Facilitator Presentation
Facilitator Presentation
Facilitator Presentation
ISTC 702
Ethan Young
Needs being addressed…
• Students need to be educated and shown how
technology can be a positive force in the school
community and instructionally.
• Teachers need to have access to a “toolbox” of
best practices in incorporating technology
meaningfully into their classes instructionally.
Who am I?
I work at Cockeysville Middle School as a
6th grade Ancient History teacher.
Anecdotal info pertinent to
Cockeysville Middle
School this facilitator plan…
Basic Info • School is well equipped technologically.
• Understaffed as far as tech liaisons.
• Onboarding for students and staff, for 1 to
• Located in northern Baltimore
County in the BCPS school
• Last year 868-person student
1 technology, used to be a big part of our
body. 68 instructional staff school but has fallen to the wayside.
Exceptionally diverse student
• Post-covid, student misuse of technology
body on almost every metric. has risen dramatically, creating a rather
• 40% FARMS rate. tumultuous school climate.
• Scored a 47% on the most
recent MD school report card. • Currently a discipline plan is in place that is
• 24.2% labeled chronically all stick, with not much focus on restorative
Overview of Professional Learning
Facilitator Plan for CMS
1. Create a “best practices” toolbox based on collaborative
teacher study groups.
2. Provide a network within the schools of non-evaluative
peer coaches.
3. Promote a digital citizenship campaign that utilizes
popular student technology in a positive, meaningful,
and community building way.
End Goal: Consistent higher level instruction that utilizes
technology in a consciously responsible manner by the
ISTE Standards for Educators
1. Learner 2. Leader
3. Citizen 6. Facilitator
“Educators inspire students to positively
contribute to and responsibly participate “Educators facilitate learning with
in the digital world.” technology to support student
achievement of the ISTE Standards for
Learner Standard 1a
Standard: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical
approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
Overview of Plan
1. Teachers will tasked with regularly researching, practicing,
modeling, and sharing best practices that incorporate
technology effectively. These practices will be shared at
collaborative study groups. This will serve as co-planning
and reflection time.
2. Best practices will be shared digitally to create an online
“toolbox” for all teachers to access.
Leader Standard 2c
Standard: Model for colleagues the identification, exploration,
evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for
Overview of plan…
1. Administration will actively search for pertinent
professional development conferences for staff to attend.
2. Administration will recognize and celebrate teachers
who are effectively using best practice strategies in their
3. Collaborative study groups and “tool box” will be
actively moderated by admin in order to ensure practices
are in compliance with county, digital citizenship and
school expectations.
Citizen Standard 3a
Standard: Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially
responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that
build relationships and community.
Overview of plan…
1. Identify at-risk students.
2. Survey students for what they feel are the most pertinent
3. Develop, plan, and instill a curriculum that teaches
students to use their device and tech functionally
4. Develop, plan, and instill a social emotional learning
campaign focused on creating positive content and a
school environment using technology.
Facilitator Standard 6a
Standard: Foster a culture where students take ownership of their
learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
Overview of plan…
1. Towards the middle of entire plan, start instilling
instructional content that uses best practices from study
groups, and is focused on student choice in creating an
academic product with technology.
2. Each content will be expected to incorporate this as a
PBA or large summative assessment style project so that
data can be collected and reflected upon.
Timeline of Plan in Practice
Year 1: Administration and leadership poll students for pertinent data,
plan, and model each of the formats: study group, SEL focused tech
Year 2: Plan starts to be implemented in each part. Teachers start
meeting in collaborative study groups, counseling starts meeting with
at risk students, SEL campaign is implemented.
Year 3: Plans are further fleshed out. Toolbox is maintained and
moderated, curriculums and programs are amended, community and
clubs are brought into SEL campaigns.
Year 4: Instructional component is added, and evaluation tools are
added for teachers.
Expected Results
• Teachers will have a functional network of peers to
plan and commiserate.
• Teachers will have a content specific tool box of
instructional and tech tools to use that have been peer
• Students will have a greater appreciation and
understanding of how to use technology socially and
• Teachers will be using instruction in a meaningful and
purposeful way consistently.
Thank you!