Pathways To Resilience CCCP
Pathways To Resilience CCCP
Pathways To Resilience CCCP
Pathways to
With financial
assistance from BCCRF
Community Climate Change Project (CCCP)
Pathways to Resilience
CCCP Experiences
With financial
assistance from BCCRF
Pathways to Resilience: CCCP Experiences
Md. Fazlul Kader, Deputy Managing Director, PKSF
Dr. Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury, General Manager, PKSF
Zahir Uddin Ahmed, Assistant General Manager, PKSF
Md. Rabi Uzzaman, Program Officer, PKSF
KM Marufuzzaman, Program Officer, PKSF
Md. Mahmuduzzaman, Program Officer, PKSF
Suhas Sankar Chowdhury, Program Officer, PKSF
h d by
Project Management Unit (PMU)
Community Climate Change Project (CCCP)
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Published in December 2016
All rights reserved by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
1 Introduction 9
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Objectives of the report 10
1.3 Learning approach and methods 10
1.4 Scope of lessons learnt 11
2 Brief Overview of Community Climate Change Project 12
2.1 Background 12
2.2 Project Development Objectives (PDO) 15
2.3 Geographical coverage 15
2.4 Project participants 16
2.5 Project’s measurable indicators 16
3 How Communities Became Resilient 18
3.1 Concept of Resilience 18
3.2 Measurement of Climate Resilience Index (CRI) in CCCP 19
3.3 Community-applied sustainable adaptation practices 21
3.3.1 Protected households 21
3.3.2 Access to potable water 23
3.3.3 Diversified livelihoods 26
3.3.4 Sanitation, health and education 29
3.3.5 Agriculture and special livelilood 32
3.3.6 Community mechanism- a cross cutting issue 35
3.4 To what extent communities became resilient 36
3.4.1 Medium term outcome 36
3.4.2 Long-term impact at community level 38
3.4.3 Progress against the logframe at PDO-level 38
4 Implementation Process 45
4.1 Rigorous screening process 45
4.2 Diverse activities 49
4.3 Monitoring and evaluation 50
4.4 GIS-based monitoring system 50
4.5 Tools and guidelines 51
4.5.1 Activity Implementation Guideline 51
4.5.2 Procurement 51
4.5.3 Environmental Compliances 52
4.5.4 Social Compliance 52
4.5.5 Complaint Handling Mechanism (CHM) 52
4.6 Knowledge management 53
4.6.1 Publications 53
4.6.2 Library corner on climate change 53
4.6.3 CCCP website 54
4.6.4 Capacity building of the PIPs 54
4.6.5 Fund management 55
5 Conclusion 56
Executive Summary
Bangladesh is one of leading countries in the world combating climate change with
own financial resources as well as support from various development partners. The
Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh successfully sensitised the
developed countries (that are mainly responsible for climate change and global
warming) by establishing Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (BCCTF) from
public money for implementing Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action
Plan (BCCSAP), 2009. Influenced by the initiative of the Government of
Bangladesh, the development partners established Bangladesh Climate Change
Resilience Fund (BCCRF) in 2010 to support the government in implementing The
BCCSAP. As per the BCCRF policy, 10% of the money should be implemented by
Non-government Organizations (NGOs). The governing body of the BCCRF
entrusted the PKSF to implement the NGO window of the BCCRF under the name
of Community Climate Change Project (CCCP).
It identified three climate risk zones i.e. flood, salinity and drought, in the project
designing phase. Considering differential vulnerability in different risk zones, the
CCCP implemented risk-specific adaptation technologies. The main objective was
to make flood-affected communities resilient by protecting houses; to make
salinity-affected communities resilient by increasing access to drinking water; and
to make drought-affected communities resilient by increasing access to drinking
and irrigation water. The project has achieved these objectives by implementing
community-based adaptation activities. The activities are mostly climate
risk-specific. These activities were mainly proposed by the vulnerable communities
of the selected areas. The CCCP added simple management technologies or
improved the management system of those activities to make them
climate-resilient. For example, the CCCP provided technologies like slatted houses
for goat rearing, poultry houses for duck and hen rearing, plastic boxes for crab
fattening etc in order to protect the livelihood assets of the selected vulnerable
people from the adverse impacts of clmate change and associated extreme events.
The project emphasised on climate-resilient homestead development and safe
drinking water supply for the poor and vulnerable communities. The CCCP
adopted cluster-based approach for raising homestead plinths of the
flood-vulnerable and coastal communities. It enhanced sustainability of the plinths
as well as increased social cohesion, particularly during flood. The CCCP provided
different types of water technologies in the three different risk zones to increase
access to safe water for drinking, household uses and irrigation. The project
provided shallow tube wells in the flood-prone areas, submergible tube wells in
the drought-prone areas, and deep tube wells, rainwater harvesting plants,
desalination plants, PSF with ponds etc in the salinity-prone areas. In addition, the
CCCP provided training to about 500 staffs and 43,000 project participants on
climate change issues.
The project
introduced Results
Based Monitoring
(RBM) system and
Information System The project had two major project participant groups: the
(GIS)-based ultra-poor and the poor people who are vulnerable to
climate change in flood, drought and salinity-prone
monitoring system, areas. Project Participants were supported both as
individuals and communities. The project established an
which proved to be effective mechanism for channelling adaptation fund
through NGOs.
the most effective The project developed standard guidelines and tools for
effective implementation of the activities. Major guidelines
and quality and tools included 1) Activity Implementation Guideline, 2)
Procurement Guideline, 3) Environmental Safeguard and
monitoring system Management Framework, 4) Social Management
Framwork (SMF), 5) Monitoring and Evaluation Manual, 6)
for climate change Operational Manaual etc.
learning project in the areas of adaptation to climate
change. However, being encouraged by the quality
PKSF Chairman Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, accompanied by Managing Director Md Abdul Karim, and Deputy
Managing Directors Md Fazlul Kader and Dr Md Jashim Uddin, browsing books after inaugurating the Library
Corner on Climate Change in the PKSF Bhaban.
10 Pathways to Resilience
from this learning project. Day-to-Day experience of the PKSF and the
PIPs is the key source of gathering knowledge and learning of the
project. The PKSF orgnised a series of meetings, workshops and
training sessions to discuss progress, quality, challenges, lessons etc. In
addition, quarterly narrative reports and progress reports were
produced as part of monitoring where lessons are discussed. Besides,
Project Management Unit (PMU) of the CCCP physically visited project
areas, which helped identify lessons of the project. Case studies have
also been collected as part of the lessons.
PKSF Managing Director Md Abdul Karim helping the Head of European Delegation in Bangladesh get a
better understanding of CCCP interventions during a field visit.
CCCP Experiences 11
B rief Overview of
Community Climate Change
Project (CCCP)
2.1 Background
Climate change is the biggest global threat to humanity in
the 21st century. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable
countries in the world facing the impacts of climate
change. With an understanding of the nature and
magnitude of the adverse impacts of climate change and
the efforts required to enhance resilience, the Government
of Bangladesh (GoB) formulated Bangladesh Climate
Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) in 2009. A
multi-donor trust fund, known as “Bangladesh Climate
Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF)”, was established to
implement the strategy and action plan. The BCCRF has
attracted funds from the bilateral sub-projects implemented by NGOs known as the
development partners (United Project Implementing Partners (PIPs). The project had
Kingdom, European Union, Sweden, its targets and gradual achievements in accordance
USA, Australia, Switzerland and with the agreed results framework mentioned in the
Denmark). Ninety percent of the appraisal document. After starting the project, the
available fund will be allocated to Project Management Unit (PMU) regularly submitted
public sector projects, while 10 progress reports to the World Bank.
percent will be channeled through
The CCCP identified three risk zones namely flood,
NGOs for community-level climate
drought and salinity-affected vulnerable areas.
actions through a different project
Sub-grants were provided to 41 NGOs to implement
titled ‘Community Climate Change
sub-projects focusing on community-based climate
Project (CCCP)’. The Governing
change adaptation activities in compliance with the
Council of the BCCRF entrusted Palli
BCCSAP. The budgetary limit of the individual
Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
sub-project ranged from US$ 0.02 million to US$
with implementing the community-level
1.0 million.
climate change adaptation activities
through the CCCP. On behalf of the The CCCP had its own Operational Manual (OM),
contributing development partners Activity Implementation Guideline, Environmental
and in consultation with the Management Framework (EMF), Social Management
Government of Bangladesh (GoB), Framework (SMF), Procurement Guideline and
the World Bank (WB) ensures the Monitoring and Evaluation Manual. Throughout the
fiduciary management of the project. project, every NGO had to work as per the
guidelines of these manuals. The PKSF established a
Initially, the CCCP’s total budget was
Project Management Unit (PMU) on its own premises
US$12.5 million and with the
to manage the CCCP activities. Twelve officers
increase of the BCCRF, additional
recruited for this unit.
US$ 0.5 million was added. Hence,
total budget of the CCCP was
US$13.0 million. The duration of the
project was from August 2012 to
December 2016. It is important to
note that though budget was
increased by US$0.5 million but the
duration remained the same, which
put extra pressure on the PKSF to
complete the additional tasks within
the stipulated time with the same
manpower at the PMU and the PIPs.
However, this challenge was
overcome by hard work.
In order to achieve the project The World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh Qimiao Fan,
development objectives, the CCCP accompained by Md Fazlul Kader, Deputy Managing Director of
worked through a number of PKSF, visiting a CCCP activity site.
CCCP Experiences 13
A glimpse of lessons
Lesson 1: The CCCP identified three climate risk zones i.e. flood, salinity and
drought. Considering differential vulnerability in different risk zones, the CCCP
implemented risk-specific adaptation technologies. The vulnerability of climate
change in salinity-prone areas are always severe than other non-saline areas.
Making protected homesteads from floods was the main objective in flood-prone
areas, increasing access to potable drinking water in the salinity-prone areas and
increasing access to drinking and irrigation water in the drought-hit areas.
Lesson 2: Cluster-based homestead raising has proven to be one of the most
effective adaptation activities to riverine and coastal flooding. It provided multiple
opportunities including vegetable cultivation, seedlings growing, livestock rearing,
providing shelter during floods and other emergencies etc.
Lesson 3: Cluster-based homestead plinth raising approach optimizes land use
and makes the participating people safe and secure. It also catalyzes socialization
and strengthens social unity among the cluster members.
Lession 4: Water sector is highly sensitive to climate change. So, investment in
water sector in the coastal and the drought zones is higher than in other
interventions. Water technologies are highly variable among different risk zones.
Also, options for safe water availability are very limited, especially in
salinity-prone areas.
Lesson 5: Selection of appropriate Income Generating Activities (IGAs) differs
from area to area. Before implementation, it is very difficult to assess whether an
IGA is suitable for a community. The project used its resources efficiently to
achieve the desired results. The CCCP supported technology, vaccination,
capacity development etc. to make livelihood assets climate-adaptive and
productive. With a relatively small investment in IGAs like goat/sheep rearing,
poultry rearing, crab and fish culture and homestead gardening, the CCCP has
achieved satisfactory returns.
Lesson 6: Slatted house for goat rearing has proven to be a very effective
technology for increasing productivity of goats in all three risk zones because of
its adaptation capacity, availability and indigenous knowledge associated with it.
But there is a scarcity of fodder for goats at the community level, especially in the
salinity zone. So, before providing support in the livestock sector, accessible and
available feed for the livestock must be ensure.
Lesson 7: Financial contribution (minimum 10% to 20%) by the community
strengthens the ownership of community resources and enhances sustainability of
those. The community’s financial contribution reflects the need for the activity. The
CCCP has ensured community cash contribution in all activities.
Lesson 8: A combination of results-based and GIS-based monitoring systems has
proven to be more effective than the traditional ones. The CCCP developed ATOM
(Activity To Output Monitoring) and GIS database which is accessible to all on the
CCCP website:
Lesson 9: Flexibility of budget and continuous support is necessary for effective
and on-time utilization of saved financial resources within the limited project
Lesson 10: To implement any new policy, tt is very important to identify the
knowledge gap for any concept to introduce, and then sensitize and give proper
training to all the project personnel so that they can stay on the same page.
14 Pathways to Resilience
2.2 Project Development Objectives (PDO)
The Project Development Objective was to enhance the capacity of
selected communities to increase their resilience to the adverse
impacts of climate change.
Geographical Coverage of CCCP
identified three
climate risk
International Boundary Drought Zone
District Boundary Flood Zone
Salinity Zone
Salinity & Flood Zone
flood, salinity
and drought.
vulnerability in
different risk
zones, the
adaptation N
40 20 0 40 80 120
CCCP Experiences 15
The project
2.4 Project participants participants
The project participants were from poor and ultra-poor communities
that were vulnerable to climate change in flood, drought and
were from poor
salinity-prone areas. They were supported both as individuals and as
communities to ensure the best approach in building community
and ultra-poor
resilience in a holistic way. Those who participated in the
household-level activities are considered as individual project
participants. For example, goat rearing, crab fattening, improved
cooking stoves etc. And the community-level participations are those
that were
who participated in the community-level activities like pond
re-excavation, desalination plants, tube well installation, sanitary
vulnerable to
latrines etc. A total of 43,289 individual HHs and 94,415
community-level HHs participated in the project. It was a principle
climate change
that an individual household would get support for only one income
generating activity but can be involved in other activities under the
in flood,
drought and
2.5 Project’s measurable indicators salinity-prone
Two types of measurable indicators were measured understanding
outcome and impacts of project interventions. These are: 1) areas
PDO-level indicators, and 2) CCCP-level indicators. The PDO-level
indicators were set to measure the PDO-level objective (Section 2.2).
The measurable indicators are: 1) Community mechanisms
established and functioning in selected communities to respond
effectively to specific climate risks; 2) Communities have applied
sustainable adaptation practices to address specific climate change
risks; and 3) Sub-grants implemented in the selected communities
are assessed to have achieved the targeted objectives.
16 Pathways to Resilience
The CCCP developed Climate Resilient Index (CRI) to understand
how communities would become resilient by the interventions under
the CCCP. The CRIs are: 1) food security in terms of food availability
and nutrition, 2) protected household, 3) reduction of waterborne
diseases and 4) livelihood diversification.
The implementation process included two major elements i.e. 1)
monitoring and evaluation and 2) tools and guidelines. The CCCP
had a strong monitoring system which proved quality and timely
implementation of activities towards achieving the indicators at all
levels. A number of necessary guildelines and manuals were
developed which included operational manual, activity
implementation guideline, procurement guidelines, financial
management guidelines, monitoring and evaluation manual, social
management framework, environment management framework,
grievance redress mechanism etc.
CCCP Experiences 17
How Communities
Became Resilient
an end state (Kirmayer et. al. 2009, Norris et al 2008).
Vulnerability and sustainability are further related concepts.
Community resilience is described differently in various studies and
defined more loosely (Kulig, 2000) and there is limited empirical
evidence to inform understandings about community resilience (Karen
Vella et. al., 2012). In general, descriptions of community resilience
take three different forms: (1) resistance: which refers to the ability of a
community to absorb perturbation (Geis, 2000); (2) recovery: which
focuses on the speed and ability to recover from the stressors (Adger,
2000; Breton, 2001); and (3) creativity: which addresses the ability of a
social system to maintain a constant process of creating and recreating,
so that the community not only responds to adversity, but in doing so,
reaches a higher level of functioning (Kulig, 1996; Kulig and Hanson,
1996). The IPCC suggests a similar type of concept of resilience. It says,
resilience means the capacity of social, economic, and environmental
Resilience means systems to cope with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance
responding or recognising in ways that maintain their essential
the capacity of functions, identity and structure, while also maintaining the capacity for
adaptaion, learning and transformation (IPCC, 2014). The CCCP
social, economic, developed Climate Resilience Index (CRI) to measure resilience of the
communities boosted by the CCCP interventions.
and environmental
systems to cope 3.2 Measurement of Climate Resilience Index (CRI) in CCCP
functions, identity
and structure,
while also
maintaining the
capacity for
learning and
CCCP Experiences 19
nutrition status by providing alternative IGA support and d) ensured
available water. Each of the indicators was weighted based on their
significance in the constext of minimising risks, budget allocation and
community needs. It was found that weitage of an indicator varies in
different risk zones. For example, the indicator “resilient HHs established”
gets 50% weight for flood and 30% for salinity whereas this indicator is not
considered in drought zone. Reduction of waterborne diseases is a
common indicator for all three risk zones, which is weighted 20% for flood,
40% for salinity and 20% for drought. Food security is the other common
indicator which is weighted 30% for all three risk zones. “Ensured available
water” is the only indicator which is set for the drought risk zone and
weighted 50%. The weightage has been distributed considering severity of
impacts, proposed interventions and budget allocation. The RBM measured
achievements of the CCCP against these weightages.
The CCCP adopted result-based monitoring framework to measure CRI in
the project. To do so, the CCCP developed a total of four result frameworks.
A mother result framework was developed to measure CRI at the
CCCP-level. This mother framework was supplemented by three other result
frameworks for three disctinct risk zones i.e. flood, salinity and drought. In
addition, 41 PIPs developed their own result frameworks to measure
outcome and impact of their interventions.
A baseline survey was conducted in 2014, before physical interventions at
the community level. Later, two RBM studies were carried out to measure
intermediate results and final results, and impacts. The project also
monitored monthly input and output of each sub-project activities through
monthly reporting and an online system called ATOM (Activity to Output
20 Pathways to Resilience
Lesson 11:
Raised plinths in
flood-prone areas
enhances resilience as it
provides multiple
benefits like
3.3 Community-applied sustainable adaptation vegetable cultivation,
practices seed bed preparation,
other farming activities,
3.3.1 Protected Households providing shelters during
emergencies etc.
Raising homestead plinth-common for flood and salinity
Lesson 12:
The CCCP found that raising plinth in the low-lying char Raising homestead
lands and coastal areas is a very effective adaptation plinths in the coastal
activity. The project raised cluster-based homesteads instead areas created
of single houses. As per guideline of the CCCP, a cluster opportunities for digging
must have at least 4 households because raising a large rainwater
place is more durable than a small one. In addition to reservoirs/freshwater
durability, cluster-based raised homesteads work as flood ponds and fish farming.
shelters during floods. The participants get multiple But the rebuilding cost of
opputunities from this single intervention. They can grow houses are higher in
vegetables round the year, which they could not do earlier. salinity-prone areas than
They prepare seed bed on the raised plinth during floods so
that in the flood-prone
that they can transplant immediately after receding of flood
areas due to strong
water. Their poultry and livestock are safe from flood which
structures required the
they used to sell at a relatively cheap price during floods. It
houses in coastal belt.
is important to note that other flood-affected people from
Lesson 13:
surrounding areas take shelter on the cluster-based raised
plinths. In addition, the following lessons were gathered Cluster-based approach
while implementing the activity: for plinth raising
enhances social
• Participants have access to safe driking water and cohesion and security
sanitation facilities round the year. during disasters.
• Cluster dwellers are able to establish a social network Lesson 14:
within the cluster and can exchange daily necessary Contractual system of
commodities during emergency periods which they could earthwork is more
not do before. cost-effective and
• Participants plant fruit and other trees by themselves on efficient than
a cluster-based raised plinth. It helps them meet nutrition, man-day-based system.
earn extra money and prevent soil erosion.
• Having a secure home enables the dwellers, especially
women, to engage in income-earning acitivities such as
poultry, cattle rearing and vegetable cultivation.
CCCP Experiences 21
• Heights of plinths vary by locations. In the flood-prone
areas, it is easy to raise the plinths at required height
because of availability of soil. In addition, simple structure of
houses in flood-affected areas allows shifting them from one
place to another easily. But in the salinity-prone areas, there
is a scarcity of soil for rainsing plinths at the expected hieght.
The house structures in the salinity-prone areas are heavy,
which makes it difficult to move the structures and its
We are not
reconstruction cost gets high. In addition, their roofs require
to be sloping downwards to avoid stong wind; otherwise the
afraid of
roofs may be blown away by strong winds and storms.
That’s why, people in the coastal zone don’t want to raise the
plinth height as much as required. anymore.
Floods may
Geographical distribution of Plinth raising
cause some
disruptions but
International Boundary
District Boundary
Drought Zone
Flood Zone can no more
displace us.”
Upazila Boundary Salinity Zone
- Anjumanara
Middle Char, Bozra
Ulipur, Kurigram
40 20 0 40 80 120
22 Pathways to Resilience
Case Study
“Plinth raising makes char community flood-resilient”
Most of the people in Middle Adaptation Group (CCAG) to The community people, who were
Char Bozra village of Bozra take adaptation and mitigation provided with plinth raising
union in Ulipur Upazila of measures to rebuild resilient supports, could save themselves
Kurigram district are community. For coping with the from the flood in 2014. They did
disadvantaged and vulnerable to situation, they got support from not have to leave the house to
climatic events. Their geographic the sub-project with the technical seek shelter at some school
location on the bank of the Teesta and financial assistance of the ground or high roads. They also
river made them vulnerable to PKSF. The support includes could keep their domestic
extensive flooding and river household plinth raising, animals and other assets with
erosion of varying intensities promotion of backyard livestock them.
every year. The disasters cause rearing, mainly goat rearing,
The experience of 2014 flood
many casualties and substantial ensuring safe drinking water
made them believe that they are
damage to houses, assets, crops through tube well installation,
capable of adaptation and
and, livestock and human health. safe drinking water through tube
mitigation measures to deal with
In this situation, people of 24 well platform construction,
climate change fallout.
households joined hands with the vegetable and grass cultivation to
Anjumanara, a villager, says,
sub-project to strengthen capacity meet nutrition demand for them
“We are not afraid of floods
for identifying different problems and for their livestock, timber and
anymore. Floods may cause
through consulting community by fruit tree plantation and
some disruptions but can no
forming Climate Change promotion of sanitary latrines etc.
more displace us.”
CCCP Experiences 23
to install tube wells in the respected areas. As per the
definition of DPHE by depth (upto 300 ft is shallow), most of
the tubewells are shallow particularly in flood and
drought-prone areas but deep in salinity-prone areas. In
drought-prone areas submersible tube wells were installed
so that the participants had access to safe drinking water
Lesson 20:
round the year, which was not the case in the past. They have
The problem with water due
increased access to water for livestock and other household
to climate change is different
usages. All tube wells are arsenic free but there are dissolved
in different climate risk zones.
iron in some areas particularly in char areas and Nagaon
Hence, the technologies for
Sadar Upazila. It is documented from the field that time
spent and distance walked for collecting water has reduced. solution of the problem are
Community people contributed 10-20% of the total money. also different.
They also opened bank accounts for saving for future Lesson 21:
management of tube well. MoUs were signed between the In coastal areas, ponds are
PIPs, land owners and tube well management committees to re-excavated to preserve
ensure sustaibality, which is unique. rainwater for drinking
purposes, but in drought
areas, it is for household uses
and irrigation.
Geographical distribution of tubewell installation Lesson 22:
40 20 0 40 80 120
24 Pathways to Resilience
Pond re-excavation- in salinity and drought-prone areas
Ponds were re-excavated for preserving rainwater in salinity
and drought-prone areas. It is interesting to note that the
purpose of pond re-excavation in salinity and
drought-prone areas was different. In extreme salinity-prone
areas, ponds were re-excavated for drinking purpose and in
drought areas, it was done for household uses and irrigation
purposes. In salinity-prone areas, Pond-Sand-Filters (PSFs)
were installed with each pond to make the pond water safe
for drinking. A pond management committee was formed
for each pond for future maintenance. The committee
opened bank accounts on their own for managing future
cost of maintenance. It is found that access to water for
drinking and other purposes has increased, which reduces
the sufferings of women in the rural areas because
traditionally it is the women who always collect water for
household members. The CCCP learnt that PSFs must be Lesson 24:
kept active throughout the year; otherwise it will not be
Rainwater harvesting is the
functioning after a year. The CCCP has worked on this and
easiest and most popular
expects good result. If the committee becomes functioning,
solution to the scarcity of
the PSFs will function. The CCCP also learnt that ponds
drinking water in the coastal
which belong to community institutions like mosque, school,
madrasa etc. are properly maintained.
Lesson 25:
Rain-water harvesting at household and community The water in the first five
levels in salinity-prone areas minutes of the first rain must
be used to clean the roof only.
The coastal communities heavily depend on rain water.
Lesson 26:
Recognizing the acute crisis of drinking water, the CCCP
established Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) plants at both Depending on its
household and community levels. Based on previous water-holding capacity and the
experience of the PKSF and other organisaitons, the CCCP size of a family, a tank full of
focused on the problems of managing RWH technology by rainwater can support a family
the community people. Hence, the CCCP installed the plant for up to six months during the
in a shady place. Water collection point of RWH must be dry seasons.
made with corrugated tin sheets instead of polythene to Lesson 27:
CCCP Experiences 25
habituated to buying drinking water which is a new
changing behaviour in the society. The new social Lesson 29:
character will drive the entrepreneurs scalling up the Desalination plants require
desalination plants at commercial scale. The scaling technical capacity for long
up should consider three things: a) population per term maintenanace.
unit plant- CCCP experienced that a desalination Lesson 30:
plant having the production capacity of 10,000 liter
It must be a social enterprise
water/day can provide services to 500 families, which
because it has maintenance
means a commercial desalination plant should target
at least 500 families, otherwise water-market may be
Lesson 31:
saturated; b) the price of water- must be kept as
cheap as possible considering purchasing power of Coastal people started
vulnerable group i.e. not more than BDT. 0.60/liter; buying potable water from
and c) the location where there is no source of desalination plants, which
drinking water at all. can ensure sustainable
supply of drinking water.
Lesson 32:
In operating desalination
plants, solar energy may be
used where national grid
electricity is not available.
Lesson 33:
26 Pathways to Resilience
Case Study
Hazra Begum, 48, lives with her family of farmer
husband Akbor Ali and three daughters in
Hazra Begum successful by Kashimpur of Lalpur in Natore. They had no
cultivable land except eight decimals of
goat rearing in slatted house homestead. Their life would be plagued by
drought and they would sometimes have to
borrow from others.
Amid such hardship, she became a participant of
the CCCP sub-project there in January 2016. She
was inspired by the discussions in the Climate
Change Adaptation Group (CCAG) and become
interested in goat rearing. With the technical and
financial assistance of CCCP, she started goat
farmig with 3 goats in slatted house. Within 2
years she now has 10 goat having a market value
of Tk. 1,54,800. She is planning to expand the
farm. Despite being placed in drought prone
area, she can now earn her livelihood and lead
normal life.
Geographical distribution of
slatted housing system for goat rearing
International Boundary Drought Zone
District Boundary Flood Zone
Upazila Boundary Salinity Zone
River Slatted housing system
for goat rearing
Lesson 36:
Due to the support of
slatted housing for goats,
farmers are relieved from
the stench of goat urine
because they no more
keep their goats in their
living room.
Lesson 37:
Goat litter is used to
make compost in pit
Lesson 38:
Goat houses constructed
by farmers on their own
are usually more durable
than those provided by
40 20 0 40 80 120
CCCP Experiences 27
population of the areas increased by over 50%. Goat rearing has
become a popular livelihood activity. One very important lesson
here is that technological support is more effective and sustainable
than grant support. Another feature is that sheep are more resistant
to climate change than goat . Lesson 39:
Semi-infenaire poultry
Poultry rearing in semi-scavenging method for all risk rearing can be a
zones potential livelihood
Poultry rearing in rural Bangladesh is a traditional source of option in
income, particulary for the poor household. But traditional process salinity-prone areas
of poultry rearing restricts expected productivity. The CCCP where crops cannot
introduced semi-scavenging poultry rearing technique with grow due to high
structured house, supplemental feeding and timely vaccination. It salinity in the soil or
was found that the intervention of the CCCP reduced indidence of water stagnation.
diseases and improved productivity significantly. It was evident that Lesson 40:
duck is more resilient to climate change impacts than hen, Litter of poultry and
particularly in salinity-prone areas. In addition to hen and duck, other birds can be
the CCCP introduced pegion and quail rearing to foster rapid used to make
income of the vulnerable community. Though the sub-projects compost.
provided training to their participants on improved management
of poultry rearing, more efforts would require to change behavior
of the communities towards improved management of poultry.
MFIs can take initiatives in this regard.
28 Pathways to Resilience
3.3.4 Sanitation, health and education
Household-level sanitary latrines for all risk zones
The CCCP designed a sustainable climate-adaptive sanitary
latrine. The poor and vulnerable people constructed
lantrines with three rings and one slub. This sanitary latrine
significantly contributed to decresing open defecation but
did not ensure the hygiene use. The CCCP demonstrated
improved latrines with ceramic pan, plaster surface,
available aeration and lighting system, fence with colored
corrugated iron sheets, inside water supply system, handle
for aged, pregnant women and children etc. The CCCP
model latrine is comparatively costly (BDT 15,000 to BDT
17,000) than the conventional one. A single poor household
may not be able to construct this one alone. But it is very
much possible if three or more households together
construct the lantrine. Considering this, the CCCP suggested
three close relatives to get one latrine. Initially, most of the
participants did not want to share a latrine. But after
construction, they cordially received because of its
user-friendly features. The model latrine increased thesocial
and health status of project participants. Now, there is a
Lesson 41:
Geographical distribution of sanitary latrine The CCCP has provided a
latrine to three
blood-related families.
Initially this approach
International Boundary Drought Zone
District Boundary Flood Zone
challenged the
Upazila Boundary Salinity Zone implementiion of the
River Sanitary latrine activity but over the project
period, it is fully adopted
by the society.
Lesson 42:
Positive change of behavior
towards hygienic use of
latrines was observed in the
selected community.
Lesson 43:
Demonstartion effects of
the CCCP-designed latrines
were observed in the
40 20 0 40 80 120
CCCP Experiences 29
huge demand of the lantrine in the project areas. The
community contributed more than 10% of the total cost. Now Lesson 44:
other people agree to contribute 50% of the cost. The CCCP A model latrine needs to
has developed and shared guideline for lantrine users displayed to make the
incorporating characteristics of latrine hygiene and participants and the
sanitation through awareness building. contractor understand
the cost of the CCCP
The participants perceive that indidence of different diseases designed latrine.
has reduced and living standard has increased. It was Lesson 45:
observed that concrete tank for water is more durable than Behaviour change
plastic tank. Y-chamber of latrine is more effective than towards hygiene practice
single chamber for waste management in soak well. In of latines requires 2-3
addition, better corrugated iron sheets (above 0.19mm) are months of continuous
more durable than color-coated ones epecially saline areas. and intensive mentoring.
Lesson 46:
Improved cooking stove for all risk zones The CCCP-designed
The CCCP faced enourmous challenges in promoting improved lantrines increased
cooking stoves (ICS). Because women are used to cooking with social status and living
traditional three stand stoves. If they don’t see fire, they think standards of the
grain is not boiling properly. Besides, ICS requires wooden fuel participants.
but women are used to useing leaves, straws etc. So, in spite of
contributing 30% to 50% in cash, initial rate of use was not
International Boundary Drought Zone
District Boundary Flood Zone
Upazila Boundary Salinity Zone
River Improved cooking stove
Lesson 47:
Diameter of chimney of
ICS should not be less
than 5 inches to ensure
Lesson 48:
The ultra poor cannot
afford the cost, hence they
require subsidy in ICS.
Lesson 49:
Roof of kitchen of the poor
community is usually
made of straw which is
vulnerable to catching fire.
Proper safety must be
ensured before installing
40 20 0 40 80 120
30 Pathways to Resilience
satisfactory. Breaking chimney, invisibility of fire, shifting of kitchen, lack
of appropriate fuel etc. were main reasons for their not using ICS.
However, with continuous motivatin, use of ICS has been increased by
to 90% by December 2016.
Case Study
invisibility of
fire, shifting
ICS makes Joshna Begum’s life healthier of kitchen,
Joshna Begum belongs to a very The DCRC project assisted about lack of
poor family living in Ramaigachi 200 families to install ICS with
village, located 2km away from the
Sadar Upazila of Natore district.
the money from the CCCP fund
and the community contribution.
Mother of four children (including
a disabled child), she previously
An ICS is cost-saving and
fuel etc. were
used traditional stove. Her kitchen
was full of dust and smoke which
Joshna is now happy to use the
ICS as it reduced her expenses
main reasons
used to cause various diseases in
her family especially herself and
for firewood, and reduced health
hazards related to smoke and
for their not
her young children. Children are
specially vulnerable to acute
respiratory infections, where there
carbon emission. Her kitchen is
now much clean. Observing the using ICS
benefit of ICS, the popularity is
is casual linkage with the biomass
increasing day by day.
combustion emission.
Some users initially complained
To address this issue, the NDP
that the ICS was requiring more
provided Joshna with an improved
fuel than usual to heat up
cooking stove (ICS) through the
properly. Following this, the ICS
“Development of Climate Resilient
design was upgraded. The
Community (DCRC)” sub-project
radius of the oxygen chamber
under the Community Climate
pipe was enlarged and the
Change Project (CCCP) of the
radius of smoke emission pipe
PKSF. When field officer Md Rafiqul
was narrowed. Like Joshna
Islam went to her house and
Begum, many people in Natore
explained the benefit of ICS, she
are being benefited fromusing
was immediately got interested in
the ICS.
using it.
CCCP Experiences 31
3.3.5 Agriculture and special livelihood
Lesson 50:
Drought-resilient cropping pattern in drought risk
zone Water management in
crop-lands is important for
Drought is one of the most common environmental drought management
stresses in the project catchment area. Continuity of Lesson 51:
drought can be a major threat to agricultural production. Crop selection based on the
Due to severe drought, farmers are facing problem to local situation is very
produce crop for their livelihood. Water level is gradually important.
decreasing as the excessive use of underground water for Lesson 52:
crop production. Moreover, farmers can’t cultivate 03 There is a scarcity of newly
crops in a year because of drought. So, it needs to released drought-resistant
introduce drought-tolerant crop varieties. If not, varieties of seeds at the
agricultural workers will be unemployed. Considering this, farmer’s level.
the sub-project introduced modified cropping pattern with Lesson 53:
improved varieties of crops. Presently the selected farmers The information on the
cultivate BINA-7 & BRRI-56 in Aman season, which are demonstration effects of new
short duration varieties of rice known as drought-escaped varieties of crops requires
varieties. In the Rabi season, they cultivate BARI Wheat-24 rapid dissemination among
which requires irrigation only twice whereas the traditional farmers so that they can get
variety requires it 4-6 times. And in pre-kharif season, they quick access to these crop
cultivate BARI Mug-5 & BINA Mug-8, which too are very varieties.
short duration crops and require little water. Many of them
have already started cultivating short duration rice and
wheat varieties like BARI-24. Drought-adaptive wheat
cultivation has made many participants self reliant.
32 Pathways to Resilience
Comparative of CCCP-prescribed cropping patterns and traditional cropping patterns
02 It is quite impossible to harvest three crops per It is possible to harvest three crops per year successfully. There is no
year unless the crops are grown on an early basis. need for using pesticides in order to curb insects and other related
Then, the cost and use of insecticide will increase. problems.
It is also inimical to the environment.
03 The cropping pattern prevalent in Lalpur is not The CCCP-prescribed cropping pattern gives importance to the use
environment-friendly. The use of old varieties of of genetically modified crops which have a high level of immunity
crops with a long life span pollutes environment. from insects and diseases. In addition to this, the CCCP-prescribed
Apart from this, the use of excessive pesticides pattern also ensures the short life span, the use of urea super
and fertilizers is also injurious to our environment. granate (USG) and the application of a proper dose of fertilizer .The
Irrigation of the CCCP-empowered crops is also
04 The cropping pattern followed at present can’t The crops prescribed by the CCCP are drought-tolerant. Drought
mitigate the effects of drought. Sugarcane is the tolerant wheat is being popularized by the CCCP. Side by side, Bari
only cash crop in Lalpur. Mug-6 and Bari Mug-8 have also been made popular in Lalpur. These
two varieties require less water as well as shorter duration. The
features of tolerance are also found in Bridhan-56 and Bina-07.The
life span of these two varieties ranges from 105 to 110 days, that is to
say, they need 20 to 26 days less than conventional varieties. These
two varieties of paddy are also able to withstand the effects of drought
for a period of 10 to 15 days.
05 The traditional cropping pattern requires huge Drought-tolerant varieties of wheat, pulse and paddy have reduced
irrigation. Poor water management of this the wastage of water. Schedules are being strictly followed to irrigate
irrigation led wastage of water which increase the fields efficiently. Irrigation is not necessary for growing pulse.
production cost as well as deplete groundwater
06 The cropping pattern prevalent in Lalpur does not The CCCP-prescribed cropping pattern with its balanced features is
improve the fertility of soil. able to retain fertility of soil.
CCCP Experiences 33
Case Study
Vermi-compost brings better days for Aleya
was satisfying and she took
an initiative to increase the
production and conduct some
marketing. In 2015, Aleya
produced 504kg vermi-com-
post. She used this fertilizer in
her 50 decimals of barren
land for vegetable cultivation.
"I earned about Tk 6,000 in
the first six months of 2015
and Tk 8,000 in the next half
of the year by selling
vegetables,” she says.
Aleya Begum’s is not a story land of which most is
of overnight success but one uncultivable char land. Wage She also sold 3,500
of a systematic effort to utilize labor, hence, was more earthworms at Tk 0.50 per
opportunities offered to the important a source of piece, making a total of Tk
farmers in the village from a livelihood for the family than 1,750 in 2015. The villagers,
variety of agencies. A resident agriculture in the half acre mainly small and marginal
of Char Patrakhata under land. Her parents wanted farmers of the village were
Romna Union of Chilmari their two sons to study. It was buying earthworms from her
Upazila in Kurigram district, however not possible for him and making the compost in
she once was a house wife. to go beyond the school level the same way as Aleya did.
Her husband, Md Abu Syeed, due to extreme poverty. She Most of the farmers of Char
used to be a day labourer. was forced to return and join Patrakhata and adjoining
During the Bengali months of her parents in farming. villages are now using this
Ashwin and Kartik (between compost in their farmlands.
In 2013, Aleya became a Thus, Aleya has changed the
September and November)
Climate Change Adaptation mindset of the farmers of
when employment becomes
Group (CCAG) member area and paved the way for
scarce in agricultural fields,
under the CCCP sub-project other poor people to earn
sufferings of the family
of RDRS Bangladesh. Under their livelihoods by producing
members knew no bounds.
CCCP, she received training the earthworm compost.
Her husband used to be
on vermi-compost and in
unemployed for three months
October 2014, she received
every year. She used to work
1,050 earthworms and two
as a domestic help. But it was
earthen vat for producing
very difficult for her to earn
vermi-compost. In the first
enough to support the
batch, she produced 30kg
six-member family.
vermi-compost and used
Hailing from a poor farmer’s some of it in her own
family, Aleya’s husband has vegetable garden and the rest
inherited half acres of dry in the paddy field. The result
34 Pathways to Resilience
Crab fattening in salinity risk zone
Crab fattening has been an effective livelihood option for
the marginalized and poor fish farmers in the
salinity-affected coastal area. It requires a small pond Lesson 58:
which is affordable to the poor community. The CCCP Crab fattening has proven as
found that crab fattening has rapid and higher income one of the most effective
than any other livelihood options in the coastal zone, pro-poor livelihood
with less time and labour. The most important feature is adaptation options in the
that it is a very easy technology and women can get coastal zone where crops
easily involved in crab fattening. The CCCP found it as a cannot be grown at all due to
potential alternative to shrimp farming. Crab is seldom salinity.
affected by diseases. It has an emerging market at local, Lesson 59:
national and international levels. The negative part of Establishing crab hatchery is
crab fattening is that crab farmers collect crablets from necessary for sustainability of
rivers. With increasing popularity of crab fattening as a crab fattening as an IGA.
livelihood of some of the poor, crablets are gradually
decreasing. In this context, the PKSF has experimentally
established crab hatchery.
CCCP Experiences 35
3.4 To what extent communities became resilient
36 Pathways to Resilience
Outcome of CCCP in Drought Resillience (% of HHs)
First Round Final Round
28 28
CCCP Experiences 37
3.4.2 Long-term impact at community level
The Climate Resilience Index (CRI) in flood prone area was 73%
in June 2016, which was 12% during the baseline in June 2014.
For the drought risk zone, CRI in June 2016 was 69% compare
to a baseline value of 20%, and 62% in salinity risk zone
compared to 13% during the baseline. The aggregated CRI for
all risk zones increased from 15% at baseline to 67% during
June 2016.
Index (CRI) for
all risk zones
Intermediate results indicator one: Community mechanism
established and functioning in selected communities to respond
increased from
to effectively to specific climate risk
15% at
As per assessment of the 6th implementation support mission,
the CCCP has achieved 75% against the target of 70%. Each PIP baseline to
has formed beneficiary groups for implementing different
adaptation technologies. The group is known as “Climate 67% during
Change Adaptation Group (CCAG)”. A total 1696 groups have
been formed under the CCCP. In addition, a number of June 2016
committees and sub-committees have been formed for long
term maintenance of community-level infrastructures and
resources. They signed tri-partite agreement between PIP,
committee and the land owner to maintain each
technology/resource in the long run. It is more of a commitment
than an agreement. Even the individual HHs also signed
38 Pathways to Resilience
agreement with respective CCAGs and PIPs. The group
members sit twice a month to discuss climate change issues,
management and maintenance of technologies, quality of
implementation etc. They have prepared long-term adaptation
action plans for their locality. The CCCP expects that they will
gradually implement their own adaptation plan. Demonstration
Indicator two: Communities to have applied sustainable Effects
adaptation practices to address specific climate risk.
The CCCP has
The CCCP has achieved 83% against the target of 70% as significant
measured by the World Bank. The achievement has exceeded demonstration effects at
the target value. This is mainly because the adaptation the community level. The
interventions were suggested by the community people of the activities that have been
three risk zones i.e. flood, salinity and drought risk zone. implemented by other
Considering differential vulnerability in different risk zones, the people being influenced
CCCP implemented by CCCP participants
include raising
homestead plinths,
slatted house, vermi
compost, improve
cooking stoves, sanitary
latrines, poultry and
duck rearing, crab
fattening, and drought
and salinity resistant
CCCP Experiences 39
tubewell and pond re-excavation. In addition,
salinity-tolerant, flood-tolerant and
drought-tolerant varieties of crops were
demonstated in the respective risk zone.
Besides, the community people suggested
some income generating activities which are
common for all the three risk zones. For
example, goat reaing, poultry and duck reari
ng, vermin-compost, sheep rearing etc. The
communities easility adopted all these
technologies because these are their inherent
practices. They used to practice all these
adaptation practices for generations. The
CCCP only added simple technology and
improved management system. For example,
rural people rear goats and keep their goat s
on mud floors which increased diseases and
decreased productivity. The CCCP provided
them slatted houses, trained them on diseases
and vaccinations, and linked them with local
service providers. Now, income from this
intervention significantly contributes to their
main income. In many cases, this has become
their main income source.
Indicator three: Sub-grant implemented in the
selected communities are assessed to have
achieved the targeted objectives
The 6th implementation support mission of the
World Bank assesses that the CCCP has
achieved 86% against a target of 75%. This
indicator depends on successful
implementation of each sub-project under the
CCCP. A detailed achievement of the CRI,
outcome and output is presented below: Intermediate result: A functional
financing mechanism for community-based
adaptation sub-projects established
Intermediate result indicator one: Number of
community-based adaptation sub-grants
The 6th Implementation Support Mission of the
World Bank assessed that the CCCP has
achieved more than the target. The target was
set at 40 sub-grants and the CCCP awarded
41 sub-grants. This has been achieved
through a rigorous screening process in three
different phases. 11, 14 and 16 sub-grants
were awareded in first, second and third phase
respectively. The screening process was highly
transparent and participatory which was
40 Pathways to Resilience
appraised by the government of Bangladesh, World
Bank, development partners, civil society and medias.
Brief of the screening process is discussed below:
Intermediate result indicator two: % of PIPs with The mission found
awarded sub-projects found fully compliant with
policies and procedures agreed under CCCP. that 95% of the PIPs
The mission found that 95% of the PIPs against a against a target of
target of 80% fully complied with the policies and
guidelines of the CCCP. The reason behind this 80% fully complied
high-level achievement is intensive participation, with the policies and
training and day-to-day mentoring the sub-project
staffs by the PMU. The PMU developed its manuals guidelines of the
and guidelines in participation with representatives
from the PIPs. The guidelines and manuals were also CCCP. The reason
shared with The World Bank’s Team. There was also behind this high-level
flexibility for any special situation if arose during
implementation of activities. Two major guidelines achievement is
have been reviewed to address field-level progress
with the Bank’s concern. One is procurement intensive
guideline and the other is activity implementation participation, training
guidelines. The procurement guideline extended the
seiling of RFQ limit and relaxed few legal documents and day-to-day
including VAT and Tax Registration. The environment
and social management frameworks were mostly mentoring the
favorable to the community-level adaptation activities. sub-project staffs by
Thus the manual and guidelines were fully addressed
by the PIPs. The rest 5% PIPs were less capable the PMU
compared to others in terms of management and
implementation of project.
CCCP Experiences 41
Intermediate result indicator three: Sub-grants have
been disbursed to the NGOs in a timely manner.
Achievement of the CCCP is 81% against a target of
80%. The PMU put emphasis on disbursement of Though fund
reimbursement to the PIPs within its all other activities.
Though the CCCP achieved the target, it had to disbursement
struggle with poor quality of reimbursement report
submitted by the PIPs. However, to speed up the was a critical
process, the PMU took clarifications over cell phone
and received necessary documents over email. The
task, it was
Audit department of the PKSF checked all the
reimbursement bills ins and outs so that all the bills
comply with legal issues, policies and guidelines as
per contracts with the respective PIPs. Though fund
simple in
disbursement was a critical task, it was made simple in collaboration
collaboration with the PKSF Audit section, the PMU
and the PIPs. with the Intermediate result (component two): PKSF Audit
Knowledge Management, M&E and Capacity
Building. section, the
Intermediate result indicator one: PIPs with awarded
sub-projects have identified a list of lessons learned
PMU and the
during annual workshops for use in their adaptation
Lessons learnt is a continuous process. Both formal
and informal methods are applied to capture lessons
of sub-projects. The PIPs based on their field
experience identify lessons of their respective
sub-project. The CCCP achieved 85% against the
target of 80% which means 85% of the PIPs have
identified lessons. They included all the lessons in
42 Pathways to Resilience
different communication documents including
brochures and booklets.
Intermediate result indicator two: Percent of PIPs report
best practices to PKSF and other stakeholders.
The PMU has achieved 89% against the target of 80%.
All the PIPs reported best practices but quality of the
practices of all PIPs is not satisfactory. However, 89% of
the PIPs’ best practices are satisfactory.
Intermediate result indicator three: Toolkit & guidelines
prepared for community-based climate change
The target was preparing three tool kits and
guidelines. The PMU developed a total of 15
guidelines, manauals, reports and tools during the
developed a
project period which are Operational Manual, total of 15
Implementation Manual, Activity implementation
guideline, Procurement Guideline, Financial and guidelines,
Accounts Management Guideline, Monitoring
Manual, Baseline questionnaire, Beneficiary profile manauals,
format Community Profile Format, Reporting format
for RBM report, Manual for GPS data collection, reports and tools
Quarterly reporting template for updating GIS data
during the
Intermediate results indicator four: Number of project period
inter-community visits
Twenty-one visits were arranged against a target of
20. The activities visited are- Climate change-adaptive
homestead, Fodder cultivation, Vermi-compost,
Pigeon rearing, PSF management, Plinth raise,
Sanitary latrine, Tube well management, Savings
collection and management in CCAGs, Improved
Cooking Stove, cropping pattern and Rain Water
Harvesting System (RWHS).
CCCP Experiences 43
Intermediate results indicator five: Sub-project has
conducted a baseline study, vulnerability and risk
assessment and investment plan.
Achievement 87% against a target of 80%. 11
sub-projects conducted a RBM study during this
period. Every PIP conducted vulnerability and risk
assessment and investment plan at the beginning of
the project. Intermediate result : A Project Management
Unit (PMU) established to administer project funds
and to monitor implementation performance of
Intermediate result indicator one: PMU has the
required staff, equipment, office space & manuals
The PKSF achieved 80% against against the target of
80%. The PKSF established well functional Project
Management Unit (PMU) before lounching the project.
12 experienced staffs having specific expertise were
recruited who were well equipped with desks, comput-
ers, telephone and other necessary logistics. The PKSF
did not face much problems related to staff drop-out.
Intermediate result indicator two: PKSF produces
regular Activity report (quarterly), Progress report
(bi-annually, annually) and Impact evaluation reports
(MTR and Project Completion); Third Party outcome
monitoring (Annual)
The PKSF prepared Activity Report(1), workshop report
(1) Env. and social impact report (2), Booklet (41),
lessons learnt (1), communiqe (5)
44 Pathways to Resilience
inception workshop. The objective of the workshop was to
inform all levels of stakeholders about the project, its goal
and objectives, conceptual frameworks etc. so that the
NGOs can properly submit their concept note and
proposal in line with CCCP goal and objectives. Then Lesson 62:
Project Concept Note (PCN) was asked from the PIP Wider participation in
through advertising four national dailies in both Bangla screening process ensures
and English. The advertise of the call for PCN was also transparency and
published in the website of PKSF. A database was accountability for quality
developed after receiving the PCNs. The PKSF developed implementation of
a set of criteria for screening the concept notes. These adaptation projects.
criteria were agreed by the World Bank. The criteria are as Lesson 63:
46 Pathways to Resilience
The PMU developed a concept note format in line with the The PMU issued
above criteria. The format also included description of
climate-change related problems, links between climate rejection letters to
change and proposed activities and themes Climate Change
Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP). This helped the NGOs in
selecting relevant activities for different vulnerable zones. The NGOs citing
PMU received a total of 496 concept notes. Pass marks for next
phase i.e. proposal phase, was 60% of the total marks. Based reasons for
on the above mentioned criteria, the PMU selected about 158
concept notes which complied all the above criteria. These 158
rejection. There
concept notes were ranked by marking for next phase. The was no complaint
PKSF selected these NGOs irrespective of their partner
organisations and non- partner organisation. The PMU issued or challenge from
rejection letters to disqualified NGOs citing reasons for
rejection. There was no complaint or challenge from the
the rejected
rejected NGOs. This means the screening process was highly NGOs. This
After selection of the PCNs, the PMU organised a workshop
means the
with primariliy selected NGOs to share the proposal format so screening process
that they could properly address all elements toward achieving
the PDO-level objective. The PKSF called for proposals from the was highly
selected NGOs. The PMU developed a Detailed Project
Proposal (DPP) and guideline to prepare the DPP. The PMU
provided them with necessary clarifications on the DPP format.
An internal evaluation team of the PMU ranked the DPPs based
on the foloowing criteria:
S. N. Criteria
02 How will the sub-project enable communities to adapt to the potential climate vulnerability in the target
area? How will it involve the community and enhance the capacity and knowledge of the community to
adapt? Extent of community contribution to the project.
04 Detailed sub-project cost (overhead cost should not exceed 10%), an implementation plan; how sub-grant
funds will be used by quarter and over what period of time.
05 Description of the organizational arrangements and staffing, and their relevance to the proposed activities.
07 Arrangements for handling environmental and social issues including grievance resolution.
CCCP Experiences 47
An internal and an external technical review committee was formed with
technically sound senior staffs of the PKSF. Based on the above
mentioned criteria, NGOs were ranked by merits. A total of 41 NGOs
were selected in three phases. In the first phase, 42 NGOs were NGOs were
physically visited by the PMU and the PKSF staffs. For avoiding bias,
core operation officers of the PKSF visited the non-POs and the PMU physically visited
officers visited the POs to verify their existence and other information
provided in the DPP. 10 NGOs were rejected at this stage for not
by the PMU and
meeting the required criteria. Rest of the 32 NGOs were asked to the PKSF staffs.
present their proposal for technical clarification and negotiation of
budget. Budget negotiation was important because almost all the
For avoiding
NGOs provided the highest limit of the budget i.e. BDT 8 crore. As per bias, core
the PAD, at least 40 sub-grants should be awarded. Without
negotiation, only 12 proposed sub-grants covers all the budgets to be operation
implemented at the community level. So, to achieve the target, the PKSF officers of the
negotiated with the selected NGOs. After negotiation and clarification,
11 NGOs were selected as potential Project Implementation Partners PKSF visited the
(PIPs) in the first phase. These NGOs were asked to present their
updated proposal to the high-level external technical review committee.
non-POs and the
All the 11 NGOs passed the screeing by the external technical review PMU officers
committee. Then the DPPs were sent to The World Bank for attaining
NO Objection. The World Bank with some general comments provided visited the POs
NO Objection to all the 11 NGOs. The PKSF governing body then
approved the proposals. Other two phases followed the same path.
48 Pathways to Resilience
4.2 Diverse activities
Implementation of a climate change project with
government fund by NGOs is very new in
Bangladesh. At the beginning of the project, Lesson 69:
there was no example to follow quality For effective monitoring, the verifiable
implementation of the proposed interventions. indicators of the activities were
The proposed interventions were so diverse and standardized at the beginning of the
critical in the context of climate change project.
vulnerabilities. For example, plinth raising was Lesson 70:
proposed in the flood-prone and salinity-prone
Visible interventions are more
areas. But ecosystem, socio-cultural character,
effective in building resilience to
economy etc are different. Consequently,
climate change than invisible activities
vulnerability context is also different. So, the
like awareness building etc. The
CCCP had to face challenges to make
awareness activities should be built-in
harmonization of a single activity for different risk
among the visible activites.
zones. On the other hand, the CCCP had
Lesson 71:
considered that different activities for different
areas as impacts of and vulnerabilities to climate CCCP stantaderdized the budget
change are context-specific. At the concept allocation for physical interventions,
phase, the CCCP received more than 200 awareness activities and project
activities from 498 concept notes. For better management cost. 10% of total
management, these activities were clustered into budget was allocated for awareness
four components i.e. Diversification of activities and 25% for management
livelihoods, protected households and cost. This approach showed efficient
community infrastructure, Health and water & use of resources.
sanitation, and community mechanism. The
following diagram shows the components of the
Household Access to Water
Community Capacity
Mechanism building
Agriculture and
special livelihood
Fig 1:
Components of CCCP
CCCP Experiences 49
4.3 Monitoring and evaluation
The PKSF established a strong monitoring system which included
both onsite and offsite monitoring, web-based monitoring,
monthly and quarterly reporting etc. Day-to-Day communication
over phone and email were also part of the monitoring process.
The PKSF introduced Result Based Monitoring (RBM) systems which
helped the management to take decisions for improving output,
outcome and impact of programs and projects. The CCCP
adopted the PKSF’s monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure
quality implementation of project activities. The CCCP developed Lesson 72:
a “Monitoring and Evaluation Manual” which described Result Based
monitoring system and tools elaborately. The CCCP developed Monitoring (RBM)
result framework at the PMU level and three more for three risk system has been
zones. In addition, the PIPs developed their own results emerged as an
frameworks. The PMU conducted monitoring based on these result important tool for
frameworks. Necessary tools including questionnaire, checklists outcome and impact
etc were developed to carry out RBM at the PIP level. To support the monitoring of
RBM, the CCCP developed web-based monitoring tool which is projects. It requires
known as Activity To Output Monitoring (ATOM). The PIPs monthly additional financial
uploaded progress data to the ATOM. The output progress report and human
was accessible to all people. The PMU produced quarterly resources.
progress report to ensure timely and quality implementation of
activities at the community level. In addition, the PMU conducted a
baseline study and periodically carried out RBM. Acknowledging
budget constraint, the PMU produced two RBM reports which
described the achievement of indicators and suggested
management decisions. Besides, the PMU staffs physically visited
each PIP at least once in a quarter to monitor implemented
activities including accounts and finance. The PMU also
communicated with PIP staffs over phone and email as part of
50 Pathways to Resilience
incorporated with community investment plan. Maps
for each unit of acitivites were produced to understand
the spatial distribution of all activities under the CCCP.
A KML file of the database was produced to link it with
Lesson 73:
Google Earth. Now each activity under the CCCP is
linked with Google Earth and anybody can see and GIS-based monitoring
system ensures both
count from anywhere of the world. The KML file is quantity and quality of
uploaded on The GIS-based interventions.
monitoring has proven as one of the most effective Lesson 74:
monitoring systems of adaptation projects. For GIS helps make decisions
example, according to the Department of Public Health on spatial distribution of
and Engineering, distance of a tube well and a latrine certain interventions,
should be at least 30 ft. It is possible to measure this quantity, overlapping etc.
distance using Google Earth. So, the PMU can easily Lesson 75:
monitor whether these types of infrastructures are GIS helps visualization of
rightly placed or not. The system also ensured the structural interventions.
quantity of interventions. So, there is no scope of
misuse of resources.
CCCP Experiences 51
procurement policy. In addition, the PMU staffs closely
supervised individual staffs of sub-project as and when Lesson 79:
necessary. Besides, the local-level contractors and suppliers NGOs require training
too were unfamiliar with the public procurement acts and and intensive supervision
rules. Many of them did not have valid trade licences, VAT to implement the PPR and
the PPA.
or Tax registration, TIN number etc. Considering all these
Lesson 80:
constraints, the CCCP prepared the procurement guideline
More flexibility in
as simple as possible in compliance with the PPR, 2008 and
procurement methods is
the PPA, 2006. Now, many of the sub-projects staffs are required to complete
capable to implement the PPR, 2008 and the PPA, 2006. activities of small amount
of packages in a short
4.5.3 Environmental Compliances duration project.
Environmental impacts of a community adaptation project
was negligible. Whatever the impact level is, each
sub-project had to carry out environmental impact
assessment and management plan. Again, it was a difficult
task for the CCCP to introduce environmental compliances. Lesson 81:
Initially, the PMU developed environmental management Environmental impacts of
framework (EMF) in compliance with The World Bank’s community-level
environmental guideline and environmental acts and rules adaptation interventions in
the remote areas of
of the government. The sub-project staffs were provided
Bangladesh are minimum.
training on the EMF, environmental monitoring and
Lesson 82:
reporting etc. The sub-project staffs submited quarterly
Most of the interventions of
environmental monitoring report. The CCCP noticed from
the CCCP like pond
these reports that environmental impacts of re-excavation, tree
community-level adaptation activities are not a big plantation, rain water
concern. Very few impacts were found in different areas. harvesting, vermi-compost
For example, urine of goat, drainage of tube well water, top have positive impacts on
soil etc. It is to be noted that community people did not environment.
perceive these impacts because these happen in their daily
52 Pathways to Resilience
4.6 Knowledge management
4.6.1 Publications
Knowledge management is an integral part of the project. The
CCCP had certain activities and designated staff pertaining to
Communication and Knowledge Management (KM).
Knowledge Management (KM) is defined as connecting
Lesson 84:
different sectors and ideas to make sure that the right people,
Local-level NGOs require
processes, and technology are in place to support knowledge capacity building on
interchange. KM helps grasp existing knowledge which saves producing standard
our valuable time and it also supports organization to reports, documentation,
preserve its institutional memory due to an employee communication and
transition. KM in the CCCP helped to make sure PIPs, project knowledge materials.
participants and other stakeholders have access to the right
information and knowledge. Different types of guidelines,
brochure, newsletter, half-yearly bulletins named
‘Communique” booklets were produced from the KM section
of the project. The publications under KM are as follows:
List of Publications
CCCP Experiences 53
The unique feature of the
CCCP website is ATOM
(Activity To Output Monitoring)
by which monthly, quarterly
and cumulative progress of
individual PIP is remotely
monitored from PMU
4.6.3 CCCP website
The project has a well-designed, professional looking Lesson 85:
website. It means the CCCP has developed a virtual Website is very useful for
space for the PIPs, donor and other stakeholder which disseminating knowledge
enables people to connect with each other, document and information
the processes and it is kind of information hub of Lesson 86:
54 Pathways to Resilience
4.6.5 Fund management
The CCCP fund flowed through a segregated Designated
Account (DA) in the form of Convertible Taka Special
Account (CONTASA) opened by the PKSF and acceptable to
the World Bank. The disbursement was report-based; i.e.,
advances to the DA were made on submission of quarterly
Interim Unaudited Financial Reports (IUFRs), including a Lesson 90:
forecast of projected expenditures for the next two calendar Community-based
quarters. Further advances as required would be made to adaptation interventions
require flexibility (may be
the DA on the basis updated expenditure forecasts for the
10%) of budget because
subsequent two quarters. The amounts spent from the DA the costs vary by
on eligible expenditures was documented as project areas/locations.
expenditures on the basis of claims for documentation in Lesson 91:
the IUFRs, and the advances to the DA was adjusted Community people are
accordingly. willing to contribute money
Fund management of the PIPs was carried out as per the if there is a high demand
of the intervention like
financial guideline provided by the CCCP PMU. The CCCP
project introduced both the advance and the
Lesson 92:
reimbursement systems for fund disbursement. Initially, 35%
Local-level NGOs should
of the first year’s total budget of CCCP contribution was
contribute in cash for
provided at the time of agreement. Advance fund can only building ownership and
be used for the activities of the project approved by the enhancing sustainability of
PKSF. The initial advance paid by the PKSF in favor of the PIP the project interventions.
will be accounted for as an advance in the PIP’s Books of
Accounts and financial reports until actual expenditures are
reported by the PIP and further verified and accepted by the
PKSF. After that the remaining amount was disbursed
quarterly on reimbursement basis subject to satisfactory
performance of the PIP in implementing the sub-project.
The advance was adjusted in the second last quarter of the
sub-project. Payment from PKSF to each PIPs was be made
on the terms and conditions specified in the sub-project
agreements. Funds were flown to the PIPs on completion of
progress milestones, after PKSF receives a financial report
with a copy of the PIPs bank statement, evidence of
completion of milestones and expenditures reports.
The CCCP implemented a contributory fund with
contribution from the BCCRF, community and PIPs.
Communites contributed 5%-20% of actual expenditure of
each activity except IGA interventions and raising plinths.
Both for IGA and plinths, they contributed materials and
labour. The PIPs contributed in kind for office rent,
furnitures, head office personnel cost etc.
There was flexibility to revise budgets of PIPs. Based on
demands at the community level, PIPs proposed change of
activities. The PMU reviewed there proposals and consulted
with the World Bank. Once a common understanding was
built among WB, PMU and PIPs, then budgets were revised.
But PIP did not have any right to revise their budget without
any conern from the PMU. This flexibility helped fully
implement of the PIP budgets.
CCCP Experiences 55
5.1 Challenges
The project had two major project participant groups: the
ultra-poor and the poor people who are vulnerable to
climate change in flood, drought and salinity prone areas.
Project participants were supported both as individuals and
communities. The project established effective mechanism
for channelling adaptation fund through NGOs.
The following issues need to be addressed for efficient
operation of the model:
monitoring and documentation of lessons learned and good
practice of climate change related projects or programmes.
There is a need to increase capacity of the CCAG through
facilitating saving accumulation and group management
Linkage building initiatives between community groups and
the public and private sector service providers could be
A two-to-three years’ implementation period is not realistic
for a climate change project because of its complex nature.
Community mechanism should be more operationalized and
be continued to address the adverse effects of climate change
in order to attain the sustainability of the approach pursued
by this project.
Mode of payment for the PIPs should be made easy by
simplifying the existing process of legal deed preparation for
each installment.
A large amount of infrastructural support have been provided
from the project and now the time has come to make sure its
durability by developing operation and maintenance (O&M)
manual for climate change adaptation infrastructures, and
this manual should be put in place and monitored over time.
CCCP Experiences 57
5.2 Recommendations
The project identified the following recommendations are
put forwarded for action related to the three project
i. The design of community based adaptation project should
incorporated mechanisms of sustainability of the groups by
providing financial services (credit and savings).
ii. In “char” areas, proper documentation should be prepared
to establish land rights in order to avoid social conflicts.
iii. In flood climate risk areas, especially in areas where cluster
plinths are raised, additional space should be allocated for
use as “Flood Protection Centres”. This is a community
iv. Protection measures and maintenance provisions should be
included in constructions of side slopes to minimizes soil
v. Operation and maintenance guidelines for sanitary latrines
should be prepared and strictly monitored.
vi. It is recommended that modern goat husbandry be promoted
to generate income from a demonstrated sustainable climate
change adaptation technology.
vii. More research and innovation activities with potential for
climate change adaptation can be initiated and funded for
generating and promoting climate change adaptation
technologies. But there is a risk of unsuccessful demonstration
of introducing new research.
viii. Many activities are ready for up-scaling both horizontally and
vertically and it is recommended that this be done in the
interest of effective resource use and project sustainability.
58 Pathways to Resilience
Annex-I: Project Data Sheet
Salinity Flood Drought Total
Districts 5 8 4 15
Number of 15 17 9 41
Budget CCCP: 2872.55 (34.57%) CCCP: 3461.22 (41.44%) CCCP: 1974.16 (23.76%) CCCP: 8307.94
(in lac Taka) Community: 202.91 Community: 268.78 Community: 142.74 Community: 614.44
PIP: 89.48 PIP: 121.60 PIP: 54.58 PIP: 265.67
Total: 3164.95 Total: 3851.61 Total: 2171.49 Total: 9188.06
CCCP Experiences 59
Annex-II: Result Matrix
Name of
Salinity Flood Drought Total
Protected • Homestead plinth raising • Homestead plinth raising • Homestead gardening
Households • HH connecting road • Homestead gardening (medicinal plants, dyke
repairing (medicinal plants, vegetable) cropping, vegetables)
• Homestead gardening • Tree plantation
(medicinal plants, dyke • Repairing flood shelters and
cropping, vegetable) community link roads
Livelihood • Technical support & training • Technical support and • Technical support and
for goats and sheep rearing in training for rearing goats in training for rearing goats
slatted houses slatted houses and sheep in slatted houses
• Duck and poultry rearing in • Supports for duck and • Duck and poultry rearing in
semi scavenging method poultry rearing in semi semi scavenging method
• Crab fattening (Pen/bucket scavenging method • Technical and material
culture) • Technical and material support for vermi-compost
• Technical and material support for vermi-compost
support for vermi-compost
60 Pathways to Resilience
Name of
Salinity Flood Drought Total
Protected • Plinths raised (HH)- 5,759 • Plinths raised (HH) - 7037 • Total Coverage:
House • Connecting road repaired (Km.) • Homestead gardens (HH) - 12796 (HH)
- 8.2 7037
• Homestead gardens (HH) - • Flood shelters repaired - 26
5,759 • Community link roads
• Community grounds raised - 36 repaired (km) - 6.0
Livelihood • Slatted houses distributed • Slatted houses distributed • Slatted houses distributed • Total Coverage:
and technical support and technical supports and technical supports 24890 (HH)
provided for goat and sheep provided for goat and sheep provided for goat and sheep
rearing (HH) - 3,475 rearing (HH) – 6,029 rearing (HH) – 5,811
• Sheds distributed for rearing • Sheds distributed for • Sheds distributed for
duck and poultry in semi rearing duck and poultry in rearing duck and poultry in
scavenging method (HH) – semi scavenging method semi scavenging method
5,815 (HH) – 1,187 (HH) – 1,930
• Crab fattening (pen/bucket • Vermi-compost tools and • Vermi-compost tools and
culture) (HH) - 643 techniques provided (HH) techniques provided (HH)
• Vermi-compost tools and -650 -277
techniques provided (HH)
Water • Deep tube wells with • Deep tube wells with • Shallow tube-wells with • Total Installed
platforms installed (units) - platforms installed (units) platforms installed (units) - Tubewell: 4066
403 -246 1437 (N)
• Ponds re-excavated and • Shallow tube wells with • Platforms installed - 210 • Total Only
PSFs installed - 99 platforms installed (units) – • Ponds re- excavated - 45 Platform: 1097
• Rain water harvesting 1,980 • Deep tube well installed for (N)
system (RHWS) installed at • Tube well platforms irrigation (units) -2 • Total Pond:144
household and community installed - 887 (N)
levels – 1,953 • Desalination
• Desalination plants (R/O Plant: 30 (N)
System) installed - 30
Health • Second generation sanitary • Second generation sanitary • Second generation sanitary • Total Latrine:
education latrines installed – 2,260 latrines installed - 2015 latrines installed – 2,340 6615 (N)
and Sanitation • Community latrines • Community latrines • Vaccination camps arranged • Total
installed - 2 installed - 29 - 752 Community
• Vaccination camps arranged • Health camps arranged for • Environment-friendly Latrine: 31 (N)
– 1,111 communities - 481 cooking stoves installed (HH) • Vaccination
• Environment-friendly • Vaccination camps - 7,982 Camp:2636 (N)
cooking stoves installed (HH) completed - 773 • Total ICS: 13084
– 1,316 • Environment-friendly (N)
cooking stoves installed (HH)
- 3786
• Solar home systems
installed - 1,225
Capacity • Training completed - 432 • Training completed - 343 • Training completed - 402 • Total training
building batches which covered batches which covered batches which covered batch:1177 (N)
different IGAs and climate different IGAs and climate different IGAs and climate • Group
change issue. A total of 11415 change issue. A total of 8539 change issue. A total of meeting: 40500
project participants got project participants got 10024 project participants in the last year
different trainings. different trainings. got different trainings. • Exposure visits:
• Group meeting covered - 24 • Group meeting covered - 24 • Group meeting covered - 24 22 (N)
topics. More than 14500 topics. A total of 15000 topics. A total of 11000
number of group meeting number of group meeting number of group meeting
was held in last year. was held in last year. was held in last year.
• Exposure visits completed - • Exposure visits completed • Exposure visits completed-8
9 where 227 staff and project -5 where 141 staff and where 226 staff and project
participant participated project participant participant participated
CCCP Experiences 61
Name of
Salinity Flood Drought Total
Community • Groups formed (Individual: • Groups formed (Individual: • Groups formed (Individual: • CCAG: 1724
Mechanism CCAGs; and Community: activity CCAGs; and Community: CCAGs; and Community: • Activity Mgt
management committees) – activity management activity management Group: 3391
CCAGs 616, Activity Mgt committees) – CCAGs 629, committees) – CCAGs 479,
Committees 649 Activity Mgt Committees Activity Mgt Committees
• Community adaptation and 1,413 1,329
investment planning completed • Community adaptation and • Community adaptation and
(HH) - 616 investment planning investment planning
• Group meetings held – completed (HH) - 629 completed (HH) - 479
Bi-monthly • Group meetings held - • Group meetings held -
• Groups linked with MFIs, local Bi-monthly Bi-monthly
service providers and local govt. • Groups linked with MFIs, • Groups linked with MFIs,
institutions (technical, savings local service providers and local service providers and
and credit) local govt. institutions local govt. institutions
(technical, savings and credit) (technical, savings and credit)
Protected • 5,759 families are now • 7,037 families are now Total HH regular
House protected from storm surges and protected from floods and coverage: 12796
can produce vegetables round can produce vegetables Community
the year round the year ground may used
• 26 community grounds will in disaster/flood:
provide shelter to 5,000 1000 (HH)
people during floods
Livelihood • 3,475 families are now capable • 6,029 families are now • 5,811 families are now
(space-wise and technically) of capable (space-wise and capable (space-wise and
rearing more than 35,000 goats technically) of rearing more technically) of rearing more
and sheep in slatted houses than 70,000 goats and sheep than 60,000 goats and sheep
• 5,815 families are now capable in slatted houses in slatted houses
(space-wise and technically) of • 1,187 families are now • 1,930 families are now
rearing more than 1.0 lac birds in capable (space-wise and capable (space-wise and
poultry sheds technically) of rearing more technically) of rearing more
• 643 families are now capable than 20,000 birds in poultry than 40,000 birds in poultry
(technically) of fattening crabs sheds sheds
• 720 families are now capable of • 650 families are now • 277 families are now
producing vegetables and crops capable of producing capable of producing
with organic fertilizers vegetables and crops with vegetables and crops with
organic fertilizers organic fertilizers
Water • At least 10,000 families have • At least 5000 families have • At least 18,000 families have
access to safe drinking water access to safe drinking water access to safe drinking water
through deep tube-wells through deep tube- wells through shallow tube-wells
• A total of 403 tube-well • No less than 10,000 families • A total of 1,647 tube-well
platforms with soak wells have access to safe drinking platforms with soak wells
working for recycling used water, water through shallow tube- working for recycling used
aquifer recharge and irrigation wells water, aquifer recharge and
for homestead gardening • A total of 3,113 platforms irrigation for homestead
• 82 PSFs serve sweet water to protecting tube-wells from gardening
4,000 families intrusion of polluted water
62 Pathways to Resilience
Name of
Salinity Flood Drought Total
• 83 pond and canals serve • Re-excavated ponds
adjacent communities. Two of provide 1,350 families with
the canals help 300 farmers in water for household uses and
agricultural cultivation during small-scale irrigation
the dry season • Two deep tube-wells allows
• Rain water harvesting systems 195 farmers to irrigate a total
(RHWS) are capable to reserve at of 65-acre land round the
least 2.0 million rainwater in a year
season, which can serve 2,500
families during the dry-season
• The desalination plants
produced 1.50 lac liters of pure
drinking water a day that can
serve at least 15,000 families
Health, • At least 10,000 members are • At least 9,000 members are • At least 12,000 project
education and now using sanitary latrines and now using sanitary latrines and participants are now using
sanitation are knowledgeable about are knowledgeable about sanitary latrines and are
hygiene practices. hygiene practices. knowledgeable about hygiene
• Two community latrines are • 29 community latrines are used practices.
used by around 100 people daily. by around 3,000 people daily. • Approximately 2.4 lac poultry
• Approximately 4.0 lac poultry • Health camps served no less and livestock vaccinated over
and livestock vaccinated over than 20,000 patients over the the project period
the project period. project period • Approximately 35,000 people
• Approximately 2.0 lac poultry
• Approximately 6,000 people are are no more exposed to indoor
and livestock vaccinated over
no more exposed to indoor air air pollution due to the
the project period
pollution due to the installation installation of improved cooking
• Approximately 17,000 people
of improved cooking stoves are no more exposed to indoor stoves.
air pollution due to the
installation of improved cooking
• At least 1,225 families and
4,500 children are now able to
work and read at night due to
installation of the solar home
Capacity • A total of 11415 project • A total of 8539 project • Training completed - 402
building participants are now familiar participants are now got batches which covered
with climate change and different trainings. different IGAs and climate
technically relatively better • Now PIP staff and project change issue. A total of
understanding on different participants technical know- 10024 project participants
adaptation options. how are better to manage got different trainings.
• Now PIP staff and project different adaptation activities • Now PIP staff and project
participants technical know- of different climatic risk zone participants technical know-
how are better to manage how are better to manage
different adaptation activities of different adaptation activities
different climatic risk zone of different climatic risk zone
Agricultural • Minimum 250 farmers are • At least 250 farmers are • 50 farmers are producing
and special cultivating salinity-tolerant crops producing flood-tolerant drought-resilient fodders
interventions round the year and 50 crops year round the year • At least 690 farmers are
households rear Koyel birds, an practicing salinity-tolerant
alternative IGA that has crops round the year and 200
significantly improved livelihoods households are rearing cows
in the salinity-prone areas in an improved method
Community • All project participants are • All project participants are • All projects participants are
mechanism actively involved with 616 CCAGs actively involved with 629 actively involved with 479
and 649 activity maintenance CCAGs and 1,413 activity CCAGs and 1,329 activity
committees maintenance committees maintenance committees
• A total of Tk 202.91 lac invested • A total of Tk 268.78 lac • A total of Tk.142.74 lac
by communities to implement invested by communities to invested by communities to
project activities implement project activities implement project activities
• A total of 14,000 meetings • A total of 15,000 meetings • A total of 11,000 meetings
were held by the CCAGs were held by the CCAGs were held by the CCAGs
CCCP Experiences 63
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64 Pathways to Resilience
This book is not a scientific publication. All the contents
here have been gathered through field experiences of
the project staffs, and thereby, are not intended to
challenge any established scientific facts or findings.