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Letter Writing Manual

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({S{Ttr/Phone : 25367033, 25367035, 25367036 frS-c-r+, t+rr-s, {drr+.

l, fi-sl-, r$k-dtzz-
Pocket- 14, Sector- 8,Dwarka,
S-#/r'ax : 009 1 -1 t -25367 o24
Phase - 1, New Delhi-77
$-*a/ e-marl :Pg.martxrtrnmc.org'in

National Medical Commission
Medical Assessment & Rating Board (MARB)
No. M-1901 Ll I 2O23-MARB
33 Date: ol.O? ' eoes


Sub: Fake/Forged Letter of permission to GSL Medicat College, Rajahmundry for increase of seats
in MD-
General Medicine from 14 to 40, MS-General Surgery from 14 to 40 and MS-OBG from 08 to 25 and
Fake/Forged Letter of Permission to Maharajah lnstitute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra
pradesh for increase of seats in MD- Radio Diagnosis for 15 to 24 seats and in MD-Anaesthesiolory
from 04 to 18 - Regarding.

has come to the notice of Medical Assessment and Rating Board(MARB) of National Medical
Commission that six forged/fake letters have been issued to GSL Medical College, Rajahmundry for
increase of seats in MD-General Medicine from 14 to 40, in MS-General Surgery from 14 to 40 and in MS-
OBG from 0g to 25 on 02.06.2023 and in MD- DVL from 04 to 15, in MD- Anaesthesiology from 08
to 15, in
MD-Radiation oncology from 02 to 05 on 07.o7.2023 on behalf of Member/President, MARB whereas the
original letter issued by MARB of NMC on 19.05.2023 was for increase of MD-General Medicine from 14 to
24tor MS-OBG from 0g to 15 and for MS-General Surgery for t4 to 24 seats. Moreover, no applications
were received from GSL Medical College, ilajahmundry for increase of seats in MD-DVL, MD-
Anesthesiology and MD- Radiation Oncology for the academic year 2023-24 and hence, no communication
was sent to the college in this regard from MARB, NMC for increase of seats'

2. Two other forged/fake letters dated 12.07.2023 and have been issued to Maharajah
lnstitute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh for increase of seats in MD- Radio Diagnosis
from 15 to 24 seats and in MD-Anesthesiology from 04 to 18 respectively whereas no application was
received from Maharajah lnstitute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh for the academic
year 2023-24 in these courses and hence, no communication was sent to the college in this regard from
MARB, NMC for increase of seats.

3. Eight forged/fake letters have been issued to Santhiram Medical College, Nandyal for increase of
seats in MS-OBG from 03 to 05 on 06.07 .2023, in MS- General Surgery from 04 to 17 on !7.O7 .2023,
MD-General Medicine from 07 to 24, MS- Ophthalmology from 05 to 10 and MD- Tuberculosis &
Respiratory Disease on 12.07.2O23, MS-ENT from 01to 04 on L3.O7.2023, in MD-Anesthesiology from 03
to 13 and in MD-paediatrics from 02 to 11 on 08.08.2023 respectively whereas no Letter of Permission for
increase of seats in the aforesaid courses have been issued by MARB of National Medical Commission.

4. tt is clarified that the above said letters have not been issued by the Member/President, MARB.
These letters are forged/fake and cannot be considered as valid permission form Medical Assessment and
Rating Board, National Medical Commission.

4. The above facts are brought to the notice of all concerned and general public to not take any
action based on the fake/forged letter. Appropriate action is being taken in the matter in accordance with

the law.

(Arun Kumar Singh)

Deputy Secretary (MARB)
-/ Su-, a$ftdrzz-
,/ ($3lltt/phone :25367033,25367035, 25367036 d*z -r+, tar-a, (ER-.Fr,

$-W/ r'ax : 009 1 - 1 t-25367 024 Pocket- 14, Sector- 8,Dwarka;i

Phase - 1, New Delhi.77
€-fa/ o-*"il : Pg.marb@rmc. org.in

{Tfrq BrgffiFrTq Bn+q

National Medical Commission
Medical Assessment & Rating Board (MARBI
Copy to:
1. The Dean, GSL Medical College, Rajahmundry, NH-16, Lakhshipuram, Rajamahendravaram-
533296 (Andhra Pradesh).

2. The Dean, Santhiram Medical College & General Hospital, NH-40 Nandyal, Kurnool District-518501
(Andhra Pradesh).

3. The Director, Directorate of Medical Education (Old Government General Hospital), Hanumanpeta,
Vijayawada 520 003, Andhra Pradesh.

4. The Director General of Health Services, Directorate General of Health Services, Nirman Bhawan,
Maulana Azad Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110011.

5. The Dean, Maharajah lnstitute of Medical Sciences, 31-15, Nellimarla-535217, Vizianagaram

District (Andhra Pradesh).

6. The Registrar, Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences, Near, Siddhartha Medical College Rd, beside
New Government General Hospital, near Ramavarappadu, Gunadala, Vijayawada- 520008

7. DMMP with the request to upload the Public Notice on the website of NMC.
, 25367033,25367035,25367036
/ File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)
~-14, ~-a,~ m--:, il'$"~1-
: 0091-11-25367024
/ Pocket- 14, Sector- 8, ·Dwarka,
/ '·""'" marb@nme;org.in
,,l •
Phase -1, New Dellti-77

~i¢~if3f1qfa .:n1a13-11~a1
National M -~ ·
Medlca1 ~~dical Commission
NMC/PGl/20· - . . ··llt '& Rating Board (MARB)
23-24/PPD446/0 · -·.
. 3 072.~- Date:0.2-06 .... 2-:3
The Dean/Principal,
GSL Medical College Rajahmundry
NH-16, Lakhshipuram Raj . -' ..
Email ID- principalgslm' c@ama_h endravararn-s3329& (Andhra Pr,ade~h) RaJahmundry
gma, 1.com

Sub: Increase
• • of MD Genera I Med"1c1ne.
. course at GSL Medical College · · ·
Rajahmundry · der NTR
un .·
Untversity of Health Sciences - VliavWada in the state of Andhra Pradesh u/s:26(1)la)(b). 28(11(21
and 61(2) of ~e NMC Act. 2019 for the .academic year 2023-2024 - . Permission of Medical
Assessment and Rating Board -subiect to confirmation of Barik .Guarantee-- Regardfng:
In continuation to-this office Letter dated 24.02.2023 seeking ,,nfunnation and your accep\ance of
the conditions mentioned there in vide letter date: 24.03.2023. We convey that your ,applb:atlon for Starti~
of MD - 6eneral Medidne cou,se for 14 (Forteen) to 40 (Forty},seats:.was:approved ;forthe .academic.year

Approved for 14 (Forteen) to 40 (Forty) u/s 26(1)(al(b), 28(1)(2) and ~1{2) oHhe NMC Act,.l0i9 for the
a~demic year 2023-2024, (as amended) subject to'verification otJaa,kGuaran.tee.

This Permission for Increase of seats of above mentioned PG course and admission of students will
be for such time the first batch of studerits admitted against the. above course appears for the final
examination in the subject. The college authorities may-take up,the matterfor recognition ofthe qµali{lca,tion
under section 35(2) ()f the NMC: Actr 2019 with National Medical Commis$loh '(NMC), at ·the time of'
examination of the ~rst batch of students ~dmitted':agairist the sanctioned -seats.
rt is to i'nform you that your institutlon Is fully responsible to fulfill and rnaintain norms including.the
infrastructure both physical and human resource; teaching fatultY and clinical material, etc. throughott the
academic year, as stipulated in ReguJatipn of .National Medical commission (NMC). In case false/wrong
declaraJ;on or fabricated documents · i)ave · been used for procurint :permission of the MARB and any
misconduct ,s brought to the notice of ·National Medical Commission. (NMC) or fpund during- sµrprise
assessment at any stage during the current academic vear, vour institution Is llabl~, not to be consid.ered for

? ·.
recognition _of the degr,,ee, This letter of permission will be revoked for the current acad~mic y ~ rn such
exigency arise. Besides, National Medical Commlssion(NMC) is entitled to take allsuchmeasur~ · · o ...
~nd your college/institution as permissible under the law.

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
·· · ~ J.'1, -t1c:t"- 8 • ~ . ~h -w·~i-
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No.P.ocJ<et-14,
marb@nmc.org.in 8238841) Sector- 8, Dwarka,
Phase -1, New·Delhi-77

t .i '{) ~,3ff fc§ ,ii Ici-fJi Il!) i:l I
Natio l .
._edicatna. lfedfcaI Commi.s$ion
Aasesainent & Rating Board -jMA:RB)
NMC/PGl/2023-24/nnnA .. / .
Date: 02 --t;;J6 ~ 2::3

, Th&Dean/Principaf l.ET'TER OF PERMISSION

GSL Medical Colleg; Raja'tunundry
NH-16, l:akhshipuram R · '
E~il IO- 11,rincipalgsl;.c;::~~:ravaram-533296 (Andhra Pradesh) Rajahtt1undry

Increase_of MS - General Surgery course at GSL Medical college Raiahmundry under·· NTR·
nd 61 2 f Health Sciences - Vra Wada In the:State :ofAndhra Pradesh-u s 2 :i · a · b 281 2
a of the NMc Act 2019. for the academic ear 20.23-:2024 .. Permissio-n of Medital
Assessment and Rating Board-subiett to·tonfirmation of Bank Gtiararitee- Regarding.

In contlnu~tlpn to. this offlcte L~er :s~.~~to~ iJJWQr!,~t,M-1 ~'1.~ yo,~r ~c,c~pta,t:lt~ ,ef
tt,e COJ1diti6[is mentioned there in vide·letter date; ;24.-03.2023. W~ ,c<:>fi~~•tthat JfQi.O··appllt:ation for Statt1ng:
of MS-- General Surgery. course for 14jForteen)a. o 40. (f<>rfy) seats:,was ~):lp_
20i3-2024. . t ov~ fbr th'e aeat,J~mic year

Approved for 14 (ForteenJ to 40 (Forty).u/s ,26(1J(aj(bJ, 28(1)(2) and .61(2} ,oUhe,NMC At; 2019 for th~
"cademi, year 2023-2()24; (as am:end~) su~J~ tO·\l~dfic;aflo.n pfSank Gua~ntee,

This Permission fodncrease of $eats of ab'ov.e mention.ed .PG course arid admission ofstudents will
.be for such time the first batch of stod~nts ~dthttted ~g~lost ·'the ·abo~, @,u~e ap~ijrs fo:r·t&~ ijtt.~f
examination In the subject. The college authorities may take up the matterforr~c<>gnitioo of thtHf~ijlifI~lon
un.d er section 35(2) of the NMC Act, 2019 with National Medical Commission (NMC), at·the trme ct,f
examination of the first batch of students ·admitted against:t~e•$3flctipned.seat:5,

fully resPOnsibli:rfo:fql(ill ~n~hnaigtatn nor:ms)ncfudlnt;tlle

It Js to inform you that your institutioffis
tnftast~cture both physical anJ;t human tesQµrce, teachlngJ aculty and dihitilf material,. etc. 'throughout the
·academic vear, as stipulated I~ Regulation· of' Natlon~I PAedlcal .·Cc>mrniss(on :(~Mc). ·,n cas_e fa1$fV\Vt:Qng
declaration or fabricated documents have been used for procuring permis~ion of th~ MA~$ and aoy
misconduct Is brought to the notice of National Medical Commission (NMC) or found, duririg surpnse
,assessment at any stage during the current ac;Jdemic year, your institution is lia,bll, nQt to be 'CQo:stder~ for
re~ognitio~ of Jhe ~egree..;h.~s letter_ of perm__J~i~n.wiU be-revoked fp-r, th~. curr~nt acad~JJft.? at l ·· u .
~x,gercy anse. Besides; Nat,onal Medical Comm1ss1on fNMCJ is entitled to take':all-su:ch m:lsµ · · · ~ain~~ qu
aod'your college/institution as Ptrrnissihfe,under the law. 1

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
RAJAH MUNORY., 533 296
,& ,,~..-- . .,-.,_.. , u, ~"ll'(<f>I, ~-, 'rJ$ _
File No. lM-19011/33/2023-PGMARB
25367024 (Computer No. 8238841)
-. :, - 14, Sector- 8i·Dwarka,.
3299429/2023/MARB-NMC rb@nmc.org.ln Phase - 1, New De1hi-7l
: ((I 8

{I iS.~ lf.jf i ':t,fi§ IcHJ.f 141 aI

. 1c
al- Oom.
_· . m1ss1on
. •
Assessment & Rating Board (MARS)
NMC/PGl/2023-24/000446/ O
3 072 ]
!he Dean/Prlndp.al,
GSL MedlQI '"?Uege RaJahmund,y;
NH?&, Lakhsh1puram, Rajamahend .. .·. . .. ,
Email I~ principalgslmc@gmail.comravaram-533296 (Andhra J>radesh)RaJah:mundry

Sub: ·Increase
NTR U . of MS
. _ Obstetrics.&·Gynaecology course at GSL. Medical. . College
. . . . Rajahmundry
. . . under ·· .
· nivers,ty of Health Sciences-·vijayWada in .the State of Andnta Pracfesh u/s ~2§(1){a1lb),
2811- >p>a~d _61(2) of the NMC Act. 2019 for the academic year 2023-2024 .. Petmisslon of
MedJcal Asse§Ment-and Rating Board-subj~ctto conflffliitJon bf sank Guarantee- Regarding.


.In <:9-ntinuation to this office Letter dated 24,02,2023 seeking infom1atiorr and your acceptance
Of the.conditions mentioned there in vide ietter date: 24~03.2023. W¢ copyey that your ~ppliec)tion for
StartJng of MS-Obstetrics &·aynaeCQJogy coutse:for Q8 (Eightl to2s·trwenty,Five) seats w~;approvei:t
for the academic year 2023-2024. ·
Approved for 08 (Eight} to ZS (Twenty Five)seats u/s 26(l)(a)(b), ,28{1)(2),and61(~),of th• NM( .Ad:~
2019 for the academic year 2023-2024, (as·amended} subJ;ett to verlflcatlon.pf,&ank ·aua~nte~. · ·

This Permission for .lnaease of seats·of,.above,rnentioned PG course an.d admission of:studentS:

will be for.suth time th.e firs.t ·batch
of st4d~rits adn,itt~ ~gal'nst the·above .qourse.appeatsJor,the.ffnaf
examination in the subject. The college authorities may take up 'the matter for recogniticm/ of :th.e
qualification under section 35(2) of the NMC Ar:t, .Wl9 with Natlonal MedicalC.ommission l!!JMC),:at-the
ti.me of examination pf the<ffrst batch of students'admitt~ ~gainst the .sa~ttlM~bieats.
ttis to tnform·you;that:y.our,institution i~fully responslbl~:toJµlfilt ~nd:maintain nPtnts tn~uf.Un&
the tnfrastr:ucture both physical and fluman resourie, teaczhlng ~faculty '81ld dih'i£al matetlah 'et¢;
throuBhout the acaden,t¢ year, as .stipulated in Regulation ot Natihnal Medi.cal .commission (NMC}; In
case false/wrcng declaration or fabricated documents have been used fut procuring perrtiission ofthe
MARB and any misconduct is brought to the notice of National Medical Commisslbt'\ (NMC) or - fou,nd
during-$Urprise assessment at any stage during the current academic year, your institution is li'able, npt
to l:)e considered for recognition of the 'degree. This fetter cifpermission wm. ~ :revoked :for the cµrre_nt
academicve:at in.such exig~ncy arise, Besides, National Medi.~ ! Commi~on (NMC) is entitled to ta~e
all s,uch"measur~ ag~instyouand your CQllege/institutlon as perntfsslble,under the law.


Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, 533 296
OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

*l?fs5l{ul ar
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' fr rq. $ryt-n. qerra;1. {rnl"" a${tFitI}Y"
eTrJ]q f-t}nlc
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Swql''x'so ' srsl-1t;353er{*4

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" '" *gOrnnl

ffiedlcal Cnmmlsniolr
ililedicul $stensment & Rxting soard'{!fiAn$l
-/*ql r')
I .d- -.a*?*a,
., *ur/*surnll-?4/so$s? T S *: ,
, Date;
''.l.ti:" 1 l,
I -/
I ^'"

rl't j;'l ,l\

T EITES OfJE.BilIlS5LqllI 't r* *S&,t
i.! e w&,E*F
TlmOe*ndfrlrdPd, \,
i iar
It4aharxlah ln*titum a{ Mtdleat Sdenm*, Vidanagrram,
,illl; -- 3 l- tr$, Nt{ li m*rla "53521?, Virianagnram Olstritt ttrrdhra
Pradsrh I Viriana6aratn

:,i l
Enraih -rprrn{nxgl&tt
r i-*.1l'r'
$uh: irwm,g*;il." "rf.lr**ffii{eJffi
iIi]:lt Ur.riamqtm. ro*.*0. rm#-|.&tr.Srl$"lffi.Sffiq*x-x{.r" -}S{f K*X}t "mm}m},il!d". *i*l -d
thrJglaG*s,-mls $r.tt$-r$e&,{h ye*.f ?**,t?.ffia :"ftfm.ir**n-et .Mist Jffis*-t**ffi-{ft .

n*$n* Ss*rd.
ln rsntlnuarjorr to thi* olfies L{tt,}r detsd l?"08"l0lit seeh*ng infrrmation ard Ysnrr
of th* errndit{*nl trr*niiulud tl*re }n ,rid* te$*t dat* l?.ffi"}Sl*. W*
ennrry that fsur ap{rlication for
lnrfs.$rr3 *{ $*atr in tig * radhs&no*h ffNffie lrarn rt4r wss
nppr*ve* {ur the asadtr{ticymr trO2}$}4.
ilSrowd (er 1s{H&*{rltq-*t{ttwY fo'r{lnclk vlr zr{$r}t$" zff$A g; rtd 6r&} $'Stc ililc Act'
:rig ror ths mra*nrt. y*il mii trr amr&dl ru@tt & re*tfirathn 6mt 61r*;g61'

This permi*siorr rn'*ntioned F6 court* *nd rdrftiesliln o't studsot$

fsr lncrcse st fee$ I* rb*ne
irrilt {,* f*r sudr tim* tho ffr$t ba*lr sl ritu&nt* dnnltt*d against the ahntt cn*rse appsa{5 for the final
ex*arinsii*n in ttle sarbfent. The colks* rutMtlsr rnny t*e up th* mat*er for twgnition at th*
txtedisai Csmraixlon {il{d(L at the
riualj{icutian un*lr sEutkr }X}) d t}w rtlLtl{ A{:t, }019 u,ith hlaflrnal
linre {rf ereffiinatisn of tks lir$t betdl d $tudsnts &dmitted {rifist the
sanctioned *a*a

It i! to in{$ffri you tlul yotr {nfftittdisoh futh rcrpmsiHe to fulfill a*d maintain nnrmr }ndudin*
thf iflfrxstrgetgrt: b{r(h phyl*cal a*d h*rrna* rqso1tge, Mqhin* la*rltY xtd clinical nruttri$l' rle'
(oranrisri$n t!*!iK}' ln
thrut4hout the araderrric year, s$ r{ipulated ia &W*htitrt a# t{ari*nal Medir*}
h$m bs*tl ustd lor pro{Uftrt}S pwrnirsiun u{ th*
tare fulsalufon& fulsritiun ur iflffiated do(rrment*
hrt&En ancJ any mir.c*rrduct {s foraugtrt t$ ttrr n&ike sf $Iati$riel Mediea} Conr*rit$on {iltitr} or faund
$tagf dufin$ tt* rrrrrsnt a*mir year, Y$ur instittltioo h liable,
not tu
during *ue.prire ariie$inr{}nt at aflY
hr* r*nsid*red {or r*cognhinn s{ fbs dt*rw' This letter of p*rmlr*ion r*ill h*
r*oked fu tte zunent
ie *otitisd to t{ks sll
;rr*d*lt,iir yesf ,n grfji *iis{,{rsr $rr$s. Btrid*5, t{ation*} tviedicel &{flmlfsicn {rtl},.ic,
surh nrea*ure a83irrct $wr ard ytur r*ltege/inrrinrt{on ar
pvrni**it{e u*drt tht law"

Generated from eOffice by BIBHUTI BHUSHAN SINHA, SO(BBS)-PG-MARB, SECTION OFFICER, NMC on 01/09/2023 05:41 PM
File No. M-19011/33/2023-PGMARB (Computer No. 8238841)

r.:.ffif$.{.i i{i'*}il},1.}s.trivr}
C' q?f&5u$lxt
* ffis"t*,*ffi1"'x,qxx*r"&xl-"x$t**qff}-:
{.4}rt n I.:$ Y,?fi}"tr
l\t*&rI- l.t. &x&* {t, }}*x*t*r
Fhnrqr- l" N*',* I]*l*i"}i
r:r:.1 ....,. L $r4 rx ff - ,1l-,gsryqq r-,r-6.rn
. .. ,.. ,.... .]

s[ntionml Sfiedfcxl *rmmismitlm
fiiledicsI A,exes,sm*rnt & Rnting Botrd {ffiARS}.\ 1
r .;tu.--a Mr1p6 rl?ru I ? 4/O0SirS7 1II] tr; ) $-u' I nat*,lls*Ji



,. ..i'
Th* Sr**/8ri*eipal.
r, Mah*rslah ln$ti$tx *f M**tcx! $*:irtlJlrc*. Vraianag$raru i ii
",il sf
] 1" 15, t{*{lir:nndr"$}5i1?- !8:lxnxgaram Si,rtr}et {Srdhra Frad*i}}l v,oanasrr,effi ut*3
.* [rn,e]l lOrrnfr*t*yatpp*,l*-l]x
'** tubr !ro,r-r.ry, -.sf,$p-.ry-,In..-ffii.-*
"* 1&ftrnas:pmor-*n$*t.pa$- 1{t$hffi${t}.,nn*flfilLd
pr* ilis #**'?n*9-"rs- *-!-qmc*[Affi-trs#,en$

ln s*ntin1rntisa tn rftr* rrff$ce Latter d*t*d l?"&l.IlfffiX *cdrlng lnfo*matoo errd yo*r acls$tan(s
{rf ?h* {fiftdlri{rnx menlianad thsre irt $id* lsttftr dstGr X7"0&}S1il, t{* sffi{tlicY th*t Ysta applk*ttor* fut
tncreos* o( Soats in llt$ - irle"tr*r*$i&Sr**rx* fr*'m O4{mH.f} t$ lS{Sskc{in}-S{# *ns nppnned lor
thr nca*etnrr Yr-ar }&fi3"3t1t4.

Apprmad ft}r stff.srrl tB td* Ifirxrxtl, Ifirx$

r*rffi+sil.w 6u.a dtm ilffi d fi$. ml!
{sr t6e r*nd*n*e yr*r X$flI"ffi*.:fx a15rdrd} sl*t1f t* r*rffi6flnn ul h11} fxar-rynil-

This Permirsimrr fsr lntrrrur d 5G*s $n *hcru rruq$krsrmd SG elrt**e xnd rdnri*sdnn El ptdtnt:
irx {crr [Hdh ttrix f]rs f$st htfr,]r fff ltu&ntr
r+i1l rffittd
eglinst lhc il&sts soufs Ery]ffirs thn linet Nrnr

c*amr*nxfirxr in rh* r{,Si*ct I}m rs{k$h *Xttsdttts m*y t& rs ttm rniltt€r for rwt8nido}r cf the
rlueti{}rxrirxr uft*r $s{ri6n $Hl} {f .ti}* tt}t& Act, fO$ sth HrrtoGd i/*e*rd {amr$mkn {llilfiCk xt tht
ri.rne sf rxas*inar*w fif *r€ *ir?t b*dr of r*u&nt* xlffied ryl*rt lfi* *8t$thil*d t&tr"
tt k tr iriinrrn lmu lhrt ffiln lri*tilutiofi b futly responslbte to ful*ll rnd fixtifit#n nclnt** iftdtldiW
the iritrertruetuiu lr$*h fhylutd *r*d lrrr&er' rr-iorrrf,r. t*a{hirry .f*r*rky xnd d*nid:nl n**tr|dtln *t{.
th&lwtrrs$t ffts $ffidfffli( f*.sr; a$ rtlsukt6,d- in Brylrl*tiwr # ilIatiiK${ !'l*disai Commis*ion (ftMC}. }n
c,ar* *o1sulwatng fuaariorn nr *nfurt*rtqd Srrummtr hErn he*rr un$ fw ptsclfkt $*rmhrlon cf tht
$dAfrB efid arlt nrl$n**r{.urt .tr hrw*g}rrr ls th na-i*cn qf F*at}a*tnl ,vt{&el *rysnnl**furr {[l&t(] *r ffiIil{*
drrrring suryrrisa ;If*a*{in}$nt x *nry *S*dw{rrg tfr6 {ilfr*Irt *gademirWx;; yucir it$titltt,im k linil*n nat to
h* *saridwd far r*crsnitirsr S Src d€Srs*. TtS* lxn*r od A*rtti*si*rl wiNt hs re$oted fff the *runcnt
a*adcrok y*sr ln xx$r exip*ney a#ur. Bsidm- lletiofiat ltrlqdlcEl f,nnwoirsiflcr {}IMC} b, srittfsd t$ t'*ke xS
stmh rn***ura s*p*mf you andfnurcofla,felinrtltuti$n ss Ftrilriulibteunder the i*r.

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