G.I. Kanel
High Energy Density Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences,
IVTAN, Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, 127412 Russia
Fax: (095)485 7990, e-mail:
The dynamic tensile strength of materials at load durations of a few microseconds or less
is studied by analyzing spall phenomena under shock pulse loading. Spalling is the process of
internal rupture of a body due to tensile stresses generated as a result of a compression pulse
reflected from the free surface.
Numerous investigations of spallation have been performed for various practical
applications as well as for research into the physics of the strength of materials. The spallation
method has been applied to ductile and brittle materials, metals, inorganic single crystals and
glasses, elastomers and liquids over a wide range of load intensities and durations. Different
aspects of spall fracture investigations and their theoretical backgrounds are discussed in ref.
[1]. The principal content of investigations into spallation phenomena that have been
conducted are: (i) metallographic examinations of the spall zones in recovered samples in
order to obtain the correlation of the degree of damage with various features of stress history
[2,3,4] and (ii) instrumental measurements of the resistance of materials to dynamic fracture
[5,6]. In the former case the result is information about the ability of a material to withstand
shock loading, about the mechanism of a damage nucleation and development, and a
statistical description of these processes [4]. Dynamic measurements (free surface velocity
profiles or pressure at the interface with a soft material) during shock-wave loading give the
most appropriate and accurate data about the stresses present during the spall process.
During the dynamic fracture process, many microvoids or microcracks, more or less
simultaneously, undergo nucleation, growth, and coalescence in a volume of material to form
a failed or spalled region. Experiments with plane shock waves provide an unique base of
information about the strength of solids under small one-dimensional strain and stress states
close to three-dimensional tension. Neither the surface of the body nor isolated coarse defects
contribute to the main development of the spall fracture. One can say that shock-wave testing
permits one to measure the fundamental strength properties of matter.
This paper is devoted to discussing the methodology and capabilities of the technique to
measure spall strength, and the factors governing the high-rate fracture of metals and alloys
under such conditions. Some experimental data obtained earlier and their interpretation are
discussed with the main objective of outlining a possible place for shock-wave tests in the
strength of materials field.
a critical magnitude, the nucleation and
growth of fracture are initiated. As fracture 500
develops, the tensile stresses relax to zero. 3
Km′ in Fig. 2 which passes through the point σx = 0, u = um′ and has a slope dσx /du = -ρcl
while the trajectory corresponding to states along the terminal C- characteristic has a slope
ρcb. With this approach, the relationship by which to calculate the value of fracture stress σ*
σ * = ρ 0 cl ∆u fs . (2)
1 + cl c b
This relationship does not account for the spall plate thickness. However, the distortion of the
wave profile obviously should increase with increasing distance as a result of different
propagation velocities. The interaction of the elastic compression wave with the plastic
rarefaction wave, both of which propagate in the same direction, requires a more detail
σx Pressure
Elastic release
in the reflected wave Compression
dh F
unloading Plastic release =
HEL /dt
m m' O'
0 Elastic up
after spall
where the indexes “+” and “−” denote parameters on the right and left sides of the trajectory
F, respectively; f& = ∂f ∂t . Accounting for the mass conservation equation, the particle
velocity gradients along the trajectory are
du c F σ& x + du c F σ& x −
= u& + − 2 and = u& − −
dt F ρcb dt F ρcl2
where σ& x + = −V&+ ⋅ ρ 2 cb2 , σ& x − = −V&− ⋅ ρ 2 сl2 , V is the specific volume. Since the stress and the
particle velocity derivatives along the trajectory F should be the same on both sides of F, we
are coming to a set of two equations for the front propagation velocity, cF, and the stress and
the particle velocity alteration rates just ahead of the recompression front and behind it.
Solving this set, we receive the propagation velocity for the recompression wave front:
σ& x + − σ& x −
c F = cb cl (3)
σ& x + cl2 − σ& x − cb2 −
which should be true for σ& x + and σ& x − of different signs. According to this solution, the
recompression wave front propagates with the velocity of the longitudinal elastic wave, cl,
when the stress gradient ahead of it, σ& x + , is zero or when the recompression wave is a shock
discontinuity ( σ& x − → ∞ ).
When a spall fracture occurs as a result of the reflection of a triangular compression
pulse, interference of the incident and the reflected rarefaction waves supports constant tensile
stress values in each cross-section of the body until the spall pulse arrives. As a result, the
spall pulse front propagates with the velocity cF = cl independent of its gradient. In this case
all characteristics of the spall pulse reach the rear free surface and the spall strength may be
calculated equivalently using both the approach given by Eq. (2) or the approach based on
consideration of states just ahead of the spall pulse which gives the relationship
1 h h
σ * = ρcb (∆u fs + δ ) , δ = sp − sp ⋅ u&1 . (4)
2 cb c F
Where u&1 is the free surface velocity derivative ahead of the spall pulse, cF = cl for the load
pulse of triangular shape an hsp is the spall plate thickness.
The shock load pulses of approximately triangular shape are created in solids, for
example, by detonation of an explosive charge. A more common way of shock loading is by
the impact of a plate which is associated with compression pulses of approximately
trapezoidal shape. In this case the stresses in cross-sections ahead of the spall pulse front are
not constant, so c F < cl . This means that some leading characteristics of the spall pulse will
disappear with time as is shown in Fig. 3. As a result, Eq. (2) is not valid even for a shock-like
spall pulse, so only Eq. (4) may be used. To find the δ correction value, we should calculate
cF accounting for σ& x + ≈ ρcb u&1 / 2 , σ& x − = ρ cl u& 2 / 2 near the spall plane and σ& x + ≈ 0 near the
rear free surface of the sample plate. Here u& 2 is the free surface velocity gradient in the spall
pulse front.
The δ correction value is smallest for the case of a triangular shape of load pulse profiles.
Inaccuracy in the δ value caused by extrapolations of u&1 and u& 2 is also the smallest in this
case, so it is recommended to carry out spall strength measurements using shock load pulses
of a triangular shape.
Metals and alloys are the materials most thoroughly investigated with regard to spall
phenomena. Table 1 summarizes known data on the dynamic yield strength and the spall
strength of some selected engineering materials. Let us consider several examples which
demonstrate the main peculiarities of their spall fracture.
Table 1. Yield strength and spall strength of some metals and alloys.
Dynamic yield Spall strength,
Material strength, Yd, GPa Refs.
Aluminum 2024 0.6 0.29 1.15 [20]
Aluminum AMg6M 0.38 0.18 0.8 to 1.1 [21]
Aluminum AD1 1.1 to 1.3 [11]
Magnesium Mg95 0.8 to 1.0 [11]
Magnesium Ma1 0.2 0.1 0.8 to 0.9 [21]
Copper M2 0.8 to 1.6 [21]
Copper OFHC 0.12 1.2 [22]
Tungsten 4.0 2.4 0.7 [20]
Titanium Ti-6Al-4V 2.0 0.92 3.6-4.4 [21]
Tantalum 0.77 4.4 [22]
Armco iron 0.95 0.56 1.4-1.7 [21]
As received 40Kh chromium-doped [10]
structural steel, 17 to 19 HRC 1.7 0.83 2.3
Quenched 40Kh steel, 45 to 54 HRC [10]
2.15 0.92 4.2
The free surface velocity profiles for steel samples of different orientation, which are
presented in Fig. 1, demonstrate the influence of load direction on the resistance to spall
fracture. The wave profiles shown as solid lines were obtained under loading in the rolling
direction, while profiles shown as dashed lines were obtained under loading in the lateral
direction. The resistance to dynamic fracture is 4.0 to 4.4 GPa in the case of loading in the
rolling direction and by 0.5 to 0.6 GPa (that is about half of the yield strength) less in the case
of loading in the lateral direction. More fast decay of the velocity oscillations in the latter case
correlates with a more highly developed fracture surface.
One effect of the material texture orientation is fracture nucleation at inclusions and other
relatively coarse defects which are concentrated on grain boundaries. To some degree, the
material microstructure can be changed by the plastic deformation preceding fracture and by
polymorphous transformations. It is known that reversible α to ε (b.c.c. to h.c.p.)
polymorphous transformations occur in iron and steels under compression at 13 GPa pressure.
Shock-wave experiments with as-received and quenched chromium-doped structural 40Kh
steel have been carried out [10] at peak stresses below and above the transformation pressure.
The measurements have shown that at lower peak stresses the strengthening effect of heat
treatment manifests itself more on the dynamic tensile strength than on the dynamic yield
strength. For both states of this steel the dynamic tensile strength increases as a result of the
α-ε polymorphous transformation. When the peak stress much exceeds the transition pressure,
the spall strength of as-received steel approaches the strength of quenched samples. It is
known that the reversible phase transformation causes a reduction in grain size with the
formation of a martensite structure, and, as a result, provides a sharp increase in hardness. It
seems, that these effects hinder the growth of microcracks, which can be the reason for the
increase in spall strength. Quenched samples initially have a fine grain martensite structure,
therefore the strengthening effect due to the reversible phase transformation is lower in these
Beyond micro-structural transitions, the intensity of the shock compression preceding to
tension does not produce any notable effect on the resistance to spall fracture. Figure 4 shows
1,2 10,4
5 0,4
1,0 5,4
0,8 0,0
104 105 . 106 0 10 20 30 40
Strain Rate V/V0, c Peak Shock Stress, GPa
Fig. 4. The spall strength of aluminum AD1 as a function of the pressure and the
decompression strain rate. The peak shock stresses are indicated (in GPa) by numbers at the
Fig. 5. Results of measurements of the spall strength of tin [13, 14].
experimental data on the spall strength of aluminum AD1 (analogous to Al 1100) over a wide
range of peak pressures and strain rates V& V0 = − u&1 2cb [11]. The spall strength, in fact,
does not depend on the peak shock pressure in the range up to 35 GPa. Two experiments at a
peak pressure of 50 GPa were not very accurate. The same conclusion follows from
experiments with aluminum and titanium alloys over a wide range of peak stresses [12]. Since
the spall strength is sensitive to the material grain structure and texture and is not sensitive to
the preceding strain from the shock compression wave, the damage nucleation sites in
engineering materials are relatively coarse structural defects such as inclusions, grain
boundaries, etc. Dislocations and other microscopical defects produced by the high-rate
deformation obviously are not active.
On the other hand, the shock compression is accompanied by irreversible heating of the
material. Figure 5 shows the spall strength data [13, 14] for tin as a function of the peak shock
stress. The data show a substantial drop in the spall strength when the peak shock pressures
approach values sufficient to achieve melting after the shock-wave compression and
unloading process.
The damage rate is approximately equal to the product of the concentration of damage
nucleation sites times their average growth rate and cannot be arbitrarily large. As a
consequence, the spall strength is not a material constant but depends on the load duration or
the strain rate, as can be seen in Fig. 4. As a result of significant overstressing of the material,
numerous small defects are initiated when the load is applied at a high rate. It can be pointed
out in this connection that irregularities observed on the fracture surface become finer with a
decrease in the load pulse duration. The rate of damage that can be observed in the wave
profiles is correlated with the decompression rate in the incident load pulse. Actually, the
spall pulse can be seen on the free-surface velocity profile if the fracture is fast enough. A
slower fracture process leads to an increased rise time of the spall-pulse front. This means that
not only the fracturing stresses but also the corresponding fracture rates can be evaluated from
the test measurements.
4. Spall strength of metal single crystals
Experiments with single crystals provide information about the conditions for fracture
nucleation from dislocations and point defects. Such investigations were carried out with
copper [15], molybdenum [16], and zinc [17]. Figures 6 presents the spall strength data for
molybdenum single crystals in comparison with the results of similar measurements for
polycrystalline molybdenum and previously deformed molybdenum single crystals. The spall
strength of molybdenum single crystals is twice and that of copper single crystals is thrice of
polycrystalline samples. Thus, in the case of polycrystalline materials, microdefects may not
serve as fracture nucleation sites because the stress relaxation produced by damage growth at
coarse defects does not permit the required level of tension.
Plastic deformation of these single crystals during shock compression and unloading
preceding tension produced numerous dislocations and points defects which could reduce the
resistance to tensile fracture. In the case of zinc it was possible to compare the dynamic
tensile strength of deformed and undeformed single crystals. Zinc has an hexagonal close-
packed crystal lattice with a large degree of anisotropy. The main slip plane for h.c.p. crystals
is the basal plane (0001); dislocation slip and twinning in the pyramidal ( 112 2 ) plane requires
a much higher shear stress. In experiments, the collision planes were the basal plane (0001)
and the prismatic plane ( 10 1 0 ) which is perpendicular to the basal plane. At the orientations
chosen, there was no shear stress in the basal plane, so only secondary slip systems were
Fig. 7 shows the typical free surface velocity histories recorded at the shock compression
of zinc single crystals of different orientations. The bulk sound velocity in zinc is cb = 3.03
km/s; the longitudinal sound velocity in the direction perpendicular to the hexagonal axis of
the crystal is cl = 4.73 km/s while along the axis direction it is very close to the bulk sound
velocity. As a result, for the samples impacted on the ( 1010 ) plane, which is perpendicular to
the hexagonal c-axis, the shock waves were split with the forming of the elastic precursors
and the plastic compression wave, whereas for the axial loading direction purely elastic shock
waves of large peak stresses were recorded. The rise-time in the elastic shock wave and the
elastic precursor front is close to the resolution limit of 2 to 4 nanoseconds. The rise-time in
the plastic shock front of 6 GPa peak stress is around 80 to 90 nanoseconds.
It is known that under normal conditions the zinc single crystals can be readily cleaved
along the basal plane. The shock-wave profiles shown in Fig. 7, however, demonstrate a high
20 600
Spall Strength, GPa
0.5 0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6
104 105 106 107 108
. Time, µs
V/V0, c-1
Fig. 6. The dependence of molybdenum spall strength upon the strain rate in unloading part
of initial shock pulse.
Fig. 7. Free surface velocity profiles for zinc single crystal samples. Impactor and sample
thicknesses are mentioned.
- Aluminum AD1
- Magnesium Mg95
0,0 0 V(T0) V
0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
Fig. 8. The spall strength of aluminum and magnesium as a function of the temperature
divided by the melting temperature. Dashed lines correspond to Eq. (9) for aluminum and
Fig. 9. The scheme of mutual positions of the isentrope, S, and the melting curve, M, in the
pressure-specific volume plane.
spall strength for dynamic fracture on the (0001) basal plane: the spall strength measured at
shock loading in the axial and the transverse directions are 2.1 ± 0.2 GPa and 1.33 ± 0.3 GPa,
respectively. Thus, we find the unexpected result that the spall strength is larger for fracture
on the weakest plane. It seems that the main reason of high strength along (0001) plane is that
there was no plastic deformation under shock compression so the fracture was initiated in a
perfect initial structure. Experiments with molybdenum [16] also show some decrease in the
spall strength of pre-strained single crystals as compared to the undeformed samples.
It is well-known that under normal conditions both the yield strength and the tensile
strength are strong functions of the temperature. For low rates of mechanical loading, the
dislocation motion is aided by thermal fluctuations [18]. A transition to athermal plasticity
occurs at high strain rates, when the applied stress is high enough to overcome the usual
dislocation barriers without any aid from thermal fluctuations. Since the fracture process
involves the plastic flow around growing voids, a transition to athermal fracture should be
expected at similar strain rates.
Figure 8 shows the spall strength dependence on the initial temperature for aluminum
AD1 and magnesium Mg95 measured at a peak compressive shock pressure of 5.8 GPa and
3.7 GPa, respectively [11]. In the figure, the normalized (i.e. homologous) temperature is
T/Tm, where Tm is the melting temperature in Kelvins. In general, the spall strength maintains
almost a constant value with increasing initial temperature up to 85 to 90% of the melting
temperature. After that, a precipitous drop in the spall strength occurs as temperature
approaches the melting point both for aluminum and magnesium. Since at the same time the
dynamic yield strength does not decrease near the melting point, it is natural to associate the
precipitous decrease in spall strength with melting under expansion into the negative pressure
In the framework of a common approach the rarefaction of shock-compression matter
may be considered as isentropic. Figure 9 illustrates the mutual position of the isentrope and
the melting curve in pressure, p,
2,5 volume, V, coordinates. Since the
melting curve is steeper than the
2,0 isentrope, the rarefaction shifts the
state of solid matter toward the
Spall Strength, GPa
where cV and cp are heat capacities under constant volume and constant pressure,
respectively, we obtain the condition at the point of intersection of the isentrope and the
melting curve:
(T0 − Tm 0 )
p= , (8)
dTm 2
− ΓT ρc s
where Γ is the Gruineisen coefficient, and cs is the sound velocity. The temperature T in Eq.
(8) can be replaced by the pressure that finally gives the equation for the pressure at the
intersection point
dTm dT
ρc s2 − Γ ⋅ Tm 0 + p m − (T0 − Tm 0 ) ⋅ ρc s2 p = 0 (9)
dp dp
Figures 8 and 10 compare the estimations of strength using Eq. (9) with the experimental
spall data for polycrystalline Al and Mg and zinc single crystals. The thermophysical
properties of these metals used in the calculations are listed in Table 2. To compare these data
we should account for a temperature growth of ~10° due to yielding and viscosity effects in
the compression phase preceding tension.
Table 2. Thermophysical properties of metals [23-26]
The estimations roughly agree with the experimental data and deviate from them both to
the higher (Al, Mg) and lower (Zn) strength values. The disagreement may be associated with
inaccuracies in the mechanical and thermo-physical data used, as well as with the nature of
the shock-wave loading. In the case of polycrystalline metals, hot spots may be formed as a
result of partial localization of energy of shock wave on microvoids and inclusions.
Obviously, the shock-wave heating of single crystals is much more homogeneous, however it
is not quite clear what is the contribution of anisotropy into the overall response.
The observed melting threshold opens a way to investigate the melting and other phase
transitions in the negative pressure region. In this context, one should mention that an ultimate
tensile strength is realized when single-crystalline samples are shocked in the nanosecond
load duration range. On the other hand, such results probably indicate the physical reason for
the ultimate strength of solids. In this respect we may note the results of large-scale molecular
dynamic simulations of fracture nucleation in copper single crystals [19]. It has been shown
that voids form in an ideal crystal as a result of the lattice becoming unstable in small regions
which can be interpreted in terms of homogeneous nucleation of melted spots.
Spall strength measurement techniques have been developed initially with the main aim
of characterizing those materials used for military applications. We hope such techniques can
be useful in the fields of engineering and material science and with respect to the physics of
material strength. The techniques and the theoretical background of the method are well
advanced. In this paper we have presented several examples which demonstrate the effects of
material grain structure, preceding plastic deformation, and temperature on the resistance to
high-rate rupture. The most important thing now is to define how to relate these sub-
microsecond measurements with the material strength properties for large load durations and
for cycled loads which are of more interest to engineers.
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