NinjaOne Patch Management Best Practices
NinjaOne Patch Management Best Practices
NinjaOne Patch Management Best Practices
Patch Management
In NinjaOne
How Users Setup Windows Patching with Ninja
Patch management is one of the most important Patch management software, such as that included
tasks an IT team undertakes. Businesses spend with NinjaOne, gives users a complete, centralized
significant resources on keeping their infrastructure view of their patch compliance rate and automates
up-to-date, yet more than half of breaches could have the identification, downloading, and deployment of
been prevented by installing available software and patches across your managed devices.
OS patches.
Ninja gives you granular control over your patch
In addition to the security implications, an effective approval process, improves your first-pass patch
patching strategy ensures end-users have the most success rate, and drives down the time your
current, feature-rich software with which to do their technicians spend on patching.
To create this guide, we worked with Ninja partners
If some of the largest, most well-funded organizations to understand how they use NinjaOne’s patch
in the world are having difficulties with patch management capabilities and combined their
management, however, what chance do small and expertise with our own.
medium-sized businesses with limited IT support
have? Without the right tools, the process is time In this guide we share those insights so new partners
consuming, complicated, disruptive to end-users, and can get the most out of patch management.
prone to errors.
When to schedule scans
Scan Schedules Day of the week
Most Ninja partners schedule their patch scans for once per week. Fridays are by far the
Ninja policies enable users to most common patch scanning day. The next most common option is to run a scan every
schedule patch scans separately day. Daily patch scans utilize more resources but maximize the time partners have to
from the updating process. make ad-hoc changes to patches.
Scanning identifies all not-yet-
installed patches on a device and
sorts them into ‘Approved,’
‘Pending,’ or ‘Rejected’ Time of day
categories based on policy-based
The most common time to scan for patches is between 5:00 – 6:00 PM, device time.
approval settings.
Many users schedule scans for after 6:00 PM to avoid impacting end-users who work
later. While patch scanning is not resource intensive, most scans are scheduled after
By scanning hours or days prior typical work hours to avoid impacting end-users. Those users who schedule scans during
to running an update, you can work hours may do so to capture the greatest number of online devices.
manually adjust the approval
status of a patch which the
update process will then respect.
This is incredibly helpful for
manually-approved patches or to
Scan duration
avoid problem patches that Most Ninja users do not set a scan duration, allowing scans to take as long as necessary.
would normally be automatically For those that do limit duration, the most common options are 9 hours, 6 hours, and 3
hours. Scan durations may be used when you takeover a new infrastructure, or when
users from multiple time zones need to access a server and the patch window needs to
be shorter to minimize end-user impact.
Patches are not installed during
the patch scan process.
When to schedule updates
Update Schedules Day of the week
Patches are most commonly applied on weekends to avoid interrupting end-users.
The Ninja update schedule first Fridays – usually after work hours – are also common. After the initial device onboarding,
scans for available patches then many users also apply patches daily in an effort to minimize the time when endpoints
downloads and applies both are vulnerable.
newly discovered patches and
those already identified via a
patch scan based on the policy’s
approval configurations and any Time of day
applicable overrides. Ninja patch
The most common time to start the patch application process is between 5:00 – 6:00 PM,
management then performs an
device time. Many users schedule their updates after 6:00 PM to avoid impacting end-
additional scan to finalize the users who work later. Since patch application is more resource intensive and often
process. requires a reboot, most updates are scheduled outside of work hours.