Sds Oxyfluorfen
Sds Oxyfluorfen
Sds Oxyfluorfen
DOW AGROSCIENCES INDIA PVT. LTD. encourages and expects you to read and understand the
entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow
the precautions identified in this document unless your use conditions would necessitate other
appropriate methods or actions.
This product is a mixture.
CASRN / EC-No. /
Concentration Component Classification
CASRN 33.6% Oxyfluorfen N - R50/53
CASRN > 50.0 - 60.0 % xylene R10
1330-20-7 Xn - R20/21
EC-No. Xi - R36/37/38
215-535-7 Xn - R65
Index-No. R52/53
Hazard classification
Classified as hazardous according to regulatory criteria.
Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.
Irritating to respiratory system and skin.
Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Other hazards
No data available
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20
minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Suitable emergency safety
shower facility should be available in work area.
Eye contact: Wash immediately and continuously with flowing water for at least 30 minutes. Remove
contact lenses after the first 5 minutes and continue washing. Obtain prompt medical consultation,
preferably from an ophthalmologist. Suitable emergency eye wash facility should be immediately
Ingestion: Immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do
so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give any liquid to the person. Do not give anything by
mouth to an unconscious person.
Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Aside from the information found
under Description of first aid measures (above) and Indication of immediate medical attention and
special treatment needed (below), any additional important symptoms and effects are described in
Section 11: Toxicology Information.
Suitable extinguishing media: Water fog or fine spray. Dry chemical fire extinguishers. Carbon
dioxide fire extinguishers. Foam. Do not use direct water stream. Straight or direct water streams
may not be effective to extinguish fire. Alcohol resistant foams (ATC type) are preferred. General
purpose synthetic foams (including AFFF) or protein foams may function, but will be less effective.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Violent steam generation or eruption may occur upon
application of direct water stream to hot liquids. Flammable mixtures may exist within the vapor space
of containers at room temperature. Flammable concentrations of vapor can accumulate at
temperatures above flash point; see Section 9.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Fire Fighting Procedures: Keep people away. Isolate fire and deny unnecessary entry. Consider
feasibility of a controlled burn to minimize environment damage. Foam fire extinguishing system is
preferred because uncontrolled water can spread possible contamination. Water may not be effective
in extinguishing fire. Use water spray to cool fire exposed containers and fire affected zone until fire is
out and danger of reignition has passed. Burning liquids may be extinguished by dilution with water.
Do not use direct water stream. May spread fire. Eliminate ignition sources. Move container from fire
area if this is possible without hazard. Burning liquids may be moved by flushing with water to protect
personnel and minimize property damage. Contain fire water run-off if possible. Fire water run-off, if
not contained, may cause environmental damage. Review the "Accidental Release Measures" and
the "Ecological Information" sections of this (M)SDS.
Environmental precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or
groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information. Spills or discharge to natural waterways is likely
to kill aquatic organisms.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Contain spilled material if possible.
Small spills: Absorb with materials such as: Clay. Dirt. Sand. Sweep up. Collect in suitable and
properly labeled containers. Large spills: Contact Dow AgroSciences for clean-up assistance.
Ground and bond all containers and handling equipment. Pump with explosion-proof equipment. If
available, use foam to smother or suppress. See Section 13, Disposal Considerations, for additional
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
proof equipment may be necessary, depending upon the type of operation. See Section 8,
Conditions for safe storage: Minimize sources of ignition, such as static build-up, heat, spark or
flame. Keep container closed. Flammable mixtures may exist within the vapor space of containers at
room temperature. Store in a dry place. Store in original container. Keep container tightly closed
when not in use. Do not store near food, foodstuffs, drugs or potable water supplies.
Exposure controls
Engineering controls: Use engineering controls to maintain airborne level below exposure limit
requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirements or guidelines, use
only with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary for some operations.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
dependent on the specific composition of the material that the glove is fabricated from.
The thickness of the glove must, depending on model and type of material, generally
be more than 0.35 mm to offer sufficient protection for prolonged and frequent contact
with the substance. As an exception to this general rule it is known that multilayer
laminate gloves may offer prolonged protection at thicknesses less than 0.35 mm.
Other glove materials with a thickness of less than 0.35 mm may offer sufficient
protection when only brief contact is expected. NOTICE: The selection of a specific
glove for a particular application and duration of use in a workplace should also take
into account all relevant workplace factors such as, but not limited to: Other chemicals
which may be handled, physical requirements (cut/puncture protection, dexterity,
thermal protection), potential body reactions to glove materials, as well as the
instructions/specifications provided by the glove supplier.
Other protection: Use protective clothing chemically resistant to this material.
Selection of specific items such as face shield, boots, apron, or full body suit will
depend on the task.
Respiratory protection: Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to
exceed the exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit
requirements or guidelines, use an approved respirator. Selection of air-purifying or positive-
pressure supplied-air will depend on the specific operation and the potential airborne
concentration of the material. For emergency conditions, use an approved positive-pressure
self-contained breathing apparatus. In confined or poorly ventilated areas, use an approved
self-contained breathing apparatus or positive pressure air line with auxiliary self-contained air
Use the following CE approved air-purifying respirator: Organic vapor cartridge with a
particulate pre-filter, type AP2.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
NOTE: The physical data presented above are typical values and should not be construed as a
Incompatible materials: Avoid contact with: Strong acids. Strong bases. Strong oxidizers.
Hazardous decomposition products: Decomposition products depend upon temperature, air supply
and the presence of other materials. Decomposition products can include and are not limited to:
carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide. Hydrogen fluoride. Nitrogen oxides.
Acute toxicity
Acute oral toxicity
Low toxicity if swallowed. Small amounts swallowed incidentally as a result of normal
handling operations are not likely to cause injury; however, swallowing larger amounts may
cause injury. Swallowing may result in gastrointestinal irritation or ulceration.
As product: Single dose oral LD50 has not been determined. Based on information for
component(s): Estimated.
LD50, Rat, 5,000 mg/kg
As product: The dermal LD50 has not been determined. Based on information for
component(s): Estimated.
LD50, Rabbit, 2,800 mg/kg
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Skin corrosion/irritation
Brief contact may cause severe skin irritation with pain and local redness.
Prolonged contact may cause skin irritation, even a burn.
Vapor may cause skin irritation.
May cause drying and flaking of the skin.
For the active ingredient(s):
For the component(s) tested:
Did not cause allergic skin reactions when tested in guinea pigs.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Although one early inhalation study on ethylbenzene reported an adverse effect on the testes, recent,
more comprehensive studies have not shown this effect.
For the active ingredient(s): An increase in spontaneously occurring tumors observed in mice is of
questionable relevance. No increases in tumors were observed in rats. Xylene was not found to be
carcinogenic in a National Toxicology Program bioassay in rats and mice.
Ethylbenzene has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. There is no evidence that these
findings are relevant to humans.
For the active ingredient(s): For the minor component(s): Has been toxic to the fetus in laboratory
animals at doses toxic to the mother. Did not cause birth defects in laboratory animals. Exaggerated
doses of xylene given orally to pregnant mice resulted in an increase in cleft palate, a common
developmental abnormality in mice. In animal inhalation studies, xylene caused toxicity to the fetus
but did not cause birth defects.
For the minor component(s): Has caused birth defects in laboratory animals only at doses toxic to the
mother. Has been toxic to the fetus in lab animals at doses nontoxic to the mother.
Reproductive toxicity
For the active ingredient(s): In laboratory animal studies, effects on reproduction have been seen only
at doses that produced significant toxicity to the parent animals. For the minor component(s):
Cyclohexanone caused reduced growth and survival of offspring in an animal reproduction study.
Dose levels producing this effect also caused central nervous system effects in parental animals. In
animal studies, has been shown to interfere with reproduction in males. Effects have been seen only
at doses that produced significant toxicity to the parent animals.
For the active ingredient(s): For the major component(s): In vitro genetic toxicity studies were
negative. Animal genetic toxicity studies were negative. For the minor component(s): In vitro genetic
toxicity studies were negative in some cases and positive in other cases. Animal genetic toxicity
studies were inconclusive
Aspiration Hazard
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
Acute inhalation toxicity
At room temperature, exposure to vapor is minimal due to low volatility. No adverse effects
are anticipated from single exposure to dust. For respiratory irritation: For narcotic effects:
Relevant data not available.
LC50, Rat, 4 Hour, dust/mist, > 3.71 mg/l No deaths occurred at this concentration. The LC50
value is greater than the Maximum Attainable Concentration.
Acute inhalation toxicity
LC50, Rat, 4 Hour, vapour, 27.5 mg/l
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Acute inhalation toxicity
Vapor concentrations are attainable which could be hazardous on single exposure. May
cause central nervous system effects. Excessive exposure may cause severe irritation to
upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and lungs.
LC50, Rat, 4 Hour, vapour, > 6.2 mg/l No deaths occurred at this concentration.
Acute inhalation toxicity
LC50, Rat, 4 Hour, vapour, 17.2 mg/l
For similar material(s): LC50, Rat, 4 Hour, vapour, > 4.688 mg/l
Acute toxicity to fish
Material is very toxic to aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50/IC50 below 1 mg/L in the most
sensitive species).
LC50, Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), static test, 96 Hour, 0.25 mg/l
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Acute toxicity to fish
Material is toxic to aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50/IC50 between 1 and 10 mg/L in the most
sensitive species).
LC50, Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), semi-static test, 96 Hour, 2.6 mg/l, OECD Test
Guideline 203 or Equivalent
Acute toxicity to fish
Material is not classified as dangerous to aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50/IC50/LL50/EL50
greater than 100 mg/L in most sensitive species).
LC50, Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe), static test, 48 Hour, 630 mg/l
LC50, Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), static test, 96 Hour, 527 - 732 mg/l
Toxicity to bacteria
EC50, activated sludge, > 1,000 mg/l, OECD 209 Test
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Toxicity to bacteria
For similar material(s):
EC50, activated sludge, 3 Hour, Respiration rates., 550 mg/l
Acute toxicity to fish
Material is toxic to aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50/IC50 between 1 and 10 mg/L in the most
sensitive species).
LC50, Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), semi-static test, 96 Hour, 4.2 mg/l, OECD Test
Guideline 203 or Equivalent
Toxicity to bacteria
EC50, Bacteria, 16 Hour, > 12 mg/l
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Biodegradability: Material is expected to biodegrade very slowly (in the environment). Fails
to pass OECD/EEC tests for ready biodegradability.
10-day Window: Fail
Biodegradation: 1.2 %
Exposure time: 28 d
Method: OECD Test Guideline 301D or Equivalent
Biodegradability: Material is expected to be readily biodegradable.
10-day Window: Pass
Biodegradation: > 60 %
Exposure time: 10 d
Method: OECD Test Guideline 301F or Equivalent
Biodegradability: Material is readily biodegradable. Passes OECD test(s) for ready
10-day Window: Not applicable
Biodegradation: 87 %
Exposure time: 14 d
Method: OECD Test Guideline 301C or Equivalent
Biodegradability: Material is readily biodegradable. Passes OECD test(s) for ready
10-day Window: Pass
Biodegradation: 100 %
Exposure time: 6 d
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Bioaccumulative potential
Bioaccumulation: Bioconcentration potential is moderate (BCF between 100 and 3000 or
Log Pow between 3 and 5).
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water(log Pow): 4.7 Measured
Bioconcentration factor (BCF): 184 - 1,151 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill sunfish) 168
Bioaccumulation: Bioconcentration potential is low (BCF < 100 or Log Pow < 3).
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water(log Pow): 3.12 Measured
Bioconcentration factor (BCF): 25.9 Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Measured
Bioaccumulation: Bioconcentration potential is low (BCF < 100 or Log Pow < 3).
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water(log Pow): 0.81 Measured
Bioaccumulation: Bioconcentration potential is low (BCF < 100 or Log Pow < 3).
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water(log Pow): 3.15 Measured
Bioconcentration factor (BCF): 15 Fish Measured
Mobility in Soil
Expected to be relatively immobile in soil (Koc > 5000).
Partition coefficient (Koc): 6831
Potential for mobility in soil is medium (Koc between 150 and 500).
Partition coefficient (Koc): 443 Estimated.
Potential for mobility in soil is very high (Koc between 0 and 50).
Partition coefficient (Koc): 15 Estimated.
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Potential for mobility in soil is low (Koc between 500 and 2000).
Partition coefficient (Koc): 518 Estimated.
This substance has not been assessed for persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity (PBT).
This substance is not considered to be persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic (PBT). This
substance is not considered to be very persistent and very bioaccumulating (vPvB).
This substance has not been assessed for persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity (PBT).
This substance is not considered to be persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic (PBT). This
substance is not considered to be very persistent and very bioaccumulating (vPvB).
This substance is not on the Montreal Protocol list of substances that deplete the ozone layer.
This substance is not on the Montreal Protocol list of substances that deplete the ozone layer.
This substance is not on the Montreal Protocol list of substances that deplete the ozone layer.
This substance is not on the Montreal Protocol list of substances that deplete the ozone layer.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
R10 Flammable.
R20/21 Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.
R37/38 Irritating to respiratory system and skin.
R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the
aquatic environment.
S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek
medical advice.
S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.
S35 This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way.
S57 Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination.
S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show
this container or label.
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Product name: GOAL™ 23.5 EC Herbicide Issue Date: 15.03.2017
Identification Number: 101192347 / A147 / Issue Date: 15.03.2017 / Version: 1.0
DAS Code: GF-874
Most recent revision(s) are noted by the bold, double bars in left-hand margin throughout this
ACGIH USA. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
Threshold Limit Values (TLV)
BEI Biological Exposure Indices
Dow IHG Dow Industrial Hygiene Guideline
SKIN Absorbed via skin
STEL Short-term exposure limit
TWA 8-hour, time-weighted average
DOW AGROSCIENCES INDIA PVT. LTD. urges each customer or recipient of this (M)SDS to study it
carefully and consult appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and
understand the data contained in this (M)SDS and any hazards associated with the product. The
information herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown
above. However, no warranty, express or implied, is given. Regulatory requirements are subject to
change and may differ between various locations. It is the buyer's/user's responsibility to ensure that
his activities comply with all federal, state, provincial or local laws. The information presented here
pertains only to the product as shipped. Since conditions for use of the product are not under the
control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer's/user's duty to determine the conditions necessary for the
safe use of this product. Due to the proliferation of sources for information such as manufacturer-
specific (M)SDSs, we are not and cannot be responsible for (M)SDSs obtained from any source other
than ourselves. If you have obtained an (M)SDS from another source or if you are not sure that the
(M)SDS you have is current, please contact us for the most current version.
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