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Alertes 2015

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Preliminary Annual Report

1. The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)

The RASFF was put in place to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to exchange
information about measures taken responding to serious risks detected in relation to food or feed. This
exchange of information helps Member States to act more rapidly and in a coordinated manner in response
to a health threat caused by food or feed. Its effectiveness is ensured by keeping its structure simple: it
consists essentially of clearly identified contact points in the Commission, EFSA1, EEA2 and at national level in
member countries, exchanging information in a clear and structured way by means of templates.

The legal basis

The legal basis of the RASFF is Regulation (EC) N° 178/2002. Article 50 of this Regulation establishes the rapid
alert system for food and feed as a network involving the Member States, the Commission as member and
manager of the system and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Also the EEA countries: Norway,
Liechtenstein and Iceland, are longstanding members of the RASFF.

Whenever a member of the network has any information relating to the existence of a serious direct or
indirect risk to human health deriving from food or feed, this information is immediately notified to the
Commission under the RASFF. The Commission immediately transmits this information to the members of
the network.

Article 50.3 of the Regulation lays down additional criteria for when a RASFF notification is required.

Without prejudice to other Community legislation, the Member States shall immediately notify the
Commission under the rapid alert system of:

(a) any measure they adopt which is aimed at restricting the placing on the market or forcing the
withdrawal from the market or the recall of food or feed in order to protect human health and
requiring rapid action;

(b) any recommendation or agreement with professional operators which is aimed, on a voluntary or
obligatory basis, at preventing, limiting or imposing specific conditions on the placing on the market
or the eventual use of food or feed on account of a serious risk to human health requiring rapid

(c) any rejection, related to a direct or indirect risk to human health, of a batch, container or cargo of
food or feed by a competent authority at a border post within the European Union.

Regulation (EC) N° 16/2011 lays down implementing rules for the RASFF. It entered into force on 31 January
2011. The Regulation lays down requirements for members of the network and the procedure for
transmission of the different types of notifications. A difference is made between notifications requiring
rapid action (alert notifications) and other notifications (information notifications and border rejection
notifications). Therefore definitions of these different types of notifications are added. In addition the role of
the Commission as manager of the network is detailed.

European Food Safety Authority, www.efsa.europa.eu
EFTA Surveillance Authority, http://www.eftasurv.int

The members:
All members of the system have out-of-hours arrangements (7 days/7, 24 hour/24) to ensure that in case of
an urgent notification being made outside of office hours, on-duty officers can be warned, acknowledge the
urgent information and take appropriate action. All member organisations of the RASFF – where contact
points are identified – are listed and their home pages can be consulted on the internet from the following
RASFF web page:


The system

RASFF notifications
RASFF notifications usually report on risks identified in food, feed or food contact materials that are placed
on the market in the notifying country or detained at an EU point of entry at the border with an EU
neighbouring country. The notifying country reports on the risks it has identified, the product and its
traceability and the measures it has taken.

According to the seriousness of the risks identified and the distribution of the product on the market, the
RASFF notification is classified after verification by the Commission contact point as alert, information or
border rejection notification before the Commission contact point transmits it to all network members.

 alert notifications
An ‘alert notification’ or ‘alert’ is sent when a food, feed or food contact material presenting a serious
risk is on the market and when rapid action is or might be required in another country than the notifying
country. Alerts are triggered by the member of the network that detects the problem and has initiated
the relevant measures, such as withdrawal or recall. The notification aims at giving all the members of
the network the information to verify whether the concerned product is on their market, so that they can
take the necessary measures.

Products subject to an alert notification have been withdrawn or are in the process of being withdrawn
from the market. Member States have their own mechanisms to carry out such actions, including the
provision of detailed information through the media if necessary.
 information notifications
An ‘information notification’ concerns a food, feed or food contact material for which a risk has been
identified that does not require rapid action either because the risk is not considered serious or the
product is not on the market at the time of notification.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 16/2011 has added two new sub-types of information notification to the
family of notifications:

 ‘information notifications for follow-up’ are related to a product that is or may be placed on the
market in another member country
 ‘information notifications for attention’ are related to a product that:
(i) is present only in the notifying member country; or
(ii) has not been placed on the market; or
(iii) is no longer on the market
 border rejection notifications
A 'border rejection notification' concerns a consignment of food, feed or food contact material that was
refused entry into the Community for reason of a risk to human health and also to animal health or to
the environment if it concerns feed.

 original notifications and follow-up notifications

A RASFF notification referring to one or more consignments of a food, feed or food contact material that
were not previously notified to the RASFF is an 'original' notification, classified as alert, information or
border rejection notification. In reaction to such notification, members of the network can transmit
'follow-up' notifications which refer to the same consignments and which add information to the original
notification such as information on hazards, product traceability or measures taken.

 rejected and withdrawn notifications

An original notification sent by a member of the RASFF can be rejected from transmission through the
RASFF system, as proposed by the Commission after verification and in agreement with the notifying
country, if the criteria for notification are not met or if the information transmitted is insufficient.

An original notification that was transmitted through the RASFF can be withdrawn by the Commission in
agreement with the notifying country if the information, upon which the measures taken are based,
turns out to be unfounded or if the transmission of the notification was made erroneously.

RASFF news
A ‘RASFF news’ concerns any type of information related to the safety of food or feed which has not been
communicated as an alert, information or border rejection notification, but which is judged interesting for
the food and feed control authorities in member countries.

RASFF news are often based on information picked up in the media or forwarded by colleagues in food or
feed authorities in third countries, EC delegations or international organisations, after having been verified
with any member countries concerned.

Schematic representation of the information flow of the RASFF:

2. RASFF notifications in 2015
In 2015, a total of 3049 original notifications were transmitted through the RASFF, of which 775 were
classified as alert, 392 as information for follow-up, 495 as information for attention and 1387 as border
rejection notification. These original notifications gave rise to 6204 follow-up notifications, representing an
average of 2 follow-ups per original notification. For alert notifications this average rises to an impressive 5.2
follow-ups per original notification.

The overall figures present a 3.4% decrease in original notifications compared to 2014 but a 14.6% increase
in follow-up notifications, resulting in an overall increase of 5%.

Details of these trends are given on page 7. For original notifications, the focus is shifting to alert
notifications. The number of border rejections, declining since 2011, has slightly increased in 2015. For
follow-ups the increase for alerts is significant for the second year in a row. This demonstrates that members
of the network are progressively focusing their efforts on cases where serious risks with products placed on
the market require rapid action to be taken, thereby increasing the efficiency of the network.

The RASFF news transmitted internally in the network are not counted in the above figures nor represented
in the charts in this report. There have been 41 RASFF news sent together with 72 follow-ups. Due to a
significant decrease in follow-ups, this means that information transmitted as RASFF news decreased by 69%
compared to 2014.

After receipt of follow-up information, 25 alert, 33 information and 7 border rejection notifications were
withdrawn. Notifications that were withdrawn are further excluded from statistics and charts.

The European Commission decided, after consulting the notifying countries, not to upload 89 notifications
onto the system because, after evaluation, they were found not to satisfy the criteria for a RASFF notification
(rejected notifications). This represents a 20% decrease compared to 2014.

RASFF notifications are triggered by a variety of things. Just over half of the total number of notifications
concern controls at the outer EEA borders1 in points of entry or border inspection posts when the
consignment was not accepted for import (“border control – consignment detained”). In some cases, a
sample was taken for analysis at the border but the consignment was not held there but was forwarded to
its destination under customs' seals ("border control – consignment under customs"). This means that it
should remain stored there until the result of the analysis is available. In other cases the consignment was
released (“border control - consignment released”) without awaiting the analytical result, which means that
the consignment would need to be retraced if the result is unfavourable and the product needs to be
withdrawn from the market.

The second largest category of notifications concerns official controls on the internal market 2. Three special
types of notifications are identified: when a consumer complaint, a company notifying the outcome of an
own-check, or a food poisoning was at the basis of the notification.

A small number of notifications are triggered by an official control in a non-member country. If a non-
member country informs a RASFF member of a risk found during its official controls concerning a product
that may be on the market in one of the member countries, the RASFF member may notify this to the
Commission for transmission to the RASFF network. In 2015 there were four RASFF notifications and four
RASFF news transmitted on incidents that took place in third countries. A little context regarding some of the
notifications and news transmitted:

• RASFF news 15-768 - unauthorised colour methyl yellow in raw materials and food products from
Taiwan: on 5 January the ECCP received an email from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration
(TFDA) reporting on a food incident concerning illegal use of dimethyl yellow in foods from Taiwan.
Information was given on distribution of products to German and Swedish FBO. In the days that
followed Germany tracked distribution from Germany to Austria and Denmark. On 27 January, the
Netherland notified an alert based on information given by the Dutch importer of various products of
bean curd having been adulterated with methyl yellow. Distribution of these products had taken
place to 11 other Member States plus Switzerland. With further details provided by the TFDA,
products could be withdrawn from the market, for many even before they reached the retailers.

• RASFF news 15-774 – On 21 January the United Kingdom contact point sent a RASFF news about a
number food product recalls in US and Canada of ground cumin and products containing ground
cumin, due to contamination with peanut protein and almond protein. The country of origin or cause
of the contamination was unknown. The UK requested the ECCP to inform INFOSAN, which it did.
After investigation the incidents in the US and in Canada could not be connected to any products on
the market in Europe but they did trigger a series of notifications indicating that also in Europe there
were worrying issues relating to allergens in spices.

• RASFF alert 2015.0785 – in June, the Japanese authorities informed the Italian authorities of very high
levels of Listeria monocytogenes in gorgonzola cheese from Italy. Despite a lack of detailed analytical
data, the Italian authorities decided to transmit an alert through the RASFF informing 12 countries
having received the product. Unfortunately Italy received no further details from the Japanese
authorities about the results of their investigation.

• There were two RASFF news made with information from the Russian authorities on 2 consignments
with false bill of lading describing a different load than the frozen pork back fat that was found in the
containers. A criminal investigation was started.

Since 2009, including Switzerland.
Products placed on the market in one of the member countries including the EEA countries Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.


All information on the RASFF can be found on the website at:

3 Charts and figures

Evolution of the number of notifications since 2011:

- by notification classification

Original notifications
year alert border rejection information for attention information for follow-up

2011 617 1820 720 551

2012 523 1712 679 507
2013 584 1438 679 429
2014 725 1357 605 402
2015 750 1380 476 378
% in/decrease +3.4 +1.7 -21.3 -6.0

Follow-up notifications
year alert border information information information
rejection for attention for follow-up
2011 2265 1053 421 480 1126
2012 2312 906 74 664 1325
2013 2376 525 1 763 1493
2014 3280 581 2 670 1377
2015 4030 417 0 538 1219
% in/decrease +22.9 -28.2 -100.0 -19.7 -11.5

Original notifications with follow-up
These are original notifications to which at least one follow-up was given.

The chart shows that although the number of follow-ups as a whole significantly rose in 2015, there are still a
significant number of notifications that were not followed up at all. Especially in the category alert, the
objective is to reach 100%. The numbers for 2015 will end somewhat higher than shown here considering
that follow-ups are still coming in to 2015 notifications.

- by notifying country

Original notifications
Evolution of original notifications by notifying country

country 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Austria 62 87 110 89 65 49 46 46 57
Belgium 98 107 117 95 129 143 164 198 180
Bulgaria 10 22 26 34 116 75 54 87 99
Commission 8 6 23 12 4 1 1
Croatia 8 11 20
Cyprus 52 65 53 52 77 48 44 55 39
Czech Republic 73 55 68 90 96 71 70 70 56
Denmark 130 127 122 131 151 130 112 99 94
Estonia 17 11 13 18 9 17 32 12 17
Finland 82 93 141 130 111 107 88 98 56
France 124 137 157 171 199 275 250 266 236
Germany 376 438 412 398 419 363 331 330 276
Greece 170 106 161 158 129 65 65 60 64
Hungary 29 17 10 20 13 10 3 15 9
Iceland 4 1 1 2 6 3 1 1 4
Ireland 24 27 30 35 49 54 40 42 58
Italy 501 470 467 543 549 518 528 504 512
Latvia 13 32 14 21 17 26 27 20 42
Lithuania 40 50 33 48 40 51 28 37 30
Luxembourg 10 11 16 23 25 8 17 12 13
Malta 38 30 18 12 27 11 12 8 13
Netherlands 156 247 212 215 204 173 264 252 259
Norway 68 50 30 23 51 62 45 44 32
Poland 123 156 141 140 226 180 120 132 91
Portugal 25 14 8 18 22 29 40 38 30
Romania 7 13 18 25 21 14 14 17 23
Slovakia 61 56 52 56 35 35 35 38 34
Slovenia 47 76 73 56 45 43 34 30 39
Spain 169 142 255 285 302 240 201 189 174
Sweden 55 50 60 74 72 96 91 67 74
Switzerland 4 7 6 20 41 34 24
United Kingdom 361 348 335 320 512 521 327 281 337

Follow-up notifications
Evolution of follow-up notifications by notifying country

country 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 %
Austria 60 52 197 71 118 79 80 117 188 61
Belgium 94 135 178 117 158 210 240 297 262 -12
Bulgaria 28 28 44 57 56 60 106 147 143 -3
Commission Services 158 177 196 307 346 340 421 424 426 0
Croatia 3 1 3 2 15 31 31 0
Cyprus 59 72 57 68 47 76 73 62 78 26
Czech Republic 175 105 194 185 199 163 210 232 190 -18
Denmark 122 110 118 95 160 131 179 207 198 -4
Estonia 5 7 4 17 24 23 46 60 65 8
European Food Safety 2 -100
Finland 17 13 25 23 19 23 64 97 94 -3
France 364 272 256 556 361 283 242 325 359 10
Germany 337 423 489 452 519 409 376 512 483 -6
Greece 80 60 132 113 118 98 66 74 91 23
Hungary 67 51 95 85 103 120 91 143 90 -37
Iceland 2 2 1 1 5 4 6 50
Ireland 36 46 27 43 60 72 154 130 115 -12
Italy 341 321 413 520 654 486439 433 587 36
Latvia 32 16 30 32 40 36 43 68 58 -15
Liechtenstein 1 3 1
Lithuania 17 21 26 51 55 72 69 70 59 -16
Luxembourg 16 33 11 15 16 8 30 37 37 0
Malta 33 33 44 43 24 32 43 42 77 83
Netherlands 152 180 149 155 135 180 222 265 364 37
Norway 27 22 41 44 49 58 44 58 67 16
Poland 118 137 154 154 202 313 415 420 343 -18
Portugal 51 31 28 42 25 74 85 109 138 27
Romania 19 27 40 48 63 85 76 137 127 -7
Slovakia 59 49 44 68 69 76 59 70 74 6
Slovenia 44 35 93 42 47 86 44 68 76 12
Spain 1259 911 999 1288 1077 1058 706 719 648 -10
Sweden 38 54 60 83 84 95 161 155 200 29
Switzerland 42 49 51 70 62 87 85 105 138 31
United Kingdom 121 118 168 125 152 182 141 109 219 101

2015 notifications by hazard category and by classification
hazard category alert border information information total
rejection for attention for follow-
adulteration / fraud 1 89 3 6 99
allergens 114 3 18 2 137
biocontaminants 23 2 18 1 44
biotoxins (other) 12 5 1 18
chemical contamination (other) 2 2 4 8
composition 51 19 22 26 118
food additives and flavourings 17 55 32 36 140
foreign bodies 43 23 14 30 110
GMO / novel food 4 18 3 20 45
heavy metals 73 73 57 16 219
industrial contaminants 21 3 14 15 53
labelling absent/incomplete/incorrect 6 8 3 9 26
migration 14 38 12 13 77
mycotoxins 74 388 29 4 495
non-pathogenic micro-organisms 2 24 7 32 65
not determined / other 5 5 1 11
organoleptic aspects 25 3 10 38
packaging defective / incorrect 5 6 6 17
parasitic infestation 1 3 7 11
pathogenic micro-organisms 261 265 136 83 745
pesticide residues 24 292 71 18 405
poor or insufficient controls 2 70 7 9 88
radiation 7 6 13 26
residues of veterinary medicinal 10 14 23 13 60
TSEs 2 19 21
adulteration / fraud 1 89 3 6 99

2015 notifications by product category and by classification
product category alert border information information total
rejection for for follow-
attention up

alcoholic beverages 4 1 1 6 12
bivalve molluscs and products thereof 23 7 28 3 61
cephalopods and products thereof 1 15 2 18
cereals and bakery products 65 28 9 20 122
cocoa and cocoa preparations, coffee and tea 12 32 7 7 58
compound feeds 1 2 18 21
confectionery 12 10 4 7 33
crustaceans and products thereof 5 26 19 9 59
dietetic foods, food supplements, fortified foods 46 22 16 38 122
eggs and egg products 7 3 2 2 14
fats and oils 5 6 6 6 23
feed additives 1 1 2
feed materials 12 55 13 71 151
feed premixtures 2 2
fish and fish products 104 67 88 38 297
food additives and flavourings 1 6 7
food contact materials 24 83 23 22 152
fruits and vegetables 81 424 104 25 634
gastropods 3 3
herbs and spices 40 74 30 6 150
honey and royal jelly 1 4 2 7
ices and desserts 3 2 5
meat and meat products (other than poultry) 83 24 33 19 159
milk and milk products 48 2 9 59
non-alcoholic beverages 7 10 9 26
nuts, nut products and seeds 46 403 19 9 477
other food product / mixed 11 16 2 5 34
pet food 6 6 11 7 30
poultry meat and poultry meat products 62 59 43 12 176
prepared dishes and snacks 17 5 3 5 30
soups, broths, sauces and condiments 20 3 3 9 35
wine 3 2 5

2015 - top 10 number of notifications

Number of notifications counted for each combination of hazard/product category/country.

- by origin
hazard product category origin notifications
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds China 97
Salmonella fruits and vegetables India 78
Salmonella nuts, nut products and seeds India 65
mercury fish and fish products Spain 58
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Iran 55
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Turkey 53
aflatoxins fruits and vegetables Turkey 48
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds United States 37
Salmonella poultry meat and poultry meat products Brazil 37
migration of chromium food contact materials China 33

- by notifying country
hazard product category notifying country notifications
Salmonella fruits and vegetables United Kingdom 81
mercury fish and fish products Italy 66
Salmonella poultry meat and poultry meat products Netherlands 58
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Netherlands 41
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Germany 39
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Italy 39
migration of chromium food contact materials Italy 36
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Belgium 36
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds Spain 30
aflatoxins nuts, nut products and seeds United Kingdom 26

Notifications – country of origin

2014-2015 Notifications by country type (origin)

2000-2015 notifications by world region

2013-2015 notifications by country of origin

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2013-2015 notifications by product category

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2015 notifications by week and by type

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2012-2015 Notifications by hazard category

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2015 notifications by hazard category and notifying country

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The Excel worksheet document can be opened from the file attachments of this PDF document.
The coloured cells indicate the country with the highest number of notifications for a given hazard

2015 notifications by product category and notifying country

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The Excel worksheet document can be opened from the file attachments of this PDF document.
The coloured cells indicate the country with the highest number of notifications for a given product

2015 notifications by product category and type of control

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The Excel worksheet document can be opened from the file attachments of this PDF document.

2015 non-member countries having provided follow-up

Microsoft Excel

The Excel worksheet document can be opened from the file attachments of this PDF document.
The first column "distribution" shows the number of 2015 notifications for each country to which the
Commission's Services notified distribution of a product. The second column "origin" shows the
number of 2015 notifications for each country to which the Commission's Services notified a product
originating from it. The third column “other” gives the number of notifications for which the country
was notified for another reason than origin or distribution e.g. if the product transited through the
country. The fourth column "follow-ups" shows the number of follow-ups received from each country
in 2015.

2015 notifications by hazard category and risk decision

Microsoft Excel

The Excel worksheet document can be opened from the file attachments of this PDF document.
There are three worksheets splitting up the data between FCM, food and feed. Categories coloured red
have predominantly notifications with risk decision “serious”, whereas categories coloured green have
mostly notifications concerning a “non-serious” risk.


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