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8.morse Test

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Experiment No. :

AIM : To conduct Morse test on given two cylinder diesel engine in order to determine the
Friction Power ,Indicated power developed in the each cylinder of the engine and to
determine the mechanical efficiency.

Measurement of Friction Power:-

Friction power includes the frictional losses and the pumping losses. During suction and
exhaust strokes the piston must move against a gaseous pressure and power required to do this is
called the “pumping losses”. The friction loss is made up of the energy loss due to friction between
the piston and cylinder walls, piston rings and cylinder walls, and between the crank shaft and
camshaft and their bearings, as well as by the loss incurred by driving the essential accessories, such
as water pump, ignition unit etc.

Following methods are used in the laboratory to measure friction power:

1) Willan’s line method;
2) From the measurement of indicated power and brake power;
3) Motoring test;
4) Retardation test;
5) Morse Test.

For slow speed engine the indicated power is directly calculated from the indicator
diagram. But in modern high speed engines, it is difficult to obtain accurate indicator
diagram due to inertia forces and therefore, this method cannot be applied. In such cases
the Morse test can be used to measure the indicated power and mechanical efficiency of
multi-cylinder engines. This method can be used only for multi-cylinder IC engines. The Morse test
consists of obtaining indicated power of the engine without any elaborate equipment. The test
consists of making in turn, each cylinder of the engine inoperative and noting the reduction in brake
power developed. In a petrol engine (gasoline engine), each cylinder is rendered inoperative by
“shorting” the spark plug of the cylinder to be made inoperative. In a Diesel engine, a particular
cylinder is made inoperative by cutting off the supply of fuel. It is assumed that pumping and friction
are the same when the cylinder is inoperative as well as during firing. In this test, the engine is first
run at the required speed and the brake power is measured. Next, one cylinder is cut off by short
circuiting the spark plug if it is a petrol engine or by cutting of the fuel supply if it is a diesel engine.
Since one of the cylinders is cut off from producing power, the speed of the engine will change. The
engine speed is brought to its original value by reducing the load on the engine. This will ensure that
the frictional power is the same.

If there are k cylinders, then

Total Indicated power

When all the cylinders are working IP all= Ip1 + Ip2 + Ip3 + ........ + Ipk
We can write

IPall = BPall + FPall .................................. (1)

where IPall is the indicated power produced by all the cylinder, BPall is the total brake power when
all the cylinders are producing power and FPall is the total frictional power for the entire engine. If
the first cylinder is cut-off, then it will not produce any power, but it will have frictional losses. Then
we can write

ip j = B1 - Ft ............................................ (2)
Where B1 = total brake power when cylinder 1 is cut - off and

Ft = Total frictional power.

Subtracting Eq. (2) from Eq. (1) we have the indicated power of the cut off cylinder. Thus

ip1= Bt – B1 ............................................ (3).

Similarly we can find the indicated power of all the cylinders, viz.
ip2, ip3, ….. ipk.
Then the total indicated power is calculated as

(ip)total = ip j .......................................... (4)

The frictional power of the engine is therefore given by
Ft = (ip)total – Bt....................................... (5)


The I.P and the mechanical efficiency of a multi-cylinder auto engine is found out in a very
short time by this test. During the test the engine is run at a constant speed and at same throttle
opening. First the B.P. of the engine with all cylinders operative is measured by means of
dynamometer. Next, the B.P. of the engine is measured with each cylinder rendered inoperative one
by one by shorting the spark plug in case of petrol engine or by cutting off the fuel supply in case of
diesel engine. Then any cylinder is rendered inoperative, the speed abruptly goes down. Before
taking any reading, the initial speed must be restored by adjusting the load. It is assumed that the
F.P of the inoperative cylinder remains the same as it were when the cylinder was operative.
Considering the case of a 4-cylinder engine,
B= B.P of engine with all cylinder operative
B1= B.P of engine with no.1 cylinder in-operative
B2= B.P of engine with no.2 cylinder in-operative
B3= B.P of engine with no.3 cylinder in-operative
B4= B.P of engine with no.4 cylinder in-operative

I1, I2, I3, I4 = I.P of cylinders 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively

F1, F2, F3, F4 = F.P of cylinders 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

B= (I1-F1) + (I2-F2) + (I3-F3) + (I4-F4)
= (I1+I2+I3+I4) – (F1+F2+F3+F4)
When cylinder no.1 is rendered inoperative, it does not develop any power, on the contrary
B1= (I2+I3+I4) – (F1+F2+F3+F4)
Some power is lost due to movement of piston inside the cylinder.
From the above equation
B-B1 = I1
B-B2 = I2
B-B3 = I3
B-B4 = I4
Then total IP of the engine = I1+I2+I3+I4= I (say)
And mechanical efficiency =B/I


Type :Vertical water cooled, 4 stroke cold starting
Model : TV2
Speed : 1500 RPM at 23 O before TDC
Stroke : 110 mm
Bore : 87.5 mm
No. of cylinder :2
Compression ratio : 17.5
Maximum Power : 14 hp
Specific Gravity of Diesel : 0.84
Calorific value of Diesel : 43500 Kj/Kg


1) Load the engine to 50 % load at rated speed (i.e 1500 RPM) and allow it to run for few
minutes to get stabilized.
2) Measure the amount of fuel consumed and torque applied.
3) Cut off the fuel supply to one cylinder with the help of fuel valve provided for separate fuel
pumps of the engine.
4) By cutting of the fuel supply, power produced by one cylinder will be reduced thereby
causing reduction in the speed.
5) Decrease the load on the engine to get back to rated RPM of 1500 RPM.
6) The reduction in load will give you the frictional power of the corresponding engine cylinder.
7) Repeat the procedure for the other engine cylinder.

1 All Firing B=
2 No. 1 Cut out B1=

3 No. 2 Cut out B2=


Morse test on twin cylinder diesel engine.

(Refer manual for procedure and calculations)

Load Load Reduced to

Case (Nm) Speed get 1500 RPM
Firing 20 1500 RPM 0
cutoff 1300 RPM 12
cutoff 1310 RPM 11

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