Rapid Purification of Pig Heart NAD-isocitrate Deh
Rapid Purification of Pig Heart NAD-isocitrate Deh
Rapid Purification of Pig Heart NAD-isocitrate Deh
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All content following this page was uploaded by Guy A Rutter on 16 October 2014.
1. A new procedure for purifying pig heart NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase from mitochondrial extracts has
been developed. This relies on the use of f.p.l.c. techniques and exploits the hydrophobic properties of the
gel-filtration medium Superose 6 at high ionic strength. A 300-fold purification to apparent homogeneity is
achieved within 5 h and with a yield of > 20 %. 2. The enzyme had an apparent native molecular mass on
gel filtration of 320 kDa. In agreement with previous studies [Ramachandran & Colman (1980) J. Biol.
Chem. 255, 8859-8864], three subunits (all close to 38 kDa) were separable by isoelectric focusing. 3. This
preparation was used to investigate the effects of adenine nucleotides, KCl and the required bivalent metal
ions, Mg2+ and Mn2+, on the regulation of the enzyme by Ca21. 4. In the presence of 1.5 mM-ADP, increasing
the concentration of Mg2" from 20 ,SM to 6.0 mm raised the concentration of Ca2+ required for half-maximal
effect (K0 5 value) from 1.2 /LM to 232 /LM. Similarly, in the presence of 2.5,uM-Mn2", a Ko.5 value for Ca2"
of 3.3 ,sM was obtained, and this value was increased to 8.9,M in the presence of 100 /tM-Mn2+. In the
presence of 1 mM-Mg2" and 1.5 mM-ADP, the K0.5 value for Ca2+ was raised from 4.7 ,uM to 10 UtM by
75 mM-KCl.
the enzymes are assayed under identical conditions in 1989) the preparation is used to study Ca2+ binding.
Vol. 263
446 G. A. Rutter and R. M. Denton
1 (2',3',4') N 2 34
A 1 I 11
4.0p 1 AU.V
n _
A .
1-1 3.0 F 1, It 12.0 .cC
1.0 F 4.0 Z
0. L ; A
Iv Z
50 60 70 80
Volume after injection (ml)
Fig. 1. Separation of protein by gel filtration on Superose 6
Redissolved pellets (3.5 ml) from step 2 were chromatographed in the presence of 0.8 M-(NH4)2S04 on Superose 6
(1.6 cm x 60 cm column). Marked are the positions of elution of: 1, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (polymeric form; 4 x 107 Da;
Borthwick et al., 1987); 2, ferritin (460 kDa); 3, fl-galactosidase (540 kDa); 4, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (dimeric form; 460 kDa).
The position marked 2',3',4' indicates the corresponding region of elution of the above markers when the column was
equilibrated in 20 mM-Mops/K+, pH 7.2, containing 10 mM-sodium citrate, 10 mM-MgCI2, 2 mM-dithiothreitol and 5 % glycerol.
'N' indicates the position of elution of NAD-ICDH when the column was equilibrated in buffer B (see the text).
Superose 6 (prep grade) equilibrated in buffer A plus threitol and 0.0020% NaN3 (buffer B), and running at
0.8 M-(NH4)2SO4, and running at 90ml/h. Alternatively, approx. 10 ml/min.
3-4 ml of redissolved pellet was loaded on a 1.6 cm x
60 cm column of Superose 6, running at 30 ml/h. Under (4) Anion-exchange chromatography on Mono Q. De-
these conditions NAD-ICDH activity migrated as a salted fractions were loaded on a 10 ml (HR 10/10) (or
single band between two other well-separated protein 1 ml; HR 5/5) column of Mono Q, equilibrated in buffer
bands, which together contained more than 95 % of the B and running at 60 ml/h (30 ml/h for the 1 ml column).
loaded protein (Fig. 1). The column was developed with a gradient of buffer B
Separation of proteins is achieved at this high ionic plus 0-250 mM-KCI, and NAD-ICDH activity was
strength not merely on the basis of molecular mass. eluted isocratically at about 150 mM-KCI (Fig. 2). Peak
Hence, when fractions from step 2 were run on the fractions were pooled, giving 1-3 mg of NAD-ICDH/ml,
column in the absence of added (NH4)2SO4, most of the supplemented with 1 ,ug each of pepstatin, antipain and
protein was eluted as a single rather broad and complex leupeptin/ml, and stored in small samples at -70 'C.
band (results not shown). The effect of (NH4)2SO4 on the The enzyme was stable under these conditions for at least
column profile would seem to be the result of enhanced 6 months.
hydrophobic interactions with the column matrix. Thus The above procedure gives approx. 300-fold purific-
,-galactosidase, ferritin and the dimeric form of acetyl- ation of NAD-ICDH from mitochondrial extracts within
CoA carboxylase (Borthwick et al., 1987), which each hours. A typical example is detailed in Table 1, and an
have molecular masses close to 5 x 105 and closely co- SDS/polyacrylamide gel of fractions obtained at each
migrated on the column in lower-ionic-strength buffer, stage of the purification is shown in Fig. 3.
migrated at different rates in the (NH4)2SO4-containing The specific activity of NAD-ICDH prepared by this
buffer (Fig. 1). Moreover, the rate of migration of each method was in the range 25-35 units/mg, based on an
of the proteins was lower in the higher-ionic-strength assay at 30 'C and in the presence of Mg2" (see the
buffer. Experimental section). This range is identical with that
In contrast with the proteins mentioned above, the reported for the purified pig heart enzyme (Ehrlich &
rate of migration of NAD-ICDH activity was higher in Colman, 1981) and for the purified bovine heart enzyme
buffers containing 0.8 M-(NH4)2SO4 than in low-ionic- (Plaut, 1969; Giorgio et al., 1970).
strength buffer (Fig. 1). A likely explanation of this is
that the protein undergoes dimerization under these Subunit composition and native molecular mass
conditions, as observed by Giorgio et al. (1970). On SDS/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic analysis
Peak fractions of NAD-ICDH activity obtained after of purified NAD-ICDH (see Fig. 3), two or three closely
Superose 6 chromatography were pooled and rapidly spaced bands with molecular masses of approx. 38 kDa
(< 15 min) de-salted on a 5 cm x 17 cm column of Seph- were apparent, as previously observed for the pig heart
adex G-25 (coarse grade) equilibrated in 20 mM-Bistris, enzyme by Ramachandran & Colman (1978).
pH 6.5, containing 0.1 mM-ADP, 20 mM-KCI, 5 % gly- Three bands, however, were clearly resolved by isoelec-
cerol, 2 mM-benzamidine, 0.1 mM-PMSF, 0.1 mM-dithio- tric focusing in the presence of 9.3 M-urea (Fig. 4) with pl
Vol. 263
448 G. A. Rutter and R. M. Denton
0.5 k 260
NAD-ICDH Specific
Protein activity activity Recovery
(mg) (units) (units/mg) (%)
Mitochondrial extract 11050 885 0.08 100
35-65 %-satd.-(NH4)2SO4 fraction 3100 380 0.12 43
Superose 6 chromatography 32 261 8.3 30
Mono Q 8 210 26.2 24
values of 6.1, 6.3 and 7.05. These represented 32 0, 25 % apparent value of 329 + 13 kDa (mean + S.E.M for three
and 17 % respectively of the Coomassie-Blue-stained observations), which was essentially unchanged by the
protein present on the gel. A further band (pl 6.8) was
presence of 100 /tM-Ca2+.
also apparent, representing about 10 % of the stained This value is comparable with those obtained by
protein. Giorgio et al. (1970) for the bovine heart enzyme and by
The resolution of three sharp bands in the present Cohen & Colman (1971) for the pig heart enzyme under
work is in contrast with earlier attempts to separate the similar conditions, and would appear to be most con-
subunits of pig heart NAD-ICDH by isoelectric focusing sistent with an octameric subunit composition (a2/Jy)2.
(Ramachandran & Colman, 1980). In those earlier stud- However, Ehrlich et al. (1981) have suggested that this
ies, three groups of three to six bands were apparent, apparent molecular mass obtained by gel filtration repre-
with estimated pl values of 5.7, 6.6 and 7.2, representing sents an overestimate of the true value, as a result of the
51 %, 280% and 21 % of the Coomassie-Blue-stained anomalously high Stokes radius of NAD-ICDH. Thus,
protein. These bands were taken to represent three through equilibrium ultracentrifugation and light-
subunits of NAD-ICDH, termed a, , and y, with a scattering studies, those authors obtained a value for the
probable stoichiometry of a2,fiy. However, the current native molecular mass of the enzyme of around 224 kDa,
data suggest that a stoichiometry of a2,/2y is also possible. and suggested that a rapid equilibrium exists between
The native molecular mass of the purified enzyme was tetramaric, 2lxy (160 kDa), and octameric, (a2fi)2
estimated by gel filtration on Superose 6 at an ionic (320 kDa), forms. An alternative explanation for this
strength where the migration rate was related directly to apparent native molecular mass value ofclose to 200 kDa
this parameter for a number of standards. This gave an is that the stoichiometry of the individual subunits of the
NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase 449
* 0
0.4 _ 0 7.0
0.2 _
w 0~S
I I I I I I~~~~~~~
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Vol. 263
450 G. A. Rutter and R. M. Denton
Table 2. Effects of ADP and ATP on the regulation of NAD-ICDH by Ca2+ ions
Measurement of enzyme activity and calculation of kinetic constants were as described in the Experimental section. The assay
buffer was 50 mM-Mops/triethanolamine, pH 7.2, with 2 mM-NAD+, 1 mm-EGTA, I mM-HEDTA, plus other additions as
indicated. [Mg2+] was 1.0 mm in all assays. When added, [KCI] was 75 mm. KO.5 values for Ca2+ were determined in the presence
of 0.6 mM-D -IC (in the presence of ADP) or 1.0 mM-DA-IC (in the presence of ATP).
<1 nM-Ca2+
Km for D.-IC (/#M) 751 +28 (9) 643 +25 (9) 1196+23 (10) 983 +93 (9)
h 2.5 3.1 2.7 3.3
VM... (munits/mg) 34.2+0.7 22.7+0.5 24.6 +0.3 19.2+0.5
100 gUM-Ca2+
Km for D,-IC (,UM) 261 +13 (10) 155+8.0 (11) 710+27 (9) 499 +27 (9)
h 2.3 2.9 2.2 2.3
VMax. (munits/mg) 32.5 +0.6 26.1 +0.5 32.0 + 0.6 23.6 +0.5
Ko 5 for Ca2l (/LM) 4.7+0.3 (12) 10.8 + 1.5 (13) 24.8 +4.9 (12) 69.9+11.0(12)
100 Colman, 1974; Plaut et al., 1974; Wilson & Tipton, 1981)
have suggested that the true substrate of mammalian
(a) NAD-ICDH is the Mg2" chelate of DS-IC (Mg-Ds-IC),
75 whereas free Mg2" ions act as competitive inhibitors
against this substrate. The effects of Ca2" on the Km value
for Mg-D5-IC were therefore first examined over a wide
50 _ range of Mg2" concentrations (Fig. 5, Table 3). Consistent
with the above model, increasing [Mg2"] led to an increase
in the Km of the enzyme for Mg-D.-IC, in both the
presence (100 /UM-1 mM) and the absence (< 1 nM) of
25 _ Ca2", with essentially no effect on Va. values up to
6.0 mM-Mg2". However, the relationship between [Mg2"]
0 and the Km values for Mg-D1-IC was complex, precluding
0O an estimate of a K. value for Mg2+. Furthermore, at a
l -~
I x
-2.0 -1.0 0
higher concentration (20 mM), and in the presence of
1.0 Ca2+ ions, Mg2' also caused an apparent fall in Vma.X, to
0o 70 % of the value apparent at lower concentrations of the
I ion.
100 At each [Mg2+], Ca2+ caused a fall in the Km value for
Mg-D -IC of 2-7-fold, with the effect of Ca2+ increasing
z (b) at higher [Mg2+]. However, as shown in Fig. 6 and in
75 -
Table 3, increasing [Mg2+] caused a marked rise in K0.5
values for Ca2+, from 1.4,UM at 20#,M-Mg2+ to about
1 mm at 20 mM-Mg2+. Again, the relationship between
these parameters was complex, and could not be de-
50 _ scribed through a simple Ki value for Mg2+.
The above studies were performed with the chelators
EGTA and HEDTA to allow the precise control of the
25 _ free concentrations of Ca2' and Mg2+ ions. However,
these and other nitrogen-containing polycarboxylate
Ca2+ chelators have been reported to have a direct
0 _
inhibitory effect on NAD-ICDH (Gabriel & Plaut, 1985).
Although in our hands the effects are small (Denton
-2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 et al., 1978; G. A. Rutter, unpublished work), it seemed
10log{[Mg-Ds-lc] (mM))}
Fig. 5. Effect of IMg2+1 on the sensitivity of NAD-ICDH
to Mg-DS-IC concentration at (a) < 1 nM-Ca2+ and ions (see the Experimental section). Concentrations (mM)
(b) 100 /sM- (, A, *, 0) or 1.0 mM- (A) Ca2+ of Mg2+ were 0.02 (-), 0.2 (A), 2.0 (E1), 6.0 (0) and 20.0
Activity was measured in 50 mM-Mops/Tris, pH 7.2, with (-). The continuous lines are those obtained by fitting the
2 mM-NAD+, 1.5 mM-ADP, 1 mM-EGTA, 1 mM-HEDTA,
data by non-linear least squares regression analysis to the
supplemented with DL-isocitrate, MgCl2 and CaCl2 to give
foHlowing equation:
the required concentrations of Mg-D.-IC and free metal v= VMaax /{1 + (KMM gD IC/[Mg-DS.IC])h}
NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase 451
0.02 107+7.7 (6) 1.0+0.1 61.0+ 5.9 (5) 0.9+0.1 1.24+0.21 (5) 1.8 +0.5
0.20 204+ 14.3 (7) 1.7 +0.2 70.6+ 5.8 (6) 1.3 +0.1 5.77+ 1.20 (10) 1.0+0.2
2.00 360+27.1 (6) 1.8 +0.2 80.0+ 5.0 (6) 1.7 +0.1 14.7+2.10 (6) 1.1 +0.2
6.00 537+ 52.0 (6) 1.6+0.2 181 + 16.0 (6) 1.7 + 0.3 232.0 +48.0 (7) 1.4+0.3
20.0 3300 +243.0 (6) 1.0+0.1 434+44.0* (6) 2.6+0.6 > 1000 N.D.
* Calculated assuming mixed (competitive plus non-competitive) inhibition (see the text); [Ca2"] = 1.0 mM.
100 a K0 5 value for Ca2l of 3.3 +0.7 /tM (9); this value was
increased to 8.9+3.6 /M (4) at 0.1 mM-Mn2+.
These observations confirm that the enzyme is fully
75 F
sensitive to Ca2` in the absence of chelators, and in the
.P E
cc0 presence of Mn2+ as well as Mg2` ions. Furthermore,
0 x
increasing the concentration of Mg2` ions raised Ko05
c X
50 values for Ca2` under these conditions, consistent with
o E
the results in the presence of chelators, and this effect was
e O_
also apparent with Mn2" ions. Finally, since activation of
the enzyme by Ca2+ occurred in the presence of up to
100 /tM-Mn2+, this suggests that Mn2+ ions are unable to
replace Ca2` as activators of the enzyme.
- General discussion
-7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0
log{[Ca2+] (M)} The method presented here for purifying pig heart
NAD-ICDH represents a marked improvement upon
Fig. 6. Effect of [Mg2+1 on the sensitivity of NAD-ICDH to Ca2+ previously published methods (Plaut, 1969; Giorgio
ions et al., 1970; Ehrlich et al., 1981). By this method it is
Details of the assays and concentrations of Mg2+ are as possible to obtain NAD-ICDH of equivalent purity, and
given in the legend to Fig. 5. In each case the stimulation with a similar or better yield, but in a matter of hours
of activity by Ca2+ was 5-10-fold. The continuous lines are rather than days. This improvement is due largely to the
those obtained by fitting the data by non-linear least- use of Superose 6 chromatography at high ionic strength
squares regression analysis to the following equation: as a means of achieving 50-100-fold purification of the
enzyme in a single step.
V-Vmin = Vmax /{1 + (KO.5/[Ca2])h} In the presence of a fixed concentration of Mg2+ ions
where V'min and V'max represent the activity of the enzyme (1 mM), the kinetic properties of the enzyme with respect
at zero and saturating [Ca2+] respectively. to Ca2+, ADP and ATP are very similar to those described
previously for rat heart NAD-ICDH (Denton et al.,
1978; Rutter & Denton, 1988). These studies confirm
that with the isolated enzyme K0 5 values for Ca2+, as well
important to demonstrate that the above effects of Ca2", as apparent Km values for (total) D.-IC, are higher in the
and the interaction between regulation by Ca2" and Mg2" presence of ATP than of ADP (Gabriel et al., 1985;
ions, were apparent in the absence of EGTA and Rutter & Denton, 1988).
HEDTA. Furthermore, the absence of these chelators In contrast with the other Ca2"-sensitive citrate-cycle
was also necessary to investigate the effects of Mn21 on enzyme, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, where Mg2` (up
the sensitivity of NAD-ICDH to Ca2+. This is because to 1 mM) appears to have essentially no effect on Ko 5
Mn2+ ions bind at least as strongly to the chelators as do values for Ca2+ (McCormack & Denton, 1979; G. A.
Ca21 ions (Denton et al., 1978). Rutter & R. M. Denton, unpublished work), the sen-
These studies were carried out at pH 7.2 in the presence sitivity of NAD-ICDH to Ca2+ is shown to be critically
of 1.5 mM-ADP and a total Ds-IC concentration of dependent on the concentration of Mg2+ (Fig. 6). Al-
0.3 mM. In the presence of added MgCl2 to give 10 gM- though studied over a narrower concentration range,
Mg2+, CaCl2 stimulated activity 3.5-fold, with a Ko5 value Mn2+ ions also appeared to decrease the sensitivity of the
for Ca2+ of 0.66 + 0.13 /tM (6); this value was raised to enzyme to Ca2+.
27.0 + 3.6 /tM (3) in the presence of 0.44 mM-Mg2+. Simi- The effects of Mg2+ (and Mn21) would seem to be best
larly, with added MnCl2 to give 2.6 /iM-Mn2+, addition of explained by the competition of these ions for an
CaCl2 stimulated the activity of the enzyme 5-fold, with activatory Ca2+-binding site on the enzyme. However,
Vol. 263
452 G. A. Rutter and R. M. Denton
the complex relationship between [Mg2"] and KO.5 values Denton, R. M., Richards, D. A. & Chin, J. G. (1978) Biochem.
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site, possibly the active site of the enzyme, is also involved. Denton, R. M., McCormack, J. G. & Edgell, N. E. (1980)
In the present studies, the observed KO.5 values for Biochem. J. 190, 107-117
Ca2" of NAD-ICDH in the presence of 1.5 mM-ADP fell Denton, R. M., McCormack, J. G., Midgely, P. J. W. & Rutter,
to values approaching those for 2-oxoglutarate dehydro- G. A. (1987) Biochem. Soc. Symp. 54, 127-143
genase (0.2-2.0 /M; McCormack & Denton, 1979; Den- Ehrlich, R. S. & Colman, R. F. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256,
ton et al., 1980; Lawlis & Roche, 1980; Rutter & Denton, 1276-1282
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those considered to occur in intact mitochondria (about Gabriel, J. L. & Plaut, G. W. E. (1985) Biochem. J. 229,817-822
0.3 mM; Jung & Brierly, 1986; Corkey et al., 1986). Gabriel, J. L., Milner, R. & Plaut, G. W. E. (1985) Arch.
However, the responses to Ca2" of two further mito- Biochem. Biophys. 240, 128-134
chondrial Ca2"-sensitive enzymes, pyruvate dehydrogen- Gabriel, J. L., Zervos, P. R. & Plaut, G. W. E. (1986) Metab.
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These studies were supported by grants from the Medical 181-184
Research Council, U.K., and the British Diabetic Association. McCormack, J. G. & Denton, R. M. (1979) Biochem. J. 180,
We thank Dr. A. P. Halestrap for useful discussion, and 533-544
Dr. A. C. Borthwick and Mr. N. T. Redpath for assistance McCormack, J. G., Halestrap, A. P. &h Denton, R. M. (1989)
with f.p.l.c. and isoelectric-focusing experiments respectively. Physiol. Rev., in the press
Midgley, P. J. W., Rutter, G. A., Thomas, A. P. & Denton,
R. M. (1987) Biochem. J. 241, 371-377
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