26 .64431 Charter Reject Significant
appropriate action. Ho
7. ensures that any denial of Zero
2.78 Reject
application or request for access Contact .027 Significant
2 Ho
to government service is fully Policy
explained in writing, stating the
3.31 .61094
name of the person making the Accessing
denial and the grounds upon 2.43 Reject
Governmen .047 Significant
which such denial is based. 8 Ho
t Services
8. ensures that in case the
authorized signatory is on official Table 8 clearly shows that there is significant
business or official leave, an difference in implementation of RA 11032 in terms of zero-
alternate shall, is designated as
contact policy and accessing government services when
signatory. Electronic signatures or
3.37 .58731 grouped according to age, as indicated by p-value of .027 and
pre -signed license, clearance,
permit, certification or 0.47, which is less than the .05 level of significance, and the
authorization with adequate decision is rejected, the verbal interpretation is significant,
security and control mechanism wherein there’s differences how they view the citizen’s charter
may be used according to their age. However, with a p-value of .524, there is
9. ensures that each office or no significant difference in implementation of RA 11032
agency has establish a public regarding citizen’s charter when grouped according to age, and
3.32 .60900
assistance/complaints desk in all the decision failed to reject, the verbal interpretation is not
their offices.
significant, so that there’s no difference on how they view the
10. ensures that head of offices
and agencies which render zero-contact policy and accessing government services
government services adopts according to their age. The fact that the variable Citizen’s
appropriate working schedules to Charter failed to reject the null hypothesis suggests that
ensure that all applicants or respondents' responses would be unaffected by their age. While
requesting parties who are within 3.45 .57705 the variable Zero-Contact Policy and the Accessing
their premises prior to the end of Government Services rejects the null hypothesis, in this case
official working hours are the responses of the respondents were affected by their age.
attended to and served even
during lunch break and after
Table 9 presents the differences on the responses of the
regular working hours
Overall Mean 3.28 .40592 respondents when grouped according to sex.
Table 7 shows the assessment on Section 9.
Accessing Government Service. The composite means Table 9. Differences on Respondents’ Response When
of 3.28 verbally interpreted as Often which means that Grouped according to Sex.
it is occurring frequently or it is many times but not
always. Shows that 3.45 is the highest mean and 3.12 is
the lowest mean. This means that assessing government
service ensures that head of offices and agencies which
render government services adopts appropriate working
significant, wherein there’s differences how they view citizens
t- Decision Verbal
Sex valu charter, zero contact policy and accessing government services
value e on Ho Interpretation
according to their type of business. The variables reject the null
Failed hypothesis, in this case the responses of the respondents were
Citizens .83 to Not affected by the respondents’ type of business.
Charter 6 Reject Significant
Ho Table 11 presents the differences on the responses of the
Failed respondents when grouped according to years in operation.
.42 to Not
Contact .803 Table 11. Differences on Respondents’ Response When
3 Reject Significant
Ho Grouped according to Years in Operation.

.82 to Not
Government .225 t- p-
2 Reject Significant Years in Decisio Verbal
Services valu val
Ho Operation n on Ho Interpretation
e ue

Table 9 shows that there is no significant

difference when citizens charter, zero- contact policy Citizens 5.78 Reject
.001 Significant
and accessing government services are grouped Charter 1 Ho
according to sex, as evidenced by p-values of .836, .423
and .822, respectively with greater than 0.5 level of 2.63 Reject
Contact .050 Significant
significance. The variables failed to reject the null 4 Ho
hypothesis, the verbal interpretation is not significant,
so there’s no difference on how they view the citizens
charter, zero contact policy and accessing government Accessing
1.00 to
services according to their sex. Government .389 Not Significant
9 Reject
Table 10 presents the differences on the responses of
the respondents when grouped according to type of It was clearly shown in the table 11, that there is a significant
business. difference implementation of RA 11032 in terms of citizen’s
charter and zero contact policy when grouped according to
Table 10. Differences on Respondents’ Response years of operation, as indicated by p0value of .001 and .050,
When Grouped according to Type of Business. which is less than .05 level of significance, and the decision is
rejected, the verbal interpretation is significant, wherein there’s
differences how they view the citizens charter and zero contact
policy according to their years in operation. However, with p-
t- p- Decisi Verbal value of .389, there is no significant difference in
Type of
valu valu on on Interpretatio
e e Ho n
implementation of RA 11032 regarding accessing government
services when grouped according to years of operations, and the
decision failed to reject, the verbal interpretation is not
significant, so that there’s no difference on how they view the
Citizens 9.45 Reject
.000 Significant accessing government services according to their years in
Charter 2 Ho
operation. The null hypothesis is rejected by the variables
Citizen's Charter and Zero Contact Policy because, in this
22.2 Reject instance, the respondents' response was influenced by their
Contact .000 Significant
39 Ho years in operation. The Accessing Government Services
variable failed to reject the null hypothesis, which simply
explains that their response is not influenced by their years in
Accessing operation.
13.8 Reject
Governmen .000 Significant
62 Ho Challenges in the Implementation of RA 11032
t Services

The researchers’ conducted interview at the office of the

Table 10 shows that there is significant Business Permit and Licensing Office of San Pascual,
difference when citizens charter, zero- contact policy Batangas, they assessed what is the level of the implementation
and accessing government services are grouped of Republic Act 11032. They identify what are those challenges
according to type of business, as evidenced by p-values they commonly encounter at their office.
of .000, .000 and .000, respectively with less than
the .05 level of significance, the verbal interpretation is Based on the result of the interview at the Business Permit and
Licensing Office of San Pascual Batangas, the years in operation.
challenges they encountered in terms of the 2. Republic Act 1032 is “Often” implemented in terms of
implementation of RA 11032 are the following: Citizen’s Charter, Zero-Contact Policy and Accessing
Government Services as often implemented,
Excessive Volume of Clients. Based on the 3. There is no significant difference on Section 6. Citizens
interview with the staffs of BPLO, high volume of Charter and their age; Section 6. Citizens Charter, Section 7.
people is one of their challenges in terms of the Zero Contact Policy, Section 9. Accessing Government
implementation of RA 11032. They cannot Services and their sex; and Section 9. Accessing Government
accommodate immediately all the inquiries and Services and their years in operation; There is significant
transactions of the clients. They do not have the quick difference on Section 7. Zero Contact Policy. Section 9.
transactions because there are a lot of queries per Accessing Government Services and their age; Section 6.
person, so they are scheduling to give coordination and Citizens Charter, Section 7. Zero Contact Policy, Section 9.
an organize flow of delivering services. Accessing Government Services and their type of business;
Section 6. Citizens Charter, Section 7. Zero Contact Policy and
Low Customer Satisfaction. According to their years in operation.
the staffs the clients were always minimizing their time 4. The challenges encountered on Republic Act 11032 of the
to get his/her request of documents. There are clients staff were Excessive Volume of clients, customer service, lack
that were satisfied with their performance at the office of staffs, slow processing time and favoring of someone they
while, other oppose it. Some wants to accomplish it know.
within the day but their prerequisites or requirements 5. A capacity building was proposed.
aren’t complete that/s why their customer service is
viewed as poor because they thought that it is the Recommendations
staff’s duty to cater their demands and comply on their The researchers’ addresses the recommendation to the
requests. following:
1. Business Owners and Clients. The researchers’ recommends
Limited number of Staffs. The office of the the seminars for the understanding and knowledge on the RA
BPLO requires clients to accomplish requirements and 11032 and for them to know their rights.
some requires signatory, which the clients need to 2. Staff of BPLO. The researchers’ recommends the attending
acquire themselves, as per the observation of the of workshops to develop and enhance their skills in managing
researchers’ the staff were short on people assigned to and handling transactions during their office hours.
accomplish it themselves. They do not have the officer 3. Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO). The
in charge in the processing, the clients need and is researchers’ recommends creation or the enhancement of
required to do it on their own. They do not designate website to create a more systematic flow of transactions.
staffs for the delivery of services to be efficient and 4. Future Researchers. The researchers’ recommends to use this
quick. as a study to assess and further analyze the implementation of
RA 11032.
Slow Processing Time. Due to the demand of
the people, it slows down the processing time in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
reason that, the clients were unable to complete or they
are incomplete of the requirements needed to The researchers are extending their heartfelt and utmost
accomplish, also the BPLO lack of staffs is one gratitude and acknowledgement to those who unceasingly
contributor to it. The processing of papers is not being assisted them and imparted their knowledge for the completion
followed according to the Citizen’s Charter because of this study. This study was brought to the realization through
some of the clients has incomplete papers and were not the fundamental support and the cooperation of the following:
willing to gather their complete papers, they are basing
only on who were the assigned. The researchers acknowledge the guidance with gratitude of the
Almighty Lord and all of the people who rendered their help in
Advantages and Biases. According to the this study, the researchers could not have completed this study
interviewee they acknowledge those who were within without the help of;
the premises or other departments for not having a
complete requirement, they are allowing them to Batangas State University, their Alma matter, for providing a
acquire such services from them. It is where the Zero- quality education which gave the researchers’ the determination
Contact Policy occurs. to pursue this research endeavor;

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Camilo Alulod, their research adviser, who provide
unending support and guidance with sincerity in creating this
Conclusions research.
Based on the findings of the study, the
following conclusions were drawn. Dr. Imelda Flores and Dr. Lorena Mendoza, as the researchers’
1. Majority of respondents are ages 35-44, females, statistician and grammarian, who provide them the help and
with sole proprietorship, business partnerships, and 4-6 assist the researchers’ needed to make the study as excellent as

Dr. Lorena Mendoza, Dr. Imelda Flores, and Mr. Mark

Emmanuel Magsino, as their chairperson and the panel
members, for giving the researchers’ the professional
advice in the development of the study.

Dr. Lorena Mendoza, their research professor who

support and teach them in the creation of this study.

To parents of the researchers’, who love, help and

support the researchers’ financially and emotionally.

To the municipality of San Pascual and the

respondents, who give them the time and effort in
accomplishing the data gathering and allow themselves
to be a respondent for the study.

Above all the researchers were sending their deepest

gratitude to all that became part of the creation of this
study, to the blessings and guidance they receive in
order to complete the study.

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