Sustainable Urban Drainage: Retrofitting For Improved Ood Mitigation in City Centres
Sustainable Urban Drainage: Retrofitting For Improved Ood Mitigation in City Centres
Sustainable Urban Drainage: Retrofitting For Improved Ood Mitigation in City Centres
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October 2014
Sustainable Urban Drainage
– Retrofitting for Improved
Flood Mitigation in City Centres
Sustainable Urban Drainage – Retrofitting for Improved Flood Mitigation in City Centres
University of the West of England, Faculty of Environment and Technology
School of the Built Environment, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Amanprit Johal
RICS Global Research and Policy Project Manager
Anthony Walters
RICS Global Research and Policy Project Manager
Pratichi Chatterjee
Funded by:
Global Research & Policy Assistant
Glossary and abbreviations................................................................................ 6
Executive Summary................................................................................................ 7
1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................10
1.1 Flooding in Central Business Districts...........................................10
1.2 Rationale...............................................................................................10
1.3 Aims and objectives...........................................................................11
2.0. Methods and Data......................................................................................12
2.1 Literature review................................................................................12
2.2 Database design and population.....................................................12
2.3 Analysis of retrofit potential............................................................12
2.4 Methods for calculating run off reduction and
damage estimation............................................................................13
2.5 Development of a conceptual model for the CBD........................13
3.0 Results..............................................................................................................14
3.1 Literature Review................................................................................14
3.1.1 Types of SUDS suitable for retrofit in CBD ...................................14
3.1.2 Construction technologies and technical
features for Green Roofs .................................................................19
3.1.3 Construction technologies and technical
features for Permeable Paving ......................................................22
3.1.4 Cost benefit ........................................................................................23
3.1.5 Other benefits ....................................................................................24
3.2 Retrofit potential Databases...........................................................26
3.2.1 Melbourne CBD Database ................................................................27
3.2.2 Newcastle upon Tyne UK CBD database .......................................31
3.2.3 Comparison..........................................................................................34
3.3 Run off modelling and exploration of damage reduction...........35
3.4 Development of the conceptual model..........................................38
4.0 Discussion and Implications/Guidance.........................................41
4.1 Implications for surveyors................................................................41
4.2 Areas for further research................................................................42
4.3 Signposting of guidance....................................................................42
5.0 Conclusion......................................................................................................45
6.0 References.....................................................................................................47
7.0 Appendix..........................................................................................................50
Checklist for Building Surveyors to appraise roofs for suitability
for green roof retrofit.......................................................................................50
8.0 Acknowledgements...................................................................................54
List of Figures
Figure 1 Amy Joslin memorial Eco-Roof, Multnomah county headquarters
building, Portland, USA.............................................................................15
Figure 2 Permeable paving in the Dings, Bristol, UK...........................................16
Figure 3 Example of a Rain Stormwater planter in central Portland, USA......17
Figure 4 Epler Hall stormwater planters are a combined stormwater
management and rainwater harvesting system, Portland, USA.......18
Figure 5 Typical green roof section........................................................................19
Figure 6 Cross Section of an Enhanced Permeable Pavement Design
with an Underdrain.....................................................................................22
Figure 7 Overviews of the building styles in Newcastle upon Tyne’s
CBD (left) and Melbourne (right).............................................................26
Figure 8 Number of Storeys in Melbourne CBD Buildings...................................28
Figure 9 Building Location........................................................................................28
Figure 10 Building Orientation in Melbourne CBD..................................................29
Figure 11 Histogram of building heights in storeys for Newcastle study area...31
Figure 12 Comparison of proportion of flat and pitched of rooftops
varying levels of plant coverage. rooftops............................................34
Figure 13 Clarence Woodhouse, Melbourne in 1838 from the Yarra River,
c. 1888. Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria...............................37
Figure 14 Culverting evolution in Newcastle (courtesy of M Toraldo)................37
Figure 15 Conceptual model of distributed benefits of green roof
technology from the perspective of owners and occupiers
of commercial buildings (after Abbott et al., 2013)............................40
List of Tables
Table 1 Attributes of extensive and intensive green roofs..............................20
Table 2 Technical Features for Green Roofs........................................................21
Table 3 Technical Features for Permeable Paving.............................................23
Table 4 Other benefits of retrofitting green roofs.............................................25
Table 5 Rank Order of Year of Construction for Buildings in Melbourne........27
Table 6 Green Roof Option......................................................................................30
Table 7 Overshadowing of Roofs...........................................................................30
Table 8 Cross tabulation of conservation area, construction type
and historic listing.....................................................................................32
Table 9 Cross tabulation of pitch and construction type for
Newcastle study area................................................................................32
Table 10 Cross tabulation of pitch, historic listing and construction
type for Newcastle study area.................................................................33
Table 11 Table of roofs judged suitable to retrofit based on pitch, historic
listing and percent coverage by plant in the Newcastle study area....33
Table 12 Roofs potentially suitable for intensive green roof retrofit
in the Newcastle study area.....................................................................33
Table 13 Melbourne and Newcastle Stock compared for green roof retrofit...34
Table 14 Run off calculations for Melbourne and Newcastle showing
estimate percentage of total rainfall falling on the CBD
managed by potential retrofit under three scenarios.........................35
Table 15 Matrix of benefits and beneficiaries from investment in
green roof technology...............................................................................39
Table 16 Guidance Sources by country of origin, method, and approach........43
Executive Summary
Flood damage was estimated to cost A$20bn (£12.5bn)
in Australia in 2011. In the UK approximately 185,000
commercial properties are at risk of flooding (Harman et
al., 2002) and the 2007 flood event was estimated to cost
businesses in England £0.75bn in damage and disruption
(Chatterton et al., 2010). Surface water flash flooding of
businesses has been driven by higher incidence of intense
pluvial events; the lack of permeability in high density areas;
and the inadequacy of drainage systems in city centres
constructed to cope with different weather patterns and
buildings. In the light of future uncertainties, it is becoming
increasingly clear that the continuing reliance on piped
drainage systems is creating unsustainable demands
for ever-greater capacity, or the creation of underground
storage facilities. As an alternative to expanding the existing
‘grey’ infrastructure systems, Sustainable Urban Drainage
(SUDS) in the UK, and its equivalents elsewhere, are now
being advocated and legislated for on a much wider scale.
The aim of this research was to examine the potential
for mitigation of predominantly pluvial flooding in CBDs
through retrofitting of such systems. The research used
two case study areas to explore the challenges and
opportunities for retrofit of SUDS in different cities with
varying climate zones, urban design and governmental
regimes. The research sought to:
a) Evaluate the potential to physically retrofit existing
buildings and adjacent paved areas
b) E xplore the potential for run of reduction and therefore
mitigation of associated flood damage
c) E xamine the costs and benefits of retrofitting SUDS
and identify social and environmental benefits of
sustainable drainage for commercial property and
the business district.
In order to provide information and guidance for surveyors
in the emerging area of retrofit of SUDS and provide material
to build capacity of surveyors to contribute to improved
drainage and flood mitigation for commercial property.
Output from this research includes a summary of existing
best practice guidance for chartered surveyors to use
across all RICS regions. There has, however, been
a great deal of work around this topic that has been
done during the 18 months since this project was
first conceived: for example, in the UK, guidance
documents are being produced at the present time by
the Construction Industry Research and Information
Association, for example (CIRIA, 2013).
Guidance notes and checklists specifically for scoping
potential integrated retrofit projects for commercial
property surveyors are recommended and could be
developed in the light of recent and ongoing research
over the next twelve months.
The new conceptual model for owners and occupiers
suggests that consideration of feedback from distributed
benefits of green roof technology and permeable paving
through property value and reputational gains could be
highly influential. Further research is recommended in
the measurement and attribution of costs and benefits of
green roofs, specifically in the valuation of multiple benefits
and the operationalisation of the conceptual model.
Further research is also needed on the performance of
sustainable drainage systems under a variety of locational,
climate and antecedent conditions both in terms of storm-
water management and other benefits.
Detailed retrofit audits of the wider catchment for
Melbourne and Newcastle are recommended.
1.0 Introduction
The motivation behind this research is to enhance the The real cost to the local economies may be long lasting
knowledge regarding minimisation of flood damage and and difficult to measure, as many businesses fail to
disruption within the commercial property sector using recover after suffering flooding (Cumbria Intelligence
retrofit of sustainable drainage. Much flood research in Observatory, 2010; Ingirige and Wedawatta, 2011;
the past has focussed on the residential sector with some Wedawatta et al., 2011).
damage estimation and business continuity advice for
individual businesses in central business districts (CBDs).
However, business districts have unique characteristics
1.2 Rationale
and are comprised of a variety of property types linked The growing damage impacts of increased pluvial flooding
by common, publically accessible, spaces that may be are not attributable to changing weather patterns alone: this
seen as essential to the functioning of the businesses is exacerbated by increased development pressures and
choosing to locate in the district. Equally the viability of urbanisation (Jha et al., 2011). In the UK, for example, there
a business district has impacts on all those that work have been effects arising from the policy of redeveloping
there, patronise the businesses and own or invest in brown-field sites, together with the popularity of paving
the property. Therefore the consideration of flood green spaces to provide car parking; likewise, in Australia,
mitigation within business districts must be considered urban planning has increased the density of development
at a variety of spatial scales and from the perspective and amount of impermeable surfaces. Stormwater runs
of multiple stakeholders. swiftly off these surfaces, rather than slowly infiltrating into
the ground, as it would have done on open or agricultural
1.1 Flooding in Central Business land. Furthermore, in many business districts, piped
drainage systems were installed at a time when lower
Districts density development existed and their design has not been
updated to accommodate the increased runoff (French
Weather patterns are changing in ways consistent with
et al., 2011). Retrofitting such below-ground drainage
a warming global climate (Solomon and Qin, 2007;
systems (both greywater and combined systems) is not only
Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Research, 2007).
expensive, but time consuming and consequently highly
Although specific extreme events cannot be attributed
disruptive to the businesses affected.
to climate change, the consensus is that the frequency
of intense rainfall events is rising over most land masses An alternative approach is to make use of measures
(including those where average rainfall is decreasing) designed to restore, or mimic, natural infiltration patterns;
and this is likely to continue in some seasons (Solomon by decreasing runoff volumes and attenuating peak flows,
and Qin, 2007). Such intense rainfall events can cause the risk of urban flooding is reduced. Within business
flash floods, particularly in dense urban areas with low districts, this approach could involve the wide spread
permeability, leading to serious impacts on the affected retrofit of green roofs, permeable paving and other
owners and occupiers. surface or near-surface drainage options (Charlesworth
and Warwick, 2011). Infiltration and storage devices,
In Australia, the more usual prolonged droughts have
such as permeable paving, can be employed around
been replaced by increased rainfall: the estimated cost of
commercial premises to reduce runoff, whilst green roofs
building remediation following the 2010/11 floods in the
and rainwater gardens can absorb rainwater, thereby
states of Queensland and Victoria vary from A$9 billion to
attenuating peak flows. Urban renewal or refurbishment
A$20 billion (Companies and Markets, 2011). The densely
provides an opportunity for such retrofitting initiatives: in
populated East Coast area has also been subject to severe
the US this approach has been adopted in both New York
floods in two consecutive years, including an event in
(NYC Environmental Protection, 2011; NYC Environmental
which 29 mm of rain fell in a period of 30 minutes at Perth
Protection, 2012) and Portland, Oregon. In the latter
Airport (Bureau of Meteorology, 2012), whilst the Bureau
case, in order to increase the uptake of green roofs and
of Meteorology issued Severe Weather Warnings for heavy
disconnection of downspouts, financial incentives were
rain and flash flooding over much of northern and eastern
offered (Environmental Services – City of Portland, 2006;
Queensland in March 2012.
Environmental Services – City of Portland, 2011). Doubts
In the UK, the cost of flash flooding has also risen in recent have, however, been raised as to whether widespread
decades; 3.8 million properties in England are estimated to retrofit is a viable option structurally or functionally
be at risk from surface water flooding alone (Environment (Wilkinson and Reed, 2009); furthermore, the contribution
Agency, 2013). Extreme rainfall events in 2007 and 2012 to cost effective reduction of flood risk from property
caused localised flash flooding in city centres including level adaptation is yet to be fully explored (Lamond and
Glasgow, Hull, Newcastle and York, with substantial Proverbs, 2009; Joseph et al., 2012).
damage and disruption to the central business districts.
• All roof, pavement and road surfaces retrofit Another aspect typically omitted from the Water Sensitive
Urban Design (WSUD) literature is the potential for indirect
• Suitable roof, pavement and road surfaces retrofit
benefits accruing to commercial property owners and
• Half of suitable roof, pavement and road surfaces investors: these arise as a consequence of benefitting the
retrofit wider community, both in terms of flood risk mitigation and
the creation of more sustainable commercial buildings.
For the Melbourne dataset a further run-off analysis was
Whilst the greening of business districts may also imply
carried out on the behalf of the research team by the
the creation of improved amenity and neighbourhood
University of Newcastle, using a state of the art inundation
effects, the evidence for such impacts is sparse and
model that has been developed by Glenis et al. (2013) This
contradictory (CABE Space, 2006; Sinnett et al., 2011).
further analysis was undertaken in order to more precisely
Empirical evidence from the real estate literature for the
estimate the impact of green roof retrofit on suitable rooftops
economic value of ‘greening’ buildings to owners and
in the Melbourne CBD. Three model runs were undertaken:
occupiers is also somewhat mixed (Sayce et al., 2010) but
• Business as usual, no retrofit there are theoretical models of the impact of sustainability
• All rooftops retrofit claims for commercial buildings which are predicated
on lower utility costs, reputational effects, the form of
• Suitable rooftops retrofit commercial leases, the demand for green property, health
The differences in run off patterns were then and wellbeing of the buildings occupants, and the views of
examined spatially. the investment market (Rapson et al., 2007). Therefore, an
innovative conceptual model was required as a necessary
first step in advising commercial owners and occupiers in
the development of the business case for retrofit of green
roof technology.
3.0 Results
The first two subsections of the results present the
findings from the literature review and database analysis
as they emerged from the two phases of research.
The final two subsections draw together these results
to present:
1. an overview of the physical retrofit potential to mitigate
flood damage via reduction of run-off in the two study
areas under three scenarios;
2. a new conceptual model that provides a framework
for evaluating the distributed costs and benefits of
green roof retrofit within central business districts
from the perspective of the commercial property
owner or occupier.
These two sections are designed to reflect the interests of,
respectively, surveyors and planners within city authorities
considering the potential to pursue retrofit programmes;
and surveyors advising commercial property clients on
the potential to benefit from installing green roofs on their
particular property.
Figure 1 Amy Joslin memorial Eco-Roof, Multnomah county headquarters building, Portland
Epler Hall stormwater planters are a combined stormwater management and rainwater
Figure 4 harvesting system.
3.1.2 Construction technologies and Green roofs may be either intensive or extensive. Intensive
technical features for Green Roofs green roofs are better known as ‘roof gardens’ and typically
provide space for people. The depth of soil or substrate
What is a ‘green roof’? It can defined as a roof that uses layer provided is usually greater than 150 mm and requires
plants which range from but do not exclusively include artificial irrigation. Extensive roofs require a planting medium
grass, moss, lichen, sedum, trees, shrubs, flowers and of less than 150 mm and are usually designed to require
bushes. Green roofs are referred to by a number of minimal maintenance and to obviate the need for irrigation.
different labels, such as eco-roofs, nature roofs or roof The attributes of the two types are shown in Table 1.
greening systems. In summary green roofs are a living There is a third type, a semi intensive green roof which is
vegetated roofing alternative to traditional impervious a hybrid of the intensive and extensive roofs. It is vital to
roofing materials. A green roof is comprised of the keep the plants alive in the long-term and this is a challenge
following components: a roof structure; a waterproof because it requires an active and ongoing commitment to
membrane or vapour control layer; insulation (i.e. if the a maintenance and irrigation or watering regime (Skyring
building is heated or cooled); a root barrier to protect 2007; Munby, 2005). Standard soils are not used because
the membrane (i.e. made of gravel, impervious concrete, they are too heavy for roof structures and a calculated ratio
polyvinylchloride (PVC), thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO), of aggregate (e.g. shale, vermiculite), organic materials, air
high-density polyethylene (HDPE or copper); a drainage and water is used. The correct growing medium is critical
system; a filter cloth (non-biodegradable fabric); a growing and may be challenging in some Australian cities due to
medium (soil) consisting of inorganic matter, organic climatic conditions particularly excessive seasonal rainfall
material (straw, peat, wood, grass, sawdust) and air; and (e.g. as in the Northern Territory or Australia) or minimal
plants. See figure 5 for a typical green roof cross-section. rainfall (e.g. as in Victoria).
Drainage layer
Waterproof membrane
Roof structure
Lightweight structure to support roof Heavier roof structure required to support roof
The literature shows that the suitability of an existing biodiversity roofs tend not to have artificial watering, which
building for a green roof retrofit is dependent on a number may be an option if there is no water supply. However
of factors such as the roof type, size and slope. Clearly biodiversity green roofs can become very dry and brown
the construction of the roof structure and roof covering during summer periods and they may not appeal to
influence the type of green roof that may be retrofitted, some owners on aesthetic considerations. If stormwater
for example the load-bearing capacity of the structural attenuation is the design objective of the green roof, the
form. Roofs on mid-sized and large commercial buildings stormwater retention qualities of green roofs depend upon
in both the UK and Australia tend to have concrete slab the depth of the substrate and other variables, including:
construction. However many commercial buildings in exposure; prevailing wind conditions; the absorbency of
Australia have a timber roof structure covered with profiled the substrate and its water retention qualities; and the
metal sheeting which is less able to bear heavy loads and amount of evaporation (which varies according to external
this roof structure is not considered suitable for green temperatures and humidity) (Blanc et al., 2012).
retrofit within this study. Furthermore depending on the
Longevity of the structure, drainage and waterproofing
intended use of the roof the size of the roof is an issue, for
system is essential because replacement costs are
example; is either public or building user access possible
high. Green roofs can be designed to last over 50 years
or desirable for a recreational green roof? The roof may
(Porsche and Köhler, 2003) which is approximately twice
be too small to warrant the cost of the work to retrofit.
the life cycle of a roof covering such as bitumen (Claus
It is also possible other remedial works, such as upgrading
and Rousseau, 2010) and on this basis may present
access is required, and this renders the project prohibitively
a good economic argument for installation. Where an
expensive compared to the final overall benefit gained.
existing roof covering is approaching the end of its useful
Extensive and intensive green roofs require a minimum life, it may be opportune to retrofit. Overall the following
slope of 2% and green roofs with less than 2% slope criteria are taken into account when determining whether
require additional drainage measures to avoid water logging a roof is suitable for retrofitting: position of the building,
(University of Florida, 2008). Additional requirements location, orientation of the roof, height above ground,
include good drainage and waterproofing. Depending on pitch, weight limitations of the building, preferred planting,
the structural load bearing capacity of the existing roof, a sustainability of components and levels of maintenance.
lightweight growth media and additional structural support The first six criteria are physical attributes of buildings and
may be required. In Australia the capacity for rainwater the last three are related to building owner and/or client
harvesting and the use of drought or heat tolerant plants is desires and the ability to maintain the green roof.
desirable to cope with fluctuations in climate. Furthermore
some roofs have a water supply whereas others do not,
and this is an issue where watering and irrigation of plants
is required as it can add to the costs. On the other hand
3.1.3 Construction technologies and Load bearing capacity of different pervious paving will differ
technical features for Permeable Paving but most are not recommended on road areas bearing
heavy traffic loads (Woods-Ballard et al., 2007; Government
Proper design of permeable paving will require the of South Australia, 2010). In frost-prone areas deterioration
guidance of structural and geotechnical experts. can be avoided by ensuring the design storm does not
For initial identification of potential sites, it is useful to result in water standing in the asphalt layer.
have some broad filtering guidelines that indicate whether
a site may be suitable for permeable paving. Technical The consideration of sloping sites is complex. It is
design considerations that limit the installation of advantageous in infiltrating systems to have the base of
permeable pavements include the consideration of the paving as flat as possible to encourage even infiltration.
whether the sub-surface water flows will cause problems If the upper surface is too sloped this can result in water
for surrounding assets or soil or slope stability. Authors from higher reaches being discharged further down the
have suggested setback of 3m downhill from buildings slope. Therefore it is important to have slopes as small as
and 30m uphill if no liner is used (District of Columbia, possible or to step systems. In both the UK and Australia,
2013). The use of a liner and permeable under-drain can the recommended maximum slope is 1 in 20 (5%) (Interpave,
be helpful in reducing the impact on adjacent foundations 2010; HydroCon Australasia Pty Ltd, undated); the reason
but reduces the in situ infiltration capacity. The type of soil being that for slopes greater than this, water from heavy
and its permeability is a determinant of whether infiltration rain events travels rapidly over the surface of the pavement,
will be sufficient to empty the pavement reservoir or instead of infiltrating as intended. Gradients of as little as
whether an under-drain or pumping will be needed. 3% have, however, been said to be problematic (District of
Columbia, 2013). Surrounding topography also needs to
Water quality considerations are important in the choice be considered as the infiltration of run-on surface water will
of systems designed to infiltrate and therefore permeable affect the capacity of the reservoir to contain design storms.
pavement is not recommended in highly polluted areas. In order not to overload the system in sloped areas it is not
Adelaide’s WSUD guidance suggests avoiding areas recommended to drain water into permeable paving section
where sediment loads would have the potential to clog from an impermeable area any more than 5 times its size
the system (Government of South Australia – Greater (District of Columbia, 2013).
Adelaide Region, 2010). In areas with high water tables it
is recommended to allow 1m below the sub base before Design variants for permeable surfacing include: porous
the water table is reached (Woods-Ballard et al., 2007) asphalt (PA); pervious concrete (PC); permeable interlocking
in order to avoid ponding and groundwater problems; concrete pavers (PICP); concrete grid pavers (CGP); plastic
drained and pumped systems may, however, require grid pavers. These systems are not typically designed to
smaller clearance. It is also important to avoid disturbing provide stormwater detention of larger storms (e.g. 2-yr,
services and this may be problematic within dense 15-yr), although they may be in some circumstances.
urban areas. The standard design typically has no infiltration sump or
water quality filter, though enhanced designs may include
underdrains that contain both of these. A cross section
through the latter type is shown in Figure 6.
Permeable pavement
surface material
Reservoir layer
Perforated underdrain
Infiltration sump
Filter Layer
2” – 4” Choker Stone
the financial case can be compelling. It has been 3.1.5 Other benefits
calculated, for example, that widespread adoption of
SUDS installation can benefit not only the property owners,
green roofs in Portland, Oregon (USA) could potentially
but also the wider community and the environment itself.
save $60 million of public expenditure otherwise needed
For example, a regeneration project in Malmo (Sweden)
to upgrade the extant stormwater system (Bureau of
was initially driven by flood risk management concerns
Environmental Services – City of Portland, 2008).
(Kazmierczak and Carter, 2010), but it was subsequently
In the United States a national tool has been developed found that the creation of green infrastructure not only
that assesses the cost and benefits of SUDS measures improved the neighbourhood aesthetically but also
(Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT), undated) benefitted its overall reputation. Flood mitigation may extend
which calculates the monetary value of twenty different beyond the property adopting these measures, whilst
benefits of SUDS. These include flood risk reduction, amenity benefits accrue to local businesses, residents and
pollutant removal, environmental and amenity benefits; visitors to the urban area. The apportionment of costs and
for flood protection, for example, the reduced flow from benefits for green infrastructure is an area that warrants
a site during a 100 year storm event is valued at $1,000 increased research attention, in order to support improved
per acre-foot (1,230m3) (or $0.81/m3) based upon flood implementation procedures.
damage data from US case studies. In the UK there is
The additional benefits associated with green roofs
an ongoing project, coordinated by CIRIA to develop a
include thermal buffering of buildings; this can lead to
similar tool. The need to formulate an industry view was
reduced need for heating in winter and cooling in summer,
demonstrated by previous estimates of the net benefits of
and therefore lower energy costs for the inhabitants (for
sustainable drainage to new developments over a 50 year
example, Fioretti et al., 2010; Bastien et al., 2011). Yang
period would be between £56 million and £5,608 million
(2008) found that green roofs improved air quality in the
(Stevens and Ogunyoye, 2012a). This estimate assumed
urban canyon. Retrofitting with green roofs on a large
damage per property due to surface water flooding
scale could reduce the urban heat island effect whereby
between £23,290 and £29,430, 2% of homes were
temperatures are typically up to five degrees higher
estimated to be at risk of flooding from surface water,
than the surrounding suburbs (Williams et al., 2010). By
and the number of homes susceptible to flooding was
protecting waterproofing materials from solar damage,
taken to be between 2.8 million and 3.8 million.
a reduction in maintenance costs can be demonstrated
Design aspects can be important in changing the cost (, undated). Getter and Rowe (2009)
benefit equation, extensive green roof installation is the calculated that, if the city of Detroit (USA) greened 15,000
lowest cost option in many cases but may not be the hectares of rooftop, over 55,000 tonnes of carbon could
optimum choice for stormwater management: for example, be sequestered. Other examples are the mitigation of
the Beijing Olympic Village (China) had some green roofs urban heat island effect and improved air quality (Bureau of
included at constructions, but Jia et al. (2012) calculated Environmental Services – City of Portland, 2008); improved
that improvements could be achieved if the substrate biodiversity (for example,, 2005); and the
depths were doubled from 0.3 to 0.6m. This modification reduced risk of pollution and stream degradation (Carter
optimised predicted outcomes in terms of maximising the and Rasmussen, 2006). Similarly, where drainage authorities
flood control benefit whilst minimising cost. Different types charge for runoff entering piped systems, property owners
of permeable paving incur variable costs of installation and who retrofit permeable surfacing may benefit from reduced
maintenance and may be chosen for aesthetic as well as fees; the benefits for the environment are chiefly in terms of
practical reasons. the reduced pollutant load entering watercourses.
SUDS methods can, however, provide a range of There are very strong environmental sustainability benefits
environmental and amenity benefits that are lacking in of retrofit (Douglas, 2006). Particularly the retention of existing
conventional systems and these are typically uncosted, carbon, as well as cost benefits derived through lower
as discussed by MacMullan and Reich (2007) and are operational costs achieved through energy savings (Bullen,
discussed below. 2007). Building demolition is a waste of resources that
typically end up in landfill (Wilkinson 2011). Storm-water run-
A further complicating factor for the assessment of costs
off may be reduced through green roof retrofit and rainwater
and benefits in urban areas relate to the disparity between
harvesting may be employed to reduce potable water
who pays for the measures and who benefits from them
consumption for toilet flushing, clothes washing and garden
(Abbott et al., 2013). This is relevant within the storm-water
watering. The economic benefits are that retrofit is cheaper
and flooding aspects of SUDS costs and benefits, as the
than new build if the construction form is straightforward
owner of a green roofed building or permeable paved
(Bullen, 2007) and that costs of finance tend to be lower
area provides reduced runoff to neighbouring properties.
as the building may remain occupied during retrofit
However, when the multiple additional benefits of SUDS are
(Highfield, 2000). However where the build quality
considered, the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries
is poor, costs may be more expensive (Bullen, 2007).
increases. This is further discussed in section 3.4.
Figure 7 Overviews of the building styles in Newcastle upon Tyne’s CBD (left) and Melbourne (right)
Source: J. Lamond
3.2 Retrofit potential Databases emanated from the main rivers (fluvial flooding) but has been
predominantly caused by overland flows or ‘flash floods’.
The CBDs of the cities of Melbourne (Australia) and In 2012 Newcastle upon Tyne experienced a severe
Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) were found to provide broadly rainfall event in which the whole of the expected total for
similar locations for the study. Both were originally laid out June (50 mm) fell within a two hour period (Environment
in the 1830s; the ‘Hoddle Grid’ in Melbourne and ‘Grainger Agency – Yorkshire & North East Region Hydrology, 2012)
Town’ in Newcastle both incorporate a mix of historically and was estimated as having a 1:131 year return period,
important architecture interspersed with more modern also called Average Recurrence Interval (ARI). This is a
buildings (see Figure 5) and both cities lie on the sloping statistical estimate of the average period in years between
land on the banks of major navigable watercourses. Both the occurrences of a flood of a given size or larger; for
cities have also undergone extensive expansion over time, example, floods with a discharge as large as the 100 year
with once-permeable agricultural land on the outskirts being ARI flood event will occur on average once every 100 years.
replaced by suburbs featuring largely impermeable surfaces; The ARI of an event gives no indication of when a flood
in each case, the CBD includes streets constructed over of that size will occur next. Around 40% of non-residential
culverted watercourses (notably Elizabeth Street, Melbourne properties affected by the flooding were temporarily forced
and Grey Street/Dean Street in Newcastle). Culverts are to close, including Newcastle Central railway station which is
not only prone to collapse and blockages but, even when located in the CBD (Total Research and Technical Services
functioning correctly, in extreme rainfall events the volume of Newcastle City Council, 2013).
water can rapidly exceed the carrying capacity, giving rise
to localised flooding. These events typically take residents Similarly, in early March 2010, the Melbourne area
and business-owners by surprise, as the existence of experienced a severe storm during which over 46 mm of
these subterranean watercourses has been lost from local rain fell in a single 24 hour period (Bureau of Meteorology
memory (for example, Wilson et al., 2004). Both cities have (Australia), undated); the average total for that month is
been affected by pluvial flooding in recent years: this has not around 50 mm. This lead to a number of roads in the CBD
Percentage (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 39 41 43 47 52 53 55 57 66
Number of Storeys
In the analysis, consideration was given to the site and the thus 29.8% of all properties were located in the higher grade
location of the building (Kincaid, 2002). Within the Melbourne location zones. The highest proportion (43.2%) was is in the
CBD, locations are categorised as ‘prime’ (the best location), low secondary area and nearly a quarter (24.7%) was located
‘low prime’, ‘high secondary’, ‘secondary’ and the lowest in the fringe area at the periphery of the CBD grid. Figure 9
grade ‘fringe. 7.6% were located in the prime zone, 15.2% illustrates the distribution of the database properties within
in the low prime area, and 7% in the high secondary area – the five CBD location zones.
Number of roofs
40 37
Prime Low Prime High Secondary Low Secondary Fringe
Location Area
Building orientation determines how much exposure to Overall most properties in the sample were not affected
sunlight the roof gets. In a sample of 72 buildings in the adversely by attachment to other buildings or restricted
database, an examination of site orientation revealed access for construction works, and are therefore suited
that most faced east (41.17%) followed by west-facing for retrofitting.
(30.88%), south-facing (16.17%) and finally north-facing
As discussed the structural capacity of the building affects
buildings which comprised 11.76% of the sample (see
the degree to which, and also the ease of retrofit. Overall
Figure 10). In the southern hemisphere north-facing
60.6% of commercial buildings in the Melbourne CBD have
properties will be exposed the most to the direct sun.
framed structures. Concrete framing is preferred over steel
Therefore it appears that a large number will only have
frame construction in Melbourne and most buildings are
partial exposure to sunlight, even before overshadowing
built using concrete. The remaining 39% of the buildings
is considered and that this will affect the type of plants
comprised traditional load-bearing brickwork and/or stone
specified and/or whether green roof retrofit is viable.
construction. It is apparent that the buildings with concrete
Ease of access for construction is a further consideration frames are more likely to be suitable for retrofitting with
in the decision to retrofit a green roof. In the Melbourne extensive green roof systems and this analysis confirmed
CBD sample, the properties were predominantly bounded there was good potential for minimal structural changes to
on two sides (47.4%), with 21.9% bounded on one side be undertaken to most CBD buildings. It should be noted
only and 18% bounded on three sides. Only 12.1% were that a full structural appraisal would be required on an
bounded on no sides by any properties or free-standing. individual building basis to determine structural suitability
for retrofit and this is a limitation of this research approach.
West facing buildings
30.88% 41.17%
The next stage of the research involved a visual inspection deemed unsuitable. The results in Table 6 show that 15%
of the roof using the Google Earth and Google Map of the buildings were judged suitable for retrofit with green
software (Google Earth 6.0, 2008) An evaluation of the roof technology. A relatively low 4.8% of buildings were
potential of each roof for retrofitting with green roof not classed with yes or no, and a significant percentage of
technology was undertaken, where the evaluations 80.2% were not considered suitable for retrofit based on
called for identification as one of three classifications, the criteria above.
namely (a) ‘yes’, (b) ‘no’ or (c) ‘don’t know’ with regards
The final stage involved an analysis of overshadowing of the
to retrofitting. The evaluation was based on roof pitch
stock (see Table 7) where orientation and the proximity of
i.e. those pitched above 30 degrees and below 2%
other taller buildings were taken into account. The analysis
were deemed unsuitable. The amount of rooftop plant
identified that 39.3% of the buildings were overshadowed
especially equipment which vents air from the building
and 36.3% were partially overshadowed. Only 24.4% were
and the provision of rooftop window cleaning equipment,
not overshadowed at all. Therefore approximately 75% of
safety handrails and photovoltaic units was taken into
the existing Melbourne stock was considered unsuitable
account, where coverage exceeded 40% of roof area the
for green roof retrofit on the basis that insufficient sunlight
roof was deemed unsuitable for retrofit. Another criterion
reaches the rooftop for planting to flourish.
was roof construction, and lightweight construction was
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Yes 78 14.8 15.0 15.0
No 418 79.5 80.2 95.2
Don’t know 25 4.8 4.8 100.0
Total 521 99.0 100.0
System 5 1.0
Total 526 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
System 5 1.0
Total 526 100.0
3.2.2 Newcastle upon Tyne UK CBD When looking at building height the average number of
database storeys is 4 and the majority of buildings are low rise.
However there is a limited potential for overshadowing as
The first section provides an analysis of the 507 buildings there are very few tall buildings in the CBD area studied.
in three Postcodes in the Newcastle CBD. The age of Only 2% of buildings were identified as 10 storeys or above
buildings was not available for the Newcastle database and the tallest building has 18 storeys. In the chart below
but the characteristic of the area includes many historic (Figure 11) buildings over 10 storeys are grouped together.
buildings that are listed, with 30 grade 1 and 189
grade 2 listings, and in multiple conservation areas 386 The properties in the Newcastle CBD were predominantly
buildings. Clearly the potential to retrofit listed buildings bounded on two sides or more. There were 37.7%
may be limited but it will be important to establish the bounded on two sides with 30.8% bounded on three
feasibility of retrofitting on non-listed buildings within the sides and 14% bounded on four. Therefore a significant
conservation area, as there is also a great deal of more percentage of Newcastle buildings may have site access
modern development in these areas some constructed issues in retrofitting. Nearly half of the buildings (47.3%)
as recently as 2012. have street access only which while it may not make
retrofit impossible is likely to add greatly to the cost and
inconvenience of building works.
50 58
8 20 10 10
4 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table 8 Cross tabulation of conservation area, construction type and historic listing
Table 9 Cross tabulation of pitch and construction type for Newcastle study area
Constructions type
Load bearing Steel or concrete Unknown
brick or stone frame /other Total
Roof is of suitable pitch
Yes 62 48 8 118
No 346 19 5 370
Unknown 1 1 17 19
The vast majority of buildings in the study area are From visual inspection of roof pitch it appears that 118
load bearing brick or stone (80.7%) with 13.4% steel buildings have the slight pitch most suitable for green roof
or concrete frame construction, the rest indeterminate. retrofit (see Table 9). Among those with slight pitch about
There was also a strong correlation between construction half are steel or concrete with the other half load bearing
type, listing and conservation area (see Table 8). This brick or stone.
means that the majority of the steel or concrete framed
Table 10 shows that including historic listing has little
buildings are outside the conservation area and not listed.
impact on the number of potentially suitable rooftops.
Table 10 Cross tabulation of pitch, historic listing and construction type for Newcastle study area
Constructions type
Load bearing Steel or concrete Unknown Total
brick or stone frame /other
Pitch of roof OK and building not listed
Yes 49 45 5 99
No 359 22 8 389
Unknown 1 1 17 19
Total 409 68 30 507
Table of roofs judged suitable to retrofit based on pitch, historic listing and percent
Table 11 coverage by plant in the Newcastle study area.
Percent Valid Percent Percent
Suitable 76 15.0 15.0
Not suitable 410 80.9 95.9
Unknown 21 4.1 100.0
Total 507 100.0 100.0
Table 12 Roofs potentially suitable for intensive green roof retrofit in the Newcastle study area
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Yes 20 3.9 3.9 3.9
Examining the coverage of the roof by plant or car parking If construction type is also considered there are 30
spaces further reduces the potential space available for potential retrofit rooftops that could take extra heavy
green roof retrofit as shown in Table 11. loading and including access and site boundaries brings
the number judged suitable down to only 20 as shown in
Plant was naturally more common on rooftops with
Table 12. Therefore if intensive roofs were considered the
low pitch (see Figure 12) and using a cut off point
potential for retrofit would be less than 4%.
of 40% plant reduces the number of suitable rooftops
to 76 representing 15% of the CBD buildings.
Figure 12 Comparison of proportion of flat and pitched rooftops of varying levels of plant coverage
0% plant coverage
10% plant coverage
Pitched 20% plant coverage
30% plant coverage
40% plant coverage
50% plant coverage
Flat 60% plant coverage
80% plant coverage
90% plant coverage
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Table 13 Melbourne and Newcastle Stock compared for green roof retrofit
Construction type More suited – more flat Less suited – more pitched
concrete roofs roof construction
3.3 Run off modelling and transpiration, mediated by the foliage) (Mentens et al.,
2006). Rose and Lamond’s meta-analysis (2013) notes
exploration of damage reduction that reported performance ranged from 42-90% of annual
rainfall, whilst average retention during storm events varied
Estimation of reduced run-off (that is: the reduction in the from 30-100%. Design features including the soil matrix
quantity of surface water that flows off a surface) which and choice of vegetation can be varied and can affect
results from the retrofitting of SUDS features, is useful for interception rates by 50-60% on an individual variable.
a number of different purposes and at different scales. Fixed characteristics such as the geographical location
For example, on an individual building basis the reduction of green roofs have an impact owing to regional climatic
in run-off from a green roof could result in savings in variation: vegetated roofs in a sub-tropical Mediterranean
wastewater disposal or it could be used determine the climate (for example, Fioretti et al., 2010) will perform
appropriate size for ground level SUDS (Ma et al., 2012). differently from those in a temperate maritime climate
At a city wide level it could be used to determine the such as the UK (MacIvor and Lundholm, 2011). In a retrofit
reduction in flood hazard and the resultant decrease in scenario, roof characteristics such as overshadowing
expected flood damage (Gordon-Walker et al., 2007). (which can inhibit vegetation growth) and the degree of
Roof and paved space can represent a high proportion of pitch of the roof (Wilkinson and Reed, 2009b) may also
impermeable surface in urban areas, for example Stovin be fixed characteristics of the urban environment that can
(2010) links the potential of green roofs to the estimated impact on run-off reduction.
40-50% of the impermeable surfaces in urban locations
which roofs represent. Thereby these surfaces offer It follows that for an individual new development
mitigation potential without the need for land-take however installation, where design features, climate and rainfall
the area and location of suitable roofs will have a large patterns are known or easy to estimate, fairly specific and
influence on the quantity and pattern or attenuation and precise calculations of run-off are possible. Commercial
therefore hazard reduction. software is available to aid in the design of SUDS
including ‘WinDes’ (XP Solutions, 2011) and ‘Infoworks
For green roofs, however there are also many other SD’ (Wallingford Software) but these do not explicitly
variables that affect the average interception rates allow for green roof installation. ‘SWMM’ software does
both in terms of absorption factors (water is absorbed have a green roof modelling feature (US EPA), as does
by the growing medium, thereby delaying the onset of ‘xpdrainage’(XP Solutions).
runoff and attenuating peak flows) and release factors
(water is released by a combination of evaporation and
Run off calculations for Melbourne and Newcastle showing estimate percentage of total
Table 14 rainfall falling on the CBD managed by potential retrofit under three scenarios
Total Study Area (1000m2) 2150.0 853.0 2150.0 853.0 2150.0 853.0
Area of roof (1000m2) 1150.0 388.0 172.5 (15%) 58.2(15%) 86.3 (7.5%) 29.1 (7.5%)
Run off reduction roof % of 32.1 27.3 4.8 4.1 2.4 2.0
total rainfall 1
Run off reduction road % of 23.3 26.5 9.3 4.2 4.7 2.1
total rainfall 2
Run off reduction pavement 7.9 15.4 7.9 15.4 4.0 7.7
% of total rainfall 2
Total run off reduction % 63.3 69.1 22.0 23.7 11.0 11.8
1 Assume 60% run off reduction over the area of green roof
2 A ssume 100% run off reduction over the area of permeable paving but no drainage from adjacent areas
On a larger spatial scale, and in assessing retrofit potential, To explore run-off reduction in this study therefore the
there will need to be generalised assumptions made researchers have taken two approaches.
about the type and design of green roofs to be retrofitted.
1. To calculate the total potential percentage permeable
Of the two main types of green roof the extensive roof
surface and applied average run-off performance
(incorporating shallow rooted species in a relatively thin
(reported here). Assumptions are that 15% of rooftops,
substrate) is regarded as more suitable for retrofit due to
40% of road areas and 100% of pavements will be
the fact that there will be a lower load-bearing requirement
suitable for retrofit. The run off retention during peak
for existing structures. Therefore it is assumed in this
storm events is assumed to be 60% for green roof and
study that extensive roof will be the preferred option in
100% for permeable paving.
modelling run-off. The green roof developers guide for the
UK (Groundwork Sheffield, 2011) gives various estimates 2. Use of a state of the art inundation model, as reported
of retention rate and retention benefits for a green roof. in Wilkinson et al. (2014).
Specifically they place run off percentage in summer as The results of analysis 1 are shown in Table 14 and
between 50-70% therefore 60% retention is a suitable demonstrate that a run-off reduction of 10-20% may be
average figure for estimating run off. achievable if high levels of potential retrofits are achieved.
For permeable paving the factors affecting performance Using research from the UK that suggests 10% reduction
are different and relate to the type of paving system in run-off to the sewer system has the potential to prevent
installed, the speed of infiltration into the surrounding soil 90% of flood incidents (Gordon-Walker et al., 2007) this
or pumping rate and the design specification of the sub- table indicates that retrofit could be a significant mitigation
surface storage. In the UK the major studies examining factor for both Newcastle and Melbourne if high levels of
retrofit potential have made large scale generalisations retrofit could be achieved. These findings imply that further
regarding run-off. For example, Gordon-Walker et al. detailed feasibility studies and modelling are warranted.
(2007) used a figure of 0.8m3 run off reduction for every
m2 of permeable paving. However in this study due to the Detailed inundation modelling for Melbourne (Wilkinson
need to retrofit in dense urban areas with limited infiltration et al., 2014) and Newcastle (Kilsby and Glenis, 2014) has
capacity due to soil types it has been assumed that a fully been carried out by the University of Newcastle upon
drained system will be used. Therefore 100% retention will Tyne. This modelling indicates that due to topographical
be assumed for the permeable paving areas. factors, during extreme events, the surface water flows
from outside the CBD study area also need to be taken
Alternatively modelling software and ready reckone rs into account and focussing on the CBD itself may
exist that can assist with specified urban areas. In the overestimate the potential to mitigate flooding due to
US the green values stormwater toolbox is available to rainfall run-off. This is clearly illustrated from the presence
examine differences in permeable and impermeable of historic culverted watercourses in both Melbourne
specifications and incorporates soil conditions, typical US (Figure 13) clearly showing the presence of the Elizabeth
rainfall patterns and assumes compliance with US sizing Street drain; and Newcastle (Figure 14) showing multiple
regulations for new development. No such tools exist for river catchments under the wider Newcastle city centre.
the UK or Australia as yet. Therefore it is recommended that a larger study area is
used for future detailed audit of retrofit potential for both
Melbourne and Newcastle.
Figure 13 Clarence Woodhouse, Melbourne in 1838 from the Yarra River, c. 1888
3.4 Development of the The cost of the installing a green roof is, however,
likely to be incurred by the owner or occupier of the
conceptual model building (unless specific incentive schemes exist); the
understanding of the distribution of the benefits across
The literature review generated two key outputs: a list stakeholder groups is, therefore, of key importance
of the perceived benefits of installing green roof as regards the motivation of owners and occupiers of
technology (as described in the previous section); and commercial buildings when considering the retrofit of
a list of stakeholder groups who could potentially be the green roofs. Table 15 illustrates how the main stakeholder
beneficiaries. The latter includes flood related benefits: groups identified from the literature may potentially
• owners, investors and occupiers of the building to gain from the installation of a green roof by the owners/
be retrofitted occupiers of a given building within the CBD. The two
central actors are the building owner/investor and building
• customers of the businesses occupying the building
occupier, as they have a direct interest in the building
to be retrofitted
being considered for retrofit; their decision (to install or not
• owners, occupiers, investors and customers of the to install a green roof) then affects the other stakeholders
other buildings in the vicinity that are at risk from as shown.
surface water runoff
The list of benefits is also derived from the literature,
Non-flood benefits also accrue to some groups, including: where evidence has been found that such benefits
exist and extends to property stakeholders. Evidence
• other local residents, businesses (including
from published sources, however, does not readily
employees and customers) – benefit from local
lend itself to apportionment of shares of the benefits
environmental impacts
accruing; furthermore, the majority of these are based
• water companies, their customers and/or municipalities on measureable physical aspects of the environment.
and their ratepayers – benefit from reduced drainage Benefits can, however, take direct and indirect forms:
and water processing a direct benefit, for example, would be the reduction
• local and national taxpayers, and their representatives of run-off leading to reduced flood risk, both for building
– benefit from reduced damage costs occupiers and occupiers of surrounding buildings.
An example of an indirect benefit would be the potential
• wider society – benefits from mitigation and broader
for the improved aspect of a commercial property (through
environmental enhancements.
the amenity of a green roof) leading to a potential uplift in
value (rental or capital).
As the aim of this research is to examine the benefits of
retrofitting from the perspective of commercial property
owners and occupiers, Table 15 focuses on the indirect
benefit flows from their perspectives.
Table 15 Matrix of benefits and beneficiaries from investment in green roof technology
climate mitigation
Water companies
Building occupier
Local population
Building owner/
Global benefit/
from flooding
and their
Peak flow retention n n n n n
Aesthetic improvement n n n n
Acoustic damping n
Biodiversity enhancement n n n n
Amenity Benefit n n n n
Air quality n n n n
Potential beneficiary depending on remit of stakeholder
Indirect beneficiary if able to charge higher rents due to neighbourhood improvements
There are, however, additional reputational and operational of the roof. The high visibility of a green roof also confers
factors that affect the value of a commercial site to owners its own advantage, in that immediate neighbours witness
and occupiers, as discussed above. The perceived wider pro-environmental behaviour has been undertaken: this
benefits (accruing to all stakeholders) therefore feed back is rather more conspicuous than, say, the display of an
into the value of a building (affecting the owners/investors) improved EPC. These considerations have resulted in
in ways that are hard to measure and even harder to the development of a conceptual model encompassing
predict. This is because the value judgements made by both the value of green roof installation to owners and
the other stakeholders often pertain to perceived, rather occupiers of a commercial building, and the feedback
than tangible, benefits; the feedback value may, therefore, effects into the company operational profit and building
be unrelated to the scale of measurable impacts, or value: this conceptual model is shown in Figure 15. The
their distribution among stakeholders. The installation evidence base necessary to make impact estimates is not
of a green roof may, for example, be seen as socially yet sufficiently well developed, however, to assign precise
responsible, as it reduces the urban heat island effect; the quantities to the range of benefits enjoyed by every
benefit of this corporate social responsibility accrues to stakeholder in the conceptual model.
the owner/occupier, regardless of the actual performance
Whilst, in some instances, measureable direct benefits as well as recognising feedback from wider societal
(such as reduced heating and cooling costs) can offset and ecological beneficiaries. Despite the existence
the cost of green roof installation over time, the additional of conceptual and theoretical arguments, the current
value of energy efficiency may not provide sufficient lack of quantitative studies linking property values, and
incentive for retrofitting. Other energy efficiency measures company profitability, directly to pro-environmental
may exist that would be just as effective and less costly. behaviour and company reputation stands as a barrier to
It is equally unlikely that the reduction in flood risk to the such recognition. By identifying approaches that foster
individual property on which it is installed would justify understanding of the indirect benefits of retrofitting green
the cost of a green roof. This research suggests that roofs, it will be possible to evaluate whether they can drive
the business case for retrofit of green roofs must be appropriate adaptation or not.
predicated on the consideration of multiple direct benefits,
Conceptual model of distributed benefits of green roof technology from the perspective
Figure 15 of owners and occupiers of commercial buildings (after Abbott et al., 2013)
Wider society/
Reduced erosion/ ecosystem Carbon/nitrogen
steam degradation sequestration
Biodiversity beneficiaries Water quality
Aesthetic improvement
Amenity Air quality
(customers of occupier)
Reduced UHI Acoustic damping
Thermal buffering maintenance costs
Image of Increased
corporate property
social Peakflow/ Extended value
responsibility flood control
Easier planning
roof life
4.2 Areas for further research benefit from higher yields from a more attractive
commercial environment. Furthermore, the aspect of
This study has highlighted the need for further empirical socially responsible investment could be considered as
research into green roof retrofit. a reputational gain for these stakeholders. The research
suggests that this is not dependant on actual delivery of
The proposal of a conceptual model for the benefits the technology against perceived benefits, but is based
of retrofitting green roof technology for owners and on awareness of green roofs as an ecological good.
occupiers of commercial buildings in CBDs is a novel Therefore this benefit is both locally specific (dependant on
departure from current literature that focuses on the cultural norms in the customer base) and neighbourhood
wider societal perspective of reducing flood risk for a and market specific (dependant on the pool of property
district. This research addresses a crucial gap in the investors and owners with a vested stake in the business
implementation strategy of water sensitive urban design, district). The goals and priorities of these stakeholders will
in recognising that the stakeholders most central in have an impact on the willingness to retrofit green roofs.
enhancing the take up of green roofs may be commercial
enterprises or investors that remain to be convinced of This insight, together with the lack of monetised benefit
the business case for green roofs. data for many of the wider benefits of green roof retrofit,
suggests that the complete operationalisation of the
Furthermore, it is critical in this evaluation to consider proposed conceptual model through robust cost benefit
the full range of benefits accruing from green roof analysis is some way off. Therefore, in discussion of
installation, not limited to the flood or water quality issues the business case for green roofs in the short term, it
normally paramount in the cost benefit analysis for local may be helpful to consider methodology that allows for
government or environmental agencies. the statement and balance of multiple goals, not all of
This research has scoped the associated literature very them quantifiable or monetised. Further research is also
widely and identified a broad list of actual and perceived warranted in order to strengthen the evidence base relating
benefits from green roofs. The systematic review also to the actual performance of green roofs in delivering the
identified key stakeholders and beneficiaries of green perceived benefits across the stakeholder groups and their
roof benefits and their proximity to the central actors. feedback in terms of enhanced property value.
Green roofs are seen to have a small potential positive
contribution to climate mitigation, but most of the benefits
of green roof technology are more direct and relate to
4.3 Signposting of guidance
quality enhancements in the local environment with the Best practice guidance regarding the retrofitting of both
potential to lead to neighbourhood improvement. However, green roofs and permeable paving has been produced
the quantification of the scale and scope of these benefits by many organisations in recent years, much of which
in CBDs is argued to be in its infancy, therefore further is available for free downloading. Table 16 lists a broad
research is needed to fully operationalise the conceptual range of the guidance issued to date in the UK, Australia
model with respect to direct benefits of green roofs. and elsewhere, but should not be seen as exhaustive;
In the context of commercial property it is also where appropriate the approximate cost of publications
important to examine potential indirect benefits of is noted. The table categorises the guidance according
green roofs. Increased operational efficiency within an to the country of origin, the method(s) covered and the
improved building may boost the utility of the premises focus of the approach, in terms of technical advice, design
for commercial tenants, whilst occupiers of “green” orientation or a combination of the two. Hyperlinks to the
commercial buildings may also benefit from reputational appropriate web sources are provided in the final column.
enhancement. Owners and investors could therefore
Permeable paving
Green roof
Title Availability Hotlinks
City of Portland
Stormwater Management Manual Online n n n n CLICK
Department for
Communities and
Guidance on the permeable surfacing of
Local Government Online n n n CLICK
front gardens
and Environment
Agency 2008
Protection Porous Pavement – Phase 1 – design and
Online n n n CLICK
Agency (USA) operational criteria
Permeable paving
Green roof
Title Availability Hotlinks
Government of
Water Sensitive Urban Design – Technical
South Australia Online n n n CLICK
Manual – Chapter 7 Pervious Pavements
Green Roof Developer's Guide Online n n n CLICK
Sheffield 2011
Sheffield/ GRO Green Roof Code of Best Practice
Online n n n CLICK
Environment for the UK
Agency 2011
of Engineers, ARR Guideline 51e Online n n n CLICK
Australia 2013
Melbourne Water
Green roofs fact sheet Online n n n CLICK
Extensive green roofs – Design and
Green Building Online n n n CLICK
installation manual
Council 2012
University of
Permeable Pavement Fact Sheet Online n n n CLICK
Maryland 2011
* P rices quoted from the following source, as at 1 April 2014:– any documents described as ‘online’ are free following registration:
** Price quoted from the following source, as at 1 April 2014:
5.0 Conclusion
Research into the retrofit of sustainable urban drainage The most appropriate SUDS features for retrofit within
in the central business districts is needed because the dense CBD areas are seen to be green roofs, permeable
pressure of increasing urban density and changing paving, rainwater gardens and small treatment trains.
weather patterns has led to overwhelming of traditional Within the city of Melbourne, green roofs are especially
urban drainage systems, flash flooding and damage and attractive in respect of the urban canyon effect and flood
disruption in cities. mitigation impacts may be of lesser concern. However it
is also observed that the evaluation of multiple benefits
The research reported here has considered the potential for
can assist in making an economic case for green roof and
retrofit of SUDS features with central business districts to
other vegetated SUDS. Conversely permeable paving is
contribute to flood mitigation. Through the extensive review
seen primarily as a stormwater control mechanism with
of literature and the detailed analysis of two case study areas
fewer associated advantages.
it has become apparent that the complexity of evaluation of
potential benefits requires a holistic assessment to be made The literature also reveals requirements for the feasibility
of the multiple features of the urban environment and the and performance of green roofs and permeable paving
specific building under consideration. that need to be considered at the stage of option design in
order to avoid over estimating the potential to retrofit SUDS
Literature reveals that there are examples of SUDS
features. There are some minimum technical requirements
retrofit across many countries that have been pursued
to be met for the lightest and simplest extensive green
for purposes including storm-water or flood management
roofs but other types of roof may be preferred and have
but also to benefit from associated advantages such
more stringent requirements. It is important to design each
as reduced wastewater processing charges, improved
green roof to meet clearly defined goals and these will
insulation, lower maintenance costs and reduction of the
differ depending on the climate, location and height of the
urban heat island.
building among other things.
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7.0 Appendix
Checklist for Building Surveyors to appraise roofs for
suitability for green roof retrofit
What is the quality of the building? For example those with a high quality may experience an increase in
capital value and yield as a result of having sustainability features such as a green roof.
n High quality (in Australia PCA Grade Premium and A) – more likely to enhance value
n Medium quality – may enhance value
n Low quality – unlikely to enhance value
Does the location favour; (tick all which apply and rank in order of preference)
n Stormwater design
n Improving water quality entering sewer system
n Thermal design
n Reducing urban heat island
n Reducing noise pollution
n Bio diversity design
n Aesthetic and social space design
5. Roof pitch
What is the roof pitch?
n Up to 21 degrees is suited to green roof retrofit
n exceeding 22 degrees are too steep and not suited
n minimum roof pitch less than 3 degrees
n Yes (please indicate type of equipment and approx. area covered in M2)
n No
12. Costs
How much is the owner prepared to pay for a green roof?
n High
n Medium
n Low
Can the costs be partially offset by the improvement in thermal performance and energy savings?
Other notes
In this section please note down any other factors which affect the installation of a retrofit green roof.
Final evaluation
Based on the review of the factors above the roof, what is the potential for green roof retrofit?
8.0 Acknowledgements
This research was partially funded by the RICS
research trust (Project no 464) Retrofit of Sustainable
Urban Drainage (SUDS) in CBD for improved flood
mitigation; and the University of the West of England’s
Early Career Researchers’ Scheme.
Thanks are due to the following for data supplied
to the project:
Modelling input
Vasilis Glenis
The Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom