Spring 2024 - CS502 - 1
Spring 2024 - CS502 - 1
Spring 2024 - CS502 - 1
Spring 2024 Total Marks: 20
CS502- Fundamentals of Algorithms
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To be able to understand concept of maximal point calculation in an efficient way by using plane sweep
To be able to understand the concept of plane sweep Algorithm and its working.
Good Luck!
Question No. 1 Marks: 20
The following is a set of 2-dimension space points. Each point has its x and y coordinate.:
P= {(2,11), (3,4), (5,9), (5,3),(6,8),(9,6),(12,4),(13,10),(14,8),(15,6)}
and the plane sweep algorithm pseudo code.
sort P in increasing order by x;
stack s;
for i ← 1 to n
do s.pop();
You have to find out the final maximal set of points from given set of 2-dimension space point P = {p1, p2,p3,p4,p5,
…………… ,pn} using plane sweep algorithm and store it in a stack in sorted order by sweeping a vertical line from
left to right on x axis. The starting status of sweep line and stack is provided in the image. You have to follow it
and show the updated stack status in each step and the final image of the maximal set of points with stack
from left to right in the graph as well.
Note: In a given set of n points, P = {p1, p2, . . ., pn}, In 2-dimensional space a point is said to be maximal if it is
not dominated by any other point in P. The problem is to output all the maximal points of P.
Total Marks: 20