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CC - 04 - 2021 WVM Installation

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No. 2015/TG-I1lI53111 New Delhi, dated: 1& .03.2021

The Principal Chief Commercial Managers,

All Zonal Railways.

(Commercial Circular No·O i-t of 2021)

Addendum No.2 to Commercial Circular No.36 of2015

Sub: Installation of Water Vending Machines (WVMs) at Stations.

Ref: (i) Board's Commercial Circular No.36 of2015 dated 16.06.2015.
(ii) Board's Commercial CircularNo.16 of2020 dated 08.07.2020.
(iii) WR's letter no. C45/15/l/(WVM) VoU dated 21.07.2020.
(iv) NCR's letter no. C-6S/Catg.lWVMINCR dated 01.09.2020.

This refers to CC No. 36 of 2015 and CC No.16 of 2020 wherein instructions

regarding for installation of Water Vending Machines on IR were issued. The extant
guidelines have been examined and reviewed further by Board in view of observations made
in the CVC/CTE's report and clarifications sought by Zonal Railways and following is

I. PCCM of the concerned Zonal Railway, in consultation with Finance, is delegated powers
to formulate the SBD for WVMs duly incorporating the provisions of extant WVM policy
and any other special conditions to suit the technical and operational requirements W.r.t
WVMs. Broad guidelines for formulation of SBD are enclosed as Annexure - I.

2. Para 5.3 and Para 6 ofCC No.6 of2015 are modified as under:-

Revised Para 5.3 The second packet (Packet-B) will consist of financial bid on license
fee in lump sum terms over and above the minimum reserve price. 12% of assessed sales
turnover expressed in lump sum terms should be fixed as Minimum License Fee.

Revised Para 6.0 LICENCE FEE

12% of assessed sales turnover expressed in lumpsum terms should be fixed as minimum
reserve price in the tenders. Highest bidding in lumpsum terms subject to above minimum
reserve price, will be fixed as the license fee.' .

PCCM of the concerned Zonal Railway, in consultation with finance, shall have full
powers to adopt criteria/formula for sales turnover assessment for all category of stations
which they deem fit depending upon local conditions and also keeping in view the Last
Accepted Rate' (LAR)/ footfall, volume of traffic of similar station, for new stations.

A t the time of renewal of the licenses or fresh bid for the license, license fee should be
enhanced based on actual sales turnover of the unit subject to a minimum for 10%
increase over the prevailing license fee of the unit.

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There will be no additional charges payable except electricity and water charges, which
will be based on actual consumption and chargeable as per Railways policy guidelines on
this issue.

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3. As regards Schedule of Power (SOP), Zonal Railways are advised to follow the extant
instructions/policy (Refer para 9.3.3 & 9.3.4 of CC No.20/20 17 and Board's letter
No.2017/TG-J II/600/1 0 dated 22.09.2017) applicable for catering units in this regard.
4. In reference to Para 2 of the WVM Policy which specifically vests the power with DRMs
to decide upon the WVM locations, based on passenger requirement, installation of
WVMs in booking offices, waiting rooms etc may also be considered for inclusion in
master plan.
S. The above instructions shall be applicable on the prospective tenders of WVM by Zonal

This issues with the concurrence

of Finance (Commercial)
Directorate of Ministry Sf. :.-,/v
(Sumeet Singh)
DTC(G) as Dir.(T &C)
Railway Board

No.2015/TG-1l1/531/1 New Delhi, dated: .03.2021

Copy to: PFA/All Zonal Railways for information and necessary action
(Broad Guidelines for SBD)

I. Specified Mechanism to assess quantum of wastage of water should be incorporated in

the SBD.

2. Method of disposal of waste water along with Waste Management Scheme should be
stipulated in the SBD. Reference may be made to Indian Railway Water policy 2017 & Para
II of CC No.36/2015. Railway should ensure proper Waste Management Scheme for reuse
of RO water wastage.

3. Basic design and technical specification W.r.t. its capacity, LPH, voltage, power
consumption, size, metering, pumps, etc, should be specified in the SBD (Reference may be
made to paras 3.1,3.2, 3.4, 3.5,4.1 to 4.8 & para 13 of CC No.36 for basic specifications).

4. Schedule of Inspections w.r.t to water quality, calibration of measuring instruments,

disposal system, periodicity of testing, etc should be defined in the SBD. Maintenance of
inspection records ofWVM should also be specified in the SBD.

S. Fair and transparent eligibility and evaluation criteria should be incorporated in the

6. Specified penal clause for deficiencies such as non-operation, non-installation within

stipulated time, etc in addition to penalty against general deficiencies should also be
enumerated in the SBD (Para 20 ofCC No.36 may also be referred).

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