Novel Ultrasound-Guided Injection Method For Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Based On Anatomical Features: A Cadaveric Study
Novel Ultrasound-Guided Injection Method For Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Based On Anatomical Features: A Cadaveric Study
Novel Ultrasound-Guided Injection Method For Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Based On Anatomical Features: A Cadaveric Study
Observational Study
From: 1Division in Anatomy and Background: Despite the positive effect of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) injections in thoracic
Developmental Biology, Department outlet syndrome (TOS) treatment, there is insufficient anatomical evidence of its use in the
of Oral Biology, Human Identification
Research Institute, BK21 FOUR anterior scalene (AS) and middle scalene (MS) muscles.
Project, Yonsei University College
of Dentistry, Seoul, Republic of Objectives: This study aimed to provide safer and more effective guidelines for the injection
Korea; 2Department of Anatomy of botulinum neurotoxin into scalene muscles for the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome.
and Acupoint, College of Korean
Medicine, Gachon University,
Sujeong-gu, Seongnam, Korea; Study Design: The study was based on an anatomical study and ultrasound studies.
Department of Materials Science &
Engineering, College of Engineering, Setting: This study was conducted at the Division in Anatomy and Developmental Biology,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of
Department of Oral Biology, Human Identification Research Institute, BK21 FOUR Project,
Yonsei University College of Dentistry (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Address Correspondence:
Hee-Jin Kim, DDS, PhD Methods: Ten living volunteers underwent ultrasonography, and the depths of the anterior
Room 601, Department of scalene (AS) and middle scalene (MS) muscles were calculated from the skin surface. In cadaveric
Oral Biology, Yonsei University
College of Dentistry, specimens, fifteen AS and 13 MS muscles were stained using the Sihler staining procedure; the
50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, neural arborization pattern was identified, and localized dense portions were investigated.
03722, Republic of Korea
E-mal: Results: The mean depth of the AS was 9.19 ± 1.56 mm, and that of the MS was 11.64 ±
Disclaimer: K-L Lee and J-H Lee 2.73 mm at 1.5 cm above the clavicle. At 3 cm above the clavicle, the AS and MS were clearly
contributed equally to this work. This located 8.12 ± 1.90 mm and 10.99 ± 2.52 mm deep, respectively. The nerve ending points
study was supported by a National were highest in the lower three-quarters of the AS (11/15 cases) and MS muscles (8/13 cases),
Research Foundation of Korea followed by the lower quarter (AS muscle, 4/15 cases; MS muscle, 3/13 cases).
(NRF) grant funded by the Republic
of Korea government (MEST; No.
NRF-2020R1A2B5B01002238). This Limitations: There are many difficulties for clinics to directly perform ultrasound-guided
research was supported by the injections in clinical practice. However, results of this study can be used as basic data.
Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research
Conclusion: According to anatomical features, the appropriate location for botulinum
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
by the Ministry of Education (NRF- neurotoxin injection in the AS and MS muscles for the treatment of TOS is the lower portion of
2022R1I1A1A01063123). the scalene muscles. Therefore, it is recommended to inject at a depth of approximately 8 mm
for AS and 11 mm for MS at a point 3 cm above the clavicle.
Conflict of interest: Each author
certifies that he or she, or a member
of his or her immediate family, has Key words: Thoracic outlet syndrome, ultrasound-guided injection, nerve arborization
no commercial association (i.e., pattern, botulinum neurotoxin, noninvasive treatment, scalene muscles, anterior scalene,
consultancies, stock ownership, middle scalene
equity interest, patent/licensing
arrangements, etc.) that might pose a Pain Physician 2023: 26:E163-E169
conflict of interest in connection with
the submitted manuscript.
Pain Physician: May/June 2023 26:E163-E169
horacic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition
that causes various symptoms related to nerve Ethics Statements
or vascular structures in the upper limb (1-3). In this study, we simultaneously conducted re-
TOS results in pain, fatigue, and paresthesia in the arm search using both cadaveric specimens and living par-
and is caused by neurovascular compression applied to ticipants. The cadaver specimens were legally donated
the neck, just above the first rib (1-3). to the Yonsei University College of Medicine. The use
Although there is no standard treatment for TOS, of cadavers was carried out with the informed consent
recent studies have reported the highly effective use of the donors before their death, and the consent of
of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) in improving musculo- the next of kin was also obtained posthumously, al-
skeletal disorders, including TOS. Previous studies have lowing the research to proceed. Before conducting the
suggested that the application of BoNT therapy can help ultrasound (ULSD) examination, all volunteers (living
relieve symptoms in patients who do not obtain positive participants) were provided with a detailed descrip-
results from physical therapy (2). BoNT therapy is one of tion of the study’s purpose, methods, and risks. They
the most effective and safe treatments for muscle tone were informed that they could withdraw from the ex-
relief and as a solution for stiffness in local areas (2,4). periment at any time if they desired. Subsequently, the
Further, BoNT injection therapy in the anterior scalene participants signed an informed consent form. All study
(AS) and middle scalene (MS) muscles can be applied for procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee
several pain syndrome treatments. The scalene muscles of the Yonsei University College of Dentistry (IRB No.
are located behind the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) 2-2021-0122). This study was conducted in accordance
muscle and the deep layer of the neck. The AS muscle with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
originates from the anterior tubercles of the transverse
processes of the third to the sixth cervical vertebra and Harvesting Specimens
inserts into the first rib, while the MS muscle originates Fifteen AS (right side, 7; left side, 8) and 13 MS
from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes muscles (right side, 7; left side, 6) were harvested from
of the second to the seventh vertebra and inserts into 8 cadavers. There was no medical history of the cadav-
the first rib. Since various anatomical structures are ers’ anatomical structure. Sihler staining of the scalene
located around the AS and MS muscles, such as the bra- muscles was performed to identify their neural arbori-
chial plexus and transverse cervical artery, it is difficult to zation pattern. This method involves multiple stages to
specify an optimal injection point. obtain a visual image of intramuscular neural arbori-
BoNT injections have high directivity towards mo- zation. We applied this method with modifications as
tor endplates. To ensure a therapeutic effect, it is im- described below. The process was conducted very care-
portant to accurately position the needle in the target fully to avoid damaging the nerve entry point. After
muscle (4,5). In addition, if the physician can target the Sihler staining, the stained specimens were divided into
exact area, the expected effect can be realized with quarter sections according to a set standard, and then
a smaller dose. For this purpose, various studies have the innervation pattern and localized dense portions of
been conducted, but they have limitations in clinical the stained specimens were investigated.
application owing to factors such as cost, the required
time, and stability. A procedure that relies only on Modified Sihler Staining
the clinician’s experience to properly place the needle The staining method was as follows:
results in unintended side effects, such as inadvertent 1) Fixation: The procured scalene muscles were
somatic and sympathetic blocks. Therefore, continual placed in 10% unneutralized formaldehyde for
research is required in various fields based on anatomi- one month.
cal considerations of the target muscle. However, more 2) Maceration and depigmentation: Fixed samples
detailed information on the proper location based on were washed in clean water for one hour. Later,
surface landmarks, depth, and innervation analysis of the samples were depigmented for 2–3 weeks in
the scalene muscles also requires elucidation. 3% aqueous potassium hydroxide in combination
This study aimed to 1) reveal the anatomical features with hydrogen peroxide.
of the scalene muscles and 2) present anatomy-based 3) Decalcification: Depigmented samples were placed
guidelines for safer and more effective BoNT injections in a Sihler I solution, a mixture of glacial acetic acid
in the AS and MS muscles for the treatment of TOS. and glycerin in distilled water, for 3 days.
Anatomical Suggestion for Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
4) Staining: Once the samples were decalcified, they MS, they were set to 1.5 and 3 cm laterally, respectively.
were placed in a Sihler II solution, a mixture of Therefore, using the meeting point between the
Ehrlich hematoxylin and glycerin in distilled water, lateral border of the clavicle portion of the SCM muscle
for 24 hours. and the superior border of the clavicle designated as a
5) Destaining: The stained samples were destained marker, reference points were marked at 4 points, each
with Sihler I solution for 3–5 hours. 1.5 cm and 3 cm on the superolateral sides, respectively.
6) Neutralization and bluing: The destained samples Then, ultrasonograms were obtained at 1.5 cm and 3
were neutralized in running tap water for 30 cm above the clavicle on the 3 cm lateral line of the
minutes. Then, the samples were blued in 0.05% lateral border of the SCM muscle (Fig.1).
lithium carbonate for 30 minutes to block nerve The lateral borders of the SCM, AS, and MS muscles
fibers. were identified from the acquired ultrasonograms, and
7) Clearing: The neutralized samples were cleaned in the depths of the AS and MS muscles were measured.
increasing concentrations of formamide from 70% All ULSD examinations to measure depth were per-
to 100%. formed using a real-time 2-dimensional B-mode ULSD
scanner (SONIMAGE HS1, Konica Minolta) with a B-
Ultrasound Examination mode high-frequency linear array transducer (18 MHz,
Ten living volunteers underwent a USLD examina- Konica Minolta).
tion and ultrasonograms were acquired
from both sides of the scalene muscles.
The AS and MS muscles exist at the
level of the C3 and C2 vertebrae and
tC2, respectively. Therefore, based on
the anatomical characteristics of the
scalene muscles and Sihler staining re-
sults, we determined that the injection
point of the scalene muscles should be
set lower than the C7.
The AS and MS muscles originate
from C2 to C7 they are inserted into
the first rib, which is behind the clavicle.
Usually, the vertebral level of the clavicle
is the height of T3. Therefore, based on
the anatomical characteristics of the sca-
lene muscles and Sihler staining results,
we determined that the injection point
of the scalene muscles should be set in
the T1 or T2, which are the lower parts
of the scalene muscles. According to the
results of previous studies, the average
height of the upper thoracic vertebra
is 1.5 cm, so about 1.5 cm and 3 cm
above were set as target heights for AS
and MS, respectively. In the mid-height
region of the neck, the scalene muscles
are covered by the SCM muscle, but at
the clavicle level, they are located lateral
to the SCM muscle. In addition, the SCM
is a large, prominent muscle that can be
easily palpated, making it a landmark. Fig. 1. Depth measurement point and ultrasonogram of the scalene muscles at 3
In addition, to empirically target AS and cm (A) and 1.5 cm (B) points above the clavicle for injection guidelines. E165
Pain Physician: May/June 2023 26:E163-E169
95%) are neurogenic TOS (6,7). Neurogenic TOS is
Modified Sihler Staining caused by damage to the trunks or cords of the brachial
The nerve ending points were highest in the plexus formed by the C5–T1 spinal nerves, resulting in
lower three-quarters of the AS (11/15 cases) and MS pain, paresthesia, and numbness in the neck, shoulder,
muscles (8/13 cases), followed by the lower quarter (AS arm, and hand regions (8). Symptoms are more severe
muscle, 4/15 cases; MS muscle, 3/13 cases). By analyz- when the arm is lifted upward, and pain may occur in
ing the quadrant sections of the AS and MS muscles, the trapezius, neck, and occipital region muscles; in
we found that most nerve endings were located at the some cases, anterior chest wall pain can occur (1,6,9).
lower three-quarters and lower quarter points in both Injury to the scalene muscles is the most common eti-
muscles. Figure 2 shows the region where the nerve ology of TOS, which causes tenderness in the AS, MS,
endings were densely distributed. and subcoracoid space (2). When an injury occurs, the
patient feels pain within a few days and can develop
Ultrasound Measurement bleeding and swelling. Within weeks, cramps in the
The mean depth of the AS muscle was 9.19 ± 1.56 arms and hands can occur (6,8,10). When spasms occur
mm, and that of the MS muscle was 11.64 ± 2.73 mm in the AS and MS muscles, pressure is applied to the
at the 1.5 cm point. The deepest AS muscle was 12.44 brachial plexus located between those muscles, causing
mm deep, and the shallowest value was 6.32 mm. The pain and paresthesia in the upper limbs (11).
maximum and minimum values of the MS muscle depth TOS treatment can be broadly divided into con-
were 17.07 mm and 6.99 mm, respectively. servative and surgical treatment options. Conservative
At the 3 cm point, the AS and MS muscles were treatment focuses on physical therapy, including neck
located 8.12 ± 1.90 mm and 10.99 ± 2.52 mm deep, and shoulder stretching, and medication, such as trig-
respectively. At the same position, the maximum and ger point injections or anti-inflammatory drugs. Re-
minimum values of the AS muscle were 14.18 mm and cently, various techniques have been implemented to
4.66 mm, and those of the MS muscle were 15.12 mm relax muscles and reduce pressure by directly injecting
and 7.37 mm, respectively. These values are presented drugs such as anesthetic agents, steroids, and BoNT. In
in Table 1. particular, there is increasing evidence that BoNT is ef-
fective in pain management for TOS (2,3,9,12). Previous
Discussion studies have reported that the effects of an anesthetic
TOS can be classified as arterial, venous, or neu- agent injection were short-term and only adjuvant, but
rogenic; however, the majority of cases (approximately BoNT injection facilitated more continuous symptomat-
ic improvement (3,7,13,14). In addition, an advantage
of BoNT injection is that it is able to predict improve-
ment after surgical decompression (14,15).
BoNT injection treatment has proven to be effective
in various cases, such as chronic neuropathic pain, myo-
fascial pain syndromes, chronic neck pain, and low back
pain (3,16-19). This method is considered the most effi-
cient and reliable alternative to relieve muscle contrac-
tion (20,21), and previous studies have suggested it as the
Anatomical Suggestion for Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
most effective minimally invasive treatment method for Between the AS and MS muscles, the brachial
TOS (7,22,23). BoNT injection in the AS and MS muscles plexus, a major anatomical structure, is located. The
can also be used to treat cervical dystonia (24,25). transverse cervical artery has also been observed in this
BoNT injection reduces muscle contraction through location on ULSD imaging in many cases (31). There-
local chemical innervation. Proper treatment can re- fore, USLD-guided injection is essential to ensure a safe
duce pressure on neurovascular structures, relieve pain, injection.
and lead to decreased sensation and improved function At the 1.5 cm point above the clavicle, to distin-
(3,16). The most important aspect of BoNT injection is guish the AS and MS muscles on the ultrasonogram, we
its administration to the correct motor end-plate area had to adjust and track the transducer based on the
(26-28). Accidental spread of the toxin in the neck area anatomical structure. In comparison, in the case of the
can cause muscle weakness, aspiration, dysphonia, or 3 cm point above the clavicle, the shape and structure
dysphagia; technology that locates the target muscle of the AS and MS muscles could be clearly identified
more accurately with a smaller amount of injectate is without operator manipulation. Hence, it was deter-
important for effective and safe treatment (7,8). There- mined that targeting the 3 cm point was an appropri-
fore, this study focused on identifying intramuscular ate injection method (Fig. 3). This is consistent with the
arborized zones and providing guidance on injection results of neural terminal distribution analysis.
points for effective and safe BoNT treatment. We performed USLD-guided injections on frozen-
In a study of unguided injections based on ana- thawed cadaveric specimens using colored fillers. The
tomical landmarks, injection at an angle of 30° down- AS muscle was injected at a depth of approximately
ward from the lateral corner of the SCM muscle toward 8 mm, while the MS muscle was injected at a depth
the inner third of the clavicle was suggested (23). A of 11 mm, 3 cm above the clavicle. We then carefully
more detailed reference point is required since an inac- dissected the muscle layers to verify the accuracy of
curate injection can lead to unexpected results, such as the injections. Based on the measurements obtained
dysphagia or excessive muscle weakness (29).
To accurately target the AS and MS muscles, which
are small and have complex surrounding structures,
guided injection methods such as fluoroscopic, ULSD,
and computed tomography guidance have been sug-
gested (7,8,12,14,22,24,30). In most cases, the injection
point is determined through clinical examination, and
even when the anatomical structure is considered, only
superficial structures tend to be referenced. In previous
studies, the space formed by the AS and MS muscles
and the first rib was suggested by the scalene triangle
as a reference point; however, these structures are not
suitable for use as a surface reference point (15). Other
studies have investigated the size and location of the
muscles, but the relationship between surface structure
and innervation patterns were not considered (25). In
addition, no research on the AS and MS muscles has de-
termined the nerve entry point or intramuscular neural
arborization. It is difficult to trace the microscopic dis- Fig. 3. Injection guidelines based on anatomical landmarks.
tribution of nerves in the muscle with the naked eye, Aim for a 3 cm point based on the meeting point between
and analysis of innervation through anatomy is difficult the LCS and the upper boundary of the clavicle, designated
due to the possibility of nerve damage. Therefore, in as the reference point. Since 2 adult fingers reach
approximately 3 cm deep, the LCS and clavicle can be
this study, the anatomical positional relationships of
identified smoothly by manual palpation. LCS, lateral
both muscles were considered, and analysis was per- border of the clavicle part of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
formed using Sihler staining, which efficiently revealed SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; AS, anterior scalene;
the distribution of nerves in the muscles without dam- MS, middle scalene; TCA, transverse cervical artery; BP,
age to the nerves. brachial plexus. E167
Pain Physician: May/June 2023 26:E163-E169
during the cadaveric injections, we confirmed that the ily and effectively target the scalene muscles for BoNT
injections were accurately placed within the AS and MS treatment.
muscles, as depicted in Fig. 4.
The advantages of the ULSD-guided injection tech- Acknowledgments
nique have been reported in several studies (12,15,32- The authors sincerely thank those who donated
34). Therefore, we aimed to determine a more effec- their bodies to science for anatomical research. The
tive and safe treatment method by providing in-depth results of such research may increase humanity’s over-
information on the target muscles to ensure accurate all knowledge, which can then improve patient care.
treatment and analyze the distribution of nerves for Therefore, these donors and their families deserve
BoNT treatment. Several methods can be used to en- the highest gratitude. The authors thank Shihyun Kim
sure that the needle is correctly placed in the target from Boston University for assisting in revising the
muscle; however, the safest and most effective method manuscript.
is ULSD-guided injection. Following the appropriate
anatomy-based BoNT treatment guidelines presented Author Contributions
in this study, we are confident that clinicians can eas- All authors were informed and understand the
WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Med-
ical Research Involving Human Subjects - and confirmed
that the present study fulfilled the declaration. None of
the authors have financial or private relationships with
commercial, academic, or political organizations or peo-
ple that may have improperly influenced this research.
Author contributions were: overall planning of the re-
search, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, and
major drafting and revision of manuscript submission,
K.-L. L.,; data acquisition, analysis and interpretation,
and major drafting and revision of manuscript submis-
sion, J.-H. L.,; figure creation of key results, analysis, and
interpretation, drafting and revision of the manuscript,
H.-W. H.,; provided the anatomical and clinical opinion
for conception, overall organization, and direct supervi-
sion of the research, H.-J. K.
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