NJIRM 2021; Vol.12(1) January - February eISSN: 0975-9840 pISSN: 2230 - 9969 46
Effect Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation On Selective Motor Control Of Lower Extremity
Impaired SMC usually occurs with muscle Study design was an experimental pilot study and
weakness, spasticity and short muscle tendon convenient sampling was done. Randomization
length. Abnormal muscle tone causes a selective was done by a computer generated random
loss of muscle control and lack of balance number chart.
between agonists and antagonists.
Sample size was 22 i.e. 11 in each experimental
Loss of motor control interferes much more with group (Group A) and control group (Group B).
motor performance resulting in limitation of Subjects were clinically diagnosed cases of
movement quality. Hemiplegic CP between age group 4-12 years,
who fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
There are few studies done on the effectiveness
of PNF in children with cerebral palsy. Children Group A: PNF and Conventional treatment given.
with cerebral palsy have altered motor patterns Depending upon the affection or type of synergy
and an impaired selective control which makes present PNF pattern and technique was
their movements abrupt and uncoordinated. decided8,9,11,12. For Flexor synergy -D1&D2
Extension, for Extensor synergy- D1&D2 Flexion.
PNF is a hands on approach which has evidence Techniques: Combination of isotonics and
in improving muscle coordination and motor Dynamic reversal.
activities. Even if there are few studies on effect
of PNF those studies are mostly done on upper Group B: received 1 hour conventional treatment
extremity control. So the present study focuses of active ROM, active assisted ROM exercises for
on lower extremity SMC improvement using PNF hip, knee, ankle, passive stretching of Hamstrings,
approach. adductors, calf muscle , pelvic bridging, mini
squats, stepping (forward, backward, sideways),
Material and Methods: After obtaining stair climbing. The group A received same
Institutional Ethical Clearance the hemiplegic conventional PT treatment.
cerebral palsy children were recruited for the
study as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Both groups received upper extremity
conventional PT treatment like Fine motor
The nature of study was explained to parents and activities, stretching and strengthening. Both
signed written assent was obtained. Patient groups received treatment for 1 hour, 5 times in
diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy a week for 3 weeks.
between 4-12 years of age, both the genders,
GMFCS Level I, II and III able to communicate and Selective motor control for Lower extremity was
follow instructions. Flexor or Extensor synergy assessed at the end of 3 weeks and the difference
was included. between pre and post treatment scores was
Subjects who had undergone prior orthopedic/
surgical procedure of involved lower extremity, Result: The data was processed in SPSS 17.0
who had received botulinum toxin injection in software. Descriptive statistics calculated for
past 6 months for Lower Extremity Muscles, who demographic variables. Baseline data was
were taking oral or intrathecal myorelaxant assessed.
drugs, Fixed deformities, Mixed synergies,
Sensory involvement were excluded from the For Intragroup analysis Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
study. Subjects who were willing to discontinue test was used. For Intergroup analysis Mann-
the treatment were withdrawn from the study. Whitney U test was used. Overall out of 22
samples, 20 completed the study.
Selective Control Assessment Of Lower Extremity
(SCALE): It was used to assess selective motor 10 in Experimental group and 10 in the Control
control of entire lower extremity in spastic CP group. 1 dropped out from each group due to
children by summing scores of 5 joints (Hip, knee, personal reasons.
ankle, subtalar joint and Toes)and it was scored
to differentiate between muscle weakness and
lack of selective control and ability to move each
joint selectively.
NJIRM 2021; Vol.12(1) January – February eISSN: 0975-9840 pISSN: 2230 - 9969 47
Effect Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation On Selective Motor Control Of Lower Extremity
Graph 1: Gender Distribution In Subjects Graph 3: Distribution Of GMFCS Level In
NJIRM 2021; Vol.12(1) January – February eISSN: 0975-9840 pISSN: 2230 - 9969 48
Effect Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation On Selective Motor Control Of Lower Extremity
Table 2: Intergroup Analysis Of Mean Difference group Hip, Knee, Ankle, Subtalar joint and Toes
On Scale failed to show statistically significant results post
treatment. A few subjects showed clinically
significant changes in Hip and knee components
i.e. as compared to Pre treatment scores, their
Post treatment scores were improved.
Using PNF, enhances balancing ability by Conclusion: PNF can be use as an adjunct to
stimulating proprioceptive sense of muscles and conventional treatment in children with
tendons and also helps to strengthen muscle and hemiplegic cerebral palsy as it showed positive
improve selective motor control and flexibility in effects. Before any fixed deformity sets in, PNF
lower extremity. can be used as a treatment approach effectively
in younger children before 6 years of age. Long
PNF studies are maximally done on adult term follow up for carryover effects of PNF were
population and very few studies have tested the not assessed. This study concluded that there
effects of PNF on the pediatric population. Those was a positive effect of PNF on selective motor
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NJIRM 2021; Vol.12(1) January – February eISSN: 0975-9840 pISSN: 2230 - 9969 51