Answer Key Geography
Answer Key Geography
Answer Key Geography
c. Their quantity is c. Their quantity supply? If yes, what does you and the people of
not affected by is affected by your locality do at those times?
human activities. human activities. On the basis of your findings have a group
d. Solar and d. Minerals and discussion on how you can ensure sustainable
wind energy fossil fuels are water use in your locality.
are examples examples of
of renewable non-renewable Answers to Textbook Exercises
resources. resources. A. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. d
(Accept these or any other relevant response.) B. 1. 29 3. black
4. Our future as well as the future of our planet 2. fertility. 4. arid, semi-arid
is dependent upon our ability to maintain
and preserve the life support system C. 1. The utilization of land for different purposes
which nature has provided. Therefore, it such as cultivation, mining, setting up of
is essential to conserve resources so that industries, settlements and so on is called
the resources are either not exhausted or land use.
their quality deteriorated in the near future The interplay of three broad factors namely—
due to their irrational and over utilization by physical, economic and human—control the
different human activities. The conservation utilization of land. The physical factors like
of resources also aim to maintain a balance the location of a place and its accessibility
between population growth and utilization of with other regions, relief, climate, soil, nature
resources. of rocks and minerals, and availability of
5. A gift of nature can become a resource in water; the economic factor like land tenure;
the future if human needs force the human and human factors such as lifestyle of
beings to develop a suitable technology the people living in a particular area, the
to convert the gift of nature into useful technical level of the people and the duration
resources. of a particular occupation carried out in an
area determine and control the utilization of
6. The use of resources should be sustainable
land. (Accept these or any other relevant
so that the resources do not get exhausted
in the near future and that the future
generations can also use them to meet their 2. The various horizontal layers present in a soil
needs. (Accept this or any other relevant profile are known as soil horizons.
response.) The different soil horizons present in a soil
profile are the A, B, C and D horizons. A
2. Natural Resources—Land, Soil and Water brief description of these horizons are:
the rising standards of living. Other factors Constructing banks along the contours
which are also responsible for the shortage across the hill slopes.
of freshwater are misuse, over exploitation u Contour ploughing—Cultivating along the
and contamination of water resources, and contours to check the flow of water and
the high cost of supplying water to the dry thereby to stop soil erosion.
regions. u Cover crops—Growing crops on the bare
D. 1. We can conserve land resources by making ground of the orchards and plantations
proper plans to use the land efficiently. during the gestation period of tree crops to
Such plans include checking further spread cover the soil from erosion.
of deserts, adopting scientific techniques, u Fallowing—Allowing the land to rest in
conserving soil and forests, providing
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
gorilla, ape, chimpanzee, deer, giraffe, zebra, u Less underground seepage of water
are found in the equatorial forests. Deer, the benefits of protecting wildlife.
giraffes, zebras and stags are found in the u Encouraging schoolchildren to participate
of the farming, crops cultivated, the areas where per hectare is low.
such farming is done, technique adopted for u Wheat and maize are important crops
farming, impact on the environment, all with
cultivated. (Accept any three of these or
reference to India. On the basis of the information
any other relevant response.)
gathered prepare a PowerPoint presentation and
5. Three main features of mixed farming are:
present in class.
u Crop farming and livestock rearing are
u Suitability of the soil for the cultivation of these or any other relevant response.)
a particular crop is not considered 6. Three main features of plantation farming
by farmers. are:
u Labour is provided by members of the u Huge farms or estates are required.
three of these or any other relevant u Single crop, like tea, coffee, sugarcane,
response.) rubber, banana, spices and cotton are
2. Three main features of sedentary farming mostly grown.
are: u Plantations are managed like industrial
u Farmers settle down at one place and
units. (Accept any three of these or any
carry out agriculture. other relevant response.)
u Crop rotation is done to conserve soil
C. 1. Agriculture and industries share a very close
fertility. relationship. This is because agriculture
u Farmers use simple tools for cultivation. provides raw materials for textile, sugar and
u Cattle are also reared by farmers. oil industries and in turn purchases farm
u On the basis of local raw materials machinery, fertilizers and pesticides from
available, farmers pursue cottage industries. Therefore, the prosperity of the
industries during their free time to industrial sector depends upon agricultural
supplement their income. (Accept any prosperity.
three of these or any other relevant 2. The lowlands are more suitable for farming
than the highlands because the dense
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
3. Three main features of intensive farming are: population inhabiting the lowlands provide
u Farmers try to extract maximum possible
both adequate and cheap labour and a
ready market for the farm products. On the
output from small plots of land.
contrary, the highlands face problems like
u Farmers use simple tools and a lot of
rapid soil erosion, non-use of farm machinery
human labour. and limitation to means of transportation
u Rice is the important crop cultivated.
which restricts the scope of farming.
u Farmers grow two or three crops annually
3. Tertiary activities—All types of services
on the same plot of land. (Accept any which support both primary and secondary
three of these or any other relevant activities are called tertiary activities.
response.) Transport, trade, education, banking,
4. Three main features of extensive farming are: insurance and advertising are examples of
u Extensive farming is done in large tertiary activities.
landholdings. Sericulture—Commercial rearing of silkworm
for the production of silk is called sericulture. are land tenure, land use, availability of
Viticulture—Cultivation of grapevine for the farm machinery, government policies and
production of grapes is called viticulture. the level of scientific and technological
Arable land—The land on which crops are developments.
grown is called arable land. 2. Subsistence farming, shifting cultivation,
4. The rearing of cattle for milk is called dairy nomadic herding, sedentary farming,
farming. intensive farming, commercial farming,
extensive farming, mixed farming, plantation
The factors favourable for the development
agriculture and dairy farming are the different
of dairy farming are:
types of farming.
u Existence of natural pastures
Subsistence farming—Subsistence farming
u Availability of large labour force to look
is mainly practised to meet the needs of the
after the cattle. farmer’s family. In this type of farming, the
u Machines for milking, feeding and cleaning
farmers use primitive methods of farming
the cattle to grow crops and the labour is provided
u Huge capital investment
by members of the farmers’ family. The
D. 1. The various factors which influence suitability of the soil for the cultivation of
agriculture are broadly classified under a particular crop is not considered by the
physical, economic and others. The important farmer. They mostly use manure and a little
physical factors include relief, climatic of chemical fertilizers and the crop production
conditions and soil. is low. Hence, the farmers are poor and their
Relief—The lowlands such as river basins, standard of living is low.
flood plains and deltas have fertile soil, Shifting cultivation—In shifting cultivation,
dense population which provides adequate the land is prepared by cutting and burning
and cheap labour, and ready market for farm bushes and trees. Thus, it is also called
products. On the other hand, in the highlands slash and burn agriculture. In this type
soil erosion is rapid, farm machinery cannot of farming, primitive farming methods are
be used and means of transport are limited. adopted by the farmers. Yam, cassava,
Thus, lowlands are more suitable for the maize and potatoes are important crops
growth and development of agriculture than cultivated. When the soil loses its fertility and
the highlands. becomes unproductive after about two to
Climatic conditions—Hot and humid climate three years then the farmer shifts to a new
favours agriculture, whereas low temperature plot of land.
is unfavourable for agriculture. Thus, Nomadic herding—Nomadic herding is
cultivation is possible almost throughout the usually practised in the arid and semi-arid
year in the equatorial and tropical regions, regions. It is a mean of subsistence for the
whereas it is not possible in the winter nomads. In nomadic herding, the nomads
season and in the cold regions. Also, it is move with their domesticated animals, such
difficult to grow crops in dry areas without as sheep, goats, camels and yaks, in search
irrigation. of pastures. These animals provide nomads
crop rotation to maintain soil fertility. Hence, Intensive farming Extensive farming
the yield is high. Cattle are usually reared for a. It is usually a. It is mostly
meat and milk. Efficient methods of farming, practised in practised
quick means of transportation and ready the densely in sparsely
market in the nearby thickly populated areas populated populated areas.
give good return to the farmers. countries of the
Plantation agriculture—Plantation
monsoon region.
agriculture is mostly practised in the tropical b. The landholdings b. The landholdings
and subtropical regions. This is a commercial are small. are large.
farming introduced by the Europeans. In
this type of farming, huge farms or estates, c. The farmers use c. The farmers use
efficient and scientific farming methods, simple tools and machines instead
cheap and skilled labour, and huge capital abundant human of human labour.
investments are required. The plantations labour.
d. Due to long d. Due to short The geographical conditions necessary for
growing season growing season the cultivation of millets are:
u High temperature
two or three only a single crop
crops can be can be grown u Low rainfall
USA (Accept any four of these or any other u Introduction of agricultural credit on soft
Argentina, Ukraine, South Africa, India train farmers. (Accept these or any other
(Accept any four of these or any other relevant response.)
relevant response.) 4. In the Prairies the geographical environment
3. Brazil, Cuba, India, Mexico, Pakistan, is favourable for farming. The well-drained
Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hawaii rolling plains are suitable for extensive
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
Islands, Fiji, South Africa, USA (Accept any mechanized farming. The dark brown soil rich
four of these or any other relevant response.) in humus and organic matter, the moderate
4. India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Taiwan, China, temperature during the spring and summer
Thailand, Malaysia (Accept any four of these seasons and the well-developed connectivity
or any other relevant response.) of this region with the consuming centres
5. USA, China, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Egypt, and port towns through the transcontinental
Sudan, Mexico, Uzbekistan (Accept any four railway have favoured the development of
of these or any other relevant response.) agriculture.
6. China, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Japan, E. 1. Rice—High temperature of about 25 °C
Indonesia, Bangladesh (Accept any four of during the growing season, high humidity
these or any other relevant response.) and rainfall of about 150 cm to 200 cm are
D. 1. Coarse grains such as jowar, bajra, ragi and required for the cultivation of rice.
sorghum which have low nutritional value are Sugarcane—Temperature of about 20 °C
called millets. to 26 °C and rainfall of about 150 cm are
required for the cultivation of sugarcane. climate for its growth. Thus, there is hardly
Cotton—High temperature of about 27 °C
any sugarcane production in the temperate
during the growing period and rainfall of lands.
about 60 cm to 100 cm in frequent showers
are required for the cultivation of cotton. more ENRICHMENT ACTIVITies
for Lessons 4– 6
Jute—High monthly average temperature of
about 26 °C and rainfall of over 150 cm are DATA INTERPRETATION
required for the cultivation of jute. u In 2012–13, the yield of rice and wheat was
Coffee—Average temperature of about
22 °C and annual rainfall of about 150 cm The yield of rice and wheat was 1984 kg per
to 250 cm are required for the cultivation hectare and 2602 kg per hectare respectively.
of coffee. u The average yield of rice and wheat was
2. The geographical conditions necessary for 2161 kg per hectare and 2724.4 kg per
the cultivation of wheat are: hectare respectively.
u Rolling or undulating plains u The wheat production has increased from
u Moderate temperature of about 15 °C 2012–13 to 2016–17.
u Moderate rainfall of about 75 cm during
the growing season.
u Bright and sunny weather during the time
A. 1. a 3. c 5. d 7. a 9. a
of harvest. 2. b 4. d 6. c 8. b 10. d
u Well-drained loamy soil or black soil
B. 1. The Prairies experience continental type
of climate.
The geographical conditions necessary for
2. An ore is a rock which has large
the cultivation of millet are:
concentration of a particular mineral.
u High temperature
3. No, gold isn’t an ubiquitous resource. It is
u Low rainfall
localized resource.
u Less fertile and sandy soil (Accept these
4. The different sources of irrigation are canals,
or any other relevant response.) wells, tubewells and tanks. (Accept these or
3. Indian agriculture is characterized by any other relevant response.)
subsistence agriculture wherein the farmer’s 5. West Indies is famous for banana plantations.
family consumes almost the entire produce (Accept this or any other relevant response.)
with little or no surplus to sell in the market.
6. The Savanna grasslands are found between
This type of agriculture totally depends on
the equatorial forests and the tropical
monsoon rain and is characterized by small
and uneconomic landholdings. The farm
labour is provided by animals and members 7. The soil profile is a vertical section of soil
of the farmer’s family. In subsistence from the surface to the parent rock.
agriculture food crop is mostly produced 8. The different types of resources on the basis
and the cultivation of fodder crop is almost of their renewability are renewable and non-
insignificant. On the other hand, in the renewable resources.
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
Prairies, the farmer and his family owns 9. Three trees found in the Mediterranean
large landholdings of about 1,000 hectares. region are olive, cork, oak and stone pine.
Hence, extensive and mechanized farming (Accept any three of these or any other
is carried out. Moreover, crop rotation, relevant response.)
contour ploughing and strip cropping are 10. Subsistence agriculture is mostly practised in
also practised to maintain soil fertility. Thus, India.
yield per hectare is moderate but yield per C. 1. Minerals which have metals in them are
worker is high. In the Prairies, livestock is called metallic minerals while minerals
also reared to supplement farm income. which do not have metals in them are called
Therefore, the farmers are rich and they non-metallic minerals. Iron ore, bauxite,
maintain a high standard of living. manganese, copper ore and gold are metallic
4. Accept any relevant response. minerals while mica, limestone, salt, gypsum
5. Temperate lands have cold climate whereas and diamond are non-metallic minerals. Both
sugarcane plants require hot and humid these minerals are found in India. Their
distribution in India are as follows. reduce surface runoff and also recharge
Iron ore—Iron ore deposit occurs in Bihar,
groundwater. (Accept any one of these or
Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, any other relevant response.)
Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, 3. The geographical conditions necessary for
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra. the cultivation of rice are:
Bauxite—Bauxite deposits occur in Bihar,
u High temperature of about 25 °C during the
u Forests of the temperate region grow in available from living things such as plants
areas where winters are mild and rainfall is and animals like forests, agricultural crops,
moderate. Such forests have trees, scrubs and wild and domestic animals.
and bushes. Most of the trees in these u Abiotic resources include resources
forests are either deciduous or coniferous. which are available from physical or
However, in the Mediterranean region non-living environment such as land,
hardwood evergreen trees are found. water, air, minerals and power resources.
u Forests of the taiga region are found in
On the basis of development—On the
a belt between 50° N and 70° N latitudes basis of development natural resources are
and consists of coniferous trees. of two types namely potential and actual or
Grasslands—In areas where the amount
developed resources.
of rainfall is less to support the growth of u Potential resources include those
trees, grasses grow between the scattered resources which are not developed at
trees. Such areas are called grasslands. present but has the potential for future
Grasslands can be further classified into two development. The potential for the
major types namely tropical grasslands and generation of hydroelectricity in Africa in
temperate grasslands. the future is an example of such resource.
u Tropical grasslands, also called the u Actual or developed resources include
Savanna, are found between the equatorial those resources which are developed from
forests and the tropical deserts. potential resources. For example, windmills
u Temperate grasslands are found developed to harness the wind energy.
between 30° and 55° latitudes in both On the basis of renewability—On the basis
the hemispheres in the interior of the of renewability, natural resources are of two
continents in the transitional zone between types namely renewable and non-renewable
humid coastal areas and mid-latitude resources.
deserts. These grasslands are called u Renewable resources are those
deserts where there is high temperature resources include minerals and fossil
and very low rainfall. fuels. They are also called exhaustible
u Tundra vegetation is found in the high resources.
latitudes of Eurasia and North America On the basis of distribution—On the
and in the high altitudes of mountains. basis of distribution, natural resources are
Such type of vegetation grows during the classified into ubiquitous and localized.
short summer season when the snow u Ubiquitous resources are those
minerals, natural vegetation and fossil fuels. which are found at certain places. Gold
Natural resources can be further classified on and silver are examples of such resources.
the basis of origin, development, renewability 3. Plantation agriculture—Plantation
and distribution. agriculture is mostly practised in the tropical
and subtropical regions. This is a commercial kerosene, wax, plastics and lubricants
farming introduced by the Europeans. In are obtained by refining crude mineral oil.
this type of farming, huge farms or estates, Other by-products obtained from petroleum
efficient and scientific farming methods, include raw materials for chemical
cheap and skilled labour, and huge capital fertilizers, synthetic fibres and drugs.
investments are required. The plantations Thus, mineral oil is of great importance in
are managed like industrial units. Usually the economy.
single crops like tea, coffee, sugarcane, u Natural gas is found in sedimentary rocks.
rubber, banana, spices and cotton are grown It occurs in association with petroleum or
in plantations. The rubber plantations in may occur alone and is used as domestic
Malaysia, coffee plantations in Brazil, tea and industrial fuel.
plantations in India and banana plantations u Hydel power is the energy derived from
in West Indies are examples of plantation the force of falling water. It is used to
agriculture. generate hydroelectricity.
Mixed farming—Mixed farming is mostly
u The energy released in the form of heat
practised in the thickly populated areas of during the process of alteration of the
Europe, eastern USA, Argentina, south- structure of atoms is called nuclear
east Australia, New Zealand and South energy. It is used to generate electricity.
Africa. In this type of farming, both crop
Non-conventional power resources—
farming and livestock rearing are carried
Power resources which have unlimited
on simultaneously. In crop farming, farmers
reserves and are not likely to get exhausted
cultivate fodder crops along with food crops.
are called non-conventional power resources.
They also follow a well-developed system of
Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and biogas
crop rotation to maintain soil fertility. Hence,
energy are the main sources of non-
the yield is high. Cattle are usually reared for
conventional power resources.
meat and milk. Efficient methods of farming,
u Solar energy is the energy derived from
quick means of transportation and ready
market in the nearby thickly populated areas the sun. Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight
give good return to the farmers. into electricity.
u Wind energy is the energy derived from
Dairy farming—Dairy farming is mostly
practised near big cities to meet the needs wind. Wind energy is harnessed with the
of people working in factories. The growth help of windmills.
u Geothermal energy is the energy derived
and development of dairy farming has its
roots in Europe where the climate is suitable from hot springs, and emission of dry or
for natural pastures. In this type of farming, wet steam from hot rocks at great depths.
cattle are reared for milk. Large labour force This energy is used to generate electricity.
and huge capital investments are required. u Tidal energy is the energy derived from
At present, machines are widely used for high and low tides. This energy is used to
milking, feeding and cleaning the cattle. generate electricity.
4. Power resources are of two types namely u Biogas energy is the energy obtained
such as iTunes, iPods and Android. Besides streams are well developed.
these, E-commerce has helped small u Strong support from the state and the
businesses to prosper, Virtual Learning
central governments.
Environments or VLEs has revolutionized
education, and the use of virtual healthcare 4. The information technology industry has
teams, telemedicine and electronic health developed in the Silicon Valley due to the
records have positively affected the following reasons.
u The growth and development of many
healthcare industry.
5. Iron and steel are important for the growth industrial units in the Silicon Valley as a
and development of modern civilization result of the research and expansion of
because the products made from iron US defence programmes in the field of
and steel are used as raw materials for airspace and electronics.
u The development of high technology
other industries. It is widely used to make
machines, tools and a variety of durable Stanford Industrial Park in 1951.
goods. u Prof Frederick Terman’s initiative to ask
development of Tata Steel plant. With the from Jharia and Raniganj coal mines
growth and development of the Tata Steel located at a distance of about 150 km
plant in Jamshedpur, a number of technical to 200 km.
institutes, metallurgical laboratories and u Manganese is obtained from Keonjhar
3. The factors which favoured the development 240 km from Jamshedpur, provides a
of IT industry in Bengaluru are: ready market for the finished products.
u The presence of many high-tech u Jamshedpur is well-connected to Kolkata,
advanced machinery, along with efficient
organization. P B X W S O F T W A R E V
u A large market for the finished goods U A I S I N S A Q U I S X
provided by the Asian and African R I K B R C O E I R C J R
countries. G R E A T B R I T A I N P
4. The Stanford Industrial Park established in
1951 played a major role in the development
of the Silicon Valley. Since the end of
the Second World War, the US Defence 9. Human Resources
programmes in the field of airspace
and electronics helped the growth and
development of a number of industrial units Situational Analysis, Critical thinking and
in the Silicon Valley. As a result, a number of Class discussion
small towns started developing in and around Have a class discussion as to how the age-sex
pyramid will look in the following cases. 4. The population pyramid of a developed
u Both the birth and the death rates are high, country is narrow at the base as both the
and there are a large number of children in the birth and the death rates are low. It shows
population compared to old people. that the decrease in death rates allows more
u There has been a sustained decline in the birth people to reach the old age. On the contrary,
rate, but the proportion of the old people has the population pyramid of an underdeveloped
not yet become large. country is broad at the base and tapers
u The birth rate has been low for a long period,
to the top. This shows that although the
birth rates are high, still many children die
and the proportion of the old people is
in their infancy and very few people reach
their old age. (Ask the students to draw the
Answers to Textbook Exercises diagrams of the population pyramids of an
underdeveloped and developed country as in
A. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. b
Fig. 9.2 and Fig. 9.3 on p. 191 along with the
B. 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False answer.)
C. 1. The factors on which human capacity to
D. 1. The factors which affect the distribution of
convert natural resources into useful products
population are relief, climatic conditions,
depend are:
natural vegetation, soil, water availability,
u People must be literate and should
mineral resources, industries, means of
possess technical, vocational and transport, urbanization and government
professional skills. policies.
u Availability of proper tools and machines.
Relief—The mountainous areas restrict the
u People must work hard in order to
availability of agricultural land, industries,
understand the dignity of labour. transportation and settlement whereas the
u Availability of balanced and nutritious food. plains favour the same. Thus, more people
2. The fertile river valleys of eastern and prefer to settle in the plains than in the
southern Asia, the industrial regions of mountainous areas.
western Europe and east-central North Climatic conditions—Extreme climate
America and the metropolitan urban areas of discourages concentration of population
every country are thickly populated. This is while moderate climate favours settlement.
because suitable climate, fertile soil, mineral Therefore, population is concentrated in
resources and development of industries areas of moderate climate.
favour human habitation in such areas. On Natural vegetation—The dense forests in
the other hand, hot deserts, cold deserts, hot and humid areas discourage population
high mountainous areas, tundra region, habitation. Thus, the forested areas of the
thickly forested areas of the Amazon and Amazon and the Congo basins have no large
the Congo basins and the Sahara desert settlement.
have sparse population as the physical
Soil—People prefer to settle in areas having
environment there is unfavourable for human
fertile alluvial and lava soils than in areas
having desert, mountain and laterite soils as
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
3. The change in the number of people living fertile soils help in agriculture.
in a territory during a specific time, i.e. a
Water availability—People prefer to settle in
decade is known as change of population.
river valleys and in oases where freshwater
It is expressed either in absolute numbers
for domestic purposes, agriculture, industry
or in percentage. Birth rate, death rate
and transport are easily available.
and migration are the causes of population
change. The annual growth rate of population Mineral resources—The areas rich in
is a measure of population change. It is the mineral deposits attract more people to settle
difference between the number of live births in such areas. For example, the gold mines
or deaths per thousand persons in a year. in Australia have attracted people to settle
If the number of births exceed the number even in the barren desert.
of deaths within a year, the population Industries—The development of industries
increases while if the number of deaths in any region generates employment. Thus,
exceed the number of births within a year people migrate to such areas in search
then the population decreases. of jobs.
Means of transport—The cities located in
and above are called aged. Generally
the plains and in coastal areas have efficient children and aged are considered dependent
network of transportation and, thus attracts population whereas adults are considered
economic activities. Therefore, such cities are economically active population.
thickly populated. Sex ratio—Sex ratio is the ratio between
Urbanization—The urban areas provide
males and females. It is represented as the
better living conditions, diverse economic number of females per 1,000 males. Usually
activities and more employment opportunities the sex ratio should be balanced but it has
for people than the rural areas. Therefore, been noticed that male births exceed female
urban areas have higher density of births in almost all societies due to biological
population than rural areas. reasons. In underdeveloped countries the
Government policies—Often government
sex ratio is unfavourable for females due
policies result in population migration from to high female mortality. Also, migration of
one region to another. For example, under males in search of employment disturbs the
the British rule, the Indians were sent sex ratio in many parts of the world such
to Malaya, Fiji and Mauritius to work on as in many European countries, Africa and
plantations. The Negroes from Africa were Kerala in India.
brought to work on the farms in America. Literacy—Literacy is an important component
2. Density of population—The density of of population composition because it
population refers to the number of people influences the social and economic
living in one sq km area of land. development of a country. The factors
Birth rate—The number of live births that
which affect the literacy rate are the levels
occur per thousand persons in a year is of economic development, urbanization,
known as the birth rate. standard of living, social status of women,
availability of educational facilities and
Death rate—The number of deaths that
government policies. The literacy level is
occur per thousand persons in a year is
higher in urban areas than in rural areas and
known as the death rate.
also among the males than the females.
Annual population growth—Annual
4. Human beings are considered a resource
population growth is the difference between
because human beings can discover, exploit,
the birth and the death rates.
develop and convert the natural resources
Age composition—Age composition refers
into useful articles as per their requirements.
to the number of people in each age groups. (Accept this or any other relevant response.)
For example, the number of people in the
5. The rural areas lack employment, education
age groups of 0–4 years, 5–9 years and
and health facilities. The poverty in the rural
so on.
areas force people to migrate to urban areas
Sex ratio—Sex ratio is the ratio between the
in search of better economic conditions.
males and the females. It is defined as the Thus, people mostly migrate from rural
number of females per 1,000 males. to urban areas. (Accept this or any other
3. The structure of population is known as relevant response.)
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
bulletins on television and radio. route from my house or school and find a
One must keep an emergency kit ready safe location about 30 m above sea level
at home. which I should be able to reach in
One must secure one’s home or move 15 minutes.
to a safer place before the cyclone hits u If I am planning to visit any coastal area,
of population. The fertile river valleys, areas u Drip irrigation should be promoted.
with warm climate and mineral resources, u Forest cover should be increased through
and the industrial regions are thickly
populated. Eastern and southern Asia,
u Crop insurance schemes should be
western Europe, east-central North America
and the metropolitan urban areas of every encouraged.
u Drought-resistant crops should be planted.
country are thickly populated. The moderately
populated areas are mostly found between 5. A tsunami is a huge wave which develops
Integrated Social Science Companion 8
the thickly and sparsely populated areas. when large mass of water is displaced due
Most of these areas have developed new to undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption.
industries, facilities for irrigation and mining. Although tsunamis are not frequent they
Thus, people have migrated and settled can occur at any time of the year. When an
in such areas. Central USA, tropical west undersea earthquake occurs it causes large
Africa, southern parts of Russia, eastern areas of the sea floor to rise or subside. This
Europe, Deccan plateau of India, central leads to the occurrence of huge waves called
China and parts of South America are tsunamis. These waves travel at a very high
moderately populated. On the other hand, speed of about 500 to 1,000 km per hour.
sparsely populated areas have low density However, its speed reduces when it enters
of population. The sparsely populated areas the shallow coastal waters. When a tsunami
are the hot deserts, cold deserts and the reaches the coast, its height increases
high mountainous areas. This is because and it appears as a wall of water. With its
the physical environment in these regions tremendous energy, these fast moving waves
can crush houses and other structures in the Constructing banks along the contours across
coastal areas and can cause great loss of life the hill slopes.
and property. Contour ploughing—Cultivating along the
6. The agricultural practices that can be contours to check the flow of water and
adopted for soil conservation are: thereby to stop soil erosion.
Rotation of crops—Cultivating different
Cover crops—Growing crops on the bare
crops on the same piece of land during ground of the orchards and plantations during
different times of the year. the gestation period of tree crops to cover
Strip cropping—Cultivating erosion-inducing
the soil from erosion.
crops in rotation with erosion-resisting crops. Fallowing—Allowing the land to rest in order
Terrace and contour-bunding—
to regain soil fertility.
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