Date Sheet
Date Sheet
Date Sheet
Click on add file option then browse and select the file from your device.
Its same in mobile tab or systems.
9. These options are going to be only twice or thrice in every exam. You wouldn’t be needed to add file a lot. Just finish your exam in
exam time then do the uploading of files if there are such questions in submission time. You will be given enough time for that.
10. You cannot start your exam without putting the necessary personal information told in point 2.
11. Once you click submit button you cannot edit your answers or do the exam again. Check thoroughly beforehand.
12. After submission is done let your teacher know and leave the meeting after getting the permission from her.
13. Don’t make it hard for everyone to do exam and for teachers to invigilate anything. Take turns into asking anything.
14. When teacher or someone else is speaking listen to it. Don’t start speaking in between.
15. Teachers will explain any confusion you get to have in exam just ask them.
16. Give teachers time to answer you, to check your submissions and let you know. Never rush in that regard.