Inverter - 27 04 2020
Inverter - 27 04 2020
Inverter - 27 04 2020
The category of converters, which converts dc power into ac power
popularly known as the inverters.
The application areas for the inverters includes the
Uninterrupted Power Supply the ac motor speed
1. the nature of output waveform (sine, square, quasi square, PWM etc),
2. the power devices being used (thyristor, transistor, MOSFETs, IGBTs),
3. the configuration being used (series, parallel, half bridge, full bridge).
Single Phase VSI
•T1, T4; T3, T6; T5, T2 are turned on with a time interval of 180 degree
• T1, T3, T5 conducts at an interval of 120 degree
3 phase 180 degree mode VSI
Equivalent circuit
• Advantages:
• voltage regulators.
• Instead of maintaining the width of all pulses the same, the width
of each pulse is varied in proportion to amplitude of a sine wave
m 1/ 2
• The rms output voltage is:
Vo V s ( )
m 1
• The DF and LOH are reduced significantly, as shown below:
Realization of PWM in 1 phase Full Bridge
Current Source Inverter
• At instant t2, SCR2 is turned on and the load voltage and current
both becomes negative.
• The capacitor now discharges resonantly through SCR2, R, L1,
as shown in fig (c)
• At instant t3 the discharge current goes to zero and SCR2 turned
off again due to natural commutation. The voltage on C1 is equal to
• Off time :During the time interval between t1 and t2 both the
SCRs are in the off state. Load voltage as well as load current are
zero. Therefore this interval is known as off time of the circuit.
• Limitation on the maximum operating frequency
• Distortion in the output wave form
• High rating of commutating components
• The peak amplitude and duration of output current
depends on the load parameters resulting in poor
regulation for the inverter.
• The power flow from the dc source is intermittent.
Therefore, the dc supply must have a large peak
current rating and the input current contains high
percentage of harmonics.
Modified Series Inverter
The operation can be divided into two modes.
Mode 1
At the instant when SCR T2 is triggered, the voltage across the
capacitor will be slightly less than (E c + E dc)and the load voltage
and current will be closed to zero. Hence the voltage across the
capacitor minus the load voltage will appear across L2.Since L1 is
closely coupled to L2, the same voltage will appear across L1.
Mode 2:
The voltage across L1 will tend to increase the cathode potential
of SCR T1 more than its anode potential and therefore, SCR T1
will be reverse biased and turn-off. Thus, even if SCR T2 is
turned on before SCR T1 is switched off, it will not result into
short circuiting of the d.c. source. A similar operation will take
place if SCR T1 is triggered before SCR T2 is turned off.
Circuit diagram for Modified series inverter
Waveforms For improved Series Inverter
Circuit Diagram for Basic Parallel Inverter
Basic Parallel Inverter
A parallel inverter is used to produce a square-wave from
a d.c. supply.
In this inverter, the commutating capacitor comes in
parallel with the load during the operation of the inverter.
Hence it is called as ‘parallel inverter’.
Mode 1:
This mode begins when T1 is fired and current flows
through the inductance L and the thyristor T1.
When SCR is turned on, a d.c. voltage E dc appears across
half the transformer primary, which means the total
primary voltage is 2 E dc, hence the capacitor is charged to
2 E dc.
Mode 2:
• This mode begins when thyristor T2 is fired. When T2 is turned
on, the commutating capacitor applies voltage -2 Edc to appear
across T1, it will be turn off.
• SCR T2 will now be conducting and the voltage of 2 Edc will
appear across the transformer primary and commutating capacitor,
but with reverse polarity.
Mode 3:
•During mode 3, this SCR T1 is again turned on. Commutating
capacitor applies a voltage -2 E dc to appear across T2.
•when this reverse voltage is applied for sufficient time across T2,
it will be turned off. If trigger pulses are applied periodically to
alternate thyristors, an approximately rectangular voltage
waveform will be obtained at transformer output terminals.
Waveforms For Basic Parallel Inverter
Circuit Diagram Parallel Inverter With
Feedback Diodes
Parallel Inverter With Feedback Diodes
• The load current which earlier flowing through SCR T1, will
now flow through CB and diode D1 to negative input
terminal. This can happen only if diode D1 is forward biased
and capacitor discharge current is more than the load current.
• The current through inductance L will now flow through diode
D2, DE and SCR T2, and the trapped energy in inductor L will be
fed back to the load. D point is now connected to the negative
supply terminal, the load voltage polarity will be reversed.
Mode 3 :
• This mode begins with when load current becomes zero, diode D2
will be blocked and SCR T2 will have to triggered again at instant
U to reverse the direction of the load current. When thyristor T2
starts conducting, the load voltage will again become equal to
Waveforms For parallel Inverter with
Feedback Diode