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CS F213: Object Oriented Programming: Dipanjan Chakraborty Department of CS&IS

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CS F213: Object Oriented Programming

Dipanjan Chakraborty
Department of CS&IS

I/O in Java

Most real-world Java programs are not console-
– Rather, they are GUI based or web-based

Java’s support for console I/O is limited and

But, Java does have strong I/O capabilities for
network and files

Java I/O is based on the streams abstraction

A stream can produce or consume information
– A stream is linked to a physical device (keyboard, mouse,
monitor, network socket, etc.)
– The same I/O methods can be applied to different types of

java.io package provides stream based I/O

java.nio package provides buffer-based I/O (later)


Java provides two types of streams:
– Byte streams
– Character streams

Byte Streams

Byte Streams provide a convenient way of handling input and output of

At the top are two abstract classes: InputStream and OutputStream

They have several concrete subclasses that handle the differences
among various devices, such as disk files, network connections,
memory buffers, etc.

Refer to Table 13-1 in the text book for a list of non-deprecated Byte
Stream classes in java.io

The abstract classes define several methods implemented by the

Most important ones: read() and write()

Character Streams

Character Streams provide a convenient way of handling input
and output of characters

At the top are two abstract classes: Reader and Writer

These handle Unicode character streams

Refer to Table 13-2 in the text book for a list of non-
deprecated Character Stream classes in java.io

The abstract classes define several methods implemented by
the subclasses

Most important ones: read() and write()

Familiar Streams

The System class in java.lang contains three predefined streams:
in, out and err
– These are declared as public, static, final

System.out: standard output stream (default: console

System.in: standard input stream (default: keyboard)

System.err: standard error stream (default: console)

All three are objects of class PrintStream and are byte streams

Reading Console Input

Refer to exercises in the lab and in the

Recommended constructor:
– InputStreamReader(InputStream
inputStream, Charset charset)

Reading Console Input

1 Console con = System.console();

2 if(con==null) return;
3 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, con.charset()));

// When we know that a console is present

1 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in,

Reading Characters
1 char c;
2 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(System.in, System.console().charset()));
3 System.out.println("Enter characters, 'q' to quit.");
4 do {
5 c = (char) br.read();
6 System.out.println(c);
7 } while(c != 'q');

Reading Strings
1 String str;
2 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(System.in, System.console().charset()));
3 System.out.println("Enter lines of text, 'stop' to quit.");
4 do {
5 str = br.readLine();
6 System.out.println(str);
7 } while(!str.equals("stop");

Writing Console Output

The print() and println() methods are defined
in the class PrintStream
– System.out is an object of type PrintStream

void write(int byteval)
1 int b;
2 b = 'A';
3 System.out.write(b);
4 System.out.write('\n');

Writing Console Output

PrintWriter stream

PrintWriter(OutputStream outputStream, boolean flushingOn)

There is nothing wrong with using System.out to write simple
text output. However, using a PrintWriter makes real-world
applications easier to internationalize.

1 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);

2 pw.println("This is a string");

Reading and Writing Files

FileInputStream and FileOutputStream create byte streams
linked to files

FileInputStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException

FileOutputStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException

When creating an InputStream, if the file does not exist, a FileNotFoundException is

When an output file is opened, any preexisting file by the same name is destroyed.
If the file cannot be opened or created, then a FileNotFoundException is thrown.

File streams are closed using the close() method (legacy code prior to JDK 7)

Reading from Files

FileInputStream and FileOutputStream create byte streams
linked to files

FileInputStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException

FileOutputStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException

When creating an InputStream, if the file does not exist, a FileNotFoundException is

When an output file is opened, any preexisting file by the same name is destroyed.
If the file cannot be opened or created, then a FileNotFoundException is thrown.

File streams are closed using the close() method (legacy code prior to JDK 7)

Reading bytes from Files
1 int i;
2 FileInputStream fin;
3 try {
4 fin = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
5 } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {...}
7 try {
8 do {
9 i = fin.read();
10 if(i != -1) System.out.print((char) i);
11 } while(i != -1);
12 } catch(IOException e) {...}
14 finally {
15 try {
16 fin.close();
17 } catch(IOException e) {...} 16
18 }
Writing bytes to Files
1 int i;
2 FileInputStream fin = null;
3 FileOutputStream fout = null;
4 try {
5 fin = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
6 fout = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
7 do {
8 i = fin.read();
9 if(i != -1) fout.write(i);
10 } while(i != -1);
11 } catch(IOException e) {...}
12 finally {
13 try {
14 if(fin != null) fin.close();
15 } catch(IOException e2) {...}
16 try {
17 if(fout != null) fout.close();
18 } catch(IOException e2) {...} 17
19 }
Try with resources

Recall our discussion on Exceptions

Automatic Resource Management (ARM):
– prevents situations in which a file (or other resource) is inadvertently not released after it is no longer

try (resource-specification) {
// use the resource


When the try block ends, the resource is automatically released. The resource declared in the try
statement is implicitly final

The try-with-resources statement can be used only with those resources that implement the
AutoCloseable interface defined by java.lang
– This interface defines the close( ) method
– AutoCloseable is inherited by the Closeable interface in java.io. Both interfaces are implemented by the
stream classes. Thus, try-with-resources can be used when working with streams, including file streams
Try with resources
1 int i;
2 If (args.length != 1) {
3 System.out.println("Usage: ShowFile filename");
4 return;
5 }
6 // try(var fin = new FileInputStream(args[0])) {
7 try(FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(args[0])) {
8 do {
9 i = fin.read();
10 if(i != -1) System.out.print((char) i);
11 } while(i != -1);
12 } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
13 System.out.println("File Not Found.");
14 } catch(IOException e) {
15 System.out.println("An I/O Error Occurred");
16 }

Try with resources
1 try (FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
2 FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(args[1]))
3 {
4 ...
5 }


Serialization is the process of writing the state of
an object to a byte stream
– Useful in saving the state of a program to a persistent
storage area such as a file or pass to a serial stream
like a network
– Later, one may restore these objects by using the
process of deserialization.

Serializable interface

Only an object that implements the Serializable
interface can be saved and restored by the
serialization facilities
– The interface contains no members

static and transient (discussed later) variables
are not saved by serialization


ObjectOutputStream class extends OutputStream
class and implements ObjectOutput interface
– ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream
outStream) throws IOException


ObjectInputStream class extends InputStream
class and implements ObjectInput interface
– ObjectInputStream(InputStream
inStream) throws IOException

Serialization Example
1 class MyClass implements Serializable {
2 String s;
3 int i;
4 double d;
5 public MyClass(String s, int i, double d) {
6 this.s = s;
7 this.i = i;
8 this.d = d;
9 }
10 public String toString() {
11 return "s=" + s + "; i=" + i + "; d=" + d;
12 }
13 }

Serialization Example
1 try ( ObjectOutputStream objOStrm = new ObjectOutputStream(new
FileOutputStream("serial")) )
2 {
3 MyClass object1 = new MyClass("Hello", -7, 2.7e10);
4 System.out.println("object1: " + object1);
5 objOStrm.writeObject(object1);
6 }
7 catch(IOException e) {...}
9 try ( ObjectInputStream objIStrm = new ObjectInputStream(new
FileInputStream("serial")) )
10 {
11 MyClass object2 = (MyClass)objIStrm.readObject();
12 System.out.println("object2: " + object2);
13 }
14 catch(Exception e) {...} 26
transient modifier

When an instance variable is declared as
transient, its value need not persist when an
object is stored in a persistent storage area

class T {
transient int a; // will not persist
int b; // will persist

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