Walk in Rate
Walk in Rate
Walk in Rate
up to and Price Weight up to
including and including Length Price
1.0kg 6.00 10.00 22.50 10.00 22.50
2.0kg 8.00 19.90 44.50 19.90 44.50 11.0 - 20.0kg 20.00 25.00 25.00 35.00
(Medium) 38cm-55cm
Sub break 0.5kg 1.00 4.95 11.00 4.95 11.00
21.0 - 25.0kg Above 25.00 35.00 35.00 45.00
(Large) 55cm
Valid from 1-3 days cost-effective delivery. For Boxes above 25.0kg and 55cm, Premium rates shall apply. Compensation of RM200 for items
up to and Price
1.0kg 7.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 Next day delivery. GUARANTEED. 7 days a week.
5.0kg 27.00
6.0kg 30.00
1-7 days delivery for jumbo shipments. 1-7 days delivery for oversize shipments.
Peninsular Peninsular Sub break 1kg 3.00
Malaysia Only Malaysia Only
Compensation of RM100 for items shipped with
Weight up to Weight up to
and including Price and including Price our Premium services shall be given in the form
of Line Clear Express credit voucher for untimely
1.0-18.0kg 29.50 1.0-35.0kg 60.00 delivery.
ValuePack Value6.9
1. ValuePack rates and services are applicable in Peninsular Malaysia and exclude remote areas. 1. Value6.9 rates and services are applicable in Peninsular Malaysia and exclude remote areas.
2. ValuePack delivery service level agreement is within 1-3 days. 2. Value6.9 delivery service level agreement is within 1-3 days.
3. Shipments sent with ValuePack services are only applicable for packages weighing 1-3KG with a maximum of 3. Shipments sent with Value6.9 services are only applicable for packages weighing less than 6KG.
5KG. 4. All packages sent must be packed in Line Clear Express Value6.9 yellow courier flyer bags.
4. All packages sent using ValuePack must be packed in Line Clear Express flyer bags. 5. No liquids and fragile items are allowed to be sent using Value6.9.
5. ValuePack rates and services is only for Business Account customers, please approach our sales team for more
Express 1. Premium rates and services are applicable for shipments in flyers and parcel boxes with parcel dimension
measuring less than 70cmx70cmx70cm and weighing less than 30kg.
1. Express rates and services are applicable for shipments in flyers and parcel boxes with parcel dimension 2. Premium rates and services are applicable only in Peninsular Malaysia and exclude remote areas.
measuring less than 70cmx70cmx70cm and weighing less than 30kg. 3. Premium delivery service level agreement is Guaranteed Next Day Delivery, 7 days a week.
2. Express rates and services are applicable nationwide. 4. Should any one side of the parcel measures more than 70cm or weighs more than 30kg, Line Clear Express reserves
3. Deliveries to remote areas are available. Rates may vary. the right to change the service level agreement of the parcel to 7 days.
4. Express delivery service level agreement is within 1-3 days for Peninsular Malaysia and 3-5 days for Sabah and 5. A compensation of RM100 shall be given in the form of Line Clear Express credit for untimely delivery.
Sarawak, excluding remote areas. 6. All parcels are required to stick Premium sticker on the exterior of the parcel next to the air waybill.
5. Should any one side of the parcel measures more than 70cm or weighs less than 35kg, Line Clear Express reserves Parcels without Premium sticker will be considered as Express parcels with service level agreement of 1-3
the right to change the service type to Jumbo service level agreement of the parcel to 7 days. days without compensation for untimely delivery.
6. Express rates and services are applicable nationwide.
7. Express rates and services are applicable for normal and dangerous goods shipment.
8. Normal goods are classified as dry items, e-commerce goods, and etc. PremiumBox
9. Dangeroud goods are classified as liquid, lithium or metal batteries, aerosol, compressor, magnetised materials, and
etc. 1. PremiumBox rates and services are applicable for shipments in parcel boxes with parcel dimension measuring
10. Items classified as dangeroud goods will be required to submit specific documentation and declaration by the less than 70cmx70cmx70cm and weighing less than 15kg.
sender for the shipments to East Malaysia. Please refer to our full list of dangerous goods on lineclearexpress.com/- 2. PremiumBox rates and services are applicable only in Peninsular Malaysia and exclude remote areas.
faq or reach out to us for more information. 3. Premium delivery service level agreement is Guaranteed Next Day Delivery, 7 days a week.
4. A compensation of RM100 shall be given in the form of Line Clear Express credit for untimely delivery.
5. All parcel boxes are required to stick Premium sticker on the exterior of the parcel next to the air
waybill. Parcels without Premium sticker will be considered as Express parcels without compensation for
Jumbo untimely delivery.
6. For any PremiumBox parcels exceeding the maximum weight and box dimension, general Premium rates
1. For Jumbo parcels, billable weight is subject to actual weight or dimensional weight, whichever is greater.
will be automatically applied.
2. Jumbo rates and services are applicable for shipments with any one side of the parcel measuring more than
70cm and any one side of the parcel measuring less than 240cm OR weighing less than 35kg.
3. Jumbo delivery service level agreement is within 1-7 days for Peninsular Malaysia only excluding remote areas.
4. The weight reflected from the Auto Weighing Machine (AWM) will be used as the final weight. FreshBox
1. FreshBox rates and services are applicable only in Peninsular Malaysia and exclude remote areas.
2. FreshBox rates and services are only applicable for fresh produce and frozen food only.
Oversize 3. FreshBox deliveries must be packaged in properly sealed corrugated boxes or styrofoam boxes with sufficient ice
packs or cooling agents. Refrain from using ice to prevent damages or leakages.
1. For Oversize parcels, billable weight is subject to actual weight. 4. FreshBox delivery service level agreement is Guaranteed Next Day Delivery, 7 days a week.
2. Oversize rates and services are applicable for shipments with any one side of the parcel measuring more than 5. A compensation of RM200 shall be given in the form of Line Clear Express credit for untimely delivery.
240 cm OR weighing more than 35kg. 6. All parcels are required to stick FreshBox sticker on the exterior of the parcel next to the air waybill.
3. Oversize weight is measured per parcel for multi-parcel shipments (MPS). Parcels without FreshBox sticker will be considered as Express parcels without compensation for
4. Oversize delivery service level agreement is within 1-7 days for Peninsular Malaysia only excluding remote untimely delivery.
areas. 7. For any FreshBox parcels exceeding the maximum weight and box dimension, general Premium rates will
5. The weight reflected from the Auto Weighing Machine (AWM) will be used as the final weight. be automatically applied.
No. 3, Jalan TP 2,
Taman Perindustrian UEP Subang Jaya,
47600 Subang Jaya,
V231201.06 w w w. l i n e c l e a r e x p r e s s . c o m