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C1 - Class Preparation

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Adage: A wise saying. He remembered the old adage “Look hi rɪˈmɛmbərd ði oʊld ˈædəʤ “lʊk bɪˈfɔr ju lip.”
before you leap.”

Wear out sth: To use something so

mucho or for so long that it is no I read that book over and over till I aɪ rid ðæt bʊk ˈoʊvər ænd ˈoʊvər tɪl aɪ wɔr ɪt aʊt.
longer usable. wore it out.

Self-worth: The value you give to Many people derive (get) their ˈmɛni ˈpipəl dəˈraɪv (gɛt) ðɛr
your life and achievements. self-worth from their work. sɛlf-wɜrθ frʌm ðɛr wɜrk.

To be tied up: To be very busy. If traffic is tied up, it is not moving ɪf ˈtræfɪk ɪz taɪd ʌp, ɪt ɪz nɑt ˈmuvɪŋ ˈvɛri ˈkwɪkli.
very quickly.

On the flip side: Looking at a

different or opposite aspect, We’re now starting to see the flip side wir naʊ ˈstɑrtɪŋ tu si ðə flɪp saɪd ʌv ðə
possibility, or result (associated with of the government’s economic policy. ˈgʌvərmənts ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk ˈpɑləsi.

Tailored: Used to describe a piece

of clothing that is shaped to fit a Her clothes fit perfectly – they must be hɜr kloʊðz fɪt ˈpɜrfəktli – ðeɪ mʌst bi ˈteɪlər-meɪd.
person’s body closely. tailor-made.
Make up for sth: To take the place
of something lost or damaged or to No amount of money can make up for noʊ əˈmaʊnt ʌv ˈmʌni kæn meɪk ʌp
compensate for something bad with the death of a child. fɔr ðə dɛθ ʌv ə ʧaɪld.
somehing good.

Let your [one’s] hair down

[Idiom]: To allow yourself to behave
much more freely than usual and Oh, let your hair down for once! oʊ, lɛt jʊər hɛr daʊn fɔr wʌns!
enjoy yourself.

Rapport: Agreement or sympathy We’d worked together for years and wid wɜrkt təˈgɛðər fɔr jɪrz ænd dɪˈvɛləpt ə
between people or groups. developed a close/good rapport. kloʊs/gʊd ræˈpɔr.

Clique: A small group of people

who spend time together and do not There’s a clique at work that never ðɛrz ə klik æt wɜrk ðæt ˈnɛvər
want other people to join the group. talks/who never talk to anyone. tɔks/hu ˈnɛvər tɔk tu ˈɛniˌwʌn.

Infuse: To fill someone or The arrival of a group of friends on

something with and emotion or Saturday infused new life into the ði əˈraɪvəl ʌv ə grup ʌv frɛndz ɑn ˈsætərdi ɪnˈfjuzd
quality. weekend. nu laɪf ˈɪntu ðə ˈwiˌkɛnd.
The other way around: The I should be telling you what to do, not aɪ ʃʊd bi ˈtɛlɪŋ ju wʌt tu du,
opposite way or in the opposite the other way around. nɑt ði ˈʌðər weɪ əˈraʊnd.

Cozy: Comfortable, pleasant. It’s that kind of feeling that makes it ɪts ðæt kaɪnd ʌv ˈfilɪŋ ðæt meɪks ɪt
cozy, makes it good to live here. ˈkoʊzi, meɪks ɪt gʊd tu lɪv hir.

Vow: To make a determined After the awful meals we had

decision or promise to do last Christmas, I vowed to do
something. more of the cooking myself.

Strive: To try very hard to do Neither Jefferson nor Madison was

something or to make a pacifist, though both strove
something happen, especially for to keep America at peace.
a long time or against difficulties.

Yearn: /jɝːn/ Joy yearns

To wish very strongly, especially for to earn enough money from
something that you cannot have or her job as a doctor’s assistant for
something that is very difficult to her to become independent.

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