CYBER SECURITY (R18A0521) - Pages-5
CYBER SECURITY (R18A0521) - Pages-5
CYBER SECURITY (R18A0521) - Pages-5
system is either slowed or stopped.
3. Overbilling attack: Overbilling involves an attacker hijacking a subscriber's IP address
and then using it (i.e., the connection) to initiate downloads that are not "Free downloads" or
simply use it for his/her own purposes. In either case, the legitimate user is charged for the
activity which the user did not conduct or authorize to conduct.
4. Spoofed policy development process (PDP): These of attacks exploit the vulnerabilities
in the GTP [General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunneling Protocol].
5. Signaling-level attacks: The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol used
in IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) networks to provide Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
services. There are several vulnerabilities with SIP-based VolP systems.
Mobile - Viruses
Concept of Mishing
Concept of Vishing
Concept of Smishing
Hacking - Bluetooth
2. Laptop safes: Safes made of polycarbonate - the same material that is used in bulletproof
windows, police riot shields and bank security screens-can be used to carry and safeguard the
laptops. The advantage of safes over security cables is that they protect the whole laptop and
its devices such as CD-ROM bays, PCMCIA cards and HDD bays which can be easily
removed in the case of laptops protected by security cables.
3. Motion sensors and alarms: Even though alarms and motion sensors are annoying owing
to their false alarms and loud sound level, these devices are very efficient in securing laptops.
Once these devices are activated, they can be used to track missing laptops in crowded
places. Also owing to their loud nature, they help in deterring thieves. Modern systems for
laptops are designed wherein the alarm device attached to the laptop transmits radio signals to
a certain range around the laptop.
4. Warning labels and stamps: Warning labels containing tracking information and
identification details can be fixed onto the laptop to deter aspiring thieves. These labels
cannot be removed easily and are a low-cost solution to a laptop theft. These labels have an
identification number that is stored in a universal database for verification, which, in turn
makes the resale of stolen laptops a difficult process. Such labels are highly recommended for
the laptops issued to top executives and/or key employees of the organizations.
5. Other measures for protecting laptops are as follows:
Engraving the laptop with personal details
Keeping the laptop close to oneself wherever possible