Food Packaging Materials
Food Packaging Materials
Food Packaging Materials
in Food Science
Current Protocols
Series Editor
Anderson S. Sant’Ana
University of Campinas
Campinas, Brazil
Current Protocols
Edited by
Caio Otoni
Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
Caio Otoni
Department of Materials Engineering
Federal University of São Carlos
São Carlos, Brazil
This Humana imprint is published by the registered company Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer
The registered company address is: 1 New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004, U.S.A.
Methods and Protocols in Food Science series is devoted to the publication of research
protocols and methodologies in all fields of food science. The series is unique as it includes
protocols developed, validated, and used by food and related scientists as well as theoretical
basis are provided for each protocol. Aspects related to improvements in the protocols,
adaptations, and further developments in the protocols may also be approached.
Methods and Protocols in Food Science series aims to bring the most recent develop-
ments in research protocols in the field as well as very well-established methods. As such, the
series targets undergraduate, graduate, and researchers in the field of food science and
correlated areas. The protocols documented in the series will be highly useful for scientific
inquiries in the field of food sciences, presented in such way that the readers will be able to
reproduce the experiments in a step-by-step style.
Each protocol will be characterized by a brief introductory section, followed by a short
aims section, in which the precise purpose of the protocol is clarified. Then, an in-depth list
of materials and reagents required for employing the protocol is presented, followed by a
comprehensive and step-by-step procedures on how to perform that experiment. The next
section brings the dos and don’ts when carrying out the protocol, followed by the main
pitfalls faced and how to troubleshoot them. Finally, template results will be presented and
their meaning/conclusions addressed.
The Methods and Protocols in Food Science series will fill an important gap, addressing
a common complain of food scientists, regarding the difficulties in repeating experiments
detailed in scientific papers. With this, the series has a potential to become a reference
material in food science laboratories of research centers and universities throughout the
Once, I heard that the future of packaging is having “no packaging at all.” This is a ground-
breaking approach that might solve some concerns related to the boundaries of the linear life
cycle of materials: from the cradle, as far as the depletion of critical raw materials from
nature; to the grave, in whatever concerns the environmental fate of such an often consid-
ered “useless piece of matter,” mainly when one deals with single-use packaging that is
persistent and ends up being treated unsuitably once it has played its protective role.
Although revolutionary, this approach may be limited to short-range businesses, mean-
ing that I consider it idealistic in our industrialized and globalized society, in which
packaging actually plays vital roles as far as logistics, marketing, and quality assurance, to
mention a few. The role of packaging gets even more pivotal when dealing with food
systems, known to be prone to a range of spoilage mechanisms. Food Packaging is the
core topic of this contribution, wherein I merge both disciplines in which I have been
trained—namely, Food Engineering and Materials Engineering—to gather what I believe to
be the most relevant nontraditional analytic techniques, detailed by a team of leading experts
with the ultimate goal of supporting contemporary packagers in industry and academia
during their journey toward consistency and innovations in the field.
This text is also devoted to encouraging sustainability, multifunctionality, safety, and
performance through, respectively, linear-to-circular, passive-to-active, threatening-to-
harmless, and disposable-to-durable paradigm shifts. In my opinion, these transitions will
continue to be the main drivers of the packaging revolution that is already ongoing.
Herein, circularity is put forward when protocols are proposed to (i) track potentially
hazardous compounds arising from mechanical recycling, (ii) monitor biodegradation from
a biological recycling angle, and (iii) characterize the performance of packaging materials in
terms of additives and defects, so these can be improved toward extended longevity within
the economic cycle.
The different roles that packaging can play in an active fashion are addressed when
methods are described to (i) predict microbial development in modified atmosphere pack-
aging, evaluate the efficiency in actively preventing the growth of (ii) fungi and (iii) bacteria
or the occurrence of (iv) oxidative reactions, (v) prospect the potential of edible packaging
to carry and deliver probiotics and prebiotics, (vi) outlook the use of phase-change packag-
ing for thermal control, and (vii) assess the interaction between packaging and consumers in
terms of sensory perception and acceptance.
The safe use of packaging in food systems is well characterized by assays of (i) migration
and release of potentially harmful molecules or particles, (ii) manifestations of toxicity in
different biological contexts, and (iii) environmental and food contaminations with micro-
plastics arising from the mismanagement of long-lasting packaging materials.
Finally, packaging performance is comprehensively pictured in terms of barrier against
the permeation of (i) moisture, (ii) gases, and (iii) microorganisms, besides molecular-level
(iv) microstructural investigation of defects and (v) spatiospectral distribution of additives,
both via nondestructive techniques.
viii Preface
While this text almost omits well-established protocols—e.g., those already common-
place in the literature—I do hope it catalyzes ongoing and future endeavors toward next-
generation food packaging, soundly designed based on reliable, comparable, and reproduc-
ible characterizations. Enjoy the pack, wherein every layer unfolds a narrative of possibilities!
14 Do Not “Pack and Pray”: Use Predictive Models to Assess the Microbial
Safety and Shelf-Life of Modified Atmosphere Packaged Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Arı́cia Possas, Fernando Pérez-Rodrı́guez, and Antonio Valero
15 Antifungal Activity of Edible Films and Coatings for Packaging of Fresh
Horticultural Produce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
16 Antibacterial Activity of Active Food Packaging Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Paula J. P. Espitia and Rejane A. Batista
17 Antioxidant Activity Assays for Food Packaging Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Fabiana H. Santos, Danielle C. M. Ferreira, Julia R. V. Matheus,
Ana E. C. Fai, and Franciele M. Pelissari
18 Release of Active Agents from Food Packaging Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Murilo S. Pacheco, Mariana A. de Moraes, Mariana A. da Silva,
and Andréa C. K. Bierhalz
19 Bioactive Properties of Probiotic and Prebiotic Edible Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Jackson A. Medeiros, Carolina M. Niro, Mateus K. Salgaço, Kátia Sivieri,
and Henriette M. C. Azeredo
20 Sensory Acceptance Test of Edible Packaging Using Hedonic Scale . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Suzana Maria Della Lucia and Tarcı́sio Lima Filho
21 Consumer Choice Probabilities for Food Packaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Tarcı́sio Lima Filho, Suzana Maria Della Lucia,
and Valéria Paula Rodrigues Minim
22 Thermal Performance of Food Packaging Containing Phase Change
Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Bianca C. N. Fernandes and Ana S. Prata
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
VITOR ALVES • Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (LEAF), Instituto
Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
ROBERTO J. AVENA-BUSTILLOS • Western Regional Research Center, Agriculture Research
Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Albany, CA, USA
HENRIETTE M. C. AZEREDO • Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil;
Embrapa Instrumentation, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
ALEX S. BABETTO • Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, Centro Universitário
FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil
HERNANE S. BARUD • University of Araraquara (UNIARA), Araraquara, SP, Brazil
REJANE A. BATISTA • Institute of Technology and Research of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
SÍLVIA H. P. BETTINI • Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering
(PPGCEM), Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, Brazil
ANDRÉA C. K. BIERHALZ • Center of Technology, Exact Sciences and Education, Federal
University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Blumenau, SC, Brazil
BALTUS C. BONSE • Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, Centro Universitário
FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil
PEDRO I. C. CLARO • Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), Brazilian
Center of Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), Campinas, SP, Brazil
ISABEL COELHOSO • LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, NOVA School of Science
and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
SANDRA A. CRUZ • Department of Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos,
São Paulo, Brazil
JULIA CUNNIFFE • Western Regional Research Center, Agriculture Research Service (ARS),
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Albany, CA, USA
CLASSIUS F. DA SILVA • Institute for Environmental, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences
(ICAQF), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Diadema, SP, Brazil
MARIANA A. DA SILVA • Center of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos
(UFSCar), Araras, SP, Brazil
MARIANA A. DE MORAES • Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of São
Paulo (UNIFESP), Diadema, SP, Brazil; School of Chemical Engineering, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil
SUZANA MARIA DELLA LUCIA • Federal University of Espı́rito Santo (UFES), Alegre, ES,
MARIANA A. DIAS • Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Campinas, SP, Brazil
JULIA V. ERNESTO • Institute for Environmental, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences
(ICAQF), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Diadema, SP, Brazil
PAULA J. P. ESPITIA • Nutrition and Dietetics School, Universidad del Atlántico, Puerto
Colombia, Colombia
ANA E. C. FAI • Food and Nutrition Graduate Program (PPGAN), Federal University of
the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; Department of Basic
and Experimental Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro State University
(UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
xii Contributors
ROBERT PAIVA • Department of Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos,
São Paulo, Brazil
LLUÍS PALOU • Centre de Tecnologia Postcollita (CTP), Institut Valencia ` d’Investigacions
Agràries (IVIA), València, Spain
FRANCIELE M. PELISSARI • Institute of Science and Technology, Federal University of
Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM), Diamantina, MG, Brazil
MARÍA B. PÉREZ-GAGO • Centre de Tecnologia Postcollita (CTP), Institut Valencia `
d’Investigacions Agràries (IVIA), València, Spain
FERNANDO PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ • Department of Food Science and Technology, UIC Zoonosis y
Enfermedades Emergentes (ENZOEM), CeiA3, Universidad de C'ordoba, Campus
Rabanales, Cordoba, Spain
DAVINSON PEZO • Faculty of Health Sciences, San Jorge University, Villanueva de Gállego,
JOÃO R. A. PIRES • MEtRICs, CubicB, Departamento de Quı́mica, NOVA School of Science
and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; Bio4Plas – Biopolı́meros,
Lda, Cantanhede, Portugal
FÁTIMA POÇAS • Centro de Biotecnologia e Quı́mica Fina (CBQF), Universidade Cat'olica
Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal
CÍCERO C. POLA • Nanoscale Biological Engineering Laboratory, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA, USA
LAÍS T. POSSARI • Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering (PPGCEM),
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, Brazil
ARÍCIA POSSAS • Department of Food Science and Technology, UIC Zoonosis y Enfermedades
Emergentes (ENZOEM), CeiA3, Universidad de C'ordoba, Campus Rabanales, Cordoba,
ANA S. PRATA • Department of Food Engineering, School of Food Engineering, University of
Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil
FLÁVIA A. RESENDE • University of Araraquara (UNIARA), Araraquara, SP, Brazil
VICTOR Z. RESENDE • Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Campinas, SP, Brazil
ARTHUR B. RIBEIRO • University of Franca, Franca, SP, Brazil
REGIANE RIBEIRO-SANTOS • Instituto de Quı́mica, Laborat'orio de Bioquı́mica Nutricional
e de Alimentos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
CAROLINA RODRIGUES • MEtRICs/CubicB, Departament of Chemistry, NOVA School of
Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
PATRICIA F. RODRIGUES • Centre for Mechanical Engineering Materials and Process,
CEMMPRE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra,
JUSSARA V. ROQUE • Multivariate Chemical Data Analysis Laboratory, Universidade
Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Vicosa, MG, Brazil; Chemistry Institute, Universidade Federal
de Goias, Goiania, GO, Brazil
MATEUS K. SALGAÇO • Postgraduate Program in Food and Nutrition, School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo State University (Unesp), Araraquara, SP, Brazil
ANA T. SANCHES-SILVA • National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research ,
INIAV, Vila do Conde, Portugal; Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Polo III,
Coimbra, Portugal; Center for Study in Animal Science (CECA), ICETA, University of
Porto, Porto, Portugal; Associate Laboratory for Animal and Veterinary Sciences
(AL4AnimalS), University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
xiv Contributors
Biodegradability is an increasingly beneficial property of sustainable materials, particularly for single-use
packaging. Biodegradation rates can vary dramatically depending on the conditions, whether aerobic or
anaerobic, aqueous or nonaqueous (e.g., compost). We describe protocols of several standard biodegrada-
tion test methods, spanning marine, compost, and anaerobic environments. Simple methods to analyze
biodegradation rates are also described.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background Biodegradable plastics are available throughout the world. These
materials provide an opportunity to meet market needs for materi-
als with increased biobased and biodegradable content, while miti-
gating environmental and human health concerns. Food packagers
are adopting more of these materials into their supplies and utiliz-
ing them for everything from cups to coffee pods. One of the
advantages of using biodegradable plastics, especially the ones
made from sustainable resources, is the significant reduction in
carbon emissions and energy requirements during the
manufacturing process. The commercial appeal of biodegradable
plastics hinges on their good processability and mechanical proper-
ties. For example, polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer
derived from renewable resources, such as starch or sugar, through
fermentation. It has good durability and can be processed using
existing manufacturing equipment typically designed and originally
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
4 Joseph P. Greene et al.
used for petroleum-based plastics. PLA has been widely used for
food packaging and other single-use products, such as injection
molded cups and cutlery. Of course, the most important feature
of biodegradable plastics is the breakdown of these products by
microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, in industrial compost-
ing facilities and marine environments. Crucially, biodegradable
plastics can be made with reduced carbon emissions, waste, and
toxic pollution compared to traditional plastics.
1.2 Biobased and Biobased and biodegradable polymers have two different mean-
Biodegradable ings. Biobased products are materials made from some amount of
Definitions biomass, such as plants, trees, animals, and marine materials
[1]. Biobased products have been defined in the 2002 Farm Bill
as commercial or industrial products that are composed in whole,
or in significant part, of biological products, renewable agricultural
materials, or forestry materials. The definition has been expanded
with the 2008 Farm Bill that incorporated biobased intermediate
ingredients or feedstock [2]. The USDA has established minimum
biobased content standards for many product categories. Products
must meet or exceed the minimum biobased content in its category
to be certified as biobased products.
Biodegradable polymers are converted to biomass, CO2, and
water through a thermochemical process in a specified time frame
and in a specified disposal environment. Biodegradable polymers
meet ASTM or ISO standards for biodegradation in a specific
surrounding, for example, industrial compost or marine environ-
ments. Many biobased polymers are biodegradable, but not all
biodegradable polymers are biobased. While some biobased poly-
mers do not biodegrade, some biodegradable or compostable poly-
mers are petroleum-based synthetics. Compostable polymers are
those that meet the ASTM requirements for biodegradation under
industrial composting conditions. Replacing fossil carbon with
renewable carbon can reduce the carbon footprint of the plastic
material based on life cycle assessment (LCA) [3].
Fig. 1 Overview of standard specifications and test methods for determining biodegradability in various
disposal environments
Table 1
Summary of performance specification requirements
Disposal specification Level of Environmental
environment standard biodegradationa Rate of biodegradationa effectb
Compost EN 13432 ≤10% original wt. ≥90% carbon converted to CO2 None
after 84 d after 6 months
Compost ISO 17088 ≤10% original wt. ≥90% carbon converted to CO2 None
after 3 months after 6 months
Compost ASTM >90% original ≥90% carbon converted to CO2 None
D6400 wt. disintegration after 180 d
after 12 weeks
Compost ASTM ≤10% original wt. ≥90% carbon converted to CO2 None
D6868 after 12 weeks after 180 d
Marine ASTM ≤30% original wt. ≥70% carbon converted to CO2 None
D7081 after 12 weeks after 180 d
Landfill X X X X
Digestor X X X X
At ≥58 °C, 50% humidity for industrial composting facilities. For marine environment, temperature requirement is
30 °C
This effect refers to phytotoxicity and/or presence of heavy metals
Table 2
Summary of test methods for biodegradation of plastic materials
12 weeks [10, 11]. The test method for determining the rate of
biodegradation typically involves respirometric testing as specified
by organizations such as ISO or ASTM. Respirometry techniques
are an effective tool to measure the respiration of microorganisms
and are associated with readily biodegradable plastics. Modern
respirometers can automate data collection and are thus considered
simple and effective instruments to measure carbon dioxide during
respiration over a specified length of time. Because numerous
readers may not have access to modern respirometers, they are
invited to refer to Chapter 2 for nonautomated biodegradability
Currently, there are several testing methods used for evaluating
biodegradable plastic products depending on the disposal environ-
ment (Table 2). ASTM D5338 and ISO 14855 are widely recognized
by various municipalities and regulatory agencies as the test methods
for biodegradability of products or materials in industrial composting
facilities [12, 13]. These tests involve introducing a material to a
mixed bacterial and fungal inoculum and use respirometry to measure
biodegradation. ISO 14851, 14852, and ASTM D6691 are used for
marine disposal environment, which typically involve similar proce-
dures as their terrestrial counterparts but only in an aqueous medium
and lower temperatures (ca. 30 °C).
While several test methods for measuring biodegradability have
been developed, several issues can limit their applicability (and
ultimately, their reliability) when attempting to predict rates of
biodegradation. These issues originate from uncertainties pertain-
ing to (i) inoculum, (ii) test sample morphology, and (iii) a suitable
mathematical model used to predict product half-lives.
Biodegradability Assessed by Automated Respirometry 9
2 Materials
2.2 Biodegradation . Aqueous medium (e.g., sea water or surface fresh water as
in a Marine indicated in the method; typically used within 3 days)
Environment . Micronutrient supplementation (N, P, S) as indicated in the
specified test method
. Plastic samples: films, powders, pellets, pieces, and fibers
. Positive control reference: biodegradable material (e.g., cellu-
lose powder)
. Negative control reference: nonbiodegradable material (e.g.,
polyethylene film)
. Respirometer:
– Tank of compressed air (CO2-free and H2O-saturated)
– Composting vessels (typically 125 mL to 1 L)
– Humidity controlled chamber
– Flexible tubing nonpermeable to CO2
– Stopper equipped with ports for the flexible tubing
3 Methods
3.1 ASTM D6400-04. This specification standard establishes the performance require-
Standard Specification ments for biodegradation of compostable plastic materials that are
for Compostable designed to biodegrade into CO2, water, and biomass in an indus-
Plastics trial compost environment at a temperature maintained above 40 °
C. It requires that the product must demonstrate each of the three
3.1.1 Summary characteristics as follows:
Biodegradability Assessed by Automated Respirometry 11
3.1.2 Procedure Three test procedures for the ASTM D6400-04 standard specify
that three types of tests are performed on the plastic samples:
The first test measures the percentage of disintegration of the
plastic samples while under hot and moist compost conditions.
1. The plastic samples are weighed prior to exposure to test
2. The samples are placed in compost soil (see Note 1) with the
use of a sack, bag, or screened container. The composting
conditions needs to be maintained at least 50 °C and 50%
relative humidity.
3. The mass of the plastic sample (see Note 2) is measured after
12 weeks by passing the plastic sample and compost through a
2-mm sieve.
Biodegradation Rate
The third test procedure for ASTM D6400-04 standard specifies
the ability of the compost soil at the end of the biodegradation
testing to support plant growth through phytotoxicity testing and
very low regulated heavy metal concentrations.
1. Phytotoxicity testing is achieved through planting of tomato,
cucumber, radish, rye, barley, or cress grass seeds in the tested
compost soil.
2. Plant growth after 10 d indicates positive soil conditions. Plant
biomass tests can reveal quality differences between composts
and can indicate potential plant stress induced by the compost
at the given level used in the test.
12 Joseph P. Greene et al.
3.2 ASTM D5338-11. This test method standard measures the degree and rate of biodeg-
Standard Test Method radation of plastic materials under controlled composting condi-
for Determining tions, simulating industrial composting conditions. The plastic test
Aerobic samples are exposed to an inoculum that is derived from industrial
Biodegradation of compost.
Plastic Materials
Under Controlled
3.2.1 Summary
3.2.2 Procedure 1. Sieve the compost through a 1.4-mm screen and analyze it for
moisture content (see Note 4).
2. Place 40 g of compost in the vessel.
3. Cut the plastic samples into small pieces, ca. 0.5 g total weight,
and then place in a vessel with warm and moist compost soil,
making sure plastic sample is in good contact with the compost
(see Note 5).
4. Adjust the moisture content to 58.5% (see Note 6).
5. Connect the composting vessels to the respirometer, equipped
with the CO2 sensor ranging from 0% to 3%.
6. Maintain the test containers at (58 ± 2) °C for 180 d, as
indicated by the test method. The biogas from the container
is measured for CO2 and O2 over the testing period. Analyze
the headspace of the composting vessels for development of
CO2. Sampling period can be 2 h (see Note 7).
7. Run samples in triplicates. Compost baseline controls lacking
test sample are run in triplicate or quadruplicate.
3.3 ASTM D-7081- This specification standard establishes the performance require-
05. Nonfloating ments for biodegradation of plastic materials and products, includ-
Biodegradable Plastic ing packaging, films, and coatings in a marine environment, which
in the Marine includes conditions of aerobic marine waters or anaerobic marine
Environment sediments, or both. It establishes the requirements for biodegrada-
tion of plastic materials that have rates that are similar to known
3.3.1 Summary compostable materials. The standard requires the product must
demonstrate each of the three characteristics as follows:
1. Disintegration: Sufficient disintegration during marine
Biodegradability Assessed by Automated Respirometry 13
3.3.2 Procedure Three test procedures for the ASTM D-7081-05 standard specify
that three types of tests are performed on the plastic samples.
The first test measures the percentage of disintegration of the
plastic samples while under 30 °C marine conditions.
Biodegradation Rate
The second test procedure for ASTM D-7081-05 standard specifies
a biodegradation rate, which converts 90% of the carbon in the
original plastic samples under marine conditions at least 30 °C and
50% moisture for 180 d into CO2 as measured by a CO2 respirom-
eter. The details of the test procedure are listed in ASTM D53317-
11 test method (see Subheading 3.4).
The plastic sample also must pass several marine toxicity tests,
including Polytox (microbial oxygen absorption), Microtox
(microbial bioluminescence) test, Fish Acute Toxicity (static con-
ditions) OPPTS 1750.1075, Daphnia Acute Toxicity (static con-
ditions) OPPTS 1750.1010, or Static Algal Toxicity Test OPPTS
1750.5400. The plastic samples must also have less than 25% of
maximum allowable concentrations of regulated heavy metals.
3.4 ASTM D6691-09. This test method is used to determine the aerobic biodegradation
Standard Test Method rate of plastic materials exposed to sea water or synthesized sea
for Determining water with pre-grown population of at least ten aerobic marine
Aerobic microorganisms of known genera. It consists of preparing a
Biodegradation of uniform inoculum of marine water, exposing the plastic samples
Plastic Materials in the to the marine water, measuring biodegradation with a carbon
Marine Environment by dioxide respirometer or equivalent measurement method, and
a Defined Microbial assessing the percentage of carbon conversion in the plastic to
Consortium or Natural carbon dioxide.
Sea Water Inoculum
3.4.1 Summary
3.4.2 Procedure 1. Filter water (see Note 9) through 0.5-mm screen to remove
sand and other impurities.
2. Add NH4Cl and KH2(PO4) salts as per ASTM 6691D.
3. Cut the plastic samples into small pieces, typically 20 mg to
several grams, depending on the detection limits of the instru-
ment in use.
4. Place the plastic sample with 75 mL of marine stock solution in
125-mL bottles.
5. Provide containers also for the following samples: blank
(marine water only), positive control (e.g., cellulose or starch),
and if needed, negative control (e.g., polyethylene).
6. Run experiments in triplicates. Use test water (e.g., ocean
water) as a baseline in quadruplicates.
7. Connect the chambers to the respirometer and keep at (30 ± 2)
°C with continuous agitation for 180 d.
8. Analyze the headspace for development of CO2. Take head-
space samples in 2-h intervals and replace 50% of gas with
atmospheric air to provide adequate oxygenation (see Note
3.5 ASTM D5511-02. This test method measures the biodegradation rate of plastic mate-
Standard Test Method rials under anaerobic thermophilic conditions in an aqueous envi-
for Determining ronment. The plastic test samples are exposed to an inoculum that
Anaerobic is derived from an aerobic digester or wastewater treatment opera-
Biodegradation of tion. The plastic samples can be in the form of films, powders,
Plastic Materials pellets, or molded pieces and are placed in a vessel with warm
Under High-Solids inoculum with proper anaerobic bacteria.
3.5.1 Summary
Biodegradability Assessed by Automated Respirometry 15
3.6 Active Landfill Landfills in the United States are typically built with the EPA
(ASTM D5511-02) guidelines with the use of clay linings and a landfill cap (Criteria
for Solid Waste Disposal Facilities 2013). The most common mate-
rial for landfill caps is made from asphalt or concrete (Remediation
Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide 2013). Land-
fills can operate with the creation of biogas that is composed of
methane, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases. Methane gas can
be vented and burned or can be captured and stored for energy
purposes. The carbon dioxide and other gases must be scrubbed to
provide a clean methane gas without carbon dioxide or other gases.
Some landfills are considered active and provide clean methane gas
for energy consumption. Biodegradable plastics can hold the waste
as trash bags for disposal and provide food source for the aerobic
and anaerobic bacteria that are in the landfill. Standards are needed
to evaluate the biodegradation of biodegradable plastics in landfills.
Biodegradation of plastics in active landfill can use the ASTM
standards in ASTM 5511 conditions to measure biodegradation
under anaerobic conditions.
16 Joseph P. Greene et al.
3.7 Analysis of The total amount of carbon in a plastic sample is generally deter-
Respirometry Results: mined by elemental analysis (see Note 11). In each round of experi-
Carbon Content and ments, a baseline must be established, which represents control
Mineralization Kinetics media (e.g., compost, marine water, wastewater, etc.) lacking a
test material (see Note 12). Subtracting the accumulated CO2 of
the baseline experiments from the test cases, which contain media
and test material, gives the quantity of CO2 that can be attributed
to the mineralization of the test material. In both the baseline and
test material conditions, mineralized gases measured through res-
pirometry can be converted to moles carbon using the ideal gas law.
The observed and theoretical moles carbon can be used to calculate
percent mineralization and % theoretical carbon remaining in the
test sample. Percent carbon mineralization can be converted to %
theoretical carbon remaining and kinetic models can be applied to
obtain rate constants.
The most practical interpretation of biodegradability rates can
be obtained using linear fits which represent average biodegrada-
tion rates (Eq. 1), which represent the average percent degradation
of a test material divided by the duration of the experiment. This
approach is useful when measuring initial rates of degradation,
which, like many other chemical processes, are often linear. How-
ever, biodegradation kinetics often deviate from linearity after the
first ca. 30% of the starting material is consumed. This effect implies
that, typically, linear approximations (Eq. 1) can accurately describe
initial rate kinetics but are less accurate when describing kinetics
curves where higher levels of degradation are observed. In Eq. 1,
Δ% degradation represents the percent of material that was
degraded over a given time span (Δtime). Linear fits can also be
useful in determining induction periods, which describe kinetics
where a period of slow degradation precedes a rapid increase in
mineralization. Rates often vary by orders of magnitude, relative
rates (relative rate constant = krel, Eq. 2) provide an intuitive
ranking of biodegradation kinetics (Fig. 2). In Eq. 2, kfast represents
the most rapidly degraded rate constant, compared to kslow that
represents the slower rate constant:
Average rate = ð1Þ
krel = ð2Þ
Relative rates
40 Cellulose: 1.0 PHA: 0.20% per day
Percentage biodegradation
35 PHA: 1.1 y = 0.2048x + 0.925
HDPE: 0.039 R2 = 0.9946
PLA: 0.18
25 Cellulose
Cellulose: 0.19% per day
20 y = 0.1874x + 1.2289 PHA
R2 = 0.9906
PLA: 0.0074% per day HDPE: 0.0034% per day PLA
10 y = 0.0074x - 0.169 y = 0.0034x - 0.0768
5 R2 = 0.9284 R2 = 0.9284
0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 2 Linear fits and average rates of marine biodegradation data (ASTM D6691)
Table 3
120.00 y = 9.99E+01e-2.29E-03x
R2 = 9.97E-01
Half-life: 300 days
% Cellulose remaining
-4.000 1.000 6.000 11.000 16.000 21.000
Fig. 3 Pseudo first-order fits and half-lives of cellulose in marine, aerobic wastewater, and compost
Biodegradation rates are a product of many factors, including test
medium (e.g., compost, marine, active landfill), inoculum selection
(e.g., organisms are acclimated or nonacclimated to the test mate-
rial), and temperature. Standard conditions exist for many of these
environments. Rates can be evaluated using kinetics to estimate
material residence times under a given set of conditions. The rigor-
ous evaluation of material biodegradability has the potential to
mainstream the use of nonpersistent materials as part of a more
circular economy that generates waste as a feedstock.
22 Joseph P. Greene et al.
4 Notes
1. Fornasiero P, Graziani M (2006) Renewable the marine environment (withdrawn 2014).
resources and renewable energy: a global chal- ASTM International, West Conshohocken.
lenge, 2nd edn. CRC Press
2. BioPrefer red Program. https://www. 8. International Organization for Standardization (2012) Specifications for compostable plastics
AboutBioPreferred.xhtml. Accessed (ISO 17088:2012)
5 Feb 2021 9. European Standards (2000) Requirements for
3. Choi B, Yoo S, Park S (2018) Carbon footprint packaging recoverable through composting
of packaging films made from LDPE, PLA, and and biodegradation. (BS EN 13432:2000)
PLA/PBAT blends in South Korea. Sustain-
ability 10:2369. 10. International Organization for Standardization
su10072369 (2019) Determination of the degree of disinte-
4. Greene JP (2014) Introduction to gration of plastic materials under defined com-
sustainability. In: Sustainable plastics. Wiley, posting conditions in a pilot-scale test. (ISO
Hoboken 16929:2019)
5. ASTM D6400-19 (2019) Standard specifica- 11. International Organization for Standardization
tion for labeling of plastics designed to be aer- (2015) Determination of the degree of disinte-
obically composted in municipal or industrial gration of plastic materials under simulated
facilities. ASTM International, West Consho- composting conditions in a laboratory-scale
hocken. test. (ISO 20200:2015)
6. ASTM D6868-21 (2021) Standard specifica- 12. ASTM D5338-15 (2021) Standard test
tion for labeling of end items that incorporate method for determining aerobic biodegrada-
plastics and polymers as coatings or additives tion of plastic materials under controlled com-
with paper and other substrates designed to be posting conditions, incorporating thermophilic
aerobically composted in municipal or indus- temperatures. ASTM International, West Con-
trial facilities. ASTM International, West Con- shohocken.
shohocken. 13. International Organization for Standardization
7. ASTM D7081-05 (2005) Standard specifica- (2018) Determination of the ultimate aerobic
tion for non-floating biodegradable plastics in biodegradability of plastic materials under
24 Joseph P. Greene et al.
controlled composting conditions — Method 23. Ye P, Reitz L, Horan C, Parnas R (2006) Man-
by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide — Part 2: ufacture and biodegradation of wheat gluten/
Gravimetric. (ISO 14855-2:2018) https:// basalt composite material. J Polym Environ 14: 1–7.
14. Ohtaki A, Akakura N, Nakasaki K (1998) 8701-3
Effects of temperature and inoculum on the 24. Zhang X, Gozukara Y, Sangwan P et al (2010)
degradability of poly-ε-caprolactone during Biodegradation of chemically modified wheat
composting. Polym Degrad Stab 62:279–284. gluten-based natural polymer materials. Polym Degrad Stab 95:2309–2317.
00008-1 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2010.09.001
15. Mezzanotte V, Bertani R, Innocenti FD, Tosin 25. Lešinský D, Fritz J, Braun R (2005) Biological
M (2005) Influence of inocula on the results of degradation of PVA/CH blends in terrestrial
biodegradation tests. Polym Degrad Stab 87: and aquatic conditions. Bioresour Technol 96:
5 1 – 5 6 . h t t p s : // d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 / j . 197–201.
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16. Krzan A, Hemjinda S, Miertus S et al (2006) 26. Mahcene Z, Khelil A, Hasni S et al (2020)
Standardization and certification in the area of Development and characterization of sodium
environmentally degradable plastics. Polym alginate based active edible films incorporated
Degrad Stab 91:2819–2833. with essential oils of some medicinal plants. Int
10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2006.04.034 J Biol Macromol 145:124–132. https://doi.
17. Beegle JR, Borole AP (2017) An integrated org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.12.093
microbial electrolysis-anaerobic digestion pro- 27. Kaith BS, Sharma R, Kalia S (2015) Guar gum
cess combined with pretreatment of wastewater based biodegradable, antibacterial and electri-
solids to improve hydrogen production. Envi- cally conductive hydrogels. Int J Biol Macro-
ron Sci Water Res Technol 3:1073–1085. mol 75:266–275. ijbiomac.2015.01.046
18. Narancic T, Verstichel S, Reddy Chaganti S 28. Romero-Bastida CA, Flores-Huicochea E,
et al (2018) Biodegradable plastic blends create Martin-Polo MO et al (2004) Compositional
new possibilities for end-of-life management of and moisture content effects on the biodegrad-
plastics but they are not a Panacea for plastic ability of Zein/Ethylcellulose films. J Agric
pollution. Environ Sci Technol 52:10441– Food Chem 52:2230–2235.
10452. 10.1021/jf0350414
8b02963 29. Deepa B, Abraham E, Pothan LA et al (2016)
19. Al Hosni AS, Pittman JK, Robson GD (2019) Biodegradable nanocomposite films based on
Microbial degradation of four biodegradable sodium alginate and cellulose Nanofibrils.
polymers in soil and compost demonstrating Materials 9:50.
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tic. Waste Manag 97:105–114. https://doi. 30. Wirick MG (1974) Aerobic biodegradation of
org/10.1016/j.wasman.2019.07.042 Carboxymethylcellulose. J Water Pollut Con-
20. Abou-Zeid D-M, Müller R-J, Deckwer W-D trol Feder 46:512–521
(2001) Degradation of natural and synthetic 31. Rolsky C, Kelkar V (2021) Degradation of
polyesters under anaerobic conditions. J Bio- Polyvinyl Alcohol in US Wastewater treatment
technol 86:113–126. plants and subsequent Nationwide emission
1016/S0168-1656(00)00406-5 estimate. Int J Environ Res Public Health
21. Pinheiro IF, Ferreira FV, Souza DHS et al 18(11):6027.
(2017) Mechanical, rheological and degrada- ijerph18116027
tion properties of PBAT nanocomposites rein- 32. Chiellini E, Corti A, Solaro R (1999) Biodeg-
forced by functionalized cellulose nanocrystals. radation of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) based blown
Eur Polym J 97:356–365. films under different environmental conditions
1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.10.026 11 part of work herewith reported was pre-
22. Hanstveit AO (1992) Biodegradability of sented at the 5th scientific workshop on biode-
petroleum waxes and beeswax in an adapted gradable polymers and plastics, Stockholm
CO2 evolution test. Chemosphere 25:605– (Se) June 1998. Polym Degrad Stab, 64(2):
620. 305–312.
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33. Alonso-López O, López-Ibáñez S, Beiras R 35. Fei Z, Huang S, Yin J et al (2015) Preparation
(2021) Assessment of toxicity and biodegrad- and characterization of bio-based degradable
ability of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)-based materials plastic films composed of cellulose acetate and
in marine water. Polymers 13(21):3742. starch acetate. J Polym Environ 23:383–391.
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γ-irradiation. J Polym Res 16:1. https://doi. Polym Sci 42:2691–2701.
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Chapter 2
Humanity is currently consuming natural resources 1.75 times faster than the planet can regenerate in a
year, so the regeneration of these natural resources has become an issue of pressing concern. New drivers
have pointed to actions that minimize future impacts, which include reducing plastic waste in the environ-
ment, recycling, and the use of biodegradable polymers. The definition and determination of biodegrad-
ability of polymers has been a topic of discussion in the scientific community, mainly related to the criteria
used to define biodegradability. Academic studies have shown excellent results on polymer biodegradation
tests with automated respirometry methods; however, these tests are relatively expensive and may not be
readily available. This protocol presents an alternative to automated respirometry (procedure and monitor-
ing), detailing the procedure of a polymer biodegradation test with nonautomated respirometry and
monitored by titrimetry. The protocol is based on the international standards ASTM D5338-15, ASTM
D5988-18, ASTM D6400-19, ISO 14855-1:2012, and ISO 17556:2019. Proper execution of the proto-
col will guarantee the correct performance of respirometric polymer biodegradation tests, providing
reproducible and accurate results.
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
28 Alex S. Babetto et al.
Table 1
Biodegradability standards and certifications of polymer materials in different types of environments
environment Standard Certification organizations
Industrial EM 13432, ASTM D5338 and ISO 14855 TUV € Austria (Austria), DIN CERTCO
composting for packaging; EN 14995 and ISO (Germany), Vinçotte (Belgium),
17088 for polymer materials in general; Biodegradable Products Institute
ASTM 6868 materials containing (BPI—USA), Japan BioPlastics
polymer components Association (JBPA—Japan), Finnish
Solid Waste Association (Finland)
Domestic prEN 17427, AS 5810 (Australia), NF T € Austria (Austria), DIN CERTCO
composting 51800 (France) (Germany), Vinçotte (Belgium)
Soil ASTM D5988, ISO DIN CERTCO (Germany), Vinçotte
17556, EN 17033 (Belgium)
Seawater OECD 306, ISO € Austria
Vinçotte (Belgium), TUV
16221, ASTM D6691 (Austria)
Landfills ASTM D5526
Anaerobic ISO 15985, ISO 14853, ASTM D5511
Aqueous ISO 14851, ISO 14852, and ISO 14853 Japan BioPlastics Association (JBPA—
medium Japan)
Table 2
Biodegradation data of cellulose in an industrial composting environment reported in the literature,
using different respirometry methods
Biodegradation Time
[%] [d] Method References Standard Origin of the compost
72.4–82.5 45 DMR [14] ISO 14855- 3-month-old industrial
1 plant compost
78 85 DMR [20] ISO 14855- 2- to 3-month-old industrial
1 plant compost
83 110 DMR [21] ISO 14855- 2-month-old municipal
1 organic waste compost
76 110 CMR [19] ISO 14855- 3-month-old organic
1 domestic waste compost
83 110 CMR with [19] ISO 14855- 3-month-old organic
automated 1 domestic waste compost
70 46 CMR [22] ASTM 3-month-old municipal
D5338 organic waste compost
90 100 CMR [23] ASTM Not mentioned
74 56 CMR [24] ISO 14855- Industrial plant compost
94.34 120 CMR [25] ASTM Agriculture waste compost
Table 3
Biodegradation data of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in an industrial composting environment reported in the literature, using different respirometric
2 Materials
2.1 System for the Glass vessel with internal volume between 2 and 4 L, glass lid with
Development of sealing ring (elastomer), and lock that guarantees the system is
Biodegradation in airtight. Inside this vessel, a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask, a 100-mL
Large Volumes beaker, and a perforated plate (glass or porcelain) will be fitted. The
dimension of the perforated plate must be such to fit in the con-
tainer and to hold the Erlenmeyer flask and the beaker. The culture
medium is deposited on the bottom of the vessel and the perforated
plate must be held by supports (glass or porcelain) at a minimum
free height (i.e., above the culture medium) of 1 cm. A representa-
tive image of this system is shown in Fig. 1. See the required
amounts in Subheading 3.1 of this protocol.
2.2 System for the Simplified Bartha Respirometer consisting of a 250-mL Erlenmeyer
Assessment of flask and a 125-mL test tube (40 mm in diameter and 100 mm in
Biodegradation in height) connected to one another by a tube soldered on the side of
Small Volumes both constituents, forming, together with two rubber stoppers, an
airtight system. An illustrative image of this system is shown in
Fig. 1. See the required amounts in Subheading 3.2 of this
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 35
Fig. 1 Flowchart for the assessment of polymer biodegradability via titrimetry in both large- and small-volume
36 Alex S. Babetto et al.
2.5 Culture Medium See Subheadings 3.3.1 (soil) and 3.3.2 (compost) of this protocol.
2.6 Positive MCC with average particle size less than 20 μm should be used as a
Reference Polymer positive reference for biodegradation. Thermoplastic starch can also
be used as positive reference.
2.9 Materials for 2.9.1 Conical polypropylene funnel (250 mL in volume, top
Determining the diameter of 120 mm, stem diameter of 19 mm, stem length
Residual Moisture of 81 mm, and cone height of 89 mm): three units.
Content and the Field 2.9.2 Ring stand: one unit.
Capacity 2.9.3 Iron ring (diameter of 7 cm) with clamp: one unit.
2.9.4 Narrow-mouth Erlenmeyer flask (250 mL in volume): three
2.9.5 Pharmaceutical grade cotton ball: ca. 100 g.
2.9.6 Glass Petri dish 100/15 mm: three units.
2.9.7 Large rectangular stainless-steel tray (ca. 40 cm long, 30 cm
wide, and 4 cm deep or greater): two units.
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 37
2.10 Materials for 2.10.1 Glass Erlenmeyer flask (250 mL in volume): one unit per
Biodegradation system under test.
Monitoring (Titrimetry) 2.10.2 Graduated glass burette (100 mL, for the system
described in Subheading 2.1 of this protocol) or automatic
titrator: two units.
2.10.3 Graduated glass burette (50 mL, for the system described
in Subheading 2.2 of this protocol) or automatic titrator:
two units.
2.10.4 Volumetric glass pipette (100 mL, for the system
described in Subheading 2.1 of this protocol): one unit.
2.10.5 Volumetric glass pipette (10 mL, for the system described
in Subheading 2.2 of this protocol): one unit.
2.10.6 Polypropylene syringe (10 mL): one unit.
2.10.7 Urinary catheter size 6 Fr (outer diameter of 2 mm):
one unit.
2.10.8 Pipette filler bulb with a three-way valve system: two units.
2.10.9 Ring stand: two units.
2.10.10 Burette clamps: four units.
2.10.11 Glass beaker (1 L): one unit.
2.10.12 Stopwatch (analog or digital): one unit.
Note (3): To remove CO2 from distilled water, boil the water for
30 min and place the warm water in a glass vessel (Erlenmeyer flask,
e.g.) equipped with an ascarite valve/filter (CO2 absorber) to cool.
After cooling, close the valve, keeping it closed when not in use.
CO2-free water that is not used should be discarded at the end of
the reagent preparation procedures. Whenever CO2-free water is
needed, it should be prepared on the day of use.
38 Alex S. Babetto et al.
Note (7): All reagents used must meet purity standards in accor-
dance with ASTM D5988-18 (item 7.1). The reagents must be
kept in airtight packaging and stored away from light and under
controlled temperature (between 20 and 25 °C).
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 39
3 Methods
3.1 System for the 3.1.1 The tests should be carried out in triplicate and, therefore,
Assessment of three systems will be required for the control (containing
Biodegradation in only culture medium, also called “blank”), three systems for
Large Volumes the positive reference (culture medium and sample of a
biodegradable polymer, such as MCC), three systems for
each sample to be tested, and three systems for the negative
Note (8): The ASTM D5988-18 standard does not describe the
use of a system with a negative reference polymer; however, it is
important to prepare a triplicate of this system to compare the
biodegradation of the test polymer both with a positive reference
polymer (e.g., MCC) and with a negative reference polymer (e.g.,
LDPE) and, thus, to determine the relative biodegradability, posi-
tive or negative, of the test polymer. The control has the function of
discounting both the production of CO2 from the organic matter
present in the culture medium and the CO2 introduced in the
system during aeration after each titration.
Note (9): The ASTM D5988-18 standard calls for a triplicate set
called “technical control,” which serves to check the airtightness of
the system and to subtract the CO2 introduced during aeration.
However, from our point of view, this “technical control” is not
necessary, as the CO2 introduced during aeration has already been
subtracted with the triplicate “control” and the airtightness of the
vessels must be tested before the beginning of the experiments, as
during the experiment this test is not possible. If any of the systems
shows suspicious CO2 determination, the experiment must be
restarted, as there may have been a leak in the system.
Note (11): this system may present relative difficulty in its con-
struction, but it has two advantages: the system can be used in tests
with relatively larger amount of culture medium (between 100 and
40 Alex S. Babetto et al.
500 g) and test sample (between 0.4 and 2 mg per gram of culture
medium) and eliminates possible errors due to analytical solution
transfers in the titrimetric analysis.
Note (12): For the glass vessel (internal volume between 2 and
4 L) with glass lid and airtight sealing system, the parts that cannot
be made of glass (sealing, e.g.) must be made of material that
neither adsorbs nor absorbs and is impermeable to CO2. The
container must have an opening that allows manipulation within.
Note that desiccator containers are not recommended, as the bio-
degradation process, despite oxygen consumption, may generate
positive pressure inside the system and the desiccator is not
designed to operate with positive pressure. Desiccators may be
used if changes are made (adaptation of an elastomeric sealing
ring and fastening clips on the cover, e.g.) to guarantee airtightness
under conditions of positive pressure.
3.2 System for the Alternatively, the use of a biodegradation system that involves
Assessment of reduced amounts of culture medium and sample may be used.
Biodegradation in The tests should also be carried out in triplicate and, therefore,
Small Volumes the number of systems is the same as described in Subheading 3.1
of this protocol. In this system, the culture medium is deposited on
the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask and the reagent (alkaline solu-
tion) is deposited in the side tube. This system is described in
Subheading 2.2 of this protocol.
3.3 Culture Medium The procedures for selecting, collecting, and determining soil prop-
erties for use as culture medium can be performed in accordance
3.3.1 Soil
with ASTM D5988-18, item 9.
Note (14): Note that the definition and procedures for determin-
ing the moisture-holding capacity (MHC), also called field capacity
(FC), may introduce errors in soil moisture during the biodegrada-
tion test and adversely affect the tests. If soil moisture content
during the biodegradation test is lower than the amount
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 41 Determination of RM
Add ca. 10 g of the test soil (mt) in a previously weighed and dried
Petri dish and store in a drying oven at 105 °C for 24 h. Then,
remove the Petri dish with dry soil from the oven and store in the
desiccator to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, deter-
mine the mass of the set and determine (subtracting the mass from
the Petri dish) the mass of dry soil (md). RM is the original moisture
of the soil (after drying for 24 h at room temperature) and is
expressed in grams of water (which the soil originally has) per
100 g of dry soil, according to Eq. 3. It is important to know
RM, as it is necessary to know how much water the test soil already
has, to be able to adjust the biodegradation test moisture. This
procedure should be performed in triplicate:
RM = ½ðm t - m d Þ:100]=m d ð3Þ Determination of FC
Start the procedure by blocking the exit of the conical part of the
polypropylene funnel (250 mL) with cotton to prevent flow of soil
(use minimum necessary cotton to avoid occupying too much free
42 Alex S. Babetto et al.
3.4 Test Specimen The characteristics that the test specimen (TS) must present are
specified by ASTM D5988-18, item 10 (if the culture medium is
soil) or by ASTM D5338-15, items 10 and 11.1, item 11.1.3
excluded (if the culture medium is compost).
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 43
3.5.2 Amount of Culture Note (19)–soil: For systems with a large internal volume (Sub-
Medium heading 2.1 of this protocol), comply with ASTM D5988-18, item
11.2. For systems with a small internal volume (Subheading 2.2 of
this protocol), use (50.0 ± 0.1) g.
Note (21): The samples (positive, negative, and test) that will be
subjected to the biodegradation test must have similar mass (preci-
sion of 0.1 g), whether for large or small internal volume.
Note (22): The culture medium that will be used in the biodegra-
dation tests of the samples (positive, negative, and test) must be
extracted from the same batch of culture medium that has been
subjected to the tests on determination of properties (Subheading
3.3 of this protocol, item 9 of ASTM D5988-18, and item 9 of
ASTM D5338-15).
Note (24): For compost, see ASTM D5338-15 (items 10.2 and
3.5.4 Adjusting Moisture If the culture medium is soil, perform in accordance with
Content of the Culture ASTM D5988-18, item 11.4.
3.5.5 Recording the Record the mass of each biodegradation system (Subheading 2.1 or
Mass of Each 2.2 of this protocol) containing the culture medium with the
Biodegradation System adjusted moisture for monitoring soil moisture loss.
3.5.6 Incubation If the culture medium is soil, perform in accordance with
ASTM D5988-18, item 11.6.
Note (26): The ASTM D5988-18 standard recommends between
0.4 and 2.0 mg of sample per gram of culture medium. We suggest
using the mean value of this interval, that is, 1.2 mg of sample per
gram of culture medium.
Note (32): In the titration procedures, carried out after each BI, it
is recommended that the amount of HCl solution required to
neutralize the alkaline solution that remained after the respective
BI be in the range of 30–70% of Vmax. In the initial titration (first
BI, i.e., 12 h), the volume of HCl solution may not comprise this
range, but it should not equal zero. The titration of the first BI
(12 h) will be the reference for the second BI and this, in turn, will
be the reference for the third BI and so on, so that the volume of
HCl solution required to neutralize the alkaline solution remains in
the range between 30% and 70% of Vmax. If the volume of HCl
titration solution is greater than 70% of Vmax, BI should be
increased, and if less than 30%, BI should be reduced.
48 Alex S. Babetto et al.
3.6 Calculations The calculations for determining the amount of CO2 produced by
the test polymer and the polymers used as positive and negative
reference are based on the stoichiometry of the reactions involved
in the process and on the titration outcome. Firstly, it is necessary to
know the biodegradability potential of the polymer, which means
the maximum amount of CO2 the material can generate. This
amount is defined as the theoretical amount of CO2 (ThCO2)
produced [mg]. ThCO2 is calculated based on the amount of carbon
50 Alex S. Babetto et al.
which start with absorption, by the alkaline solution (we will adopt
KOH), of the CO2 generated in the biodegradation system:
CO2 þ H2 O → H2 CO3 ð11Þ
H2 CO3 þ 2 KOH → K 2 CO3 ð12Þ
Therefore, one mole of KOH is consumed by half a mole of
Because potassium carbonate, just like sodium carbonate, is not
a stable salt, BaCl2 is added before titration to shift the equilibrium
toward the formation of barium carbonate:
BaCl2 þ K 2 CO3 → 2 KCl þ BaCO3 # ð13Þ
So, the KOH that has not been consumed by CO2 in each of
the biodegradation systems (blank, positive reference polymer,
negative reference polymer, and test polymer) is titrated using the
HCl solution. It is at this moment that we highlight the importance
of biodegradation systems containing only culture medium (blank),
since the difference between the titration volume of the HCl solu-
tion of the blank system and the system containing the test sample
(test polymer, positive reference polymer, and negative reference
polymer) is exactly the volume of the HCl solution equivalent to
the KOH that was consumed by the CO2 produced by biodegrada-
tion of the test sample only.
Note (37): Note that in the blank system the culture medium
produces CO2 and the aeration air within the system also contains
CO2, whereas in the test systems CO2 is produced by the culture
medium and by the test sample and is also present in the aeration
medium, that is, the difference is the test sample (Eq. 14):
From Eqs. 12, 13, and 15, the stoichiometry involving KOH,
HCl, and CO2 is 1:1:1/2, respectively. As the titration data yield
the volume of the HCl solution and we want to calculate the
amount of CO2 produced, from this point on we are only interested
in the relationship between HCl and CO2. Hence:
1 HCl → § CO2 , i:e:, 36:5 g HCl → 22 g CO2 ð16Þ
We already have the correlation between mass HCl and our
unknown (CO2) and hence we can calculate the mass of CO2 using
normality (N):
N = ðm: = Þ= mol:V ðLÞ → m = N :mol:V ðLÞ == ð17Þ
* = for acids, it is the number of ionizable hydrogens (for HCl, e.g.,
* = 1).
mol = molar mass of the molecule (for HCl, mol = 36.5 amu).
V(L) = volume of solution [L] and, in our case, V[L] = Vbio [L].
m = N . 36:5 . V bio½L] ð18Þ
Note that the HCl solution used is 0.25 N, but 0.25 N is the
nominal concentration (Nnom). To know the final concentration of
the HCl solution, this solution should be standardized against a
standard Na2CO3 solution (Subheading 2.11.5 of this protocol)
and this standardization will generate a correction factor that may
be different from one. Therefore, the final concentration of the
solution of HCl will be:
N f = N nom . f cor ð19Þ
m = 36:5 . N nom . f cor . V bio ðLÞ ð20Þ
From stoichiometry:
36:5 g HCl → 22 g CO2 ð21Þ
36:5 . N nom . f cor . V bio ðLÞ → y g CO2 ð22Þ
y ½g] = 22 . N nom . f cor . V bio ðLÞ ð23Þ
y ½mg] = 22 . N nom . f cor . V bioðmLÞ ð24Þ
Thus, from Eq. 24, one can calculate the mass of CO2
[mg] produced by a sample in a biodegradation test, whether it is
the test, the positive reference, or the negative reference polymer.
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 53
4 Final Considerations
1. Zumstein MT, Narayan R, Kohler HPE et al 30:567–573.
(2019) Dos and do nots when assessing the 1743284713Y.0000000503
biodegradation of plastics. Environ Sci Technol 11. Chamas A, Moon H, Zheng J et al (2020)
53:9967–9969. Degradation rates of plastics in the environ-
acs.est.9b04513 ment. ACS Sustain Chem Eng 8:3494–3511.
2. Emadian SM, Onay TT, Demirel B (2017)
Biodegradation of bioplastics in natural envir- 9b06635
onments. Waste Manag 59:526–536. https:// 12. Castro-Aguirre E, Auras R, Selke S et al (2017) Insights on the aerobic biodegradation of poly-
3. Lucas N, Bienaime C, Belloy C et al (2008) mers by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide in
Polymer biodegradation: mechanisms and esti- simulated composting conditions. Polym
mation techniques - a review. Chemosphere Degrad Stab 137:251–271.
73:429–442. 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2017.01.017
chemosphere.2008.06.064 13. Kliem S, Kreutzbruck M, Bonten C (2020)
4. Vert M, Doi Y, Hellwich K-H et al (2012) Review on the biological degradation of poly-
Terminology for biorelated polymers and mers in various environments. Materials (Basel)
applications (IUPAC recommendations 13:4586–4604
2012). Pure Appl Chem 84:377–410. 14. Way C, Wu DY, Dean K, Palombo E (2010) Design considerations for high-temperature
5. Laycock B, Nikolić M, Colwell JM et al (2017) respirometric biodegradation of polymers in
Lifetime prediction of biodegradable polymers. compost. Polym Test 29:147–157. https://
Prog Polym Sci 71:144–189.
10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2017.02.004 10.004
6. Bastioli C (ed) (2005) Handbook of biode- 15. Rudnik E (2008) Biodegradability testing of
gradable polymers. Smithers Rapra Press, compostable polymer materials. In: Rudnik E
Shrewsbury (ed) Compostable polymer materials. Elsevier
7. Nikolic MS, Djonlagic J (2001) Synthesis and Science, Amsterdam
characterization of biodegradable poly(butyl- 16. Funabashi M, Ninomiya F, Kunioka M (2009)
ene succinate-co-butylene adipate)s. Polym Biodegradability evaluation of polymers by
Degrad Stab 74:263–270. ISO 14855-2. Int J Mol Sci 10:3635–3654.
8. Haider TP, Völker C, Kramm J et al (2019) 17. Rudnik E, Briassoulis D (2011) Degradation
Plastics of the future? The impact of biodegrad- behaviour of poly(lactic acid) films and fibres in
able polymers on the environment and on soci- soil under Mediterranean field conditions and
ety. Angew Chemie - Int Ed 58:50–62. laboratory simulations testing. Ind Crop Prod 33:648–658.
9. Bonilla J, Paiano RB, Lourenço RV et al (2020) indcrop.2010.12.031
Biodegradability in aquatic system of thin 18. Kale G, Auras R, Singh SP, Narayan R (2007)
materials based on chitosan, PBAT and Biodegradability of polylactide bottles in real
HDPE polymers: Respirometric and physical- and simulated composting conditions. Polym
chemical analysis. Int J Biol Macromol 164: Test 26:1049–1061.
1399–1412. 1016/j.polymertesting.2007.07.006
ijbiomac.2020.07.309 19. Cadar O, Paul M, Roman C et al (2012) Bio-
10. Banerjee A, Chatterjee K, Madras G (2014) degradation behaviour of poly(lactic acid) and
Enzymatic degradation of polymers: a brief (lactic acid-ethylene glycol-malonic or succinic
review. Mater Sci Technol (United Kingdom) acid) copolymers under controlled composting
Assessing Polymer Biodegradability via Nonautomated Respirometry 55
conditions in a laboratory test system. Polym 27. Luo Y, Lin Z, Guo G Biodegradation assess-
Degrad Stab 97:354–357. ment of poly (lactic acid) filled with functiona-
10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.12.006 lized titania nanoparticles (PLA/TiO 2) under
20. Petinakis E, Liu X, Yu L et al (2010) Biodegra- compost conditions.
dation and thermal decomposition of poly(lac- 1186/s11671-019-2891-4
tic acid)-based materials reinforced by 28. Kalita NK, Sarmah A, Bhasney SM et al (2021)
hydrophilic fillers. Polym Degrad Stab 95: Demonstrating an ideal compostable plastic
1704–1707. using biodegradability kinetics of poly(lactic
polymdegradstab.2010.05.027 acid) (PLA) based green biocomposite films
21. Weng YX, Wang XL, Wang YZ (2011) Biodeg- under aerobic composting conditions. Environ
radation behavior of PHAs with different Challeng 3:100030.
chemical structures under controlled compost- 1016/j.envc.2021.100030
ing conditions. Polym Test 30:372–380. 29. Tate RL (2021) Soil microbiology, 3rd edn. Wiley, New Jersey
2011.02.001 30. Elsas JD, Trevors JT, Rosado AS, Nannipieri P
22. Calil MR, Gaboardi F, Guedes CGF, Rosa DS (eds) (2019) Modern soil microbiology, 3rd
(2006) Comparison of the biodegradation of edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton
poly(ε-caprolactone), cellulose acetate and 31. ASTM (2018) D5988-18: standard test
their blends by the Sturm test and selected method for determining aerobic biodegrada-
cultured fungi. Polym Test 25:597–604. tion of plastic materials in soil. American Soci- ety for Testing and Materials, West
2006.01.019 Conshohocken
23. Pradhan R, Reddy M, Diebel W et al (2010) 32. ASTM (2015) D5338-15: standard test
Comparative compostability and biodegrada- method for determining aerobic biodegrada-
tion studies of various components of green tion of plastic materials under controlled com-
composites and their blends in simulated aero- posting conditions, incorporating thermophilic
bic composting bioreactor. Polycaprolactone temperatures. American Society for Testing
Int J Plast Technol 45–50. and Materials, West Conshohocken
10.1007/s12588-010-0009-z 33. ASTM (2019) D6400-19: standard specifica-
24. Du YL, Cao Y, Lu F et al (2008) Biodegrada- tion for labeling of plastics designed to be aer-
tion behaviors of thermoplastic starch (TPS) obically composted in municipal or industrial
and thermoplastic dialdehyde starch (TPDAS) facilities. American Society for Testing and
under controlled composting conditions. Materials, West Conshohocken
Polym Test 27:924–930. 34. ISO (2019) 17556:2019: plastics - determina-
1016/j.polymertesting.2008.08.002 tion of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of
25. Leejarkpai T, Suwanmanee U, Rudeekit Y, plastic materials in soil by measuring the oxy-
Mungcharoen T (2011) Biodegradable kinetics gen demand in a respirometer or the amount of
of plastics under controlled composting condi- carbon dioxide evolved. International Organi-
tions. Waste Manag 31:1153–1161. https:// zation for Standardization, Geneve 35. ISO (2012) 14855-1:2012: plastics - evalua-
26. Brdlı́k P, Borůvka M, Borůvka B, et al (2021) tion of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability
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sites under controlled composting conditions ing conditions—method by analysis of released
and freshwater biotope. carbon dioxide. International Organization for
3390/polym13040594 Standardization, Geneve
Chapter 3
Microplastic contamination is a relevant topic in Food and Environmental Sciences. Microplastic analyses in
matrices such as food, soil, sediment, water, and air require a specific method approach according to their
respective aims and scope. This chapter presents a comprehensive discussion about standard practices
currently applied to ensure representative sampling, adequate sample preparation, and unequivocal identi-
fication and characterization of microplastic particles.
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
58 Walter R. Waldman et al.
Fig. 1 Analytical workflow presented in this chapter. SEM: scanning electron microscopy; EDS: energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; IR: infrared; py-GC-MS: pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry;
TED-GC-MS: thermal extraction-desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Microplastic First, this analytical protocol will address an important step to
Background guarantee the quality of results that will be generated. To avoid
Contamination microplastic contamination in sampling, sample preparation, and
analysis, the analyst should pay attention to three main topics: air
contamination (i.e., exposure to airborne microplastic contamina-
tion), cross-contamination (i.e., lab material contaminated during
60 Walter R. Waldman et al.
3.2 Sampling The sampling protocol is dependent on the type of samples. Thus,
several procedures may be found in the literature [19, 20]. However,
the lack of standard procedures leads to relevant differences in
sampling and sample processing steps. Therefore, microplastic
abundance may be expressed in several different ways (e.g., fibers
per cubic meter, microplastics per liter, microplastic mass per sam-
ple mass, pellets per square meter, etc.) (see Note 3). It is vital to
keep the representative sampling in accordance with the analysis,
methodology, and amount of collected material [19, 21]. This
chapter addresses microplastic detection in food (solid or liquid)
and environmental matrices (water and soil/sediment).
3.2.1 Food Matrices Lower-viscous (e.g., bottled water, wine, beer, refreshments, and
milk) and higher-viscous (e.g., honey, syrup, and ketchup) liquid
samples can be collected from different batches, brands, or places.
Viscous samples are usually diluted after sampling and before treat-
ment. In general, a volume of 350–750 mL has been used for wine
sampling [22]. About 500 mL to 2 L of the sample have been used
for microplastics analysis for bottled water [5, 23, 24]. One liter of
warm milk samples can be filtered in a dried precleaned glass
vacuum system [25]. Liquid honey has been diluted in warm
water and passed through a steel sieve [7, 26, 27].
For the sampling of solid matrices in food, defining the sample
size is essential to obtain representative samples since they may not
be homogeneous. Often, samples can be collected from different
batches in several places to enhance representativeness.
Microplastics can contaminate animals destined for human
consumption (e.g., fish, crustaceans, and mussels). Such particles
may come from habitat surroundings (environment sample) or
food processing (food sample). Samples can be stored until analysis
under refrigeration in chemical preservatives (e.g., formaldehyde
and ethanol). Generally, the digestive tract of these animals has
been investigated for microplastics [28]. More information about
biota sampling and sample preparation can be found in Hermsen
et al. [29] and Lusher et al. [28].
62 Walter R. Waldman et al.
3.2.2 Environmental A wide range of equipment (trawl nets, pumps, Niskin bottles, etc.)
Matrices has been used to collect microplastics in aquatic environmental
samples (freshwater, seawater, drinking water, and groundwater
from rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans). This sampling may be
performed in the surface or depth water according to the aim of
the study. The examples of equipment and sampling details can be
found in the works of Prata et al. [19] and Silva et al. [30].
Similar to water, soil/sediment sampling requires specific
equipment to collect microplastics in the environment. Surface
sampling from marine sediment, river sediment, soil, and sandy
beaches has been conducted using steel materials (spatula, twee-
zers, or spoon). Conversely, depth samples have been collected
using grabs, augers, or corers. More detailed information can be
found in Möller et al. [31] and in Yang et al. [32]. For detection of
microplastics in atmospheric air (indoor and outdoor), we direct
the reader to Zhang et al. [17] and Chen et al. [18].
3.3.2 Density Separation Density separation is a simple step for isolating microplastics from
other sample compounds, generally inorganic materials (e.g., sand)
through salt solutions with known densities. Microplastics are
separated by density from heavier fractions like minerals and undis-
solved impurities, organic matter, and even other microplastics (see
Note 7). High-density salt solutions (1.2–1.8 g cm-3; e.g., NaBr,
NaCl, NaI, ZnBr2, and ZnCl2) are added to the samples to separate
the denser fraction of the media from the microplastics. The sepa-
ration of the two fractions (low- and high-density fractions) can be
performed by gravity or centrifugation systems.
NaCl is beneficial because it is inexpensive, nontoxic, and
highly soluble in water. However, the density of NaCl solution is
about 1.2 g cm-3 (Table 1) which is lower than the densities of
some polymers like poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC), and poly(lactic acid) (PLA). Thus, such polymers
cannot be separated using a NaCl solution, and other solutions
must be used to solve this limitation. NaI, ZnCl2, and ZnBr2
Microplastics from Food Packaging 65
Table 1
Densities and costs of salt solutions used in density separation for
microplastics [19, 20, 38] (see Note 9)
• Particles with density higher than the salt solution will remain in
the precipitate, whereas particles with lower density will remain
in the supernatant (low-density fraction).
• After separation, the supernatant is filtered in a dried precleaned
glass vacuum system covered with precleaned aluminum foil in a
laminar flow hood (see Notes 10 and 11).
– Filter diameter: 47 mm.
– Filter porosity: 0.2–149 μm.
– Filter: cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate, glass fiber, alumi-
num oxide, nylon, polycarbonate, or polytetrafluoroethylene.
• The filter is placed and sealed in dried precleaned Petri dishes
and dried at room temperature or in an oven (40–50 °C) for
5–12 h. Afterward, it may be directly submitted to the next step
of the sample preparation.
• The procedure of density separation may be repeated according
to the matrix complexity.
3.4.1 Objective: Sorting Visual inspection can be used to sort suspected microplastics
of Suspected Microplastics [41, 42]. However, this is a subjective technique for environmental
or Morphological/Origin samples. The decision depends on the analyst skills to observe the
Characterization particle features (texture, physical behavior, overall appearance) and
recognize them as plastic (see Note 12). When not instrument-
assisted, it is not suitable for small microplastics. For smaller parti-
cles, a visual inspection must be combined with optical microscopy.
To enhance the detection, microplastics can be stained with dyes
prior to visual inspection [43]. The dying process facilitates locat-
ing suspected microplastics via optical or fluorescence microscopy
(see Note 13).
During sorting with visual inspection, assisted or not with a
microscope, morphology is classified as size and shape. Shape clas-
sification includes pellets, sphere, hemisphere, grain, nurdle, fiber
(singular fiber, fiber bundle), and fragment (foam, film, angular/
sub-angular, rounded/sub-rounded).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used for surface analy-
sis and to evaluate signs of degradation [44] (see Note 14).
Microplastics from Food Packaging 67
Spectroscopic Techniques
For spectroscopic techniques [45], microplastic identity confirma-
tion is done by spectral signatures related to each polymer by using
libraries or multivariate analysis (chemometric classification mod-
els). Quantification is performed by items (number of particles).
• Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
FTIR spectroscopy is the most used technique, and there is
plenty of instrumentation described below [46].
4 Notes
1. Campanale M, Savino L, Uricchio. (2020) A derived from plastic food containers. Compr
detailed review study on potential effects of Rev Food Sci Food Safe 11:453-470
microplastics and additives of concern on 4. Sobhani Z, Lei Y, Tang Y, Wu L, Zhang X,
human health. Int J Environ Res Public Health Naidu R et al (2020) Microplastics generated
17(4):1212 when opening plastic packaging. Sci Rep
2. Schmid P, Welle F (2020) Chemical migration 10(1):4841
from beverage packaging materials—a review. 5. Zuccarello P, Ferrante M, Cristaldi A, Copat C,
Beverages 6(2):37 Grasso A, Sangregorio D et al (2019) Exposure
3. Bang DY, Kyung M, Kim MJ, Jung BY, Cho to microplastics (<10 μm) associated to plastic
MC, Choi SM et al (2012) Human risk assess- bottles mineral water consumption: the first
ment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals quantitative study. Water Res 157:365–371
72 Walter R. Waldman et al.
methods, occurrence, sources, and potential comparison with various physical and chemical
risk. Sci Total Environ 780:146546 approaches. Mar Pollut Bull 148:210–216
33. Fadare OO, Okoffo ED, Olasehinde EF 45. K€appler A, Fischer D, Oberbeckmann S,
(2021) Microparticles and microplastics con- Schernewski G, Labrenz M, Eichhorn K-J
tamination in African table salts. Mar Pollut et al (2016) Analysis of environmental micro-
Bull 164:112006 plastics by vibrational microspectroscopy:
34. Lee H-J, Song N-S, Kim J-S, Kim S-K (2021) FTIR, Raman or both? Anal Bioanal Chem
Variation and uncertainty of microplastics in 408(29):8377–8391
commercial table salts: critical review and vali- 46. Renner G, Schmidt TC, Schram J (2017) Char-
dation. J Hazard Mater 402:123743 acterization and quantification of microplastics
35. Peixoto D, Pinheiro C, Amorim J, Oliva-Teles- by infrared spectroscopy. In: Comprehensive
L, Guilhermino L, Vieira MN (2019) Micro- analytical chemistry [Internet]. Elsevier; [cited
plastic pollution in commercial salt for human 2021 Mar 29], pp 67–118. Available from:
consumption: a review. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci
219:161–168 S0166526X16301556
36. Kim J-S, Lee H-J, Kim S-K, Kim H-J (2018) 47. Löder MGJ, Kuczera M, Mintenig S,
Global pattern of microplastics (MPs) in com- Lorenz C, Gerdts G (2015) Focal plane array
mercial food-grade salts: sea salt as an indicator detector-based micro-Fourier-transform infra-
of seawater MP pollution. Environ Sci Technol red imaging for the analysis of microplastics in
52(21):12819–12828 environmental samples. Environ Chem 12(5):
37. Conesa JA, Iñiguez ME (2020) Analysis of 563
microplastics in food samples. In: Rocha- 48. Araujo CF, Nolasco MM, Ribeiro AMP,
Santos T, Costa M, Mouneyrac C (eds) Hand- Ribeiro-Claro PJA (2018) Identification of
book of microplastics in the environment microplastics using Raman spectroscopy: latest
[Internet]. Springer International Publishing developments and future prospects. Water Res
[cited 2021 Mar 29], Cham, p 1–16. Availa- 142:426–440
ble from: 49. von der Esch E, Kohles AJ, Anger PM,
978-3-030-10618-8_5-1 Hoppe R, Niessner R, Elsner M et al (2020)
38. Zarfl C (2019) Promising techniques and open TUM-ParticleTyper: a detection and quantifi-
challenges for microplastic identification and cation tool for automated analysis of (micro-
quantification in environmental matrices. Anal plastic) particles and fibers. George M, editor.
Bioanal Chem 411(17):3743–3756 PLoS One 15(6):e0234766
39. Merck (2021) Sigma-Aldrich [Internet]. 50. Munno K, De Frond H, O’Donnell B, Roch-
Available from: https://www.sigmaaldrich. man CM (2020) Increasing the accessibility for
com/ characterizing microplastics: introducing new
40. Waldman WR, Rillig MC (2020) Microplastic application-based and spectral libraries of plas-
research should embrace the complexity of sec- tic particles (SLoPP and SLoPP-E). Anal Chem
ondary particles. Environ Sci Technol 54(13): 92(3):2443–2451
7751–7753 51. Picó Y, Barceló D (2020) Pyrolysis gas
41. Karlsson TM, K€arrman A, Rotander A, Hassel- chromatography-mass spectrometry in envi-
löv M (2020) Comparison between manta ronmental analysis: focus on organic matter
trawl and in situ pump filtration methods, and and microplastics. TrAC Trends Anal Chem
guidance for visual identification of microplas- 130:115964
tics in surface waters. Environ Sci Pollut Res 52. Peñalver R, Arroyo-Manzanares N, López-
27(5):5559–5571 Garcı́a I, Hernández-Córdoba M (2020) An
42. Lusher AL, Bråte ILN, Munno K, Hurley RR, overview of microplastics characterization by
Welden NA (2020) Is it or isn’t it: the impor- thermal analysis. Chemosphere 242:125170
tance of visual classification in microplastic 53. Yakovenko N, Carvalho A, ter Halle A (2020)
characterization. Appl Spectrosc 74(9): Emerging use thermo-analytical method cou-
1139–1153 pled with mass spectrometry for the quantifica-
43. Renner G, Schmidt TC, Schram J (2018) Ana- tion of micro(nano)plastics in environmental
lytical methodologies for monitoring micro samples. TrAC Trends Anal Chem 131:
(nano)plastics: which are fit for purpose? Curr 115979
Opin Environ Sci Health 1:55–61 54. Suaria G, Achtypi A, Perold V, Lee JR,
44. Gniadek M, Da˛browska A (2019) The marine Pierucci A, Bornman TG et al (2020) Micro-
nano- and microplastics characterisation by fibers in oceanic surface waters: a global char-
SEM-EDX: the potential of the method in acterization. Sci Adv 6(23):eaay8493
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55. Olsen LMB, Knutsen H, Mahat S, Wade EJ, environment with iron and zinc ions. Water
Arp HPH (2020) Facilitating microplastic Resour 37(1):65–69
quantification through the introduction of a 59. Güngör EBÖ, Bekbölet M (2010) Zinc release
cellulose dissolution step prior to oxidation: by humic and fulvic acid as influenced by pH,
proof-of-concept and demonstration using complexation and DOC sorption. Geoderma
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way. Mar Environ Res 161:105080 60. Diaz-Basantes MF, Conesa JA, Fullana A
56. Wu J, Lai M, Zhang Y, Li J, Zhou H, Jiang R (2020) Microplastics in honey, beer, milk and
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tion of density separation for the rapid recovery and quantifying small microplastics (1 mm to
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9(9):1491–1498 Technol 51(23):13641–13648
58. Dinu MI (2010) Comparison of complexing
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Chapter 4
Intentionally added substances (IAS) and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) play an important
role in food contact materials. Even though food packaging is being used to ensure the quality and safety of
food, chemicals may be transferred to food. This aspect is more critical for recycled polymers destined to
contact with food. The presence of contaminants associated with the high shear rates and temperatures
characteristics of the recycling process results in new molecules with low molar mass. These have a greater
migration potential contaminating the food and constitute a risk to consumers. Despite the importance of
NIAS and IAS, there are significant difficulties in their identification and quantification due to the confi-
dential composition of the polymers, the complexity of the chemical structure, and unequivocal confirma-
tion analytes. Therefore, this chapter addresses an overview of the challenge of NIAS and IAS
determination, as well as the most modern analytical methods for determination and quantification in
complex polymeric matrix. Moreover, the usage of analytical techniques has been shown in the context of
direct analysis of recycled polymer surface, the importance of odorous research, and samples from migration
assays (volatile and non-volatile IAS and NIAS). Therefore, techniques such as SERS, ASAP, HS-SPME-
QqQ-MS, LTQ-Orbitrap, and UPLC-IM-Q-TOF have been discussed, and examples of analysis of real
IAS and NIAS in the complex matrix have been added. Finally, the application of European legislation and
risk assessment have also been discussed.
Key words NIAS, IAS, Recycled packaging, Analytical methods, Migration, Food contamination,
Legislation, Risk assessment, Food safety
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
76 Magdalena Wrona et al.
As a result, new molecules with low molar mass and high diffusion
coefficients are formed, resulting in compounds with greater migra-
tion potential. Several studies have reported the formation
of NIAS, mainly related to poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)
[19–21], where the most relevant and well-known compounds
are formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.
Subsequently, an additional aspect when using recycled materi-
als in direct contact with food is the presence of contaminants and
degradation products that can migrate into food. Despite its rele-
vance, this is an issue that is rarely addressed in the literature
[22, 23]. In this industry, the most used recycling process is
mechanical due to its relative low-cost, large-scale, and solvent-
free features, besides being applicable to most thermoplastics.
However, the high shear rates and temperatures employed in the
recycling result in an increase in the degradation process, which
leads to chain scission, chain crosslinking, and branching forma-
tion, as well as the oxidation of polymer molecules. Additionally,
the presence of contaminants, such as lids and labels, printing inks,
pigments, foreign compounds due to misuse by consumers, and
polymer cross-contamination may accelerate the degradation reac-
tions during the recycling process. Moreover, the presence of con-
taminants from previously packaged foods associated with incorrect
disposal has caused a more critical degradation [24, 25].
The packaging sector has always had the highest consumption
in the global plastic market, with the largest amount destined for
single-use applications. Around 36.5% of the world’s plastic pro-
duction in 2019 was attributed to this sector [26]. As a conse-
quence, these products contribute significantly to environmental
pollution and waste generation. The use of recycled plastic for the
same application is one of the strategies to valorize it and close the
loop for these materials. Notwithstanding this fact, the potentially
hazardous compounds (e.g., NIAS, present in recycled packaging)
may contaminate food and pose a risk to the consumers. Therefore,
several works are being carried out to create a database, identify and
develop methodologies for precise identification of NIAS using
analytical techniques. Most studies on recycled polymers and
NIAS are focused on PET [27], low- (LDPE) and high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) [28, 29], expanded polystyrene (EPS) [30],
and polypropylene [31].
As previously described, the greatest difficulty for the imple-
mentation of the use of recycled packaging for food contact is
related to the migration of NIAS and IAS. Health authorities
have clearly defined the criteria for the use of recycled FCM [32–
35]. These recycled plastics must be submitted to a decontamina-
tion technology that is effective in reducing the level of contami-
nants to those allowed by regulatory agencies [36]. The regulations
and directives follow the recommendations of the Codex Alimen-
tarius Commission (CAC) and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
78 Magdalena Wrona et al.
2-nonylphenol 4-nonylphenol
2-(4-nonylphenoxy) ethan-1-ol
Fig. 3 Chromatograms of (a) olive oil sample with a concentration of 157.42 μg g-1 of mineral oil; (b) pure
olive oil sample with a concentration of 57.42 μg g-1 compared with the standard of alkanes C7–C40 with
a concentration at 10 μg g-1. (Reproduced from Ref. [18] with permission from Elsevier, Copyright 2013)
to determining new IAS and NIAS that are present at the ultra-
traces (ppb and sub-ppb) level. Those compounds will probably not
cause health hazards due to a very low concentration. Although it
should be highlighted that the toxicity of migrants depends not
only on the dose but also on the exposure time.
Nevertheless, qualitative and quantitative analyses of migrating
compounds from FCMs must comply with European legislation
and all its amendments [61] in order to be available on the market.
Therefore, proper characterization of recycled food packaging is
Moreover, there is a strong tendency toward applying compu-
tation in the building of chemical libraries [62] that will allow the
identification of chemical structures and named NIAS that are
currently referred to as “unknown.” Modern libraries of screening
compounds are already at the forefront of innovative chemical
fingerprint matching design supporting the needs of scientists in
their pursuit of novel molecules and NIAS identification.
2 Methods
2.1 Determination of The assurance of quality and safety in the application of recycled
IAS and NIAS polymers for food contact involves performing complex analyses
utilizing a wide range of analytical methods. Only a broad spectrum
of studies will give enough information on the plastic risk of con-
taining toxic chemicals dangerous to human health. Both qualita-
tive and quantitative research is crucial in the study of IAS and
NIAS. The selection of the appropriate techniques depends on
the type of sample being analyzed, whether it is a direct analysis of
the polymer or a migration study to ensure polymer safety.
82 Magdalena Wrona et al.
2.2 Direct Analysis of Regarding the ASAP, the sample is taken with a glass rod
Polymer Surface (immersed, rubbed) and then is entered into the ionization cham-
ber, where it is evaporated and ionized under atmospheric pressure.
The produced ions are analyzed by the MS detector. The advantage
of ASAP analysis is that the analyte concentration in the sample
analyzed directly is much higher than, for example, in samples after
migration assays. This allows better identification of IAS and NIAS.
It is a screening technique that directs the researcher to the appro-
priate choice for further analysis [63]. Still, ASAP has no necessity
for treatment and manipulation of the sample and there is a lack of a
precleaning step. Those additional tasks are very often time-
consuming, expensive, and environmentally unfriendly due to the
usage of a high number of solvents. It should be highlighted that
there is no separation of the analytes on the chromatographic
IAS and NIAS in Recycled Packaging 83
2.3 Migration Assays Although food packaging is designed to contain food products and
protect them from the environment during transport and storage,
it can also be a very significant chemical contamination source
[73]. Therefore, mass transfer between the packaging material
and packaged food under certain conditions is called migration.
This process is essential from an analytical point of view because
migration assays based on different types of simulants determine
the analytical methods applied in the analysis of migrants [15, 12,
46, 74].
IAS and NIAS in Recycled Packaging 85
Raman Intensity (cps)
609 449
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
Raman Shift (cm-1)
Fig. 4 Raman spectrum of oxo-biodegradable polyethylene for food packaging applications with marked shifts
corresponding to titanium dioxide
Fig. 5 Raman (a) 2-D map and (b) 3-D representation (collected at 609 cm-1) of an oxo-biodegradable
polyethylene sample for food packaging applications
2.4 Analysis of When migrants are determined in food simulants, both volatile and
Volatile Compounds non-volatile compounds need to be analyzed. The group of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) includes organic compounds with
boiling points less than or equal to 250 °C at a pressure of
101.3 kPa [86].
The method most frequently used to determine NIAS as VOCs
in recycled polymer migration research is gas chromatography. It
enables the separation of a mixture of compounds and, in combi-
nation with an appropriate detection system, gives information
about the type and concentration of determined compounds after
the calibration that precedes it. The essence of the chromatographic
separation is the multiple division of the mixture components
between two immiscible phases: the stationary phase and the
mobile phase, the latter being a gas called a carrier gas. Together
Table 1
Summary of analytical techniques and sample pretreatment procedures for food simulants that are in EU 10/2011
with the carrier gas, the analyzed substances move in the chro-
matographic column; those with higher affinity for the stationary
phase move more slowly along the column and later reach the
detector [87, 88].
Liquid simulants such as 95% ethanol is commonly analyzed by
GC-MS. This method analyzes small molecules after electron-
impact ionization (EI) to obtain mass spectra. Subsequent compo-
nent identification is made by comparing the obtained spectrum,
characteristic for each NIAS, with spectra in volatile compound
libraries (e.g., NIST). The coefficient determining the agreement
between the analyzed NIAS with recycled polymers for food appli-
cations and the standard is the match percentage. The greater the
match percentage, the greater the agreement between the spectra.
Confirmation (100%) of the qualitative analysis can be done by
injecting pure standards of NIAS [66].
EI is a type of hard ionization using high energy and completely
breaks down the molecules. Therefore, if the molecular ion charac-
teristic of NIAS cannot be identified, it is recommended to try to
analyze it with a complementary analytical method based on chem-
ical ionization (CI) or atmospheric pressure ionization (APGC)
using quadrupole and time-of-flight coupled to high-resolution
MS. This technique allows direct analysis of all liquid simulants
(Table 1). An example of such research can determine volatile
NIAS from a starch-based polymer with a new formula for food
packaging applications [89].
For the analysis of food simulants with high water content,
SPME-GC-MS can be used. It is a high-speed technique that does
not require the use of a solvent and therefore allows the analysis of
volatile NIAS in aqueous solutions. Solid-phase microextraction
(SPME) is based on adsorption of analytes in a hot fiber coated
with different polymers or sorbents and their thermal desorption in
Fig. 6 Representative total ion chromatograms (TIC) of (a) virgin and (b) recycled EPS containers with
determined NIAS compounds. (Reproduced from Ref. [30] with permission from Elsevier, Copyright 2019)
IAS and NIAS in Recycled Packaging 89
2.5 Analysis of Non- Hyphenated techniques use the resolution capability of the analyti-
volatile Compounds cal method and the capability of MS to identify the separated
components. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrome-
try (LC-MS) is such an analytical technique. The most important
advantage of this technique is the ability to determine polar and
macromolecular compounds; therefore, it is widely used in NIAS
analysis. Unlike gas chromatography, liquid chromatography allows
the analysis of non-volatile compounds.
As a result of the soft ionization of the analytes, a molecular ion
is obtained. For liquid chromatography, there is no standard spec-
tral library as the acquisition of samples can be performed using
different experimental conditions (different energies of ionization).
UPLC-Q-TOF-MSE is the sensitive, fast, and effective tech-
nique used successfully for IAS and NIAS identification. Qualitative
analysis is based on the simultaneous application of low and high
collision energy for spectral acquisition. This mode provides accu-
rate precursor and fragment ion mass information simultaneously.
Therefore, this is a possible identification and pattern recognition
of compounds such as aromatic amines [40], oligomers from
starch-based polymer [89], and migrants from adhesives for food
packaging applications [91]. Additionally, target analysis in single
ion recording (SIR) mode, using even more sensitive equipment
90 Magdalena Wrona et al.
3 Risk Assessment
Fig. 7 Decision tree from Toxtree software for NIAS bisphenol A diglycidyl ether
where EDI is the estimated daily intake (maximum daily intake for
each substance per person, considered 1 kg person-1 d-1 in Eur-
ope); CF = consumption factor [94].
In the case of BADGE, the endocrine-disrupting NIAS that has
been assigned by Toxtree to Cramer class III EDI would be
0.09 mg kg-1. This is because the maximum daily intake for each
substance per person in Europe is considered 1 kg person-1 d-1,
and the consumption factor is not applied in Europe. CF is fraction
of the daily diet for a specific material that is part of the food contact
materials. It is used for the analysis of recycled polymers in the USA.
Therefore, obtained values of migrating BADGE concentration
from recycled food packaging cannot exceed the calculated EDI
4 Final Considerations
The authors want to thank the PACMI group (Program for the
Quality Assurance of Individualized Medications) of the Pharmacy
area of the San Jorge University. Also, the authors wish to thank the
Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund for financial
support (T53-20R) to the GUIA group. Also, the authors would
like to acknowledge FAPESP 2016/25703-2.
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Chapter 5
Poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are commonly used additives in food packaging materials
that impart water and grease resistance. However, this class of compounds is coming under increased
scrutiny due to human health and environmental concerns. As a result, regulatory agencies are developing
limits on PFAS in food packaging. The development and enforcement of such limits highlights the need for
robust PFAS detection methods. Unfortunately, targeted methods that detect specific PFAS compounds
can measure only a small subset of PFAS. Thus, total fluorine methods are preferred for food packaging
applications. Commercially available total fluorine methods include combustion followed by ion chroma-
tography or fluoride ion-selective electrodes. Surface measurement techniques are also under development,
which may be particularly useful for nondestructive, rapid screening of food packaging materials. This
chapter provides a discussion of the various methods available, and under development, for quantifying
PFAS in food packaging materials. Alternative strategies to impart water and grease resistance to food
packaging are also discussed.
Key words PFAS, Perfluorinated compounds, Total fluorine, Detection methods, Food packaging,
PFAS alternatives
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
100 Rachel C. Scholes et al.
2 Methods
Fig. 1 Classification of poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) detection methods
core cladding coating
18800 1.0
18775 resultant
0.8 reflection
Normalized Intensity
refractive index (n), thickness (L)
18700 broadband circulator
0.05 ppb
0.4 light source
18675 0.1 ppb
0.15 ppb
18650 0.19 ppb
0.2 0.23 ppb
18625 y= 177.87x+ 18669
0.26 ppb fibre
R² = 0.9388 0.3 ppb computer 22°c
18600 0.0 PFOA
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1530 15451560 15751590 optical spectrum solution incubator
[PFAS]/ppb Wavelenght/nm analyzer
Fig. 2 Portable poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) sensor device. (Reproduced from Ref. [50]
with permission from Elsevier)
2.2 Selection and Overall, each of the methods discussed above has unique advan-
Implementation tages for different applications. Table 1 indicates the analytes
detected, sensitivity, and sample preparation requirements of the
relatively established methods. Targeted methods are useful for
identifying the presence of specific PFAS compounds and quantify-
ing concentrations at low levels. In contrast, total fluorine methods
such as CIC, C-ISE, and PIGE can provide sensitive detection of
fluorine with low sample preparation requirements, but do not
provide information on the specific fluorinated compounds
In a regulatory context where PFAS are treated as a chemical
class, the use of nontargeted methods is likely acceptable for food
packaging products at the screening stage. For instance, total fluo-
rine methods can be used for product screening, and can be fol-
lowed by requests for material data sheets, additive lists, and
information about manufacturing processing aids when fluorine is
detected [46]. The use of total fluorine methods could also be
PFAS in Food Packaging 107
Table 1
Method characteristics
Table 2
Commercial labs for PFAS in food packaging products
3.1 Materials • Furnace with water supply (e.g., Auto Quick Furnace AQF-100,
Dia Instruments Co. Ltd.)
• High purity Ar, O2.
• Ion chromatograph (e.g., ICS-3000, Dionex Co. Ltd. with
conductivity detector).
108 Rachel C. Scholes et al.
3.2 Setup The ion chromatography (IC) system must be set up specifically to
run total fluorine samples because sources of fluorine contamina-
tion exist within typical IC systems. Sources of contamination must
be removed or replaced, including substituting certain components
in the flow path of the IC (i.e., polytetrafluoroethylene-containing
tubing, gaskets, gas lines, valves, regulator) with non-fluorinated
materials (e.g., stainless steel, polyetheretherketone, polyethylene
tubing). A gas purifier with activated carbon should be used to
remove trace fluorine from gases. After modification, background
levels of fluorine <1 ng-F can be achieved [42]. For additional
details on minimizing background contamination, see [55].
4 Alternatives to PFAS
4.1 External Sizing Laminated films have been widely used to provide paper and paper-
Agents (Laminated board with oil and water barriers suitable for food packaging. A
Films, Coatings) disadvantage of laminated films is that they increase material and
PFAS in Food Packaging 109
4.2 Internal Sizing Internal sizing agents are advantageous in their ability to provide
Agents water and oil resistance throughout the packaging, as opposed to
just the coated surface. These additives provide aesthetic advan-
tages by enabling a more natural look to the paper. Internal sizing
agents can also be directly substituted for PFAS in the
manufacturing process and are therefore a simpler solution than
laminated films or external sizing agents, which may introduce
additional steps to production. Alkyl succinic anhydride, styrene
acrylic emulsion, alkyl ketene dimer, and rosin function as liquid
water barriers but may not impart similar enhancements to water
vapor permeability [68]. The micro- and nanostructures of nano-
materials may also provide grease and water barriers, obviating the
use of hazardous, persistent PFAS. Nanocellulose incorporated
during the wet end of paper manufacture was shown to afford an
excellent grease barrier [69].
5 Conclusions
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114 Rachel C. Scholes et al.
Packaging plays an important role in the maintenance of the quality and safety of food products. It is also
the link between the industry and the consumer, through which information is provided concerning
nutritional composition, shelf-life, and storage conditions, in addition to playing the role of product
advertising. Despite all these important functions of food packaging, it can pose a risk to consumers’ health
due to the possible migration of building blocks, additives, degradation products, and contaminants to the
packaged food. In this regard, migration assays are designed to assess the safety of food packaging materials.
This chapter provides a guideline of these assays, as well as some case studies on this topic and an insight on
the safety of food contact materials and additives.
Key words Diffusion, Food simulants, Nanoparticles, Nanoforms, Analytical techniques, Migration,
Food contact materials
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
116 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
Food or Food or
Packaging Packaging Packaging
Food simulant Food simulant
material material 1 material 2
Fig. 1 Migration process of contaminants, additives, nanostructures, and building blocks from food packaging
material. Arrows indicate the direction of diffusion due to the concentration gradient. Color objects represent
the migrants/contaminants, which can be additives, building blocks, or nanostructures. Food simulant to be
assigned according to the regulation applied. Scheme can be used for both single- and multilayer packaging
118 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
should be done directly in the food (in situ assay), after contact with
the packaging. However, this procedure can be difficult due to the
complexity of food matrices that pose analytical difficulties
[6, 22]. Different approaches ranging from estimation based on
the assumption of total transfer to measurements in real food may
be proposed [4]. In vitro methods have been standardized by
regulatory agencies in rules/protocols such as the Regulation
(EC) no. 10/2011 from European Union [19], which establishes
the authorized food simulants and the assay conditions (time and
temperature) to be followed—see Note 3.
The conditions of the migration tests are also defined in Regu-
lation (EU) no. 10/2011 and its amendments [19] and take into
consideration the contact time and temperature in the worst fore-
seeable use of the material (see Note 4).
In the case of paper and cardboard, one of the main concerns is
regarding the possible migration of mineral oil hydrocarbons
(MOH). MOH are mixtures of nonidentified substances that may
have carcinogenic potential and can migrate from this class of
packaging material [23]. For this purpose, Tenax® (commercial
name for Simulant E), a porous polymer absorbent, is used as a
food simulant for examining the migration of volatile and semi-
volatile substances from paper and cardboard into dry, nonfatty
foods [19, 23].
The safety of food products contained in metal packaging is
generally assessed by in situ studies, which means that the quantifi-
cation/identification of the migrants is done directly in the food
after the contact time. Studies on long-term migration from metal
packaging, corresponding to long storage times characteristic of
the normal shelf-life of the packaged food have been reported,
aiming at the search for bisphenol (present in the varnishes) and
metal ions [24, 25].
When the test is done using food instead of food simulants, an
extra step is required to extract/separate the migrant compounds
from the food matrix, enabling its ideal characterization
[25, 26]. The same is needed for some simulants, such as vegetable
The path to a specific migration assay is summarized in the
scheme illustrated in Fig. 2.
Once the goal of this test is the identification and quantification
of the compounds diffused from the FCM toward the food, the
application of analytical techniques with low detection limits is
mandatory, and the choice of the technique and protocols to be
followed will depend on the type of the compound searched, as
summarized in Fig. 3 (see Notes 5–7).
Some studies based on the migration of contaminants are
described in the following section.
120 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
Characterization of the
Step 4 Characterization of the
migrants Step 4
* In accordance to the legal procedures implemented for each country or group of countries
Fig. 2 Scheme of the steps/protocols to be followed in a migration assay of contaminants, building blocks,
nanostructures, and additives from food contact material
2.1 Migration of Contaminants are substances that have not been intentionally
Contaminants, added to the food, originating from different sources, which
Building Blocks, and includes the packaging material. However, they can be intentionally
Additives added substances (IAS) to food packaging, such as building blocks
and additives or non-intentionally added substances (NIAS), such
as those obtained from degradation or collateral reactions or impu-
rities. Readers can refer to Chap. 4 for further information on
(N)IAS in food packaging. The transfer of these contaminants
from the packaging into the food can occur at levels that can pose
human health in danger, besides the negative impact on the quality
of food [27]. Therefore, to minimize contaminants in foodstuffs
and protect the population, European Union legislation establishes
maximum limits for certain contaminants in food that are safe for
consumption as well as a list of substances authorized to be used in
the manufacture of FCM (positive list) [5, 19, 28].
With this regard, a variety of foods needs to be inspected and
measured for the presence of contaminants to ensure that the food
placed on the market is safe for the consumer. Examples of poten-
tially migrating substances are: monomers, oligomers, alkanes,
phthalates and other plasticizers, processing aids, photoinitiators
Migration from Food Packaging Materials 121
Fig. 3 Analytical techniques used in the characterization of migrants: gas chromatography (GC), mass spectros-
copy (MS), flame ionization detection (FID), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Table 1
150 °C and 250 °C during 15 min. water (solvent A) and ACN (solvent type and the physicochemical
Foodstuffs: Rice, cereals, and milk B) containing 0.1% HCOOH and parameters of the migrants.
powder. Migration tests were 5 mM NH4OAc in the positive and Whereas the temperatures showed
performed after contact for negative modes, respectively. The minor effects on migration, in the
6 months at room temperature LC gradient method was applied as case of liquid simulants. However,
follows: 0–4 min, 85–70% A; compounds from a baking paper to
4–8 min, 70–50% (hold 12 min); Tenax, at 150 and 250 °C,
20–30 min, 50–10% A. After 5 min evidenced an increment of
at 5% A, the gradient returned to migration when increasing
initial conditions for 5 min, with a temperature, except for the most
flow rate set to 0.3 mL min-1 at a volatile analytes. The
column temperature of 35 °C photoinitiators Michler’s ketone,
4,4′ -bis
(diethylamino)benzophenone and
did not migrate to any of the food
sample tested. Whereas the
migrations of the photoinitiators:
Benzophenone, 2,2′ - dimethoxy-
4-phenylbenzophenone, and
into milk powder were found over
their specific migration limit values
Recycled paper Food simulant: Tenax and Sorb-Star. HPLC-GC-FID. Phenomenex As a replacement for the migration of [23]
Migration experiments were Normal phase column mineral oil hydrocarbons from
performed: 20 °C, 40 °C, and 60 ° (250 mm × 2 mm ID). RESTEK recycled food packaging into food
C for 1–12 d. A longer migration pre-columns (10 m × 0:53 mm ID) products, 16 single substances
time (14 days at 20 °C and 40 °C) and RESTEK separation columns (n-alkanes and 15 aromatic
and short-time (1 and 22 h at 20 ° (15 m × 0.25 mm ID × 0.25 μm). compounds) were used like model
C) were also used Two parallel FIDs. Injection substances
volume: 50 μL Migration was a function of
temperature, time, contact type,
molecular weight, and polarity of
the substances. Alkylated aromatics
represent mineral oil aromatic
hydrocarbons more realistically.
Migration values of the touching
contact experiments were slightly
higher than those of the gas-phase
transfer for sorb-star simulant
Paperboard Food simulant: Modified GC-FID. VF-1 MS column Eight representing classes of [57]
polyphenylene oxide (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm) with a component chemicals are known to
Food: Pasta, ground pasta, egg 2 m deactivated fused silica migrate from paperboard (1,3,5-
pasta, biscuit, butter waffle, wheat precolumn. Carrier gas: Trit-butylbenzene, 2,6-diisopropyl
semolina, rice semolina, dark Helium. Flow: 0.713 ml min-1. naphthalene, t-butyl anthracene,
chocolate, and milk chocolate. Injection mode: Split/split less n-hexadecane, n-heptadecane,
Migration experiments were inlet set at 250 °C and 1/40 split n-octadecane, n-eicosane, Di-n-
performed at 22 °C, 60–70% RH, ratio. Oven ramp: 150 °C hold for propyl phthalate). Volatility was
2, 4, 10, and 16 weeks of storage 1 min, ramp to 200 °C at 10 ° identified as the most important
C min-1 and hold for 1 min. characteristic of these migrants. Fat
Finally, ramp to 320 °C at 10 ° content and the conformation of
C min-1 and hold for 14 min starch had an influence on
migration. The highest migration
occurred in the case of paperboard
in contact with fatty foods (biscuits
and chocolate) followed by starchy
Migration from Food Packaging Materials
to wheat pasta
Table 1
polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA), ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) coupled to a Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Focus quadrupole-Orbitrap mass
spectrometer (UHPLC-qOrbitrap), food contact material (FCM), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES), bisphenol A (BPA), bisphenol A
diglycidyl ether (BADGE•2H2O), Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), adipic acid (AA),
diethylene glycol (DEG), isophthalic acid (IPA), atomic absorption spectrometer with graphite furnace (GF-AAS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS),
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)
128 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
2.2 Migration of The current experimental data shows that the research about the
Nanoparticles migration of ENMs is at young stages, especially for food
packaging [43].
Once the food is a complex matrix, the characterization and
detection of nanoparticles after their migration from the FCM are a
complex task and require several procedures or combined detection
methodologies, which limits the fundamental knowledge on
how/if the ENM interacts with the food components, changing
their properties. Thus the difficulty to predict whether the nano-
particles would pose a risk to the consumers when used in the
reinforcement of FCM [6, 44].
These studies should consider the potential effect of nanopar-
ticles’ migration from FCM to the packaged food. Therefore, this
can minimize the application of these nanocomposites as an alter-
native to conventional packaging materials without exploiting their
possible harmful effects on the consumers [6, 43].
The studies are not conclusive, reporting different patterns, for
example, Simon, Chaudhry, and Bakos [45] evaluated the migra-
tion of engineered nanoparticles from different polymer proposing
to address polymers like highly viscous liquids and to derive diffu-
sion coefficients by the Stokes–Einstein equation from viscosity and
particle radius, and they concluded that the reduction in particle
size and polymer dynamic viscosity leads to an increment in the
migration rate [22, 45, 46]. On the other hand, the research group
headed by Bott et al. [16] reported that when the nanoparticles are
immobilized in the polymer chains the migration does not occur, as
observed in low-density PE (LDPE) and polypropylene
(PS) reinforced with carbon nanotubes, which did not diffuse
toward the food simulant tested. They highlighted that the diffu-
sion will always be smaller than the detection limit of any current
sensitive method. This conclusion can be generalized to other FCM
in which black carbon nanotubes are completely embedded [16].
In addition to the complexity of this topic, another factor that
may also influence the migration of nanoparticles, for example, the
diffusion process of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), known for their
antimicrobial properties [43, 47], is favorable in an acid environ-
ment (lower pH) [43, 47] and high temperature and time of
storage results [47]. Ultimately, the diffusion process also depends
on the type of polymer/nanoparticle and incorporation process
used, for example, in commercial LDPE packaging incorporated
with AgNPs in different formats presented distinct migration pro-
files [16, 43].
The research increasingly needs studies exclusively to under-
stand the migration behavior of nanocomposites when in contact
with foodstuffs. Moreover, it is also important to understand how
Migration from Food Packaging Materials 131
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136 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
Colorimetric assays with tetrazolium salts allow rapid evaluation of cytotoxicity endpoints. These assays are
based on the ability of viable cells to convert tetrazolium salts into formazan products through the succinate
dehydrogenase system in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In the presence of NADH/NADPH, these
salts are reduced to formazan products characterized by an intense and distinct color that depends on the
original tetrazolium salt used as the substrate for the reaction. Only viable cells, which contain intact plasma
and mitochondrial membranes, will have active dehydrogenase. Agents that break the membranes and
interfere with the respiratory chain will deactivate the enzyme and consequently the formation of formazan
products. Thus, the amount of formazan product can be correlated with the number of viable cells after
exposure to the tested substance. In this chapter, the most common colorimetric cell viability assays with
tetrazolium salts are present to assess the cytotoxicity of food packaging.
Key words Colorimetric assay, XTT, MTS, MTT, WST, Formazan, Respiratory chain, Dehydro-
genase system
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
138 Arthur B. Ribeiro et al.
Fig. 1 Schematic model of cellular reduction of (a) cationic salts (MTT) and (b) anionic salts (XTT) in viable cells
Fig. 2 Schematic model of anionic tetrazolium salts cleavage: (a) MST and (b) WST-1—to formazan. (ECR
electron coupling reagent)
2 Materials
2.3 Assay Kits Commercial kits of tetrazolium salt colorimetric assays (MTT,
XTT, MTS, and WST-1) are available from several companies (see
Notes 1 to 3).
3 Methods
CHO, V79, CHL/IU, and L5178Y cells or human cell lines such
as TK6 can be used, according to the recommendations for in vitro
toxicity tests [20]. For materials that are inherently cytotoxic,
further testing using various dilutions of the tested solution may
be necessary to determine the level at which cytotoxicity no longer
3.4 Cell Viability A. Subtract the culture medium background (blank group—See
Calculation Note 12) from all samples reading, as described in the formula:
Fig. 3 The fictitious graph represents the cell viability profile of X-cells treated
with different concentrations of different food packaging extracts (FPE)
(10–320 μg mL-1) in 24 h of incubation
R:Abs Sample
Cell viability ð%Þ = × 100
R:Abs Negative Control
C. Plot the cell viability percentages against the tested food pack-
aging extract (FPE) concentration. The 50% inhibiting con-
centration (IC50) can be determined graphically, as in the
example below (Fig. 3):
4 Notes
1. All available tetrazolium salt kits are only for research; not for
human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use.
2. The reagents have good stability when stored at -15 to -25 °
C, protected from light, until the expiration date printed on the
3. Before use, it is necessary to review the complete Safety Data
Sheet, which is available directly on the website of the manu-
facturer or upon request.
4. To obtain reliable results, thaw the working solutions immedi-
ately before use.
5. The kits described in this topic were used to exemplify the
procedures to be performed, however, without the intention
of recommending.
146 Arthur B. Ribeiro et al.
Fig. 4 Schematic model of the 96-well plate representing the cell viability profile of X cells exposed to different
tetrazolium salts
A.B. Ribeiro was the recipient of a M.Sc. fellowship from the São
Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Brazil; grant # 2018/
25770-7). D.C. Tavares is grateful to the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil) for the
fellowship granted. H.S. Barud thanks CNPq (grant # 407822/
2018-6; INCT-INFO), FAPESP (grants # 2018/25512-8 and
2013/07793-6), and TA Instruments Brazil.
To ensure the safe use of packaging materials and food contact materials, genotoxicity assessment is one of
the requirements of regulatory agencies around the globe. Thus, it is essential to carry out preliminary tests
to clarify this possible mechanism. The Salmonella/mammalian-microsome mutagenicity test, widely
known as the Ames test, is a rapid, relatively simple procedure for testing chemicals for mutagenicity as
well as for offering provision for the metabolism of otherwise nonmutagenic chemicals to their potentially
DNA-reactive forms. However, a single test is not sufficient to detect all relevant genotoxic mechanisms in
tumorigenesis. Thus, in order to complement the results in the Ames test and to contribute to the
elucidation of the effects, ensuring their use or not, mutagenicity at the chromosomal level must also be
evaluated. In the micronucleus (MN) assay, chromosomal damages induced by chemical products are
evaluated. The MN is expressed in dividing cultured cells because fragments from damaged chromosomes
or whole chromosomes that lag during anaphase become enveloped by nuclear membrane, independently
from the main nucleus during telophase, prior to cell division. Together, these tests detect the most relevant
events for the multistep process of malignancy, that is, gene mutations, clastogenicity, and aneugenicity.
Detailed descriptions of the protocols used for detection of point mutations and chromosomal damage
induced by food packaging in vitro are given in this chapter.
Key words Micronucleus test, Ames test, Salmonella/microsome assay, Genetic toxicology
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
150 Flávia A. Resende et al.
have been used for MN testing, but have not been extensively
validated to date. Therefore, the choice of these cells should be
justified [16]. The MN test can still be performed in vivo using
hematopoietic rodent cells [17].
The OECD 487 Test Guideline [16] allows the use of proto-
cols with and without cytochalasin B (cytoB). CytoB inhibits actin
polymerization and blocks cytokinesis, and cells that have com-
pleted one cell cycle after treatment can be distinguished from
undivided cells by their binucleate appearance. The advantage of
using cytoB is that it allows the clear identification that treated and
control cells have divided in vitro, and also provides a simple
assessment of cell proliferation, allowing for the identification and
analysis of MN only in cells that have completed one mitosis. The
use of protocols without cytokinesis block can be accomplished,
provided there is evidence that the cell population analyzed has
undergone mitosis.
Thus, the bacterial reverse gene mutation test and the in vitro
MN assay detect two main genetic endpoints, that is, gene and
chromosome mutations, respectively. Therefore, these tests are
currently considered equally appropriate in a standard genetic toxi-
cology battery for predicting potential human risks [18].
2 Materials
3 Methods
Water and culture medium are the most commonly used solvents.
In case of water, it is advised not to exceed a maximum concentra-
tion of 10 vol% because of molarity changes on the medium and
dilution of nutrients.
If other than well-established solvents/vehicles are used, their
inclusion should be supported by data indicating their compatibil-
ity with the test system and their ability to maximize extraction of
the substances present in the food packaging materials. They must
not interfere with cell proliferation, metabolic activation, and must
not induce DNA changes.
The International Standard ISO 10993-12 [19] suggests that
the extraction of substances from films (thickness <0.5 mm) should
be carried out at 37 ± 1 °C for 72 ± 2 h. Other conditions for
extraction also are described, but care should be taken that this does
not alter the chemical characteristics of food packaging. The surface
area of the films must be of 6 cm2 to the volume of 1 mL of
extraction vehicle. When surface area cannot be determined, a
mass/volume of extracting fluid shall be used [19].
Fresh preparations should be employed unless stability data
demonstrate the acceptability of storage.
Food packaging extract is added directly to the test systems
and/or diluted prior to treatment if it interferes with bacterial or
cellular growth and survival.
3.1 Salmonella/ According to the OECD Guidelines [20], at least five strains of
Microsome Assay bacteria should be used. The recommended combination of strains
(Salmonella Test; is TA1535; TA1537, TA97a or TA97; TA98; TA100; and TA102
Ames Test) of S. Typhimurium, E. coli WP2 uvrA, or E. coli WP2 uvrA
Genotoxicity of Food Packaging 155
Experimental Procedure
The procedure described here pertains to the preincubation
1. To the sterile glass tubes maintained at room temperature, add
the following components in this order, with mild mixing after
each addition:
• 0.5 mL of metabolic activation (S9) mix or sodium phos-
phate buffer.
• Different volumes of the food packaging extract. Include
untreated, solvent/vehicle and strain-specific positive con-
trols, both with and without metabolic activation, in each
assay (see Notes 1 and 4).
• 0.1 mL overnight culture of the bacterial strain.
2. Incubate the mixture at 37 °C for 20 min.
3. To each tube, add 2 mL of molten top agar supplemented with
histidine/biotin maintained at 43–48 °C. The content of the
test tubes is then mixed and poured onto the surface of GM
agar plates (see Note 5).
4. When the top agar has solidified (2–3 min), the plates are
inverted and incubated at 37 °C for 48 h.
5. The colonies are then counted, and the results are expressed as
the number of revertant colonies per plate. If colonies cannot
be counted immediately after the 48 h incubation, the plates
can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 2 days. All plates must
be removed from the incubator and counted at the same time
(Fig. 1).
Preliminary experiments are useful to determine toxicity and
insolubility of the food packaging samples. Cytotoxicity may be
detected in the final population on the GM agar plate after the
48-h incubation by a thinning of the background lawn, which may
be accompanied by a decrease in the number of revertant colonies,
The frequencies of cells with MN (with one, two, and more than
two MN) are recorded. A total of 6000 binucleated cells are scored
per treatment, corresponding to 2000 cells per treatment per repe-
tition. Attention should be given to ensure that MN are scored only
Genotoxicity of Food Packaging 161
4 Notes
1. Bolognesi C, Castoldi AF, Crebelli R, 10. Tejs S (2008) The Ames test: a methodological
Barthélémy E, Maurici D, Wölfle D, Volk K, short review. Environ Biotechnol 4:7–14
Laurence Castle L (2017) Genotoxicity testing 11. Mortelmans K, Zeiger E (2000) The Ames
approaches for the safety assessment of sub- Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay.
stances used in food contact materials prior to Mutat Res 455:29–60.
their authorization in the European Union. 1016/s0027-5107(00)00064-6
Environ Mol Mutagen 58:361–374. https:// 12. Zeiger E (2001) Mutagens that are not carci- nogens: faulty theory or fault tests? Mutat Res
2. Rainer B, Mayrhofer E, Redl M, Dolak I, 492:29–38
Mislivececk D, Czerny T, Kirchnawy C, 13. Maron DM, Ames BN (1983) Revised meth-
Marin-Kuan M, Schilter B, Tacker M (2019) ods for the Salmonella mutagenicity test.
Mutagenicity assessment of food contact mate- Mutat Res 113:173–215.
rial migrates with the Ames MPF assay. Food 1016/0165-1161(83)90010-9
Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control
Expo Risk Assess 36:1419–1432. https://doi. 14. Doherty AT (2012) The in vitro micronucleus
org/10.1080/19440049.2019.1634841 assay. Methods Mol Biol 817:121–141.
3. Groh KJ, Muncke J (2017) In vitro toxicity 421-6_7
testing of food contact materials: state-of-the-
art and future challenges. Compr Rev Food Sci 15. Fenech M (2006) Cytokinesis-block micronu-
Food Saf 16:1123–1150. cleus assay evolves into a “cytome” assay of
1111/1541-4337.12280 chromosomal instability, mitotic dysfunction
and cell death. Mutat Res 600:58–66.
4. Cartus A, Schrenk D (2017) Current methods
in risk assessment of genotoxic chemicals. Food 05.028
Chem Toxicol 106:574–582.
10.1016/j.fct.2016.09.012 16. OECD (2016) Test no. 487: in vitro mamma-
lian cell micronucleus test, OECD guidelines
5. Karmaus AL, Osborn R, Krishan M (2018) for the testing of chemicals, section 4. OECD
Scientific advances and challenges in safety Publishing, Paris.
evaluation of food packaging materials: work- 9789264264861-en
shop proceedings. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol
98:80–87. 17. Fenech M (2007) Cytokinesis-blocked micro-
2018.07.017 nucleus cytome assay. Nat Protoc 2:1084–
6. Pinter E, Rainer B, Czerny T, Riegel E, 2007.77
Schilter B, Marin-Kuan M, Tacker M (2020)
Evaluation of the suitability of mammalian 18. EFSA Scientific Committee (2011) Scientific
in vitro assays to assess the genotoxic potential opinion on genotoxicity testing strategies
of food contact materials. Foods 9:237. applicable to food and feed safety assessment. EFSA J 9(9):2379. [69 pp.].
7. Zeiger E (2019) The test that changed the
world: the Ames test and the regulation of 19. ISO 10993-12:2020, Biological evaluation of
chemicals. Mutat Res 841:43–48. https://doi. medical devices – Part 12: Sample preparation
org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2019.05.007 and reference materials
8. Ames BN, Lee FD, Durston WE (1973) An 20. OECD (2020) Test no. 471: bacterial reverse
improved bacterial test system for the detection mutation test, OECD guidelines for the testing
and classification of mutagens and carcinogens. of chemicals, section 4. OECD Publishing,
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 70:782–786. Paris. 21. Hamel A, Roy M, Proudlock R (2016)
9. Ames BN, Durston WE, Yamasaki E, Lee FD Chapter 4 – The bacterial reverse mutation
(1973) Carcinogens are mutagens: a simple test. In: Genetic toxicology testing: a labora-
test system combining liver homogenates for tory manual. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 79–138.
activation and bacteria for detection. Proc Natl https://d /B97 8-0-12-
Acad Sci U S A 70:2281–2285. https://doi. 800764-8.00004-5
Part II
Packaging is an important part of food products, preserving their main components and attracting
consumer’s interest. However, when damage or flaws are present, food stability can be compromised.
Several factors related to the design (composition and function), processing, and production of food
packaging materials may result in defects that, although unavoidable, must be traceable and monitored.
Few protocols have been proposed to effectively identify defects, most of which destructively or invasively,
preventing the in situ characterization of the internal microstructure. We herein propose a general, simple
protocol to detect and quantify defects, and analyze engineered microstructures in food packaging by X-ray
microtomography. The technique requirements, such as sample characteristics and preparation, equipment
setup, data acquisition and processing, as well as image segmentation, are elucidated by showcasing two
common food packaging materials: paper/plastic/metal multilayers (Tetra Pak®) and polyethylene. X-ray is
comprehensively depicted as an easy, helpful, noninvasive, and nondestructive method to improve the
quality control of food packaging materials.
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
168 Marcos V. Lorevice et al.
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the basic principles of the Micro-CT technique and data processing: (a)
Lambert–Beer’s law, X-ray source and opposite detector to collect the signal; (b) Images projections from Z-
axis 360° rotation; (c) Sinograms; (d) Two-dimensional slice; (e) High-quality reconstructed images of Tetra
Pak® packaging and segmentation of packaging composition: paperboard, polyethylene (PE), and aluminum
(Al) layers; and (f) Tomographic resolution
2 Materials
3 Methods
The Micro-CT protocol proposed here relies upon the real analysis
of extruded PE composite, but one may extend it to other samples.
The Micro-CT protocol was performed according to the following
172 Marcos V. Lorevice et al.
Table 1
Detailed information on the Micro-CT parameters for Tetra Pak® and
extruded polyethylene (PE) composite analyses
Fig. 2 (a) X-ray projection and attenuation histogram; (b) Reconstruction tomographic imaging; workflow with
the data correction: (c) alignment; (d) noise, and (e) ring. (f) Corrected image for the PE composite packaging
Fig. 3 The Micro-CT analyzer software functional tools to segmentate a tomographic image. (a) Region of
interest (ROI) selection (left) from the PE composite packaging reconstructed image to obtain a volume of
interest (VOI) rendering (right). (b) Thresholding segmentation of PE composite in pores/defects (green),
polymeric matrix (orange), and agglomerations (dark blue). (c) X-ray histogram partitioning the analyzed
object image by grayscale intensity. (d) Quantitative morphometric data extracted from thresholding segmen-
tation (from lower to higher attenuation) of a VOI: pores/defects, polymeric matrix and agglomerations content
(%) variation in relation to the number of 2D slices
176 Marcos V. Lorevice et al.
Fig. 4 The orthoslices of polyethylene (PE) composite and the linear X-ray attenuation (green line) varying
according to PE composite phases obtained and processed in the DataViewer® software
Fig. 5 Polyethylene (PE) composite packaging VOI edited in the CTvox® software by different functional tools:
(a) rotation, (b) segmentation, (c) coloration, and (d) cutting
X-Ray Microtomography of Food Packaging 177
4 Conclusion
5 Notes
The protocol described here was developed for the Bruker system
available to users as an open facility at The Brazilian Nanotechnol-
ogy National Laboratory (LNNano)/Brazilian Center of Research
in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). It can be, however, extended
to other manufacturers, considering the specificities of each appa-
ratus. Should the reader have any query on calls for users, they are
invited to contact the corresponding author or
1. Samples usually do not require any preparation prior to Micro-
CT analysis.
2. The best shape for samples is a cylinder (symmetrical rotation),
improving the resolution due to the effective reduction in the
diameter and alignment problems.
3. Sample holder with tape or glue can be used to ensure that the
sample does not move during the data acquisition, keeping the
effectiveness of 3D reconstructions procedure. The projections
must be well aligned to ensure the high quality of the three-
dimensional image of the object. It is worth mentioning that,
in some cases, it is also necessary to minimize the noise and
artifacts generated in the characterization process, using certain
tools to not affect the quality of the reconstructed image
[47, 57].
4. Small samples are preferred for enabling better resolution and
less beam-hardening artifact.
178 Marcos V. Lorevice et al.
5. The partial width option can be used for objects much smaller
than the camera field, providing shorter scan times due to
bigger rotation step and shorter reconstruction due to smaller
datasets. This option is recommended for 4k binning mode
6. Other X-ray tomography approaches exist for other different
scales and purposes, such as the computed tomography
(CT) applied to the medical field for macroscale analysis [44]
and the nano-computed tomography (Nano-CT) coupled to
the synchrotron beamline to analyze sub-micrometer scale in
higher resolution (see scale resolution on Fig. 1) [58].
7. The oversize scanning can be applied when the object is larger
than a scan area, making a scout view and appropriated selec-
tion of the area of interest. The NRecon® software recognizes
the object as a vertically connected dataset.
8. Some plug-ins can be applied in the CTAn® software to opti-
mize the quantitative data and time acquisition, such as custom
processing tool, enabling to create a task list for numerous
parameters and samples.
9. Regarding an advanced characterization it is possible to select
irregular surfaces in packaging (like the example of the Fig. 2)
using the ROI shrink-wrap tool at the custom processing
(CTAn® software), creating a VOI rendering.
10. The CTvox® software allows producing movies/animations
using the flight recorder tools by adding different frames,
shapes, rotation, and movements, some animations from
CTvox® software are available on the Internet (https://
The authors thank The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq) for supporting this work
DTI-A/SisNANO (grants 380312/2020-4 and 380173/2022-
0), PCI-postdoctoral (grants 301362/2020-3, 301356/2020-
3 and 302368/2021-3) and Productivity scholarship (grant
303621/2022-2), and the grant 2020/08651-4 provided by São
Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
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X-Ray Microtomography of Food Packaging 181
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging allow the study of spectral and spatial
distribution of multiple chemical components in large sample areas. This technique is fast,
non-destructive, contactless, and does not require sample preparation. The NIR spectrum of each sample
pixel is acquired, resulting in a data cube that contains two spatial dimensions (x and y) and one spectral
dimension (z), providing the spectral profiles of every part of the sample. This technique, for example, can
provide significant information about the distribution of additives into polymer matrices with potential to
be used as a tool for real-time quality control. Herein, the stepwise application of this method is demon-
strated for determination of spatial and spectral distributions of film components, showcasing the plastici-
zation of a biodegradable packaging.
Key words NIR-HSI, MCR-ALS, Chemical distribution, Chemical mapping, Macropixel, Homoge-
neity index, Polymer characterization
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
184 Jussara V. Roque et al.
2 Materials
2.1 Film Components NIR-HSI method can be applied to all sorts of polymeric films used
for food packaging applications [9]. Hence, the required materials
are solely dependent on the type of film that will be evaluated. The
use of high-quality grade chemicals is recommended. Each pristine
component of the film is also indicated to be measured as a standard
to provide the spectrum of the pure component required by the
MCR-ALS. In this protocol, cellulose acetate, glycerol, and acetone
are used for film production.
2.2 Instrumentation Several camera systems are available for HSI acquisition. Our pro-
tocol is relied on the SisuCHEMA (Specim®, Oulu, Finland) chem-
ical imaging system. SisuCHEMA is a complete chemical imaging
workstation that combines NIR spectroscopy, optimized for short
wave infrared (SWIR) (1000–2500 nm wavelength region), with
high-resolution imaging, to provide detailed information on the
chemical components, their quantities, and distributions within the
sample [38] (see Note 2). The system consists of a line-scan imag-
ing spectrometer equipped with a two-dimensional HgCdTe detec-
tor, which has 320 space channels and 256 spectral channels
covering the 928–2524 nm wavelength range with a spectral reso-
lution of approximately 6.3 nm [38].
3 Methods
3.1 Film Production A cellulose acetate film is used here as an example of the NIR-HIS
application. This film is produced by mixing 2.5 g of cellulose
acetate with 25 mL of acetone and 1.2 mL g–1 of glycerol for
24 h in a closed container at room temperature [9]. Then, this
film-forming formulation is poured and spread onto a glass plate
using a paint applicator and allowed to dry for 2 h at room temper-
ature (see Note 3). Finally, the films are peeled off the glass plates,
inspected for defects, and stored in vacuum-sealed polyethylene/
nylon bags until further use (see Notes 4 and 5). Before NIR spectra
acquisition, films are placed onto a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
plate and securely attached using an adhesive tape (see Note 6).
3.2 Image A HSI system is usually composed of a sample holder, a light unit, a
Acquisition light scattering device (spectrograph), a camera (detector), and a
computer equipped with the image acquisition software. Optical
radiation can interact with the sample through several mechanisms,
depending on the light source arrangement, the sample, and the
detector. The frequently observed mechanisms are transmittance,
transflectance, diffuse reflectance, interactance, and diffuse trans-
mittance [39–41], which are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Transmittance (Fig. 1) is usually possible in transparent sam-
ples, where the incident light is partially absorbed by the sample,
and the remaining light is detected without any scattering. In
transflectance (Fig. 1), the incident light goes through the sample,
reaches a reflective apparatus, and goes back through the sample,
increasing the optical path. For solid samples, the most common
mechanism is diffuse reflectance (Fig. 1). In this mechanism, the
radiation interacts with solid components of the sample, being
dispersed and absorbed by them, which changes the intensity of
the signal analyzed. In the interactance mechanism (Fig. 1), the
incident light presents a higher probability of strong interaction
with the sample, which leads to an emerging beam containing more
information about the actual sample composition. The diffuse
transmittance (Fig. 1) is the transmittance measurement applied
to the dense solid samples, in which the light is internally scattered
due to the sample’s long optical path [40].
NIR Mapping of Multicomponent Packaging 187
Fig. 1 Examples of the interaction mechanisms between optical radiation and sample: transmittance;
transflectance; diffuse reflectance; interactance, and diffuse transmittance
Fig. 2 Acquisition modes of an HSI: point-by-point scanning, area scanning, line scanning, and single shot.
The scanning directions are shown by arrows, and the yellow areas show data acquired each time. Sample
film is shown on top of PTFE platform. Adapted from Wu and Sun [17] with permission from Elsevier
3.3 Data Once the NIR-HSI images are acquired, the hypercubes may be
Pretreatment imported to MATLAB software. The raw NIR-HSI is a hypercube
(x, y, z) composed of millions of data points (e.g., a film NIR-HSI
of 350 × 200 pixels operating at 256 wavelengths contains more
than 17 million data points). The xy plane is divided into regular
squares, called pixels, containing chemical information represented
by NIR spectra in the z dimension (Fig. 3). Such an amount of
≫ load (‘SampExample.mat’)
Fig. 4 NIR-HIS image processing. (a) Original NIR-HSI image with selected ROI; (b) Selected region of NIR-HSI
image; and (c) Binned NIR-HSI image
190 Jussara V. Roque et al.
≫ plothsi (HSI)
Fig. 5 Spectral pretreatments examples. (a) Spectra of all pixels without any
spectral pretreatment; (b) Spectra with spikes removed; (c) Spectra with MSC
smoothing; and (d) Spectra Savitzky-Golay smoothing (win = 11)
≫ HSIspi = rmvspike(HSIbin,win);
≫ D = unfoldhsi(HSIspi,samp);
≫ Dmsc = msc(D,type);
where Dmsc is the matrix corrected (Fig. 5c) and type can be
the correction by “mean” or “median” of spectra. Here the
median spectrum is used as reference:
≫ Dsmoo = svtgl(Dmsc,win);
3.4 Image Treatment Multivariate calibration and curve resolution are the most common
methods used to quantify all the pixels’ constituents in hyperspec-
tral images. Partial least squares (PLS) are the most used method
from multivariate calibration. Initially, the calibration samples are
used to build a model, which is required to quantify the constitu-
ents of all pixels. MCR-ALS is a curve resolution method that can
directly quantify the constituents of all pixels in hyperspectral
images without calibration samples. These two methods are dis-
cussed in the next sections.
NIR Mapping of Multicomponent Packaging 193
3.4.1 Partial Least Initially, a calibration set needs to be created. At least ten calibration
Squares (PLS) samples with known bulk concentrations of all components of
interest must be prepared. Then, each mean spectra of pretreated
and unfolded image (D matrix) must be calculated. Next, the mean
spectra of the entire calibration set and the respective bulk concen-
tration of each component are used to build the PLS model. The
PLS model is based on equation y = Xb, where y can be either a
vector with the concentration of a component or a Y response
matrix with the concentration of several components simulta-
neously [44]. The X matrix is composed of the mean spectra of
each calibration sample. The X and y variables can be mean-
centered to build a PLS model using leave-one-out cross-validation
to choose the number of latent variables. From the developed
models, a regression vector b is obtained and by multiplying an
unfold D matrix with spectra of all pixels by b (D*b), components’
concentration of all pixels can be predicted in new samples. The
concentration is a vector or matrix C (x*y, n), depending on the
number of components (n), which can be used to generate distri-
bution maps. This step will be further explained in
Subsection 3.4.2.
Additionally, a small validation set (e.g., five samples) can be
prepared for external validation of the PLS model. Moreover, vari-
able selection methods can be used to enhance the PLS model and
to reduce the spectral dimension (z). Genetic algorithm (GA) [45],
ordered predictors selection (OPS) [46, 47], interval partial least
squares (iPLS) [48], and successive projection algorithm (SPA)
[49] are variable selection methods described in the literature to
improve PLS model predictions.
Notably, for the current example illustrating the use of
NIR-HSI it is not possible to perform PLS, since there is only
one sample. However, an algorithm package for MATLAB to
build PLS (PLSpack) is also available upon request, as mentioned
3.4.2 Multivariate Curve The MCR-ALS method is based on the bilinear equation
Resolution with Alternating D = CST + E, where D is the unfolded matrix (x*y, z), C is the
Least Squares (MCR-ALS) concentrations’ matrix, S is the pure components’ matrix, and E is
the error matrix. In order to find the C matrix and build distribu-
tion maps, MCR-ALS requires an initial estimation of S to itera-
tively solve the equations C = DS(STS)-1 and ST = (CTC)-1CTD.
This process is performed until a convergence criterion is achieved,
which can be defined by the maximum number of interactions or
when the difference between results of consecutive iterations is
lower than a predefined value [50].
During the optimization of the MCR-ALS method, the appli-
cation of constraints is highly recommended due to its rotational
ambiguity, that is, more than one response can be found in a
resolution of the bilinear equation. The commonly applied
194 Jussara V. Roque et al.
≫ load(‘StandExample.mat’)
≫ Dace = unfoldhsi(HSIace,1);
≫ Dgli = unfoldhsi(HSIgli,1);
≫ Dtef = unfoldhsi(HSItef,1);
NIR Mapping of Multicomponent Packaging 195
≫ Dmcr = [Dsmoo;Dace;Dgli;Dtef];
≫ load(‘ResultExample.mat’)
Fig. 6 MCR-ALS recovered NIR spectra profile (blue dashed lines) compared to the standards’ profile of each
component (red solid lines) and the correspondent correlation coefficient (R) for cellulose acetate (a), glycerol
(b), and PTFE (c)
3.4.3 Distribution Maps Regardless of the method used to obtain the concentrations of the
and Homogeneity Analysis components of interest, distribution maps can be obtained by
reshaping the relative intensity of the C matrix for each component
(Fig. 7).
The reshaping of C matrix into distribution maps can be
obtained by distmaps function using the following command in
NIR Mapping of Multicomponent Packaging 197
Fig. 8 Distribution maps of cellulose acetate (a), glycerol (b), and PTFE (c)
where Macro1, Macro2, and Macro3 are struct outputs with the
macropixel image and homogeneity indexes of each component.
Macropixel size is defined by mpsize input. Figure 9 shows an
example of the results generated by the macroindex function.
The obtained homogeneity index is the homogeneity ratio of
Poole (H%Poole). As this index gets closer to 100, the distribution
of the components in the image, or in this case in the film, becomes
more random (see Note 10). For the cellulose acetate, glycerol, and
PTFE example, the indexes obtained were 62%, 52%, and 82%,
respectively, emphasizing heterogeneous distribution of cellulose
acetate and glycerol, that is, in the film composition, since PTFE is
only the support.
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in science and technology, vol 32. Elsevier, pp red spectroscopic measurements of biomedical
37–53. samples. The University of Manchester
444-63977-6.00003-1 53. Amigo JM, Grassi S (2020) Chapter 1.2 – Con-
44. Wold S, Sjöström M, Eriksson L (2001) figuration of hyperspectral and multispectral
PLS-regression: a basic tool of chemometrics. imaging systems. In: Amigo JM (ed) Data
Chemom Intell Lab Syst 58(2):109–130. handling in science and technology, vol 32. Elsevier, pp 17–34.
00155-1 1016/B978-0-444-63977-6.00002-X
45. Leardi R, Lupiáñez González A (1998)
Genetic algorithms applied to feature selection
Chapter 11
The modified procedure for water vapor permeability (WVP) is a modification to the established ASTM
E96 method for measuring the WVP of films. The E96 method works by putting water in cups and
measuring the mass transfer rate of water vapor through films that are secured as lids to the cups. The WVP
is calculated from a formula including this mass transfer rate as well as estimated partial water vapor pressure
under the film lid at the testing constant temperature. Using the E96 method, the partial water vapor
pressure under the film lid is assumed to be the same as the saturated water vapor pressure at the surface of
the water. This assumption is only true for hydrophobic films, which is why the partial water vapor pressure
under the film lid must be calculated in this modified procedure when measuring the WVP of hydrophilic
films. Here, we provide a detailed account of the foundation for this correction and the procedure to
reliably use it to measure the permeability of water vapor through hydrophilic films.
Key words Water vapor permeability, Partial water vapor pressure, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, Water
vapor transmission rate, Permeance, Diffusion, Solubility, Barrier
1 Introduction
1.1 Water Vapor In order to calculate WVP, the transport of water vapor through
Permeability Formula the film is modeled under the following assumptions:
• Water vapor transports one-dimensionally in the positive
z direction.
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
206 Roberto J. Avena-Bustillos et al.
air gap
pa, 1 pw, 1 z1
z=0 Z
Fig. 1 The cup and film are modeled as an ideal cylindrical system. The partial
vapor pressures of air and water vapor at position zi are pa,i and pw,i,
respectively. If the fan is circulating air fast enough to maintain 0% relative
humidity at z3, pw,3 will be negligible. The temperature is kept constant and
homogenous throughout the system
δC ðJ - J out Þ * A - δJ * A - δJ
= in = = ð1Þ
δt δV δz * A δz
Invoking Fick’s first law:
dC - δJ δ2 C
J = -D → =D 2 ð2Þ
dz δz δz
WVP of Hydrophilic Films 207
1.2 Partial Water The WVP correction method [2] to the ASTM E96 method is a
Vapor Pressure correction for the water vapor pressure value used in the WVP
Formula calculation. To determine the correct WVP for a hydrophilic film,
the partial vapor pressure of water at the underside of the lid must
be calculated by modeling the gradient of water vapor pressure
across the air gap. To do so, the transport of water vapor across
the air gap must be modeled under the following assumptions [5]:
• Transport occurs within a binary molecular system of air and
water vapor. Subscripts of a and w will be used to denote the
properties of air and water vapor, respectively.
• Transport of a species occurs via a combination of diffusive flux
and bulk motion.
• Diffusive flux can be modeled with Fick’s Law.
• Transport of air is negligible (Na = 0).
• The ideal gas law holds true.
WVP of Hydrophilic Films 209
List of Symbols
Ni = total molecular transport of species i [mol m-2 s-1]
Ci = molar concentration of species i [mol m-3]
C = molar concentration of the mixture = C i for n number of
species in the mixture [mol m-3] i=1
N w = C w vw ð10Þ
The right-hand expression can be manipulated to include the
diffusive velocity of water vapor (vw - v) where v is the molar-
average velocity of the mixture:
C w vw þ C a va
N w = C w ðv w - v Þ þ C w v : v = ð11Þ
Cw þ Ca
N w = C w ðv w - v Þ þ ðC v þ C a va Þ ð12Þ
Cw þ Ca w w
Given that Cw + Ca is the mixture concentration C, the mole
fraction of substance i (yi) is defined as CCi . Also, air transport is
defined as Na = Cava in the same fashion as water vapor.
Plugging in these definitions to Eq. 12 yields the following
N w = C w ðvw - vÞ þ y w ðN w þ N a Þ ð13Þ
The first term on the right side of Eq. 13 accounts for the
diffusive molar flux of water (Jw) and the second term accounts for
the flux of water due to bulk motion. Since the transport of air is
negligible (Na = 0), Eq. 13 can be simplified as follows:
N w = J w þ ywN w → N w = ð14Þ
1 - yw
210 Roberto J. Avena-Bustillos et al.
2 Materials
Fig. 2 Water vapor permeability cabinet with motor and fan rotation speed
controller, Drierite in bottom shallow pans and sample cups on top tray, with
cabinet inside a temperature-controller incubator
3 Methods
Fig. 3 Example of a spreadsheet for calculations of the water barrier properties of a gelatin film. Each sample
and replicate will have its own spreadsheet
4 Notes
11. Rotating the cups after each mass measurement ensures that all
cups experience the same air velocity conditions over the
course of the procedure.
12. The following formula can be used to calculate the saturated
water vapor pressure at the water’s surface [6]:
1. ASTM (1980) Standard test methods for water and ice. J Appl Meteorol Climatol 57(6):
vapor transmission of materials. Standards Des- 1265–1272.
ignation: E96-80. In: Annual book of ASTM. JAMC-D-17-0334.1
ASTM, Philadelphia, pp 771–778 7. ASME (1968) The 1967 ASME steam tables.
2. McHugh TH, Avena-Bustillos R, Krochta JM Nav Eng J.
(1993) Hydrophilic edible films: modified pro- 1559-3584.1968.tb04564.x
cedure for water vapor permeability and expla- 8. W A Hammond Drierite (n.d.) Technical data-
nation of thickness effects. J Food Sci 58:899– regeneration of drierite desiccants. https://
3. Zang L (2016) Lecture 4: diffusion: Fick’s sec- ~:text=Exhausted%20Commercial%20
ond law. DRIERITE%20or%20Du,container%20and%
images/lecture-4.pdf. Accessed 16 July 2020 20sealed%20while%20hot. Accessed
4. Morillon V, Debeaufort F, Capelle M et al 16 July 2020
(2000) Influence of the physical state of water 9. W A Hammond Drierite (2019) Drierite
on the barrier properties of hydrophilic and [Material Safety Data Sheet]. https://secure.
hydrophobic films. J Agric Food Chem 48:
11–16. Accessed 16 July 2020
5. King Abdulaziz University (n.d.) Molecular 10. Dow Corning (2002) High vacuum grease
mass transport. [Material Safety Data Sheet]. https://www.
Accessed 16 July 2020 ehs/envhealthdocs/High_Vacuum_Grease.
6. Huang J (2018) A simple accurate formula for pdf. Accessed 16 July 2020
calculating saturation vapor pressure of water
Chapter 12
Barrier properties of packaging materials are important requirements when selecting and developing
optimal packaging systems. The determination of the barrier properties of a polymer film is crucial to
estimating and predicting the product-packaging shelf-life. The specific barrier requirements of the package
are related to the product characteristics and the intended end-use application. Much of the design of
barrier packaging involves controlling the exchange of gaseous components (e.g., O2, CO2) between the
external and internal package environments. Thus, this chapter intends to give an overview of the methods
and equipment used for the evaluation of the permeation of oxygen and carbon dioxide through polymer-
based packaging films.
Key words Permeation of gases, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Permeability, Transmission rate, Barrier
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
220 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
2 Materials
3 Methods
where is the time lag (s), which allows the determination of the
diffusion coefficient. From the slope of the straight line is obtained
the permeability, and since P = SD, the solubility coefficient can be
Another quasi-isostatic method for measuring gas permeability
is based on the diaphragm cell method for obtaining diffusion
coefficients. It is also known as a pressure decay method
[14]. The experimental apparatus (Fig. 2) is composed of a
stainless-steel cell with two identical chambers separated by the
testing film. During the measurement, two porous plates support
the polymer film on both sides to prevent sagging. However, the
plates allow the gas to freely contact the film.
The permeability is evaluated by pressurizing one of the cham-
bers (feed) up to constant pressure (e.g., 0.7 bar), with pure carbon
dioxide or oxygen followed by the measurement of the pressure
change in both chambers over time, using two pressure transdu-
cers. The measurements are made at a constant temperature, usu-
ally 30 °C, using a thermostatic bath. High-purity grade carbon
dioxide (99.998%) and oxygen (99.999%) are used. The permeabil-
ity is calculated with the pressure data obtained from both com-
partments according to the following equation [14]:
1 Δp0 t
ln =P ð10Þ
β Δp δ
1 2
Purge Purge
Fig. 2 Experimental setup for measuring the permeability using the pressure decay method ((1) feed
compartment, (2) permeate compartment, (3) water bath, (4) thermostatic head, (5) feed gas)
Gas Permeation Through Food Packaging 225
where Δp0 and Δp (bar) are the pressure differences between feed
and permeate compartments at the beginning of the experiment
and at any time, respectively, P (m2 s-1) is the gas permeability,
t (s) is the time, δ (m) is the film thickness, and β is the geometric
1 1
β=A þ ð11Þ
Vf Vp
where A is the film’s area (m2) and Vf and Vp are the volumes (m3)
of the feed and permeate compartments, respectively.
The data are plotted as 1β ln Δp0 versus δt , and the permeability
is determined from the slope.
The geometric factor of the cell can be obtained by calibration
of the equipment using a film with known permeability to an inert
gas (i.e., N2). It is normally used as a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
film because of its low barrier to gases (e.g., N2), thus a low time
needed for permeation. Figure 3 shows the pressure of N2 in the
permeate and feed compartments during a calibration experiment.
Using the N2 permeability value (P) and plotting P1 ln Δp0
versus δt , the geometric parameter β is obtained from the
slope (Fig. 4).
The detailed protocol for measuring the O2 or CO2 permeabil-
ity at 30 °C is the following:
Pressure (bar)
0,10 Pressure profile
0,05 0,8
Permeate Feed
Pressure (bar)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0,6
Time (s)
0,80 0,0
Pressure (bar)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Time (s)
Fig. 3 N2 pressure in the feed and permeate compartments of the cell during a calibration experiment
226 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
t/d (s/m)
Δp 0
Fig. 4 Representation of P1 ln Δp versus t
δ for obtaining the geometric
parameter β from the slope
Table 1
Water activity of saturated saline solutions at 25 °C
8. Close the entrance valves and wait 5 min to see if the pressure is
constant in both compartments.
9. Open and close the exit valve connected to the permeate
10. Follow the evolution of pressure in both compartments (feed
and permeate) with time.
11. Plot the data as 1β ln Δp0 versus δt , and the permeability is
determined from the slope.
3.4 Standard The most used standard methods for measuring OTR are ASTM
Methods for Oxygen D3985, ASTM F1927, and ASTM F2622 [16–18]. They use an
and Carbon Dioxide isostatic permeation measurement with a flow-through technique
Permeation as represented in Fig. 5.
The differences between standards are related to:
(a) Test gas.
(b) Type of samples.
(c) Method and type of sensor.
(d) Measurement conditions.
228 Victor G. L. Souza et al.
ASTM D3985
This test method covers a procedure for the determination of the
steady-state rate of transmission of oxygen gas through plastics in
the form of film, sheeting, laminates, coextrusions, or plastic-
coated papers or fabrics. It provides the determination of
(i) OTR, (ii) the permeance of the film to oxygen gas (PO2), and
(iii) OP in the case of homogeneous materials. It relies on a coulo-
metric sensor and uses nitrogen as a carrier gas. It applies to dry
conditions at a constant temperature.
ASTM F1927
This test method covers a procedure for the determination of the
rate of transmission of oxygen gas, at a steady state, at a given
temperature, and at %RH level, through film, sheeting, laminates,
coextrusions, or plastic-coated papers or fabrics. This test method
extends the common practice of dealing with zero humidity to a
controlled relative humidity. Humidity plays an important role in
the OTR of many materials, in particular hydrophilic polymers.
ASTM F2622
This test method covers a procedure for the determination of the
steady-state rate of transmission of oxygen gas through plastics in
the form of film, sheeting, laminates, coextrusions, or plastic-
coated papers or fabrics. It uses various sensors, including coulo-
metric, electrochemical, and zirconium oxide. The standard meth-
ods most used for measuring CO2TR are ASTM F2476 and DIN
53380-4 [19, 20].
ASTM F2476
This method covers a procedure for the determination of the
steady-state rate of transmission of carbon dioxide gas through
plastics in the form of film, sheeting, laminates, coextrusions, or
plastic-coated papers or fabrics. It provides for the determination of
(i) CO2TR, (ii) the permeance of the film to carbon dioxide gas
(PCO2), and (iii) CO2P in the case of homogeneous materials. It
Gas Permeation Through Food Packaging 229
DIN 53380-4
This method covers a procedure for the determination of the
steady-state rate of transmission of carbon dioxide gas through
plastics in the form of film, sheeting, laminates, coextrusions, or
plastic-coated papers or fabrics.
Table 2
Gas permeability instruments for O2 and CO2
4 Notes
1. Permeability units
A wide variety of units are used for gas permeability due to
the variation in industries measuring permeability. Other com-
mon units of gas permeability include:
• cm3 (STP) mil in-2 (100 d)-1 atm-1, where 1 mil is equal to
0.00254 cm and 1 d is 24 h.
• ft3 (STP) mil ft-2 d-1 atm-1, where 1 ft is equal to
0.3048 cm.
• m3 (STP) m m-2 s-1 Pa-1.
The permeability in Eq. 8 is given in m2 s-1 because the
solubility coefficient is dimensionless. In order to convert 1 bar-
rer to m2 s-1, it is necessary to use the molar volume at STP
conditions and multiply by RT resulting in 1 barrer equal to
8.4 × 10-5 m2 s-1 at 30 °C where 1 barrer is equal to
3.35 × 10-16 mol m m-2 s-1 Pa-1.
2. Permeation in hydrophilic films
As the oxygen and carbon dioxide permeabilities of hydro-
philic films are highly dependent on their adsorbed moisture
content, they should be previously equilibrated at constant
relative humidity in desiccators with saturated saline solutions:
LiCl, CH3COOK, MgCl2·6H2O, K2CO3, Mg(NO3)2,
NaNO2, NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, BaCl2, and K2SO4 (Table 1).
The barrier properties of different hydrophilic materials
should be compared under the same relative humidity and
temperature conditions. The CO2 and O2 permeability of
hydrophilic films, namely, from polysaccharides and proteins,
are extremely dependent on their water content, as observed by
several authors. Gontard et al. [23] reported for wheat gluten
films an increase of the oxygen permeability of about 950 times
for a change of the film water content from 7.5% to 42% (dry
basis) and an increase of nearly 36,550 times on the CO2
permeability for a variation of the relative humidity of the
atmosphere in contact with the film from 60% to 95%. It is
difficult to compare the results presented by different authors
unless the exact film water content or testing %RH for each
study is specified.
1. Robertson GL (2006) Food packaging: princi- 269–276.
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3. Mohamed SAA, El-Sakhawy M, El-Sakhawy Activity of chitosan-montmorillonite bionano-
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5. Souza VGL, Rodrigues C, Valente S et al Saturated salt solutions for humidity control
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composites films for packaging of fresh poultry tions of Beauveria bassiana conidia. J Invertebr
meat. Coatings 10(2):110. Pathol 89:136–143.
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6. Pires JRA, Souza VL, Fernando AL (2019) 16. ASTM D3985-17 (2017) Standard test
Valorization of energy crops as a source for method for oxygen gas transmission rate
nanocellulose production–current knowledge through plastic film and sheeting using a cou-
and future prospects. Ind Crop Prod 140: lometric sensor. ASTM International, West
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2019.111642 17. ASTM F1927-20 (2020) Standard test method
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tion of Ginkgo biloba seeds by coating with rate, permeability and permeance at controlled
chitosan/nano-TiO2 and chitosan/nano-SiO2 relative humidity through barrier materials
films. Int J Biol Macromol 126:917–925. using a coulometric detector. ASTM Interna- tional, West Conshohocken
12.177 18. ASTM F2622-20 (2020) Standard test method
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solids. Macmillan, New York tic film and sheeting using various sensors.
9. Mulder M (2003) Basic principles of mem- ASTM International, West Conshohocken
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10. Alves VD, Costa N, Coelhoso IM (2010) Bar- transmission rate (CO2TR) through barrier
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20. DIN 53380-4:2006-11 (2006) Testing of 22. Packaging Testing Instruments & Testing
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21. Gas Measurement Instruments & Testing Ser- permeabilities of edible films. J Agric Food
vices | AMETEK MOCON. https://www. Chem 44:1064–1069. 1021/jf9504327
Chapter 13
Microbial permeation is an essential property in developing food packaging materials. Here we describe a
simple method to determine it by placing the film on open vials containing nutrient broth. Negative and
positive vials are also provided in this method. The tested vials are placed in an open environment for about
ten days. The turbidity of the nutrient broth in any vial is recorded as microbial contamination, meaning the
microorganism could permeate through the packaging material. This straightforward protocol can be
invoked by material developers targeting microbial-tight packaging.
Key words Permeation of microorganisms, Turbidity, Flexible packaging, Food innocuity, Food
safety, Microorganism-proof packaging
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
234 Julia V. Ernesto et al.
2 Materials
number of replicates that will be carried out per sample, one set
per flask).
7. Gamma radiation source (25 kGy) or 70 vol% ethanol solution
plus sterilized phosphate buffer saline.
8. Laboratory auto-sealing, flexible, and moldable film, as
9. Tweezers and scissors sterilized by autoclaving.
3 Methods
4 Notes
Fig. 3 Visual aspect of the (a) positive- and (b) negative-control vials after
exposure to the laboratory environment
Microbial Permeation through Packaging 239
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Part III
Besides protecting food from contact with the external environment and from airborne contamination,
packaging can also contribute to prolong food shelf-life and increase food safety. The gaseous environment
within a package can delay or inhibit microbial growth or modify the microbial ecology of the product.
Evaluating the microbiological safety and the shelf-life of foods through predictive microbiology tools
implies developing or selecting appropriate models that consider the impacts of different static and/or
dynamic concentrations of O2, CO2, and N2 on the behavior of spoilage and pathogenic microbiota. There
is an increasing demand for predictive models that would allow one to identify in advance the headspace gas
composition and the packaging material suitable for increasing food safety and shelf-life. The development
of such numerical tools would decrease the number of time-consuming challenge-testing experiments
necessary for experimentally quantifying and assessing the microbial fate in terms of changes in headspace
composition. The objective of the present chapter is to provide information on the adequate development,
validation, and interpretation of predictive microbiology models, including the effect of packaging atmo-
sphere to achieve more reliable estimates of microbial behavior in packaged foods. A case study on a
validated predictive model in cooked meat products is presented using the MicroHibro software tool.
Key words Predictive microbiology, Food packaging, Headspace composition, Shelf-life, Food safety,
Modeling, Gas transfer, Carbon dioxide, Predictive modeling
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
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246 Arı́cia Possas et al.
2 Methods
2.1 Data Generation Assuming that the objective of a study is to evaluate and model the
to Evaluate Microbial effects of MAP on the growth kinetics of a microorganism in a
Growth Kinetics in foodstuff, growth curves expressed as microbial concentrations
MAP Foods over time are developed at different conditions (e.g., temperature,
aw, pH) and various MAP configurations to cover a large range of
248 Arı́cia Possas et al.
Experimental design
Model fitting
Model validation
Model application
2.2 Model Selection Predictive models that consider the impact of a gas mixture on
and Fitting microbial growth are needed to predict the growth of microorgan-
isms in a MAP system. These models should be able to describe the
microbial patterns as influenced by the gaseous composition of the
product. An exponential-type law is usually used to describe micro-
bial kinetics in foods. Examples of predictive models used are
shown in Fig. 2. Different primary models have been proposed to
translate microbial growth kinetics in foods, including parameters
with biological meaning, being the Baranyi and Roberts model
[25], the modified Gompertz model [26], and the logistic model
[27], the most commonly applied ones. Four microbial kinetic
parameters can be estimated by fitting these models to growth
kinetic data: the initial and maximum population densities (N0
and Nmax, respectively), the lag time (lag), and the maximum
growth rate (μmax).
The growth parameters estimated through fitting primary
models to growth data are dependent on the environmental and
intrinsic factors evaluated (temperature, pH, aw, CO2, etc.). The
relationship between the estimated kinetic parameters and the eval-
uated factors can be described using secondary models. To this end,
the most applied mathematical equations are the Ratkowsky-type
or square-root models [28], cardinal models [29], polynomial
models [30], and artificial neural network (ANN) models
[31]. While polynomial and ANN models are purely empirical,
square root models and the models belonging to the “cardinal”
250 Arı́cia Possas et al.
A 8
Microbial count (log cfu.g-1)
6 0.12
0 25 50 75 100 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (h) Dissolved CO2(ppm)
Fig. 2 Examples of mathematical models fitted to growth data. (a) Gompertz primary model; (b) Square root
secondary model
2.3 Model Validation Predictive models might be validated in foods prior to use, to
evaluate the reliability of their predictions with real data [3]. To
validate a predictive model, additional experiments with a MAP
food artificially contaminated with the microorganism of interest
are usually designed [18]. The experimental conditions set for these
challenge tests (temperature, aw, pH, CO2 concentration, etc.) may
be within the domain used for model development. Although
validation should be performed with data derived from experiments
with a given food, microbial data from the literature are usually
used for validation to avoid the costs of additional challenge tests.
Data on microbial responses in foods for model validation can be
also found in databases, mainly the ComBase database (www. [36].
Modelers classify the models as fail-safe or fail-dangerous if the
prediction overestimates or underestimates the observed growth,
respectively. From the public health point of view, a fail-safe model
is preferred compared to a fail-dangerous one, as the former yields
more conservative predictions. Graphical representations of model
predictions versus model observations are useful in evaluating
whether a model is fail-safe or fail-dangerous. To determine in
which degree model predictions coincide with the observed data
derived from validation studies, traditional goodness-of-fit indexes
252 Arı́cia Possas et al.
3.1 Case Study A food manufacturer is interested in evaluating if the MAP config-
urations of a processed cooked ham, together with storage temper-
ature and physicochemical characteristics, assure that the product is
safe during its shelf-life with regards to the presence of
L. monocytogenes. Otherwise, another gaseous mixture may be used.
According to the European Regulation 2073/2005, for those
ready-to-eat (RTE) foods supporting the growth of
L. monocytogenes, food manufacturers might demonstrate that the
levels will not exceed 100 cfu g-1 during their shelf-life
[38]. According to the mentioned regulation, durability studies,
challenge tests, or predictive microbiology models can be applied
by manufacturers to demonstrate to the competent authority that
their RTE foods comply with the criteria established with regard to
the presence of the pathogen [38].
3.2 Model Selection After an extensive bibliographic search with the aid of predictive
and Implementation microbiology experts, a predictive model was identified as a candi-
date to be applied for the evaluation of L. monocytogenes behavior
during the shelf-life of MAP cooked ham using the following
criteria: (i) the characteristics of the MAP cooked ham under eval-
uation (pH, aw, Na-lactate (NaL) concentration, and storage tem-
perature) are within the domain used for model development;
(ii) additional experiments for model validation in MAP cooked
Predictive Models for MAP Foods 253
3.3 Conditions for According to the manufacturer’s information, the mean character-
Model Predictions istics of the product under evaluation are aw = 0.96, NaL = 2.3%,
pH = 6.18, storage temperature = 4 °C, MAP gaseous mix-
ture = 20% CO2/80% N2, and constant G/P volume ratio of
4/1. The concentration of dissolved CO2 (mg L-1) in the water
phase can be deduced from the empirical equation developed by
Devlieghere et al. [10], based on the initial CO2 (%) in the head-
space, the storage temperature, and the G/P volume ratio. Under
the mentioned conditions, the concentration of CO2 dissolved in
the water phase is 590 mg L-1. The product is packaged in high-
barrier polyethylene packaging, and its shelf-life is 28 days.
Assuming an initial level of contamination of L. monocytogenes
in the product (y0) equal to 1 cfu g-1 (0 log cfu g-1), and that the
pathogen does not require an adaptation time before it starts to
grow in the product, i.e., lag time = 0 h, the safe shelf-life of the
product can be estimated by simulations using the implemented
predictive model. The safe shelf-life is defined as the time required
by L. monocytogenes to achieve the limit established (Nt) by the
current European Regulation for RTE foods, i.e., 100 cfu g-1
(2 log cfu g-1). If this level is reached within 28 days, which
according to the manufacturer is the shelf-life of the product,
another MAP configuration may be selected as a control measure
254 Arı́cia Possas et al.
Fig. 3 Prediction module of the MicroHibro software: definition of the conditions for model simulations
3.4 Results of The kinetic parameters and the time required by a microorganism
Simulations Using to reach a given concentration in a food product are estimated by
Predictive Models using the predictive models implemented in MicroHibro. Under
the evaluated conditions, the estimated μmax of L. monocytogenes is
0.009 h-1. The time required for L. monocytogenes to reach
2 log cfu g-1 is 23 days. The kinetic growth curve of the evaluated
pathogen under the evaluated conditions can be seen in Fig. 4.
Based on these results, it can be concluded that the current MAP
configuration, together with storage temperature and product
characteristics, does not assure that the product is safe during its
shelf-life under the evaluated conditions.
According to the manufacturer, two new different gaseous
mixtures could be evaluated to increase the safe shelf-life of
MAP-cooked ham with respect to the presence of
L. monocytogenes: 30% CO2/70% N2 and 40% CO2/60% N2.
Under these two MAP conditions, the L. monocytogenes growth
kinetic parameters estimated using the predictive models imple-
mented in MicroHibro are shown in Table 1. Estimated growth
curves are shown in Fig. 4. Based on these results, it can be con-
cluded that the MAP gaseous mixture that would assure a safe shelf-
life of cooked ham would be 40% CO2/60% N2, since under the
Predictive Models for MAP Foods 255
Fig. 4 Listeria monocytogenes growth curves in cooked ham under the evaluated conditions: T = 4 °C,
aw = 0.979 and NaL = 1.5 wt%, and MAP configurations: 20% CO2/80% N2 (red curve), 30% CO2/70% N2
(blue curve), 40% CO2/60% N2 (yellow curve) (simulations using the predictive models developed by
Devlieghere et al. [9])
Table 1
Results of simulations using the predictive models developed by Devlieghere et al. [9]
MAP CO2 dissolved (mg L-1) μmax (h-1) Time to reach 2-log (d)
20% CO2/80% N2 590 0.009 23
30% CO2/70% N2 849 0.008 26
40% CO2/60% N2 1098 0.007 29
4 Notes
5 Conclusions
13. Geeraerd AH, Valdramidis VP, Devlieghere F 25. Baranyi J, Roberts TA (1994) A dynamic
et al (2004) Development of a novel approach approach to predicting bacterial growth in
for secondary modeling in predictive microbi- food. Int J Food Microbiol 23:277–294
ology: incorporation of microbiological knowl- 26. Zwietering MH, Jongenburger I, Rombouts
edge in black box polynomial modeling. Int J FM et al (1990) Modeling of the bacterial
Food Microbiol 91:229–244 growth curve. Appl Environ Microbiol 56:
14. Mejlholm O, Dalgaard P (2009) Development 1875–1881
and validation of an extensive growth and 27. Ratkowsky DA (1983) Nonlinear regression
growth boundary model for Listeria monocyto- modeling: a unified practical approach. In:
genes in lightly preserved and ready-to-eat Marcel Decker I (ed) Nonlinear regression
shrimp. J Food Prot 72:2132–2143 modeling: a unified practical approach. Marcel
15. Simpson R, Almonacid S, Acevedo C (2001) Dekker, New York
Development of a mathematical model for 28. Ratkowsky DA, Olley J, McMeekin TA et al
MAP systems applied to nonrespiring foods. J (1982) Relationship between temperature and
Food Sci 66:561–567 growth rate of bacterial cultures. J Bacteriol
16. Chaix E, Broyart B, Couvert O et al (2015) 149:1–5
Mechanistic model coupling gas exchange 29. Rosso L, Lobry JR, Bajard S et al (1995) Con-
dynamics and Listeria monocytogenes growth venient model to describe the combined effects
in modified atmosphere packaging of non of temperature and pH on microbial growth.
respiring food. Food Microbiol 51:192–205 Appl Environ Microbiol 61:610–616
17. Alfaro B, Hernández I, Le Marc Y et al (2013) 30. Gibson AM, Bratchell N, Roberts TA (1988)
Modelling the effect of the temperature and Predicting microbial growth: growth responses
carbon dioxide on the growth of spoilage bac- of salmonellae in a laboratory medium as
teria in packed fish products. Food Control 29: affected by pH, sodium chloride and storage
429–437 temperature. Int J Food Microbiol 6:155–178
18. Geysen S, Verlinden BE, Geeraerd AH et al 31. Hajmeer MN, Basheer IA, Najjar YM (1997)
(2005) Predictive modelling and validation of Computational neural networks for predictive
Listeria innocua growth at superatmospheric microbiology II. Application to microbial
oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations. growth. Int J Food Microbiol 34:51–66
Int J Food Microbiol 105:333–345 32. Zwietering MH, Wijtzes T, De Wit JC et al
19. Pin C, Baranyi J, De Fernando GG (2000) (1992) A decision support system for predic-
Predictive model for the growth of Yersinia tion of the microbial spoilage in foods. J Food
enterocolitica under modified atmospheres. J Prot 55:973–979
Appl Microbiol 88:521–530 33. Possas A, Valero A, Garcı́a-Gimeno RM et al
20. Geysen S, Escalona VH, Verlinden BE et al (2021) Combining UV-C technology and caf-
(2006) Validation of predictive growth models feine application to inactivate Escherichia coli
describing superatmospheric oxygen effects on on chicken breast fillets. Food Control 129:
Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria innocua 108206
on fresh-cut lettuce. Int J Food Microbiol 111: 34. Garre A, Koomen J, den Besten HMW, Zwie-
48–58 tering MH (2023) Modeling population
21. González SC, Possas A, Carrasco E et al (2019) growth in R with the biogrowth Package. J
“MicroHibro”: a software tool for predictive Stat Soft 107:1–51
microbiology and microbial risk assessment in 35. Akaike H (1974) A new look at the statistical
foods. Int J Food Microbiol 290:226–236 model identification. IEEE Trans Autom Con-
22. ISO/FDIS (2018) ISO/FDIS 20976-1: trol 19:716–723
microbiology of the food chain—require- 36. Baranyi J, Tamplin ML (2004) ComBase: a
mentes and guidelines for conducting chal- common database on microbial responses to
lenge tests of food and feed products—Part 1: food environments. J Food Prot 67:1967–
Challenge tests to study growth potential, lag 1971
time and maximum growth rate. ISO, p 36
37. Ross T (1996) Indices for performance evalua-
23. McMillin KW (2008) Where is MAP going? A tion of predictive models in food microbiology.
review and future potential of modified atmo- J Appl Bacteriol 81:501–508
sphere packaging for meat. Meat Sci 80:43–65
38. European Commission (2005) COMMIS-
24. Rotabakk BT, Lekang OI, Sivertsvik M (2007) SION REGULATION (EC) No 2073/2005
Volumetric method to determine carbon diox- of 15 November 2005 on microbiological cri-
ide solubility and absorption rate in foods pack- teria for foodstuffs
aged in flexible or semi rigid package. J Food
Eng 82:43–50
Chapter 15
Protocols for in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the antifungal activity of edible films and coatings (ECs) used
for postharvest treatment of fresh fruits and vegetables are described in this chapter. Antifungal ECs are
typically prepared by incorporating particular antimicrobial ingredients into EC matrix formulations.
Different methods and numerous variations can be adopted for both in vitro and in vivo evaluation, mostly
depending on the specific purpose of the assay, the components and properties of the EC matrix and the
antifungal agent(s), the nature of the target fungal pathogen, and the characteristics and usual postharvest
handling of each horticultural product. In any case, however, the inoculum of the target fungi will be used
in the experiments, and its preparation is also detailed in this chapter. In general, while EC solid dry films are
used for in vitro tests, EC liquid emulsions are used for in vivo assays. We describe three of the most
common and, in our opinion, useful antimicrobial in vitro tests specifically intended for use with fungal
strains, i.e., agar diffusion or disk diameter tests, film surface inoculation tests, and plate counting
germination tests. Coating of fresh produce artificially inoculated with the pathogen is commonly used in
laboratory-scale in vivo experiments to assess the ability of ECs to control disease. Further larger-scale
semicommercial or commercial trials conducted in pilot plants or packinghouse facilities with naturally
infected, cold-stored produce can also be considered.
Key words Edible films and coatings, Fresh fruits and vegetables, Postharvest fungal decay, Fungal
inoculum preparation, In vitro antifungal activity, In vivo disease control
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
260 Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1.2 Culture of Fungal Strains are generally obtained from known culture collections or
Strains isolated from infected produce, purified, identified, and cultured
and maintained (replated) in artificial media. For replating, work
within the laminar flow hood. Take spores or mycelium with a
sterile inoculating loop (heated to red hot in the burner flame and
allowed to cool) from a grown colony on a PDA dish and transfer
them to a fresh PDA plate by gently touching the agar surface.
Depending on the fungal species, inoculation of the fresh plate can
be more convenient in one central point or three equidistant points
on the agar surface. Incubate inoculated plates at 20–25 °C inside a
laboratory incubator, generally in the dark for 7–21 d (see Note 2).
3.1.3 Obtaining Spore Within the laminar hood, take abundant spores from a 7- to 21-d-
Suspensions old fungal culture and transfer them to a sterile test tube containing
a known volume of aqueous emulsifier solution (0.05% Tween®
80 or Triton™ X-100) to obtain a very high concentrated suspen-
sion. Mix roughly in a vortex mixer for 2 min and filter the content
to another sterile test tube through a glass funnel containing two
layers of sterile cheesecloth. This will allow the separation of spores
from mycelial fragments. Mix the suspension again and use a Pas-
teur pipette to transfer drops to a hemacytomer (see Note 3).
Count the spores in an optical microscope (×10 or ×40) to deter-
mine the spore concentration and calculate the suspension volume
needed to add using a micropipette to a known volume of fresh
emulsifier solution to obtain the final suspension at the desired
inoculum concentration (see Note 4). Mix again this final suspen-
sion before use in the experiments. See Note 5 for an alternative
method to prepare large volumes of certain spore suspensions.
When fruit are going to be inoculated in in vivo tests with weak
fungal pathogens, some additional ingredients can be added to the
spore suspension to favor actual infection rates (see Note 6).
3.2 In Vitro The purpose of these tests is to evaluate the antifungal activity of
Antifungal Activity ECs against the target fungal pathogen in a rapid, easy, cheap, and
simple manner that does not involve the use of fresh produce. For
this, the most practical approach is to work with films instead of
coating liquid emulsions. As a solid thin layer produced by drying
the emulsion, the film will appropriately simulate the characteristics
of the emulsion once applied onto the surface of fresh produce (see
Note 7).
Antifungal Activity of Edible Films and Coatings 265
3.2.1 Film Casting For film production from liquid coating formulations, pipette and
evenly spread an appropriate volume of the degassed emulsion on
rimmed, smooth plates (e.g., Petri dishes, Teflon plates, high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) casting plates, etc.; see Note 8) rest-
ing on a leveled slab and allow to dry at ambient conditions,
normally at approximately 21–25 °C and 50% RH until drying is
complete (see Note 9). While whole films dried in Petri dishes can
be directly used in some tests (e.g., plate counting germination
tests), in other cases the dry film is peeled intact from the casting
surface using a sterile scalpel and tweezers and aseptically cut into
smaller disks of the desired diameter using a sterile cork borer. Use
the films immediately or aseptically store them at 4 °C in the
refrigerator until use in the experiments.
3.2.2 Agar Diffusion or These tests are intended to determine the ability of coating films to
Film Disk Diameter Tests inhibit the spore germination and the mycelial growth of a particu-
lar fungal pathogen in an artificial agar culture medium.
Working within the laminar hood, place 100 μL of spore sus-
pension of the target pathogen on the center of a PDA, DRBCA, or
other agar medium plate and spread uniformly over the entire agar
surface by gently rubbing with a sterile glass rod. A series with
different concentrations of inoculum can be used, usually from
103 to 106 spores mL-1, depending on the fungus. Aseptically
transfer the film disk (16-mm diameter) to the center of the agar
surface and lid the plate. In some cases, smaller film disks (5-mm
diameter) can be produced and three of them can equidistantly be
plated in the same Petri dish. Depending on the objective of the test
and the nature of the EC, control disks can be simply of sterile filter
paper or disks of film formulated without the antifungal ingredient
(s). For each pathogen, type of coating film, and inoculum level,
three to five replicated plates are generally prepared. Depending on
the type of film and antifungal ingredient, put the plates in a
standard refrigerator at 4 °C for 3 h to allow, if that is the case,
the diffusion of film ingredients from the disk to the agar medium
[18]. Then transfer them to an incubator set at 20 °C, 25 °C, or the
most adequate temperature (Table 1) and incubate for a variable
period of 4–14 d, depending on the fungal species. Periodically
(every 1, 2, or 3 d, depending on the growth rate of the fungus)
measure, in two or four directions, the length of the inhibition
zone around the film disk (from the perimeter of the film disk until
the edge of the inhibited area; Fig. 1). These quantitative zone
measurements are giving in fact qualitative results, and results from
different studies are difficult to compare because of the many
specific conditions of the experiments including film size and prop-
erties, antifungal agent, temperature, incubation time, target fun-
gus, inoculum concentration, etc. [19].
This method is particularly suitable for fungal pathogens of
easy sporulation in vitro that produce large amounts of small-size
266 Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
Table 1
Appropriate incubation temperature for optimal growth of common fungal
pathogens causing postharvest disease on fresh horticultural produce
Fig. 1 Disk diameter tests on DRBC agar plates for evaluation of the in vitro inhibition of Penicillium digitatum
(a) and Penicillium italicum (b) by control HPMC-lipid films (left-hand side images) and HPMC-lipid films
containing potassium sorbate (PS), a mixture of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (SB + PS) and
sodium salt of methyl paraben (SMP) (right-hand side images). (Reproduced from Ref. [10] with permission
from ACS Publications)
Antifungal Activity of Edible Films and Coatings 267
3.2.3 Film Surface These assays are intended to assess the ability of the target pathogen
Inoculation Tests to either grow on the coating material itself or penetrate and pass
through it. The purpose is to simulate coating surface contamina-
tion and determine if, once applied to the fruit, the coating will
provide a barrier functionality and will be able to prevent new
infections caused by external contaminating inoculum, usually air-
borne spores or spores and mycelia from rotten adjacent fruit (i.e.,
fungi causing nests of decay on stored produce). Although different
variations of this type of test have been proposed, we describe here
two of the simplest versions.
Working within the laminar hood, place equidistantly film disk
pieces inside an empty sterile Petri dish and drop 10–20 μL of spore
suspension of the target pathogen on the surface of each disc. Four
16-mm-diameter disks can be used in a four-section compartmen-
talized 100-mm-diameter plastic Petri dishes [18], but less disks of
higher diameter can also be used. A series with different concentra-
tions of inoculum can be used, usually from 103 to 106 spores mL-
, depending on the fungus. Transfer the plates to an incubator set
at 20 °C, 25 °C, or the most adequate temperature (Table 1) and
visually assess fungal growth periodically during incubation (every
1, 2, or 3 d) for a variable period of 4–14 d, depending on the
observed rate of fungal growth. No control disks are needed for
this test, although in some cases could be of interest to use disks of
film matrix without the antifungal agent(s). Typically, for each
pathogen, film treatment, and inoculum level, three to five repli-
cated plates are prepared. Results are qualitative and usually given
just as positive (+) or negative (-) growth.
A variation of this test consists in using PDA Petri dishes
instead of empty dishes and carefully inoculate the surface of film
disks placed on the PDA surface. It is important that the inoculum
drop does not move from the disk surface to the surrounding agar
medium. In this case, the artificial media resembles the fruit surface
and, if evaluations during incubation give positive fungal growth on
the agar medium, it will mean that the coating disc is not acting as
an effective barrier for contaminating fungal inoculum since the
spores have been able to pass through the film disk and germinate
and growth on the media. More sophisticated versions of this test
involving plate counting of fungal populations have been
described [14].
268 Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
3.2.4 Plate Counting As an adaptation from tests designed to work with bacterial cells
Germination Test [20, 21], the purpose of these tests is to indirectly assess the effect
of the antifungal film on the spore germination of the target fungal
pathogen, avoiding the large amount of time and labor typically
needed for observation of germination in the microscope. Plate
counting methods are time, space, and labor consuming, but, in
contrast to the aforementioned in vitro tests, they give quantitative
results that can be used to measure log reductions due to the
antifungal film [16, 19].
Prepare a spore suspension of the target pathogen in a PDB
solution at a final concentration of 102–104 spores mL-1, depend-
ing on the fungus, by adding aseptically with a micropipette the
correspondent volume of aqueous spore suspension of known con-
centration into sterilized and cooled PDB flasks. Working within
the laminar hood, pour 15 mL of PDB spore suspension into a
90-mm-diameter Petri dish containing the dry film to be tested, put
the lid on, and hold the inoculated plates on an orbit shaker at
50 rpm at room temperature. At various time intervals, from 4 to
24 h, depending on the experiment, take 100 μL of PDB spore
suspension on the film surface and plate them homogeneously in
fresh PDA dishes by gently rubbing over the entire agar surface
with a sterile glass rod. Control disks are usually sterile paper disks
or disks of coating matrix formulated without the antifungal agent.
When the objective of the test is to find out the influence of the
concentration of the antifungal ingredient on spore mortality, a
series of increasing antifungal agent concentrations in the film are
prepared. Incubate the plates at 25 °C for 3–5 d and count the
number of fungal colonies growing on each plate. For each patho-
gen, film treatment, and time interval, two replicated plates are
usually prepared, and, if needed, serial dilutions with duplicate
plating can be performed. Depending on the number of grown
colonies, results are given directly as spores mL-1 or as log
spores mL-1 (see Note 11). Results can also be given as a percent-
age of inhibition of germination with respect to control disks (see
Note 12).
3.3 In Vivo Due to the large variety of postharvest fungal diseases that affect
Assessment of Disease fresh horticultural produce, many variations of the general proce-
Control dures described here can be found in the literature. In general, the
objective of these in vivo trials is to evaluate the disease control
ability of antifungal EC formulations after their application to fruits
and vegetables actually infected by the target pathogen. Common
laboratory assays with fruit artificially inoculated with the pathogen
are described. Figure 2 represents a schematic diagram for this type
of experiment, particularly for the evaluation of ECs containing
“generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) salts as antifungal ingredi-
ents for the control of Alternaria black spot on cherry tomato
[22]. Notes in this section will refer to procedural variations,
Antifungal Activity of Edible Films and Coatings 269
Fig. 2 Methodological procedure for formulation and in vivo evaluation of the ability of edible coatings
containing GRAS salts to control black spots of tomato caused by the fungus Alternaria alternata. (Reproduced
from Ref. [22]; Open Access)
3.3.1 Fresh Produce Select by hand and use in the experiments healthy fresh fruits or
Sample Preparation vegetables of uniform size and good condition. If possible, use
produce from local organic or commercial orchards located in the
area surrounding the laboratory or research facility. If the fruit are
from a packinghouse or store, always acquire them before any
postharvest treatments are applied. Use the fruit the same day or
one day after harvest or, if not possible, store them at the most
adequate commercial cold storage temperature for each commodity
(Table 2) and high relative humidity (RH > 90%) only for several
days. If cold-stored, allow the fruit to warm and dry at room
temperature for several hours before use in the experiments. Before
each experiment, randomize and wash the fruit with fresh water, a
biodegradable detergent solution or, if needed, dip them for
1–2 min in a surface disinfection solution at room temperature,
usually a diluted bleach solution (sodium hypochlorite at 0.5 vol%).
In the case of small sample sizes, spraying with 70% ethanol
270 Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
Table 2
Recommended conditions for long-term storage of major fresh fruits and vegetables
3.3.3 Storage Conditions After draining and air-drying at room temperature, place coated
and Assessment of Disease fruit on plastic cavity sockets on corrugated cartons or plastic trays
Control and incubate them in a climatic walk-in storage room for 7–21 days
at 20 °C or the most convenient growth temperature for each
target pathogen (Table 1). This procedure will allow to obtain
quick results on the disease control ability of each EC treatment.
Assess periodically (every 1–7 days) disease incidence by counting
the number of infected wounds or fruit in each replicate (Fig. 3,
bottom left) and, for each evaluation date, express mean values as
percentage; disease severity by measuring the lesion diameter of
each infected wound (Fig. 3, bottom right) and express mean
values in mm; and pathogen sporulation by counting the number
of sporulated wounds or fruit in each replicate (Fig. 3, bottom left)
and express mean values as percentage (see Note 16). For each
evaluation date, all these results can also be expressed as a percent-
age of reduction with respect to the control treatment (see Note
17). Disease severity over time can also be directly expressed as the
area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) or, more accu-
rately, the area under the disease progress stairs (AUDPS [23]).
272 Lluı́s Palou and Marı́a B. Pérez-Gago
Fig. 3 Concurrent rind wound and inoculation of a spore suspension of Penicillium sp. on orange fruit (top).
Determination of disease incidence (number of infected fruit) and pathogen sporulation (number of sporulated
fruit) (bottom left), and disease severity (lesion diameter; bottom right) on citrus fruit wound inoculated with
Penicillium sp. and incubated at 20 °C for 7 days
4 Notes
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4. Palou L, Pérez-Gago MB (2021) GRAS salts as tum and Penicillium italicum by hydroxypro-
alternative low-toxicity chemicals for posthar- pyl methylcellulose-lipid edible composite films
vest preservation of fresh horticultural containing food additives with antifungal prop-
products. In: Spadaro D, Droby S, Gullino erties. J Agric Food Chem 56:11270–11278.
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11. Springer, Cham, pp 163–179 ble coating on food products: a review. Food
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coatings for fresh and minimally processed 12. Andrade RD, Skurtys O, Osorio FA (2012)
fruits and vegetables: a review. Crit Rev Food Atomizing spray systems for application of edi-
Sci Nutr 51:872–900. ble coatings. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 11:
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6. de Souza EL, Ramos Berger LR, Marı́n A et al 1541-4337.2012.00186.x
(2020) Chitosan and other edible coatings for 13. Palou L, Valencia-Chamorro SA, Pérez-Gago
the control of postharvest diseases of fresh MB (2015) Antifungal edible coatings for fresh
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Raton, pp 403–452 (2011) Development of edible films and coat-
7. Martı́nez-Romero D, Guillén F, Castillo S et al ings with antimicrobial activity. Food Biopro-
(2020) Aloe spp. gels to reduce fruit disease cess Technol 4:849–875.
and maintain quality properties. In: Palou L, 1007/s11947-010-0434-1
Smilanick JL (eds) Postharvest pathology of 15. Balouiri M, Sadiki M, Koraichi Ibnsouda S
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meta-analysis of disease control and antimicro- 16. Aloui H, Khwaldia K (2016) Natural antimi-
bial and eliciting activities. Compr Rev Food crobial edible coatings for microbial safety and
Sci Food Saf 20:563–582. food quality enhancement. Compr Rev Food
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Sci Food Saf 15:1080–1130. 23. Simko I, Piepho HP (2012) The area under the
10.1111/1541-4337.12226 disease progress stairs: calculation, advantage,
17. Valencia-Chamorro SA, Pérez-Gago MB, del and application. Phytopathology 102:381–
Rı́o MA et al (2009) Curative and preventive 389.
activity of hydroxypropyl methylcelluloselipid 11-0216
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green and blue molds. J Agric Food Chem 57: fruits. In: Hickey KD (ed) Methods for evalu-
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(2008) Thermal, mechanical and water vapor with or without antifungal agents on physico-
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culturae 4:46. ‘Wonderful’ pomegranates. Postharvest Biol
horticulturae4040046 Technol 43:133–142.
Chapter 16
Active food packaging materials with antimicrobial properties have stood out from other technological
products for food preservation due to its practical application and cost-benefit. This analytical protocol was
based on the “Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests” and adapted to its application for antibacterial food
packaging. It points out in a simplified, careful, and objective way the entire step-by-step methodology to
evaluate antimicrobial activity applied to food packaging incorporated with active compounds against
different microorganisms of interest to the food industry. Therefore, it is an interesting tool for students,
researchers, laboratories, and companies interested in the science of food packaging technology.
Key words Antimicrobial activity, Active food packaging, Disk diffusion method
1 Introduction
Spoilage microorganisms are one of the main reasons for food loss
and waste according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), resulting in an estimated yearly loss of
40–50% fruits and vegetables, 35% fish, 30% cereals, and 20% dairy
and meat products [1]. On the other hand, foodborne pathogens
are affecting the lives of consumers, resulting in deaths, hospitaliza-
tions, and illnesses worldwide [2]. In this regard, the World Health
Organization has indicated that around 600 million people get sick
after consuming food that has been contaminated after its
production [3].
Safe production and commercialization of food require the use
of proper packaging materials, which allows for protecting it from
external threats, such as spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms,
oxygen, moisture, light, and heat, among others, as well as increas-
ing its shelf-life, decreasing postcontamination, and preserving its
quality until it reaches the final consumer [2, 4]. Moreover, food
packaging plays the role of unitizing food products and attracting
consumers with a marketing appeal, features that are essential in
different links of the food supply chain [5]. The worldwide market
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
280 Paula J. P. Espitia and Rejane A. Batista
1.1 Brief History of The discovery of penicillin and its effects against bacterial infection
the Method caused by Staphylococci and Streptococci by Alexander Fleming was
one of the greatest findings of modern medicine. This led to the
development and application of microbiological analyses to deter-
mine susceptibility or resistance to antimicrobials of antibiotic
compounds, to further being used in treating human pathologies.
Although the original method for determining susceptibility to
antimicrobials was based on broth dilution techniques, the disk
diffusion method was a widely accepted and adopted methodology
among most US clinical microbiology laboratories by the decade of
1950s. However, this methodology was not standardized, and each
“The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is an international, voluntary, nonprofit, interdisci-
plinary, standards-developing, and educational organization accredited by the American National Standards
Institute, which develops and promotes the use of consensus-developed standards and guidelines within the
health care community. These consensus standards and guidelines are developed to address critical areas of
diagnostic testing and patient health care, and are developed in an open and consensus-seeking forum” [19].
282 Paula J. P. Espitia and Rejane A. Batista
2 Materials
The following materials are needed for carrying out the disk
diffusion test:
• Sterile saline in 2-mL tubes.
• 0.5 McFarland standard.
• Wickerham card.
• Mueller–Hinton agar plates (100 or 150 mm).
• Caliper or ruler.
• Antibiotic disks.
• Forceps.
• Vortex.
• Sterile swabs.
• Alcohol 70%.
• Incubator.
• Disk of the developed packaging material intended to be tested.
• Laminar hood.
• Autoclave.
• UV light source.
• Bunsen burner.
• Microorganism to the antimicrobial activity of the developed
food packaging (foodborne or spoilage microorganism is
3 Methods
Fig. 1 McFarland standards representing different microbial concentrations (left to right: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and
4.0 McFarland unit), positioned in front of a Wickerham card. (Adapted from Bioanalytic GmbH [www.] with permission)
5. Once dried and ready to use, label each Petri dish regarding
tested microorganisms and antimicrobial agents incorporated
in the food packaging.
3.2 McFarland • The 0.5 McFarland Standard corresponds to 1.5 × 108 colony-
Standard forming unit (CFU) mL-1. The standard should be used
together with the Wickerham card, which is a card with black
and white lines in parallel that allows visual comparison of the
0.5 McFarland Standard with the prepared bacterial suspen-
sion (see Note 4.2) that will be used in the disk diffusion test
as inoculum (Fig. 1).
• Prior to its use, agitate the 0.5 McFarland Standard vigorously
to achieve a homogeneous turbidity.
• In order to determine the adequacy of the prepared bacterial
suspension (inoculum), hold side by side the 0.5 McFarland
Standard and the inoculum in front of the Wickerham card.
• Compare the turbidity of the inoculum and the 0.5 McFarland
Standard with proper light. The comparison should be done by
observing the parallel lines through both suspensions.
• If the prepared inoculum is less turbid than the 0.5 McFarland
Standard, add more microorganisms.
• Add more saline solution to the prepared inoculum if it is denser
(more turbid) than the 0.5 McFarland Standard. However, if the
difference in turbidity is too big, then it is recommended to start
over, instead of continuing to dilute the prepared bacterial
Antibacterial Food Packaging 285
Fig. 2 Steps involved in streaking a plate for discrete colonies (right-hand side): Parallel line quadrant streak
followed by undulating line quadrant streak. After each streak, the inoculating loop or needle should be flamed
to red hot and allowed to cool before proceeding to the next step. (Reproduced from Microbe Notes [www.] with permission from
the author and owner)
3.3.1 Incubation After applying the streaking methodology, the Petri dishes should
be incubated inverted in a bacteriological incubator at 36 ± 2 °C for
24–48 h (conditions favorable to most microorganisms of interest.
This should be checked according to each study). After 24 h, it is
possible to evaluate the morphological characteristics of isolated
growing colonies.
3.3.2 Interpretation of 1. Observe the appearance of isolated colonies on agar plates and
the Isolation Results from differentiate according to the distinctive characteristics of the
the Exhaustion Methods target microorganism.
2. To obtain pure cultures, remove, with a sterile inoculation
needle, a portion of a chosen colony and transfer it aseptically
to an inclined simple agar tube, making a streak on its surface.
Incubate at 36 ± 2 °C for 24 h.
3. After the incubation period, observe the culture grown in the
tube and check the purity considering its homogeneous aspect
and through Gram stain.
3.4 Inoculum 1. Take 4–5 isolated colonies from the Petri dish with the cultured
Elaboration microorganism to be tested, using an inoculating loop (see
Note 4.3).
2. Suspend the colonies in sterile saline (2 mL).
3. Homogenize the tube with the suspended colonies.
4. Verify the desired turbidity according to the 0.5 McFarland
Standard and adjust it if necessary according to item 3.2.
5. Use the inoculum within 15 min after it is prepared.
Fig. 3 Placement of disk on the surface of inoculated Petri dishes. Reproduced from Microbe Notes with
permission from the author and owner []
288 Paula J. P. Espitia and Rejane A. Batista
4. Once all disks are placed on the agar surface, invert the Petri
dishes and incubate. Ideal incubation conditions for foodborne
pathogens and spoilage microorganisms should be checked in
each specific case.
3.7 Measurement of • After the incubation period, measure the inhibition zone on the
the Inhibition Zone back of each Petri dish with a caliper or a ruler (see Note 4.5).
The diameter of the disk should be considered in this measure-
ment (Fig. 3).
• The results should be determined without any visual aid. The
Petri dish should be held on a black surface, and enough light
should be provided to see the back of the Petri dishes. The
results should be observed using a vertical sight line.
• Microbial growth starting at the edge of the disk should be
reported as 0 mm.
3.8 Results Report The obtained results are presented as a measurement of the diame-
and Presentation ter of the inhibition zone [mm].
Although the original “Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion Suscepti-
bility Test” establishes a guideline published by the CLSI to deter-
mine the level of susceptibility of the selected microorganism to the
tested antimicrobial—susceptible (S), intermediate (I), or resistant
(R)—based on an interpretation chart, in the field of antimicrobial
food packaging there is so far no standardization regarding the
microbial susceptibility level. This is in part due to the lack of a
specific institution in charge of that task in this field, as well as due
to the increasing number of antimicrobial agents that are
incorporated in polymeric matrices to later be studied with the
potential application for food preservation.
4 Notes
4.3 Inoculum 1. The selected microorganism for testing the antimicrobial activ-
Elaboration ity of the food packaging should be in the log phase. Thus, the
microorganism should be activated to its log phase the previous
day to performing this technique. This procedure should be
adjusted according to the selected microorganism.
2. Different microorganisms have been reported to be used to test
the antimicrobial activity of active food packaging. Table 1
presents the reported microorganisms used, as well as polymer
matrices and antimicrobial agents tested using the disk diffu-
sion method.
Table 1
Microorganisms used to test the antimicrobial activity of active food packaging using the disk
diffusion method
Food packaging
Microorganism Antimicrobial agent material Reference
Listeria monocytogenes Olive lea extract Fish gelatin [17]
Staphylococcus aureus and Pomegranate peel extract Hydroxypropyl high- [12]
Salmonella amylose starch
Salmonella enterica, ZnO nanoparticles and ascorbic Nanocomposites [10]
L. monocytogenes, Yersinia acid comprising
enterocolitica, Pseudomonas tragacanth gum and
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, polyvinyl alcohol
S. aureus, and Enterococcus
E. coli Carvacrol and thymol Low-density [16]
polyethylene filled
with halloysite
E. coli O157:H7 and S. aureus Rosin-grafted cellulose Bovine gelatin [27]
E. coli and Bacillus subtilis Rosin used to modify the Halloysite nanotubes [28]
surface of cellulose coated with
nanocrystals to obtain rosin- chitosan
modified CNF (R-CNF)
S. aureus (MRSA) and E. coli Silver Gelatin [14]
Bacillus cereus, S. aureus, E. coli, Chitosan nanoparticles Tapioca starch [11]
and Salmonella Typhi
E. coli O157:H7 and S. aureus Chitosan Chitosan/ε-PL [29]
B. subtilis and E. coli Lauric acid Bacterial cellulose [15]
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tives. Foods 9:1438 (2020) Antibacterial tragacanth gum-based
2. Al-Tayyar NA, Youssef AM, Al-hindi R (2020) nanocomposite films carrying ascorbic acid
Antimicrobial food packaging based on sus- antioxidant for bioactive food packaging. Car-
tainable bio-based materials for reducing food- bohydr Polym 247:116678.
borne pathogens: a review. Food Chem 310: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116678
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foodchem.2019.125915 Basha R, Nazli Naim M (2020) Antimicrobial
3. Kim I, Viswanathan K, Kasi G, properties of starch films incorporated with
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ZnO nanostructures in active antibacterial food uation. Carbohydr Polym 230:115602.
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4. Kim I, Viswanathan K, Kasi G, Sadeghi K, bial films functionalized by pomegranate peel.
Thanakkasaranee S, Seo J (2019) Poly(lactic Int J Biol Macromol 129:1120–1126. https://
acid)/ZnO bionanocomposite films with posi-
tively charged ZnO as potential antimicrobial 13. Fuenmayor CA, Espitia PJP (2018) Electro-
food packaging materials. Polymers 11:1427 spun nanofibers: development and potential in
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packaging. In: Ahmed S (ed) Bio-based mate- food industry. CRC Press, Boca Raton
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6. Kumar S, Mukherjee A, Dutta J (2020) Chit- Hussain A (2018) Preparation and characteri-
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emerging antimicrobial food packaging alter- site films for antimicrobial food packaging.
natives. Trends Food Sci Technol 97:196–209. Carbohydr Polym 184:453–464. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.12.068
7. Huang T, Qian Y, Wei J, Zhou C (2019) Poly- 15. Zahan KA, Azizul NM, Mustapha M, Tong
meric antimicrobial food packaging and its WY, Abdul Rahman MS, Sahuri IS (2020)
applications. Polymers 11:560 Application of bacterial cellulose film as a bio-
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Chapter 17
Antioxidant packaging is an emerging technology that limits deteriorative reactions in oxidation-sensitive
food products. The direct interaction of the antioxidant material with the packaged product may inhibit
oxidation reactions by scavenging free radicals, consequently improving the food stability and extending its
shelf-life. Although these packages represent a promising alternative for preserving food, until now,
standardized procedures to accurately quantify their efficacy have been lacking. The methodologies
employed to assess the antioxidant activity of food packaging are the same as those already used for natural
extracts. These methods measure the ability of the analyzed material to scavenge free radicals. Herein, we
describe in detail the principal methodologies that have been used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of
food packaging materials.
Key words Antioxidant packaging, Methodologies, Free radicals, DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, ORAC,
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
294 Fabiana H. Santos et al.
2 Materials
7. Volumetric flask.
8. Amber bottle.
9. UV-visible spectrophotometer.
2.4 ORAC Assay 1. 75 mmol L-1 phosphate buffer pH 7.0: monosodium phos-
phate monohydrate, disodium phosphate heptahydrate, and
1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl).
2. Packaging sample.
3. Distilled water.
4. Fluorescein disodium salt.
5. 2,2′-Azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH).
6. 6-Hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid
7. Micropipette.
8. Fluorescence spectrophotometer.
3 Methods
3.1 DPPH Assay 1. Cut the packaging sample into small pieces.
3.1.1 Packaging Sample 2. Weigh 100 mg of the sample using an analytical balance.
Extracts (See Note 2) 3. Place the sample in a Falcon tube and add 5 mL of methanol.
4. Shake the solution for 3 min using a vortex homogenizer.
5. Keep the solution at room temperature for 3 h and shake it
again for 3 min before use.
6. To calculate the inhibitory concentration (IC50), at least three
more concentrations of packaging extracts must be prepared.
3.1.2 0.06 mmol L-1 1. Weigh 4 mg of DPPH in a glass beaker wrapped with
DPPH Solution (See Note 3) aluminum foil.
2. Add 100 mL of methanol (see Note 4).
3. Place the solution in an ultrasound bath for 5 min at room
4. Filter the solution using a grade1 qualitative filter paper.
5. Store in an amber bottle at 4 °C in the dark (see Note 5).
3.1.3 Performing the 1. Add 0.1 mL of the package extract to 3.9 mL of a DPPH
DPPH Assay (Fig. 1) methanol solution (0.06 mmol L-1).
(See Note 6) 2. Prepare a control sample only with methanol and a DPPH
solution using the proportions previously described (0.1 mL
of methanol and 3.9 mL of a DPPH solution).
Antioxidant Activity of Food Packaging 297
Fig. 1 Simplified flowchart for the DPPH analysis with principle of DPPH radical scavenging by the HAT reaction
3.2 ABTS Assay 1. Weigh 1 g of the food packaging material (see Note 15).
3.2.1 Packaging Sample 2. Cut the sample into small pieces and immerse them in 5 mL of
Extracts [11] a hydroalcoholic mixture (see Note 16).
3. Keep the mixture under stirring overnight (see Note 17).
4. Prepare at least three different dilutions of the sample extract
[12, 13] (see Note 18).
5. Store under refrigeration in a dark amber bottle until assay.
3.2.2 7 mmol L-1 ABTS 1. Weigh 192 mg of ABTS and dissolve in distilled water until the
Stock Solution volume is 50 mL in a volumetric flask.
2. Homogenize and transfer the solution to an amber glass bottle.
3. Store under refrigeration for up to a month.
3.2.3 140 mmol L-1 1. Weigh 378.4 mg of potassium persulfate and dissolve in dis-
Potassium Persulfate tilled water until the volume is 10 mL in a volumetric flask.
Solution 2. Homogenize and transfer the solution to an amber glass bottle.
3. Store at room temperature for up to a month.
3.2.4 1 mmol L-1 Trolox 1. Weigh 12.5 mg of Trolox and dissolve in ethyl alcohol until the
Standard Solution volume is 50 mL in a volumetric flask.
2. Homogenize and transfer the solution to an amber glass bottle.
Prepare and use only on the day of analysis.
3. Prepare the standard curve using the standard 1 mmol L-1
Trolox solution, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Preparation of the calibration curve
3.2.5 Performing the 1. Mix an ABTS solution (7 mmol L-1) with a potassium persul-
ABTS Assay fate solution (2.45 mmol L-1) (1:0.5 v/v).
2. Keep the mixture at room temperature for 16 h in the dark [15]
(see Note 19).
3. Dilute an aliquot of the ABTS●+ solution with ethanol to
obtain an absorbance value of 0.70 at 734 nm using a UV-Vis
spectrophotometer [15] (see Note 20).
4. Solubilize each sample extract dilution or pure solvent (con-
trol) (60 μL) with the ABTS●+ diluted solution (2940 μL) and
incubate at 37 °C for 10 min in the dark [15–18].
5. Measure the absorbance at 734 nm in a UV-Vis spectropho-
tometer [15–18] (see Note 21).
6. Use Trolox as a standard to obtain the calibration curve (con-
centration ranging from 0 to 600 μmol L-1) (see Note 22) and
express the results as μmol L-1 Trolox equivalent/g of dry
sample (see Note 23).
7. Perform all measurements in triplicate.
3.3 FRAP Assay 1. The food packaging extract in the FRAP assay should be
prepared as described in Subheading 3.2.1.
3.3.1 Packaging Sample
3.3.2 40 mmol L-1 HCl 1. Add 3.34 mL of concentrated HCl in a volumetric flask and
Solution add distilled water until the volume is 1 L.
2. Homogenize and transfer the mixture to a glass bottle. Store at
room temperature.
3.3.3 10 mmol L-1 TPTZ 1. Weight 3.12 g of TPTZ and dissolve in 5 mL of an HCl
Solution 40 mmol L-1 solution.
2. Add HCl 40 mmol L-1 until the volume is 1 L in a volumetric
3. Homogenize and transfer the solution to an amber glass bottle.
4. Store under refrigeration for up to a month.
3.3.4 20 mmol L-1 Ferric 1. Weight 5.4 g of ferric chloride and dissolve in distilled water
Chloride Solution until the volume is 1 L in a volumetric flask.
(FeCl3·6H2O) 2. Homogenize and transfer the mixture to an amber glass bottle.
3. Store under refrigeration for up to a month.
3.3.5 30 mmol L-1 1. Weight 0.31 g of sodium acetate (C2H3NaO2) and dissolve in
Acetate Buffer Solution 1.6 mL of acetic acid (CH3COOH).
(pH 3.6) 2. Add distilled water until the volume is 1 L in a volumetric flask.
300 Fabiana H. Santos et al.
3.3.6 1 mmol L-1 Trolox 1. Use the procedure described in Subheading 3.2.4 to prepare
Standard Solution the Trolox standard solution.
3.3.7 Performing the 1. Mix 25 mL of acetate buffer 30 mmol L-1 (pH 3.6), 2.5 mL of
FRAP Assay TPTZ solution (10 mmol L-1), and 2.5 mL of a FeCl3·6H2O
solution (20 mmol L-1) and incubate at 37 °C for 30 min in a
water bath [19] (see Note 24).
2. Solubilize each sample extract dilution (150 μL) with a FRAP
solution (2850 μL) and keep at room temperature for 30 min
in the dark [19–22].
3. Measure the absorbance at 593 nm using a spectrophotometer
[19, 20] (see Note 25).
4. Use Trolox as a standard to obtain the calibration curve (con-
centration ranging from 0 to 600 μmol L-1) as described in the
ABTS assay (see Note 26).
5. Calculate the antioxidant activity of the sample by subtracting
the blank sample (see Note 27) and express the results as μmol
L-1 Trolox equivalent/g of dry sample.
6. Perform all measurements in triplicate.
3.4 ORAC Assay (See 1. 75 mmol L-1 aqueous phosphate buffer can be prepared in a
Note 28) 2-L solution with monosodium phosphate monohydrate and
disodium phosphate heptahydrate at pH 7.0 using 1 mol L-1
3.4.1 Phosphate Buffer
hydrochloric acid (HCl).
(pH 7.0)
3.4.2 Final Reaction 1. The samples (packages) must be initially solubilized in distilled
Mixture Based on the 2 mL water (0.0500 g/10 mL of water, 50 °C, 1 h), and, subse-
Volume (See Notes 29 quently, each initial solution must be adequately diluted in
and 30) sodium phosphate buffer (75 mmol L-1, pH 7.0) [14].
3.4.3 Performing the 1. Add 1650 μL of fluorescein sodium salt (0.05 μL) to sodium
ORAC Assay phosphate buffer 0.075 mol L-1 at pH 7.0 (see Note 31).
2. Mix 200 mL of the diluted sample or 50 mmol L-1 of Trolox
(Trolox at five calibration solutions (0–50 μmol L-1) is used as
a standard) with the previous solution.
3. Incubate the mixture at a constant temperature of 37 °C for
15 min (see Note 32).
4. Check the fluorescence intensity (485 nmexcitation/525 nmemis-
sion) every 5 min for 80 min in a quartz cuvette (see Note 33).
Antioxidant Activity of Food Packaging 301
Fig. 2 Reaction of 2,2′-Azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) during the ORAC assay using
fluorescein as the fluorescent probe. (Adapted from Zulueta et al. [23] with permission from Elsevier, see Note
AUC = 1 + f 1 =f 0 + . . . + f i =f 0 + f 80 =f 0 (2)
where f0 is the fluorescence obtained at time 0 and fi is the fluores-
cence obtained at times between 0 and 80 min (see Note 37).
302 Fabiana H. Santos et al.
4 Notes
4.1 DPPH Assay 1. Because DPPH is a hydrophobic radical, the reactions must be
carried out in organic solvents [9], such as methanol, ethanol,
and acetone. The solvent depends on the material.
2. The preparation of the packaging extract was based on the
method described by Noronha et al. (2014) [24] and Kam
et al. (2018) [22].
3. A 0.06 mmol L-1 DPPH solution is equivalent to a 0.0024%
(w/v) DPPH solution.
4. Add the solvent used in the preparation of the packaging
sample extract.
5. The DPPH solution must be prepared daily and stored at 4 °C
in amber bottles until the assay. It is recommended to cover the
bottles with aluminum foil.
6. Based on the method described by Brand-Williams, Cuvelier,
and Berset (1995) [25], Piñeros-Hernandez et al. (2017) [26],
and Rodrı́guez et al. (2020) [27].
7. The tubes must also be wrapped with aluminum foil to avoid
any exposure to light. DPPH reactions are highly sensitive to
the reaction environment, i.e., water and solvent, pH, oxygen,
and light exposure.
8. The reduction degree of the DPPH radical during its reaction
with antioxidants is measured at 515–517 nm [28].
Antioxidant Activity of Food Packaging 303
4.2 ABTS Assay 15. Choosing the adequate extraction techniques (maceration,
infusion, vortex, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasound-
assisted extraction, and others), the solvent type (hydrophilic
or lipophilic), and its proportion to the solids (solid/solvent
ratio) depends on the antioxidant compound present in the
active food packaging material [29, 30].
16. Several solvents can be used in the extraction of antioxidant
compounds. Polar solvents (hydrophilic), such as methanol,
ethanol, and water, are used for extracting phenolic acids,
flavonoids, and ascorbic acid, while nonpolar solvents (lipo-
philic), such as ether, or low-polarity solvents, namely chloro-
form and acetone, are used for extracting carotenes,
xanthophylls, alkaloids, terpenoids, and tocopherols
[30, 31]. The material of the active packaging will indicate
which disintegration procedure is the most appropriate. Sim-
pler procedures can be used for water-soluble packaging, such
as chitosan. In contrast, materials with more complex struc-
tures, such as alginate, require more elaborate procedures to
be dissolved (freezing, grinding, and methanol
extraction) [32].
17. In some cases, it is necessary to perform a more complex
extraction than soaking or immersing [11, 20]. Other tech-
niques may be included in order to enhance the extraction of
antioxidant compounds, such as stirring [33], heating [15],
shaking [19], centrifuging, and filtering with supernatant
removal [16, 19, 34].
304 Fabiana H. Santos et al.
y = ax + b (4)
where x is the concentration of Trolox and y is the corresponding
Once the standard curve is defined, it is possible to use the
absorbance of the analyzed samples to determine the antioxidant
capacity as μmol L-1 Trolox equivalent. Divide the result by the
mass of film in the sample to obtain the antioxidant capacity per
gram of the film sample. By using 1 g of film in the sample
preparation, it is possible to determine the mass by the dilution in
the assay.
23. The results of the antioxidant capacity may also be expressed
as percentages of inhibition using Eq. 5:
A ABTS - A sample
ABTS●+ scavenging effect (%) = × 100 (5)
where AABTS is the absorbance of the ABTS●+ solution and Asample
is the absorbance of the sample.
4.3 FRAP Assay 24. At this stage, the working solution (FRAP solution) is pro-
duced. When preparing this solution, you should initially mix
the acetate buffer with the TPTZ solution and then add the
FeCl3 solution. It is important to emphasize that this solution
must be prepared on the day of analysis and stored in an
amber bottle. The principle of the FRAP method is based
on the ability of antioxidants to reduce the ferric ion (FeIII)
complexed with TPTZ (ferric tripyridyl triazine complex) to
the ferrous ion (FeII) complex (ferrous tripyridyl triazine
complex) at low pH, in which it is possible to perceive the
blue color of the mixture and spectrophotometrically measure
at 593 nm (Fig. 4). Thus, the change in absorbance is directly
associated with the total reducing capacity of electron-
donating antioxidants present in the sample [37, 38].
306 Fabiana H. Santos et al.
Fig. 4 Reduction of the FeIII (ferric ion) complexed with TPTZ (2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine) to FeII
(ferrous ion) complexed with TPTZ. Adapted from Rufino et al. [39] with permission from Embrapa
4.4 ORAC Assay 28. Based on the method described by Cao et al. (1993) [41],
Ninfali et al. (2005) [42], and Madhujith and Shahidi
(2007) [43].
29. All the solutions must be prepared right before analysis and all
working standard solutions must rigorously dilute the respec-
tive stock solutions in the phosphate buffer (75 mmol L-1,
pH 7.0).
30. In most techniques, phosphate buffer is used to dilute all
extracts since fluorescein is more stable at pH 7.0 [43].
31. Prepare the solution on the day of analysis. In the case of
contact with eyes or skin, fluorescein sodium salt causes severe
eye injuries and skin sensitization. Therefore, wear suitable
gloves and safety glasses with side shields.
Antioxidant Activity of Food Packaging 307
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Chapter 18
Active packaging (AP) is an innovative type of food packaging from which active compounds, such as
antimicrobials or antioxidants, may be released in order to enhance food quality and safety and extend its
shelf-life. The efficiency of the AP system depends on the release rate, since too high rates may lead to a
premature loss of the AP activity, while too low rates may not be sufficient to prevent food deterioration. In
this context, the study of the active agent release mechanisms and kinetics is pivotal to determining the
performance of AP systems. Here we describe a general method to evaluate the release of an active
compound from a (bio)polymeric film, including the protocol for the release test, the quantification
methods, and the mathematical models used to estimate diffusivity and elucidate the release mechanism.
As a showcase, we focus on the release of the antimicrobial natamycin entrapped in a biopolymeric matrix to
a food simulant liquid medium (ethanol solution), and we provide suggestions and protocols that can be
extended to other biopolymers and analytes.
Key words Polymeric film, Active compound, Mathematical modeling, Fickian diffusion, Swelling,
Release mechanism
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
312 Murilo S. Pacheco et al.
can tune the film properties and develop ideal controlled release
systems, including crosslinking, UV irradiation, encapsulation,
complexation, multilayer systems, and nanocomposite films,
among others [2].
Mt 8 1 1 ð2n þ 1Þ2 π 2
=1- 2 exp - Dt ð7Þ
M1 π n=0
ð2n þ 1Þ2 δ2
For short times, when Mt/M1 ≤ 0.6, Eq. 7 assumes boundary
conditions of a semi-infinite solid model, being simplified to Eq. 8
for a flat plate [15].
Release of Actives from Food Packaging 315
Mt Dt
=4 ð8Þ
M1 πδ2
Liquid or food simulant may cause swelling of the (bio)-
polymeric matrix, and in this case, the release kinetics may not
follow the Fickian diffusion model [9]. When case-II or anomalous
transport governs the release, models that include the influence of
matrix swelling are more appropriate. Equation 9 allows the pre-
diction of diffusivity considering both the Fickian and swelling
contributions, as well as the relaxation time associated with polymer
relaxation (τ) and the deviation from the ideal Fickian behavior
(XF) [16]. XF ranges from 0 to 1; for XF equal to 1, Eq. 9 is the
solution of the Fick’s second law (Eq. 7), whereas for XF equal to
0, anomalous diffusion is obtained.
Mt 8 1 1 ð2n þ 1Þ2 π 2
= XF: 1 - 2 exp - Dt
M1 π n=0
ð2n þ 1Þ 2
þð1 - X F Þ: 1 - exp -
Usually, the methods used to study the release of an active
compound from a polymeric film involve the immersion of the
film in a release (sink) medium, and periodic monitoring of the
cumulative concentration of the compound in the liquid medium.
The fractional mass released is calculated, and the mathematical
models are fitted to the kinetic data. Several food simulants with
different pH and water activity are used as sink media for release
studies allowing standardization, reproducibility, and ease of analy-
sis. These media can predict the active agent diffusion from the AP
to the real food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recom-
mends the use of 10 vol% ethanol solution in water as a simulant of
aqueous and acidic foods; 10 and 50 vol% ethanol solution in water
as simulants of low- and high-alcohol content foods, respectively;
and food oil (e.g., corn or olive oil), HB307 (mixture of synthetic
triglycerides), Miglyol 812 (derived from coconut oil), and others
(such as ethanol solutions—used for specific polymeric matrices) as
simulants of fatty foods [17]. On the other hand, the European
legislation recommends the use of water for aqueous foods with a
pH above 4.5; 3 vol% acetic acid solution in water for acidic
aqueous foods with a pH below 4.5; 10 vol% ethanol solution in
water for alcoholic products; and olive oil for fatty foods
[18]. Other food simulants are reported in the literature, such as
heptane, isooctane, ether, isopropanol [19], cyclohexane, ethyl
acetate, glyceryl tripelargonate, terpenes, tributyrin [13], and sun-
flower oil [20].
When the release test is designed for a solid medium, mathe-
matical modeling becomes much more complex, as the resistance to
mass convection plays an important role in the release and a finite
316 Murilo S. Pacheco et al.
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.2 Sample Prepare the sample of the actively loaded biopolymeric crosslinked
Preparation film with a determined dimension, e.g., 4 cm × 4 cm, and with a
known average thickness (see Note 5). The mass of the active
compound (natamycin) loaded in the film sample must be known
(see Note 6).
3.3 Equipment Setup Prepare a shaker bath with distilled water at a determined tempera-
ture for the experiment, e.g., 25 °C (see Note 7). Prepare a spec-
trophotometer UV-Vis to measure the absorbance of the samples
collected during the release test.
3.4 Quantification Prepare the standard curve of the analyte used. Prepare a solution of
Method the natamycin (analytical standard) at a determined concentration,
e.g., 40 mg L-1, using the food simulant 10 vol% ethanol as
solvent, and prepare several dilutions to obtain a range of different
concentrations. Using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 317 nm (see
Note 8), a quartz bucket, and the ethanolic solution as a baseline,
measure the absorbance of the different concentrations of natamy-
cin. If necessary, dilute the natamycin solutions so that the absor-
bance values are between 0 and 1. Plot the absorbance values versus
concentrations and perform a linear regression, R2 > 0.99, to
obtain the analytical standard curve equation.
Food simulant
Shaker bath
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the release test: The polymeric active film is placed in the first container
with the food simulant and at determined time intervals it is quickly transferred to the next container. The food
simulant containing the active compound released is stored to further quantification
3.7 Mathematical 1. Sum all the mass values of natamycin released during the test,
Modeling obtaining the total mass of natamycin released from the film to
the food simulant at equilibrium (M1).
2. Sum the mass released at each previous point from the begin-
ning of the test to the time interval being calculated into the
cumulative mass release (Mt) at each time.
3. Divide each cumulative mass (Mt) by the total mass released
(M1) to calculate the cumulative mass fraction released for
each time (Mt/M1).
4. Plot the Mt/M1 values as a function of time t to obtain the
natamycin release profile (exemplified in Fig. 2).
5. Fit the Power Law Model (Eq. 1) to the release kinetic data
when Mt/M1 ≤ 0.6 to elucidate the rate-controlling mecha-
nism of release. Plot ln(Mt/M1) as a function of ln(t), consid-
ering the linearization form of the equation, and obtain a linear
regression (Fig. 3). The diffusional exponent n is obtained
from the angular coefficient (slope), while the constant k is
calculated from the linear coefficient (intercept).
Fractional natamycin released (M1/Mv)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (h)
ln (t)
6 8 10 12 14 16
ln (M1/Mv)
Fig. 3 Example of the fitting of linearized Power Law Model to the kinetic data of
natamycin released from crosslinked alginate films to ethanol solution
Fick’s 2nd Law
series solution
Experimental data
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (h)
Fractional natamycin released (M1/Mv)
Linear fitting of the
experimental data
Experimental data
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t0.5 (s0.5)
Fig. 5 Example of the fitting of linearized short times model to the kinetic data of
natamycin released from crosslinked alginate films to ethanol solution
4 Notes
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15. Siepmann J, Siepmann F (2008) Mathematical release kinetics of nisin and physico-mechanical
modeling of drug delivery. Int J Pharm 364: characterization. J Food Sci Technol
28. Imran M, Klouj A, Revol-Junelles AM et al
16. Flores S, Conte A, Campos C et al (2007) Mass (2014) Controlled release of nisin from
transport properties of tapioca-based active HPMC, sodium caseinate, poly-lactic acid and
edible films. J Food Eng 81:580–586 chitosan for active packaging applications. J
17. FDA (2007) Guidance for industry: prepara- Food Eng 143:178–185
tion of premarket submissions for food contact 29. Lavoine N, Guillard V, Desloges I et al (2016)
substances (Chemistry Recommendations), Active bio-based food-packaging: diffusion and
U.S. release of active substances through and from
18. Grob K (2008) The future of simulants in cellulose nanofiber coating toward food-
compliance testing regarding the migration packaging design. Carbohydr Polym 149:40–
from food contact materials into food. Food 50
Control 19:263–268
Chapter 19
Edible films have been increasingly studied as carriers for bioactive components, including probiotic
microorganisms and/or prebiotic compounds. Whereas the incorporation of prebiotic compounds does
not usually require wide modifications to the usual processing protocols to produce edible films, the
addition of live microorganisms requires special attention when it comes to processing conditions, in
order to assure that their viability is preserved as much as possible. In this chapter, we describe the basic
procedures for obtaining probiotic and/or prebiotic edible films as well as the specific determinations that
are required to properly characterize them in terms of their bioactive properties and stability.
Key words Probiotic bacteria, Film casting, Gastrointestinal tract, In vitro digestion, Lactobacillus
1 Introduction
The global probiotic market has been evaluated at USD 49.4 billion
in 2020 and estimated to grow to USD 69.3 billion by 2025.
Although probiotics may also be consumed as dietary supplements,
the market for probiotic foods outweighs that of supplements [1].
Edible films and coatings containing probiotics may be used as
primary packaging materials, but also function as part of the food
itself, since they are designed to be consumed with the food prod-
uct. Since those edible films are usually based on biopolymer matri-
ces capable of including probiotic cultures, providing some degree
of protection against external factors (including the low pH during
the passage through the stomach), they have been suggested as
interesting carriers of probiotic microorganisms, acting thus as
bioactive edible films by contributing to consumers’ health, even-
tually also contributing to food stability due to the competitive
effects of probiotics against deteriorating microorganisms [2]. Pre-
biotic compounds (such as inulin and several oligosaccharides) are
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
326 Jackson A. Medeiros et al.
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Film Preparation See Note 2 for precautions to avoid the growth of any contaminant
1. Activate the probiotic culture, according to the specific growth
requirements of the strain of choice. When it comes to bacteria
from the Bifidobacterium genus and those from the Lactoba-
cillaceae family, proceed as follows [7]: Inoculate the culture
into MRS broth and incubate it at 37 °C for 48 h. Aseptically
transfer the cell suspensions into 50-mL sterile tubes and cen-
trifuge them at 4000 g for 10 min. Discard the supernatant,
328 Jackson A. Medeiros et al.
3.2 Estimating the The viable probiotic counts should always be taken on a dry basis,
Viability Loss of the and that is why the total solid content of the sample to be analyzed
Probiotics on Film should be previously determined. The reference method to deter-
Drying mine the solid content is AOAC 968.11 [8], for which we suggest
some adaptations:
3.2.1 Total Solid
Contents 1. Weigh a sample of the film-forming dispersion (about 5 g) or
the dried film (about 0.5 g), with an accuracy of 0.1 mg, in a
previously dried aluminum pan (in triplicate).
2. Dry the aluminum pan + sample in an air oven at 105 °C for as
long as it takes to obtain three consecutive weighings (with no
less than 1 h between them) with differences of no more than
2 mg.
3. Determine the total solid content (g/g) as the weight of the
sample that was kept during drying.
Fig. 1 Scheme of the serial dilutions from a film-forming dispersion, followed by drop plating in a petri dish
divided into quadrants
3. Plate the different dilutions by the drop plate method [9] (see
Note 7). Use Petri dishes containing the solidified culture
medium, e.g., MRS agar for bacteria from the Lactobacillaceae
family [7], or Tryptone Glucose Yeast (TGY) agar for Bacillus
coagulans [3], and divide each agar plate into four quadrants,
each quadrant for a dilution. Pipette out 10 μL (“drop”) from
each dilution on the proper quadrant (at least in triplicate)
(Fig. 1). Leave the plates open until the drops are absorbed
by the culture medium.
4. Incubate the plates under the prescribed conditions for bacte-
rial growth (e.g., 37 °C for 72 h in anaerobic conditions for
Lactobacillus acidophilus).
5. Search for a dilution (quadrant) in which the number of colo-
nies per drop is in the 3–30 range, and count the colonies [10].
6. Calculate the viable cell count (on a dry basis), using Eq. 1 (see
Note 8).
3.2.3 Viable Cell Count 1. Transfer a 0.1 g sample of the film into 9.9 mL of a sterile saline
on the Dried Film solution (0.85% NaCl). Vortex it for 1 min, then stir it at
80 rpm for 1 h at the temperature of incubation (which
depends on the microorganism), obtaining a 10-2 dilution.
2. Proceed as in Subheading 3.2.2 from step 2. With those results
(from Subheadings 3.2.2 and 3.2.3), you will be able to check
the viability loss derived from drying.
330 Jackson A. Medeiros et al.
3.3 Estimating the 1. Store the film samples aseptically under previously defined
Viability Loss of the temperatures (e.g., storage at 4 and 25 °C, as proposed by
Probiotics on Films Kanmani and Lim [11]).
During Storage 2. Proceed to periodic viable counts (e.g., at 10-days intervals), as
described in Subheading 3.2.3.
3.4 Assessing the The presence of probiotic microorganisms may provide the films
Antimicrobial Capacity with some antimicrobial activity due to the competitive advantages
of Probiotic Films of the probiotics over other microorganisms. A recent review has
addressed the antimicrobial testing methods to be applied to films
[12], including disk diffusion method, viable cell count method,
and optical density-based methods. Antifungal and antibacterial
assessments of food packaging materials are also addressed in
Chaps. 15 and 16 of this volume, respectively.
3.5 Evaluating the The prebiotic activity of a prebiotic-containing film may be assessed
Prebiotic Activity of by measuring the effect of the presence of the film on the growth of
Films probiotic bacteria. The following example is based on assessing the
growth of bacteria that use MRS broth as a culture medium (e.g.,
Bifidobacterium genus and Lactobacillaceae family).
1. Transfer a sample of a previously plated standard bacterial strain
into 10 mL of MRS broth, leave it to grow at 37 °C for 24 h,
and read its optical density (OD) in a UV-vis spectrometer at
425 nm. Read also the OD of a 0.5 McFarland standard at the
same wavelength, which corresponds to 1 × 108 cfu mL-1, and
assess the bacterial concentration in the culture by using Eq. 2.
OD sample × 108
Bacterial concentration cfu mL - 1 = ð2Þ
OD McFarland
3.6 Evaluating the When a prebiotic agent is added to the formulation of a film
Prebiotic Effect on containing a probiotic microorganism, the prebiotic may have a
Probiotic Viability on positive effect on the probiotic viability during processing and/or
Film Processing and storage. This effect (when it occurs) may be assessed by using Eq. 3.
Storage Prebiotic effect = P 0 - P f - P0 - Pf ð3Þ
nonpreb preb
3.7 In Vitro Digestion In vitro digestion models have been widely used to overcome the
Method constrictions associated with in vivo methodologies. COST Action
INFOGEST has developed a harmonized international protocol for
static simulation of digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract of
adults [13]. This protocol is easily accessible, relatively inexpensive,
and widely used for digestion assessments. However, it has some
restrictions, especially in the gastric phase. Therefore, recently,
COST Action INFOGEST proposed a semi-dynamic model
including kinetic aspects, gradual acidification, secretion, and emp-
tying of fluid and enzyme [14]. These adaptations were made to
provide kinetic data on digestion and absorption of nutrients. Since
our objective here is to propose methods for the simulated diges-
tion of probiotic films, not involving digestion and absorption of
nutrients, we detail below the protocol of Minekus et al. [13], with
some adaptations.
3.7.1 Preparation of 1. Perform all weightings described in Table 1 for solution prepa-
Solutions for In Vitro ration. All dilution processes should be in sterile and/or ultra-
Digestion Protocol pure water (see Notes 9 and 10).
2. Prepare three digestive fluids: (A) salivary simulated fluid—
SSF, (B) gastric simulated fluid—SGF, and (C) intestinal
simulated fluid—SIF (Table 2), in 500-mL threaded vials.
3.7.2 In Vitro Digestion 1. Oral simulated phase: Transfer 200–300 mg of probiotic film
Process into 4 mL of a simulated salivary solution—SSF (25 μL of
0.3 mmol L-1 CaCl2 and 975 μL of ultrapure water) and
homogenize it in a Stomacher for 1 min at 150 rpm. Incubate
the mixture for 2 min at 37 °C in a metabolic bath (Fig. 2).
Prepare three vials, one of which to be used to assess this phase
itself, and the others to be conducted to the subsequent phases.
2. Gastric simulated phase: Add 7.5 mL of simulated gastric
solution—SGF [1.6 mL of pepsin solution 25,000 U mL-1,
5 μL of 0.3 mmol L-1 CaCl2; 0.2 mL of 1 mmol L-1 HCl and
0.695 mL of ultrapure water] into each of the vials coming
from the simulated oral phase. Adjust the pH to 3 and incubate
332 Jackson A. Medeiros et al.
Table 1
Stock solutions for simulated digestion fluids
Table 2
Recommended concentrations of electrolytes for Simulated Salivary Fluid
(SSF), Simulated Gastric Fluid (SGF), and Simulated Intestinal Fluid (SIF)
4 Notes
1. Market Data Forecast Probiotics Market 9. da Silva N, Taniwaki MH, Junqueira VCA et al
(2020). https://www.marketdataforecast. (2018) Microbiological examination methods
com/market-reports/probiotics-market. of food and water: a laboratory manual. CRC
Accessed 8 Apr 2021 Press
2. Espitia PJP, Batista RA, Azeredo HMC et al 10. Herigstad B, Hamilton M, Heersink J (2001)
(2016) Probiotics and their potential applica- How to optimize the drop plate method for
tions in active edible films and coatings. Food enumerating bacteria. J Microbiol Methods
Res Int 90:42. 44:121–129.
foodres.2016.10.026 S0167-7012
3. Oliveira-Alcântara AV, Soares Abreu AA, Gon- 11. Kanmani P, Lim ST (2013) Development and
çalves C et al (2020) Bacterial cellulose/cashew characterization of novel probiotic-residing
gum films as probiotic carriers. https://doi. pullulan/starch edible films. Food Chem 141:
org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109699 1041–1049.
4. Pruksarojanakul P, Prakitchaiwattana C, Setta- foodchem
chaimongkon S et al (2020) Synbiotic edible 12. Abdollahzadeh E, Nematollahi A, Hosseini H
film from konjac glucomannan composed of (2021) Composition of antimicrobial edible
lactobacillus casei-01® and Orafti®GR, and its films and methods for assessing their antimi-
application as coating on bread buns. J Sci crobial activity: a review. Trends Food Sci Tech-
Food Agric 100:2610–2617. https://doi. nol 110:291–303.
org/10.1002/jsfa.10287 j.tifs.2021.01.084
5. Fernandes LM, Guimarães JT, Silva R et al 13. Minekus M, Alminger M, Alvito P et al (2014)
(2020) Whey protein films added with galac- A standardised static in vitro digestion method
tooligosaccharide and xylooligosaccharide. suitable for food-an international consensus.
Food Hydrocoll 104:105755. https://doi. Food Funct 5:1113–1124.
org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105755 10.1039/c3fo60702j
6. Bersaneti GT, Garcia S, Mali S et al (2019) 14. Mulet-Cabero A-I, Egger L, Portmann R et al
Evaluation of the prebiotic activities of edible (2020) A standardised semi-dynamic in vitro
starch films with the addition of nystose from digestion method suitable for food – an inter-
Bacillus subtilis natto. 116:108502. https:// national consensus. Food Funct 11:1702– 1 7 2 0 . h t t p s : // d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 3 9 /
7. Ebrahimi B, Mohammadi R, Rouhi M et al C9FO01293A
(2018) Survival of probiotic bacteria in carbox- 15. Soukoulis C, Singh P, Macnaughtan W et al
ymethyl cellulose-based edible film and assess- (2016) Compositional and physicochemical
ment of quality parameters. LWT Food Sci factors governing the viability of Lactobacillus
Technol 87:54–60. rhamnosus GG embedded in starch-protein
1016/j.lwt.2017.08.066 based edible films. Food Hydrocoll 52:876–
8. Association of Official Analytical Chemists 887.
(AOAC) (2000) Official methods of analysis. 2014.03.008
AOAC International, Arlington
Chapter 20
Food packaging has various functions, including protecting food and food products from potential damage
and degradation and providing information to consumers. Conventional packaging is commonly a one-
time-use item that is then discarded. Therefore, there is a demand to achieve more sustainable, higher-
quality, and healthier food production systems. In this context, edible packaging can be a good alternative
because they can be manufactured from biobased, biodegradable, and/or edible materials. Studies aiming
at developing edible packaging must be based on tests involving packaging formulations, physical-
mechanical properties, microbiological safety, and others. However, one must have in mind that, because
edible packaging can be eaten, it is essential to study their sensory characteristics and the influence of such
on consumers’ acceptance. In this chapter, a protocol for evaluating the sensory acceptance test of edible
packaging using a nine-point hedonic scale is presented. We expect to assist researchers and professionals
that are involved in the development and production of edible packaging, which is a permanent tendency in
the food industry.
Key words Affective methods, ANOVA, Food packaging, Principal component analysis
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
338 Suzana Maria Della Lucia and Tarcı́sio Lima Filho
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Defining the In acceptance tests, global acceptance (overall impression; i.e., the
Sensory Attributes to edible packaging as a whole) can be assessed or also the acceptance
be Evaluated of specific sensory attributes of the edible packaging, such as color,
appearance, thickness, aroma, texture, taste, and flavor. These attri-
butes can be evaluated globally or by specifying a certain aroma,
taste, and flavor (e.g., banana aroma, vinegar aroma, sweet taste,
salty taste, acid taste, strawberry flavor, and chocolate flavor).
It is noteworthy that, when specifying a sensory attribute to be
evaluated, the consumer will pay more attention to this attribute
than he/she would do if he/she were evaluating global acceptance
(without targeting a specific attribute). Therefore, researchers
should analyze what is most interesting for the research, whether
to draw the consumer’s attention to specific attributes or to simu-
late the real consumption process, when no attribute is targeted.
The greater the number of attributes to be analyzed, the more
complex the analysis will be for the evaluators (consumers). There-
fore, researchers should limit the analysis to only those attributes
that are central to the research.
3.2 Defining the There are several scales used to measure the sensory acceptance of
Scale food and packaging. Among the available scales, the Hedonic Scale
stands out, which was described in detail by Jones et al. [11] and by
Peryam and Pilgrim [12].
Among the existing Hedonic Scales, the nine-point scale, rang-
ing from the terms 1 = “dislike extremely” to 9 = “like extremely”
is the most used by the scientific community and industry (Fig. 1).
Therefore, it will be the scale showcased in this protocol.
This scale is simple and easily understood by consumers.
Through this scale, the consumer expresses sensory acceptance of
the product, stating how much he/she liked or disliked the
Acceptance Test of Edible Packaging 341
Fig. 1 Model score sheet for acceptance test with a nine-point balanced Hedonic Scale
3.3 Presentation of The packaging samples can be served monadically (one at a time)
Edible Packaging and sequentially (one after the other), that is, a response required
after each packaging. The samples may also be served all at once,
but this requires the panelist to match the correct test sample to the
correct three-digit code on the answer sheet. Therefore, for testing
with untrained evaluators (consumers), it is safer to serve products
one at a time and retrieve the sample after each response [10] (see
Note 1).
3.4 Defining the In affective tests, the team of evaluators should be composed of a
Number of Evaluators group of people selected as a representative sample of a population.
Usually, the population is the usual or potential consumer market
for the product [8] (see Note 2).
Acceptance tests, performed in the laboratory, are used to
preliminarily select samples for future tests and in the stages of
new product development [8]. For laboratory tests, studies carried
out recently and published in scientific journals have used teams
composed of 80–150 consumers. Within this range, the greater the
number of samples to be evaluated, the greater the number of
consumers needed.
In addition to the laboratory, tests can also be carried out in
central locations (e.g., supermarkets and restaurants) and house-
holds. In these places, there is less control of the environment and
the analysis conditions (noise, inadequate lighting, absence of
342 Suzana Maria Della Lucia and Tarcı́sio Lima Filho
3.5 Procedure for 1. Code the samples with random three-digit numbers.
Analyzing Packaging 2. Prepare and print the evaluation answer sheet (Fig. 1) for all
Samples evaluators (one form per packaging sample).
3. Provide pens to fill in the answer sheet.
4. The analysis site must be quiet, with a pleasant temperature and
white light (if the researchers are interested in the visual analysis
of the packaging).
5. In another room, welcome the evaluators who will participate
in the study.
6. Deliver, explain, and request a signature on the Free and
Informed Consent Form (mandatory in research with human
beings, consult the Ethics Committee for Research with Human
Beings of the place where the research will be carried out).
7. Collect information about research participants. In the sensory
evaluation, the evaluators are the instruments of analysis; there-
fore, characterizing the profile of the participants is necessary.
The basic information needed is the age, gender, and frequency
or intention of consumption of the product under study. Some
information that can also be requested, according to the
research interest, is the level of education, monthly family
income, and occupation.
8. Deliver the evaluation form (Fig. 1) to the consumers.
9. Explain to the evaluators the number of samples to be analyzed,
one at a time, and the analysis procedure: the evaluators (con-
sumers) must taste the product and inform how much they
liked or disliked the appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, and the
overall impression of the product. Between evaluations, evalua-
tors should rinse their mouths with water and wait for 3 min
before testing another sample.
10. Clear the doubts of the evaluators.
11. Invite the evaluators to enter the packaging evaluation room.
12. Serve the edible packaging samples in a monadic and random
13. As soon as the evaluator finishes analyzing the first packaging
sample, collect the completed answer sheet and ask him/her to
rinse the mouth with water.
14. After 3 min, serve the next sample to be analyzed (chosen
randomly). Perform this procedure until all samples are
15. Repeat steps 5–14 for all evaluators, until the total number of
evaluators is completed.
Acceptance Test of Edible Packaging 343
3.6 Data Analysis The responses of each sensory attribute must be tabulated and
analyzed separately. The data from the nine-point scales are
assigned values one through nine, nine usually being the “like
extremely” level.
The results can be analyzed by descriptive statistics, by means of
frequency distribution graphs of the hedonic scores of each attri-
bute. The frequency distribution graphs allow the researchers to
visualize the segmentation of the hedonic scores of each sample
within the scale. Thus, it is possible to compare the performance of
two or more packaging samples, checking those that had the high-
est mean hedonic scores, that is, the most accepted one.
The results can also be analyzed using parametric statistics,
t-tests on means for two packaging samples, or analysis of variance
followed by comparisons of means for more than two packaging
samples [10]. According to Lawless and Heymann [10], even
though the scale may not achieve a true interval level of measure-
ment, the parametric approach is usually justified based on the
larger sample size in a consumer test.
For each sensory attribute, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) in
completely randomized blocks (consumers) can be performed to
determine whether there is a significant effect ( p ≤ 0.05) of the
packaging samples on the hedonic scores. The mathematical model
that represents the analysis is shown in Eq. 1. The hypothesis of
nullity of zero variability is tested between the packaging samples
(H 0 : σ 2R = 0).
Y ij = m þ P i þ C j þ e ij ð1Þ
Yij—hedonic scores of packaging i attributed by the consumer j
m—constant inherent to the model or the overall average value
Pi—random effect of packaging i
Cj—random effect of consumer j
eij—normal random error, independent and equally distributed
(0,σ 2).
When necessary, comparisons of means should be performed.
The Preference mapping method can be used in order to
evaluate the individual responses of each consumer and not just
the average response of the group of consumers who analyzed the
packaging. Through the Preference mapping, in a single graph,
hedonic information for each consumer participating in the study
is simultaneously presented in a multidimensional space represent-
ing and containing the evaluated packaging [10]. Preference
mapping can give a clear idea of which changes must be made in
product reformulation.
The Internal Preference mapping, sometimes called MDPREF,
is usually a principal component analysis (PCA), in which the
hedonic scores are arranged in a matrix of product (packaging)
344 Suzana Maria Della Lucia and Tarcı́sio Lima Filho
3.7 Presentation and The results can be presented using tables and graphs. As an exam-
Interpretation of the ple, the results of a fictitious research on edible packaging will be
Results presented.
3.7.1 Frequency In Fig. 2, frequency distribution graphs of the hedonic scores are
Distribution presented for the aroma and flavor attributes of three edible pack-
aging samples (A, B, and C).
In Fig. 2, packaging sample A presented a higher frequency of
higher hedonic scores (from 7 to 9), when compared with the other
packaging, for the two attributes under study (aroma and flavor). In
addition, packaging sample B presented the highest distribution of
negative hedonic scores (from 1 to 4) for the aroma attribute, that
is, sample B was the one that presented aromas with greater sensory
rejection, while sample C presented the highest distribution of
negative hedonic scores for the flavor attribute. The same analysis
can be done for the other sensory attributes and the overall impres-
sion of the packaging samples.
3.7.2 ANOVA Table 1 presents the results of the ANOVA and the comparison of
means test of three edible packaging samples (A, B, and C). The
samples did not differ in terms of acceptance as for the appearance
and texture attributes ( p > 0.05). A significant effect of the pack-
aging samples ( p ≤ 0.05) in the ANOVA (Table 1) was verified in
Fig. 2 Examples of frequency distribution graphs of the hedonic scores for the aroma and flavor attributes of
three packaging samples
Acceptance Test of Edible Packaging 345
Table 1
Summary of ANOVA, average hedonic scores, and Tukey’s test for each packaging sample and
sensory attribute
the hedonic scores of the aroma and flavor attributes and overall
impression. Packaging sample B presented the least accepted
aroma. Sample C presented the least flavor acceptance. Packaging
samples B and C showed the lowest overall impression, while
sample A had the highest hedonic scores for flavor attribute and
overall impression.
3.7.3 Internal Preference The Internal Preference Map obtained from the overall impression
Mapping analysis, of six edible packaging samples, is shown in Fig. 3.
The first principal component (PC1) accounted for 71.4% of
the variation in the results, whereas the second principal compo-
nent (PC2) accounted for 10.2% of the variation in the results, and
the two together explained 81.6% of the variation in the results
(Fig. 3) (see Note 3).
The data for each consumer are shown on the map as a black
dot, which corresponds to the endpoint of the fitted vector. Most
consumers are located to the right of the map, where packaging
samples 1 and 4 are located. Therefore, the packages with the
highest acceptance are 1 and 4, followed by 3. The sample
6 obtained the least sensory acceptance. The same graph can be
generated for the results of acceptance of sensory attributes (e.g.,
appearance, aroma, texture, and flavor).
4 Final Considerations
5 Notes
1. Otoni CG, Avena-Bustillos RJ, Azeredo HMC, 7. Food Connection (2021) Empresa cria emba-
Lorevice MV, Moura MR, Mattoso LHC, lagem comestı́vel a partir de fibras naturais.
McHugh TH (2017) Recent advances on edi- ht t p s : // w w w. f o o dc o n n e c t i o n . c o m . b r /
ble films based on fruits and vegetables – a empreendedorismo/empresa-cria-embalagem-
review. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 16: comestvel-partir-de-fibras-naturais. Accessed
1151–1169. 23 apr 2021
1541-4337.12281 8. Della Lucia SM, Minim VPR, Carneiro JDS
2. Daniloski D, Petkoska AT, Lee NA, Bekhit (2018) Análise sensorial de alimentos. In:
AED, Carne A, Vaskoska R, Vasiljevic T Minim VPR (ed) Análise sensorial: estudos
(2021) Active edible packaging based on milk com consumidores, 4th edn. Editora UFV,
proteins: a route to carry and deliver nutraceu- Viçosa, pp 13–49
ticals. Trends Food Sci Technol 111:688–705. 9. Reis RC, Minim VPR (2018) Testes de aceitação. In: Minim VPR (ed) Análise senso-
3. Petkoska AT, Daniloski D, D’Cunha NM, rial: estudos com consumidores, 4th edn. Edi-
Naumovski N, Broach AT (2021) Edible pack- tora UFV, Viçosa, pp 69–85
aging: sustainable solutions and novel trends in 10. Lawless HT, Heymann H (2010) Sensory eval-
food packaging. Food Res Int 140:109981. uation of food: principles and practices, 2nd edn. Springer, New York. 596p
109981 11. Jones LV, Peryam DR, Thurstone LL (1955)
4. Retratos da Economia (2015) Copo de café Development of a scale for measuring soldier’s
comestı́vel é lançado para reduzir impacto food preferences. J Food Sci 20:512–520.
blogs/retratos-da-economia/copo-de-cafe- tb16862.x
comestivel-reduz-impacto-ambiental/. 12. Peryam DR, Pilgrim FJ (1957) Hedonic scale
Accessed 22 apr 2021 method of measuring food preferences. Food
5. Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura (2016) Technol 1957:9–14
Embalagens comestı́veis. https://www.sna.agr. 13. Meilgaard MC, Civille GV, Carr BT (2016)
br/embalagens-comestiveis/. Accessed Sensory evaluation techniques, 5th edn. CRC
24 apr 2021 Press, Boca Raton. 588p
6. As melhores soluções sustentáveis (2017) 14. Lavine BK, Jurs PC, Henry DR (1988) Chance
Embalagem comestı́vel é feita de algas. classifications by non-linear discriminant func- tions. J Chemom 2:1–10.
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Chapter 21
Packaging is of extreme importance as it represents the very first contact among consumers and food or
beverage. Packaging therefore plays a silent seller role and stimulates consumers to decide whether to buy
the product or not. In this chapter, we discuss the modified choice-based conjoint analysis (MCBCA), a
quantitative method that has been used to assist in the clarification of consumer behavior, especially when
seeking to analyze the attributes of product packaging guiding consumer choice. The protocol for
determining the consumer choice probabilities for food packaging based on MCBCA is presented. We
intend to assist everyone involved in the process of designing new products, especially in the stages of
developing the marketing strategy, production, and market testing, by studying the modification and choice
of packaging and labels, contributing to increasing the product’s competitiveness in the market.
1 Introduction
Most food and beverage products are sold packaged, with a label
that has been designed, then printed or attached onto it [1]. In this
context, studying the packaging itself is extremely important as it
represents the consumer’s first contact with the product, thus
denoting the primary object for defining the choice and purchase
of the packaged good [2]. Packaging therefore acts as a silent seller
by providing information about the product, which is evaluated by
the consumer to support the decision to whether buy the product
or not.
Thus, it can be concluded that, the decision to purchase a
certain product for the first time usually depends on the extrinsic
information or characteristics, that is, the non-sensory characteris-
tics related to this product, which are normally present on the
packaging [3]. Packaging characteristics can lead the consumer to
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
350 Tarcı́sio Lima Filho et al.
2 Materials
• Packaging samples.
• Table for displaying all samples.
• White light.
• Stopwatch.
• Answer sheet and consent form (see Note 1).
3 Methods
3.1 Factors Related First, it is necessary to determine which characteristics of the pack-
to Packaging and Their aging (factors and their respective levels) are the most relevant to be
Respective Levels evaluated. This is a very important step since the purpose of the
method is to determine how these characteristics will influence the
likelihood of consumer choices.
Therefore, the factors inherent to the packaging, which may
interfere with the probability of choice, must be chosen (see Note
The determination of these characteristics must be carried out
considering the objectives and the experience of the researchers,
considering information from the literature and, or, through Focus
Group sessions (see Note 3).
Table 1 shows examples of factors and their levels, for studies
with packaging, which can be investigated through the MCBCA.
Table 1
Examples of factors and levels of food or beverage packaging
Factors Levels
Material Flanders, aluminum, glass, poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), or biaxially oriented
polypropylene (BOPP)
Size Small, medium, or large (specifying dimensions)
Volume 350, 600, or 1000 mL
Format Rectangular, square, round, or triangular
Color Red, black, gray, blue, or green
Non-Sensory Characteristics of Food Packaging 353
3.2 Data Collection MCBCA encompasses an experiment with several factors, each with
its own levels. The factors can be qualitative or quantitative vari-
ables. Each treatment (packaging) is obtained by combining the
levels of the factors; therefore, the treatments are obtained by a
factorial array.
The complete profile is the data collection method to be used in
the MCBCA. In the complete profile, each package (treatment) is
formed by the combination of all factors, that is, it is formed by the
combination of a level of each factor.
3.3 Determining the After defining the factors, their levels, and the method of data
Packaging Samples to collection, it is necessary to define which treatments will be ana-
Be Analyzed lyzed by the evaluators. One can adopt the complete factorial or the
fractional factorial.
In the complete factorial, all possible combinations of the levels
of the factors will be analyzed. Therefore, the complete factorial
should be adopted whenever the number of factors and levels to be
evaluated is small. When there are a large number of factors and
levels, fractional factorials should be adopted (see Note 4).
The MCBCA calculates the probability of choosing each pack-
age, seeking to investigate which package has the highest likelihood
of choice. When using fractional factorial, leaving some packaging
samples without evaluation, there is a risk of not analyzing the
packaging that would have the greatest likelihood of consumer
choices. Therefore, it is recommended, whenever possible, to give
preference to the use of the complete factorial array.
3.3.1 Case Study The data will be collected using the complete profile method [15],
and a complete factorial treatment array will be used [12]. There-
fore, eight treatments will be applied, as outlined in Table 2.
3.4.1 Case Study The eight packaging samples (treatments) of the case study are
shown in Fig. 1.
354 Tarcı́sio Lima Filho et al.
Table 2
Treatments under study
3.5 Defining the All packaging samples must be presented simultaneously to the eva-
Order of Presentation luators. The order of disposal of the packages must follow a prede-
of the Packaging fined experimental design (see Note 5).
3.5.1 Case Study Annex 1 shows the design proposed by MacFie et al. [16] to present
eight treatments, which would be the design used in the case study.
There are 48 possible orders for the presentation of eight samples.
All these orders must be considered during the evaluation of the
3.6 Defining the In MCBCA, the evaluation of packaging must be carried out by
Number of Evaluators traditional or potential consumers of the product. Assessors do not
need to be previously trained. It is only necessary to explain, on the
day of the analysis, how the evaluators should proceed to analyze
the samples.
The number of evaluators that will carry out the analyses
depends on the number of possible orders of the design and the
number of repetitions defined. Equation 1 should be used to
calculate the number of evaluators.
nevaluators = norder :r ð1Þ
where nevaluators is the number of evaluators; norder is the number of
possible orders of presentation of packaging in the design; and r is
the number of repetitions (see Note 6).
3.6.1 Case Study In the case study, for eight packages, there are 48 possible packag-
ing presentation orders (Annex 1). If the researcher chooses to
perform three repetitions, 144 evaluators (three repetitions ×
48 orders) will be needed to complete the analysis. In this case,
three evaluators will analyze the packaging samples in the same
order of presentation. To facilitate and streamline the analysis
Non-Sensory Characteristics of Food Packaging 355
procedure, these three evaluators can carry out the analysis of the
samples at the same time.
3.7 Procedure for 1. Code the packages with random three-digit numbers.
Analyzing the 2. Prepare and print the answer sheet in sufficient numbers for all
Packaging Samples evaluators (one sheet per evaluator) (Fig. 2).
3. Provide pens to fill in the answer sheet.
4. The place where the analysis will be taken must be quiet, with a
pleasant temperature and white light. In the analysis room,
arrange the packages on a table or gondola in the correct
order of presentation. All packaging samples must be displayed
simultaneously, and the order must follow the design of MacFie
et al. [16].
5. In another room, welcome the evaluators who will participate
in the study. The number of repetitions will be the number of
evaluators who will carry out the analysis at the same time.
Therefore, if it was decided to perform three repetitions,
three evaluators should be invited at a time.
6. Deliver, explain, and request a signature on the Free and
Informed Consent Form (see Note 1).
7. Collect information about research participants (see Note 7).
356 Tarcı́sio Lima Filho et al.
Consider that you want to buy (product name). Please write the product code you would
3.8 Tabulation of The evaluators choose only one package among those presented. In
Data the tabulation of the results of the sheets, the value 1 is assigned to
the chosen packaging, and the value 0 to the others. To perform the
analysis of the results, the levels of the factors must also be coded.
3.8.1 Case Study The coding of the levels of the case study is shown in Table 3.
3.9 Data Analysis To carry out the MCBCA, the following considerations were made:
Let Y ,k = y 1k , y 2k , . . . , y Nk be the vector of answers for the
kth consumer, with:
yjk = 0 for not chosen packaging and yjk = 1 for the chosen package
As each appraiser chooses only one package, Eq. 2 applies:
y jk = 1 ð2Þ
j =1
Table 3
Coding of the levels of factors (case study)
3.10 Presentation The results can be presented using tables and graphs. As an exam-
and Interpretation of ple, the results of the case study will be presented. It is important to
Results (Case Study) highlight that these data are fictitious, we use them only for didactic
The estimated coefficients (β′) and the hazard ratio values are
shown in Table 4.
The volume and color factors had a significant effect on the
consumer choices according to the model used ( p ≤ 0.001). The
material factor showed no significant effect on the consumer evalu-
ation ( p > 0.001) (Table 4).
The hazard ratio value for the material factor is
P ðlevel 2Þ P ðPET materialÞ
Hazard ration = = = 0:931
P ðlevel 1Þ P ðGlass materialÞ
The hazard ratio value for the volume factor is
P ðlevel 2Þ P ð360 mLÞ
Hazard ration = = = 2:436
P ðlevel 1Þ P ð600 mLÞ
Table 4
Summary of the analysis for estimating the model coefficients by
maximum likelihood
Table 5
Observed and estimated probabilities by Modified choice-based conjoint
analysis (MCBCA) for the treatments under study
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Packaging (treatment)
Probability observed Probability estimated by MCBCA
4 Notes
Order of presentation
Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 5 4 8 7 1 2 6 3
2 8 5 1 4 6 7 3 2
3 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6
4 3 6 2 1 7 8 4 5
5 7 2 4 3 5 6 8 1
6 6 1 3 8 2 5 7 4
7 2 3 7 6 4 1 5 8
8 1 8 6 5 3 4 2 7
9 1 7 5 8 3 4 6 2
10 7 8 1 4 5 2 3 6
11 6 3 2 5 4 1 8 7
12 8 4 7 2 1 6 5 3
13 5 1 3 7 6 8 2 4
14 2 6 4 3 8 5 7 1
15 4 2 8 6 7 3 1 5
16 3 5 6 1 2 7 4 8
362 Tarcı́sio Lima Filho et al.
Order of presentation
Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
17 2 6 5 1 7 3 4 8
18 7 5 4 2 8 6 3 1
19 5 2 7 6 4 1 8 3
20 1 3 6 8 2 4 5 7
21 6 1 2 3 5 8 7 4
22 4 7 8 5 3 2 1 6
23 8 4 3 7 1 5 6 2
24 3 8 1 4 6 7 2 5
25 6 1 3 4 8 5 7 2
26 8 3 7 6 2 1 5 4
27 5 2 4 7 1 8 6 3
28 2 7 5 8 4 3 1 6
29 1 4 6 5 3 2 8 7
30 3 6 8 1 7 4 2 5
31 7 8 2 3 5 6 4 1
32 4 5 1 2 6 7 3 8
33 4 1 2 7 5 6 8 3
34 7 6 1 3 4 8 2 5
35 3 8 6 5 7 2 1 4
36 1 7 4 6 2 3 5 8
37 5 2 8 4 3 1 6 7
38 6 3 7 8 1 5 4 2
39 2 4 5 1 8 7 3 6
40 8 5 3 2 6 4 7 1
41 6 1 5 8 3 4 2 7
42 3 5 2 6 7 1 4 8
43 5 6 3 1 2 8 7 4
44 1 8 6 4 5 7 3 2
45 8 4 1 7 6 2 5 3
46 7 2 4 3 8 5 1 6
47 4 7 8 2 1 3 6 5
48 2 3 7 5 4 6 8 1
1. Simmonds G, Woods AT, Spence C (2019) 9. Hair Junior JF, Anderson RE, Tatham RL,
‘Shaping perceptions’: exploring how the Black WC (1995) Conjoint Analysis. In: Hair
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Chapter 22
The thermal performance of thermo-active food packaging is a key factor in ensuring its successful
application. The enthalpy (latent heat) and temperature of fusion of the phase change materials (PCMs)
must be certified to match the payload requirements. The PCM-functionalized material also must be
characterized through kinetic experiments in a near-real application experimental setup. Reliable and
comparable protocols for these characterizations are proposed in this chapter.
Key words Thermo-active packaging, Phase transitions, Temperature control, Thermal conductivity,
Melting point, Thermal storage, Phase change packaging
1 Introduction
Caio Otoni (ed.), Food Packaging Materials: Current Protocols, Methods and Protocols in Food Science,,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
366 Bianca C. N. Fernandes and Ana S. Prata
2 Materials
3 Methods
Fig. 1 Packaging functionalization: (a) Particles distributed onto the external surface of the cup and the cup
without bottom; (b) final packaging
3.2 Thermal Stability 1. Switch on the calorimeter and allow it to equilibrate for at least
of the PCM Particles 30 min before the analysis; the calibration should be realized
prior the measurements.
2. Adjust the pressure of the oxygen (50 mL min-1) and nitrogen
gas supplies according to the manufacturer’s
3. Set the run parameters: heating rate of 10 °C min-1, from 25 to
600 °C (see Note 1);
4. Accurately weigh the sample pans and lids. An empty reference
set of pan+lid must be employed (see Note 2).
5. Accurately weigh 10 mg of PCM particles in the pans, hermeti-
cally seal them, and record the final mass (pan + sample + lid)
(see Note 3).
6. Enter the sample information (e.g., mass of particles, name) in
the acquisition software.
7. Retrieve raw data from the experiment and treat as follows:
(a) Perform peak integration in order to obtain the values for
enthalpy of fusion (ΔH) (see Note 4).
(b) From the endothermic peak, the minimum point (far
from baseline) is taken as the melting temperature,
Tm. For mixtures, this point defines the liquidus curve
in the phase diagram (see Note 5).
(c) From the simultaneous TG and DSC apparatus, TG/
DTG curves, it is taken the thermal stability and degrada-
tion temperature of the material, i.e., onset temperatures
corresponding to the temperature to which 5% of the mass
of the sample has evaporated or decomposed (see Note 6).
Thermo-Active Packaging 369
3.3 Thermal 1. Shape the packaging material into 0.04-m-side squares with
Conductivity of the homogeneous thickness (see Note 7).
Packaging Material 2. Measure sample thickness at least three different points and
(Heat-Flow-Meter calculate the average value.
Method) 3. Calibrate the T-type thermocouples at five different tempera-
tures (e.g., 0, +15, +25, +70, and +90 °C).
4. Place the samples between the heat-generating device on the
bottom and the marble plate on top to compress the sample set
and ensure contact (Fig. 2).
5. Install thermocouples at the interfaces (bottom and top) of the
sample with the paper, and the flowmeter (on the top).
6. Enclose the system in a thermal insulator to eliminate lateral
heat losses and guarantee the heat flow in the axial direction of
the sample.
7. Turn on the heat-generating device using a voltage variator
until a steady flow is reached (constant power supply of
700 W).
8. Record the data of temperature using the data logger coupled
to the heat flux sensor and the thermocouples; the temperature
is constant at temperatures around Tm.
9. Validate the measurement system using reference materials (see
Note 8).
10. Calculate the thermal conductivity (k) of the sample [W m-1 °
C-1] that comes from unidimensional and steady-state Fourier
equation (Eq. 1). From a known electric power supply (q) and
dT, the thermal conductivity (k) is determined.
k= ð1Þ
370 Bianca C. N. Fernandes and Ana S. Prata
3.4.2 Activation of PCM 1. Place water in a thermostatic bath (DC-6515) and keep the
in Empty Cups temperature constant at 90 °C.
2. Put the empty cup in a way that the water reaches almost the
border of the cup (Fig. 3).
3. Record the temperature evolution through a Datalogger by
measuring the temperature every 3 s. When the thermocouple
placed on the internal wall reaches 90 °C, keep the system in
the water for an additional 20 min.
4. Remove the cup from the bath and place it at room tempera-
ture (ca. 25 °C).
5. Record the temperature until it reaches 40 °C, i.e., far from the
phase transition temperature of carnauba wax (79 °C).
6. Repeat the steps above with the control (double cups without
PCM particles).
3.4.3 Activation of PCM 1. Fill the volume of the cup with commercial soybean oil.
in Filled Cups 2. Employ an external resistance (127 V, titanium) into the oil for
heating it to ca. 100 °C (Fig. 4).
3. Remove the external resistance from the cup.
Thermo-Active Packaging 371
4 Results
5 Notes
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Absorbance Barrier properties
ORAC (see Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity barrier to gases ........................................................ 225
(ORAC)) barrier to microorganism........................................ 233
Acceptance (sensory) ........................................... 337–346 barrier to moisture ......................................... 109, 208
Acetyl tributyl citrate ...................................................... 76 Bioactive
Active (differs from bioactive) compound ............................................................... 326
agent ............................................................... 311–323 packaging
packaging .............................................. 116, 280, 282, prebiotic.....................................................325–334
303, 311, 312, 314–316 probiotic ....................................................325–334
Adhesive...................................................... 75, 79, 83, 88, Bioassimilation ................................................................ 28
121, 122, 129, 186, 199, 367 Biobased packaging....................................................... 3, 4
Affective method ........................................................... 339 Biodegradable packaging/plastic
Agglomeration ............................................ 172, 174, 175 oxo-biodegradable packaging
Alternating least square (ALS) ............................ 107, 184 (see Oxo-biodegradable)
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) ............................ 343–345 Biodegradation
Antimicrobial activity in compost .................................................... 29, 34, 57
antibacterial assays in marine water......................................... 5, 12–14, 29
disk susceptibility test ....................................... 281 in soil.................................................. 5, 11, 29, 30, 34
Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion test........281, 282, 288 Biodeterioration/bioerosion ....................................28, 29
antifungal assays Biofilm ................................................................ 28, 65, 69
Agar diffusion test............................261, 265–267 Biofragmentation ......................................................28, 29
disk diameter test .............................261, 265–267 Bisphenol ...............................................91, 119, 121, 127
film surface inoculation test..................... 262, 267
plate counting germination test ...................... 262, C
265, 268 Calorimetry ..................................................................... 23
Antioxidant activity
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
ABTS assay/TEAC ....................................... 294, 295, headspace (see Modified atmosphere packaging)
297–300, 303–305 permeability ............................................225–227, 230
DPPH assay ................................... 295–298, 301–303
respiration (see Respirometry)
FRAP assay .................................... 295–296, 304–306 transmission rate ..................................................... 221
ORAC assay .......................... 296, 300–302, 306–307 Cellular structure ................................................... 28, 170
Arrhenius ....................................................................... 221
Cellulose, see Natural polymer
Assimilation, see Bioassimilation Chemometrics .............................. 67, 184, 187, 190, 191
Attribute (sensory) Chitosan, see Natural polymer
appearance ............................................. 340, 344, 345
Choice probability/consumer choice ................. 349–359
aroma ..................................................... 340, 344, 345 Chromatography
color ................................................................ 168, 340 combustion ion chromatography (CIC) ..... 103, 104,
flavor ..............................................168, 340, 344, 345 107–108
overall impression.................................. 340, 344, 345
gas chromatography (GC).......................... 30, 67, 85,
taste ................................................................. 168, 340 88, 121, 323
texture............................................168, 340, 344, 345 liquid chromatography (LC) ...................88, 102, 124
size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)..................... 29
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376 Index
Clausius–Clapeyron equation ....................................... 211 film ................................................................... 19, 205,
Compostable packaging................................................ 101 259–276, 325–334, 338
Conjoint analysis .................................................. 350, 351 packaging ....................................... 140, 280, 337–346
Consumer Emulsion...............................................70, 109, 132, 261,
acceptance (see Acceptance) 263–265, 271, 274, 275
behavior .......................................................... 350, 351
choice .............................................................. 349–359 F
Contaminant ........................................58, 68, 76, 77, 84, Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP),
100, 102, 115–132, 316, 327, 333
see Antioxidant activity
Cramer’s rules ................................................................. 91 Fiber............................................................ 22, 60, 65, 66,
Culture medium............................ 30, 32, 34, 36, 39–45, 68, 70, 87, 88, 99, 101, 105, 106, 108, 171,
47, 48, 50, 51, 139, 141, 143, 144, 146, 154,
173, 174, 338, 367
158, 159, 163, 236, 237, 239, 240, 263, 265, Fick’s law ..................................................... 207, 208, 220
282, 283, 285, 326, 327, 329, 330, 334 Flexible packaging................................................ 234, 235
Cumulative mass ........................................................... 319
Foam ............................................... 22, 65, 102, 170, 372
Curve resolution ......................................... 184, 188, 189 Food simulant ........................................ 85–90, 117–119,
121–126, 128–131, 314–319, 322
Foodborne pathogen .......................................... 246, 252,
Damage.......................................... 62, 63, 116, 127, 137, 257, 279, 280, 288
150, 151, 161, 168, 170, 177, 337 Food-contact material (FCM).......................... 75–79, 81,
Data 83, 90, 101, 115–131
acquisition ............................ 177, 185, 199, 222, 366 Formaldehyde............................................................60, 77
binning..................................................................... 190 Fruits and vegetables ................................. 219, 260, 261,
processing ....................................................... 170, 172 268, 270, 274, 279
Defect/imperfection ....................................167–178, 199 Fungus/fungi ....................................................4, 27, 239,
Degradation................................................ 16, 17, 22, 23, 259, 261, 265, 267–269, 272, 273, 275
27–29, 58, 62, 65, 68, 76, 77, 100, 109, 120,
293, 314, 337, 368, 372 G
Detector........................................... 67, 82, 88, 107, 127, Gamma radiation, see Radiation
169, 170, 172, 173, 178, 185–187, 190, 199 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) .........................116,
Dialkyl phosphate esters (diPAPs) ...................... 102, 103
268, 269
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), see Calorimetry Grayscale ............................................................... 172, 175
Diffusion Grease resistance .................................................. 108, 109
anomalous................................................................ 315
coefficient .......................................77, 118, 121, 206, H
209, 220, 222–224, 312
diffusional exponent ...................................... 319, 320 Headspace................................................... 12, 14, 23, 89,
diffusivity .................................................76, 207, 221, 219, 246, 247, 249, 253, 256, 280, 311, 313
313–315, 320, 323 Heat transfer................................................ 366, 371, 372
Digestion Hedonic scale/score ............................................ 337–346
anaerobic................................................ 5, 6, 9, 10, 15 Henry’s law .......................................................... 206, 207
chemical ............................................................ 69, 132 Homogeneity .............................................. 194, 197, 198
enzymatic.......................................................... 62, 159 Hydrophilic ........................................106, 132, 205–217,
in vitro ....................................................327, 331–333 222, 227, 228, 230, 234, 303, 312
model ....................................................................... 331 Hydrophobic ................................................ 99, 105, 106,
Disintegration..................................................7, 8, 11–13, 109, 208, 294, 301, 312
29, 30, 303, 312 Hypercubes..........................................185, 187, 188, 191
Distribution map.................................193, 194, 197, 198 Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) ............... 84, 184–187, 190
DPPH assay, see Antioxidant activity
E Imperfection, see Defect
Edible Inhibition zone ................................................... 265, 275,
coating ....................................................259–276, 282 281, 282, 288–290
Intelligent packaging .................................................... 116
Index 377
Intentionally added substances (IAS) .....................75–93, Modified choice-based conjoint analysis
101, 120, 149 (MCBCA) ................. 351–354, 356, 358, 359
Interactance .......................................................... 186, 187 Multivariate calibration................................................. 189
Interface............................. 170, 171, 199, 253, 313, 369 Multivariate curve resolution (MCR) .......................... 184
Kinetics Nanotechnology
microbial growth kinetics .............................. 247–249 nanoparticle ............................ 83, 105, 121–132, 261
mineralization/biodegradation kinetics/rate.... 16–17 nanotube......................................................... 121, 290
release kinetics ...................... 280, 315, 319, 320, 322 Natamycin............................................314, 316–321, 323
Natural polymer, see Polymers
L Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), see Spectroscopy
Label ............................................................. 77, 145, 168, Noise ...........................................172, 174, 177, 192, 341
Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)..........75–93,
214, 284, 346, 349, 350
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) ............................................ 247 101, 116, 120, 128, 149
Lambert–Beer law ......................................................... 169 Non-sensory characteristics .......................................... 349
Layer Nonylphenols (NPs) ....................................................... 78
monolayer .................................................86, 158, 159 Nutrient broth................................... 153, 155, 156, 235,
multilayer .................................................86, 109, 117, 236, 239, 240
122, 129, 220, 245, 313
Likelihood of choice ..................................................... 353
Line scanning ................................................................ 187 Oleophobic, see Hydrophilic
Listeria ......................................................... 247, 255, 290 Orthoslice .................................................... 171, 174, 176
Overall migration, see Migration
M Oxo-biodegradable ...................................................84, 85
Macropixel ............................................................ 197, 198
Mass transfer...........................................76, 83, 117, 207, oxygen permeability ....................................... 219, 230
211, 216, 247, 313, 314, 321 oxygen radical absorbance capacity
McFarland standard ..................283, 284, 286, 289, 327, (ORAC) .................... 294, 300–302, 306–307
oxygen scavenger..................................................... 311
330, 333
Microbial growth kinetics, see Kinetics oxygen transmission rate ........................................ 229
Micronucleus test ................................................. 154, 158
Microorganism-proof packaging.................................. 240
Microplastics Paperboard ................................................... 83, 108, 109,
primary.......................................................... 57, 58, 65 115, 125, 168, 170, 372
secondary .............................................................58, 65 Partial least squares (PLS) ................................... 189, 193
Microscopy Partition coefficient.................... 118, 313, 314, 321–323
confocal microscopy.................................................. 84 Pellet ............................................................. 7, 10, 14, 30,
electron microscopy ................................................ 168 60, 65, 84, 160, 200, 328
fluorescence microscopy ........................................... 65 Permeability
infrared microscopy................................................... 30 carbon dioxide (CO2) (see Carbon dioxide
optical microscopy ..................... 60, 65, 71, 168, 264 permeability)
Migration oxygen (see Oxygen permeability)
overall migration limit (OML) ........................ 90, 118 water vapor (see Water vapor permeability)
specific migration limit (SML) ........... 76, 78, 90, 131 Permeance ................................................... 208, 215, 228
Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) Permeation .......................................... 219–230, 233–240
mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons Phase change material (PCM)............................. 365–372
(MOAH)............................................... 83, 125 Phthalate ..........................................................38, 76, 120,
mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) ......... 83 121, 123, 128
Mineralization ....................................... 16–17, 22, 28–30 Pixel
Misalignment................................................................. 172 dead.......................................................................... 190
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) ....................116, size ........................................................................... 188
219, 245–257
378 Index
Poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances Q
(PFAS).................................. 99–109, 121, 149
Polymer Quantitative segmentation data ................................... 173
natural polymer .............................................. 260, 338 Quasi-isostatic method ........................................ 223, 224
cellulose .............................................7, 10, 14, 19,
21, 23, 32, 43, 50, 66, 171, 185, 186, 189,
196, 198, 220, 282, 338, 367 Radiation
chitin .................................................................. 338 gamma ..................................................................... 236
polysaccharide.......................................... 109, 110, ionizing .................................................................... 236
230, 260, 326, 338 optical ............................................................. 186, 187
starch....................................................... 50, 88, 89 ultraviolet (UV)....................................................... 236
zein...............................................................19, 109 X-ray......................................................................... 172
poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) .................. 132 Raw data ............................................................... 189, 368
poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) ........................ 63, Ready-to-eat (RTE) food ........................... 252, 253, 255
69, 77, 83, 121, 123, 352, 353, 357, 359 Reconstruction ........................................... 169, 171, 172,
poly(lactic acid)/polylactide (PLA) ....................3, 16, 174, 177, 178
17, 31–33, 63, 109, 110 Recycling ...................................................................77, 92
poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) .......................... 105 Reflectance.................................... 67, 186, 187, 189, 200
polyamide ................................... 60, 69, 90, 128, 222 Region of interest (ROI) .................................... 172, 175,
polybutylenesuccinate (PBS) ........................... 17, 109 178, 189, 190
polycaprolactone (PCL).............................17, 18, 109 Relative humidity (RH) .........................11, 29, 125, 168,
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) ............. 109, 225, 226 199, 206, 207, 211–213, 216, 221, 222, 227,
polyetheretherketone (PEEK)................................ 108 228, 230, 265, 269
polyethylene Release
high-density (HDPE) .......................... 36, 77, 265 mechanism ............................................................... 313
low-density (LDPE)........................17, 20, 36, 39, profile ......................................................319, 321–323
77, 121, 171, 290 rate .................................................................. 312, 313
polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) ................................. 109 Rendering ............................................170, 172, 175, 178
polyhydroxybutryrate (PHB) ....................17, 18, 109 Reshaping ............................................................. 194, 197
polypropylene .............................................. 36, 37, 41, Respirometry
49, 77, 89, 121, 128 automated.................................................................. 30
polystyrene Bartha ........................................................... 34, 46–50
expanded polystyrene (EPS).................. 77, 88, 89 nonautomated ..................................................... 27–54
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ...... 66, 70, 108, 186, Risk assessment .......................................... 79, 82, 90–92,
187, 194, 197–199 131, 246, 252, 256
Pore.........................................................28, 70, 132, 142,
169, 172, 173, 175, 234, 235 S
Porosity............................................................... 5, 66, 170
Salmonella/Escherichia coli microsome assay
Positive list...................................... 90, 91, 120, 123, 131
(Ames test) ..................................150, 153–159
Postharvest disease control........................................... 260
Saturated saline solution ...................................... 227, 230
Powder................................................................. 7, 10, 14,
Seal/sealing .............................................. 34, 40, 46, 128,
23, 32, 58, 124, 200, 264
168, 205, 212, 213, 222, 233, 237, 248, 368
Power law .................................................... 313, 319, 320
Segmentation ............................. 170–172, 174, 176, 343
Prebiotic, see Bioactive packaging
Sensor ................................................... 12, 103, 105–107,
Predictive microbiology............. 246–248, 252, 255, 256
227–229, 367, 369
Preference mapping ............................................. 343–345
Pretreatment......................................................63, 86, 87,
acceptance (see Acceptance)
103, 169, 187, 189–192, 195
analysis/evaluation......................................... 339, 342
Principal component analysis (PCA)............................ 343
attribute (see Attribute)
Probiotic, see Bioactive packaging
Shelf-life ................................................................. 86, 116,
Produce..............................................................28, 50, 51,
119, 167, 168, 177, 205, 219, 220, 233, 240,
53, 58, 83, 84, 99, 150, 158, 160, 169, 259–
245–257, 311
276, 304, 307
Short times model................................................ 320, 321
Projection ............................................169, 170, 174, 177
Simulant, see Food simulant
Index 379
Single-use packaging..................................................... 338 immunotoxicity ....................................................... 100
Sinogram............................................................... 169, 170 mutagenicity ............................................. 78, 149–163
Smart label..................................................................... 116 phytotoxicity................................................... 7, 11, 13
Smart packaging, see Intelligent packaging Transflectance ....................................................... 186, 187
Smoothing ................................................... 172, 191, 192 Transmission rate
Solubility.............................................................. 206, 207, carbon dioxide (see Carbon dioxide transmission rate)
220–224, 230, 261, 313 oxygen (see Oxygen transmission rate)
Spatial dimension ......................... 67, 184, 189, 190, 197 water vapor (see Water vapor transmission rate)
Specific migration........................................ 118, 119, 132 Transmittance .................................................67, 186, 187
Spectral dimension ..............................184, 190, 191, 193 Trialkyl phosphate esters (triPAPs) .............................. 102
Spectroscopy/spectrometry Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC),
infrared (vibrational) ................................................. 67 see Antioxidant activity
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) ............... 29, 121 Turbidity.............................................................. 235, 237,
Raman (vibrational) .................................................. 67 240, 284, 286
SERS .....................................................82–84, 92, 105 Two-dimensional (2D) slice ......................................... 173
X-ray.....................................................................59, 71
Spikes ............................................................................. 191 V
Spoilage microorganisms .................................... 257, 260,
van’t Hoff relationship.................................................. 221
279, 280, 283, 288 Vegetable oil ...................................................87, 119, 132
Standard curve............................................ 297, 303–305, Vegetables, see Fruits and vegetables
307, 314, 317, 319 Volatile organic compound (VOC) ............................... 85
Starch, see Natural polymer
Volume of interest (VOI) ............................172–176, 178
Steam sterilization ......................................................... 236
Storage temperature................................... 127, 246, 249, W
252–254, 257, 269, 270
Surfactant................................................................ 79, 106 Water
Swelling.......................................312, 313, 315, 320, 322 activity............................................227, 253, 274, 315
repellency ........................................................ 109, 110
T resistance......................................................... 109, 110
vapor permeability (WVP) .....................109, 205–217
Tetrazolium salt vapor pressure (WVP)................... 208–211, 215–217
MTS assay ................................................................ 141
vapor transmission rate (WVTR) ................. 110, 208,
MTT assay ............................................................... 140 215, 216
WST-1 assay............................................................. 141 Wickerham card.................................................... 283, 284
XTT assay................................................................. 141
Thermal conductivity..........................366, 367, 369–372 X
Thermogravimetry (TG) .................................... 168, 367,
368, 371, 372 X-ray
Three-dimensional (3D) mapped microstructure....... 174 attenuation .............................................170–173, 176
Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction ..................... 170 diffraction ................................................................ 132
Three-dimensional (3D) structural characterization .. 169 histogram........................................................ 172, 175
Threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) ........... 90, 91, spectroscopy (see Spectroscopy)
122, 127, 236, 237, 239 tomography (see Tomography)
Thresholding segmentation................................. 172, 175 See also Radiation
Tomography ......................................................... 169, 171
cytotoxicity ............................. 78, 137–146, 157, 163 Zein, see Natural polymer
genotoxicity .............................................. 78, 149–163