Jolly Phonics Launch Catalogue
Jolly Phonics Launch Catalogue
Jolly Phonics Launch Catalogue
Phonics Handbooks
Jolly Phonics Handbooks are a complete resource for teaching Jolly Phonics to your class. Include detailed daily
lesson plans and over 100 photocopiable worksheets. The Word books contain a comprehensive selection of words
for children to practice.
Phonics Workbooks
Jolly Phonics Workbooks provide an enjoyable way for your children to build on the skills they have learned, with
these 7 fun-filled books. Each workbook provides a range of activities that develops their phonic skills, including
writing. Also included in each book is a checklist to assess their progress.
Get your children to create colourful displays of the letter sounds, tricky words and alternative vowel spellings
taught in Jolly Phonics.
Class Kits
A selection of class kits provide everything you need to teach Jolly Phonics to your class. Each kit includes
resources that enable you to teach the skills for reading and writing.
A comprehensive kit of multi-sensory resources, including a TalkingPEN, for helping your children who need extra
help to read and write.
The Finger Phonics books introduce young children to all the The Finger Phonics books introduce young children to all the
leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching in these books leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching in these
is mul�sensory. Updated ac�vi�es at the end of each book to books is mul�sensory. Updated ac�vi�es at the end of each
align with other Jolly Phonics resources Finger Phonics 1 covers book to align with other Jolly Phonics resources Finger Phonics
the following sounds: s, a, t, i, p, n. 2 covers the following sounds: c k, e, h, r, m, d.
The Finger Phonics books introduce young children to all the The Finger Phonics books introduce young children to all the
leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching in these books leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching in these
is mul�sensory. Updated ac�vi�es at the end of each book to books is mul�sensory. Updated ac�vi�es at the end of each
align with other Jolly Phonics resources Finger Phonics 3 covers book to align with other Jolly Phonics resources Finger Phonics
the following sounds: g, o, u, l, f, b. 4 covers the following sounds: ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or. 3
The Finger Phonics books introduce young children to all the The Finger Phonics Big Books introduce young children to all the
leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching in these books leter sounds, not just the alphabet. The teaching is mul�-
is mul�sensory. Each leter sound is introduced with an ac�on sensory. Each leter sound is introduced with a detailed
and a large cut-out leter, which helps litle fingers to feel the illustra�on, a simple story, an ac�on, and a large forma�on
correct forma�on. Fun ac�vi�es at the end of each book help leter. As the children's leter-sound knowledge builds up,
children to use their new leter- sound knowledge and begin to blending words (which use only known leter sounds) are
develop their reading and wri�ng skills. included for early reading prac�ce. The wipe-clean plas�c sheet
can be clipped to the ac�vity pages at the end of each book for
These refreshed edi�ons are the same as previous edi�ons in fun and engaging whole-class teaching. These refreshed
terms of number of pages, pagina�on and core content, but edi�ons are the same as previous edi�ons in terms of number
have been enhanced with: of pages, pagina�on and core content, but have been enhanced
* New cover designs, colour-coded to match each group of with: * New cover designs, colour-coded to match each group of
leter sounds across other Jolly Phonics resources, * Fresh and leter sounds across other Jolly Phonics resources, * Fresh and
new full-page illustra�ons for each page, * New-style, easy-to- new full-page illustra�ons for each page, * New-style, easy-to-
follow leter forma�on guides, * Informa�on panels showing follow leter forma�on guides, * Informa�on panels showing
how to use each page, * Addi�onal items within each picture to how to use each page, * Addi�onal items within each picture to
�e in with the vocabulary taught in Jolly English, * Updated �e in with the vocabulary taught in Jolly English, * Updated
ac�vi�es at the end of each book to align with other Jolly ac�vi�es at the end of each book to align with other Jolly
Phonics resources. Phonics resources. 5
Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 1, 2 Jolly Grammar follows on from Jolly Phonics. Children can work
and 3, the Grammar 1 Pupil Book builds on the skills taught in through the Pupil Book and complete a variety of ac�vi�es
Jolly Phonics and introduces grammar and spelling rules to which develop key spelling and grammar skills.
improve wri�ng and reading comprehension.
Designed to accompany the Grammar 1 Pupil Book, the Jolly Grammar follows on from Jolly Phonics. Children can work
Grammar 1 Teachers Book provides detailed lesson guidance for through the Pupil Book and complete a variety of ac�vi�es
teaching spelling and grammar to children in the year a�er Jolly which develop key spelling and grammar skills. Contains 36
Phonics. Clear, child-friendly descrip�ons of grammar skills. spelling and 36 grammar lessons. 6
Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 1, 2 Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 1, 2
and 3, the Grammar 1 Pupil Book builds on the skills taught in and 3, the Grammar 2 Pupil Books build on the skills taught in
Jolly Phonics and introduces grammar and spelling rules to Jolly Phonics, and introduce grammar, spelling, and punctua�on
improve wri�ng and reading comprehension. rules to improve wri�ng and reading comprehension.
Designed to accompany the Grammar 1 Pupil Book, the Designed to accompany the Grammar 2 Pupil Book, Grammar 2
Grammar 1 Teachers Book provides detailed lesson guidance for Teachers Book provides detailed lesson guidance for teaching
teaching spelling and grammar to children in the year a�er Jolly spelling and grammar to children in the year a�er Jolly Phonics.
Phonics. 7
The first in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children The second in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children
covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches
children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and
engaging way. engaging way.
The third in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children The fourth in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children
covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches
children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and
engaging way. engaging way. 8
The fi�h in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children The sixth in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children
covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches
children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and
engaging way. engaging way.
The seventh in a series of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children The complete set of 7 fun-filled ac�vity books for children, each
covers the first group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches covering one group of leter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches
children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and children to read and write using synthe�c phonics in a fun and
engaging way. engaging way. 9
The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics
skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books
provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their
reading and wri�ng skills. reading and wri�ng skills.
The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics
skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books
provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their
reading and wri�ng skills. reading and wri�ng skills. 10
The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics
skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books
provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their
reading and wri�ng skills. reading and wri�ng skills.
The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics The Jolly Phonics Workbooks are perfect for prac�sing phonics
skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books skills. Covering the 42 leter sounds of English, these books
provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their provide a wealth of material for children to prac�se their
reading and wri�ng skills. reading and wri�ng skills. 11
Jolly Phonics Readers Level 1, Our World Jolly Phonics Readers Level 2, Our World
In Precursive Leters In Precursive Leters
The Jolly Phonics Readers Level 1 Our World are fully decodable The Jolly Phonics Readers Level 2 Our World are fully decodable
books for new readers. They are the second set of readers books for new readers. They are the third set of readers within
within the Our World series that was first launched in 2020 as the Our World series that was first launched in 2020 as part of
part of the Jolly Phonics refresh. They have been writen with a the Jolly Phonics refresh. They have been writen with a
carefully controlled vocabulary and are specifically designed for carefully controlled vocabulary and are specifically designed for
students who are learning to read and write with Jolly Phonics. students who are learning to read and write with Jolly Phonics.
* The text in these Red Level Books (first level) uses only * The text in these Yellow Level Books (second level) uses only
decodable regular words (words that are made up from the 42 decodable regular words (words that are made up from the 42
leter sounds taught in the first stage of Jolly Phonics) and a leter sounds taught in the first stage of Jolly Phonics, along with
small number of 'tricky' words (frequently used words that are the alterna�ve sound of at the end of words like happy and
not fully decodable at this stage). * All the tricky words and sunny) and a small number of 'tricky' words (frequently used
leter sounds used in this book are shown on the front inside words that are not fully decodable at this stage). * All the tricky
cover. These can be used as a quick prac�ce ac�vity before words and leter sounds used in this book are shown on the
star�ng the book. * Faint type is used for silent leters, like the front inside cover. These can be used as a quick prac�ce ac�vity
in lamb. * Comprehension ques�ons and discussion topics are before star�ng the book. * Faint type is used for silent leters,
included at the end of the book. These ensure that students are like the in lamb. * Comprehension ques�ons and discussion
not only able to read the text, but also get meaning from it. topics are included at the end of the book. 14
The complete collec�on of all 18 level 1 �tles from the 3 lively The complete collec�on of all 18 level 1 �tles from the 3 lively
series, Inky Mouse & Friends, General Fic�on and Nonfic�on. series, Inky Mouse & Friends, General Fic�on and Nonfic�on. In
Level 1 features words that are spelled regularly with the 42 addi�on to the 42 leter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for
leter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics. the /ee/ sound at the end of words like funny.
The complete collec�on of all 18 level 1 �tles from the 3 lively "Jolly Readers" are entertaining story books designed for
series, Inky Mouse & Friends, General Fic�on and Nonfic�on. children who are just ready to start reading. They will have
Level 3 introduces the 'magic e' for spelling words with the long learned all the leter sounds in "Jolly Phonics" and be able to
vowels. blend the sounds to read words. 16
The Jolly Phonics Handbook is a complete resource for teaching The Jolly Phonics Handbook is a complete resource for teaching
young children the skills they need to read and write fluently in young children the skills they need to read and write fluently in
their first year of school. This book is a comprehensive resource their first year of school. This book is a comprehensive resource
for teachers who want the flexibility of teaching the program. for teachers who want the flexibility of teaching the program. 17
The Jolly Phonics Word Bank is a comprehensive collec�on of In Jolly Phonics children are taught to read by blending leter
words for blending and segmen�ng prac�ce. This handy guide sounds to form words. At the same �me, they are taught to
provides a comprehensive collec�on of example words for each write by iden�fying the sounds in words and knowing which
of the 42 leter sounds which can be used for blending. leters relate to these sounds.
The Jolly Phonics Teacher's Book is an essen�al guide to using The Jolly Phonics Teacher's Book is an essen�al guide to using
Pupil Books 1, 2 and 3 in the classroom. It is a comprehensive Pupil Books 1, 2 and 3 in the classroom. It is a comprehensive
resource, offering a set of structured lesson plans that give step- resource, offering a set of structured lesson plans that give step-
by-step guidance on all aspects of the lesson. by-step guidance on all aspects of the lesson. 18
By Louise Van-
By Sara Wernham, Sue Pottelsberghe, Jan Smith
Jolly Phonics Picture Flashcards introduce children to the skills The complete set of early decodable readers providing a gradual
needed for reading and wri�ng. Designed for whole class or and structured start for children who are just star�ng to learn to
group prac�ce, as well as home, they are ideal for use with read. These general fic�on readers cover the 42 leter sounds
children aged between 3-7 years. across 7 sets.
The Jolly Phonics Extra (Personal Edi�on) provides an innova�ve The Jolly Phonics Litle Word Books provide a gradual and
and comprehensive set of materials, designed specifically for structured start for children who are just learning to read. It
children who would benefit from extra help. An 'extra', gives children the opportunity to apply their leter sound
phone�cally regular text has been used throughout the knowledge. These readers cover the 42 leter sounds across 14
materials in this kit. books. 20
9781844146437 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 1 17.99 F
9781844146444 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 2 17.99 F
9781844146451 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 3 17.99 F
9781844146468 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 4 17.99 F
9781844146475 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 5 17.99 F
9781844146482 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 6 17.99 F
9781844146499 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Book 7 17.99 F
9781844146505 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Books 1-7 126.00 F
9781844146741 Sara Wernham Finger Phonics Big Books 1-7 202.00 F
9781844142620 Sara Wernham Grammar 1 Pupil Book 17.99 F
9781844143894 Sara Wernham Grammar 2 Pupil Book 17.99 F
9781844142637 Sara Wernham Grammar 1 Teacher's Book 21.99 F
9781844143900 Sara Wernham Grammar 2 Teacher's Book 21.99 F
9781844142927 Sara Wernham Grammar 1 Pupil Book 17.99 F
9781844143924 Sara Wernham Grammer 2 Pupil Book 17.99 F
9781844142934 Sara Wernham Grammar 1 Teacher's Book 21.99 F
9781844143931 Sara Wernham Grammar 2 Teacher's Book 21.99 F
9781844141531 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 1 15.99 F
9781844141548 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 2 15.99 F
9781844141555 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 3 15.99 F
9781844141562 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 4 15.99 F
9781844141579 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 5 15.99 F
9781844141586 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 6 15.99 F
9781844141593 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Book 7 15.99 F
9781844141609 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Ac�vity Books 1-7 109.00 F
9781844146512 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 1 7.99 F
9781844146529 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 2 7.99 F
9781844146536 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 3 7.99 F
9781844146543 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 4 7.99 F
9781844146550 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 5 7.99 F
9781844146567 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 6 7.99 F
9781844146574 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbook 7 7.99 F
9781844146581 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Workbooks 1-7 49.99 F
9781844147168 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 1 10.99 F
9781844147175 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 2 10.99 F
9781844147182 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 3 10.99 F
9781844147199 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 1 10.99 F
9781844147205 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 2 10.99 F
9781844147212 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 3 10.99 F
9781844148905 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers Level 1, Our World 28.99 F
9781844149094 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers Level 2, Our World 31.99 F
9781844149544 Louise Van-Pottelsberghe Jolly Phonics Readers Level 3, Our World 37.99 F
9781844149292 Louise Van-Pottelsberghe Jolly Phonics Readers Level 4, Our World 37.99 F
9781844147113 Louise Van-Pottelsberghe Jolly Phonics Readers Level 5, Our World 37.99 F
9781844140756 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 1 78.99 F
9781844140916 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 2 87.99 F
9781844140909 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 3 98.99 F
9781844140978 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 4 98.99 F
9781844148424 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Handbook 102.00 F
9781844148431 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Handbook 102.00 F
9781903619117 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Wall Flowers 50.99 F
9781844140466 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Wall Flowers 35.99 F
9781844148752 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Word Bank 9.99 F
9781844140282 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Word Book 9.99 F
9781844147250 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Teacher's Book: In Precursive Leters 27.99 F
9781844147267 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Teacher's Book: In Print Leters 27.99 F
9781844146932 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze 32.99 F
9781844149339 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Classroom Kit 1723.00 F
9781844142781 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Starter Kit Extended 816.00 F
9781844141722 Sue Lloyd Jolly Phonics Magne�c Leters 60.99 F
9781844144334 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Picture Flash Cards 34.99 F
9781844145812 Louise Van-Pottelsberghe Jolly Phonics Orange Level Readers Complete Set 104.00 F
9781844144358 Chris Jolly Jolly Phonics Extra (Personal Edi�on) 453.00 F
9781844147137 Sara Wernham Jolly Phonics Litle Word Books 65.99 F
9781844140008 Sara Wernham Jolly Dic�onary: In Precursive Leters 30.99 F
9781844140695 Laurie Fyke Jolly Songs 25.99 F
9781844144747 Sara Wernham My First Leter Sounds 20.99 F
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